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Chitin, after cellulose, is the second most abundant natural polymer. With a 200-year history of scientific research, chitin is beginning to see fruitful application in the fields of stem cell and tissue engineering. To date, however, research in chitin as a biomaterial appears to lag far behind that of its close relative, chitosan, due to the perceived difficulty in processing chitin. This review presents methods to improve the processability of chitin, and goes on further to discuss the unique physicochemical and biological characteristics of chitin that favor it as a biomaterial for regenerative medicine applications. Examples of the latter are presented, with special attention on the qualities of chitin that make it inherently suitable as scaffolds and matrices for tissue engineering, stem cell propagation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Heart disorders are a major health concern worldwide responsible for millions of deaths every year. Among the many disorders of the heart, myocardial infarction, which can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or even death, has the most severe social and economic ramifications. Lack of sufficient available donor hearts for heart transplantation, the only currently viable treatment for heart failure other than medical management options (ACE inhibition, beta blockade, use of AICDs, etc.) that improve the survival of patients with heart failure emphasises the need for alternative therapies. One promising alternative replaces cardiac muscle damaged by myocardial infarction with new contractile cardiomyocytes and vessels obtained through stem cell-based regeneration.We report on the state of the art of recovery of cardiac functions by using stem cell engineering. Current research focuses on (a) inducing stem cells into becoming cardiac cells before or after injection into a host, (b) growing replacement heart tissue in vitro, and (c) stimulating the proliferation of the post-mitotic cardiomyocytes in situ. The most promising treatment option for patients is the engineering of new heart tissue that can be implanted into damaged areas. Engineering of cardiac tissue currently employs the use of co-culture of stem cells with scaffold microenvironments engineered to improve tissue survival and enhance differentiation. Growth of heart tissue in vitro using scaffolds, soluble collagen, and cell sheets has unique advantages. To compensate for the loss of ventricular mass and contractility of the injured cardiomyocytes, different stem cell populations have been extensively studied as potential sources of new cells to ameliorate the injured myocardium and eventually restore cardiac function. Unresolved issues including insufficient cell generation survival, growth, and differentiation have led to mixed results in preclinical and clinical studies. Addressing these limitations should ensure the successful production of replacement heart tissue to benefit cardiac patients.  相似文献   

Dysphagia, defined as difficulty swallowing, is a common symptom negatively impacting millions of adults annually. Estimated prevalence ranges from 14 to 33 percent in those over age 65 to over 70 percent in a nursing home setting. The elderly, those with neurodegenerative diseases, head and neck cancer patients, and those with autoimmune conditions such as Sjögren's syndrome are disproportionately affected. Oropharyngeal dysphagia refers specifically to difficulty in initiating a swallow due to dysfunction at or above the upper esophageal sphincter, and represents a large proportion of dysphagia cases. Current treatments are limited and are often ineffective. Stem cell therapy is a new and novel advancement that may fill a much-needed role in our treatment regimen. Here, we review the current literature regarding stem cell treatments for oropharyngeal dysphagia. Topics discussed include tissue regeneration advancements as a whole and translation of these principles into research surrounding tongue dysfunction, xerostomia, cricopharyngeal dysfunction, and finally an overview of the challenges and future directions for investigation. Although this field of study remains in its early stages, initial promising results show potential for the use of stem cell-based therapies to treat oropharyngeal dysphagia and warrant further research.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a vital step in tissue regeneration. Hence, the current study aimed to prepare oxidized dextran (Odex)/collagen (Col)-hydrogels with laminin (LMN), as an angiogenic extracellular matrix (ECM) component, for promoting human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation and function. Odex/Col scaffolds were constructed at various concentrations and temperatures. Using oscillatory rheometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and cell viability testing, the scaffolds were characterized, and then HUVEC proliferation and function was compared with or without LMN. The gelation time could be modified by altering the Odex/Col mass ratio as well as the temperature. SEM showed that Odex/Col hydrogels had a more regular three-dimensional (3D) porous structure than the Col hydrogels. Moreover, HUVECs grew faster in the Col scaffold (12 mg/mL), whereas the Odex (30 mg/mL)/Col (6 mg/mL) scaffold exhibited the lowest apoptosis index. Furthermore, the expression level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA in the group without LMN was higher than that with LMN, and the Odex (30 mg/mL)/Col (6 mg/mL) scaffold without LMN had the highest VEGF protein secretion, allowing the cells to survive and function effectively. Odex/Col scaffolds, with or without LMN, are proposed as a tissue engineering construct to improve HUVEC survival and function for angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Carter RL  Chan AW 《遗传学报》2012,39(6):253-259
Pluripotent cellular models have shown great promise in the study of a number of neurological disorders.Several advantages of using a stem cell model include the potential for cells to derive disease relevant neuronal cell types,providing a system for researchers to monitor disease progression during neurogenesis,along with serving as a platform for drug discovery.A number of stem cell derived models have been employed to establish in vitro research models of Huntington’s disease that can be used to investigate cellular pathology and screen for drug and cell-based therapies.Although some progress has been made,there are a number of challenges and limitations that must be overcome before the true potential of this research strategy is achieved.In this article we review current stem cell models that have been reported,as well as discuss the issues that impair these studies.We also highlight the prospective application of Huntington’s disease stem cell models in the development of novel therapeutic strategies and advancement of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

