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Polypore fungal diversity and host density in a moist tropical forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a moist tropical forest in Panama, the wood-decay polyporefungi comprise many rare species (more than half found only once) andexhibit diversity that exceeds that of the supporting tree community.The most abundant fungal species were non-specialists, each found onseveral host species from multiple plant families. In diverse fungalcommunities, each of many species should infect a given host species ina density-dependent manner, so that the infected proportion of a hostpopulation should increase with host density. Applied across hostspecies, hosts with denser populations should support greater fungaldiversity. For 10 tree species, fungal incidence and diversity increasedwith abundance of the host in the community, consistent withacross-species density-dependent infection. Fungal diversity associatedwith individual trunks did not, however, vary with host-species density.Both host density and persistence of decaying logs may be important indetermining fungal diversity associated with tree species.  相似文献   

Treefall gaps play an important role in tropical forest dynamics and in determining above-ground biomass (AGB). However, our understanding of gap disturbance regimes is largely based either on surveys of forest plots that are small relative to spatial variation in gap disturbance, or on satellite imagery, which cannot accurately detect small gaps. We used high-resolution light detection and ranging data from a 1500 ha forest in Panama to: (i) determine how gap disturbance parameters are influenced by study area size, and the criteria used to define gaps; and (ii) to evaluate how accurately previous ground-based canopy height sampling can determine the size and location of gaps. We found that plot-scale disturbance parameters frequently differed significantly from those measured at the landscape-level, and that canopy height thresholds used to define gaps strongly influenced the gap-size distribution, an important metric influencing AGB. Furthermore, simulated ground surveys of canopy height frequently misrepresented the true location of gaps, which may affect conclusions about how relatively small canopy gaps affect successional processes and contribute to the maintenance of diversity. Across site comparisons need to consider how gap definition, scale and spatial resolution affect characterizations of gap disturbance, and its inferred importance for carbon storage and community composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. We asked whether forest structure and understory light environments across a tropical moist forest chronosequence followed predictions of a 4‐phase model of secondary succession (establishment, thinning, transition and steady‐state) and whether seedling density and diversity were functions of light availability as predicted by this model. Using aerial photographs, we identified eight second‐growth stands (two each aged ca. 20, 40, 70, and 100 yr) and two old‐growth stands within Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama. Trees and seedlings were sampled in nested, contiguous quadrats in 2 160‐m transects in each stand. Light was measured as percent transmittance of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (TPAR) at each seedling quadrat and by estimation of percent total incident radiation during the growing season from hemispherical canopy photographs. Basal area, tree density, and canopy height followed predictions of the 4‐phase model. Percent total radiation, but not TPAR, declined with stand age as did seedling density. While seedlings were more likely to occur in quadrats at higher light levels, much variation in seedling density was not related to light availability. Seedling patch sizes were small irrespective of light patches, estimated as semivariance ranges. Seedling species richness was a function of seedling density; estimates of species diversity unbiased by density did not vary systematically as a function of stand age. Proximate seed sources, efficient dispersal mechanisms, and appropriate establishment conditions can promote establishment of species‐rich communities early in successions of heterogeneous tropical moist forest.  相似文献   

