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Seasonal Abundance of Lysogenic Bacteria in a Subtropical Estuary   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Seasonal changes in the abundance of inducible lysogenic bacteria in a eutrophic estuarine environment were investigated over a 13-month period. Biweekly water samples were collected from Tampa Bay, Fla., and examined for prophage induction by mitomycin C treatment. At the conclusion of the study, we determined that 52.2% of the samples displayed prophage induction, as indicated by significant increases in viral direct counts compared with uninduced controls. Samples that displayed prophage induction occurred during the warmer months (February through October), when surface water temperatures were above 19°C, and no induction was observed in November, December, or January. This study presents clear evidence that there is seasonal variation in the number of inducible lysogenic bacteria in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Microbial Biomass and Activity in Lead-Contaminated Soil   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Microbial community diversity, potential microbial activity, and metal resistance were determined in three soils whose lead contents ranged from 0.00039 to 48 mmol of Pb kg of soil−1. Biomass levels were directly related to lead content. A molecular analysis of 16S rRNAs suggested that each soil contained a complex, diverse microbial community. A statistical analysis of the phospholipid fatty acids indicated that the community in the soil having the highest lead content was not related to the communities in the other soils. All of the soils contained active microbial populations that mineralized [14C]glucose. In all samples, 10 to 15% of the total culturable bacteria were Pb resistant and had MIC of Pb for growth of 100 to 150 μM.  相似文献   

Through lysis of bacterioplankton cells, viruses mediate an important, but poorly understood, pathway of carbon and nutrients from the particulate to the dissolved form. Via this activity, nutrient-rich cell lysates may become available to noninfected cells and support significant growth. However, the nutritional value of lysates for noninfected bacteria presumably depends on the prevailing nutrient limitation. In the present study, we examined dynamics of dissolved DNA (D-DNA) and viruses along a transect in the phosphorus (P)-limited Ore Estuary, northern Baltic Sea. We found that viruses were an important mortality factor for bacterioplankton and that their activity mediated a significant recycling of carbon and especially of P. Uptake of dissolved DNA accounted for up to 70% of the bacterioplankton P demand, and about a quarter of the D-DNA pool was supplied through viral lysis of bacterial cells. Generally, the importance of viral lysates and uptake of D-DNA was highest at the estuarine and offshore stations and was positively correlated with P limitation measured as alkaline phosphatase activity. Our results highlight the importance of viral activity for the internal recycling of principal nutrients and pinpoints D-DNA as a particularly relevant compound in microbial P dynamics.  相似文献   

