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DNA双链断裂损伤修复系统研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
多种内源或外源因素都能造成细胞基因组DNA损伤,细胞内建立了复杂的修复系统来应对不同形式的损伤。其中DNA双链断裂(DNA double-strand breaks,DSBs)作为最严重的损伤形式,主要激活同源重组修复(Homologous recombination repair)和非同源末端连接(Non-homologous end joining)通路。这两条通路都是由多个修复元件参与、经过多步反应的复杂过程。两者各具特点、协同作用,共同维护细胞基因组的稳定性。对其分子机制的阐明为肿瘤放化疗的辅助治疗提供了潜在的作用靶点。  相似文献   

Increased incubation of the Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO) assay up to 96–120 h allowed differentiation of cytotonic and cytotoxic effects. Strains of Escherichia coli O128 found to produce a heat-labile cytolethal CHO toxin were compared with E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT). The cytolethal toxin was unrelated to LT, heat-stable enterotoxin (ST), Verotoxin (VT) or hemolysins. Since CHO elongation induced by either the E. coli LT or E. coli O128 filtrates could not be differentiated after 24 h, continued incubation for 96–120 h was essential for observation of progressive morphological changes and cytolethal events. Comparative responses in at least two cell systems is recommended to prevent misinterpretation of elongation at 24 h in the CHO assay.  相似文献   

Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) is a bacterial protein that is widely distributed among gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli, Campylobacter spp., enterohepatic Helicobacter spp., Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Haemophilus ducreyi. In vitro studies demonstrated that it is able to stop proliferation of various cell lines. The toxin is composed of three subunits designated CDTs A, B and C. The B subunit targets the eukaryotic DNA and triggers a signalling pathway involving different protein kinases which results in a cell block before entering into mitosis. To date, the individual role of the A and C subunits has not been totally elucidated. There are indications that the CDT is also produced in vivo. Its exact role in pathogenesis is not yet clear, but possible actions include inhibition of epithelial cell proliferation, apoptosis of immune cells and inhibition of a fibrotic response.  相似文献   

Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) secreted by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans induces cell cycle arrest of cultured cells in the G2 phase. The crystal structure of the natural form of A. actinomycetemcomitans DCT (aCDT) has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. aCDT is a heterotrimer consisting of the three subunits, aCdtA, aCdtB, and aCdtC. Two crystallographically independent aCDTs form a dimer through interactions of the aCdtB subunits. The primary structure of aCDT has 94.3% identity with that of Haemophilus ducreyi CDT (hCDT), and the structure of aCDT is quite similar to that of hCDT reconstituted from the three subunits determined recently. However, the molecular packings in the crystal structures of aCDT and hCDT are quite different. A careful analysis of molecular packing suggests that variation of the amino acid residues in a nonconserved loop (181TSSPSSPERRGY192 of aCdtB and 181NSSSSPPERRVY192 of hCdtB) is responsible for the different oligomerization of very similar CDTs. The loop of aCdtB has a conformation to form a dimer, while the loop conformation of hCdtB prevents hCDT from forming a dimer. Although dimerization of aCDT does not affect toxic activity, it changes the stability of protein. aCDT rapidly aggregates and loses toxic activity in the absence of sucrose in a buffered solution, while hCDT is stable and retains toxic activity. Another analysis of crystal structures of aCDT and hCDT suggests that the receptor contact area is in the deep groove between CdtA and CdtC, and the characteristic "aromatic patch" on CdtA.  相似文献   

