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This paper examines how the health of Zimbabwean children was affected by political and election-related violence and land reform in Zimbabwe during the period from 2000 to 2005. These events impacted Zimbabwean livelihoods and increased food insecurity in the country. Our study combines individual child data from the Demographic and Health Surveys that bracket these violent events with information on the location and date of violence from the Armed Conflict Location and Event dataset. To understand how the increase in violence impacted children’s health, the empirical analysis exploits temporal and spatial variation in child height across birth cohorts. Children born after the spike in violence in 2000 had lower height-for-age z-scores than children from earlier cohorts. The results are robust to a placebo test for parallel trends, alternative control groups, selective mortality, and migration. The paper adds to the literature on election-related violence, armed conflict, and land reform. Additionally, it provides guidance on differentiating between timing of violence during multiple political and electoral events, and estimating the impact on rural communities.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient, recent research has revealed that excess Mn in early childhood may have adverse effects on neurodevelopment.MethodsWe estimated daily total Mn intake due to breast milk at average body weights by reviewing reported concentrations of breast milk Mn and measurements of body weight and breast milk intake at 3 weeks, 4.25 months, 7 months, and 18 months. We compared these figures to the Mn content measured in 44 infant, follow-up, and toddler formulas purchased in the United States and France. We calculated Mn content of formula products made with ultra-trace elemental analysis grade water (0 μg Mn/L) and with water containing 250 μg Mn/L, a concentration which is relatively high but less than the World Health Organization Health-based value of 400 μg Mn/L or the United States Environmental Protection Agency Health Advisory of 350 μg Mn/L.ResultsEstimated mean daily Mn intake from breast milk ranged from 1.2 μg Mn/kg/day (3 weeks) to 0.16 μg Mn/kg/day (18 months), with the highest intakes at the youngest age stage we considered, 3 weeks. Estimated daily Mn intake from formula products reconstituted with 0 μg Mn/L water ranged from 130 μg Mn/kg/day (3 weeks) to 4.8 μg Mn/kg/day (18 months) with the highest intakes at 3 weeks. Formula products provided 28–520 times greater than the mean daily intake of Mn from breast milk for the 4 age stages that we considered. Estimated daily Mn intake from formula products reconstituted with water containing 250 μg Mn/L ranged from 12 μg Mn/kg/day to 170 μg Mn/kg/day, which exceeds the United States Environmental Protection Agency Reference Dose of 140 μg Mn/kg/day for adults.ConclusionsMn deficiency is highly unlikely with exclusive breast milk or infant formula feeding, but established tolerable daily intake levels for Mn may be surpassed by some of these products when following labeled instructions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the association between weight and labor market outcomes among legal immigrants to the United States from developing countries using the first nationally representative survey of such individuals. We find that being overweight or obese is associated with a lower probability of employment among women who have been in the U.S. less than five years, but we find no such correlation among men who have been in the U.S. less than five years, or among women or men who have been in the U.S. longer than five years. We generally find no significant association between weight and either wages, sector of employment, or work limitations for either women or men. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Substantial overlap in the climate characteristics of the United States and China results in similar land‐cover types and weather conditions, especially in the eastern half of the two countries. These parallels suggest similarities in fire regimes as well, yet relatively little is known about the historical role of fire in Chinese ecosystems. Consequently, we aimed to infer fire regime characteristics for China based on our understanding of climate–fire relationships in the United States. Location The conterminous United States and the People's Republic of China. Methods We used generalized additive models to quantify the relationship between reference fire regime classes adopted by the LANDFIRE initiative in the United States, and a global climate data set. With the models, we determined which climate variables best described the distribution of fire regimes in the United States then used these models to predict the spatial distribution of fire regimes in China. The fitted models were validated quantitatively using receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (AUC). We validated the predicted fire regimes in China by comparison with palaeoecological fire data and satellite‐derived estimates of current fire activity. Results Quantitative validation using the AUC indicated good discrimination of the distribution of fire regimes by models for the United States. Overall, fire regimes with more frequent return intervals were more likely in the east than in the west. The resolution of available historical and prehistorical fire data for China, including sediment cores, allowed only coarse, qualitative validation, but provided supporting evidence that fire has long been a part of ecosystem function in eastern China. MODIS satellite data illustrated that fire frequency within the last decade supported the classification of much of western China as relatively fire‐free; however, much of south‐eastern China experiences more fire activity than predicted with our models, probably as a function of the extensive use of fire by people. Conclusions While acknowledging there are many cultural, environmental and historical differences between the United States and China, our fire regime models based on climate data demonstrate potential historical fire regimes for China, and propose that large areas of China share historical fire–vegetation–climate complexes with the United States.  相似文献   

