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Aim  In order to look for a possible centre of survival for the Norway spruce ( Picea abies Karst.) in the south-western Alps, six natural populations of this area were investigated by means of genetic markers in order to assess the degree and the distribution of genetic diversity within the species.
Location  Western and South-western Alps.
Methods  Populations were genotyped using seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Basic population genetics parameters were estimated and the amount of genetic differentiation calculated.
Results  A large amount of variability was found (0.59 <  H e < 0.67); genetic differentiation as measured by F ST was 0.05, close to other similar studies; no isolation by distance was detected by a Mantel test. Analysis of molecular variance confirmed a high degree of variability within populations and a low degree of variability among populations. Finally, the number of populations from which those observed could have arisen was estimated by Bayesian analysis.
Main conclusions  The results presented here suggest that the present populations derive their genetic make-up from three inferred clusters. The possible existence in this area of a relict/refuge population during the last glaciation is discussed.  相似文献   

Diversity and differentiation among three populations representing the geographical domains commonly recognized within the natural distribution area of Picea abies were analysed by using a set of 292 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism), SSR (single sequence repeat) and ESTP (expressed sequence tags polymorphism) markers. As usually observed in forest trees, results showed high within-population diversity (H(S) reaching 0.79) and low among-population differentiation (G(ST) approximately 2%). The genomic organization of differentiation was then investigated on the basis of a subsample of 150 AFLP, SSR and ESTP mapped markers. The number of the loci differentiating the Baltico-Nordic from the central European populations (25 loci) and, within the central European populations, the Alpine from the Hercyno-Carpathian populations (12 loci), were different. These 37 differentiated loci, with individual G(ST) values ranging from 0.008 to 0.20, were evenly distributed on all linkage groups and mostly followed the neutral expectations, suggesting genome-wide effects on differentiation. Nine of them however behave as 'outlier' loci indicating possible locus-specific selective effects. Contribution of ongoing evolutionary forces and historical effects to the geographical differentiation of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic markers may reveal informative patterns of population processes such as historical migration, which may substantiate inference on postglacial re-colonization inferred, e.g., from fossil records. Palynological records of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) suggest that the species has re-colonized the central Alps from a southeastern Alpine refugium after the last glacial maximum. Such a migration pathway likely resulted in a gradual decrease in genetic diversity with increasing distance to the glacial refugium, owing to founder events at the leading range edge. The present distribution of P. cembra in Switzerland consists of two rather distinct ranges, namely the inner-alpine parts of the Grisons and Valais, respectively, and additional disjunct occurrences in the northern and southern periphery of the Alps as well as between the two main ranges. We screened chloroplast microsatellite loci on 39 Swiss P. cembra populations and show that the genetic structure detected was congruent with a common ancestry from a single glacial refugium, likely located at the (south-)eastern periphery of the Alps. In contrast, our data rejected the alternative hypothesis of a distinct genetic separation of the two main ranges of Swiss stone pine in Switzerland. We further show that low genetic diversity within and high differentiation among peripheral populations in the northern Alps as well as the genetic differentiation between core and peripheral populations reflect genetic drift as a consequence of colonization history and limited gene flow by pollen and seed.
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Zusammenfassung  Molekulargenetische Marker enthalten wertvolle Information über Populationsprozesse wie historische Wanderungen, wodurch Annahmen zur postglazialen Wiederbesiedelung, beispielsweise abgeleitet von Fossilfunden, unterstützt werden k?nnen. Palynologische Funde von Arve (Pinus cembra) lassen vermuten, dass diese Art nach dem letzten glazialen Maximum von einem Refugium in den süd?stlichen Alpen wieder in die zentralen Alpen eingewandert ist. Ein solcher Rückwanderungsweg dürfte aufgrund von Gründereffekten an der Wanderungsfront eine graduelle Verringerung der genetischen Variation mit zunehmender Distanz zum Glazialrefugium bewirkt haben. Die heutige Verbreitung von P. cembra in der Schweiz weist zwei deutlich getrennte Gebiete auf, n?mlich inneralpine Bereiche der Kantone Graubünden und Wallis, mit jeweils isolierten Vorkommen in den n?rdlichen und südlichen Randalpen. Wir untersuchten Chloroplasten-Mikrosatelliten in 39 Schweizer Populationen von P. cembra und zeigen, dass die gefundene genetische Struktur übereinstimmt mit der Annahme einer gemeinsamen Abstammung aus einem einzigen Glazialrefugium, welches vermutlich am (süd-)?stlichen Rand der Alpen lag. Im Gegensatz dazu widerlegen unsere Daten die alternative Hypothese einer deutlichen genetischen Trennung der zwei Hauptvorkommen der Arve in der Schweiz. Im Weiteren zeigen unsere Resultate eine geringe genetische Variation innerhalb und einen hohen Differenzierungsgrad zwischen n?rdlichen Randalpenvorkommen, sowie eine genetische Differenzierung zwischen zentralen und peripheren Populationen. Dies weist auf genetische Drift hin, welche die Besiedlungsgeschichte und einen beschr?nkten Genfluss durch Pollen und Samen widerspiegelt.

