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Most populations of large herbivores are hunted over much of their distribution. The size of these populations over time must be monitored to detect responses to management actions and environmental changes. Here, I first review the limits in precision and accuracy of most methods used to estimate population size in wild herbivores. I then show how density-dependence of age structure can be used to monitor harvested populations, using simulated and empirical data. Accurate estimates of population size are difficult, costly in time and effort, and mostly impracticable at a large scale. Indices are widely used to monitor population size at a large scale, but are rarely tested, and assumptions of constant detection rates over years are questionable. In a recent approach, the effects of population density on habitat quality and individual performance were used as ecological indicators to infer changes in population size over time. Populations of large mammals are strongly age structured. In harvested populations, density-dependence and harvest affect age structure through changes in age-specific vital rates. Because age- and sex-specific vital rates are density-dependent, changes over time in age structure should reflect the response of population to changes in environmental conditions such as density and harvest rate. Time series of age-structure may be used as an ecological indicator to monitor harvested populations, and to infer their demographic trajectory, especially when used within a set of ecological indicators. However, attention needs to be paid in the use of ecological indicators because of the potential bias introduced in data collection by hunter selectivity.  相似文献   

In many ungulates, female fecundity is influenced by weather, population density and body condition. Based on a six-year survey of the reproductive tracts of adult female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) harvested in the province of Pisa (Tuscany, central Italy), we evaluated the influence of weather, population density and individual characteristics on pregnancy rates. Eighty-five percent of females were pregnant, with a median litter size of two (range one—three). We found that pregnancy rate was positively correlated with summer rainfall and body mass of females, whereas early-winter conditions, spring rainfall, the age of females and density-dependent factors did not appear to influence pregnancy rate. These results reflect the particular seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of resources in Mediterranean habitats and show that heavier females (high-quality mothers) are more productive than lighter females.  相似文献   

Physiological stress, such as malnutrition or illness, can disrupt normal enamel growth, resulting in linear enamel hypoplasias (LEHs). Although ecological factors may contribute to LEH expression, other factors, such as surface abrasion and enamel growth variables, are also likely to be involved. Attention to these other factors is necessary before we can begin to understand what LEH might signify in terms of ecological sources of physiological stress in non-human primates. This study focuses on assessing the contribution of these other factors to variation in LEH expression within and across great ape taxa. Here, we present LEH data from unabraded crown regions in samples of seven great ape species. We analyze these data with respect to lateral enamel formation time and the angles that striae of Retzius make with the enamel surface, as these variables are expected to affect variation in LEH expression. We find that although the duration of enamel formation is associated with sex differences in LEH expression, it is not clearly related to taxonomic variation in LEH expression, and does not explain the low frequency of LEH in mountain gorillas found in this and a previous study. Our data on striae of Retzius angles suggest that these influence LEH expression along the tooth crown and may contribute to the consistently high frequencies of LEH seen in Pongo in this and previous studies. We suggest that future work aimed at understanding species variation in these angles is crucial to evaluating taxonomic patterns of LEH expression in great apes.  相似文献   

北京市生态安全格局及城市增长预景   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
在快速城市化和城市生态安全面临巨大挑战的时代背景下,构建生态安全格局是实现区域和城市生态安全的基本保障和重要途径.在梳理国内外生态安全格局研究进展的基础上,提出基于景观安全格局理论的北京市生态安全格局网络和城市发展空间格局.通过对北京市水文、地质灾害、生物多样性保护、文化遗产和游憩过程的系统分析,运用GIS和空间分析技术,判别出维护上述各种过程安全的  相似文献   

This study describes the biological importance of Guajará Bay (Belém, Pará, Brazil) for fish fauna and presents a diagnosis of water quality in the main channel and creeks, using the icthyofauna as an ecological indicator. A total of 567 individuals from 40 species were identified. About 58% of these use Guajará Bay as a nursery ground, 49 and 81% use the bay as a breeding and feeding ground, respectively. There were no significant differences between environments as measured by the diversity index; however, fish relative abundance (catch per unit of effort) was greater in the creeks than in the main channel. A significant difference was detected in the fish fauna inhabiting the main channel compared with the creeks. In the main channel, icthyofauna significantly differed during December relative to other months.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is often based on exaggerated sexual traits, signals of male qualities that females cannot assess directly. Two such key qualities are male immune and/or sexual competence, whereby honesty in signalling could be maintained by physiological trade-offs. Carotenoid-based ornaments likely constitute such honest signals, as there is direct competition for (limited) carotenoids between ornament deposition and anti-oxidant support of immune or sperm functioning. Using spectrometry, we assessed the potential signalling function of the yellow, carotenoid-based colour of the bill of male mallards, a target of female mate choice. Here we demonstrate that bill reflectance varied with plasma carotenoid level, indicating antioxidant reserves. Moreover, lower relative UV reflectance during autumn pairing predicted immune responsiveness and correlated positively with sperm velocity during breeding, a trait that affects fertility. Our data provide support for current theories that females could use carotenoid-based sexual signals to detect immune vigour and fertilizing ability of prospective mates.  相似文献   

