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Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swarm robotics is an approach to collective robotics that takes inspiration from the self-organized behaviors of social animals. Through simple rules and local interactions, swarm robotics aims at designing robust, scalable, and flexible collective behaviors for the coordination of large numbers of robots. In this paper, we analyze the literature from the point of view of swarm engineering: we focus mainly on ideas and concepts that contribute to the advancement of swarm robotics as an engineering field and that could be relevant to tackle real-world applications. Swarm engineering is an emerging discipline that aims at defining systematic and well founded procedures for modeling, designing, realizing, verifying, validating, operating, and maintaining a swarm robotics system. We propose two taxonomies: in the first taxonomy, we classify works that deal with design and analysis methods; in the second taxonomy, we classify works according to the collective behavior studied. We conclude with a discussion of the current limits of swarm robotics as an engineering discipline and with suggestions for future research directions.  相似文献   

An important characteristic of a robot swarm that must operate in the real world is the ability to cope with changeable environments by exhibiting behavioural plasticity at the collective level. For example, a swarm of foraging robots should be able to repeatedly reorganise in order to exploit resource deposits that appear intermittently in different locations throughout their environment. In this paper, we report on simulation experiments with homogeneous foraging robot teams and show that analysing swarm behaviour in terms of information flow can help us to identify whether a particular behavioural strategy is likely to exhibit useful swarm plasticity in response to dynamic environments. While it is beneficial to maximise the rate at which robots share information when they make collective decisions in a static environment, plastic swarm behaviour in changeable environments requires regulated information transfer in order to achieve a balance between the exploitation of existing information and exploration leading to acquisition of new information. We give examples of how information flow analysis can help designers to decide on robot control strategies with relevance to a number of applications explored in the swarm robotics literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the design of a new structural extension for the e-puck mobile robot. The extension may be used to transform what is traditionally a swarm robotics platform into a self-reconfigurable modular robotic system. We introduce a modified version of a previously developed collective locomotion algorithm and present new experimental results across three different themes. We begin by investigating how the performance of the collective locomotion algorithm is affected by the size and shape of the robotic structures involved, examining structures containing up to nine modules. Without alteration to the underlying algorithm, we then analyse the implicit self-assembling and self-reconfiguring capabilities of the system and show that the novel use of ‘virtual sensors’ can significantly improve performance. Finally, by examining a form of environment driven self-reconfiguration, we observe the behaviour of the system in a more complex environment. We conclude that the modular e-puck extension represents a viable platform for investigating collective locomotion, self-assembly and self-reconfiguration.  相似文献   

It is a characteristic of swarm robotics that modelling the overall swarm behaviour in terms of the low-level behaviours of individual robots is very difficult. Yet if swarm robotics is to make the transition from the laboratory to real-world engineering realisation such models would be critical for both overall validation of algorithm correctness and detailed parameter optimisation. We seek models with predictive power: models that allow us to determine the effect of modifying parameters in individual robots on the overall swarm behaviour. This paper presents results from a study to apply the probabilistic modelling approach to a class of wireless connected swarms operating in unbounded environments. The paper proposes a probabilistic finite state machine (PFSM) that describes the network connectivity and overall macroscopic behaviour of the swarm, then develops a novel robot-centric approach to the estimation of the state transition probabilities within the PFSM. Using measured data from simulation the paper then carefully validates the PFSM model step by step, allowing us to assess the accuracy and hence the utility of the model.  相似文献   

Currently, the control software of swarm robotics systems is created by ad hoc development. This makes it hard to deploy these systems in real-world scenarios. In particular, it is difficult to maintain, analyse, or verify the systems. Formal methods can contribute to overcome these problems. However, they usually do not guarantee that the implementation matches the specification, because the system’s control code is typically generated manually. Also, there is cultural resistance to apply formal methods; they may be perceived as an additional step that does not add value to the final product. To address these problems, we propose supervisory control theory for the domain of swarm robotics. The advantages of supervisory control theory, and its associated tools, are a reduction in the amount of ad hoc development, the automatic generation of control code from modelled specifications, proofs of properties over generated control code, and the reusability of formally designed controllers between different robotic platforms. These advantages are demonstrated in four case studies using the e-puck and Kilobot robot platforms. Experiments with up to 600 physical robots are reported, which show that supervisory control theory can be used to formally develop state-of-the-art solutions to a range of problems in swarm robotics.  相似文献   

