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Cynthiacetus peruvianus nov. sp. is a new basilosaurid species, from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Otuma Formation of Peru. It is the first described archaeocete in South-America and is represented by a sub-complete skeleton. C. peruvianus differs from C. maxwelli (middle to Late Eocene of Egypt and United States) principally in having one cuspid less on both mesial and distal sides of p3 and p4. Cynthiacetus is among the largest basilosaurids. Its more characteristic features are located on its postcranial skeleton: large vertebrarterial foramina on cervical vertebrae and absence of ventral expansion of the transverse process on C3-C5. Besides, C. peruvianus presents the greatest number of thoracic vertebrae (20) and ribs observed in Cetacea and the first thoracics have an almost vertical neural spine. A preliminary parsimony analysis establishes the monophyly of the Basilosauridae on the basis of three unambiguous cranial synapomorphies. However, within the Basilosauridae, the most diagnostic characters are observed on the postcranial skeleton.  相似文献   

The hominin fossil record reveals brain-size expansion, canine reduction, premolar metaconid development, and numerous other craniodental features that become more human-like through time. In general, the postcranial skeleton also gets more human-like through time, but in some respects it does not. This is particularly apparent in the overall morphology of one of the most frequently preserved elements, the distal humerus. Some of the earliest hominins display quite human-like morphologies, whereas later specimens are quite unusual among extant species of Hominoidea: when described metrically and subjected to multivariate discriminant analyses in the context of large samples of extant hominoid humeri, the shapes of the earliest hominin fossils are more human-like than many of the later specimens. The Mahalanobis distances between many of the 1.5-2Ma hominin humeri and Homo sapiens are remarkably large. Many of the less well-represented postcranial specimens do not follow a linear path through time of increasing hominization either. This is particularly noticeable in the fore-to-hind limb joint-size proportions, ulnar morphology, and pelvic architecture. The hominin postcranial fossil record reveals many side-steps: there appears to be no simple march toward our human bodies, but a pattern better explained as adaptations to proximate conditions and constrained by ontogeny and history.  相似文献   

Tapejarids are edentate pterosaurs recovered mainly from Early Cretaceous deposits. They are diagnosed by five synapomorphies, among which only one is postcranial: a broad and well‐developed tubercle at the ventroposterior margin of the coracoid. Regarding the clade Thalassodrominae, most phylogenetic studies are based on cranial elements, as postcranial skeletons of these pterosaurs are rare. Here, new postcranial material from the Romualdo Formation (Aptian–Albian) from the Araripe Basin is described. The material comprises the three posteriormost cervical vertebrae, the first seven dorsal vertebrae (fused into a notarium), both scapulocoracoids, a fragment of a sternum, a partial right humerus, a small fragment of a 4th phalanx of the wing finger, a distal extremity of the right femur and the proximal portions of both tibia and fibula. Comparisons with other specimens and morphological features examined in a phylogenetic context, such as the presence of three foramina lateral and dorsal to the neural canal of the cervical vertebrae, the presence of a notarium and a pneumatic foramen on the ventral side of the proximal portion of the humerus, allow the assignment of this specimen as Thalassodrominae indet. Regarding palaeobiogeographical aspects, to date, this clade is exclusively found in the Romualdo Formation. It is the most complete postcranial material assigned to the Thalassodrominae described so far.  相似文献   

ThreespecieshavebeenreferredtoShantungosuchustodate.ThetypespeciesS.chuhsienensis(Young,1961)isrepresentedbyanarticulatedskeletonpreservedasanimpressionofitsventralsurface.S.hangjinensiswasrecentlydescribedbyWuetal.(1994)onthebasisofanincompleteskull(withthemandible)andthepartofthepostcranialskeleton.ThethirdspeciesisS.brachycephalus,whichwillberestudiedinthepresentpaper'sbrachycephaluswaserectedbyYoungforaspecimen,consistingofpartialskullandsomepostcranialelements(V4020).Itwaspublishedinon…  相似文献   

