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Multi-proxy palaeoecological data from two peat profiles at Esklets on the North York Moors upland provide a record of vegetation changes for much of the Holocene. Possible vegetation disturbance in the late Mesolithic and activity in the Neolithic and Bronze Age are recognised. In both profiles fine resolution analyses have been applied to the period leading up to the mid-Holocene Elm Decline which in this upland has been dated to ca. 4,800 bp (uncalibrated 14C years). Disturbance impacts at the Esklets Elm Decline are low scale, but phases of woodland disturbance, which include cereal (Hordeum)-type pollen, occur in both profiles ca. 5,200 bp, some centuries before the Elm Decline on the North York Moors, but similar to dates for this key palynological horizon in nearby lowland areas. A protocol is presented for the separation of Hordeum (cultivated species) and Glyceria (wild grass) pollen. The Esklets sites record disturbances during the late Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. These pre-Elm Decline disturbance phases represent either early penetration of neolithic cultivator-pastoralists into this upland or the activities of final mesolithic foragers. No neolithic archaeological sites occur nearby, but a ‘Terminal Mesolithic’ flint site dominated by microlith ‘rod’ forms occurs close to the palaeoecological sites. Such rod sites are dated in northern England to the centuries leading up to 5,000 bp and so are contemporary with the disturbance phases that included Hordeum-type pollen at Esklets. The cultural context of these disturbance phases and the role of ‘rod’ microlith sites during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition require further focused research to clarify all issues relating to this important period.  相似文献   

Microcharcoal data which cover the millennium preceding the Ulmus Decline from near-replicate peat profiles 30 cm apart are presented from North Gill, an intensively studied upland spring-head site in north-east England with an established detailed palaeoecological record. The Ulmus Decline at this site has been consistently dated to ca. 4700 14C years BP. The microcharcoal records from these two very closely adjacent points, which must have had virtually identical microcharcoal source areas, are assessed for their degrees of similarity and variability at 1 cm vertical sampling intervals, in an investigation which parallels a previous comparative pollen study of the two profiles. The major trends and frequency peaks and troughs of the twin microcharcoal curves were found to correspond well, suggesting that microcharcoal records from small peat mires within forested catchments have fine spatial integrity, are reproducible and can be interpreted securely as reliable records of fire history in their small source areas. Much variation occurred at the level of individual spectra within coeval zones which must record the same fire history and ecology however, producing differently shaped microcharcoal curves. While the record of major trends will be accurate, therefore, too precise an interpretation of microcharcoal data at this temporal scale may not be justified. Micro-spatial variations in frequencies of fungal spores associated with local burning are also presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

Pollen, micro-charcoal and non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) data from the mid Holocene Ulmus decline and the preceding millennium have provided evidence of repeated fire disturbance of the upland woodland at Bluewath Beck Head, on the North York Moors in northeast England. Woodland disturbance coincides with the Ulmus decline, which at several similar upland sites in northern England is dated to ca. 4800 uncal b.p. (ca. 5550 cal b.p.), and so to the early Neolithic period. Two fire events occur within a cycle of disturbance and regeneration between about 6100 (ca. 6950 cal b.p.) and 5700 b.p. (ca. 6475 cal b.p.), placing them in the later stages of the Late Mesolithic hunter-gatherer occupation of the upland and near the start of the transition to early Neolithic agricultural economies. Increased Melampyrum and Corylus pollen percentages characterise the post-fire vegetation response. These disturbances probably resulted from human activity, suggesting that fire was an integral part of the Late Mesolithic ecology. The local origin of some NPPs greatly enhances the palaeoecological interpretation, showing variations in the hydrological responses to disturbance that are much less visible in the pollen record, and helping to distinguish between local and regional vegetation changes. Other NPPs indicate burning near to the site. A substantial peak in spores of the wood-rot fungus Kretzschmaria deusta across the Ulmus decline may indicate girdling and other woodland management techniques as part of Neolithic woodland farming.  相似文献   