Abstract Using ligand blotting, it was found that partially purified cytolethal distending toxin prepared from and enterotoxigenic strain of Campylobacter jejuni , bound to two peptides of molecular masses of approximately 59 kDa and 45 kDa and to a single peptide of 59 kDa in protein blots prepared from HeLa and CHO cell membranes, respectively. In contrast, labile toxin of Escherichia coli and cholera toxin bound to a single peptide of the same molecular mass (15 kDa) on protein blots prepared from both CHO and HeLa cell crude membranes resolved by gel electrophoresis. This banding pattern was identical using SDS-solubilized membrane, with or without heat treatment, but no band was obtained when reduced (treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol) samples were used for the gel electrophoresis. The differences between receptors of cytolethal distending toxin and cholera toxin/labile toxin were exploited to develop a receptor-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of cytolethal distending toxin which involved the consecutive addition of either solubilized CHO or HeLa membranes, antigen and antibody. This enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay consistently detected crude cytolethal distending toxin diluted up to 16-fold. The receptor-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of cytolethal distending toxin developed in this study is a suitable alternative assay which can be performed easily in laboratories with minimal facilities and, more importantly, the results are available within a few hours as compared to times of up to 5 days in the conventional tissue culture detection of cytolethal distending toxin.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a major threat to genome integrity. Proteins involved in DNA damage checkpoint signaling and DSB repair often relocalize and concentrate at DSBs. Here, we used an ORFeome library of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe to systematically identify proteins targeted to DSBs. We found 51 proteins that, when expressed from a strong exogenous promoter on the ORFeome plasmids, were able to form a distinct nuclear focus at an HO endonuclease-induced DSB. The majority of these proteins have known connections to DNA damage response, but few have been visualized at a specific DSB before. Among the screen hits, 37 can be detected at DSBs when expressed from native promoters. We classified them according to the focus emergence timing of the endogenously tagged proteins. Eight of these 37 proteins are yet unnamed. We named these eight proteins DNA-break-localizing proteins (Dbls) and performed preliminary functional analysis on two of them, Dbl1 (SPCC2H8.05c) and Dbl2 (SPCC553.01c). We found that Dbl1 and Dbl2 contribute to the normal DSB targeting of checkpoint protein Rad26 (homolog of human ATRIP) and DNA repair helicase Fml1 (homolog of human FANCM), respectively. As the first proteome-wide inventory of DSB-localizing proteins, our screen result will be a useful resource for understanding the mechanisms of eukaryotic DSB response.  相似文献   

In a retrospective analysis by PCR, the cdtI gene encoding the cytolethal distending toxin (Cdt) was detected in Escherichia coli O2:H12 strain isolated from the bloody diarrheal stool specimen of a child. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the possible association of Cdt-producing E. coli in Japan, particularly in a child with bloody diarrhea.  相似文献   

Chloroethylnitrosureas (CNUs) are powerful DNA-reactive alkylating agents used in cancer therapy. Here, we analyzed cyto- and genotoxicity of nimustine (ACNU), a representative of CNUs, in synchronized cells and in cells deficient in repair proteins involved in homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). We show that HR mutants are extremely sensitive to ACNU, as measured by colony formation, induction of apoptosis and chromosomal aberrations. The NHEJ mutants differed in their sensitivity, with Ku80 mutants being moderately sensitive and DNA-PKcs mutated cells being resistant. HR mutated cells displayed a sustained high level of γH2AX foci and displayed co-staining with Rad51 and 53BP1, indicating DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) to be formed. Using synchronized cells, we analyzed whether DSB formation after ACNU treatment was replication-dependent. We show that γH2AX foci were not induced in G1 but increased significantly in S phase and remained at a high level in G2, where a fraction of cells became arrested and underwent, with a delay of > 12 h, cell death by apoptosis and necrosis. Rad51, ATM, MDC-1 and RPA-2 foci were also formed and shown to co-localize with γH2AX foci induced in S phase, indicating that the DNA damage response was activated. All effects observed were abrogated by MGMT, which repairs O6-chloroethylguanine that is converted into DNA cross-links. We deduce that the major genotoxic and killing lesion induced by CNUs are O6-chloroethylguanine-triggered cross-links, which give rise to DSBs in the treatment cell cycle, and that HR, but not NHEJ, is the major route of protection against this group of anticancer drugs. Base excision repair had no significant impact on ACNU-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation is an essential posttranslational modification to turn on/off a protein function and to regulate many cellular activities, including DNA repair. A DNA double-strand break (DSB) is the most lethal form of DNA damage and is mainly fixed by the error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)-mediated repair and by the high-fidelity homology recombination (HR)-mediated repair. We found previously that protein phosphatase PP4 is required for HR-mediated DSB repair. In this report, we showed that depletion of PP4C by siRNA compromised NHEJ-mediated repair of DSBs induced by the nuclease I-SceI. Both PP4C and its regulatory subunit PP4R2 physically interacted with the chromatin condensation factor KAP1 (KRAB-associated protein 1). Depletion of PP4C led to sustained phosphorylation of KAP1 at Ser824. Conversely, overexpression of PP4C resulted in a decrease of KAP1 phosphorylation. PP4 dephosphorylated pKAP1 in vitro. Inhibition of KAP1 expression resulted in a defect on NHEJ-mediated DSB repair, and co-depletion of PP4c and KAP1 did not have significant synergistic effect on NHEJ-mediated DSB repair. Taken together, our results suggest that PP4C and KAP1 are in the same epistasis group, and PP4 is involved in NHEJ-mediated DSB repair, possibly through regulating the phosphorylation status of KAP1.  相似文献   