面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标体系构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家公园具有生态系统保护、自然资源可持续利用等管理目标,这些管理目标的实现需要大量监测数据和信息的支持。对国家公园开展生态监测有助于了解国家公园内生态系统的动态变化并揭示管理活动的影响,从而为管理决策的规划和实施提供有用信息。为推动我国国家公园生态监测体系的建立,提出了面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标构建方法。该方法由确定国家公园生态监测目标、识别国家公园管理目标、识别国家公园关键生态过程、确定需要监测的生态过程并制定初始监测指标清单、确定最终监测指标清单5个部分组成。该方法在三江源国家公园进行了应用。三江源国家公园的管理目标包括生态系统保育、维持江河径流量持续稳定等13项,在区域、景观、生态系统和种群尺度上共识别出16个关键生态过程。通过匹配三江源国家公园的关键生态过程与管理目标,构建了一个由两级共93个指标组成的三江源国家公园生态监测指标体系,为三江源国家公园生态监测体系的构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   

苔藓植物对沈阳市大气质量的指示作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈龙  吴玉环  李微  高谦 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2460-2465
借助苔藓植物,应用大气净度指数(index of atmospheric purity)法与重金属(Mn、Fe、Cu、Cr和Pb)含量化学分析法相结合指示沈阳市的大气质量状况.结果表明:沈阳市样点可根据大气污染状况划分为3个区域,其中市区污染程度大于郊区,市区西部污染大于东部,南部大于北部;各区以Pb污染程度最为严重,值得重视.该结果与监测站所得空气污染指数(air pollution index)结果相符.  相似文献   

Transitions in ecological systems often occur without apparent warning, and may represent shifts between alternative persistent states. Decreasing ecological resilience (the size of the basin of attraction around a stable state) can signal an impending transition, but this effect is difficult to measure in practice. Recent research has suggested that a decreasing rate of recovery from small perturbations (critical slowing down) is a good indicator of ecological resilience. Here we use analytical techniques to draw general conclusions about the conditions under which critical slowing down provides an early indicator of transitions in two-species predator-prey and competition models. The models exhibit three types of transition: the predator-prey model has a Hopf bifurcation and a transcritical bifurcation, and the competition model has two saddle-node bifurcations (in which case the system exhibits hysteresis) or two transcritical bifurcations, depending on the parameterisation. We find that critical slowing down is an earlier indicator of the Hopf bifurcation in predator-prey models in which prey are regulated by predation rather than by intrinsic density-dependent effects and an earlier indicator of transitions in competition models in which the dynamics of the rare species operate on slower timescales than the dynamics of the common species. These results lead directly to predictions for more complex multi-species systems, which can be tested using simulation models or real ecosystems.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, overexploitation of natural resources, the introduction of alien species and environmental degradation in aquatic environments are the main causes of reductions in aquatic biota diversity. Phytoplankton represent good ecological indicators because they are highly diverse and rapidly respond to a wide array of environmental disturbances. We investigated the interannual variation in alpha diversity of the phytoplankton community in lakes of an alluvial floodplain. We predicted that the phytoplankton diversity decreases over time in lakes and rivers subjected to human activities, whereas those biotopes in areas under pristine environmental conditions do not show a reduction in alpha diversity. Phytoplankton samples were taken quarterly over a period of eleven years (2000–2010), from ten localities associated with three large rivers, which showed different uses of the watershed. The time series of alpha diversity was analysed, to assess the temporal trend, in addition to their relationships with environmental factors. Phytoplankton alpha diversity in the Upper Paraná River floodplain ranged between 4 and 87 species and showed a mean of 30 (±16.5). Sites associated with the Paraná River showed a decline in diversity, which was associated with transparency, nitrogen and phosphorus forms. These results reflect a combination of seston retention by damming and an increase in the N:P ratio, which appears to negatively affect phytoplankton diversity. If temporal trends in environmental variation and the phytoplankton community remain, the future consequences for phytoplanktonic diversity in the Paraná subsystem will be severe, which might cause changes in the trophic structure and dynamics, and therefore in the functioning of environments, since this community is one of the main sources of energy for other trophic levels.  相似文献   

