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Six ethanolamine sphingophospholipids from axenically cultured Paramecium tetraurelia were isolated from cells and purified ciliary fractions, and were characterized. The sphingolipids comprised 10.7% of whole cell and 32.5% of ciliary ethanolamine phospholipid fractions purified by ion exchange column chromatography. The individual sphingolipids were characterized by thin-layer chromatographic analyses of parent compounds and the polar head group and long chain base moieties, gas-liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry of amide-linked fatty acids and long chain bases, and nuclear magnetic resonance of the compounds. Colorimetric assays of differential hydrolysis products and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance were used to determine the nature of phosphorus linkages. The sphingolipids were identified as N-acyl-trans-4-hydroxy-sphinganine-1- phosphonoethanolamine , N-acyl-trans-4-hydroxy-sphinganine-1-phosphoethanolamine, N-acyl-sphingenine-1- phosphonoethanolamine , N-acyl-sphingenine-1-phosphoethanolamine, N-acyl-sphinganine-1- phosphonoethanolamine and N-acyl-sphinganine-1-phosphoethanolamine. All six had greater than 90% saturated fatty acids. These sphingolipids were quantified by radioisotope methods and plate densitometry of thin-layer chromatograms. Changes in the relative amounts of each species were detected in cells grown in different culture media as well as in cells at different culture ages.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the ionic regulation of an adenylate cyclase associated with the excitable ciliary membrane from Paramecium tetraurelia was examined. Glycerol (30%, v/v) stabilized the enzyme, and activated by an increase in Vmax. (3-fold) and a decrease in the apparent Km for MgATP (6-fold). Kinetic analysis of Mg2+ effects showed a stimulation via a single metal-binding site separate from the substrate site, with a dissociation constant, Ks, of 0.27 mM. Analysis of Ca2+ effects showed (i) an uncompetitive inhibition with respect to substrate MgATP, and (ii) dependence of the extent of inhibition on the free Mg2+ concentration. Ki values ranged from 4 to 130 microM-Ca2+ in the presence of 0.55-2 mM-Mg2+ respectively. This indicates competition between Mg2+ and Ca2+ at the metal-binding site. The Ca2+ effect was specific; Sr2+ and Ba2+ were almost without effect, and 100 microM-Ba2+ did not interfere with the Ca2+ inhibition. The actions of Ca2+ were readily reversible after addition of EGTA. K+ activated the adenylate cyclase at concentrations around 20 mM. The stimulatory potency of K+ was dependent on the free Mg2+ concentration. At 1 mM free Mg2+, 20 mM-K+ doubled the adenylate cyclase activity. The inhibitory Ca2+ and stimulatory K+ inputs were independent of each other.  相似文献   

Several endogenous substrate proteins of cilia from axenically grown Paramecium tetraurelia were phosphorylated in vitro by inherent protein kinases (PKs). Labeling was stimulated by cAMP and to a lesser extent by cGMP. ATP breakdown was most rapid in cilia and subciliary fractions. Using multiple substrate additions during incubations it was shown that phosphorylation was almost completed within 30 s. Very little dephosphorylation by phosphoprotein phosphatases occurred during 5 min of incubation. Proteins of molecular weight of 103 000 and 46 000 were shown to be particularly associated with axonemal structures of the cilia. No distinct differences in phosphorylation patterns were apparent in ciliary membrane vesicles of low and high buoyant density, which exhibit differential enzyme patterns. cAMP receptor proteins were identified by use of the photoaffinity label 8-azido-[32P]cAMP. Receptor proteins with apparent molecular weights of 43 000, 39 000, 37 000, 31 000 and 30 000 were probably related to the regulatory subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinases as evidenced by inhibition of incorporation of the photoaffinity label by low concentrations of cAMP. Tagging of a protein of 85 000 molecular weight was specifically inhibited by cGMP, thus in all likelihood it corresponded to a cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Corresponding autophosphorylated protein bands were observed with gamma-[32P]ATP. A functional role for protein phosphorylation in cilia of Paramecium remains to be established.  相似文献   