The apparent difficulty to precisely control fine-tuning of biomaterial degradation has initiated the recent paradigm shift from conventional top-down fabrication methods to more nature-inspired bottom-up assemblies. Sophistication of material fabrication techniques allows today's scientists to reach beyond conventional natural materials in order to synthesise tomorrow's ‘designer material’. Material degradation into smaller components and subsequent release of encapsulated cells or cell-signalling agents have opened medically exploitable avenues, transforming the area of regenerative medicine into a dynamic and self-propagating branch of modern medicine. The aim to synthesise ever more refined scaffolding structures in order to create micro- and nanoenvironments resembling those found in natural tissues now represents an ever growing niche in the materials sciences. Recently, we have developed and conducted the world's first in-human tracheal transplantation using a non-degradable completely synthetic biomaterial. Fuelled by such clinical potential, we are currently developing a biodegradable version suitable for skin tissue engineering and paediatric applications. However, despite enormous efforts, current, as yet insurmountable challenges include precise biomaterial degradation within pre-determined spatial and temporal confines in an effort to release bio-signalling agents in such orchestrated fashion as to fully regenerate functioning tissues. In this review, the authors, almost anti-climactically, ask the readers to step out of the artificially over-constructed spiral of ever more convoluted scaffold fabrication techniques and consider the benefits of controllable bottom-up scaffold fabrication methods. It will further be investigated how scaffold designs and fabrication methods may influence degradation and subsequent release of incorporated elements. A focus will be placed on the delivery of growth factors, stem cells and therapeutic agents alone or in parallel. The difficulties of designing a delivery vehicle capable of delivering multiple factors whilst maintaining distinct release kinetics will be highlighted. Finally, this review will be rounded off with an insight into current literature addressing the recurring issues of degradation product toxicities and suggests means of overcoming those.  相似文献   

The behavior and composition of both multipotent and pluripotent stem cell populations are exquisitely controlled by a complex, spatiotemporally variable interplay of physico-chemical, extracellular matrix, cell-cell interaction, and soluble factor cues that collectively define the stem cell niche. The push for stem cell-based regenerative medicine models and therapies has fuelled demands for increasingly accurate cellular environmental control and enhanced experimental throughput, driving an evolution of cell culture platforms away from conventional culture formats toward integrated systems. Arrayed cellular environments typically provide a set of discrete experimental elements with variation of one or several classes of stimuli across elements of the array. These are based on high-content/high-throughput detection, small sample volumes, and multiplexing of environments to increase experimental parameter space, and can be used to address a range of biological processes at the cell population, single-cell, or subcellular level. Arrayed cellular environments have the capability to provide an unprecedented understanding of the molecular and cellular events that underlie expansion and specification of stem cell and therapeutic cell populations, and thus generate successful regenerative medicine outcomes. This review focuses on recent key developments of arrayed cellular environments and their contribution and potential in stem cells and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