Blake  L.  Goulding  K.W.T. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(2):235-251
The effects of acidification on the soil chemistry and plant availability of the metals Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn and Ni in new and archived soil and plant samples taken from the >100-year-old experiments on natural woodland regeneration (Geescroft and Broadbalk Wildernesses) and a hay meadow (Park Grass) at Rothamsted Experimental Station are examined. We measured a significant input of metals from atmospheric deposition, enhanced under woodland by 33% (Ni) to 259% (Zn); Pb deposition was greatly influenced by vehicle emissions and the introduction of Pb in petrol. The build up of metals by long-term deposition was influenced by acidification, mobilization and leaching, but leaching, generally, only occurred in soils at pH<4. Mn and Cd were most sensitive to soil acidity with effective mobilization occurring at pH 6.0–5.5 (0.01 M CaCl2), followed by Zn, Ni and Cu at pH 5.5–5.0. Pb was not mobilized until pH<4.5. Acidification to pH 4 mobilized 60–90% of total soil Cd but this was adsorbed onto ion exchange surfaces and/or complexed with soil organic matter. This buffering effect of ion exchange surfaces and organic matter in soils down to pH 4 was generally reflected by all the metals investigated. For grassland the maximum accumulation of metals in herbage generally corresponded to a soil pH of 4.0. For woodland the concentration of Pb, Mn and Cd in oak saplings (Quercus robur) was 3-, 4- and 6-fold larger at pH 4 than at pH 7. Mature Oak trees contained 10 times more Mn, 4 times more Ni and 3 times more Cd in their leaves at pH 4 than at pH 7. At pH values <4.0 on grassland the metal content in herbage declined. Only for Mn and Zn did this reflect a decline in the plant available soil content attributed to long-term acid weathering and leaching. The chief cause was a long-term decline in plant species richness and the increased dominance of two acid-tolerant, metal-excluder species  相似文献   

Upland waters are located upstream of the areas of direct human disturbance and intensive land use through industry, agriculture and urbanisation and are valued particularly as sources of potable water and as biodiverse freshwater habitats. Nonetheless, the impact of human activity can be detected even in some of the most remote lakes on the planet due to the effects of long-range transport of air pollutants and global climate change. In the UK, upland waters are threatened by a range of pressures including not only atmospheric deposition of acidic compounds, trace metals and organic pollutants, but also climate change, nutrient enrichment by deposited nitrogen and changing land-use or land management regimes. The threat from acid deposition has declined sharply since the 1980s but its legacy remains a major concern; recovery is taking place but even assuming a complete chemical and biological recovery to a pre-industrial baseline were possible, dynamic models suggest that this could take another 100 years. However, current climate change projections suggest that by then, UK upland waters will become much warmer, with lower summer streamflows, higher winter streamflows and a much reduced or even absent influence of snowfall and lake ice-cover. Hence there is no rationale for aspiring to the return of pre-industrial “reference” conditions because climate change is likely to shift the climatic baseline at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, expansion of forest planting, changing grazing regimes and management measures for peatland restoration, among other land-use pressure, will affect upland catchments in the UK with potentially major repercussions for aquatic ecosystems, both positive and negative. The challenge for scientists, policymakers and other stakeholders in the uplands is to determine not only the trajectory of change in upland waters, but also to define the ecological endpoints needed to provide the optimum range of ecosystem services for society. Integrated monitoring of the kind exemplified by the papers in this volume is a fundamental prerequisite in this regard.  相似文献   