Phospholipids from Paramecium tetraurelia strains 51s and d,95 cultures and isolated cilia were characterized. The following classes of phospholipids were identified in whole cell lipids: the 1-alkyl-2–acylglyceryl and the 1,2–diacylglyceryl forms of phosphonylethanolamine, phosphorylethanolamine. and phosphorylcholine; cardiolipin: ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and 5 other sphingolipids: phosphatidylserine; phosphatidylinositol; and lyso derivatives of the major glycerophospholipids. Cilia lipids were rich in ether lipids, phosphonolipids. and sphingolipids. Net lipid biosynthesis did not occur, as determined by the weight of lipids extracted from culture medium compared with the weight of lipids extracted from culture medium and ciliates after 7 days of growth. Total lipids/cell decreased with culture age. changes in the neutral lipid fraction accounting for the major decrease. Phospholipid class distributions changed with culture age—the glyceryl phosphorylethanolamine and choline content of cells decreased, while the glyceryl ohosphonylethanolamine content remained relatively constant: hence, the ratio of phosphonolipids to total phospholipids increased. All fatty acids observed in total lipids from cells and cilia were also present in the glycerophospholipids. Total lipids from cilia contained a greater percent of polyunsaturated fatty acid than those of whole cells. Whole cells and cilia glyceryl phosphonolipids contained up to 93% eicosatetraenoic plus eicosapentaenoic fatty acids. The enrichment of phosphonolipids in cilia accounted for most of the polyunsaturated fatty acid enrichment observed in cilia total lipids. The fatty acid composition of all major whole cell glycerophospholipid classes changed dramatically with culture age, while only small changes occurred in cilia glycerophospholipid fatty acids.  相似文献   

A type 1 serine/threonine protein phosphatase (PP1) which is mostly localized in the excitable ciliary membranes from the protozoan Paramecium, was purified to homogeneity. Approximately 4 micrograms enzyme of 37 kDa was isolated from 100 l axenic culture. The enzymic properties were characterized using phosphorylase a from rabbit skeletal muscle as a substrate and several known effectors of mammalian PP1. The protozoan PP1 was enzymically indistinguishable from its mammalian congener. The amino acid sequence of the Paramecium PP1 was deduced from its cDNA. The full-length clone was obtained in several steps starting with a pair of degenerate primers made according to the two most conserved peptides of rabbit PP1 and PP2A. The gene encodes a protein of 36,392 Da. The identity of the cloned gene and the isolated ciliary PP1 was unequivocally established by microsequencing of four tryptic and cyanogen-bromide peptides which were generated from the purified protein. Paramecium PP1 shows 75% amino-acid-sequence identity with rabbit PP1 alpha. Areas of major differences are the C-termini and N-termini and a sequence between residues 219-242.  相似文献   

The morphology of the transition zone between the terminal plate of the basal body and the 9 + 2 region of the somatic (non-oral) cilium has been examined in Paramecium tetraurelia. Freeze-fracture and thin- section techniques disclosed both membrane specializations and various internal structural linkages. Freeze-fracture material revealed sets of particles interrupting the unit membrane. The more distal of these form plaquelike arrays while the proximal set of particles forms the ciliary "necklace." The plaque regions correspond to anionic sites on the outer membrane surface as revealed by binding of polycationic ferritin. Both the plaque particles and the necklace particles appear to be in contact with outer doublet microtubules via a complex of connecting structures. In the interior of the transition zone an axosomal plate supports an axosome surrounded by a ring of lightly packed material. Only one of the two central tubules of the axoneme reaches and penetrates the axosome. Below the axosomal plate four rings, each approx. 20 nm wide, connect adjacent outer doublets. An intermediate plate lies proximal to these rings, and a terminal plate marks the proximal boundary of this zone. Nine transitional fibers extend from the region of the terminal plate to the plasmalemma. The observations described above have been used to construct a three-dimensional model of the transition region of "wild-type" Paramecium somatic cilia. It is anticipated that this model will be useful in future studies concerning possible function of transition-zone specializations, since Paramecium may be examined in both normal and reversed ciliary beating modes, and since mutants incapable of reverse beating are available.  相似文献   