[3H]thymidine incorporation, the rate of reduction of iodonitrotetrazolium violet (INT) to INT formazan normalized to DNA, and the ratio of ATP to DNA were adapted to measure the activity of attached and unattached microbial assemblages of Bayboro Harbor, Fla. Activity measurements by [3H]thymidine incorporation were made of cells attached to polystyrene culture dishes, in unfiltered water samples, and in the <1-μm-filtered fraction. In most cases, the activity of attached cells was greater than that of unattached cells either in unfiltered water samples or in the <1-μm fraction. The calculated thymidine incorporation rates for cells in the >1-μm fraction were higher than those for cells either in unfiltered water or in the <1-μm-filtered fraction. By the rate of reduction of INT to INT formazan normalized to DNA and by ATP-to-DNA ratios, attached cells were also more active than cells in unfiltered water samples. These results indicate that the microenvironment afforded by attachment is a more beneficial habitat for microbial growth. Reasons for greater activity by natural populations of attached bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) is a key factor in understanding bacterial influence on carbon flow in aquatic ecosystems. We report intra-annual variability in BGE, and bacteria-mediated carbon flow in the tropical Mandovi and Zuari estuaries (southwest India) and the adjoining coastal waters (Arabian Sea). BGE ranged from 3% to 61% and showed clear temporal variability with significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.01) higher values in the estuaries (mean, 28 ± 14%) than coastal waters (mean, 12 ± 6%). The greater variability of BGE in the estuaries than coastal waters suggest some systematic response to nutrient composition and the variability of dissolved organic matter pools, as BGE was governed by bacterial secondary production (BP). Monsoonal rains and its accompanied changes brought significant variability in BGE and bacterial productivity/primary productivity (BP/PP) ratio when compared to nonmonsoon seasons in the estuaries and coastal waters. High BP/PP ratio (>1) together with high carbon flux through bacteria (>100% of primary productivity) in the estuarine and coastal waters suggests that bacterioplankton consumed dissolved organic carbon in excess of the amount produced in situ by phytoplankton of this region, which led to the mismatch between primary production of carbon and amount of carbon consumed by bacteria. Despite the two systems being subsidized by allochthonous inputs, the low BGE in the coastal waters may be attributable to the nature and time interval in the supply of allochthonous carbon.  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of microbially mediated Cr(VI) reduction in a hyperalkaline, chromium-contaminated soil-water system representative of the conditions at a chromite ore processing residue (COPR) site. Soil from the former surface layer that has been buried beneath a COPR tip for over 100 years was shown to have an active microbial population despite a pH value of 10.5. This microbial population was able to reduce nitrate using an electron donor(s) that was probably derived from the soil organic matter. With the addition of acetate, nitrate reduction was followed in turn by removal of aqueous Cr(VI) from solution, and then iron reduction. Removal of 300 μM aqueous Cr(VI) from solution was microbially mediated, probably by reductive precipitation, and occured over a few months. Thus, in soil that has had time to acclimatize to the prevailing pH value and Cr(VI) concentration, microbially mediated Cr(VI) reduction can be stimulated at a pH of 10.5 on a time scale compatible with engineering intervention at COPR-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the bacterial biomass and production and of potential heterotrophic activity (PHA) weree measured every 4 h between 23 July (10:00 h) and 25 July (10:00 h) 1997 in a recently flooded oligo-mesotrophic reservoir (the Sep Reservoir, Puy-de-Dôme, France), in relation to temperature, the phytoplankton biomass and production, and the abundance of heterotrophic flagellates. The temperature varied slightly with time during the study, but the well-established thermal stratification agreed well with vertical distribution of the biological variables that were measured. Only the bacterial production and the PHA showed significant diel changes (t-test,p<0.05), with maxima at 18:00 h and minima at 02:00 h. A significant positive relation was found between bacterial abundance and that of heterotrophic flagellates, which, rather than being an association related to the thermal stratification of the water column, was considered to reflect a trophic relation between these two communities. A carbon balance analysis suggested that at least 30% of the C from primary production measured during the sampling period was used by bacteria, and that 42% of this secondary production, or 6% of the primary production, would be used for the development of the heterotrophic flagellates present. We conclude that the bacterioplankton forms, at least occasionally, an important source of carbon for higher trophic levels, and reject the hypothesis that bacterial production in the Sep Reservoir depends exclusively on organic matter of allochthonous origin.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine (1) the seasonal timing and diel activity patterns of lacustrine brook charr when migrating to a lake outlet for spawning, and (2) the homing of reproducing individuals. In 1995, 745 individuals were captured while migrating to the spawning ground compared to 1148 in 1996. In both years, the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 but females were significantly longer than males. The spawning migrations lasted about 48d and were more nocturnal (between 20:00 and 8:00h) than diurnal. The migration to the spawning ground began when water temperature decreased to 13°C and peaked when water temperature decreased from 11°C to 7°C. Peaks in migration activity were always preceded by a sudden decrease followed by an increase in temperature. The spawning migration lasted until the third week of October, when water temperature varied between 3°C and 8°C. Males, especially larger ones, arrived on the spawning ground before females in both years. The length of males migrating to the spawning ground decreased during the spawning season while the females' length showed no pattern. Only 9.7% of the 745 fin-clipped individuals from 1995 returned to the lake outlet to spawn in 1996. The results of this study indicate that lacustrine brook charr show similarities to other anadromous and lake-spawning salmonid populations when migrating to spawning grounds.  相似文献   

In situ poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) levels and repeating-unit compositions were examined in stratified photosynthetic microbial mats from Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh, Mass., and Ebro Delta, Spain. Unlike what has been observed in pure cultures of phototrophic bacteria, the prevalence of hydroxyvalerate (HV) repeating units relative to hydroxybutyrate (HB) repeating units was striking. In the cyanobacteria-dominated green material of Sippewissett mats, the mole percent ratio of repeating units was generally 1HB:1HV. In the purple sulfur bacteria-dominated pink material the relationship was typically 1HB:2HV. In Sippewissett mats, PHA contributed about 0.5 to 1% of the organic carbon in the green layer and up to 6% in the pink layer. In Ebro Delta mats, PHA of approximately 1HB:2HV-repeating-unit distribution contributed about 2% of the organic carbon of the composite photosynthetic layers (the green and pink layers were not separated). Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh mats were utilized for more extensive investigation of seasonal, diel, and exogenous carbon effects. When the total PHA content was normalized to organic carbon, there was little seasonal variation in PHA levels. However, routine daily variation was evident at all sites and seasons. In every case, PHA levels increased during the night and decreased during the day. This phenomenon was conspicuous in the pink layer, where PHA levels doubled overnight. The daytime declines could be inhibited by artificial shading. Addition of exogenous acetate, lactate, and propionate induced two- to fivefold increases in the total PHA levels when applied in the daylight but had no effect when applied at night. The distinct diel pattern of in situ PHA accumulation at night appears to be related, in some phototrophs, to routine dark energy metabolism and is not influenced by the availability of organic nutrients.  相似文献   