Three isolates of Trichinella spiralis (black bear: 41o50'N, 79o00'W, 1982; grey fox: 41o00'N, 76o00'W, 1982; domestic pig: 39o80'N, 75o30'W, 1983) from the mid-Atlantic United States were characterized in Crl: COBS CFW (SW) mice during 10 successive 40-day generations. Over 10 generations, the isolates differed as follows: worm position of the ursine isolate was significantly more posteriad compared to the porcine isolate; sex ratio of the vulpine isolate was significantly lower compared to the ursine and porcine isolates; females of the porcine isolate produced significantly more newborn larvae in vitro than the sylvatic isolates; both the larvae per gram (LPG) and reproductive capacity index (RCI) were significantly higher for the porcine isolate; and male worms of the vulpine isolate were significantly smaller than those of the porcine or ursine isolates. No differences were observed among isolates for percentage of inoculum recovered, length of female worms, or uterine length. The fecundity of the isolates in hamsters, gerbils, multimammate rats, Sprague-Dawley rats, and Peromyscus sp. was examined also. Based upon RCI and LPG, the porcine isolate was the most fecund in all hosts except gerbils. This higher fecundity was often manifest as increased morbidity and mortality in hosts infected with this isolate. The relationship between the virulent nature of the porcine isolate and the enhanced transmission of T. spiralis are discussed.  相似文献   

The massive exodus of Jews from the former Soviet Union [FSU] has been accompanied by welfare state retrenchment and labour market restructuration in the two preferred destination countries of refugee resettlement: the United States and Germany. This study compares the resettlement policies and outcomes of FSU Jews and shows how the context of resettlement, viz. differences in welfare state type, labour market formation and host ethnic community, yield marked differences in formal job market adaptation. FSU Jews in Germany are almost twice as likely as their American counterparts to rely on some form of refugee cash assistance for their primary means of support, whereas the American cohort is twice as likely to be employed in the formal labour market. However, informal labour market adaptation is quite similar. Findings suggest unwitting system convergence, each exercising a different form of social exclusion - welfare stigma and under employment for refugees in the United States, and high labour market regulation in Germany.  相似文献   

This article traces systems of exchange concerning the life sciences and capital and how they configure subjectivity in the United States and India. This is done through case studies concerning the emergence of personalized medicine in the two locales. In the U.S. case, I argue for the configuration of the subjects of personalized medicine as sovereign consumers; in the Indian case, I argue for their configuration as experimental subjects. I situate these arguments in the context of epistemologies of genomics and the consolidation of systems of speculative capitalism.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic detectors are widely used to survey bats in ecological studies. To evaluate efficacy of acoustic identification, we compiled a library of search phase calls from across the eastern United States using the Anabat system. The call library included 1,846 call sequences of 12 species recorded from 14 states. We determined accuracy rates using 3 parametric and 4 nonparametric classification functions for acoustic identification. The 2 most flexible classification functions also were the most accurate: neural networks (overall classification accuracy = 0.94) and mixture discriminant analysis incorporating an adaptive regression model (overall classification accuracy = 0.93). Flexible nonparametric methods offer substantial benefits when discriminating among closely related species and may preclude the need to group species with similar calls. We demonstrate that quantitative methods provide an effective technique to acoustically identify bats in the eastern United States with known accuracy rates. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Hydrocephalus is a severe disorder of the central nervous system characterized by absorption blockage of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). The archaeological record of the condition ranges in time from 10,000 B.C. to 1670 A.D. and consists of 30 possible cases worldwide. A review of this material reveals that diagnostic criteria which fully delineate the condition have not been established. Previously, no attempt has been made to differentiate the two major categories of hydrocephalus and their subgroupings, or to identify other conditions which might result in similar morphologies. A partial child's skeleton from the Middle Period (ca. 2500 B.C. to 500 A.D.) of Central California Prehistory is described in light of an extensive clinical literature. Examination of this individual reveals a unique craniofacial configuration and malformed postcrania. Bony criteria for a differential diagnosis of hydrocephalus are established and applied to this individual. Based on these criteria, the individual is diagnosed as having a chronic form of noncommunicating hydrocephalus. Blockage of the CSF pathway most likely occurred in the aqueduct of Sylvius with a partial occlusion of the foramen of Monro or a frontal cyst. In addition, femoral development is suggestive of partial paralysis.  相似文献   

This study was prompted by concerns about the ways in which immigrant organizations, especially those of a transnational character, may retard or prevent political integration among recent migrants to the United States. For this purpose, we constructed an inventory of all organizations created by Colombian, Dominican and Mexican immigrants in the United States, interviewed leaders of the twenty largest organizations from each group in person, and conducted a survey of 178 additional organizations by telephone or Internet. Results reveal a near-absence of perceived conflict between transnational activism and political incorporation. Almost without exception, leaders asserted that there was no contradiction between home-country loyalties and activities and US citizenship and voting. These results appear to reflect genuine conviction, rather than any social desirability syndrome. Objective indicators show that most organizations maintain close ties with US political authorities at various levels and engage in a number of US-focused civic and political activities. Determinants of such engagement are examined. Implications of the results for theory and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Most phylogeographic studies of species from the southeastern United States have shown a simple east-west division of mtDNA variation. However, a study of the salamander Ambystoma maculatum resulted in a more complex pattern that includes a close affinity between populations from the Central Highlands of Missouri and Arkansas and the Coastal Plain separated by a genetically distinct central group of populations. We test the generality of this observation by surveying mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in the closely related species A. talpoideum. An Ambystoma-specific intergenic spacer was amplified and sequenced. The 26 resulting haplotypes varied from 380 to 800 base pairs, and alignments, including the outgroup, required 101 insertions/deletions. Sequence divergence among haplotypes ranged from 0.001 to 0.758. Population subdivision was extensive (theta = 0.64). Phylogenetic analysis of A. talpoideum mtDNA sequence reveals a close relationship between the populations from the Central Highlands and the Coastal Plain. This result is similar to that obtained for A. maculatum, although the A. talpoideum clade is not as well differentiated from its sister clades. We discuss the differences and similarities between the two Ambystoma species and previous studies and call for increased focus on multiple species with similar ecologies as a way to detect subtle biogeographic events.  相似文献   