Gap dynamics in tropical forests are of interest because an understanding of them can help to predict canopy structure and biodiversity. We present a simple cellular automaton model that is capable of capturing many of the trends seen in the canopy gap pattern of a complex tropical rainforest on the Barro Colorado Island (BCI) using a single set of model parameters. We fit the global and local densities, the cluster size distributions, and two correlation functions, for gaps, gap formations, and gap closures determined from a spatial map of the forest (1983-1984). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that the cluster size distributions of gap formations and closures in the BCI are both power laws. An important element in the model is that when a transition from gap to non-gap (closure), or vice versa (formation), occurs, this transition is allowed to expand into adjacent cells in order to make different cluster sizes of transitions. Model results are in excellent agreement with reported field data. The propagation of local interactions is necessary in order to obtain the complex dynamics of the gap pattern. We also establish a connection between the global and local densities via the neighborhood-dependent transition rates and the effective global transition rates.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are a key determinant of the functioning of the Earth system, but remain a major source of uncertainty in carbon cycle models and climate change projections. In this study, we present an updated land model (LM3PPA‐TV) to improve the representation of tropical forest structure and dynamics in Earth system models (ESMs). The development and parameterization of LM3PPA‐TV drew on extensive datasets on tropical tree traits and long‐term field censuses from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The model defines a new plant functional type (PFT) based on the characteristics of shade‐tolerant, tropical tree species, implements a new growth allocation scheme based on realistic tree allometries, incorporates hydraulic constraints on biomass accumulation, and features a new compartment for tree branches and branch fall dynamics. Simulation experiments reproduced observed diurnal and seasonal patterns in stand‐level carbon and water fluxes, as well as mean canopy and understory tree growth rates, tree size distributions, and stand‐level biomass on BCI. Simulations at multiple sites captured considerable variation in biomass and size structure across the tropical forest biome, including observed responses to precipitation and temperature. Model experiments suggested a major role of water limitation in controlling geographic variation forest biomass and structure. However, the failure to simulate tropical forests under extreme conditions and the systematic underestimation of forest biomass in Paleotropical locations highlighted the need to incorporate variation in hydraulic traits and multiple PFTs that capture the distinct floristic composition across tropical domains. The continued pressure on tropical forests from global change demands models which are able to simulate alternative successional pathways and their pace to recovery. LM3PPA‐TV provides a tool to investigate geographic variation in tropical forests and a benchmark to continue improving the representation of tropical forests dynamics and their carbon storage potential in ESMs.  相似文献   

The complexities of the relationships between plant and soil microbial communities remain unresolved. We determined the associations between plant aboveground and belowground (root) distributions and the communities of soil fungi and bacteria found across a diverse tropical forest plot. Soil microbial community composition was correlated with the taxonomic and phylogenetic structure of the aboveground plant assemblages even after controlling for differences in soil characteristics, but these relationships were stronger for fungi than for bacteria. In contrast to expectations, the species composition of roots in our soil core samples was a poor predictor of microbial community composition perhaps due to the patchy, ephemeral, and highly overlapping nature of fine root distributions. Our ability to predict soil microbial composition was not improved by incorporating information on plant functional traits suggesting that the most commonly measured plant traits are not particularly useful for predicting the plot‐level variability in belowground microbial communities.  相似文献   

Natural enemies, especially host-specific enemies, are hypothesised to facilitate the coexistence of plant species by disproportionately inflicting more damage at increasing host abundance. However, few studies have assessed such Janzen-Connell mechanisms on a scale relevant for coexistence and no study has evaluated potential top-down influences on the specialized pests. We quantified seed predation by specialist invertebrates and generalist vertebrates, as well as larval predation on these invertebrates, for the Neotropical palm Attalea butyracea across ten 4-ha plots spanning 20-fold variation in palm density. As palm density increased, seed attack by bruchid beetles increased, whereas seed predation by rodents held constant. But because rodent predation on bruchid larvae increased disproportionately with increasing palm density, bruchid emergence rates and total seed predation by rodents and bruchids combined were both density-independent. Our results demonstrate that top-down effects can limit the potential of host-specific insects to induce negative-density dependence in plant populations.  相似文献   

