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Schooling properties of an obligate and a facultative fish species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in attraction and repulsion indicators, depending on the species and the group size, were explored under controlled conditions. Two species, displaying different schooling behaviours in the wild were observed: the bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus and the barred flagtail Kuhlia mugil . In the bigeye scad, the polarity and speed were high and stable, and the nearest neighbour distance ( D NN) decreased when the group size increased. In contrast, for the barred flagtail, polarity and speed decreased according to the group size, inducing a loss of cohesion and leading to a disorganized school. The D NN mean was stable whatever the group size and relatively high. This experiment indicated that the ability to polarize is first a species-specific trait, rather than a property emerging from the group and led by the circumstances.  相似文献   

Although schooling behaviour is an important antipredator response of guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) in Trinidad it is not known whether fish elect to school with particular individuals. Familiarity is a simple mechanism that could lead to non-random associations within schools. In this paper we test the idea that prior experience of particular individuals influences the choice of partners during schooling. We show (in a laboratory study) that female guppies prefer to associate with familiar individuals. However, we are unable to detect any schooling preference for unfamiliar females from the same population.  相似文献   

1. Omnivorous woodland ant species trade off between the ability to find and behaviourally control food resources. Dominant species can limit the ability of subordinates to harvest certain food items. However, subordinate species, by being faster discoverers, could gain access to such food items by arriving at them first. 2. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that resource‐directed discovery occurs in ant communities and that good discoverers preferentially discover high value resources. We did this by measuring time to discovery and the number of discoveries of high and low levels of two resource types, crickets and honey, for species occurring in Texas and Arizona woodland ant communities. 3. Ants discovered resources roughly 10 times faster in Texas than in Arizona. They discovered crickets more rapidly than honey in both communities, but there was no difference in the discovery of different resource levels. We also found that species were not biased in their discovery of different resource types or levels. 4. These results provide indirect evidence that discovery is directed by resource stimuli but that such directedness does not impact interspecific exploitative competition.  相似文献   

As a result of environmental variability, animals may be confronted with uncertainty surrounding the presence of, or accessibility to, food resources at a given location or time. While individuals can rely on personal experience to manage this variability, the behavior of members of an individual's social group can also provide information regarding the availability or location of a food resource. The purpose of the present study was to measure how captive chimpanzees individually and collectively adjust their foraging strategies at an artificial termite mound, as the availability of resources provided by the mound varied over a number of weeks. As predicted, fishing activity at the mound was related to resource availability. However, chimpanzees continued to fish at unbaited locations on the days and weeks after a location had last contained food. Consistent with previous studies, our findings show that chimpanzees do not completely abandon previously learned habits despite learning individually and/or socially that the habit is no longer effective.  相似文献   

The factors that affect resource selection by a foraging herbivore can vary according to the resources or conditions associated with particular levels of organization in the environment, and to the scales over which the herbivore perceives and responds to those resources and conditions. To investigate the role of forage in this hierarchical process, we studied resource selection by a mixed‐feeding large herbivore, the impala (Aepyceros melampus). We focussed on three spatial scales: plant species, feeding station and feeding patch. In paired sites where impala were and were not observed, we identified the plant species from which animals fed, the attributes of the plants, and the characteristics of the broader site. Across all three scales, plant species available as forage was central in determining resource selection by impala. At the species level, that effect was modified by the nutritional quality (greenness) and whether it was during a period of forage abundance or scarcity (season). At the feeding‐station level, overall greenness and biomass of the station were important, but their effects were modified by the season. At the feeding‐patch level, broader‐scale factors such as the type of vegetation cover had an important influence on resource selection. The grass Panicum maximum was a preferred forage species and a key resource determining the locations of feeding impala. Our findings support the idea that selection by a foraging herbivore at fine scales (i.e. diet selection) can have consequences for broader‐scale selection that result in observed patterns of habitat use and animal distribution.  相似文献   

