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The activities of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism—phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PE N-MTase)—were found to be differently affected by pre-incubation of rod outer segments (ROS) under protein phosphorylating or dephosphorylating conditions. Exposure to cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), under dark or light conditions, produced a significant increase in PE N-MTase activity, whereas PLA2 activity decreased. Under standard protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylating conditions in light, PE N-MTase activity was stimulated and PLA2 activity was not affected. When the assays were performed in the dark, both enzymatic activities were unaffected when compared to the corresponding controls. Incubation of ROS membranes in light in the presence of PKC activators phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) and dioctanoylglycerol (DOG) resulted in the same pattern of changes in enzyme activities as described for standard PKC phosphorylating condition. Pre-incubation of membranes with the PKC inhibitor H-7 reduced the stimulation of PDBu on PE N-MTase activity, and had no effect on PLA2 activity in ROS membranes incubated with the phorbol ester. Pre-treatment of isolated ROS with alkaline phosphatase resulted in decreased PE N-MTase activity and produced a significant stimulation of PLA2 activity under dark as well as under light conditions when compared to the corresponding controls. These findings suggest that ROS protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation modulates PE N-MTase and PLA2 activities in isolated ROS, and that these activities are independently and specifically modulated by particular kinases. Furthermore, dephosphorylation of ROS proteins has the opposite effect to that produced by protein phosphorylation on the enzymes studied.  相似文献   

The rod photoreceptors of vertebrate retinas contain a cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) that is activated by light. The light is absorbed by rhodopsin that activates an intermediate GTP-binding protein; this species then activates the PDE. Photo-excited rhodopsin passes through a series of transient states, and the purpose of this study is to identify the earliest state that interacts with the GTP-binding protein and thus activate the PDE. The majority of evidence points to this state being metarhodopsin II (MII), but PDE activation is seen at low temperatures where the rhodopsin reaction sequence is not expected to pass beyond the metarhodopsin I (MI) stage. Light thresholds for PDE activation have been determined under conditions where little MII is generated, and these are compared with the concentration of MII. The conclusion is that for a criterion threshold of PDE activity, the MII concentration is constant, irrespective of the amount of MI present, which suggests that MI cannot activate the PDE system.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy was used to follow morphological changes induced by Naja mossambica mossambica venom V4II cardiotoxin in rod outer segment membrane preparations. The extent of the morphological changes depended on the purity of the cardiotoxin. Pure cardiotoxin had no detectable effect upon the preparation, but, when contaminated with venom phospholipase A2, let to a rapid disintegration of the membrane vesicles. With trace amounts (up to about 0.5% of the cardiotoxin) of phospholipase A2, the membrane vesicles disintegrated into smooth lamellae and particles in solution. These two components were separated by centrifugation. The pellet, which showed the presence of smooth lamellae and aggregated particles, was composed of unbleached rhodopsin, initial membrane lipids, lysolipids and cardiotoxin. The supernatant, which showed only the presence of dispersed particles, was composed of unbleached rhodopsin, lysolipids and cardiotoxin. With cardiotoxin containing larger amounts of phospholipase A2 (more than 0.5% of the cardiotoxin), membrane vesicles were disintegrated into large aggregates of amorphous material, composed of bleached rhodopsin, initial membrane lipids, lysolipids and cardiotoxin. These results confirm our previous observation on the release of integral membrane proteins from membrane vesicles by the action of cardiotoxin containing traces of phospholipase A2 (Gulik-Krzywicki, T., Balerna, M., Vincent, J.P. and Lazdunski, M. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 643, 101–114) and suggest its possible use for isolation and purification of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatography was used to separate the major phospholipid headgroup classes of the rod outer segment disk membrane into subfractions which differ markedly in fatty acid composition. At least 18% of the rod outer segment phosphatidylcholine must contain two saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, two unsaturated fatty acids are found in at least 43% of the phosphatidylserine, 24% of the phosphatidylcholine, and 24% of the phosphatidylethanolamine. The unsaturated acids are predominantly polyunsaturated in all cases. A similar separation, but with less resolution, was achieved with silicic acid column chromatography.The temperature dependence of the polarization of the fluorescence of trans-parinaric acid (9,11,13,15-all-trans-octadecatetraenoic acid) showed that the thermal behavior of aqueous dispersions of the phosphatidylcholine subfractions was consistent with their fatty acid compositions.  相似文献   