The partial skeleton of a young adult Geotrypus antiquus (de Blainville 1840) from the Upper Oligocene (MP 28) found in Enspel comprises the skull with both mandibles, distal ends of both scapulae, left clavicula, humeri, ulnae and radii of both sides, various elements of the hand, some vertebrae, ribs, and the left femur. For the first time, the previously postulated association between dentition and postcranial elements can be confirmed. The skeleton exhibits strong adaptations for a subterranean life, similar to modern fossorial moles. The humerus is wide with a large pectoral process. The wing-like greater and lesser tuberosities, teres tubercle, and distal epicondylus are clearly developed. The metacarpals and phalanges are broad and stout. There are several sesamoid bones in the broad digging hand, including a prepollex (os falciforme). The preserved bones allowed the forelimb of G. antiquus to be reconstructed. Previous finds of G. antiquus have mainly been from France, with a few specimens from Switzerland and southern Germany. The specimen from Enspel is the northernmost record. A cladistic analysis, based on the matrix of Sánchez-Villagra et al. (Cladistics 22:59?C88, 2006), confirms the basal position of Geotrypus within the Old World moles (Talpini).  相似文献   

Abstract:  The largest known flying organisms are the azhdarchid pterosaurs, a pterodactyloid clade previously diagnosed by the characters of their extremely elongate middle-series cervical vertebrae. The named species of the Azhdarchidae are from the Late Cretaceous. However, isolated mid-cervical vertebrae with similar dimensions and characters have been referred to this group that date back to the Late Jurassic, implying an almost 60 million year gap in the fossil record of this group and an unrecorded radiation in the Jurassic of all the major clades of the Pterodactyloidea. A new pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province of China, Elanodactylus prolatus gen. et sp. nov., is described with mid-cervical vertebrae that bear these azhdarchid characters but has other postcranial material that are distinct from the members of this group. Phylogenetic analysis of the new species and the Pterodactyloidea places it with the Late Jurassic vertebrae in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Ctenochasmatidae and reveals that the characters of the elongate azhdarchid vertebrae appeared independently in both groups. These results are realized though the large taxon sampling in the analysis demonstrating that the homoplastic character states present in these two taxa were acquired in a different order in their respective lineages. Some of these homoplastic characters were previously thought to appear once in the history of pterosaurs and may be correlated to the extension of the neck regions in both groups. Because the homoplastic character states in the Azhdarchidae and Ctenochasmatidae are limited to the mid-cervical vertebrae, these states are termed convergent based on a definition of the term in a phylogenetic context. A number of novel results from the analysis presented produce a reorganization in the different species and taxa of the Pterodactyloidea.  相似文献   

The relative motion between various vertebrae of multi-level cervical ligamentous spinal segments (C2-T2), using Bryant angles, is described. A three-dimensional sonic digitizer was utilized to study the motion in flexion, extension, right lateral bending and right axial rotation. Effects of a number of injuries and stabilization (interspinous wiring and acrylic cement, PMMA) on the motion behavior of C5-C6 (injured) and C4-C5 (superior to injured) levels were investigated. The data were normalized with respect to intact specimens. The injury to capsular ligaments at C5-C6 produced a significant increase in the relative motion at C4-C5. Although the interspinous wiring reduced the motion at C5-C6 the C4-C5 motion was still higher. The application of PMMA made the motion at C4-C5 comparable to the intact specimen.  相似文献   

Multituberculate anatomy is compared with that of other mammals, with an emphasis on the characters that have either been neglected or misinterpreted in previous analyses of early mam mal relationships. These are: brain structure, backward masticatory power stroke (along with aspects of cranial design), and foot structure. New data on ear ossicles and a controversy con cerning multituberculate posture are also discussed. The following characters of multitubercu late skull and lower jaw are interpreted to be related to the backward masticatory power stroke: anterior orbital area roofed dorsally and without a floor (characteristic of advanced multituber culates), parietal postorbital process, lack of the angular process and a more anterior position of the coronoid process and masseteric fossa than in all other mammals. It is argued that the parallel development in the cranial structure of multituberculates and other mammals was lim ited by the backward masticatory power stroke of multituberculates that resulted in different configuration of the masticatory musculature and related osteology. In the postcranial skeleton the parallelism was limited by the structure of the multituberculate foot, in which the calca-neum contacts the fifth metatarsal (MtV) and the middle metatarsal (MtIII) is abducted 30° from the longitudinal axis of the tuber calcanei. Backward masticatory power stroke and related skull design do not show unequivocally whether multituberculates originated from some ‘tri-conodonts’ (a polyphyletic group), or independently from all other mammals from cynodonts. The foot structure refutes the origin of multituberculates from the Morganucodontidae. The brain structure allies the multituberculates with the Triconodontidae, the postcranial skeleton of which remains unknown. New data on ear ossicles suggest close relationships of multituber culates to all modern mammals. Lack of uncontested pre-Kimmeridgian multituberculates dis proves the separate origin of multituberculates from cynodonts.  相似文献   

