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Clusterin is a heterodimeric glycoprotein synthesized and secreted by rat Sertoli cells and epididymal epithelium. The goal of this study was to determine the presence of clusterin in the luminal fluid of the cauda epididymides and its association with the membranes of developing spermatozoa in the presence and absence of androgen. We have previously demonstrated by two-dimensional (2-D) Western blot probing for clusterin that in epididymal fluid the amounts of clusterin were: caput greater than corpus greater than cauda. Luminal fluid from cauda epididymides was collected from control and orchiectomized rats (6 and 12 days) and orchiectomized animals that received testosterone implants. Equal volumes of fluid were analyzed by 2-D Western blot probing for clusterin. Following orchiectomy, there was an increase in clusterin in the luminal fluid after 6 days and maximal amount after 12 days compared with control cauda fluid. Orchiectomized animals which received testosterone treatment showed levels of clusterin comparable to that of controls. Serum clusterin was detected in fluid of orchiectomized animals with and without testosterone. Western blots of cauda sperm membrane extracts of control animals and orchiectomized animals treated with testosterone had a very low level of epididymal clusterin, whereas extracts collected from orchiectomized animals revealed high levels of clusterin. We suggest that, in the normal animal, clusterin is secreted into the lumen of the proximal epididymis where it binds to the sperm membrane. In the distal epididymis, clusterin dissociates from sperm and is processed (proteolysis/endocytosis). We hypothesize that, in the absence of androgen, the processing and regulation of clusterin is disrupted.  相似文献   

Luminal fluid was collected by micropuncture techniques from the testis and epididymis of the rat, hamster, rabbit, boar and ram and the concentration of free L-carnitine in the fluid was estimated using enzymic methods. Carnitine was present in the testicular fluid of the rat in concentrations less than 1 mM but increased down the epididymis to reach 53 mM in luminal fluid from the cauda epididymidis, approximately 2000 times higher than in blood plasma. A high concentration was first found in the luminal fluid from the distal caput epididymidis, at about the point where the spermatozoa become motile. Carnitine was also present in the epididymal luminal fluid of the other species studied; the amounts were not as high as those in the rat but were still higher than those in blood plasma.  相似文献   

Zone 1A of the ductus epididymidis was perfused with ovine rete testis fluid (nRTF) and modifications of it, and a synthetic medium (sRTF) based on the inorganic composition of nRTF. There was little fluid transport by the duct mucosa and nRTF stimulated protein secretion. The secretagogue activity was not extracted by charcoal, was sensitive to protease digestion and was present in a portion of nRTF with a molecular weight of greater than 10,000. The addition of bovine serum albumin to the sRTF stimulated protein secretion, but not to the same extent as equal amounts of protein in nRTF. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the perfusates showed that proteins with molecular weights of 19,000 (all rats studied), and 22,000, 30,000 and 60,000 (at least half the rats studied) were secreted into the perfusion fluids as well as some blood proteins, but the pattern of secretion was not affected by the composition of the perfusion fluid.  相似文献   