Recently, plant‐based repellents have been proposed as a potential alternative to classic pesticides against pest wasps, in certain scenarios. Here, the repellent effect of Dysphania multifida essential oil and one of its main terpenoid components, α‐terpinene, were tested under field conditions with natural populations of wasps in Patagonia Argentina. D. multifida essential oil (paico), as well as α‐terpinene, repelled V. germanica wasps in the field. A strong avoidance of food baits treated with the essential oil or α‐terpinene was observed in choice and no‐choice tests. In no‐choice tests, the time it took wasps to arrive at the bait was significantly greater in treated baits than in control baits. Also, the total number of arriving wasps in 30 min was significantly greater in untreated baits in comparison with treated baits, under similar environmental conditions and wasp density. As the wasps’ flight season progressed, wasp density and motivation for proteinaceous food sources increased. This was evidenced by a greater total number of wasps in untreated baits with time. On the contrary, the number of wasps in treated baits remained low throughout the peak season. Both the paico essential oil and the α‐terpinene act as powerful repellents for V. germanica wasps, generating an avoidance response to treated food sources. Thus, these compounds have potential to be used as repellents to prevent wasps’ approaches and foraging, when applied in close proximity to a food source.  相似文献   

Juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa in a laboratory arena used intensive search behaviour, characterized by short movements and frequent turning, in the five movements before and after attacking a prey in an aggregated distribution. They used extensive search behaviour with, on average, longer movements and less turning at all other times. Intensive search was, apparently, triggered by a high local density of prey but not by isolated prey. This response to local prey density resulted in area-restricted search when prey were aggregated and win-shift behaviour when prey were dispersed. There was no evidence that the use of intensive search increased with experience of aggregated prey. It therefore appears that the fish were able to exploit encountered prey distribution patterns using their immediate perceptions rather than prior experience.  相似文献   

We simulate two types of environments to investigate how closely rats approximate optimal foraging. Rats initiated a trial where they chose between two spouts for sucrose, which was delivered at distinct probabilities. The discrete trial procedure used allowed us to observe the relationship between choice proportions, response latencies and obtained rewards. Our results show that rats approximate the optimal strategy across a range of environments that differ in the average probability of reward as well as the dynamics of the depletion-renewal cycle. We found that the constituent components of a single choice differentially reflect environmental contingencies. Post-choice behaviour, measured as the duration of time rats spent licking at the spouts on unrewarded trials, was the most sensitive index of environmental variables, adjusting most rapidly to changes in the environment. These findings have implications for the role of confidence in choice outcomes for guiding future choices.  相似文献   

Animal sociality plays a crucial organisational role in evolution. As a result, understanding the factors that promote the emergence, maintenance, and diversification of animal societies is of great interest to biologists. Climate is among the foremost ecological factors implicated in evolutionary transitions in social organisation, but we are only beginning to unravel the possible mechanisms and specific climatic variables that underlie these associations. Ambient temperature is a key abiotic factor shaping the spatio-temporal distribution of individuals and has a particularly strong influence on behaviour. Whether such effects play a broader role in social evolution remains to be seen. In this review, we develop a conceptual framework for understanding how thermal effects integrate into pathways that mediate the opportunities, nature, and context of social interactions. We then implement this framework to discuss the capacity for temperature to initiate organisational changes across three broad categories of social evolution: group formation, group maintenance, and group elaboration. For each category, we focus on pivotal traits likely to have underpinned key social transitions and explore the potential for temperature to affect changes in these traits by leveraging empirical examples from the literature on thermal and behavioural ecology. Finally, we discuss research directions that should be prioritised to understand the potentially constructive and/or destructive effects of future warming on the origins, maintenance, and diversification of animal societies.  相似文献   

Overall, large animals dive longer and deeper than small animals; however, after the difference in body size is taken into account, smaller divers often tend to make relatively longer dives. Neither physiological nor theoretical explanations have been provided for this paradox. This paper develops an optimal foraging diving model to demonstrate the effect of body size on diving behaviour, and discusses optimal diving behaviour in relation to body size. The general features of the results are: (1) smaller divers should rely more heavily on anaerobic respiration, (2) larger divers should not always make longer dives than smaller divers, and (3) an optimal body size exists for each diving depth. These results explain the relatively greater diving ability observed in smaller divers, and suggest that if the vertical distribution of prey in the water column is patchy, there is opportunity for a population of diving animals to occupy habitat niches related to body size.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a series of simulations designed to determine optimal diet breadth under shortfall avoidance models. Profitability and encounter rate functions were varied, and means and variances of energy intake rate were generated using a simple simulation procedure. The resulting mean-variance sets assumed three distinct shapes: u-shaped, arched, and looped. These simulations show that certain mean-variance sets allow the forager to employ simple behavioural rules to determine the optimal diet breadth. This situation occurs when low ranking diet items have small handling times, and these conditions may be quite common. In other cases, mean-variance sets may be too complicated to allow for easy behavioural rules designed to minimize starvation probability. The ability to characterize foraging problems into a limited series of mean-variance set types benefits workers examining the evolution and maintenance of foraging strategies, since these sets have clear implications for the ability of animals to develop simple behavioural rules. Unfortunately data are lacking on the profitability and encounter rate distributions animals face in nature.  相似文献   