An evaluation of microbial DNA pools was performed using direct quantitative isolation of DNA from contemporary soils of Southern Urals and paleosols sealed under burial mounds early in the Bronze Age more than 5000 years B.P. Significant regression dependence was found between the biomass and DNA contents in these soils (R 2= 0.97). Activity and dominant ecological strategies of microbial communities of paleosols and contemporary southern black soil were compared from growth parameters obtained by analysis of respiratory curves. The ratio of maximum specific growth rates of soil microorganisms on glucose and on yeast extract was shown to provide an auxotrophy index for soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

Various physical and chemical parameters were monitored to evaluate their influence on the microbial communities present in composting municipal sewage sludge. Temperature, moisture content, depth, pH, protein content, total nitrogen, total carbon, lipid phosphate biomass, and the rates of microbial incorporation of substrates into lipids were measured at several times throughout the 17- to 19-day composting runs. Temperature was found to have the most consistent and dramatic effect on microbial activity and biomass. When temperatures exceeded 55 to 60°C, microbial activity fell dramatically, usually by more than 1 order of magnitude. Microbial activity was generally greatest in samples taken from the 35 to 50°C areas of the composting piles. Changes in the composition of the compost over time included increased pH, increased protein content, and decreased total organic content. The changes in these parameters appeared to reflect the microbial activity and biomass present. The results of this study indicate that the rate of composting may best be optimized by controlling the composting temperatures, provided that the other parameters fall within reasonable limits in the starting material.  相似文献   

Soil microbes play an essential role in the forest ecosystem as an active component. This study examined the hypothesis that soil microbial community structure and metabolic activity would vary with the increasing stand ages in long-term pure plantations of Pinus elliottii. The phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) combined with community level physiological profiles (CLPP) method was used to assess these characteristics in the rhizospheric soils of P. elliottii. We found that the soil microbial communities were significantly different among different stand ages of P. elliottii plantations. The PLFA analysis indicated that the bacterial biomass was higher than the actinomycic and fungal biomass in all stand ages. However, the bacterial biomass decreased with the increasing stand ages, while the fungal biomass increased. The four maximum biomarker concentrations in rhizospheric soils of P. elliottii for all stand ages were 18:1ω9c, 16:1ω7c, 18:3ω6c (6,9,12) and cy19:0, representing measures of fungal and gram negative bacterial biomass. In addition, CLPP analysis revealed that the utilization rate of amino acids, polymers, phenolic acids, and carbohydrates of soil microbial community gradually decreased with increasing stand ages, though this pattern was not observed for carboxylic acids and amines. Microbial community diversity, as determined by the Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, Richness index and McIntosh index, significantly decreased as stand age increased. Overall, both the PLFA and CLPP illustrated that the long-term pure plantation pattern exacerbated the microecological imbalance previously described in the rhizospheric soils of P. elliottii, and markedly decreased the soil microbial community diversity and metabolic activity. Based on the correlation analysis, we concluded that the soil nutrient and C/N ratio most significantly contributed to the variation of soil microbial community structure and metabolic activity in different stand ages of P. elliottii plantations.  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and isotopic values (14C and 13C) of dissolved inorganic, dissolved organic, and particulate organic carbon (DIC, DOC, and POC, respectively) in the Parker River watershed and estuary in Massachusetts, USA, to determine the age of carbon (C) entering the estuary and how estuarine processing affects the quantity and apparent age of C transported to the Gulf of Maine. The watershed measurements indicated the transport of 14C-enriched modern DIC and DOC and variably aged POC from the watershed to the estuary. The transport of organic matter from the watershed was dominated by DOC transport, with POC making up less than 10% of the total. Surveys within the watershed aimed at determining which land-use type dominated the DOC export indicated that wetlands, although they made up only around 20% of the land use, could be responsible for approximately 75% of the DOC export. We therefore conclude that the wetland land uses of the Parker River watershed are exporting mainly 14C-enriched modern DOC. DIC isotopes indicate that the source of DIC in the Parker River watershed is dominated by the weathering of noncarbonate parent material by 14C-enriched carbon dioxide (CO2) originating from the respiration of young organic matter in soils. Transects in the estuary displayed net additions of all C species. For DOC and DIC, the export of this internally added DOC and DIC was approximately equal to the amount being exported from the watershed, showing the importance of focusing on estuaries when estimating the export of C to the coastal ocean. With respect to DIC, the total input is even larger when the atmospheric exchange of excess pCO2 is calculated. The 14C-DOC and 14C-DIC transects indicate that the internally added DOC and DIC is 14C-enriched modern material. The source of this material is the fringing marshes and estuarine phytoplankton, with the relative importance of these two sources changing over time. Taken together, the bulk C and 14C measurements show that the estuary is adding significant quantities of young DOC despite the presence of vast quantities of old marsh peat flanking the entire estuary. Furthermore, the DIC data indicate that 14C-enriched modern material is what is fueling the majority of heterotrophic respiration within the system.  相似文献   