As a first step in the biochemical analysis of membrane excitation in wild-type Paramecium and its behavioral mutants we have defined the protein composition of the ciliary membrane of wild-type cells. The techniques for the isolation of cilia and ciliary membrane vesicles were refined. Membranes of high purity and integrity were obtained without the use of detergents. The fractions were characterized by electron microscopy, and the proteins of whole cilia, axonemes, and ciliary membrane vesicles were resolved by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in one and two dimensions. Protein patterns and EM appearance of the fractions were highly reproducible. Over 200 polypeptides were present in isolated cilia, most of which were recovered in the axonemal fraction. Trichocysts, which were sometimes present as a minor contaminant in ciliary preparations, were composed of a very distinct set of over 30 polypeptides of mol wt 11,000--19,000. Membrane vesicles contained up to 70 polypeptides of mol wt 15,000--250,000. The major vesicle species were a high molecular weight protein (the "immobilization antigen") and a group of acidic proteins with mol wt similar to or approximately 40,000. These and several other membrane proteins were specifically decreased or totally absent in the axoneme fraction. Tubulin, the major axonemal species, occurred only in trace amounts in isolated vesicles; the same was true for Tetrahymena ciliary membranes prepared by the methods described in this paper. A protein of mol wt 31,000, pI 6.8, was virtually absent in vesicles prepared from cells in exponential growth phase, but became prominent early in stationary phase in good correlation with cellular mating reactivity. This detailed characterization will provide the basis for comparison of the ciliary proteins of wild-type and behavioral mutants and for analysis of topography and function of membrane proteins. It will also be useful in future studies of trichocysts and mating reactions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from endosymbiote-free stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia was isolated by 2 procedures. The buoyant density of the mtDNA in neutral CsCl was 1.702 gm/cm3, a value consistent with the melting temperature of the mtDNA. Only linear molecules were observed by electron microscopy. These molecules were homogeneous in size with a monomer molecular weight of 25.6 x 10(6) daltons. The size of the mtDNA determined after digestion with the restriction endonucleases EcoRI or Hind III agreed with the value obtained by electron microscopy. These studies also revealed that the digestion pattern of mtDNA from stock 172 differed from that of other 3 stocks (51, 127, 203) examined. Some mtDNA molecules exhibited snapback reassociation following denaturation.  相似文献   

Cilia and ciliary membranes were isolated from axenically grown, wild- type Paramecium tetraurelia strain 51s and from the extreme pawn mutant strain, d495, derived from this parental strain. Over 60 protein bands having molecular weights of 15 to greater than 300 kdaltons were detected by Coomassie Blue staining of whole cilia proteins separated by one-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 30 of these protein bands were visible in Coomassie Blue-stained membrane separations. About 60 bands were detected by silver staining of one- dimensional gels of membrane proteins. Differences between Coomassie Blue-stained separations of wild-type and pawn mutant strain d495 membrane proteins were seen in the quantity of a band present at 43 kdaltons. Radioiodination of cell surface proteins labeled approximately 15 protein bands in both wild-type and mutant cilia. The major axonemal proteins were unlabeled. Six membrane glycoproteins were identified by staining one-dimensional separations with iodinated concanavalin A and lentil lectin, two lectins that specifically bind both glucose and mannose residues. Two major neutral sugar species present in an acid hydrolysate of the cilia preparation were tentatively identified as glucose and mannose by gas chromatography of the alditol acetate derivatives.  相似文献   