The study of rare human syndromes characterized by radiosensitivity has been instrumental in identifying novel proteins and pathways involved in DNA damage responses to ionizing radiation. In the present study, a mutation in mitochondrial poly-A-polymerase (MTPAP), not previously recognized for its role in the DNA damage response, was identified by exome sequencing and subsequently associated with cellular radiosensitivity. Cell lines derived from two patients with the homozygous MTPAP missense mutation were radiosensitive, and this radiosensitivity could be abrogated by transfection of wild-type mtPAP cDNA into mtPAP-deficient cell lines. Further analysis of the cellular phenotype revealed delayed DNA repair, increased levels of DNA double-strand breaks, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increased cell death after irradiation (IR). Pre-IR treatment of cells with the potent anti-oxidants, α-lipoic acid and n-acetylcysteine, was sufficient to abrogate the DNA repair and clonogenic survival defects. Our results firmly establish that mutation of the MTPAP gene results in a cellular phenotype of increased DNA damage, reduced repair kinetics, increased cell death by apoptosis, and reduced clonogenic survival after exposure to ionizing radiation, suggesting a pathogenesis that involves the disruption of ROS homeostasis.  相似文献   

A key modality of non-surgical cancer management is DNA damaging therapy that causes DNA double-strand breaks that are preferentially toxic to rapidly dividing cancer cells. Double-strand break repair capacity is recognized as an important mechanism in drug resistance and is therefore a potential target for adjuvant chemotherapy. Additionally, spontaneous and environmentally induced DSBs are known to promote cancer, making DSB evaluation important as a tool in epidemiology, clinical evaluation and in the development of novel pharmaceuticals. Currently available assays to detect double-strand breaks are limited in throughput and specificity and offer minimal information concerning the kinetics of repair. Here, we present the CometChip, a 96-well platform that enables assessment of double-strand break levels and repair capacity of multiple cell types and conditions in parallel and integrates with standard high-throughput screening and analysis technologies. We demonstrate the ability to detect multiple genetic deficiencies in double-strand break repair and evaluate a set of clinically relevant chemical inhibitors of one of the major double-strand break repair pathways, non-homologous end-joining. While other high-throughput repair assays measure residual damage or indirect markers of damage, the CometChip detects physical double-strand breaks, providing direct measurement of damage induction and repair capacity, which may be useful in developing and implementing treatment strategies with reduced side effects.  相似文献   

In female mice, despite the presence of slight DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), fully grown oocytes are able to undergo meiosis resumption as indicated by germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD); however, severe DNA DSBs do reduce and delay entry into M phase through activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. But little is known about the effect of severe DNA DSBs on the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) during oocyte maturation. We showed that nearly no first polar body (PB1) was extruded at 12 h of in vitro maturation (IVM) in severe DNA DSBs oocytes, and the limited number of oocytes with PB1 were actually at telophase. However, about 60% of the severe DNA DSBs oocytes which underwent GVBD at 2 h of IVM released a PB1 at 18 h of IVM and these oocytes did reach the second metaphase (MII) stage. Chromosome spread at MI and MII stages showed that chromosomes fragmented after GVBD in severe DNA DSBs oocytes. The delayed PB1 extrusion was due to the disrupted attachment of microtubules to kinetochores and activation of the SAC. At the same time, misaligned chromosome fragments became obvious at the first metaphase (MI) in severe DNA DSBs oocytes. These data implied that the inactivation of SAC during the metaphase-anaphase transition of first meiosis was independent of chromosome integrity. Next, we induced DNA DSBs in vivo, and found that the number of superovulated oocytes per mouse was significantly reduced; moreover, this treatment increased the percentage of apoptotic oocytes. These results suggest that DNA DSBs oocytes undergo apoptosis in vivo.  相似文献   

