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圆红冬孢酵母利用生物乙醇废水-木薯粉水解液发酵产油   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】获得能够高效降解生物乙醇废水化学需氧量(COD)的圆红冬孢酵母菌株,评估废水初始COD浓度对驯化菌株生长的影响,将木薯粉生产微生物油脂和高浓度有机废水降解过程整合,以生物乙醇废水为水源制备生物乙醇废水-木薯粉水解液培养基,明确产油效率高、生物乙醇废水COD降解率高的初始还原糖浓度。【方法】采用在高浓度的生物乙醇废水中进行多次驯化的方法,获得能够适应废水环境的圆红冬孢酵母菌株;采用双酶水解法对加入乙醇废水中的木薯粉进行水解;采用重量法监测生物量浓度变化,采用酸热法提取油脂,重铬酸钾法监测COD,DNS法测定废水还原糖浓度,凯氏定氮法测定总氮,钼酸铵比色法测定总磷。【结果】通过驯化筛选得到一株能耐受高浓度生物乙醇废水的优势菌株Rhodosporidium toruloides D5。以未稀释的废水为培养基,驯化菌株的最终生物量浓度和COD降解率分别为3.8 g/L和75.0%。采用生物乙醇废水-木薯粉水解液发酵时,控制初始还原糖浓度低于30 g/L时,生物量浓度和油脂浓度随初始还原糖浓度的升高而升高,均在120 h时达到最高COD降解率,初始还原糖浓度对达到的最大COD降解率无明显影响,废水N、P去除率分别达到99%和92%以上。【结论】在未经稀释的高浓度生物乙醇废水中可获得较高的生物量浓度;采用高浓度生物乙醇废水-木薯粉水解液培养基发酵产油,初始还原糖浓度为30 g/L,可在保证高油脂产量的同时,实现废水COD的高效降解,有效回收利用废水中残余的N、P源,从而降低微生物油脂生产和废水处理成本,研究结果可为开发廉价微生物油脂生产技术提供有用的参考。  相似文献   


The oleaginous yeast Rhodosporodium toruloides is receiving widespread attention as an alternative energy source for biofuels due to its unicellular nature, high growth rate and because it can be fermented on a large-scale. In this study, R. toruloides was cultured under both light and dark conditions in order to understand the light response involved in lipid and carotenoid biosynthesis. Our results from phenotype and gene expression analysis showed that R. toruloides responded to light by producing darker pigmentation with an associated increase in carotenoid production. Whilst there was no observable difference in lipid production, slight changes in the fatty acid composition were recorded. Furthermore, a two-step response was found in three genes (GGPSI, CAR1, and CAR2) under light conditions and the expression of the gene encoding the photoreceptor CRY1 was similarly affected.  相似文献   

目的用斯达油脂酵母(Lipomyces starkeyi)作为发酵菌株,以纯木糖溶液为油脂发酵原料,对L.starkeyi利用木糖积累油脂进行系统研究。方法 L.starkeyi于斜面培养基中活化后,接种于YPD液体培养基,于30℃、200 r/min摇床培养。在摇瓶中培养一段时间后,测定发酵液细胞浓度,离心发酵液收集细胞。将离心后得到的菌体加入木糖溶液重悬,并转接于含50 mL木糖溶液的250 mL摇瓶中进行发酵生产。结果相比一阶段法,两阶段发酵方法可以在更短的时间内达到较高的油脂含量,油脂含量能够达到细胞自身干重的60%以上。实验发现高菌龄酵母产油速度更快;并且初始木糖浓度高达120 g/L时,酵母细胞仍然能够高效合成油脂。结论 L.starkeyi能够有效利用木糖进行发酵产生油脂,是以木质纤维素为原料生产微生物油脂的优良菌种。  相似文献   