李玲  肖和艾  童成立  丁龙君  盛荣 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2178-2183
土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)和溶解有机碳(DOC)是土壤有机碳的活性组分,能够较快反映土壤环境变化。以14C标记葡萄糖和稻草为底物,室内培养法研究了相同含水量(45% WHC)条件下,红壤旱地和稻田土壤活性有机碳对外源有机底物的响应。结果表明,土壤微生物能迅速吸收利用葡萄糖和稻草中的DOC组分,而使土壤MBC含量在短时间(前5 d)内出现最大值。添加葡萄糖和稻草处理,旱地土壤MBC峰值分别高于对照69.4%和55.1%,稻田土壤高于对照10.2%和10.5%。整个培养期(100 d)内,添加葡萄糖和稻草处理旱地土壤MBC的平均含量分别高于对照82.1%和41.5%(P<0.05);而稻田土壤MBC在培养前期(0~60 d),分别高于对照8.8%和5.1%(P<0.05),60 d后与对照差异不显著。葡萄糖和稻草的添加对旱地土壤总DOC含量没有显著影响(0~2 d除外),但可明显提高稻田土壤总DOC含量(增幅为12.8%~26.0%)。100 d内,2个土壤中14C标记MBC(14C-MBC)占总量的比例为4.5%~47.4%,14C标记DOC(14C-DOC)为4.0%~12.7%。说明在土壤含水量为45%WHC条件下,有机底物的添加对旱地土壤MBC的影响大于稻田土壤,但对DOC的影响则反之。同位素示踪表明,土壤有机质本身是DOC和MBC的主要来源。  相似文献   

We reconstructed the history of terrestrial export of aluminium (Al) to Plešné Lake (Czech Republic) since the lake origin 12,600 year BC, and predicted Al export for 2010–2050 on the basis of previously published and new data on mass budget studies, palaeolimnological data, and MAGIC modelling. We focused on three major Al forms; ionic Al (Ali), organically-bound Al (Alo), and particulate Al hydroxide [Al(OH)3]. In early post-glacial time, Plešné Lake received high terrestrial export of Al, but with a minor proportion of Al(OH)3 (4–25 μM), and concentrations of Ali and Alo were negligible. Since the forest and soil development (9900–9000 year BC), erosion has declined and soil organic acids increased export of Alo from soils. The terrestrial Alo leaching (7.5 μM) persisted throughout the Holocene until the industrial period. Then, Ali concentrations continuously increased (up to 28 μM in the mid-1980s) due to atmospheric acidification; the Ali leaching was mostly associated with sulphate. The proportion of Ali associated with nitrate has been increasing since the beginning of lake recovery from acidification after 1990 due to reduction in sulphur deposition and nitrogen-saturation of the catchment, leading to persistent nitrate leaching. Currently, nitrate has become the dominant strong acid anion and the major Ali carrier. Alo (5.5 μM) is predicted to dominate Al concentrations around 2050, but the predicted Ali concentrations (4 μM) are uncertain because of uncertainty associated with the future nitrate leaching and its effect on soils.  相似文献   

