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Abstract A virulent bacteriophage, øSK311, was isolated from Staphylococcus carnosus , an organism used as a starter culture for the production of dry sausage. Electron microscopic studies revealed that this bacteriophage showed some morphological similarities with the Escherichia coli phages T4 and λ. The host range of øSK311 extends over 9 different staphylococcal species. A phage-resistant mutant of S. carnosus could be isolated. Cells of this mutant exhibited a capsule-like structure. The DNA of øSK311 possesses a G + C content of 31.4 mol% and appears to be highly modified.  相似文献   

Summary Production of lipase from recombinant Staphylococcus carnosus pLipPS2 was studied in standard stirred tank bioreactors. Only low lipase activity was obtained under conventional operating conditions, i.e., moderate to high stirring speeds and aeration rates for keeping the dissolved oxygen concentration at high levels. Additional targetted experiments indicated that the reason for the observed low lipase activity is lipase inactivation due to surface forces and shear stress at the gas/liquid interface. Therefore, a cultivation strategy is proposed that minimizes gas/liquid interfacial area and maximizes the driving concentration for O2 mass transfer by controlling the dissolved oxygen to low values by gentle stirring and low aeration rates. Thus, high lipase activities can be obtained even in larger scale standard stirred tank bioreactors. Offprint requests to: W.-D. Deckwer  相似文献   

Two phages lysing strains of Staphylococcus carnosus , an organism used as a starter culture for salami production, were isolated from factories in Germany and Italy. Morphologically they show the C1 morphotype and are unrelated to the only other known Staph. carnosus phage. The phages were physiologically and morphologically similar but showed differences in their structural proteins and DNA restriction patterns. Their genomes consisted of linear double stranded DNA with a genome size of 19 kb. The phages lysed a wide range of Staph. carnosus strains from commercial meat starter cultures as well as the DSM type strain. Despite the presence of these phages, the products were normal from the point of view of colour, texture and flavour.  相似文献   

Cocoa bean fermentation is still a spontaneous curing process to facilitate drying of nongerminating cocoa beans by pulp removal as well as to stimulate colour and flavour development of fermented dry cocoa beans. As it is carried out on farm, cocoa bean fermentation is subjected to various agricultural and operational practices and hence fermented dry cocoa beans of variable quality are obtained. Spontaneous cocoa bean fermentations carried out with care for approximate four days are characterized by a succession of particular microbial activities of three groups of micro‐organisms, namely yeasts, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and acetic acid bacteria (AAB), which results in well‐fermented fully brown cocoa beans. This has been shown through a plethora of studies, often using a multiphasic experimental approach. Selected strains of several of the prevailing microbial species have been tested in appropriate cocoa pulp simulation media to unravel their functional roles and interactions as well as in small plastic vessels containing fresh cocoa pulp‐bean mass to evaluate their capacity to dominate the cocoa bean fermentation process. Various starter cultures have been proposed for successful fermentation, encompassing both cocoa‐derived and cocoa nonspecific strains of (hybrid) yeasts, LAB and AAB, some of which have been implemented on farms successfully.  相似文献   

High-pressure NMR experiments performed on the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr) from Staphylococcus carnosus have shown that residue Ile14, which is located in the active-centre loop, exhibits a peculiarly small pressure response. In contrast, the rest of the loop shows strong pressure effects as is expected for typical protein interaction sites. To elucidate the structural role of this residue, the mutant protein HPr(I14A), in which Ile14 is replaced by Ala, was produced and studied by solution NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of 1406 structural restraints including 20 directly detected hydrogen bonds, 49 1H(N)-15N, and 25 1H(N)-1Halpha residual dipolar couplings, a well resolved three-dimensional structure could be determined. The overall fold of the protein is not influenced by the mutation but characteristic conformational changes are introduced into the active-centre loop. They lead to a displacement of the ring system of His15 and a distortion of the N-terminus of the first helix, which supports the histidine ring. In addition, the C-terminal helix is bent because the side chain of Leu86 located at the end of this helix partly fills the hydrophobic cavity created by the mutation. Xenon, which is known to occupy hydrophobic cavities, causes a partial reversal of the mutation-induced structural effects. The observed structural changes explain the reduced phosphocarrier activity of the mutant and agree well with the earlier suggestion that Ile14 represents an anchoring point stabilizing the active-centre loop in its correct conformation.  相似文献   