Frog (Rana catesbeiana) rod outer segment membrane contains cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (EC Irradiation of dark-adapted rod outer segment membrane increased the enzyme activity by 5–20-fold in the presence of GTP. The phosphodiesterase in rod outer segment membrane is also activated by mixing a photo-product of 11-cis (regenerated), 9-cis or 7-cis rhodopsin which is stable at 0°C. However, neither opsin in the membrane nor all-trans retinal activates the enzyme. The phosphodiesterase in rod outer segment membrane is also activated by irradiation at ?4°C. Thus, we conclude that the phosphodiesterase is activated by a common photolysis intermediate of these rhodopsin isomers, perhaps before metarhodopsin II decays.  相似文献   

Bovine rod outer segment membranes were treated with cross-linking reagents before and after light exposure. Bleached membranes showed enhanced cross-linking with difluorodinitrobenzene or methyl acetimidate compared to dark-adapted membranes. The light-induced enhancement of cross-linking may be due to increased association of rhodopsin monomers in the light and/or due to increased reactivity of amino and sulfhydryl groups of bleached rhodopsin. In some instances, the band ascribed to the rhodopsin monomer in gel electrophoresis appears as a partially resolved doublet. Treatment of bleached rod outer segment membranes with methyl acetimidate improved the resolution of the doublet into two closely migrating bands.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that tyrosine phosphorylation, controlled by the concerted action of tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), plays important roles in retinal photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS). We characterized PTP activity in isolated bovine ROS that is significantly inhibited by orthovanadate. Incubating ROS in the presence of exogenous Mg2+, ATP, and orthovanadate dramatically enhanced the tyrosine phosphorylation of several endogenous proteins. SHP-2, a PTP with two SH2 domains, was identified in ROS by immunoblot analysis and was found to associate with ROS membranes. Immunocytochemistry showed localization of SHP-2 in photoreceptor outer segments and possibly in the outer plexiform, inner nuclear, and inner plexiform cell layers of the retina as well. SHP-2 associated with transducin-alpha and a 97-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in ROS, suggesting the formation of a multimeric signaling complex. Based on its association with transducin-alpha and a 97-kDa protein, SHP-2 may regulate the tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous proteins, including transducin-alpha, and may play a significant role in a novel signaling pathway in photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate is regulated by light in retinal rod outer segment (ROS) membranes. We recently reported that the activities of phosphatidylinositol synthetase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase are also higher in bleached (light-exposed) ROS (B-ROS). In this study, we investigated the effect of bleaching on diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase (DAG-kinase) activity in bovine and rat ROS membranes prepared from dark-adapted (D-ROS) or bleached (B-ROS) retinas. In bovine ROS, DAG-kinase activity toward endogenous DAG substrate was higher in B-ROS than in D-ROS. Quantification of DAG in both sets of membranes showed that the levels were the same, eliminating the possibility that the greater DAG-kinase activity was due to higher levels of endogenous substrate in B-ROS. DAG-kinase activity was also higher in B-ROS against an exogenous, water-soluable substrate (1, 2-didecanoyl-rac-glycerol), which competed with endogenous DAG substrate and saturated at approximately 2 mM. Immunoblot analysis with an anti-DAG-kinase gamma polyclonal antibody demonstrated that the gamma isoform was present in isolated bovine ROS. Immunocytochemistry of frozen bovine retinal sections confirmed the presence of DAG-kinase gamma immunoreactivity in ROS, as well as other retinal cells. Quantification of the immunoreactive products on western blots showed that more DAG-kinase gamma was present in B-ROS than in D-ROS. In an in vivo experiment, ROS prepared from rats exposed to 30 min of room light had greater DAG-kinase activity than ROS prepared from dark-adapted animals. Taken together, these data suggest that light exposure leads to the translocation of DAG-kinase from the cytosol to ROS membranes and that the greater DAG-kinase activity in B-ROS is due to the presence of more protein associated with ROS membranes.  相似文献   