Syntaxonomic diversity (SD) represents the number of plant communities (phytocoenoses) in certain area. Plant communities as organized systems of populations of various coexisting plant species inhabiting same or similar habitat in the function of time. SD is one of the best indicators of the state and potential carrying capacity of every ecosystem and an attribute of total ecological diversity. In general, level of syntaxonomic diversity indicates habitat heterogeneity and diversity. This could have significant importance in the categorization of habitat values in accordance with European Nature Information System (EUNIS) criteria. The results presented in this paper indicate without any doubt high natural values of mountain range Vranica in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the best proofs is an extremely high level of syntaxonomic diversity. In this area covering just 288 km2, vegetation is differentiated into 9 formations, 28 classes, 44 orders, 73 alliances and 165 associations. This represents 85% of all classes, 73% of all orders, 65% of all alliances, and 53% of all associations of vegetation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or 35% of all classes in vegetation diversity in Europe. Going from the level of class to the level of order, the number of syntaxa increases for 61%, from order to alliance for 60%, and from alliance to association for 44.24% (average 55%). SD index is very high and it is 0.5729. This means that on each km2 contains 0.5729 syntaxa.  相似文献   

充分发挥自然保护区的保护成效是实现生物多样性保护目标的关键,开展保护成效评估对促进国家级自然保护区的有效管理和宏观决策具有重要意义.本研究以10年为评估时间尺度,以保护目标物种为评估重点,采用频度统计法、专家咨询法、层次分析法(AHP)及案例调研法,率先构建了我国陆生脊椎动物(除候鸟外)类型国家级自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系.该评估框架包括1个目标层、2个系统层、9个因素层和40个指标层,其中系统层包括生态有效性评估(分值占60%)和管理有效性评估(分值占40%).生态有效性评估以目标物种种群及其生境动态变化为主;管理有效性评估注重资源监测、日常巡护等管理行动评估;赋分区主要针对人类活动对保护区目标物种种群及自然资源影响的评估.本研究首次将生态有效性和管理有效性有机结合,注重时空动态变化,区分人为因素的影响与自然变化的结果,将评估指标量化,可促进我国野生动物资源的科学保护、自然保护区的有效管理与宏观规划决策.  相似文献   

Changes in some leaf characteristics: leaf mass area (LMA), content of photosynthetic pigments and nitrogen in the leaves, leaf mass ratio (LMR) and leaf area ratio (LAR) were investigated in steppe plants of the Volga land along the gradient of aridity. When drought stress became stronger, the content of chlorophylls in the leaves, LMR and LAR decreased, whereas LMA and the proportion of carotenoids in the leaves rose. In the North to South direction, the content of pigments and nitrogen per unit whole plant weight considerably decreased (4 and 2 times, respectively). The relationship between leaf indices (chlorophyll and nitrogen contents and LMA) differed along this gradient. It was concluded that adaptation of steppe plants to drought stress generally depended on predominant development of heterotrophic tissues in the leaf and the whole plant. During aridization, the stress-tolerant species became more numerous.  相似文献   

Population Ecology - Although empirical verifications of ecological theory are essential for the advance of our understanding of ecosystems functioning, they are often hard to obtain or even...  相似文献   

To study the effects of a prolonged (80 day), severe (64% body mass loss) energy restriction and subsequent refeeding on skeletal muscle tissue, specifically the plantaris muscle, 21 genetically obese Zucker rats were selected for this study. Six rats were initially killed and served as baseline (BASE), then 15 rats underwent severe energy restriction for 80 days. Seven of these restricted rats (RESTRICT) were then killed and assessed while the other eight rats (REHAB) were fed a dry rehabilitation diet that provided 100% of the recommended energy and 1.5 times the recommended protein for growth. Once the REHAB rats had recovered approximately 45% of their original mass loss, these animals were then evaluated. Within 20 min after being killed, the plantaris muscles from each animal in each group had been removed, weighed, and frozen. Analyses included total plantaris mass, as well as differences in fiber diameters, esterase activity, and fiber type distributions between three groups (BASE, RESTRICT, and REHAB). The extreme body mass loss of 64% in genetically obese Zucker rats resulted in significant tissue weight loss and reduced fiber diameters in the plantaris muscle. Refeeding resulted in larger muscle fiber diameters that approached baseline values but an 11% difference in muscle weight remained and may be due to a decreased fiber number. Esterase activity seemed to indicate an initial fat utilization for the RESTRICT group, followed by suppressed esterase activity in the REHAB group, suggesting increased fat storage. No significant differences were found in fiber type distribution between BASE, RESTRICT, or REHAB animals. Accepted: 8 April 1997  相似文献   