Diel and seasonal variations in abundance, activity, and structure of particle-attached vs free-living bacterial communities were investigated in offshore NW Mediterranean Sea (0–1000 m). Attached bacteria were always less abundant and less diverse but generally more active than free-living bacteria. The most important finding of this study was that the activity of attached bacteria showed pronounced diel variations in the upper mixed water column with higher activities at night. Under mesotrophic conditions, the contribution of attached bacteria to total bacterial activity increased from less than 10% at day time to 83% at night time. At high chlorophyll a concentration, the highest cell-specific activities and contribution to total bacterial activity were due to free-living bacteria at day and to attached bacteria at night. Under summer oligotrophic conditions, free-living bacteria dominated and contributed to the most important part of the bacterial activity at both day and night, whereas attached bacteria were much less abundant but presented the highest cell-specific activities. These diel and seasonal variations in activities were concomitant to changes in bacterial community structure, mainly in the upper layer. The number of attached ribotypes was fairly constant suggesting that particles are colonized by a relatively limited number of ubiquitous ribotypes. Most of these ribotypes were also free-living ribotypes suggesting that attached bacteria probably originate from colonization of newly formed particles by free-living bacteria in the upper layer. These results reinforce the biogeochemical role of attached bacteria in the cycling of particulate organic carbon in the NW Mediterranean Sea and the importance of diel variability in these processes.  相似文献   

A growing demand for sustainable energy has led to an increase in construction of offshore windfarms. Guishan windmill farm will be constructed in the Pearl River Estuary, China, which sustains the world’s largest known population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Dolphin conservation is an urgent issue in this region. By using passive acoustic monitoring, a baseline distribution of data on this species in the Pearl River Estuary during pre-construction period had been collected. Dolphin biosonar detection and its diel, lunar, seasonal and tidal patterns were examined using a Generalized Linear Model. Significant higher echolocation detections at night than during the day, in winter-spring than in summer-autumn, at high tide than at flood tide were recognized. Significant higher echolocation detections during the new moon were recognized at night time. The diel, lunar and seasonal patterns for the echolocation encounter duration also significantly varied. These patterns could be due to the spatial-temporal variability of dolphin prey and illumination conditions. The baseline information will be useful for driving further effective action on the conservation of this species and in facilitating later assessments of the effects of the offshore windfarm on the dolphins by comparing the baseline to post construction and post mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - The origin of resources supporting metazoan biomass in rivers has long been a subject of debate. The river wave concept (RWC) postulates that the energetic basis of food webs varies...  相似文献   

The subtropical forest biome occupies about 25% of China, with species diversity only next to tropical forests. Despite the recognized importance of subtropical forest in regional carbon storage and cycling, uncertainties remain regarding the carbon storage of subtropical forests, and few studies have quantified within-site variation of biomass, making it difficult to evaluate the role of these forests in the global and regional carbon cycles. Using data for a 24-ha census plot in east China, we quantify aboveground biomass, characterize its spatial variation among different habitats, and analyse species relative contribution to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats. The average aboveground biomass was 223.0 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals [217.6, 228.5]) and varied substantially among four topographically defined habitats, from 180.6 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [167.1, 195.0]) in the upper ridge to 245.9 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [238.3, 253.8]) in the lower ridge, with upper and lower valley intermediate. In consistent with our expectation, individual species contributed differently to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats, reflecting significant species habitat associations. Different species show differently in habitat preference in terms of biomass contribution. These patterns may be the consequences of ecological strategies difference among different species. Results from this study enhance our ability to evaluate the role of subtropical forests in the regional carbon cycle and provide valuable information to guide the protection and management of subtropical broad-leaved forest for carbon sequestration and carbon storage.  相似文献   

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