Microbial lipid production using lignocellulosic biomass is considered an alternative for biodiesel production. In this study, 418 yeast strains were screened to find efficient oleaginous yeasts which accumulated large quantities of lipid when cultivated in lignocellulosic sugars. Preliminary screening by Nile red staining revealed that 142 strains contained many or large lipid bodies. These strains were selected for quantitative analysis of lipid accumulation by shaking flask cultivation in nitrogen-limited medium II containing 70 g/L glucose or xylose or mixture of glucose and xylose in a ratio of 2:1. Rhodosporidium fluviale DMKU-SP314 produced the highest lipid concentration of 7.9 g/L when cultivated in the mixture of glucose and xylose after 9 days of cultivation, which was 55.0% of dry biomass (14.3 g/L). The main composition of fatty acids were oleic acid (40.2%), palmitic acid (25.2%), linoleic acid (17.9%) and stearic acid (11.1%). Moreover, the strain DMKU-SP314 could grow and produce lipid in a medium containing predominantly lignocellulose degradation products, namely, acetic acid, formic acid, furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) and vanillin, with however, some inhibitory effects. This strain showed high tolerance to acetic acid, 5-HMF and vanillin. Therefore, R. fluviale DMKU-SP314 is a promising strain for lipid production from lignocellulosic hydrolysate.  相似文献   

圆红冬孢酵母两阶段培养法生产微生物油脂   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为缩短发酵时间,减少原料消耗,采用细胞增殖和油脂积累分离的两阶段模式,培养圆红冬孢酵母Rhodosporidium toruloides AS 2.1389生产微生物油脂。结果表明,细胞增殖阶段获得的R.toruloides AS 2.1389细胞,重悬接种在葡萄糖溶液中,可快速积累油脂,菌体油脂含量超过自身干重的55%。增殖阶段细胞的菌龄越高,产油能力越强。油脂积累阶段使用高浓度葡萄糖溶液或未灭菌的葡萄糖溶液,油脂合成可以有效进行。油脂中脂肪酸成分以含16和18个碳原子的长链脂肪酸为主,可作为制备生物柴油的新型原料。  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(3):457-465
This work investigated effects of lignocellulose degradation products on cell biomass and lipid production by Cryptococcus curvatus. Furfural was found to have the strongest inhibitory effect. For the three phenolic compounds tested, vanillin was the most toxic, while PHB and syringaldehyde showed comparable inhibitions in the concentration range of 0–1.0 g/L. Generally little significant differences on the relative cell biomass and lipid contents at the same concentrations of tested compounds were observed between glucose and xylose as a sole carbon source. At 1.0 g/L of furfural, the cell biomass and lipid content decreased by 78.4% and 61.0% for glucose as well as 72.0% and 59.3% for xylose, respectively. C. curvatus ceased to grow at concentrations of PHB over 1.0 g/L or vanillin over 1.5 g/L. The strain could survive in the presence of syringaldehyde up to 2.0 g/L for glucose or 1.5 g/L for xylose. The compounds’ negative impact was reduced by an increase in inoculum size and a 10% (v/v) seed was detected to be optimal for cell biomass and lipid production. The results demonstrated C. curvatus could effectively utilize most of the dominant monosaccharides and cellobiose existing in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate in the presence of toxic compounds.  相似文献   

以产油酵母圆红冬胞酵母(Rhodosporidium toruloides)作为研究对象,系统地研究了氮、磷、硫限制对其油脂积累的影响,并在3L生物反应器上考察了R.toruloides在C/P摩尔比为1 133.3时初始葡萄糖浓度对油脂生产的影响。结果表明:氮、磷、硫中任意一种营养元素受限,均能促使R.toruloides在胞内积累高于自身干重60%的油脂;通过改变培养基的组成,可以调节油脂中脂肪酸的构成,使油脂中饱和脂肪酸比例高于70%或不饱和脂肪酸比例高于60%。就油脂生产强度及转化效率而言,磷限制优于氮限制或硫限制。当C/P摩尔比相同时,初始葡萄糖浓度越低越有利于油脂生产。对采用不同原料生产微生物油脂的技术有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The heterobasidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium sphaerocarpum isolated from the Antarctic Ocean and a saltpan, showed marked tolerance to high concentrations of NaCl in the growth medium. This yeast accumulated glycerol as a major osmoregulator, as well as Na+ and Cl, in response to changes in the concentration of NaCl in the external medium. The low levels of another cellular polyol, xylitol, did not respond to changes in the external medium.  相似文献   

