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Surface immunoglobulin allotypic determinants on rabbit spleen lymphoid cells are ultrastructurally localized by labeling with antiallotype antisera and soluble complexes of ferritin and rabbit antiferritin of a given allotype. At 0 °C surface Ig is visualized in patches on the membrane of 54% of the spleen lymphocytes examined. Four morphologically distinct categories of spleen lymphocytes display different amounts of labeled surface Ig. Type I cells are essentially identical to peripheral blood lymphocytes and demonstrate rapid endocytosis of surface Ig at 37 °C. Type II cells greater amounts of surface Ig, demonstrate little endocytosis, and are consistent with lymphoblast cells. Type III cells have the greatest amount of surface Ig, reveal some endocytosis, and are morphologically consistent with proplasmacytes and plasmablast cells. Type IV cells are immature plasma cells and have very little detectable surface Ig. The percentage of each cell type making up the labeled population is Type I, 28%; Type II, 21%; Type III, 50%, and Type IV, 1%. Immunoferritin labeled Ig determinants may be modulated from the surface of these cells at 37 °C by endocytosis and/or by shedding after reaction with anti-Ig antisera.  相似文献   

The expression of immunoglobulin b locus (k chain) allotypes on the surface of rabbit peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL's) is examined using an indirect double immunoelectron microscopic labeling technique. Ferritin and whelk hemocyanin individually conjugated to allotypically specific IgG are used as ultrastructurally identifiable molecular markers. These indicators are coupled to lymphocyte surface immunoglobulin (Ig) allotypic determinants by an antiallotype antibody linkage. Human red blood cells, conjugated with IgG of a specific allotype and used as test cells, demonstrate the absolute specificity and high efficiency of the ultrastructural labeling technique. Specific labeling on rabbit PBL's shows that 65–75% of the cells are positive for surface Ig. Lymphocytes from homozygous donors (b4b4 or b6b6) are labeled specifically with only the appropriate allotypic labeling system. Thirty-three percent of the PBL's from heterozygous donors (b4b6) express both allotypes (allelic inclusion) on the cell surface; the remaining proportion of Ig-bearing cells have only one detectable allotype present (allelic exclusion). We conclude that approximately 50% of the Ig-bearing PBL's demonstrate allelic inclusion for the b locus allotypes. On allelically included heterozygous lymphocytes, both allotypic determinants can undergo specific endocytosis. Endocytosis of one allotype on heterozygous cells can be induced by stimulation with antiallotypic serum without affecting the surface appearance of the other allelic marker (separate endocytosis).  相似文献   

Allelic inclusion at the b-locus by heterozygous peripheral blood rabbit lymphocytes was demonstrated by using the mixed antiglobulin techniques (6, 7, 19). Heterozygous cells (64, 6) were treated with monospecific antiallotype reagents at 4 °C and warmed at 37 °C. The removal of surface allotype determinants was studied and, both the b4-and b6-specificities co-modulated after sensitization with either anti-b4 or anti-b6. Experiments were undertaken in which cells stripped of one or both allotypes by antiallotype induced modulation were cultured overnight. Allotype was then regenerated. Double expression of allotype by cells before antiallotype treatment was recovered following overnight regrowth at levels equal to those seen before treatment. Such was not the case when b44 and b66 cells were cultured together. These results indicate that normal heterozygous peripheral blood lymphocytes may express both b-locus alleles and that these determinants are in some manner physically associated with one another in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Monoclonal alloantibodies for T cell allotypic determinants were obtained by hybridizing SP-2 tumor cells with BALB/c (H-2d, Igh-1a) spleen cells, which had been repeatedly immunized with Con A-stimulated CB-20 (H-2d, Igh-1b) spleen cells. It was found that these monoclonal anti-CB-20 antibodies detect the new allotypic determinants (distinct from the B cell Igh-C region determinant) expressed only on the augmenting or suppressor T cells. Genetic analysis of these antigenic determinants revealed these antibodies react with the gene products located on the telomeric side chromosome of the Igh variable region gene (Igh-V) cluster. These antibodies when given in vivo caused a modification of antibody production. The antibody activity was absorbed by Con A-stimulated B10.BR (H-2b, Igh-1b), C57BL/6 (H-2b, Igh-1b), CWB (H-2b, Igh-1b), CB-20 (H-2d, Igh-1b), and BAB-14 (H-2d, Igh-1b) spleen cells, but not by Con A-stimulated C3H.SW (H-2b, Igh-1j), BALB/c (H-2d, Igh-1a), A/Sn (H-2a, Igh-1e), and C.AL-20 (H-2d, Igh-1d) spleen cells. In addition, in vivo these monoclonal antibodies modified anti-SRBC antibody production only in Igh-1b allotype-bearing mice. One monoclonal antibody reacted with 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl- (NP) hapten-specific augmenting T cells, and the other two batches of monoclonal antibodies reacted with NP-specific suppressor T cells of NP-mediated cutaneous responses. A mapping study with these recombinants limits the gene coding for the T cell-specific determinants to a gene within the variable region to the telomeric side of NP-VH and to the centromeric side of prealbumin. This segment is inclusive of all immunoglobulin genes, the region Owen named IgT-C, and a histocompatibility gene (H-Ig).  相似文献   