The application of multi-objective optimisation to evolutionary robotics is receiving increasing attention. A survey of the literature reveals the different possibilities it offers to improve the automatic design of efficient and adaptive robotic systems, and points to the successful demonstrations available for both task-specific and task-agnostic approaches (i.e., with or without reference to the specific design problem to be tackled). However, the advantages of multi-objective approaches over single-objective ones have not been clearly spelled out and experimentally demonstrated. This paper fills this gap for task-specific approaches: starting from well-known results in multi-objective optimisation, we discuss how to tackle commonly recognised problems in evolutionary robotics. In particular, we show that multi-objective optimisation (i) allows evolving a more varied set of behaviours by exploring multiple trade-offs of the objectives to optimise, (ii) supports the evolution of the desired behaviour through the introduction of objectives as proxies, (iii) avoids the premature convergence to local optima possibly introduced by multi-component fitness functions, and (iv) solves the bootstrap problem exploiting ancillary objectives to guide evolution in the early phases. We present an experimental demonstration of these benefits in three different case studies: maze navigation in a single robot domain, flocking in a swarm robotics context, and a strictly collaborative task in collective robotics.  相似文献   

Self-organised path formation in a swarm of robots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we study the problem of exploration and navigation in an unknown environment from an evolutionary swarm robotics perspective. In other words, we search for an efficient exploration and navigation strategy for a swarm of robots, which exploits cooperation and self-organisation to cope with the limited abilities of the individual robots. The task faced by the robots consists in the exploration of an unknown environment in order to find a path between two distant target areas. The collective strategy is synthesised through evolutionary robotics techniques, and is based on the emergence of a dynamic structure formed by the robots moving back and forth between the two target areas. Due to this structure, each robot is able to maintain the right heading and to efficiently navigate between the two areas. The evolved behaviour proved to be effective in finding the shortest path, adaptable to new environmental conditions, scalable to larger groups and larger environment size, and robust to individual failures.  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper we propose a quantitative minimal model for circadian gene expression based on two negative feedback loops. We perform numerical simulations to analyse its dynamics and parameter sensitivities in free-running conditions, and verify the entrainability by a single periodic driver. We furthermore apply two simultaneously acting external drivers, leading to aperiodic oscillations in the case of a single-loop system. These can be turned into regular periodic oscillations by introduction of a second loop. Our studies confirm the increasing evidence that multiple feedback loops increase the robustness of regulatory systems, and stress the particular situation of systems that are close to transition from free-running oscillation to steady-state behaviour. We discuss possible molecular realisations of the featured feedback loops and suggest the application of complex patterns of external stimulation as a generally useful approach to assess the functionality of models of circadian systems.  相似文献   

Continuous response threshold functions to coordinate collaborative tasks in multi-agent systems are commonly employed models in a number of fields including ethology, economics, and swarm robotics. Although empirical evidence exists for the response threshold model in predicting and matching swarm behavior for social insects, there has been no formal argument as to why natural swarms use this approach and why it should be used for engineering artificial ones. In this paper, we show, by formulating task allocation as a global game, that continuous response threshold functions used for communication-free task assignment result in system level Bayesian Nash equilibria. Building up on these results, we show that individual agents not only do not need to communicate with each other, but also do not need to model each other’s behavior, which makes this coordination mechanism accessible to very simple agents, suggesting a reason for their prevalence in nature and motivating their use in an engineering context.  相似文献   

Swarm robotics is a promising approach for the coordination of large numbers of robots. While previous studies have shown that evolutionary robotics techniques can be applied to obtain robust and efficient self-organized behaviors for robot swarms, most studies have been conducted in simulation, and the few that have been conducted on real robots have been confined to laboratory environments. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time a swarm robotics system with evolved control successfully operating in a real and uncontrolled environment. We evolve neural network-based controllers in simulation for canonical swarm robotics tasks, namely homing, dispersion, clustering, and monitoring. We then assess the performance of the controllers on a real swarm of up to ten aquatic surface robots. Our results show that the evolved controllers transfer successfully to real robots and achieve a performance similar to the performance obtained in simulation. We validate that the evolved controllers display key properties of swarm intelligence-based control, namely scalability, flexibility, and robustness on the real swarm. We conclude with a proof-of-concept experiment in which the swarm performs a complete environmental monitoring task by combining multiple evolved controllers.  相似文献   