In this study, secondary brewery wastewater (SBWW) supplemented with sugarcane molasses (SCM) was used for SBWW treatment with concomitant lipid and carotenoid production by the yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides NCYC 921. In order to improve the biomass production, ammonium sulfate, yeast extract and urea were tested as nitrogen sources. Urea was chosen as the best low-cost nitrogen source. A fed-batch cultivation was carried out with SBWW supplemented with 10 g L−1 of sugarcane molasses as carbon source, and 2 g L−1 of urea as nitrogen source. A maximum biomass concentration of 42.5 g L−1 was obtained at t = 126.5 h and the maximum biomass productivity was 0.55 g L−1 h−1 at t = 48.25 h. The maximum lipid content was 29.9 % w/w (DCW) at t = 94 h of cultivation and the maximum carotenoid content was 0.23 mg g−1 at 120 h of cultivation. Relatively to the SBWW treatment, after the batch phase, 45.8 % of total Kjeldahl nitrogen removal, 81.7 % of COD removal and 100 % of sugar consumption were observed. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that 27.27 % of the cells had injured membrane after the inoculation. This proportion was reduced to 10.37 % at the end of the cultivation, indicating that cells adapted to the growth conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】建立产油酵母筛选以及胞内油脂含量测定的简便方法。【方法】利用尼罗红与胞内油脂成分结合后在紫外光照射下发出荧光且荧光强弱与油脂含量相关的原理。通过在添加尼罗红的培养基中培养酵母,并观察菌落荧光的方法对385株深海酵母进行产油脂菌株筛选,利用26S rDNA D1/D2区序列分析方法对筛选获得的产油酵母菌株进行鉴定,并以其中的一株高产油脂酵母(2A00015)为试验菌株,建立了一套尼罗红染色快速测定油脂含量的方法。【结果】获得22株产油酵母,其中油脂含量最高可达62.9%,经分子鉴定后显示这22株酵母分别属于(Candida viswanathii)、近平滑假丝酵母(Candidaparapsilosis)、粘质红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)、汉逊德巴利酵母(Debaryomyceshansenii)、季也蒙毕赤酵母(Pichia guilliermondii)以及Rhodosporidium paludigenum酵母。尼罗红染色快速测定油脂含量方法的最佳检测条件为:菌悬液OD600小于1.2,尼罗红浓度0.5 mg/L,染色时间5 min,激发波长488 nm,发射波长570 nm。该测定方法得到相对荧光强度与称重法得到油脂含量呈正相关性,R2=0.9637。  相似文献   

Microbial lipid produced using yeast fermentation with inexpensive carbon sources such as lignocellulosic hydrolyzate can be an alternative feedstock for biodiesel production. Several inhibitors that can be generated during acid hydrolysis of lignocellulose were added solely or together into the culture medium to study their individual inhibitory actions and their synergistic effects on the growth and lipid accumulation of oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides. When the inhibitors were present in isolation in the medium, to obtain a high cell biomass accumulation, the concentrations of formic acid, acetic acid, furfural and vanillin should be lower than 2, 5, 0.5 and 1.5 g/L, respectively. However, the synergistic effects of these compounds could dramatically decrease the minimum critical inhibitory concentrations leading to significant growth and lipid production inhibitions. Unlike the above-cited inhibitors, sodium lignosulphonate had no negative influence on biomass accumulation when its concentration was in the range of 0.5-2.0 g/L; in effect, it was found to facilitate cell growth and sugar-to-lipid conversion. The fatty acid compositional profile of the yeast lipid was in the compositional range of various plant oils and animal tallow. Finally, the crude yeast lipid from bagasse hydrolyzate could be well converted into fatty acid methyl ester (FAME, biodiesel) by enzymatic transesterification in a tert-butanol system with biodiesel yield of 67.2% and lipid-to-biodiesel conversion of 88.4%.  相似文献   