During the DNA damage response (DDR), chromatin modifications contribute to localization of 53BP1 to sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). 53BP1 is phosphorylated during the DDR, but it is unclear whether phosphorylation is directly coupled to chromatin binding. In this study, we used human diploid fibroblasts and HCT116 tumor cells to study 53BP1 phosphorylation at Serine-25 and Serine-1778 during endogenous and exogenous DSBs (DNA replication and whole-cell or sub-nuclear microbeam irradiation, respectively). In non-stressed conditions, endogenous DSBs in S-phase cells led to accumulation of 53BP1 and γH2AX into discrete nuclear foci. Only the frank collapse of DNA replication forks following hydroxyurea treatment initiated 53BP1Ser25 and 53BP1Ser1778 phosphorylation. In response to exogenous DSBs, 53BP1Ser25 and 53BP1Ser1778 phosphoforms localized to sites of initial DSBs in a cell cycle-independent manner. 53BP1 phosphoforms also localized to late residual foci and associated with PML-NBs during IR-induced senescence. Using isogenic cell lines and small-molecule inhibitors, we observed that DDR-induced 53BP1 phosphorylation was dependent on ATM and DNA-PKcs kinase activity but independent of MRE11 sensing or RNF168 chromatin remodeling. However, loss of RNF168 blocked recruitment of phosphorylated 53BP1 to sites of DNA damage. Our results uncouple 53BP1 phosphorylation from DSB localization and support parallel pathways for 53BP1 biology during the DDR. As relative 53BP1 expression may be a biomarker of DNA repair capacity in solid tumors, the tracking of 53BP1 phosphoforms in situ may give unique information regarding different cancer phenotypes or response to cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Dobbs TA  Palmer P  Maniou Z  Lomax ME  O'Neill P 《DNA Repair》2008,7(8):1372-1383
Radiation-induced complex double-strand breaks (DSBs) characterised by base lesions, abasic sites or single-strand breaks in close proximity to the break termini, are believed to be a major cause of the biological effects of ionising radiation exposure. It has been hypothesised that complex DSBs pose problems for the repair machinery of the cell. Using a biochemical approach, we have investigated the challenge to two major repair processes: base excision repair and ligation of DSB ends. Double-stranded oligonucleotides were synthesised with 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) at defined positions relative to readily ligatable 3'-hydroxy or 5'-phosphate termini. The break termini interfere with removal of 8-oxoG during base excision repair as elucidated from the severely reduced efficiency of 8-oxoG removal by OGG1 with AP endonuclease-1 when in close proximity to break termini. NEIL-1, however, can partially restore processing of complex DSBs in an AP endonuclease-1 independent manner. The influence of 8-oxoG on ligation shows delayed rejoining if 8-oxoG is positioned two to three bases from the 3'-hydroxy or six bases from the 5'-phosphate termini. When two 8-oxoG lesions are positioned across the break junction ligation is severely retarded. This reduced efficiency of repair indicates that complex DSBs are likely to persist longer than simple DSBs in cells, and as a consequence are more significant in contributing to the biological effects of ionising radiation.  相似文献   

Comment on: Gatti M, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:2538-44.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2022,22(1):100603
DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is crucial to maintain genomic stability for sufficient ovarian reserve. It remains unknown the changes of DSBs formation and DNA repair in germ cells during ovarian reserve formation in FVB/N mice. We demonstrated germ cell numbers increased significantly (all P < 0.05) from E11.5 to E13.5 and decreased significantly (all P> 0.05) until P2. OCT4 and SOX2 analyses indicated pluripotency peaks at E13.5 then decreases significantly (all P 0.05) until P2. γH2AX analyses revealed DSB formation significantly (P < 0.05) increased from E13.5 until P2. RAD51 and DMC1 data revealed homologous recombination (HR) pathway repair of DSBs is persistent active during meiosis (E13.5- P2) (all P> 0.05). 53BP1 and KU70 data indicate the non-homologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) remains active during meiosis. 53BP1 expression was highest at E13.5 (P < 0.05). KU70 expression was higher in germ cells from E15.5 to P2 (all < P 0.05). PH3 and KI67 analyses revealed germ cell proliferation was not significantly different (all P> 0.05) from E13.5 to P2. Caspase-3 and TUNEL analyses showed germ cells apoptosis was not significantly different (all P > 0.05) from E13.5 to P2. In conclusion, we found both germ cell number and pluripotency peak at E13.5 and decline during meiosis. We demonstrated HR and NHEJ continually repair DSBs during meiosis. RAD51 and DMC1 are continuously expressed during meiosis. 53BP1 is mainly expressed at E13.5. KU70 continually functions from E15.5 to P2. Proliferating and apoptotic cells were rarely detected during meiosis. Results provide a basis for further study of how DSBs and DNA repair affect germ cell development.  相似文献   