To identify protein targets for calmodulin (CaM) in the cilia of Paramecium tetraurelia, we employed a 125I-CaM blot assay after resolution of ciliary proteins on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. Two distinct types of CaM-binding proteins were detected. One group bound 125I-CaM at free Ca2+ concentrations above 0.5-1 microM and included a major binding activity of 63 kDa (C63) and activities of 126 kDa (C126), 96 kDa (C96), and 36 kDa (C36). CaM bound these proteins with high (nanomolar) affinity and specificity relative to related Ca2+ receptors. The second type of protein bound 125I-CaM only when the free Ca2+ concentration was below 1-2 microM and included polypeptides of 95 kDa (E95) and 105 kDa (E105). E105 may also contain Ca2+-dependent binding sites for CaM. Both E95 and E105 exhibited strong specificity for Paramecium CaM over bovine CaM. Ciliary subfractionation experiments suggested that C63, C126, C96, E95, and E105 are bound to the axoneme, whereas C36 is a soluble and/or membrane-associated protein. Additional Ca2+-dependent CaM-binding proteins of 63, 70, and 120 kDa were found associated with ciliary membrane vesicles. In support of these results, filtration binding assays also indicated high-affinity binding sites for CaM on isolated intact axonemes and suggested the presence of both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-inhibitable targets. Like E95 and E105, the Ca2+-inhibitable CaM-binding sites showed strong preference for Paramecium CaM over vertebrate CaM and troponin C. Together, these results suggest that CaM has multiple targets in the cilium and hence may regulate ciliary motility in a complex and pleiotropic fashion.  相似文献   

It has been reported that Paramecium proliferates faster under microgravity in space, and slower under hypergravity (Kato et al., 2003). Effects of gravity on cell proliferation could be discussed in terms of energetics of swimming. Because of the characteristics of 'gravikinesis' as well as 'gravitaxis', Paramecium would decrease the energy expenditure under microgravity and increase it under hypergravity. The larger stock of energy would enhance the proliferation under microgravity. In order to simulate the effect of microgravity, we investigated the proliferation under clinorotation. When cells were rotated at 2.5 rpm, the proliferation rate decreased. Similar but less pronounced decrease was also found under low speed clinorotation (0.2 rpm).  相似文献   

Purification and properties of dyneins from Paramecium cilia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dynein ATPases were purified from Paramecium cilia by salt extraction followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and anion exchange chromatography. The two major dyneins sedimented in sucrose gradients as species of 22 S and 12 S. After purification by anion exchange chromatography, their specific activities were about 0.4 and 0.5 mumol/min per mg, respectively. The dyneins could be distinguished by subunit composition and immunological crossreactivity. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed additional ATPase activity in the region between the 22 S and 12 S dyneins, including a 19 S activity. Mg2+-ATPase activities of the dyneins and the 19 S activity were inhibited by vanadate and Zn2+, and were activated by Triton X-100. Antibodies against the 22 S dynein from Paramecium reacted on immunoblots with most of the polypeptides of 22 S dynein, and showed that the heavy chains of 22 S dynein are not identical to those that sediment at 19 S and 12 S. Several minor ATPase activities were revealed by anion exchange chromatography of fractions from the 22 S, 19 S and 12 S regions of sucrose gradients. These minor activities were stimulated by Mg2+, inhibited by vanadate, and could be distinguished from each other by their elution positions and polypeptide compositions.  相似文献   

We report the purification of a CaATPase of high specific activity from Paramecium tetraurelia. The enzyme is preferentially released into solution upon deciliation of cells by a Ca2+ shock procedure. Purification by ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography yields major peptides of 68 and 53 kDa and a minor peptide of 58 kDa, as determined by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. These three peptides yield similar proteolytic peptide maps. Rabbit antisera to the purified enzyme inhibit enzyme activity and specifically label 68- and 53-kDa bands on nitrocellulose blots of the deciliation supernatant from which the enzyme is isolated. Concanavalin A-Sepharose precipitates about 60% of ATPase activity; only the 53-kDa band binds concanavalin A on nitrocellulose blots. The purified enzyme has a specific activity of 620 +/- 70 mumol/min/mg with ATP as substrate in the presence of Ca2+, which is required for enzyme activity. As substrates, ATP and GTP are strongly preferred to UTP and CTP. The Km for ATP in the presence of 3 mM Ca2+ is approximately 20 microM. Enzyme activity is strongly inhibited by the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, W7, and calmidazolium. However, calmodulin is not associated with the purified enzyme, based on the enzyme's inability to bind anti-calmodulin antibodies or to stimulate brain phosphodiesterase. The intracellular origin of this ATPase, its possible function, and its relationship to several other ATPases of Paramecium are discussed.  相似文献   