Poor semen quality has long been associated with bull infertility. However, the molecular basis in spermatozoa cells underlying the mechanisms of bull infertility remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any protein in bovine spermatozoa related to semen quality. Semen samples from 18 Brahman bulls, 3 to 10 yrs of age, were assessed for semen quality in terms of spermatozoa motility and spermatozoa morphology. Spermatozoa extracts were separated using 2D-PAGE followed by staining with Coomassie blue. At least one duplicate gel was performed for each sample. Each gel was scanned with an ImageScanner System and analyzed for spots by ImageMaster 2D platinum software. The related protein spot(s) with semen quality was cut from the gel and identified by LC MS/MS. The results showed that at least 600 protein spots were detected in the spermatozoa extracts of the Brahman bulls. Of all these spots, there were 3 of 56 kDa at pI 6.4, 6.6 and 6.8 (Z1, Z2 and Z3, respectively) that clearly showed different expression pattern among 18 Brahman bulls. Of 18 bulls (a) five showed the presence of spot Z1 and Z2 (pattern A) (b) one of spot Z3 (pattern B) (c) five of spot Z2 and Z3 (pattern C) (d) one of spot Z1 (pattern D) and (e) six of spot Z2 (pattern E). Identification of spot Z1, Z2 and Z3 by LC MS/MS had a similar result as matched to the tektin-4 protein of Bos taurus with a respective score of 171, 557 and 591. The statistical analysis of the 56 kDa protein patterns, tektin-4, indicated a significant effect on spermatozoa motility (P < 0.05) albeit non-significant on spermatozoa morphology. The bulls which showed pattern A had a higher percentage of spermatozoa motility than pattern E (P < 0.05) and not different from pattern C (P > 0.05). The statistical analysis also revealed that the presence of spot Z1 had an effect on the percentage of spermatozoa motility (P < 0.01), whereas the presence of spot Z2 and Z3 had no effect (P > 0.05). The correlation coefficient between the relative protein content of spot Z1 and the percentage of spermatozoa motility was 0.49. Our study demonstrates that the expression patterns of tektin-4 were a proxy for an effect on spermatozoa motility and consequently bull infertility. It may be that these protein patterns can be used as markers for improving bovine reproduction.  相似文献   

Sulfated glycoprotein-2 (SGP-2) is one of the major proteins secreted by rat Sertoli cells and epididymal cells in culture. The disulfide-linked dimeric protein secreted by Sertoli cells and found in seminiferous tubule fluid is composed of monomers of Mr 47 000 and 34 000 whereas the epididymal protein exhibits monomers of Mr 40 000 and 29 000. When both forms were chemically or enzymatically deglycosylated, they yielded proteins of similar molecular weight. No modification of the higher molecular weight testicular form by epididymal cells or fluids could be detected in incubation media. SGP-2 mRNA was localized in epididymal epithelium by in situ hybridization. Northern blot analysis indicated the testicular and epididymal mRNAs were of similar size. These findings suggest that the two forms of the protein occur because of tissue-specific post-translational modifications. The detergent-extracted protein from washed testicular spermatozoa is of the higher molecular weight form while epididymal sperm carry the lower molecular weight form. Immunohistochemical evidence suggests that the testicular form is removed prior to the initial segment of the epididymis and the epididymal form is applied in the proximal caput epididymidis. SGP-2 was immunolocalized to the sperm membrane at the ultrastructural level and was distinctly different from the immunolocalization of outer dense fiber proteins and fibrous sheath proteins.  相似文献   

Sodium-potassium ATPase (Na+K(+)-ATPase) is a ubiquitous plasma membrane enzyme which uses the hydrolysis of ATP to regulate cellular Na+ and K+ levels and fluid volume. This ion pumping action is also thought to be involved in fluid movement across certain epithelia. There are several different genes for this enzyme, some of which are tissue specific. Using an antibody specific for the catalytic subunit of canine kidney Na+K(+)-ATPase, we have localized immunoreactivity in the seminiferous and epididymal epithelium of rats of various ages. There was no specific staining of 10-day-old rat testis. Faint staining was detected at 13 days and appeared to be associated with the borders of Sertoli cells. At 16 days prominent apical and lateral staining but no basal staining of Sertoli cell membranes was observed. This type of distribution continued until spermatids were present in the epithelium. In the adult rat testis, specific staining was detected in Sertoli cell crypts associated with elongating spermatids, and on the apical and lateral Sertoli cell membrane. In some instances immunoreactivity was concentrated at presumed sites of junctional specializations. In the excurrent ducts of immature and mature rats, Na+K(+)-ATPase staining was heavy in the efferent ducts and somewhat lighter in the epididymis. In all regions, the staining was basolateral although there were variations in intensity among the different parts of the epididymis. These results show 1) that rat testis and epididymal Na+K(+)-ATPase share some immunological determinants with the canine enzyme; 2) that the epididymal enzyme is located in the conventional basolateral position; and 3) that the distribution of Sertoli cell Na+K(+)-ATPase is probably apical and lateral rather than basal.  相似文献   