Rosette formation of guinea pig thymocytes (Th) and thymus-derived peripheral blood lymphocytes (TBL) was tested under different experimental conditions. Up to 93% of Th and 38% of TBL showed an affinity to rabbit red blood cells (RRBC). Treatment with metabolic inhibitors like sodium azide and sodium cyanide or freezing and thawing nearly abolished rosette formation by TBL but was ineffective with respect to Th. Heating the cells destroyed rosette-forming capacity of both cell types. These results indicate that spontaneous rosette formation with RRBC by Th does not require the live cell.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship bewteen PPD-reactive helper T cells and PWM-reactive helper T cells in polyclonal Ig production of human PBL. Elimination of PPD-reactive T cells by BUdR + light treatment resulted in a loss of helper function in PPD-induced Ig production, but had no effect on helper function in PWM-induced Ig production. On the other hand, elimination of PWM-reactive T cells resulted in a loss of helper function in both PPD-induced Ig production and PWM-induced Ig production. A blast cell-enriched fraction that was generated by PPD and separated by the velocity sedimentation method contained helper function in both responses. On the other hand, blast cell-depleted fractions did not contain PPD-reactive helper function, although the PWM-reactive helper function was evident. These results strongly suggest that PPD-reactive helper T cells are included in PWM-reactive helper T cells.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood, appendix, sacculus rotundus, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen of b4b5 heterozygous rabbits were examined for surface Ig allotypes of the b locus. Ig allotype-bearing cells were detected as cells binding erythrocytes or bacteria coated with monospecific anti-b4 or anti-b5 antibody (Ab). Rosetting the cells with Ab-coated erythrocytes indicated that many peripheral blood lymphocytes, but relatively few appendix cells, bore both the b4 and b5 allotypes. Lymphocytes bearing both the b4 and b5 allotypes were also detected by incubating the cells with a mixture of Escherichia coli coated with anti-b4 Ab and Gaffkya tetragena coated with anti-b5 Ab. The percentage of Ig-positive lymphocytes binding both bacteria was 22–31% in the peripheral blood, 4–6% in the appendix, 3–5% in the sacculus rotundus, 4–10% in the mesenteric lymph nodes, and 5% in the spleen. Thus, the percentage of double-bearing lymphocytes was higher in the blood than in the appendix, sacculus rotundus, mesenteric lymph nodes, or spleen. The b4b5-bearing cells in the blood were not cells with adsorbed cytophilic Ab, since these cells still bore both the b4 and b5 allotypes after pronase digestion and Ig regeneration. These double-bearing lymphocytes, i.e., cells exhibiting allelic allotype inclusion, are probably less differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Activation of resting (G0) rabbit peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) into DNA synthesis and IgG synthesis was studied using sheep anti-rabbit IgG (SARIgG), protein A, pokeweed mitogen (PWM), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). DNA synthesis was assayed by [125I]iododeoxyuridine incorporation. IgG synthesis was measured by determination of Ig in culture supernatants by an ELISA assay. Rabbit PBLs cultured with SARIgG or protein A for 48 hr and then without these reagents for 72 hr showed both DNA synthesis and Ig synthesis, whereas PWM and LPS had very little, if any, effect. PBLs stimulated with SARIgG for 6 hr and then without SARIgG for subsequent 114 hr did not become activated into DNA synthesis or IgG synthesis. However, PBLs prestimulated with SARIgG for 6 hr and then with PWM for 114 hr showed prominent DNA and IgG synthesis. LPS also maintained activation of PBLs after prestimulation of these cells with SARIgG, but the effect was much smaller than that of PWM. No evidence was found for production of factors by SARIgG-stimulated PBLs that could, by themselves, either stimulate resting cells or maintain activation of SARIgG-prestimulated cells. These results suggest that anti-IgG and protein A are complete activating mitogens for resting rabbit B cells to proliferate and differentiate into IgG-producing cells, whereas PWM and LPS are not able to activate G0 cells directly, but have a sustaining effect after activation of resting B cells with anti-IgG, either directly or via production of factors by accessory cells.  相似文献   

Homing properties of 3H-adenosine-labeled bone marrow (BM), appendix (App), and mesenteric (Mes) and popliteal (Popl) lymph node (LN) cells were studied in the rabbit. While BM cells 24–48 hr after transfer produced equivalent radioactivity (cpm/mg) in App, Mes, and Popl LN of recipients, App and Popl LN cells did not, showing a highly significant preference for their organ of origin. “Homing to antigen” was shown if Popl LN cells were taken from rabbits immunized to the same antigen as was injected in one footpad of recipients 2 weeks earlier.Pretreatment of App cells with sheep anti-rabbit Ig abolished their preferential localization in App as judged in recipients killed 5 hr after transfer, but this was a transient effect and no longer demonstrable by 24 hr.Histological localization of labeled cells showed the corona of follicles in the center of dome-shaped areas of the App to represent “B-influx areas” after transfer of all cell types and this localization was blocked temporarily (5 hr) by prior incubation of App cells with anti-Ig. Thymus-dependent interfollicular areas showed labeled cells after LN cell transfer, and less after App cells, but none after BM. Emphasized in the discussion are (i) the possible effect of antigen on homing of B cells and (ii) the implications of the findings with respect to the appendix as a peripheral lymphoid organ.  相似文献   