Thirty-seven populations of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] across the Austrian Alps and Bohemian Massif were sampled to elucidate the geographical pattern of genetic differentiation. Three polymorphic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci were surveyed. Two or three alleles were detected at each locus, resulting in seven multilocus mtDNA haplotypes (A–F). Western populations proved to be monomorphic, whereas eastern and central Austrian populations were slightly to highly polymorphic, respectively. As revealed by spatial analysis of molecular variance and Monmonier’s analysis, the two main haplotypes A and B are not randomly distributed. Haplotype A was restricted to central and eastern Austria, whereas haplotype B occurred in all Austrian populations but was the only haplotype identified in western populations. This pattern may be explained by different glacial refugia located in the Dinaric Alps and the Carpathian mountains.  相似文献   

Wolverine (Gulo gulo) numbers in Scandinavia were significantly reduced during the early part of the century as a result of predator removal programmes and hunting. Protective legislation in both Sweden and Norway in the 1960s and 1970s has now resulted in increased wolverine densities in Scandinavia. We report here the development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers in wolverine and their use to examine the population sub-structure and genetic variability in free-ranging Scandinavian wolverine populations as well as in a sample of individuals collected before 1970. Significant subdivision between extant populations was discovered, in particular for the small and isolated population of southern Norway, which represents a recent recolonization. Overall genetic variability was found to be lower than previously reported for other mustelids, with only two to five alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities (H(O)) ranging from 0.269 to 0.376 across the examined populations, being lowest in southern Norway. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region revealed no variation throughout the surveyed populations. As the historical sample did not show higher levels of genetic variability, our results are consistent with a reduction in the genetic variation in Scandinavian wolverines that pre-dates the demographic bottleneck observed during the last century. The observed subdivision between populations calls for management caution when issuing harvest quotas, especially for the geographically isolated south Norwegian population.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) genes and cDNA sequences have so far been isolated from a broad range of angiosperm but not from gymnosperm species. We constructed a cDNA library from seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and identified cDNAs coding for PEPC. A full-length PEPC cDNA was sequenced. It consists of 3522 nucleotides and has an open reading frame (ORF) that encodes a polypeptide (963 amino acids) with a molecular mass of 109 551. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed a higher similarity to the C3-form PEPC of angiosperm species (86–88%) than to the CAM and C4 forms (76–84%). The putative motif (Lys/Arg-X-X-Ser) for serine kinase, which is conserved in all angiosperm PEPCs analysed so far, is also present in this gymnosperm sequence. Southern blot analysis of spruce genomic DNA under low-stringency conditions using the PEPC cDNA as a hybridization probe showed a complex hybridization pattern, indicating the presence of additional PEPC-related sequences in the genome of the spruce. In contrast, the probe hybridized to only a few bands under high-stringency conditions. Whereas this PEPC gene is highly expressed in roots of seedlings, a low-level expression can be detected in cotyledons and adult needles. A molecular phyiogeny of plant PEPC including the spruce PEPC sequence revealed that the spruce PEPC sequence is clustered with monocot and dicot C3-form PEPCs including the only dicot C4 form characterized so far.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) as a palaeoclimate archive in the southeastern European Alps, tree ring chronologies were developed from trees growing at two sites in Slovenia which differed in their ecological and climatological characteristics. Ring width, maximum latewood density, annual height increment and latewood cellulose carbon isotope composition were determined at both sites and the resulting time-series compared with and verified against instrumental climate data for their common period (AD 1960–AD 2002). Results indicate that ring width sensitivity to summer temperature is very site-dependent, with opposing responses at alpine and lowland sites. Maximum density responds to September temperatures, indicating lignification after cell division has ceased. Stable carbon isotopes have most potential, responding strongly to summer temperature in both alpine and lowland stands. Height increment appears relatively insensitive to climate, and is likely to be dominated by local stand dynamics.  相似文献   