A lysosomal type alpha-D-mannosidase was successfully purified by DEAE-Sephacel, Red-Amicon and Superdex 200 column chromatographies from porcine cauda epididymal fluid. The purified enzyme consisted of 63 and 51 kDa subunits at equimolar amounts. It cleaved alpha1-2 linked mannosyl residues and less but significantly cleaved alpha1-3 and alpha1-6 linked mannosyl residues in the high-mannose oligosaccharides. The optimal pH to hydrolyze oligosaccharide was in the acidic pH range (pH 3.5 approximately 4.0).Total alpha-D-mannosidase activities in the porcine epididymal fluid increased from proximal to distal caput epididymis, which maintained to cauda epididymis. At least two kinds of alpha-D-mannosidase (lysosomal type enzyme and 135 kDa alpha-D-mannosidase (MAN2B2)) were contained in the porcine epididymal fluid. The activity of the lysosomal type enzyme is much higher than MAN2B2 at the physiological pH.These results suggest that the lysosomal type alpha-D-mannosidase is the predominantly active enzyme in the luminal fluid of porcine epididymis and that it participates in the glycoprotein modification on the sperm surface during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa, fluids, and principal cells from different regions of the epididymis were characterized by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Rete testis fluid was collected after 36-h efferent duct ligation, and cauda epididymal fluid was collected by retrograde perfusion through the vas deferens. Spermatozoa were collected after their exudation from minced caput and corpus epididymal tissue. Principal cells were recovered after enzymatic disaggregation and centrifugal elutriation of epididymides. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to prepare protein profiles of all samples. Comparison of the proteins found in rete testis fluid versus those found in cauda epididymal fluid revealed a dramatic change in composition, including the loss, addition, or retention of specific proteins as well as changes in the relative concentrations of certain proteins. Prominent cauda epididymal fluid proteins, possibly contributed by the epididymal epithelium, were detected at 16, 23, and 34 kDa. After epididymal transit, a considerable decrease was observed in the number of aqueous-soluble sperm proteins. Differences in the protein composition of epididymal epithelial principal cells from the caput versus corpus epididymidis were also noted, suggesting that functional differences exist for these epididymal regions. Of particular interest was the occurrence of a prominent protein of approximately 20-23 kDa found in all sperm samples, in fluids, and in caput and corpus principal cells. However, this protein was absent in cauda epididymal sperm after 36-h efferent duct ligation. The rapid loss of this protein from sperm after efferent duct ligation suggests that this surgical intervention may affect spermatozoa residing within the epididymis.  相似文献   

Much debate has been generated about the existence of thymic nurse cells within the thymus. Until now, the authenticity of an epithelial cell capable of internalizing developing thymocytes within the thymic cortex has been in question. Here, we use the thymic nurse cell-specific monoclonal antibody, ph91, to define the in vivo location of thymic nurse cells. For the first time, thymic nurse cells enclosing several thymocytes were detected in the subcapsular region of the thymic cortex in a “honeycomb-like” configuration. In vitro studies show the internalization process using digitalized time-lapse microscopy. Internalized thymocytes have also been reported to interact with macrophages within the TNC complex. The cytoplasmic interaction between thymocytes and macrophages was detected using time-lapse microscopy. Using fluorescence microscopy, we show polymerization of actin within macrophages at the contact point with thymocytes, which is indicative of an immunological synapse. Microfilaments and microtubules within TNCs were shown to be associated with thymocyte binding and internalization, but neither interacted with macrophages. Also, we provide data to show that thymocytes are actively involved in the internalization process. These experiments show for the first time the existence of thymic nurse cells within the thymic microenvironment. They provide a visual documentation of thymocyte uptake by thymic nurse cells, and define an interaction between thymocytes and macrophages within the TNC complex.  相似文献   