This review discusses the most novel ideas and modalities being incorporated into facial rejuvenation. Recent innovative techniques include the use of regenerative stem cell techniques and regeneration supportive modalities such as nano-technology or gene therapies. This review aims to investigate approaches that are less well known and lacking established evidence in order to proactively study these techniques prior to them becoming popularized. These applications and relevant research were reviewed in the context of both surgical and non-surgical modalities in clinical practice. Future directions include the concept of “precision cosmetic medicine” utilizing gene editing and cellular therapies to tailor rejuvenation techniques based on each individual’s genetic make-up and therefore needs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mABs) against various cell types of the basal free-living flatworm Macrostomum sp. were produced by immunising Balb/c mice with cell suspensions of disintegrated animals. We identified 360 positive supernatants with specific staining of various tissues, cell types, patterns or structures. Here we report immunocytochemical characterisation, histological stainings and isotyping of 11 mABs specific for muscle cells (MMu-1, MMu-2, MMu-3, MMu-4), digestive and prostate glands (MDr-1 and MDr-2, MPr-1), epidermal cells (MEp-1), the ventral nerve cord including neuron clusters (MNv-1), gastrodermal cells (MDa-1) and spermatids (MSp-1). Confocal microscopy, histological techniques, electron microscopy and immunoblotting were applied to demonstrate stainings in juveniles, adults, starved or well-fed animals. Considering the current lack of specific markers the obtained mABs will be particularly helpful studying embryonic and postembryonic development, pattern formation, cell differentiation, regeneration and reproductive allocation in Macrostomum sp., and possibly other basal flatworms. The small size, ease of culturing, short generation time, transparency and the basal phylogenetic position specify Macrostomum sp. as a suitable model organism for comparative analyses within Platyhelminthes and to Drosophila and C. elegans.  相似文献   

Several Internet interventions have been developed and tested for common mental disorders, and the evidence to date shows that these treatments often result in similar outcomes as in face‐to‐face psychotherapy and that they are cost‐effective. In this paper, we first review the pros and cons of how participants in Internet treatment trials have been recruited. We then comment on the assessment procedures often involved in Internet interventions and conclude that, while online questionnaires yield robust results, diagnoses cannot be determined without any contact with the patient. We then review the role of the therapist and conclude that, although treatments including guidance seem to lead to better outcomes than unguided treatments, this guidance can be mainly practical and supportive rather than explicitly therapeutic in orientation. Then we briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of treatments for mood and anxiety disorders and comment on ways to handle comorbidity often associated with these disorders. Finally we discuss challenges when disseminating Internet interventions. In conclusion, there is now a large body of evidence suggesting that Internet interventions work. Several research questions remain open, including how Internet interventions can be blended with traditional forms of care.  相似文献   

Scaffold‐based tissue engineering is considered as a promising approach in the regenerative medicine. Graft instability of collagen, by causing poor mechanical properties and rapid degradation, and their hard handling remains major challenges to be addressed. In this research, a composite structured nano‐/microfibrous scaffold, made from a mixture of chitosan–ß‐glycerol phosphate–gelatin (chitosan–GP–gelatin) using a standard electrospinning set‐up was developed. Gelatin–acid acetic and chitosan ß‐glycerol phosphate–HCL solutions were prepared at ratios of 30/70, 50/50, 70/30 (w/w) and their mechanical and biological properties were engineered. Furthermore, the pore structure of the fabricated nanofibrous scaffolds was investigated and predicted using a theoretical model. Higher gelatin concentrations in the polymer blend resulted in significant increase in mean pore size and its distribution. Interaction between the scaffold and the contained cells was also monitored and compared in the test and control groups. Scaffolds with higher chitosan concentrations showed higher rate of cell attachment with better proliferation property, compared with gelatin‐only scaffolds. The fabricated scaffolds, unlike many other natural polymers, also exhibit non‐toxic and biodegradable properties in the grafted tissues. In conclusion, the data clearly showed that the fabricated biomaterial is a biologically compatible scaffold with potential to serve as a proper platform for retaining the cultured cells for further application in cell‐based tissue engineering, especially in wound healing practices. These results suggested the potential of using mesoporous composite chitosan–GP–gelatin fibrous scaffolds for engineering three‐dimensional tissues with different inherent cell characteristics. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 163–175, 2016.  相似文献   