Questions: Is vegetation composition of ombrotrophic bogs with an undisturbed water regime resistant or sensitive to ongoing high atmospheric deposition and climatic changes? Location: The Sudeten Mountains (Czech Republic). Methods: Species composition of bryophytes and vascular plants was sampled in 25 permanent plots in suboceanic bogs of the Jizerské hory Mountains and in 26 permanent plots in subcontinental bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains. The permanent plots were established and first sampled in 1991. These plots were re‐sampled after 14 and 17 years, respectively. We also used historical vegetation plots (1947–1949; 1980) from the same localities in order to reveal possible changes that might start earlier. Water chemistry was analysed annually, usually three times a year. Compositional changes were analysed by PERMANOVA, β‐diversity changes by PERMDISP and other changes by t‐test and Fisher's exact test. Results: At the community level, no statistically significant changes were detected in permanent plots (PERMANOVA, PERMDISP), either in hollows or in hummocks, but the vegetation composition changed between the oldest (historical) and the newest data sets. At the level of functional groups, cover of Cyperaceae significantly decreased and cover of other herbs (excluding graminoids) and Sphagna increased in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains, whereas no changes were detected in the Jizerské hory Mountains. Cover of ericoid dwarf shrubs has not changed in either area. At the level of particular species, the frequency of Sphagnum magellanicum, Carex limosa, Scheuchzeria palustris and Vaccinium myrtillus decreased, while the frequency of Straminergon stramineum, Sphagnum recurvum agg., Eriophorum angustifolium and Luzula sylvatica increased. These changes were more evident when recent and historical data were compared. Conclusions: When water regime is not affected, the bog vegetation seems to be rather resistant to high atmospheric deposition and climate fluctuation. A significant change of the species composition occurs only in the long‐term perspective. Particular species could, however, decrease or increase their frequencies more rapidly. For some of these species a positive or negative response to nitrogen availability was also found in other studies, whereas for other species further research is needed in order to separate the effects of atmospheric deposition and internal ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to study how N, P, Fe, Mn and S concentrations in pore waters change with time at different temperatures, an incubation experiment was carried out with surficial intertidal sediment. To evaluate the importance of benthic microorganisms, an abiotic control was established by poisoning sediment. The live and poisoned sediments were incubated for ten hours at 10, 21, 30 and 40°C. Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP), NH4 +, total dissolved manganese (Mndiss), total dissolved iron (Fediss) and soluble inorganic sulphide (HS)t were followed in the pore water samples. Results indicated that high temperature influenced nitrification, allowing accumulation of ammonia and that microorganism activity did not seem important for Mn reduction. Anaerobic nitrification by Mn reduction was advanced as an explanation of the behaviour of DIN during the experiment.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) are important energy and nutrient sources for aquatic ecosystems. In many northern temperate, freshwater systems DOC has increased in the past 50 years. Less is known about how changes in DOC may vary across latitudes, and whether changes in DON track those of DOC. Here, we present long-term DOC and DON data from 74 streams distributed across seven sites in biomes ranging from the tropics to northern boreal forests with varying histories of atmospheric acid deposition. For each stream, we examined the temporal trends of DOC and DON concentrations and DOC:DON molar ratios. While some sites displayed consistent positive or negative trends in stream DOC and DON concentrations, changes in direction or magnitude were inconsistent at regional or local scales. DON trends did not always track those of DOC, though DOC:DON ratios increased over time for ~30% of streams. Our results indicate that the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool is experiencing fundamental changes due to the recovery from atmospheric acid deposition. Changes in DOC:DON stoichiometry point to a shifting energy-nutrient balance in many aquatic ecosystems. Sustained changes in the character of DOM can have major implications for stream metabolism, biogeochemical processes, food webs, and drinking water quality (including disinfection by-products). Understanding regional and global variation in DOC and DON concentrations is important for developing realistic models and watershed management protocols to effectively target mitigation efforts aimed at bringing DOM flux and nutrient enrichment under control.  相似文献   

A population of recombinant inbred rice lines from a cross between the upland japonica cultivar Azucena and the upland indica cultivar Bala was evaluated in a series of upland field experiments. Water stress was imposed during the reproductive stage by managed irrigation during the dry season, while control treatments were maintained in aerobic, well-irrigated conditions. Water deficit resulted in a yield reduction of 17 to 50%. The genetic correlation between stress and control yields was quite high when stress was mild, and the heritability of yield was similar in stress and control treatments across both years of this study. Genetic correlations between secondary traits such as leaf rolling and drying and yield under stress varied from high (leaf drying) to insignificant (leaf rolling). Lines with superior yield tended to have fewer panicles and larger grain size than the high-yielding parent, Bala, even though the panicle number was positively correlated with yield and the thousand-grain weight was not associated with yield for the population as a whole. Analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield and yield components allowed the identification of 31 regions associated with growth or yield components. Superior alleles came from either parent. Several of the regions identified had also been reported for root mass at depth or maximum root length in this population in other studies made under controlled environments, and for leaf drying (LD) in field studies. However, the direction of the effect of QTLs was not consistent, which indicates that there was not necessarily a causal relationship between these secondary traits and performance. We conclude that mapping populations can provide novel insights on the actual relationships between yield components and secondary traits in stress and control environments and can allow identification of significant QTLs for yield components under drought stress.Abbreviations DAS Days after sowing - GPP Grains per panicle - QTL Quantitative trait locus - RWC Relative water content - SPP Spikelets per panicle - TGW Thousand-grain weight - VPD Vapor pressure deficit  相似文献   