An androgen binding protein (ABP) was demonstrated in the 105,000 g supernatant of rat testis homogenate after charcoal extraction of endogenous steroids. Testis ABP proved to be identical to an ABP previously described in rat epididymis. It contained saturable high-affinity sites which exhibited binding specificity for dihydrotestosterone (6) and testosterone when measured by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or by competitive binding using charcoal adsorption. Binding to ABP was not affected by ribonuclease or neuraminidase but was decreased by the disulfide reducing agent, dithiothreitol and the sulfhydryl reagent, N-ethylmaleimide. Binding was abolished by treatment with proteolytic enzyme. The mean molecular radius of ABP was 2.92 nm as determined by the retardation of electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels of decreasing pore size. Assuming a partial specific volume of 0.66–0.74 the molecular weight was 86,000–91,000 for a spherical molecule. ABP binding was stable after treating at 45° C for 20 min. but was destroyed at 60° C. Binding was maximal between pH 7.5 and 9.0 and decreased at pH below 7.0.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), formerly known as Tumor necrosis factor alpha is now regarded as a natural component of the mammalian seminal plasma (SP). Although not completely clarified, its functions in the SP have been associated with paradoxal roles, such as sperm survival in the female genital tract, while at high levels negatively affect sperm survival and fertility potential. Recently, it has been discovered that canine inseminated spermatozoa display a strong immunoreaction for TNF when lining the female endometrium. As a continuation of this finding, the present work aimed at documenting TNF localization in the canine testes and epididymis and in freshly ejaculated spermatozoa (SPZ) through immunohisto- or cytochemistry.Immunoreaction for TNF was found in all samples used. In the dog testis, TNF immunoexpression was limited to the seminiferous tubules, where late round spermatids (SPD) showed weak intensity of immunostaining, while elongating and elongated SPD evidenced moderate and the residual bodies a strong intensity. In the epididymis, a gradual progressive increase of TNF immunolabelling was found throughout the epididymal regions, ranging from a weak intensity at the caput epididymis to a moderate intensity at the cauda. TNF immunolabelling was found in mature SPZ during the epididymal transit and also in freshly ejaculated SPZ, which showed a strong midpiece immunolabelling. Data presented here provide important information on expression of TNF in spermatozoa, which is acquired by the SPZ during their formation at the testis. It further provides the basis for subsequent studies on the physiological importance of cytokines in sperm function.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from the testis and various regions along the epididymis of the rat were collected by micropuncture and their motility after dilution was estimated over a 15-min period by using a Quantimet image analyser. The motility of sermatozoa from the rete testis and seminiferous tubules was too low to be measured. The estimate of motility of spermatozoa from the proximal caput epididymidis was much lower than that of spermatozoa from the other regions. Spermatozoa from the distal part of the caput showed sustained motility for 15 min, whereas those from the caudal region and ductus deferens, although active initially, became less active during this period.  相似文献   