In September 2020, Project South, along with numerous other organizations, released a report detailing abuses in a Georgia Detention Center – including forced hysterectomies. Whatever other factors are at play, one of them is an intrinsic connection between obstetric violence against pregnant migrants and immigration injustice. It is not incidental that these acts – in US detention centers, along the US-Mexico border, in Colombian hospitals and clinics – are being perpetrated on immigrant bodies. And it is not accidental or random which immigrant bodies are vulnerable to these violations. Understanding and confronting obstetric violence directed at pregnant migrants, though, requires reconceptualizing the nature of obstetric violence itself. In particular, we must recognize that obstetric violence against pregnant Latin American migrants in the United States and Colombia is a type of immigration injustice, a means to perpetrate immigration injustice, and a product of immigration injustice. As such, bioethicists need to collaborate with immigration scholars to resist it. After providing some background on the nature of obstetric violence and some ways it is perpetuated against pregnant migrants in the United States and Colombia, I will give a brief overview of how I conceptualize immigration justice. From there, I explain how this type of obstetric violence constitutes a type of immigration injustice, a means to perpetrate immigration injustice, and a product of immigration injustice. My hope is that this analysis motivates bioethicists throughout the Americas to engage with immigration scholars and activists to confront the issue more forcefully.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to explore differences between lay and professional explanatory models both within and between two countries. We test which effect is stronger, country of residence or professional/lay status, in determining similarities and differences of explanatory models of AIDS. Interviews conducted in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico) and the Edinburg-McAllen area of south Texas (United States) elicited explanatory models of AIDS. Two pairs of samples were interviewed: a physician and community sample in Mexico and a physician and community sample in the United States. Comparisons of the explanatory models indicated that there was a shared core model of AIDS across all four samples, but that physicians' models were more similar to those of lay people in their own communities than either was to samples across the border.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is a state-by-state comparison of middle school science standards on evolution in the United States. In 2009, Louise Mead and Anton Mates reviewed the high school science standards on evolution, giving each state a grade based on multiple factors including the number of times the word “evolution” is mentioned, the types of evolution covered, and the inclusion of creationist jargon (Mead and Mates in Evol Educ Outreach 2:359, 2009). Their study was a replication of an earlier one completed in 2000 by Lawrence Lerner and the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation (Lerner in Good science, bad science: teaching evolution in the states. Thomas Fordham Foundation, Washington, 2000). Mead and Mates indicated that, on average, the quality of the standards had increased over the decade between studies. This study concludes that this positive trend is now evident in the middle school science standards across the nation. We propose that early evolutionary education will be an excellent indicator of future acceptance of evolution across the United States and strongly encourage that evolution be introduced as the underlying theme of biology early in a student’s academic career.  相似文献   

Using data for over 2.5 million individuals in the United States over the period 2006–2019 from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey series we show the unemployed suffer sleep disruption. The unemployed suffer more short and long sleep than the employed and are more likely to suffer from disturbed sleep. These are especially problematic for the long-term unemployed and for the jobless who say they are unable to work. Similar findings on unemployment and poor sleep quality are found in European data. Increases in the unemployment rate raise the incidence of short sleep and lower sleep durations.  相似文献   

Internal armed conflicts have become more common and more physically destructive since the mid-20th century, with devastating consequences for health and development in low- and middle-income countries. This paper investigates the causal impacts of the long-term internal conflict on child health in Colombia, following an identification strategy based on the temporal and geographic variation of conflict intensity. We estimate the effect of different levels of conflict intensity on height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-age (WAZ), and weight-for-height z-scores among children under five years old, and explore the underlying potential mechanisms, through maternal health behavior and health care utilization. We find a harmful effect of exposure to conflict violence in utero and in early childhood for HAZ and WAZ, in the full sample and even more strongly in the rural sample, yet these estimates are smaller than those found for shorter term conflicts. The underlying pathways appear to operate around the time of the pregnancy and birth (in the form of maternal alcohol use, use of antenatal care and skilled birth attendance), rather than during the post-birth period (via breastfeeding or vaccination), and the impacts accumulate over the childhood. The most adverse impacts of conflict violence on child health and utilization of maternal healthcare were observed in municipalities which suffered from intermittent presence of armed groups.  相似文献   

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