Fluxes of major ions and nutrients were measured in the N-saturated mountain forest catchment-lake system of Čertovo Lake (Czech Republic) from 1998 to 2014. The lake has been rapidly recovering from atmospheric acidification due to a 90% decrease in sulphate (SO42−) deposition since the late 1980s and nitrate (NO3) contribution to the pool of strong acid anion and leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased. Present concentrations of base cations, phosphorus (P), total organic N (TON), and ionic (Ali) and organically bound (Alo) aluminium in tributaries are thus predominantly governed by NO3 and DOC leaching. Despite a continuing recovery lasting 25 years, the Čertovo catchment is still a net source of protons (H+), producing 44 mmol m−2 yr−1 H+ on a catchment-area basis (corresponding to 35 μmol L−1 on a concentration basis). Retention of the deposited inorganic N in the catchment averages 20%, and ammonium consumption (51 mmol m−2 yr−1) and net NO3 production (28 mol m−2 yr−1) are together the dominant terrestrial H+ generating processes. In contrast, the importance of SO42− release from the soils on terrestrial H+ production is continuously decreasing, with an average of 47 mmol m−2 yr−1 during the study. The in-lake biogeochemical processes reduce the incoming acidity by ∼40%, neutralizing 23 μmol L−1 H+ (i.e., 225 mmol m−2 yr−1 on a lake-area basis). Denitrification and photochemical and microbial decomposition of DOC are the most important in-lake H+ consuming processes (50 and 39%, respectively), while hydrolysis of Ali (from tributaries and photochemically liberated from Alo) is the dominant in-lake H+ generating process. Because the trends in water chemistry and H+ balance in the catchment-lake system are increasingly related to variability in NO3 and DOC leaching, they have become sensitive to climate-related factors (drought, elevated runoff) and forest damage that significantly modify the leaching of these anions. During the study period, increased exports of NO3 (accompanied by Ali and base cations) from the Čertovo catchment occurred after a dry and hot summer, after forest damage, and during elevated winter runoff. Increasing DOC export due to decreasing acid deposition was further elevated during years with higher runoff (and especially during events with lateral flow), and was accompanied by P, TON, and Alo leaching. The climate-related processes, which originally “only” confounded chemical trends in waters recovering from acidification, may soon become the dominant variables controlling water composition in N-saturated catchments.  相似文献   

R L Scruggs  E K Achter  P D Ross 《Biopolymers》1972,11(9):1961-1972
In order to examine the thermodynamic effects of exposing nucleic acid bases to water, we have measured the solubility of adenine, cytosine, and uracil in water and in organic solvents as a function of temperature. Transfer of a nucleic acid base from an organic environment into water is characterized by positive values for ΔH and for ΔS. We conclude from this result that the overall interaction between nucleic acid bases and water cannot be hydrophobic. If the effect we observe represents structure breaking in water by nucleic acid bases, this process would account for a major portion of the large, positive melting entropy of DNA, and would also contribute substantially to the melting enthalpy.  相似文献   