Sequences of X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from dehydrating, artificially oriented multilayers of isolated, bovine rod outer segment disks. A direct-phase analysis was applied to highly hydrated specimens to determine sequences of low resolution (approx. 30 Å) electron density profiles of the disks as dehydration proceeded. The profiles were found to evolve smoothly as the multilayer lattice simultaneously shrank and became increasingly ordered. The bilayer profiles were largely invariant under dehydration and the evolution of the diffraction consistent with simple decreases in fluid spacings. The specimens were observed to phase separate into characteristic primary and a secondary lattices when the multi-layer became too dehydrated. The small unit cell size of the secondary lattice was suggestive of a lipid phase. Large changes in the diffraction patterns from phase separated specimens were observed upon bleaching of the specimen. The changes were consistent with a reversible disordering of the primary lattice.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that tyrosine phosphorylation may play important roles in retinal photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS). We investigated the tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in isolated bovine ROS. Several proteins with apparent molecular masses of 31, 39, 60, 83, 90, 97, 120, 140, and 180 kDa were tyrosine-phosphorylated in ROS incubated with Mg(2+), ATP, and orthovanadate. Several tyrosine kinase inhibitors significantly inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins in ROS. The 39- and 60-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins were identified as the alpha subunit of the G protein transducin (Talpha) and the tyrosine kinase Src, respectively. The presence of Src and tyrosine kinase activity in bovine ROS was confirmed by their cofractionation with rhodopsin and Talpha on continuous sucrose gradients. Several tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, including Src, coimmunoprecipitated with Talpha. The association of Src with Talpha was detected in the absence of tyrosine phosphorylation, but was enhanced with increased tyrosine phosphorylation of ROS. Moreover, tyrosine kinase activity also associated with Talpha was sevenfold higher under tyrosine-phosphorylating conditions. The recovery of transducin by hypotonic GTP extraction from tyrosine-phosphorylated ROS was significantly less than that from nonphosphorylated ROS. We localized the site on Talpha phosphorylated by Src to the amino-terminal half by limited tryptic digests, and further mapped it by ion trap mass spectrometry to Tyr(142) in the helical domain of Talpha. Talpha was also tyrosine-phosphorylated in vivo in rat retina, but this phosphorylation was not affected by light.  相似文献   

A calcium phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (C-kinase) activity was detected in the soluble fraction of rod outer segments (ROS) of the bovine retina. The enzyme required calcium, phosphatidylserine (PS) and diacylglycerol for maximal activity. In the presence of calcium and PS, C-kinase endogenously phosphorylated proteins with molecular weights of 95,000, 91,000, 31,000, 21,000, 19,000, 18,000, 16,000, 14,000 and 11,000. Addition of diolein in the reaction mixture further enhanced the endogenous phosphorylation of these proteins. Retinal was found to inhibit the phosphorylation of endogenous proteins by C-kinase in a concentration dependent manner. Half-maximal inhibition of enzyme activity was obtained at a retinal concentration of about 12μM. These results suggest that calcium, phospholipids and the C-kinase enzyme may play an important role in the functional regulation of rod photoreceptors and, with retinal, perhaps in the visual process as well.  相似文献   