The ability of PPD to induce Ig production in human PBL was investigated. PPD proved to be a good B cell activator for inducing polyclonal Ig production in PBL from healthy Japanese. Comparative studies of this response with PWM-induced Ig production showed that the cellular mechanisms involved in the two responses were different. First, PBL from an atypical individual with a deficient IgM production to PWM responded normally to PPD with IgM production as well as IgG production. Secondly, in IgG production, the effects of the two mitogens (PPDand PWM) were additive. An analysis of the cellular requirements in PPD-induced Ig production clearly demonstrated that T cells played a role in this response as well as in the PWM-induced response. However, the head-to-head comparative study on the titration curves of helper T cells in the two responses showed that PWM-induced helper activity was 2 to 5 times more effective than PPD-induced helper activity. Moreover, PPD-induced helper activity was shown to be more sensitive to ionizing radiation than was PWM-induced helper activity. Thus, this system of PPD-induced Ig production may provide a useful tool for understanding the human antibody production system as well as the PWM-induced response.  相似文献   

The response to mitogens of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from adenosine deaminase deficient (ADA?) patients with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), but not from normals, was more sensitive to inhibition by deoxyadenosine than by adenosine. In contrast, proliferation of long-term lymphoid line (B) cells from these patients was essentially equally inhibited by adenosine and deoxyadenosine. Deoxycytidine could “rescue” ADA? PBLs from deoxyadenosine toxicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the density distribution patterns of subsets of normal human lymphocytes. Density distribution was assessed by equilibrium centrifugation on linear polysucrose-metrizoat gradients. Results of the analyses of various subsets of lymphoid cells differing in their degree of cellular maturation and functional activation suggested that their distribution patterns are determined by three independent factors: the derivation, the stage of differenciation and the functional activity.  相似文献   

An immunopeptide bearing a3 allotypic determinant(s) was isolated from the gamma chain of an a3 homozygous rabbit (G222-2) immunized with type III pneumococcal vaccine. Immunocogical properties of peptides were studied using a radioimmunoassay that involved inhibition by these peptides of a reaction between 125I-labeled anti-a3 antibody and Sepharose-bound a3 immunoglobulin G (IgG). The gamma chain was isolated from IgG of restricted heterogeneity and then citraconylated and digested with trypsin. The tryptic digest (TD1) was passed through an anti-a3 immunoabsorbent column either directly or after an intermediate step of Sephadex G-75 chromatography. The bound peptides (T1) were eluted with 0.1 M acetic acid and further digested with trypsin. The digest (TD2) was again run on the anti-a3 immunoabsorbent column to purify the bound immunopeptide T2. In the radioimmunossay this immunopeptide was found to have major a3 determinant(s). Its molecular weight was found to be approximately 6,000, which decreased to about 3,000 after reduction and alkylation. These data, together with NH2- and COOH-terminal analyses and cysteine peptide mapping, demonstrated that T2 is composed of two polypeptide chains linked by a disulfide bond, one from the cysteine 22 region having lysine at the COOH terminus and the other from the cysteine 92 region arginine at the COOH terminus. The lysine peptide was separated from the arginine peptide and its NH2-terminal sequence was found to be Gly-Asx-Glx-Ser-Thr-Cys. Since the cysteine is at position 22, the lysine peptide starts at position 17. It has approximately 22 residues. The framework sequence from 17 to 20 is different from those reported so far. In addition, the heavy chain used in these studies has some other unusual features including a histidine, probably in the first hypervariable region. The presence of histidine in the first hypervariable region of rabbit heavy chain has not been reported previously. The other peptide which is about 30 amino acids in length and ends with arginine 94, probably includes positions 67, 70, 71, 84, and 85 that are believed to have substitutions correlating with a allotypes. In a hypothetical three-deminsional model of the Fv portion of rabbit anti-SIII antibody BS-5, residues 17 to 33 of the lysine peptide and 67 to 79 and 84 to 85 which may be present in the arginine peptide are fully exposed on the surface and are far removed from the antibody combining site.  相似文献   

The ability of primed rabbit blood lymphocytes to respond in vitro to the homologous streptococcal group antigen depends on its presence in culture in the form of vaccine or cell walls thereof. These lymphocytes can also be stimulated in vitro by streptococcal vaccines with chemically related group antigens. The basis for this cross-stimulation apparently resides in shared rhamnose moieties. Activation of these lymphocytes was not achieved by vaccines from unrelated bacteria. There is also the suggestion that rabbits of different genetic origin differentiate between cross-stimulating antigens, probably at the level of antigenic determinants. The data support the view that recognition and response pattern of the immune system rely heavily on a network of antigens.  相似文献   

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