Ku plays a key role in multiple nuclear processes, e.g., DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. The regulation mechanism of the localizations of Ku70 and Ku80 plays a key role in regulating the multiple functions of Ku. Although numerous biochemical studies in vitro have elucidated the DNA binding mechanism of Ku, no accumulation mechanisms of Ku70 and Ku80 at DSBs have been clarified in detail in vivo. In this study, we examined the accumulation mechanism of Ku80 at DSBs in living cells. EGFP-Ku80 accumulation at DSBs began immediately after irradiation. On the other hand, our data show that Ku70 alone, which has DNA binding activity independent of Ku80, cannot accumulate at the DSBs, whereas Ku70 bound to Ku80 can. The deletion of the C-terminal DNA-PKcs-binding domain and the mutation at the SUMOylation site of Ku80 had no effect on Ku80 accumulation. Unexpectedly, N-terminal deletion mutants of Ku80 fully lost their accumulation activity, although the mutants retained their Ku70 binding activity. Altogether, these data demonstrate that Ku80 is essential for Ku70 accumulation at DSBs. Furthermore, three domains of Ku80, i.e., the N-terminal α/β, the DNA-binding, and Ku70-binding domains, seem to necessary for the accumulation at or recognition of DSBs in the early stage after irradiation.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is characterised by defects in nucleotide excision repair, ultraviolet (UV) radiation sensitivity and increased skin carcinoma. Compared to other complementation groups, XP-F patients show relatively mild cutaneous symptoms. DNA interstrand cross-linking agents are a highly cytotoxic class of DNA damage induced by common cancer chemotherapeutics such as cisplatin and nitrogen mustards. Although the XPF-ERCC1 structure-specific endonuclease is required for the repair of ICLs cellular sensitivity of primary human XP-F cells has not been established. In clonogenic survival assays, primary fibroblasts from XP-F patients were moderately sensitive to both UVC and HN2 compared to normal cells (2- to 3-fold and 3- to 5-fold, respectively). XP-A fibroblasts were considerably more sensitive to UVC (10- to 12-fold) but not sensitive to HN2. The sensitivity of XP-F fibroblasts to HN2 correlated with the defective incision or 'unhooking' step of ICL repair. Using the comet assay, XP-F cells exhibited only 20% residual unhooking activity over 24 h. Over the same time, normal and XP-A cells unhooked greater than 95% and 62% of ICLs, respectively. After HN2 treatment, ICL-associated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are detected by pulse field gel electrophoresis in dividing cells. Induction and repair of DNA DSBs was normal in XP-F fibroblasts. These findings demonstrate that in primary human fibroblasts, XPF is required for the unhooking of ICLs and not for the induction or repair of ICL-associated DNA DSBs induced by HN2. In terms of cancer chemotherapy, people with mild DNA repair defects affecting ICL repair may be more prevalent in the general population than expected. Since cellular sensitivity of primary human fibroblasts usually reflects clinical sensitivity such patients with cancer would be at risk of increased toxicity.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks by the non-homologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) requires a minimal set of proteins including DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), DNA-ligase IV and XRCC4 proteins. DNA-PK comprises Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer and the kinase subunit DNA-PKcs (p460). Here, by monitoring protein assembly from human nuclear cell extracts on DNA ends in vitro, we report that recruitment to DNA ends of the XRCC4-ligase IV complex responsible for the key ligation step is strictly dependent on the assembly of both the Ku and p460 components of DNA-PK to these ends. Based on co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we conclude that interactions of Ku and p460 with components of the XRCC4-ligase IV complex are mainly DNA-dependent. In addition, under p460 kinase permissive conditions, XRCC4 is detected at DNA ends in a phosphorylated form. This phosphorylation is DNA-PK-dependent. However, phosphorylation is dispensable for XRCC4-ligase IV loading to DNA ends since stable DNA-PK/XRCC4-ligase IV/DNA complexes are recovered in the presence of the kinase inhibitor wortmannin. These findings extend the current knowledge of the assembly of NHEJ repair proteins on DNA termini and substantiate the hypothesis of a scaffolding role of DNA-PK towards other components of the NHEJ DNA repair process.  相似文献   

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