Living systems are spectacular examples of spatiotemporally organized structures. During the development of complex organization there is dynamic equilibrium between the local and global processes acting at the intra-and intercellular levels in multiple space and time scales. Although in modelling studies such spatiotemporal systems can be described by different space-time scales and at many organizational levels, the experimental quantities measured and predictions useful for practical applications are at a macroscopic (coarser or averaged) level/scale; these are limited by the resolution of the measuring method and experimental protocol. In this work, we address whether the spatiotemporal collective dynamics exhibited by a multiscale system can discriminate between, or be borne out by, the coarse-grained and averaged measurements done at different spatial and temporal scales. Using a simple model of a ring of cells, we show that measurements of both spatial and spatiotemporal average behaviour in this multicellular ensemble can mask the variety of collective dynamics observed at other space-time scales, and exhibit completely different behaviours. Such outcomes of measurements can lead to incomplete and incorrect understanding of physiological functions and pathogenesis in multicell ensembles.  相似文献   

To build a theory of social complexity, we need to understand how aggregate social properties arise from individual interaction rules. Here, I review a body of work on the developmental dynamics of pigtailed macaque social organization and conflict management that provides insight into the mechanistic causes of multi-scale social systems. In this model system coarse-grained, statistical representations of collective dynamics are more predictive of the future state of the system than the constantly in-flux behavioural patterns at the individual level. The data suggest that individuals can perceive and use these representations for strategical decision-making. As an interaction history accumulates the coarse-grained representations consolidate. This constrains individual behaviour and provides the foundations for new levels of organization. The time-scales on which these representations change impact whether the consolidating higher-levels can be modified by individuals and collectively. The time-scales appear to be a function of the 'coarseness' of the representations and the character of the collective dynamics over which they are averages. The data suggest that an advantage of multiple timescales is that they allow social systems to balance tradeoffs between predictability and adaptability. I briefly discuss the implications of these findings for cognition, social niche construction and the evolution of new levels of organization in biological systems.  相似文献   

Collective decision-making is a process whereby the members of a group decide on a course of action by consensus. In this paper, we propose a collective decision-making mechanism for robot swarms deployed in scenarios in which robots can choose between two actions that have the same effects but that have different execution times. The proposed mechanism allows a swarm composed of robots with no explicit knowledge about the difference in execution times between the two actions to choose the one with the shorter execution time. We use an opinion formation model that captures important elements of the scenarios in which the proposed mechanism can be used in order to predict the system??s behavior. The model predicts that when the two actions have different average execution times, the swarm chooses with high probability the action with the shorter average execution time. We validate the model??s predictions through a swarm robotics experiment in which robot teams must choose one of two paths of different length that connect two locations. Thanks to the proposed mechanism, a swarm made of robot teams that do not measure time or distance is able to choose the shorter path.  相似文献   

Collective dynamics in multicellular systems such as biological organs and tissues plays a key role in biological development, regeneration, and pathological conditions. Collective tissue dynamics—understood as population behaviour arising from the interplay of the constituting discrete cells—can be studied with on- and off-lattice agent-based models. However, classical on-lattice agent-based models, also known as cellular automata, fail to replicate key aspects of collective migration, which is a central instance of collective behaviour in multicellular systems. To overcome drawbacks of classical on-lattice models, we introduce an on-lattice, agent-based modelling class for collective cell migration, which we call biological lattice-gas cellular automaton (BIO-LGCA). The BIO-LGCA is characterised by synchronous time updates, and the explicit consideration of individual cell velocities. While rules in classical cellular automata are typically chosen ad hoc, rules for cell-cell and cell-environment interactions in the BIO-LGCA can also be derived from experimental cell migration data or biophysical laws for individual cell migration. We introduce elementary BIO-LGCA models of fundamental cell interactions, which may be combined in a modular fashion to model complex multicellular phenomena. We exemplify the mathematical mean-field analysis of specific BIO-LGCA models, which allows to explain collective behaviour. The first example predicts the formation of clusters in adhesively interacting cells. The second example is based on a novel BIO-LGCA combining adhesive interactions and alignment. For this model, our analysis clarifies the nature of the recently discovered invasion plasticity of breast cancer cells in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Inference of interaction rules of animals moving in groups usually relies on an analysis of large scale system behaviour. Models are tuned through repeated simulation until they match the observed behaviour. More recent work has used the fine scale motions of animals to validate and fit the rules of interaction of animals in groups. Here, we use a Bayesian methodology to compare a variety of models to the collective motion of glass prawns (Paratya australiensis). We show that these exhibit a stereotypical 'phase transition', whereby an increase in density leads to the onset of collective motion in one direction. We fit models to this data, which range from: a mean-field model where all prawns interact globally; to a spatial Markovian model where prawns are self-propelled particles influenced only by the current positions and directions of their neighbours; up to non-Markovian models where prawns have 'memory' of previous interactions, integrating their experiences over time when deciding to change behaviour. We show that the mean-field model fits the large scale behaviour of the system, but does not capture fine scale rules of interaction, which are primarily mediated by physical contact. Conversely, the Markovian self-propelled particle model captures the fine scale rules of interaction but fails to reproduce global dynamics. The most sophisticated model, the non-Markovian model, provides a good match to the data at both the fine scale and in terms of reproducing global dynamics. We conclude that prawns' movements are influenced by not just the current direction of nearby conspecifics, but also those encountered in the recent past. Given the simplicity of prawns as a study system our research suggests that self-propelled particle models of collective motion should, if they are to be realistic at multiple biological scales, include memory of previous interactions and other non-Markovian effects.  相似文献   