The aim of our study is to explore the possibility of using an ancient method of culture technique- the hanging drop technique for stem cell differentiation and cytotoxicity testing. We demonstrate here a variety of novel applications of this age old technique not only to harness the differentiation potential of stem cells into specific lineages but also for cytotoxicity studies. Here we have prepared hanging drop cultures by placing 20 μl micro-drops of nutrient media and 10% Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) containing cells of interest on the lids of 60 mm dishes. Bottom plates of the dishes were filled with sterile Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) to avoid desiccation of samples. Lids were then placed on the bottom plates to achieve hanging drop cultures. We utilized this technique for cultivation of ciliated epithelia to study cytotoxicity and differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells. Most importantly the modified culture technique presented here is simple, economical and cost effective in terms of the time taken and the reagents required and are amenable to goal specific modification such as cytotoxicity testing. It is advantageous over the existing system in terms of retention of viability and functionality for longer duration and for providing three dimensional growth micro-environment making it useful for organotypic cultures and in vivo simulation.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is a clinically driven field and has emerged as a potential alternative to organ transplantation. The cornerstone of successful tissue engineering rests upon two essential elements: cells and scaffolds. Recently, it was found that stem cells have unique capabilities of self-renewal and multilineage differentiation to serve as a versatile cell source, while nanomaterials have lately emerged as promising candidates in producing scaffolds able to better mimic the nanostructure in natural extracellular matrix and to efficiently replace defective tissues. This article, therefore, reviews the key developments in tissue engineering, where the combination of stem cells and nanomaterial scaffolds has been utilized over the past several years. We consider the high potential, as well as the main issues related to the application of stem cells and nanomaterial scaffolds for a range of tissues including bone, cartilage, nerve, liver, eye etc. Promising in vitro results such as efficient attachment, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells have been compiled in a series of examples involving different nanomaterials. Furthermore, the merits of the marriage of stem cells and nanomaterial scaffolds are also demonstrated in vivo, providing early successes to support subsequent clinical investigations. This progress simultaneously drives mechanistic research into the mechanotransduction process responsible for the observations in order to optimize the process further. Current understanding is chiefly reported to involve the interaction of stem cells and the anchoring nanomaterial scaffolds by activating various signaling pathways. Substrate surface characteristics and scaffold bulk properties are also reported to influence not only short term stem cell adhesion, spreading and proliferation, but also longer term lineage differentiation, functionalization and viability. It is expected that the combination of stem cells and nanomaterials will develop into an important tool in tissue engineering for the innovative treatment of many diseases.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) culture provides a biomimicry of the naive microenvironment that can support cell proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration. Some growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), facilitate normal meiosis during oocyte maturation in vivo. In this study, a scaffold‐based 3D coculture system using purified alginate was applied to induce oocyte differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). mESCs were induced to differentiate into oocyte‐like cells using embryoid body protocol in the two‐dimensional or 3D microenvironment in vitro. To increase the efficiency of the oocyte‐like cell differentiation from mESCs, we employed a coculture system using ovarian granulosa cells in the presence or absence of epidermal growth factor (+EGF or ?EGF) for 14 days and then the cells were assessed for germ cell differentiation, meiotic progression, and oocyte maturation markers. The cultures exposed to EGF in the alginate‐based 3D microenvironment showed the highest level of premeiotic (Oct4 and Mvh), meiotic (Scp1, Scp3, Stra8, and Rec8), and oocyte maturation (Gdf9, Cx37, and Zp2) marker genes (p < .05) in comparison to other groups. According to the gene‐expression patterns, we can conclude that alginate‐based 3D coculture system provided a highly efficient protocol for oocyte‐like cell differentiation from mESCs. The data showed that this culture system along with EGF improved the rate of in vitro oocyte‐like cell differentiation.  相似文献   

This protocol details the generation of acellular, yet biofunctional, renal extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds that are useful as small-scale model substrates for organ-scale tissue development. Sprague Dawley rat kidneys are cannulated by inserting a catheter into the renal artery and perfused with a series of low-concentration detergents (Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) over 26 hr to derive intact, whole-kidney scaffolds with intact perfusable vasculature, glomeruli, and renal tubules. Following decellularization, the renal scaffold is placed inside a custom-designed perfusion bioreactor vessel, and the catheterized renal artery is connected to a perfusion circuit consisting of: a peristaltic pump; tubing; and optional probes for pH, dissolved oxygen, and pressure. After sterilizing the scaffold with peracetic acid and ethanol, and balancing the pH (7.4), the kidney scaffold is prepared for seeding via perfusion of culture medium within a large-capacity incubator maintained at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Forty million renal cortical tubular epithelial (RCTE) cells are injected through the renal artery, and rapidly perfused through the scaffold under high flow (25 ml/min) and pressure (~230 mmHg) for 15 min before reducing the flow to a physiological rate (4 ml/min). RCTE cells primarily populate the tubular ECM niche within the renal cortex, proliferate, and form tubular epithelial structures over seven days of perfusion culture. A 44 µM resazurin solution in culture medium is perfused through the kidney for 1 hr during medium exchanges to provide a fluorometric, redox-based metabolic assessment of cell viability and proliferation during tubulogenesis. The kidney perfusion bioreactor permits non-invasive sampling of medium for biochemical assessment, and multiple inlet ports allow alternative retrograde seeding through the renal vein or ureter. These protocols can be used to recellularize kidney scaffolds with a variety of cell types, including vascular endothelial, tubular epithelial, and stromal fibroblasts, for rapid evaluation within this system.  相似文献   