Yu X  Zheng Y  Dorgan KM  Chen S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):6134-6140
This paper explores the use of the hydrolysate from the dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of wheat straw for microbial oil production. The resulting hydrolysate was composed of pentoses (24.3 g/L) and hexoses (4.9 g/L), along with some other degradation products, such as acetic acid, furfural, and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). Five oleaginous yeast strains, Cryptococcus curvatus, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodosporidium toruloides, Lipomyces starkeyi, and Yarrowia lipolytica, were evaluated by using this hydrolysate as substrates. The results showed that all of these strains could use the detoxified hydrolysate to produce lipids while except R. toruloides non-detoxified hydrolysate could also be used for the growth of all of the selective yeast strains. C. curvatus showed the highest lipid concentrations in medium on both the detoxified (4.2 g/L) and non-detoxified (5.8 g/L) hydrolysates. And the inhibitory effect studies on C. curvatus indicated HMF had insignificant impacts at a concentration of up to 3 g/L while furfural inhibited cell growth and lipid content by 72.0% and 62.0% at 1 g/L, respectively. Our work demonstrates that lipid production is a promising alternative to utilize hemicellulosic sugars obtained during pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials.  相似文献   

Summary Rhodotorula glutinis is known to produce fat when cultivated under nitrogen-limiting conditions. Economically, molasses is an ideal substrate, however, due to the presence of nitrogen in molasses, the lipid yield obtained is much lower than that obtained from glucose or sucrose. Higher yields were obtained using molasses in a fed batch fermentation supplemented with glucose or sucrose during the lipid accumulation phase. The fatty acids profile of the lipids thus produced, using a very simple and economical medium, was similar to that obtained from glucose and sucrose.  相似文献   

In a study of the halotolerant yeast Debarymyces hansenii cultured in 4 mM and 2.7 M NaCl the intracellular ATP pool, the heat production, the oxygen uptake, and, in the high culture salinity also, the intracellular glycerol concentration were found to be correlated. The intracellular ATP in the 2.7 M NaCl culture had a constant concentration of 3.5 mM ATP during the second half of the lag phase, while in 4 mM NaCl it rose to a maximum of 3.1 mM during the late log phase. The intracellular glycerol concentration in 2.7 M NaCl was about 1.3M during the entire exponential growth phase. Sine the glycerol concentration of the medium was not more than 0.23 mM, glycerol must contribute to the osmotic balance of the cells in high salinity. The corresponding maximum values for the 4 mM NaCl culture were 0.16 M and 0.08 mM. The experimental enthalpy changes were approximately the same for the two salinities, viz. about-1200 kJ per mole consumed glucose. The Y m-values for the 4 mM and 2.7 M NaCl cultures were 91 and 59, respectively, the difference being a consequence of the decreased efficiency of growth in high salinity.Abbreviations CFU colony-forming units - PCA perchloric acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Escherichia coli BA002, the ldhA and pflB deletion strain, cannot utilize glucose anaerobically due to the inability to regenerate NAD+. To regulate NAD(H) pool size and NADH/NAD+ ratio, overexpression of the enzymes in the NAD(H) biosynthetic pathways in BA002 was investigated. The results clearly demonstrate that the increased NAD(H) pool size and the decreased NADH/NAD+ ratio improved the glucose consumption and cell growth, which improved succinic acid production. When the pncB and the nadD genes were co-overexpressed in CA102, the ratio of NADH/NAD+ was decreased from 0.60 to 0.12, and the concentration of NAD(H) was the highest among that of all the strains. Moreover, the dry cell weight (DCW), glucose consumption, and the concentration of succinic acid in CA102 were also the highest. Based on the sufficient NAD+ supply after gene modification in the NAD(H) biosynthetic pathways, reductive carbon sources with different amounts of NADH can further change the distribution of metabolites. When sorbitol was used as a carbon source in CA102, the byproducts were lower than those of glucose fermentation, and the yield of succinic acid was increased.  相似文献   

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