The participation of acrosin in mammalian sperm penetration through the zona pellucida has been amply debated. In this paper we report the immunolocalization—by silver enhanced immunogold technique using ACRO-8C10 monoclonal antibody to human acrosin—of proacrosin/acrosin on ejaculated rabbit spermatozoa incubated in vitro in a capacitating medium and on spermatozoa recovered from the perivitelline space. After incubation in a capacitating medium, four different patterns were observed: (1) no labeling on acrosome intact spermatozoa; (2) labeling on the rim of the head; (3) labeling on the whole acrosome area; and (4) no labeling on acrosome reacted spermatozoa. At the start of incubation, spermatozoa with pattern 1 were the most abundant, whereas at the end of the 32 h incubation period, patterns 2 and 3 were the most frequent. On the other hand, 625 perivitelline spermatozoa were recovered from 17 fertilized rabbit eggs, of which 26% were labeled with the anti-acrosin monoclonal antibody ACRO-8C10 in two different areas: (1) only on the equatorial region; and (2) only on the postacrosomal area. These results are consistent with the idea that proacrosin/acrosin remains associated to the acrosome reacted spermatozoa for long periods of time, and that proacrosin/acrosin associated to perivitelline spermatozoa could be responsible for the second penetration of fresh rabbit eggs by perivitelline spermatozoa. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The activity of 5 alpha-reductase was much higher in the caput and corpus epididymidis than in the cauda epididymidis. Orchidectomy caused a reduction in 5 alpha-reductase activity in the caput and corpus epididymidis, and regression of the epithelium and reduction in mass of all regions of the epididymis. Subsequent testosterone therapy caused a substantial increase in amount of epithelium and overall mass of the cauda epididymidis but showed little or no increase in any of the responses measured in the caput and corpus epididymidis. We concluded that the caput and corpus epididymidis of the tammar respond to factors other than testosterone, probably some constituent in the luminal fluid, and therefore are homologous with the initial segments of the epididymis in eutherians.  相似文献   

Ejaculated spermatozoa were washed and extracted with 0.6 M NaCl (2 h at 0 degree C) and the extract used to immunize rabbits. The crude antibody reacted with epididymal fluid and cytosol and with prostatic cytosol but did not recognize blood serum and testicular cytosol. After adsorption with prostatic proteins, the serum was specific for epididymis. Using immunoelectrophoresis and affinity chromatography, it was found that the antibody reacted with antigens which co-electrophoresed with androgen-dependent proteins (mobility relative to albumin, Ra) 0.3, 0.43 and 1.0, previously identified in human epididymis. Weak immunofluorescence in the epithelium of proximal caput tubules was detected on tissue sections. In contrast, distal caput and corpus tubules displayed a strong fluorescence in the cytoplasm of basal and principal cells as well as in spermatozoa present in lumen. Intense fluorescence was limited to the luminal content and the apical border and sterociliae of principal cells in caudal tubules. When applied to isolated spermatozoa, the reaction was negative for testicular sperm, while 49%, 82% and 100% of spermatozoa from caput, corpus and cauda, respectively, had a fluorescent acrosomal cap. An apparent gradient of increasing fluorescent intensities was also observed in this sequence. The reaction was strongest over the acrosomal cap, apparently absent in the postacrosomal region and weaker over the midpiece and principal piece. These results are interpreted as suggestive of the progressive coating of human spermatozoa with androgen-dependent epididymal proteins during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

The synthesis and secretion of proteins in the different regions of the human epididymis were studied in vitro. Epididymal tissues obtained from patients undergoing castration for prostatic carcinoma or from cadavers were incubated in the presence of [35S]methionine, and the resulting radiolabeled proteins were analysed on SDS-PAGE. The corpus region was found to be the most active segment in total protein synthesis. Significant qualitative and quantitative changes were observed in the pattern of proteins secreted from the different epididymal regions. To establish those epididymal proteins that interact with maturing sperm, the secreted products were immunoreacted with antibodies raised against a Triton X-100 extract of ejaculated human sperm heads. The antibodies react mainly with the head region of ejaculated spermatozoa as judged by indirect immunofluorescence. Protein A-gold labeling of freeze-fracture images showed gold particle distribution on the sperm plasma membrane. Western blot analysis of the secreted proteins revealed four bands (66, 37, 32, and 29 kDa) in the proximal regions and six additional bands (80, 76, 48, 27, 22, and 17 kDa) in the distal part of the epididymis. Immunoprecipitation of the secreted proteins with these antibodies revealed six radioactive bands of 170, 80, 76, 60, 48, and 37 kDa, which indicates that certain proteins of epididymal origin bind to the sperm plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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