The use of periphyton nitrogenase activity (biological N2 fixation) as an indicator of wetland P impact was assessed using patterns of nutrient content (C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn) and acetylene reduction (AR) in floating cyanobacterial periphyton mat (metaphyton) communities of a P-enriched portion of the Florida Everglades, USA (Water Conservation Area-2A, WCA-2A). Spatial patterns of nutrients indicate the enrichment of floating mat periphyton N, P, Fe, and K, and the reduction of Mn and TN:TP in enriched marsh areas. In highly enriched areas, floating mat periphyton AR was approximately threefold greater than that in less enriched, interior marsh zones. Multiple regression models indicated AR dependence on P in eutrophic WCA-2A areas while the AR of more interior marsh periphyton mats was more closely related to tissue levels of Ca and Fe. Nitrogenase activity of floating mat periphyton from P-loaded mesocosms revealed a significant enhancement of N2 fixation in samples receiving approximately 2–3 mg P m−2 of cumulative P dosing or with biomass TP content of 100–300 mg kg−1. At P contents above the optimum, mat periphyton AR was suppressed possibly as a result of changes in species composition or increased levels of NH4+. After 3 years of dosing, consistently high AR occurred only at low rates of P enrichment (0.4–0.8 g P m−2 yr−1), and the patterns appeared to be seasonal. These findings agree with the hypothesis that P availability is a key determinant of nitrogenase activity in aquatic systems, and thus, may support the use of periphyton nitrogenase to indicate P impacts in P-limited systems. These results also demonstrate the potential existence of a P threshhold for biogeochemical alteration of periphyton mat function in the Everglades, and that cumulative loading of limiting nutrients (i.e., P), rather than instantaneous concentrations, should be considered when evaluating nutrient criteria.  相似文献   

This study focused on the distribution of fish with high reproductive activity along a basin, using a 430 km stretch of the Cuiabá River in Brazil as a model. The main objective of this study was to identify those fish that migrate long distances for reproduction, among all the basin species. Thus, a set of working criteria are proposed to classify species according to their reproductive behaviour (i.e., reproductive activity and distribution). Samplings were performed in the Cuiabá River basin, encompassing several environments (river, channels and lakes) during the reproductive periods (between October and February), from 2000 to 2004. Species occurrence (presence and absence – proxy of distribution) across the basin and index of reproductive activity values were used as criteria to identify the species that perform long-distance longitudinal migrations for reproduction. The study confirmed the classification of long-distance longitudinal migration species; nonetheless, some species were not classified as described in the literature. The proposed sequential criteria have proven to be effective in the classification of long-distance longitudinal migrations species and certainly contribute to filling some existing knowledge gaps of reproductive traits. This classification is of fundamental importance in planning new dam projects, in decision making and in the development of management and conservation actions for the ichthyofauna.  相似文献   

邱嘉琦  于德永 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7598-7609
中国北方农牧交错带是我国重要的生态安全屏障之一,面临经济发展与脆弱生态环境保护间的突出矛盾。生态系统服务的定量研究是生态可持续管理的重要科学依据,也是当前的研究热点之一。以北方农牧交错带的核心区域--内蒙古中西部地区为例,结合中高分辨率遥感数据和生物物理模型准确量化了2000-2018年关键生态系统服务,基于Getis-Ord G*方法分析了生态系统服务的空间格局,考虑地理数据的空间自相关性选取了空间回归模型探索其影响因子。结果表明:(1)净初级生产力(NPP,Net primary productivity)、土壤水蚀控制服务(SC,Soil conservation)、产水量(WY,Water yield)及三层土壤含水量(SM1,Soil moisture of top layer;SM2,Soil moisture of middle layer;SM3,Soil moisture of bottom layer)在东部较高,防风固沙服务(SF,Sand fixation)在南部和西部较高;(2)以上生态系统服务受气候变化、景观格局、地形和土壤条件等综合影响,不同影响因素对生态系统服务的作用存在差异。NPP受森林景观格局和归一化植被指数的影响最为显著;WYSM1、SM2、SM3及SC受降水量的影响较为显著;风速和表层土壤砂粒含量对SF影响最为显著。研究结果可以为优化景观格局和土地系统,缓解中国北方农牧交错带的社会-生态矛盾提供科学依据和案例参考。  相似文献   

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