  • Alpine rivers are, despite anthropogenic water flow regulation, still often highly dynamic ecosystems. Plant species occurring along these rivers are subject to ecological disturbance, mainly caused by seasonal flooding. Gypsophila repens typically grows at higher altitudes in the Alps, but also occurs at lower altitudes on gravel banks directly along the river and in heath forests at larger distances from the river. Populations on gravel banks are considered non‐permanent and it is assumed that new individuals originate from seed periodically washed down from higher altitudes. Populations in heath forests are, in contrast, permanent and not regularly provided with seeds from higher altitudes through flooding. If the genetic structure of this plant species is strongly affected by gene flow via seed dispersal, then higher levels of genetic diversity in populations but less differentiation among populations on gravel banks than in heath forests can be expected.
  • In this study, we analysed genetic diversity within and differentiation among 15 populations of G. repens from gravel banks and heath forests along the alpine River Isar using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP).
  • Genetic diversity was, as assumed, slightly higher in gravel bank than in heath forest populations, but genetic differentiation was, in contrast to our expectations, comparable among populations in both habitat types.
  • Our study provides evidence for increased genetic diversity under conditions of higher ecological disturbance and increased seed dispersal on gravel banks. Similar levels of genetic differentiation among populations in both habitat types can be attributed to the species' long lifetime, a permanent soil seed bank and gene flow by pollinators among different habitats/locations.

Summary The mycorrhizal activity of spruce in a mixed-wood forest was monitored over 1 year by measuring biochemical characters in fine roots of six canopy trees and of a regrowth stand. The concentration of adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP), a measure of living biomass, showed two peaks per year, one at bud break and one after main shoot growth. The concentration of storage polysaccharides in mycorrhizae showed the same cycles even more pronouncedly. It is proposed that these changes reflect growth and senescence of mycorrhizae and that the timing of the cycles is controlled by translocation of assimilates from the shoot. Differences between mycorrhizae collected from canopy trees and the regrowth stand were small and not significant. Characters known to be related to fungal activity of the mycorrhizal symbiosis (concentration of trehalose, glucose uptake, respiration) also varied little among the six canopy trees. Large differences among fine-root samples from different canopy trees, however, were detected in the concentrations of ATP and storage polysaccharides, measures which seemed to be physiologically integrated within trees. If low concentrations in roots precede losses of foliage from trees, these two symptoms could be used as early indicators of growth decline in individual spruce trees.  相似文献   

Due to their maternal mode of inheritance, mitochondrial markers can be regarded as almost 'ideal' tools in evolutionary studies of conifer populations. In the present study, polymorphism was analysed at one mitochondrial intron (nad 1, exon B/C) in 23 native European Pinus sylvestris populations. In a preliminary screening for variation using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism approach, two length variants were identified. By fully sequencing the 2.5 kb region, the observed length polymorphism was found to result from the insertion of a 31 bp sequence, with no other mutations observed within the intron. A set of primers was designed flanking the observed mutation, which identified a novel sequence-tagged-site mitochondrial marker for P. sylvestris. Analysis of 747 trees from the 23 populations using these primers revealed the occurrence of two distinct haplotypes in Europe. Within the Iberian Peninsula, the two haplotypes exhibited extensive population differentiation (PhiST = 0.59; P < or = 0.001) and a marked geographical structuring. In the populations of central and northern Europe, one haplotype largely predominated, with the second being found in only one individual of one population.  相似文献   

Aim We used microsatellite markers to determine the range‐wide genetic structure of Picea jezoensis and to test the hypothesis that the past population history of this widespread cold‐temperate spruce has resulted in a low level of genetic variation and in imprints of inbreeding and bottlenecks in isolated marginal populations. Location The natural range of the three infraspecific taxa of P. jezoensis throughout north‐east Asia, including isolated marginal populations. Methods We analysed a total of 990 individuals across 33 natural populations using four nuclear microsatellite loci. Population genetic structure was assessed by analysing genetic diversity indices for each population, examining clustering (model‐based and distance‐based) among populations, evaluating signals of recent bottlenecks, and testing for isolation by distance (IBD). Results The 33 populations were clustered into five groups. The isolated marginal groups of populations (in Kamchatka, Kii in Japan and South Korea) exhibited low levels of allelic richness and gene diversity and a complete or almost complete loss of rare alleles. A recent bottleneck was detected in the populations in Hokkaido across to mid‐Sakhalin. The IBD analysis revealed that genetic divergence between populations was higher for populations separated by straits. Main conclusions Picea jezoensis showed a higher level of genetic differentiation among populations (FST = 0.101) than that observed in the genus Picea in general. This might be attributable to the fact that historically the straits around Japan acted as barriers to the movement of seeds and pollen. The low levels of genetic diversity in the isolated marginal population groups may reflect genetic drift that has occurred after isolation. Evidence of a significant bottleneck between the Hokkaido and mid‐Sakhalin populations implies that the cold, dry climate in the late Pleistocene resulted in the decline and contraction of populations, and that there was a subsequent expansion followed by a founder effect when conditions improved. The high polymorphism observed in P. jezoensis nuclear microsatellites revealed cryptic genetic structure that organellar DNA markers failed to identify in a previous study.  相似文献   