The Regional Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (RILWAS) was conducted to identify and to quantify the environmental factors controlling surface water chemistry in forested watersheds of the Adirondack region of New York. The RILWAS vegetation research was designed to: (1) compare the quantitative patterns of forest cover and tree community structure in the study catchments of the Moose River drainage system; and (2) identify important vegetation differences among study watersheds that might help to explain inter-watershed differences in water chemistry and aquatic responses to acidic deposition. Field transect data indicated that the overall drainage system includes 50% mixed forest cover, 38% hardwood forest, 10% coniferous forest, and 2% wetland cover. Major tree species include yellow birch, red spruce, American beech, sugar maple, eastern hemlock, and red maple. Analysis of forest structure indicated that mean weighted basal area estimates ranged two-fold from 24–48 m2ha–1 among watersheds. Likewise, mean weighted estimates for aboveground biomass and aboveground annual productivity ranged among watersheds from 160 to 320 MT ha–1 and from 8 to 18 MT ha–1 yr–1, respectively. Results showed that differences in surface water chemistry were independent of vegetation differences among watersheds.  相似文献   

The late Holocene environmental history of two karstic uplands in the Burren, western Ireland is reconstructed. The palaeoecological investigations focus on species-rich, upland plant communities of high biogeographic interest that include Sesleria-dominated grasslands and heath communities with Dryas octopetala, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Empetrum nigrum. Short monoliths taken from shallow peats were pollen analytically investigated. Particular attention was paid to non-pollen palynomorphs, and especially coprophilous fungal spores as indicators of environmental change and pastoral activity at local level. The exposed north-west Burren uplands carried Pinus sylvestris-dominated woodland during the mid and late Bronze Age. The demise of pine on these uplands at ca. 600 B.C. is ascribed to human impact. Evidence is presented for increased pastoral activity in the uplands from early medieval times (ca. sixth century A.D.) onwards. Farming, involving intensive grazing of the uplands, attained greatest intensity during the late 18th and early 19th century, and resulted in more or less total clearance of Corylus scrub which, prior to that, was common in both the upland and lowland Burren. The potential of non-pollen palynomorphs and especially the coprophilous fungal spore record for elucidating traditional Burren farming practices, including winterage (a type of transhumance), is highlighted.  相似文献   

Highly resolved time series data are useful to accurately identify the timing, rate, and magnitude of solute transport in streams during hydrologically dynamic periods such as snowmelt. We used in situ optical sensors for nitrate (NO3 ?) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM) to measure surface water concentrations at 30?min intervals over the snowmelt period (March 21–May 13, 2009) at a 40.5 hectare forested watershed at Sleepers River, Vermont. We also collected discrete samples for laboratory absorbance and fluorescence as well as δ18O–NO3 ? isotopes to help interpret the drivers of variable NO3 ? and FDOM concentrations measured in situ. In situ data revealed seasonal, event and diurnal patterns associated with hydrological and biogeochemical processes regulating stream NO3 ? and FDOM concentrations. An observed decrease in NO3 ? concentrations after peak snowmelt runoff and muted response to spring rainfall was consistent with the flushing of a limited supply of NO3 ? (mainly from nitrification) from source areas in surficial soils. Stream FDOM concentrations were coupled with flow throughout the study period, suggesting a strong hydrologic control on DOM concentrations in the stream. However, higher FDOM concentrations per unit streamflow after snowmelt likely reflected a greater hydraulic connectivity of the stream to leachable DOM sources in upland soils. We also observed diurnal NO3 ? variability of 1–2?μmol?l?1 after snowpack ablation, presumably due to in-stream uptake prior to leafout. A comparison of NO3 ? and dissolved organic carbon yields (DOC, measured by FDOM proxy) calculated from weekly discrete samples and in situ data sub-sampled daily resulted in small to moderate differences over the entire study period (?4 to 1% for NO3 ? and ?3 to ?14% for DOC), but resulted in much larger differences for daily yields (?66 to +27% for NO3 ? and ?88 to +47% for DOC, respectively). Despite challenges inherent in in situ sensor deployments in harsh seasonal conditions, these data provide important insights into processes controlling NO3 ? and FDOM in streams, and will be critical for evaluating the effects of climate change on snowmelt delivery to downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

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