中国广西晚白垩世一新的巨龙类恐龙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了采自广西南宁市郊晚白垩世地层中一巨龙类恐龙新属种:右江清秀龙(Qingxiu- saurus youjiangensis gen.et sp.nov.)。新属种正型标本包括以下不关联的头后骨骼:一段较完整的前部尾椎神经棘、左右胸骨板、左右肱骨。它以以下独特特征组合区别于其他巨龙类:前部尾椎神经棘板状结构不发育、相对较高并呈桨状;胸骨与肱骨最大长之比值较低(约0.65)。广西发现的新属种以及近年来报道的巨龙类恐龙材料表明,亚洲巨龙类恐龙的头后骨骼形态变异度高,白垩纪时期这类恐龙曾在亚洲广为分布。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to predict human response to, and potential damage from, impact loading by using numerical and physical models to monitor the head and thoracic reactions, intervertebral disk pressures, muscle elongations, and some internal organ pressures. The numerical model consists of a three-dimensional lumped-parameter system of ten rigid bodies connected by nine intervertebral joints and 28 muscle pairs. The masses represent the head; cervical vertebrae C1-C2, C3-C4, C5-C6, C7-T1 (the first thoracic vertebra); the entire thorax; lumbar vertebrae L1-L2, L3, L4-L5; and the pelvis. The physical model consists of: a water-filled cadaver skull, held in position by attached ligaments; plastic skeletal components involving vertebrae, sternum, ribs and pelvis; silicon rubber intervertebral disks; fabric muscles and ligaments; and water-filled containers replicating the liver, spleen and kidneys. The pelvis of the model is affixed to a plate mounted on a sled that runs on a track. Loading is applied by deceleration from a given velocity that occurs due to the impact of the sled with a fixed aluminum block. Results from the numerical model are compared with corresponding experimental information from the physical structure. Good correlation was obtained in these comparisons up to about 200-250 ms after impact. The results indicate that the head, cervical muscles and disks in the lumbar region are subjected to the greatest force changes and thus are most likely to be injured.  相似文献   

New postcranial remains of Massetognathus ochagaviae are described based on a new specimen collected at the Dinodontosaurus Assemblage Zone from the Middle Triassic of Southern Brazil. Several isolated teeth collected together with the postcranial skeleton allowed a taxonomic assignation of the specimen to M. ochagaviae. Its postcranial morphology is quite similar to Massetognathus pascuali, especially regarding the morphology of the transverse process of presacral vertebrae (i.e. laminar in the anterior most and rounded in the posterior most presacral vertebrae); humerus (i.e. the head is dorsally deflected with a ‘fan-shaped’ distal end a deltopectoral crest abruptly ending at the middle of shaft); and femur (with a bulbous and dorsomedially inclined femoral head, lesser trochanter which abruptly begins near the intertrochanteric fossa and extending up to the middle of the femoral shaft and the medial condyle more pronounced and ventrally projected than the lateral one). On the other hand, the clavicle of M. ochagaviae is less lateromedially elongated than in M. pascuali.  相似文献   

Among extant vertebrates, pneumatization of postcranial bones is unique to birds, with few known exceptions in other groups. Through reduction in bone mass, this feature is thought to benefit flight capacity in modern birds, but its prevalence in non-avian dinosaurs of variable sizes has generated competing hypotheses on the initial adaptive significance of postcranial pneumaticity. To better understand the evolutionary history of postcranial pneumaticity, studies have surveyed its distribution among non-avian dinosaurs. Nevertheless, the degree of pneumaticity in the basal coelurosaurian group Ornithomimosauria remains poorly known, despite their potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the early evolution of pneumatic bones along the lineage leading to birds. Historically, the identification of postcranial pneumaticity in non-avian dinosaurs has been based on examination of external morphology, and few studies thus far have focused on the internal architecture of pneumatic structures inside the bones. Here, we describe the vertebral pneumaticity of the ornithomimosaur Archaeornithomimus with the aid of X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging. Complementary examination of external and internal osteology reveals (1) highly pneumatized cervical vertebrae with an elaborate configuration of interconnected chambers within the neural arch and the centrum; (2) anterior dorsal vertebrae with pneumatic chambers inside the neural arch; (3) apneumatic sacral vertebrae; and (4) a subset of proximal caudal vertebrae with limited pneumatic invasion into the neural arch. Comparisons with other theropod dinosaurs suggest that ornithomimosaurs primitively exhibited a plesiomorphic theropod condition for axial pneumaticity that was extended among later taxa, such as Archaeornithomimus and large bodied Deinocheirus. This finding corroborates the notion that evolutionary increases in vertebral pneumaticity occurred in parallel among independent lineages of bird-line archosaurs. Beyond providing a comprehensive view of vertebral pneumaticity in a non-avian coelurosaur, this study demonstrates the utility and need of CT imaging for further clarifying the early evolutionary history of postcranial pneumaticity.  相似文献   