The structure of genetic variation in disjunct Scandinavian populations of Hippocrepis emerus was studied using allozymes and DNA fingerprinting. Variation in the three native regional populations in Scandinavia was compared with that in a recently introduced population in Sweden. In contrast to the recently introduced population, the native Scandinavian isolates of H. emerus showed high levels of allozyme fixation and low levels of DNA diversity. Variation in allozymes and at DNA fingerprint loci showed closely congruent patterns of geographic variation, with pronounced differentiation between the native Norwegian and Swedish isolates of the species. The structure of genetic variation in native Scandinavian H. emerus is interpreted in terms of historical population bottlenecks and founder events during the species' postglacial immigration into Scandinavia.  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules in germinated pollen of the conifer Picea abies (Norway spruce, Pinaceae) was examined using primarily confocal microscopy. Pollination in conifers differs from angiosperms in the number of mitotic divisions between the microspore and the sperm and in the growth rate of the pollen tube. These differences may be orchestrated by the cytoskeleton, and this study finds that there are important functional differences in microtubule organization within conifer pollen compared to the angiosperm model systems. Pollen from P. abies contains two degenerated prothallial cells, a body cell, a stalk cell, and a vegetative cell. The body cell produces the sperm. In the vegetative cell, microtubules form a continuous network from within the pollen grain, out through the aperture, and down the length of the tube to the elongating tip. Within the grain, this network extends from the pollen grain wall to the body and stalk cell complex. Microtubules within the body and stalk cells form a densely packed array that enmeshes amyloplasts and the nucleus. Microtubule bundles can be traced between the body and stalk cells from the cytoplasm of the body cell to the adjoining cell wall and into the cytoplasm of the stalk cell. Body and stalk cells are connected by plasmodesmata. The organization of microtubules and the presence of plasmodesmata suggest that microtubules form a path for intercellular communication by projecting from the cytoplasm to interconnecting plasmodesmata. Microtubules in the elongating tube form a net axial array that ensheathes the vegetative nucleus. Microtubules are enriched at the elongating tip, where they form an array beneath the plasma membrane that is perpendicular to the direction of tube growth. This enriched region extends back 20 μm from the tip. There is an abrupt transition from a net perpendicular to a net axial organization at the edge of the enriched region. In medial sections, microtubules are present in the core of the elongating tip. The organization of microtubules in the tip differs from that seen in angiosperm pollen tubes.  相似文献   

毛增辉  郝家胜  王晨  于芳  司曼曼  夏靖  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2010,53(10):1144-1152
为了探讨我国不同地区菜粉蝶种群之间的遗传分化情况, 本研究运用克隆测序法, 对我国16个地区79只菜粉蝶Pieris rapae rDNA的ITS-1基因序列进行测定并分析; 同时, 以东方菜粉蝶Pieris canidia为外群, 重建了它们的系统发生树, 初步探讨了它们的生物地理学分化格局。序列分析结果显示: 所测菜粉蝶的ITS-1序列长度介于337~458 bp之间。经序列比对后, 在347个位点中共有281个保守位点, 63个变异位点, 16个简约信息位点和47个单突变位点; AMOVA软件分析其核苷酸多态性指数(nucleotide diversity) Pi为0.014, 每位点Theta (per site) Eta为0.041, 遗传分化指数(FST)为0.351 (P<0.05); DnaSP软件共检测出48个单倍型(haplotype)序列, 单倍型多样性(haplotype diversity)的频率为0.989。系统发生分析结果表明: 现存的菜粉蝶各地理种群与其地理分布没有直接的对应关系根据系统发生树结果推测, 该蝶种在我国的最早建群可能发生于辽宁、内蒙古及北京一带, 其后, 通过幼虫寄主植物的水陆运输以及成虫的迁飞向我国的不同地区扩散。  相似文献   