Freely diffusable lipid spin labels in bovine rod outer segment disc membranes display an apparent two-component ESR spectrum. One component is markedly more immobilized than that found in fluid lipid bilayers, and is attributed to lipid interacting directly with rhodopsin. For the 14-doxyl stearic acid spin label this more immobilized component has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C, with a considerable temperature dependence, the effective outer splitting decreasing to 54 G at 24°C. Spin label lipid chains covalently attached to rhodopsin can also display a two-component spectrum in rod outer segment membranes. In unbleached, non-delipidated membranes the 16-doxyl stearoyl maleimide label shows an immobilized component which has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C and a considerable temperature dependence. This component which is not resolved at high temperatures (24–35°C), is attributed to the lipid chains interacting directly with the monomeric protein, as with the diffusable labels. In contrast, in rod outer segment membranes which have been either delipidated or extensively bleached, a strongly immobilized component is observed with the 16-doxyl maleimide label at all temperatures. This immobilized component has an outer splitting of 62–64 G at 0°C, with very little temperature dependence (61–62 G at 35°C), and is attributed to protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Ca2+-modulated rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase (ROS-GC1) has been cloned and reconstituted to show that it is regulated by two processes: one inhibitory, the other stimulatory. The inhibitory process is consistent with its linkage to phototransduction; the physiology of the stimulatory process is probably linked to neuronal transmission. In both regulatory processes, calcium modulation of the cyclase takes place through the calcium binding proteins; guanylate cyclase activating proteins (GCAP1 and GCAP2) in the case of the phototransduction process and calcium-dependent GCAP (CD-GCAP) in the case of the stimulatory process. The cyclase domains involved in the two processes are located at two different sites on the ROS-GC1 intracellular region. The GCAP1-modulated domain resides within the aa 447-730 segment of ROS-GC1 and the CD-GCAP-modulated domain resides within the aa 731-1054 segment. In the present study the GCAP2-dependent Ca2+ modulation of the cyclase activity has been reconstituted using recombinant forms of GCAP2 and ROS-GC1, and its mutants. The results indicate that consistent to phototransduction, GCAP2 at low Ca2+ concentration (10 nM) maximally stimulates the cyclase activity of the wild-type and its mutants: ext- (deleted aa 8-408); kin- (deleted aa 447-730) and hybrid consisting of the ext, transmembrane and kin domains of ANF-RGC and the C-terminal domain, aa 731-1054, of ROS-GC1. In all cases, it inhibits the cyclase activity with an IC50 of about 140 nM. A previous study has shown that under identical conditions the kin- and the hybrid mutant are at best only minimally stimulated. Thus, the GCAP1 and GCAP2 signal transduction mechanisms are different, occurring through different modules of ROS-GC1. These findings also demonstrate that the intracellular region of ROS-GC1 is composed of multiple modules, each designed to mediate a particular calcium-specific signalling pathway.  相似文献   

cGMP-Phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is the central effector enzyme in the phototransduction system of vertebrate photoreceptors. We have recently found that PDE6 accumulates in a detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) fraction in response to excitation of bovine rod phototransduction system. Here, we studied the molecular mechanism of the PDE6 translocation to DRM. Pertussis toxin inhibited the translocation of PDE6. Upon addition of AlF(4)(-) to dark-adapted ROS, PDE6 translocated to DRM along with a minor fraction of the alpha subunit of transducin (T alpha). The addition of an excess of the inhibitory subunit of PDE6 blocked its accumulation in the DRM, but did not block the translocation of the minor fraction of T alpha. These data suggested that the formation of a complex between activated T alpha and PDE6 imparted upon T alpha a high affinity for the DRM. The translocation of PDE6 to the DRM may be involved in the spatiotemporal regulation of its activity on disk membranes.  相似文献   