Early modern humans from the European Upper Paleolithic (UP) demonstrate trends in postcranial biomechanical features that coincide with the last glacial maximum (LGM). These features have been interpreted as evidence that ecological changes of the LGM played a critical role in cultural and biological adaptation in European UP populations. In areas outside of Europe, similar environmental changes occurred with the LGM. This analysis introduces postcranial material from the Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) of North Africa and Southeast Asia and tests two related hypotheses: 1) LUP samples across the Old World had similar patterns of postcranial robusticity and 2) relative to an available Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) sample, regional LUP samples demonstrate similar trends in robusticity that may be attributable to climatic effects of the LGM. Cross-sectional geometric data of the humeri and femora were obtained for 26 EUP and 100 LUP humans from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Despite regional differences, LUP samples are similar relative to the EUP sample. In the humerus, bilateral asymmetry decreases in all LUP samples relative to the EUP sample. In the femur, LUP samples demonstrate increasingly circular femoral midshaft sections, reflecting reduced anteroposterior bending strength relative to the EUP sample. These patterns suggest changes in subsistence behavior and mobility after the LGM across the Old World that are most consistent with reduced mobility and broad-spectrum resource exploitation.  相似文献   

The first omomyine petrosals, those of Omomys carteri, are described. Omomys probably had a tympanic bulla and canals for the intratympanic carotid circulation derived from the petrosal bone. The stapedial and promontory canals were complete, large and subequal. The posterior carotid foramen entered the bulla posteromedially. The intratympanic portion of the facial nerve was fully enclosed in bone, the stapedius fossa is extrabullar and the parotic fissure is patent. The mastoid was pneumatized from the epitympanic recess and a supracochlear cavity may have been present. The Omomys petrosals exhibit a generic omomyiform morphology, exhibiting no features that can be interpreted as autapomorphies and only one feature shared with adapiforms. The monophyly of Omomyiformes is based on other cranial characters, dental and postcranial characters assessed elsewhere. The similarity of the Shanghuang petrosal to the petrosals of omomyiforms, as well as the ambiguous evidence of its association, suggest that an omomyiform affinity for that petrosal cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

初步报道了缺缺洞发现的猕猴化石。新材料为一具雄性老年猕猴个体的骨架,保存了几乎完整的下颌、全部7节颈椎、9节胸椎、两侧前肢肢骨、右侧后肢部分肢骨以及绝大部分的腕(跗)骨、掌(蹠)骨和指(趾)骨。这是目前为止中国发现的最为完整的猕猴骨架化石。鉴于化石对比材料的缺乏,仅对下颌及牙齿形态进行了描述,并将之与中国已知各化石种进行了对比。由于中国猕猴属各化石种之间的系统关系尚不明确,暂将这批材料作未定种处理,更加深入的研究将另文发表。  相似文献   

Pathologies in the skeleton of phytosaurs, extinct archosauriform reptiles restricted to the Late Triassic, have only been rarely described. The only known postcranial pathologies of a phytosaur are two pairs of fused vertebrae of “Angistorhinopsis ruetimeyeri” from Halberstadt, Germany, as initially described by the paleontologist Friedrich von Huene. These pathologic vertebrae are redescribed in more detail in this study in the light of modern paleopathologic methods. Four different pathologic observations can be made in the vertebral column of this individual: 1) fusion of two thoracic vertebral bodies by new bone formation within the synovial membrane and articular capsule of the intervertebral joint; 2) fusion and conspicuous antero-posterior shortening of last presacral and first sacral vertebral bodies; 3) destruction and erosion of the anterior articular surface of the last presacral vertebra; and 4) a smooth depression on the ventral surface of the fused last presacral and first sacral vertebral bodies. Observations 1–3 can most plausibly and parsimoniously be attributed to one disease: spondyloarthropathy, an aseptic inflammatory process in which affected vertebrae show typical types of reactive new bone formation and erosion of subchondral bone. The kind of vertebral shortening present in the fused lumbosacral vertebrae suggests that the phytosaur acquired this disease in its early life. Observation 4, the smooth ventral depression in the fused lumbosacral vertebrae, is most probably not connected to the spondyloarthropathy, and can be regarded as a separate abnormality. It remains of uncertain origin, but may be the result of pressure, perhaps caused by a benign mass such as an aneurysm or cyst of unknown type. Reports of spondyloarthropathy in Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles are still exceptional, and our report of spondyloarthropathy in fossil material from Halberstadt is the first unequivocal occurrence of this disease in a Triassic tetrapod and in a phytosaur.  相似文献   