The destruction and fragmentation of tropical forests are major sources of global biodiversity loss. A better understanding of anthropogenically altered landscapes and their relationships with species diversity and composition is needed in order to protect biodiversity in these environments. The spatial patterns of a landscape may control the ecological processes that shape species diversity and composition. However, there is little information about how plant diversity varies with the spatial configuration of forest patches especially in fragmented tropical habitats. The northeastern part of Puerto Rico provides the opportunity to study the relationships between species richness and composition of woody plants (shrubs and trees) and spatial variables [i.e., patch area and shape, patch isolation, connectivity, and distance to the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF)] in tropical forest patches that have regenerated from pasturelands. The spatial data were obtained from aerial color photographs from year 2000. Each photo interpretation was digitized into a GIS package, and 12 forest patches (24–34 years old) were selected within a study area of 28 km2. The woody plant species composition of the patches was determined by a systematic floristic survey. The species diversity (Shannon index) and species richness of woody plants correlated positively with the area and the shape of the forest patch. Larger patches, and patches with more habitat edge or convolution, provided conditions for a higher diversity of woody plants. Moreover, the distance of the forest patches to the LEF, which is a source of propagules, correlated negatively with species richness. Plant species composition was also related to patch size and shape and distance to the LEF. These results indicate that there is a link between landscape structure and species diversity and composition and that patches that have similar area, shape, and distance to the LEF provide similar conditions for the existence of a particular plant community. In addition, forest patches that were closer together had more similarity in woody plant species composition than patches that were farther apart, suggesting that seed dispersal for some species is limited at the scale of 10 km.  相似文献   

The size of a sampling unit has a critical effect on our perception of ecological phenomena; it influences the variance and correlation structure estimates of the data. Classical statistical theory works well to predict the changes in variance when there is no autocorrelation structure, but it is not applicable when the data are spatially autocorrelated. Geostatistical theory, on the other hand, uses analytical relationships to predict the variance and autocorrelation structure that would be observed if a survey was conducted using sampling units of a different size. To test the geostatistical predictions, we used information about individual tree locations in the tropical rain forest of the Pasoh Reserve, Malaysia. This allowed us to simulate and compare various sampling designs. The original data were reorganised into three artificial data sets, computing tree densities (number of trees per square meter in each quadrat) corresponding to three quadrat sizes (5×5, 10×10 and 20×20 m(2)). Based upon the 5×5 m(2) data set, the spatial structure was modelled using a random component (nugget effect) plus an exponential model for the spatially structured component. Using the within-quadrat variances inferred from the variogram model, the change of support relationships predicted the spatial autocorrelation structure and new variances corresponding to 10×10 m(2) and 20×20 m(2) quadrats. The theoretical and empirical results agreed closely, while the classical approach would have largely underestimated the variance. As quadrat size increases, the range of the autocorrelation model increases, while the variance and proportion of noise in the data decrease. Large quadrats filter out the spatial variation occurring at scales smaller than the size of their sampling units, thus increasing the proportion of spatially structured component with range larger than the size of the sampling units.  相似文献   

Comparison of the diversity and community structure of Coleoptera (Passalidae) collected in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, in primary and secondary tropical forest has been carried out. The saproxylophagous beetles studied can be differentiated according to their presence in three distinct microhabitats of rotting logs: underbark, sapwood—heartwood and microhabitat generalists. Over the 2-year study period, 12 passalid species were recorded (six Passalini and six Proculini) represented by a total of 2971 individuals, collected from 234 rotting logs. The rarefaction method, the lognormal species—abundance relationship, and the nonparametric jackknife method were used to compare species richness between the habitats. The data were also fitted to log series, truncated lognormal, geometric, and broken-stick species abundance models to detect changes in community structure. The community composition of Passalidae in Los Tuxtlas did not differ ostensibly between the primary and secondary forests. Neither the mean number of individuals nor the biomass per log differed significantly. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the two habitats in terms of the number of underbark, sapwood/heartwood, and microhabitat generalist species. Different richness estimators indicated that the primary forest community is only slightly richer. The slight decrease in richness of the secondary forest is related to a decrease in dominance by certain species, as well as to a more balanced abundance distribution, which is adequately described by the broken-stick model. Complementary explanations for this pattern may be: (1) that logging reduces the abundance of dominant species, thus preventing competitive exclusion in the secondary forest; and (2) that passalid diversity is not regulated by the diversity of tree species.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the diversity of dung and carrion beetles (Scarabaeinae and Silphidae) in four human-induced habitats of a disturbed tropical montane cloud forest: polyspecific shade coffee plantations, monospecific shade coffee plantations, tropical montane cloud forest fragments, and clear cuts. The four habitats had similar richness, species composition, and assemblage structure of dung and carrion beetles. Differences were found in abundance and biomass levels for the four dominant species in the landscape. Dung beetles were more abundant than carrion beetles, but the biomass was higher for the latter. Carrion beetles were seasonal, while dung beetles were clearly not. When forest fragments and shade coffee plantations were compared to other similar habitats in the region, the same general pattern was observed. However, forests with high disturbance and monospecific shade coffee plantations had lower species richness than forests with low and medium disturbance and polyspecific shade coffee plantations. Thus shade coffee plantations maintain connectivity between patches of cloud forest in a landscape that is strongly affected by human activities. Protecting landscape diversity appears to ensure high species richness.  相似文献   