AIMS: The study was conducted with an aim to optimize the transformation efficiency of the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus carnosus to a level that would enable the creation of cell surface displayed combinatorial protein libraries. METHODS AND RESULTS: We have thoroughly investigated a number of different parameters for: (i) the preparation of electrocompetent cells; (ii) the treatment of cells before electroporation; (iii) the electroporation step itself; and (iv) improved recovery of transformed cells. Furthermore, a method for heat-induced inactivation of the host cell restriction system was devised to allow efficient transformation of the staphylococci with DNA prepared from other species, such as Escherichia coli. Previously described protocols for S. carnosus, giving transformation frequencies of approximately 10(2) transformants per transformation could be improved to reproducible procedures giving around 10(6) transformants for a single electroporation event, using plasmid DNA prepared from either S. carnosus or E. coli. The transformed staphylococcal cells were analysed using flow cytometry to verify that the entire cell population retained the introduced plasmid DNA and expressed the recombinant protein in a functional form on the cell surface at the same level as the positive control population. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that the transformation frequency for S. carnosus could be dramatically increased through optimization of the entire electroporation process, and that the restriction barrier for interspecies DNA transfer, could be inactivated by heat treatment of the cells prior to electroporation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The generation of large combinatorial protein libraries, displayed on the surface of S. carnosus can be envisioned in the near future, thus dramatically improving the selection compared with the traditional biopanning procedure used in phage display.  相似文献   

The pressure-induced changes in 15N enriched HPr from Staphylococcus carnosus were investigated by two-dimensional (2D) heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy at pressures ranging from atmospheric pressure up to 200 MPa. The NMR experiments allowed the simultaneous observation of the backbone and side-chain amide protons and nitrogens. Most of the resonances shift downfield with increasing pressure indicating generalized pressure-induced conformational changes. The average pressure-induced shifts for amide protons and nitrogens are 0.285 ppm GPa(-1) at 278 K and 2.20 ppm GPa(-1), respectively. At 298 K the corresponding values are 0.275 and 2.41 ppm GPa(-1). Proton and nitrogen pressure coefficients show a significant but rather small correlation (0.31) if determined for all amide resonances. When restricting the analysis to amide groups in the beta-pleated sheet, the correlation between these coefficients is with 0.59 significantly higher. As already described for other proteins, the amide proton pressure coefficients are strongly correlated to the corresponding hydrogen bond distances, and thus are indicators for the pressure-induced changes of the hydrogen bond lengths. The nitrogen shift changes appear to sense other physical phenomena such as changes of the local backbone conformation as well. Interpretation of the pressure-induced shifts in terms of structural changes in the HPr protein suggests the following picture: the four-stranded beta-pleated sheet of HPr protein is the least compressible part of the structure showing only small pressure effects. The two long helices a and c show intermediary effects that could be explained by a higher compressibility and a concomitant bending of the helices. The largest pressure coefficients are found in the active center region around His15 and in the regulatory helix b which includes the phosphorylation site Ser46 for the HPr kinase. This suggests that this part of the structure occurs in a number of different structural states whose equilibrium populations are shifted by pressure. In contrast to the surrounding residues of the active center loop that show large pressure effects, Ile14 has a very small proton and nitrogen pressure coefficient. It could represent some kind of anchoring point of the active center loop that holds it in the right place in space, whereas other parts of the loop adapt themselves to changing external conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract The cell wall of Candida albicans contains mannoproteins that are covalently associated with β-1,6-glucan. When spheroplasts were allowed to regenerate a new cell wall, initially non-glucosylated cell wall proteins accumulated in the medium. While the spheroplasts became osmotically stable, β-1,6-glucosylated proteins could be identified in their cell wall by SDS-extraction or β-1,3-glucanase digestion. At later stages of regeneration, β-1,3-glucosylated proteins were also found. Hence, incorporation of proteins into the cell wall is accompanied by extracellular coupling to β-1,6-/β-l,3-glucan. The SDS-extractable glucosylated proteins probably represent degradation products of wall proteins rather than their precursors. Tunicamycin delayed, but did not prevent the formation of β-1,6-glucosylated proteins, demonstrating that β-1,6-glucan is not attached to N -glycosidic side-chains of wall proteins.  相似文献   

A pH-auxostatic fed-batch process was developed for the secretory production of a fusion protein consisting of the pro-part of Staphylococcus hyicus lipase and two synthetic human calcitonin (hCT) precursor repeats under the control of a xylose-inducible promotor from Staphylococcus xylosus. Using glycerol as the energy source and pH-controlled addition of yeast extract resulted in the production of 2000 mg l−1 of the fusion protein (420 mg l−1 of the recombinant hCT precursor) within 14 h, reaching 45 g l−1 cell dry mass with Staphylococcus carnosus in a stirred-tank reactor. Product titer and space-time yield (30 mg calcitonin precursor l−1 h−1) were thus improved by a factor of 2, and 4.5, respectively, compared to Escherichia coli expression-secretion systems for the production of calcitonin precursors. Two hundred grams of the fusion protein was secreted by the recombinant S. carnosus on a 150-l scale (scale-up factor of 50) with a minimum use of technical-grade yeast extract (40 mg fusion protein g−1 yeast extract). Received: 18 January 2000 / Received revision: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Summary A fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (E.C. from Staphylococcus carnosus DSM 20501 was purified for the first time. The enzymatic activity was insensitive to high levels of EDTA indicating that the enzyme is a class I aldolase. This enzyme exhibits good stability at high temperatures and extreme stability over a wide pH range. The K m for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate as substrate was 0.022 mm. The S. carnosus aldolase is a monomeric enzyme with a molecular mass of about 33 kDa. It exhibits a relatively broad pH optimum between pH 6.5 and 9.0. Furthermore, the aldolase accepts other aldehydes in place of its natural substrate, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, allowing the synthesis of various sugar phosphates. Offprint requests to: M. R. Kula  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Unfortunately, in the “How to Cite as” section, the given and the family name of the author was incorrectly published, the correct name is...  相似文献   