Seedlings of trees with a free growth pattern cease growth when night-lengths become shorter than a critical value, and this critical night-length (CNL) decreases with increasing latitude of origin. In northern populations, the light quality also appears to play an important role and a clinal variation in requirement for far-red (FR) light has been documented. In this study we dissected the light quality requirements for maintaining growth in different latitudinal populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) using light emitting diodes for red (R), FR and blue (B) light, as 12 h day extension to provide 24 h photoperiod. At equal spectral photon flux, FR light was more effective than R light in maintaining growth, and the requirement of both R and FR increased with northern latitude of origin. One-to-one mixtures of R and FR light were more effective in maintaining growth than either FR or R light alone, indicating a possible interaction between R and FR light maintaining growth. Using the blue light as day extension could not prevent growth cessation in any of the populations, but delayed the bud set slightly in all populations. Our results suggest that phytochrome(s) are the primary photoreceptors in high irradiance responses maintaining growth in Norway spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

On a heavily karstified site in the Northern Limestone Alps (Austria), nutrient budgets and leaching in Norway spruce stands were investigated along a chronosequence (clearcut, 10-year-old plantation (25% cover of planted and naturally regenerated spruce and larch, 75% weed cover) and mature stand). The soils were Lithic Leptosols on very pure limestone. Nutrient fluxes were studied during three growth periods (4–5 months each). Despite of inorganic nitrogen inputs from precipitation between 5 and 10 kg ha–1, inorganic nitrogen output with seepage water from the mature stand and the regeneration plot was only 0.5–1.2 kg ha–1 during these periods. In the first and second growth periods after clearcut, inorganic N fluxes with seepage increased to 20 and 30 kg ha–1, respectively, declining in the third growth period to 8 kg ha–1. DON output during the growth period was between 3 and 6 kg ha–1 in the mature stand and 7 and 11 kg ha–1 in the clearcut as well as in the regeneration plot. K output rates achieved 30 kg ha–1 in the first, 20 kg ha–1 in the second and 9 kg ha–1 in the third growth period after clear-cutting while output rates during the growth periods were less than 2 kg ha–1 in the mature stand and in the regeneration plot. K pools in the humus layer were only 150–210 kg ha–1, total K pools including above and below ground biomass in the mature stand were 360 kg ha–1. Thus, post-harvest hydrological losses comprise a substantial depletion of K for this specific ecosystem. Since precipitation is high in this area (1400 mm a–1), forest growth is limited by nutrient rather than by water supply. Needle analyses already indicate a deficient potassium supply. Harvesting and post-harvesting losses of K in combination with elevated nitrogen deposition may have negative influences on the stability of forest stands on the studied sites.  相似文献   

The routes through which Norway spruce recolonized the Alps after the last ice age were investigated at the genetic level. Seven populations along the Alpine range plus one Apennine population were characterized for seven sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) loci, detecting an overall FST = 0.118. This rather high value for forest species reflects an uneven distribution of genetic variability, and was analysed through different statistical methods. Alternative hypotheses were tested under the isolation-by-distance model and using the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) frame. We conclude that the hypothesis of the existence of a glacial refugium in the Apennines should be rejected, while a putative relict population is identified in the Maritime Alps. The Alpine range of Norway spruce appears to be split in two parts across a north-south line. The results are discussed in comparison with data based on morphological markers, isozymes, chloroplast microsatellites and mitochondrial markers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS The effect of heating and cooling on cambial activity and cell differentiation in part of the stem of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was investigated. METHODS: A heating experiment (23-25 degrees C) was carried out in spring, before normal reactivation of the cambium, and cooling (9-11 degrees C) at the height of cambial activity in summer. The cambium, xylem and phloem were investigated by means of light- and transmission electron microscopy and UV-microspectrophotometry in tissues sampled from living trees. KEY RESULTS: Localized heating for 10 d initiated cambial divisions on the phloem side and after 20 d also on the xylem side. In a control tree, regular cambial activity started after 30 d. In the heat-treated sample, up to 15 earlywood cells undergoing differentiation were found to be present. The response of the cambium to stem cooling was less pronounced, and no anatomical differences were detected between the control and cool-treated samples after 10 or 20 d. After 30 d, latewood started to form in the sample exposed to cooling. In addition, almost no radially expanding tracheids were observed and the cambium consisted of only five layers of cells. Low temperatures reduced cambial activity, as indicated by the decreased proportion of latewood. On the phloem side, no alterations were observed among cool-treated and non-treated samples. CONCLUSIONS: Heating and cooling can influence cambial activity and cell differentiation in Norway spruce. However, at the ultrastructural and topochemical levels, no changes were observed in the pattern of secondary cell-wall formation and lignification or in lignin structure, respectively.  相似文献   

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