1. Leaf‐cutting ants display regular diel cycles of foraging, but the regulatory mechanisms underlying these cycles are not well known. There are, however, some indications in the literature that accumulation of leaf tissue inside a nest dampens recruitment of foragers, thereby providing a negative feedback that can lead to periodic foraging. We investigated two foraging cycles occurring simultaneously in an Atta colombica colony, one involving leaf harvesting and the other exploiting an ephemeral crop of ripe fruit. 2. Leaf harvesting followed a typical diel pattern of a 10–12 h foraging bout followed by a period of inactivity, while fruit harvesting occurred continuously, but with a regular pre‐dawn dip in activity that marked a 24 h cycle. 3. Although the results of the present study are drawn from a single field colony, the difference found is consistent with a mechanism of negative feedback regulation acting in parallel on two resources that differ in their rates of distribution and processing, creating cycles of formation and depletion of material caches. 4. This hypothesis should provoke further interest from students of ant behaviour and some simple manipulative experiments that would begin to test it are outlined. Any role of resource caches in regulating foraging by Atta colonies may have similarities to the logistics of warehouse inventories in human economic activity.  相似文献   

Many animals possess camouflage markings that reduce the riskof detection by visually hunting predators. A key aspect ofcamouflage involves mimicking the background against which theanimal is viewed. However, most animals experience a wide varietyof backgrounds and cannot change their external appearance tomatch each selectively. We investigate whether such animalsshould adopt camouflage specialized with respect to one backgroundor adopt a compromise between the attributes of multiple backgrounds.We do this using a model consisting of predators that hunt preyin patches of 2 different types, where prey adopt the camouflagethat minimizes individual risk of predation. We show that theoptimal strategy of the prey is affected by a number of factors,including the relative frequencies of the patch types, the traveltime of predators between patches, the mean prey number in eachpatch type, and the trade-off function between the levels ofcrypsis in the patch types. We find evidence that both specialistand compromise strategies of prey camouflage are favored underdifferent model parameters, indicating that optimal concealmentmay not be as straightforward as previously thought.  相似文献   

An evolutionarily stable strategy for aggressiveness in feeding groups   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
Sirot  Etienne 《Behavioral ecology》2000,11(4):351-356
Animals searching for food in groups display highly variabledegrees of aggressiveness. In this paper I present an individual-basedgame theoretical model of how gregarious animals should adjusttheir level of aggressiveness to their environmental conditions.In accordance with behavioral observations, the predicted levelof aggressiveness increases progressively with decreasing foodavailability and increasing animal density. The proposed modelalso predicts a positive influence of food energy value andhandling time on the level of aggressiveness within the group.In addition, the model provides information about the influenceof aggressive behavior on individual foraging success, interference,and population dynamics. Adaptive behavioral rules for aggressivenessin consumers are predicted to respond to both competitors and food density in a way that contributes to stabilization of thedynamics of population systems.  相似文献   

During searching, discovery of a prey patch by juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa was associated with a change from extensive to intensive search behaviour several moves before an attack on a prey. Intensive search behaviour was characterized by reduced distance of moves, a greater rate of turning per unit distance and shorter pauses between moves. The increase in turn rate was associated with area-restricted seaching, while a decrease in distances moved suggests that plaice search more efficiently for prey when stationary than while moving. The klinokinetic mechanism that appears to regulate search behaviour in juvenile plaice should allow efficient exploitation of a range of prey distribution patterns based on localized cues alone. Such a mechanism is especially useful to a migratory predator, like plaice, whose foraging is subject to time constraints imposed by tidally available feeding areas.  相似文献   

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