Infrequent structural fluctuations of a globular protein is seldom detected and studied in detail. One tyrosine ring of HPr from Staphylococcus carnosus, an 88-residue phosphocarrier protein with no disulfide bonds, undergoes a very slow ring flip, the pressure and temperature dependence of which is studied in detail using the on-line cell high-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance technique in the pressure range from 3 MPa to 200 MPa and in the temperature range from 257 K to 313 K. The ring of Tyr6 is buried sandwiched between a beta-sheet and alpha-helices (the water-accessible area is less than 0.26 nm2), its hydroxyl proton being involved in an internal hydrogen bond. The ring flip rates 10(1)-10(5) s(-1) were determined from the line shape analysis of H(delta1, delta2) and H(epsilon1,epsilon2) of Tyr6, giving an activation volume DeltaV++ of 0.044 +/- 0.008 nm3 (27 mL mol(-1)), an activation enthalpy DeltaH++ of 89 +/- 10 kJ mol(-1), and an activation entropy DeltaS++ of 16 +/- 2 JK(-1) mol(-1). The DeltaV++) and DeltaH++ values for HPr found previously for Tyr and Phe ring flips of BPTI and cytochrome c fall within the range of DeltaV(double dagger) of 28 to 51 mL mol(-1) and DeltaH++ of 71 to 155 kJ mol(-1). The fairly common DeltaV++ and DeltaH++ values are considered to represent the extra space or cavity required for the ring flip and the extra energy required to create a cavity, respectively, in the core part of a globular protein. Nearly complete cold denaturation was found to take place at 200 MPa and 257 K independently from the ring reorientation process.  相似文献   

Reverse turns are a major class of protein secondary structure; they represent sites of chain reversal and thus sites where the globular character of a protein is created. It has been speculated for many years that turns may nucleate the formation of structure in protein folding, as their propensity to occur will favor the approximation of their flanking regions and their general tendency to be hydrophilic will favor their disposition at the solvent-accessible surface. Reverse turns are local features, and it is therefore not surprising that their structural properties have been extensively studied using peptide models. In this article, we review research on peptide models of turns to test the hypothesis that the propensities of turns to form in short peptides will relate to the roles of corresponding sequences in protein folding. Turns with significant stability as isolated entities should actively promote the folding of a protein, and by contrast, turn sequences that merely allow the chain to adopt conformations required for chain reversal are predicted to be passive in the folding mechanism. We discuss results of protein engineering studies of the roles of turn residues in folding mechanisms. Factors that correlate with the importance of turns in folding indeed include their intrinsic stability, as well as their topological context and their participation in hydrophobic networks within the protein's structure.  相似文献   

General expression vectors, designed for intracellular expression or secretion of recombinant proteins in the non-pathogenic Staphylococcus carnosus, were constructed. Both vector systems encode two different affinity tags, an upstream albumin binding protein and a downstream hexahistidyl peptide, and are furnished with cleavage sites for two site-specific proteases for optional affinity tag removal. To evaluate the novel vectors, the gene encoding the outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Klebsiella pneumoniae was introduced into the vectors. Efficient production was demonstrated in both systems, although, as expected for OmpA fusions, somewhat better intracellularly, and the fusion proteins could be recovered as full-length products by affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Abstract Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 is able to synthesize at least seven lipoproteins with molecular masses between 15 and 45 kDa; the proteins are located in the membrane fraction. It can be concluded that this strain also posesses the enzymes involved in lipoprotein modification and prolipoprotein signal peptidase (signal peptidase II) processing. The gene encoding the prolipoprotein signal peptidase, lsp , from Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 was cloned in Escherichia coli and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the Lsp showed amino acid similarities with the Lsp's of S. aureus , Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli , and Pseudomonas fluorescens . The hydropathy profile reveals four hydrophobic segments which are homologous to the putative transmembrane regions of the E. coli signal peptidase II. E. coli strains carrying lsp of S. carnosus exhibited an increased globomycin resistance.  相似文献   

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