Summary Clusters of 2–4 bare, deciduous hardwood trees and woody vines in a dry upland forest in Costa Rica were surrounded by scaffolding and rehydration was induced during the dry season by irrigation of 9–50 m2 plots with 200 mm water. The resulting changes in water status preceding bud break were monitored. Following irrigation, stem water potentials increased from < –4 MPa to about –1.5 MPa within 24 h and to > –0.3 MPa within 48 h. Rehydration of stem tissues by lateral transport, measured as an increase in electric conductivity, continued for 4–8 days. Terminal flower buds in Tabebuia ochracea began to expand 48 h after irrigation and trees were in full bloom 4 days later. In all experimental species, lateral vegetative buds began to expand 5–7 days after irrigation and leaves were fully expanded 2 weeks later. After the first rains of the rainy season (100 mm in 48 hr) all trees in the dry forest rehydrated and leaves emerged in synchrony slightly faster than after irrigation. In response to rain or irrigation drought-stressed tropical hardwood trees thus rehydrated at rates similar to those of desert succulents and their development resumed much faster than that of deciduous cold-temperate trees in spring.  相似文献   

天然针叶林在热带地区虽较为少见, 但其对维持热带地区的生物多样性和生境异质性具有特殊意义。在我国热带天然针叶林集中分布面积最大的海南霸王岭林区, 作者选择伴生阔叶树种优势度不同的两种典型南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林(简称纯林和混交林), 采用点格局法分析了其林冠层、亚林层和林下层主要树种的空间分布格局及其关联性。结果表明: (1)纯林中林冠层的南亚松主要为聚集分布, 混交林中在较小尺度上为聚集分布, 在较大尺度上为随机分布。(2)纯林中亚林层树种在较小尺度上为聚集分布, 在较大尺度上为随机分布, 在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(3)纯林中林下层树种主要呈现为随机分布, 而在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(4)随着尺度的增加, 林冠层与其他两个层次的树种, 在纯林中表现出从空间无关联到正关联的变化趋势, 而在混交林中则表现出从空间无关联到负关联的变化趋势。(5)亚林层与林下层树种在各个尺度上都表现为空间正关联。由此可见, 热带天然针叶林中优势种南亚松对伴生阔叶树种的分布格局具有重要影响。  相似文献   

We estimated the number of species in a tropical forest landscape in Quintana Roo, Mexico, based on the relationship between reflectance values of satellite imagery and field measurements of plant species density (mean number of species per plot). Total species density as well as that of tree, shrub and vine species were identified from 141 sampling quadrats (16543 individuals sampled). Spatial prediction of plant diversity was performed using universal kriging. This approach considered the linear relationship between plant species density and reflectance values of Thematic Mapper™, as well as the spatial dependence of the observations. We explored the linear relationships between spectral properties of TM bands and the species density of trees, shrubs and vines, using regression analysis. We employed Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to select a set of candidate models. Based on Akaike weights, we calculated model-averaged parameters. Linear regression between number of species and reflectance values of TM bands yielded regression residuals. We used variogram analysis to analyze the spatial structure of these residuals. Results show that accounting for spatial autocorrelation in the residual variation improved model R2 from 0.57 to 0.66 for number of all species, from 0.58 to 0.65 for number of tree species, from 0.26 to 0.41 for number of shrub species and from 0.13 to 0.17 for species density of vines. The empirical models we developed can be used to predict landscape-level species density in the Yucatan Peninsula, helping to guide and evaluate management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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