Radioactive phosphate was incorporated from [γ-32P]ATP into a 160 000 dalton protein from preparations of highly purified toad retinal rod outer segment membranes. Maximal incorporation occurred at 1μM ATP, and turnover in the presence of nonradioactive substrate was rapid, showing that the 160 kdalton protein catalyzes ATP hydrolysis. The 160 kdalton intermediate was sensitive to hydroxylamine, suggesting an acyl linkage between the protein and phosphate. Ionic requirements for phosphorylation showed the ATPase is different from other membrane-bound ionic pumps. The phosphorylated intermediate was almost completely suppressed by 20 μM vanadate, and partial suppression occurred at lower concentrations. About one 160 kdalton protein was labelled per 30 000 molecules of rhodopsin. Although [γ-32P]GTP labeled the protein, the ATPase was far more specific for adenine than guanine nucleotides. The specificity for ATP and sensitivity to vanadate of the intermediate suggest a relation to an ATP-dependent structural change which occurs in stacks of outer segment discs (Thacher, S.M.; (1980) Fed. Proc. 39, 2066).  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte protein phosphatase 2A, which comprises a 34-kDa catalytic C subunit, a 63-kDa regulatory A subunit and a 74-kDa regulatory B″ (δ) subunit, was phosphorylated at serine residues of B″ in vitro by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase). In the presence and absence of 0.5 μM okadaic acid (OA), A-kinase gave maximal incorporation of 1.7 and 1.0 mol of phosphate per mol of B″, respectively. The Km value of A-kinase for CAB″ was 0.17±0.01 μM in the presence of OA. The major in vitro phosphorylation sites of B″ were identified as Ser-60, -75 and -573 in the presence of OA, and Ser-75 and -573 in the absence of OA. Phosphorylation of B″ did not dissociate B″ from CA, and stimulated the molecular activity of CAB″ toward phosphorylated H1 and H2B histones, 3.8- and 1.4-fold, respectively, but not toward phosphorylase a.  相似文献   

We studied the synergistic effect of visible light and ferritin on the lipid peroxidation on a fraction of porcine photoreceptor outer segment (POS). Reaction mixtures containing the POS fraction and horse spleen ferritin were irradiated under white fluorescent light mainly at 17,000 lx or incubated under dark conditions at 37°C. The lipid peroxidation was evaluated by both the thiobarbituric acid method and the ferrous oxidation/xylenol orange method. The irradiation-induced lipid peroxidation was affected by some experimental factors such as the irradiation dose and acidity of the material. When the irradiation was stopped, the lipid peroxidation was also stopped; thereafter, the re-irradiation induced lipid peroxidation. Moreover, this lipid peroxidation was inhibited by desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, or by dimethylthiourea, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, suggesting that the lipid peroxidation involves hydroxyl radicals generated via the Fenton reaction by iron ion released from ferritin. The lipid peroxidation did not take place under dark conditions or in the absence of ferritin. This study suggested the possibility that the visible light-induced lipid peroxidation of the POS fraction in the presence of ferritin may participate in the etiology of human retinal degenerative diseases as the human retina is exposed to light for life.  相似文献   

We studied the synergistic effect of visible light and ferritin on the lipid peroxidation on a fraction of porcine photoreceptor outer segment (POS). Reaction mixtures containing the POS fraction and horse spleen ferritin were irradiated under white fluorescent light mainly at 17,000 lx or incubated under dark conditions at 37°C. The lipid peroxidation was evaluated by both the thiobarbituric acid method and the ferrous oxidation/xylenol orange method. The irradiation-induced lipid peroxidation was affected by some experimental factors such as the irradiation dose and acidity of the material. When the irradiation was stopped, the lipid peroxidation was also stopped; thereafter, the re-irradiation induced lipid peroxidation. Moreover, this lipid peroxidation was inhibited by desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, or by dimethylthiourea, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, suggesting that the lipid peroxidation involves hydroxyl radicals generated via the Fenton reaction by iron ion released from ferritin. The lipid peroxidation did not take place under dark conditions or in the absence of ferritin. This study suggested the possibility that the visible light-induced lipid peroxidation of the POS fraction in the presence of ferritin may participate in the etiology of human retinal degenerative diseases as the human retina is exposed to light for life.  相似文献   

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