Inositol glycerolipids make up less than 10% of total phospholipids of Paramecium tetraurelia cells. Unlike inositol lipids found in mammalian and other cell types, these lipids from Paramecium lack arachidonic acid. It was demonstrated that kinase and possibly phosphatase enzymes that interconvert phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PI-P) and phosphati-dylinositol-bis-phosphate (PI-P2) exist in ciliary membranes of this ciliate. When exogenous soybean PI and [γ-32P]ATP were provided as substrates, isolated cilia preparations exhibited PI and PI-P kinase activities as demonstrated by the incorporation of radiolabel into PI-P and PI-P2. Kinase activity was activated by millimolar [Mg2+] and inhibited by millimolar [Ca2+]. Significant inhibition of kinase activity in the presence of unlabeled excess ATP suggested that ATP is the preferred phosphate donor for this reaction. Of 4 suborganellar fractions of isolated cilia, the membrane fraction had the greatest kinase activity indicating that the enzyme(s) is membrane-associated  相似文献   

1. The molecular variants of the myoglobins of Paramecium tetraurelia have been purified as five separate components and designated Mb 1 to Mb 5. 2. The five molecular forms are homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and isoelectric focusing (IF). 3. The myoglobin species appear to have identical molecular weights and amino acid compositions and differ only in their isoelectric points and relative concentrations in vivo. 4. The myoglobin species have an apparent molecular weight of 15,000 +/- 500 and possess a single heme group per mole which appears to be protoporphyrin IX. 5. The amino acid composition of the five species is: lys12, his3, arg4, asp17, thr9, ser6, glu16, pro4, gly11, ala15, cys0, val8, met2, ile7, leu10, tyr5, phe7. 6. The spectra of several ferrous and ferric derivatives of the mixture Mb 1-Mb 5 are presented.  相似文献   

A search was undertaken for naturally occurring genetic markers for use in clonal aging studies of Paramecium tetraurelia. Clonal age is defined as the number of cell divisions since the last sexual process. Autogamy (self-fertilization) is a sexual process which can occur in aging lines, resulting in homozygosity and initiation of the next generation. Such illicit autogamies must be detected and eliminated from the aged clone. With codominant alleles, heterozygous aging lines can be established which will express a phenotype distinguishable from that of either parental type and autogamy can then be monitored by the appearance of either segregant homozygous phenotype. However, very few codominant alleles are available in this species. Electrophoretic mobilities of malic dehydrogenase (MDH) were assayed in 11 stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine stocks showed a singlebanded stock 51 type, while stock 174 and stock 29 each exhibited unique mobility. Crosses between stock 51 and the deviant stocks revealed distinct three-banded patterns indicative of heterozygosity of the F1 generation. In the autogamous F2 generation, 1:1 segregation of the parental types were recovered. The pattern of inheritance is consistent with codominant alleles and Mendelian inheritance. These naturally occurring biochemical markers are stable with increasing clonal age and are therefore useful genetic markers for studies of cellular aging.This work was supported by NSF Grant PCM 7704315.  相似文献   

Mating-reactive membrane vesicles from cilia of Paramecium caudatum   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Membrane vesicles with a high mating reactivity were obtained from cilia of Paramecium caudatum by treatment with a solution containing 2 M urea and 0.1 mM Na2-EDTA. All processes of conjugation were induced in cells of the complementary mating type by approximately 10 mug/ml proteins of the vesicles. Electron microscope observation showed that the membrane vesicles have a diameter of 100-150 nm. Electrophoretic analysis on SDS polyacrylamide gel revealed no significant difference in polypeptide patterns of the particles from the two complementary mating types.  相似文献   

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