To meet the demands of future generations for chemicals and energy and to reduce the environmental footprint of the chemical industry, alternatives for petrochemistry are required. Microbial conversion of renewable feedstocks has a huge potential for cleaner, sustainable industrial production of fuels and chemicals. Microbial production of organic acids is a promising approach for production of chemical building blocks that can replace their petrochemically derived equivalents. Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not naturally produce organic acids in large quantities, its robustness, pH tolerance, simple nutrient requirements and long history as an industrial workhorse make it an excellent candidate biocatalyst for such processes. Genetic engineering, along with evolution and selection, has been successfully used to divert carbon from ethanol, the natural endproduct of S. cerevisiae , to pyruvate. Further engineering, which included expression of heterologous enzymes and transporters, yielded strains capable of producing lactate and malate from pyruvate. Besides these metabolic engineering strategies, this review discusses the impact of transport and energetics as well as the tolerance towards these organic acids. In addition to recent progress in engineering S. cerevisiae for organic acid production, the key limitations and challenges are discussed in the context of sustainable industrial production of organic acids from renewable feedstocks.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the extent of differentiation and cartilage biosynthetic capacity of human adult adipose‐derived stem cells relative to human fetal chondrocytes. Both types of cell were seeded into nonwoven‐mesh polyglycolic acid (PGA) scaffolds and cultured under dynamic conditions with and without addition of TGF‐β1 and insulin. Gene expression for aggrecan and collagen type II was upregulated in the stem cells in the presence of growth factors, and key components of articular cartilage such as glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen type II were synthesized in cultured tissue constructs. However, on a per cell basis and in the presence of growth factors, accumulation of GAG and collagen type II were, respectively, 3.4‐ and 6.1‐fold lower in the stem cell cultures than in the chondrocyte cultures. Although the stem cells synthesized significantly higher levels of total collagen than the chondrocytes, only about 2.4% of this collagen was collagen type II. Relative to cultures without added growth factors, treatment of the stem cells with TGF‐β1 and insulin resulted in a 59% increase in GAG synthesis, but there was no significant change in collagen production even though collagen type II gene expression was upregulated 530‐fold. In contrast, in the chondrocyte cultures, synthesis of collagen type II and levels of collagen type II as a percentage of total collagen more than doubled after growth factors were applied. Although considerable progress has been achieved to develop differentiation strategies and scaffold‐based culture techniques for adult mesenchymal stem cells, the extent of differentiation of human adipose‐derived stem cells in this study and their capacity for cartilage synthesis fell considerably short of those of fetal chondrocytes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 393–401. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations aimed at assessing the effectiveness of femtosecond (FS) laser ablation for creating microscale features on electrospun poly(ε‐caprolactone) (PCL)/gelatin nanofiber tissue scaffold capable of controlling cell distribution are described. Statistical comparisons of the fiber diameter and surface porosity on laser‐machined and as‐spun surface were made and results showed that laser ablation did not change the fiber surface morphology. The minimum feature size that could be created on electrospun nanofiber surfaces by direct‐write ablation was measured over a range of laser pulse energies. The minimum feature size that could be created was limited only by the pore size of the scaffold surface. The chemical states of PCL/gelatin nanofiber surfaces were measured before and after FS laser machining by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR‐FTIR) spectroscopy and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and showed that laser machining produced no changes in the chemistry of the surface. In vitro, mouse embryonic stem cells (mES cells) were cultured on as‐spun surfaces and in laser‐machined microwells. Cell densities were found to be statistically indistinguishable after 1 and 2 days of growth. Additionally, confocal microscope imaging confirmed that spreading of mES cells cultured within laser‐machined microwells was constrained by the cavity walls, the expected and desired function of these cavities. The geometric constraint caused statistically significant smaller density of cells in microwells after 3 days of growth. It was concluded that FS laser ablation is an effective process for microscale structuring of these electrospun nanofiber tissue scaffold surfaces. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:116–126. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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