Inference of interaction rules of animals moving in groups usually relies on an analysis of large scale system behaviour. Models are tuned through repeated simulation until they match the observed behaviour. More recent work has used the fine scale motions of animals to validate and fit the rules of interaction of animals in groups. Here, we use a Bayesian methodology to compare a variety of models to the collective motion of glass prawns (Paratya australiensis). We show that these exhibit a stereotypical ‘phase transition’, whereby an increase in density leads to the onset of collective motion in one direction. We fit models to this data, which range from: a mean-field model where all prawns interact globally; to a spatial Markovian model where prawns are self-propelled particles influenced only by the current positions and directions of their neighbours; up to non-Markovian models where prawns have ‘memory’ of previous interactions, integrating their experiences over time when deciding to change behaviour. We show that the mean-field model fits the large scale behaviour of the system, but does not capture the observed locality of interactions. Traditional self-propelled particle models fail to capture the fine scale dynamics of the system. The most sophisticated model, the non-Markovian model, provides a good match to the data at both the fine scale and in terms of reproducing global dynamics, while maintaining a biologically plausible perceptual range. We conclude that prawns’ movements are influenced by not just the current direction of nearby conspecifics, but also those encountered in the recent past. Given the simplicity of prawns as a study system our research suggests that self-propelled particle models of collective motion should, if they are to be realistic at multiple biological scales, include memory of previous interactions and other non-Markovian effects.  相似文献   

We develop and analyze a model for the swarming behaviour observed in army ants. The model assumes that the ants coordinate their movements by using chemical pheromones as trail markers. The markers continuously evaporate, and are reinforced by new markers laid down by the ants as they move. The motion of the swarm is modelled by a system of partial differential equations (PDEs). The equations are derived from the motions of the individuals, but represent the collective motion of the group, and the formation and decay of the trail network. The PDEs have travelling wave solutions which correspond to the propagation of the leading edge of the swarm. We describe these solutions qualitatively, and use them to determine how both the shape and the speed of the swarm depend on the parameters describing the motion of the individual ants.  相似文献   

Many research questions in fields such as personalized medicine, drug screens or systems biology depend on obtaining consistent and quantitatively accurate proteomics data from many samples. SWATH‐MS is a specific variant of data‐independent acquisition (DIA) methods and is emerging as a technology that combines deep proteome coverage capabilities with quantitative consistency and accuracy. In a SWATH‐MS measurement, all ionized peptides of a given sample that fall within a specified mass range are fragmented in a systematic and unbiased fashion using rather large precursor isolation windows. To analyse SWATH‐MS data, a strategy based on peptide‐centric scoring has been established, which typically requires prior knowledge about the chromatographic and mass spectrometric behaviour of peptides of interest in the form of spectral libraries and peptide query parameters. This tutorial provides guidelines on how to set up and plan a SWATH‐MS experiment, how to perform the mass spectrometric measurement and how to analyse SWATH‐MS data using peptide‐centric scoring. Furthermore, concepts on how to improve SWATH‐MS data acquisition, potential trade‐offs of parameter settings and alternative data analysis strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

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