Novel isolates of Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Tsukamurella wratislaviensis and a Rhodococcus sp. are described. These grew with short-chain alkanesulfonates as their sole source of carbon and energy. T. wratislaviensis strain SB2 grew well with C(3)-C(6) linear alkanesulfonates, isethionate and taurine, Rhodococcus sp. strain CB1 used C(3)-C(10) linear alkanesulfonates, taurine and cysteate, but neither strain grew with ethanesulfonate. In contrast, A. xylosoxidans strain AE4 grew well with ethanesulfonate, making it the first bacterium to be described which can grow with this compound. It also grew with unsubstituted C(3)-C(5) alkanesulfonates and isethionate. Hydrolysis was excluded as a mechanism for alkanesulfonate metabolism in these strains; and evidence is given for a diversity of uptake and desulfonatase systems. We provide evidence for an initial monooxygenase-dependent desulfonation in the metabolism of ethanesulfonate and propanesulfonate by A. xylosoxidans strain AE4.  相似文献   

An almost entire skeleton of a male individual of Nacholapithecus kerioi (KNM-BG 35250) was discovered from Middle Miocene (approximately 15 Ma) sediments at Nachola, northern Kenya. N. kerioi exhibits a shared derived subnasal morphology with living apes. In many postcranial features, such as articular shape, as well as the number of the lumbar vertebrae, N. kerioi resembles Proconsul heseloni and/or P. nyanzae, and lacks suspensory specializations characteristic of living apes. Similarly, N. kerioi shares some postcranial characters with Kenyapithecus spp. However, despite the resemblance, N. kerioi and Proconsul spp. are quite different in their body proportions and some joint morphologies. N. kerioi has proportionally large forelimb bones and long pedal digits compared to its hindlimb bones and lumbar vertebrae. Its distinctive body proportions suggest that N. kerioi was more derived for forelimb dominated arboreal activities than P. nyanzae and P. heseloni. On the other hand, it exhibits a mixture of derived and primitive cranio-dental and postcranial features relative to the contemporaneous Kenyapithecus and Early MioceneMorotopithecus. While the phylogenetic position of N. kerioi is unsettled, it seems necessary to posit parallel evolution of cranio-dental and/or postcranial features in fossil and living apes.  相似文献   

The basal anomodont Suminia getmanovi Ivakhnenko, 1994 from the late Palaeozoic of Russia is highly specialized in its masticatory apparatus, and has been suggested to represent the earliest arboreal tetrapod in the fossil record. Its postcranial anatomy is described in detail for the first time, revealing a large number of autapomorphies for this small herbivore. These include a reduced number of presacral and therein dorsal vertebrae, an elongate neck, a long and possibly prehensile tail, a procoracoid with a notch at its ventromedial margin rather than a foramen, an iliac blade with a robust ridge at its anteromedial edge, a pubis with a puboischiadic fenestra and separate pubic foramen, and elongate limbs. Additional autapomorphic characters are displayed in the autopodium, which comprises about 40% of the entire limb length. These features include an enlarged, phalangiform distal carpal 1 and tarsal 1, a short and robust first metacarpal, a crescent‐shaped distal tarsal 4, and elongate penultimate phalangeal elements. The phylogenetic relationships of basal anomodonts are revisited using an expanded data set, with the addition of key taxa and several postcranial characters. Unlike dicynodonts, Suminia retained the plesiomorphic phalangeal formula for amniotes of 2‐3‐4‐5‐3 (manus) and 2‐3‐4‐5‐4 (pes). This pattern is achieved by the retention of disc‐like phalangeal elements between the proximal and penultimate phalanges in digits III, IV (manus and pes), and V (pes only). In light of the new material, Suminia can be recognized as the most complete basal anomodont, offering new insights into the early evolution of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 661–698.  相似文献   

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