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According to environmental-based theories on the maintenance of sexual reproduction, sexual and asexual populations may coexist if they occupy different ecological niches. The aphid Rhopalosiphum padi offers a good opportunity to test this hypothesis since sexual and asexual lineages show local coexistence during a large part of their respective life-cycles. Because these two reproductive variants are morphologically identical but genetically distinct, we first characterized them using genetic markers in populations of R. padi in areas where sexual and asexual lineages may occur in sympatry. We then inferred the natal host plant of sexual and asexual genotypes by analysing stable isotopic ratios and showed that sexual ones mostly originated from C3 Poaceae while asexual ones originated from C3 and C4 plants, although the majority came from C4 Poaceae. These findings indicate that ecological niches of sexual and asexual lineages of R. padi differ, offering a plausible explanation for the local coexistence of the two reproductive modes in this species through habitat specialisation.  相似文献   

Unintentional species invasions are instigated by human-mediated dispersal of individuals beyond their native range. Although most introductions fail at the first hurdle, a select subset pass through each stage of the introduction process (i.e., transport, introduction, establishment and spread) to become successful invaders. Efforts to identify the traits associated with invasion success have predominately focused on deliberate introductions, which essentially bypass the initial introduction stage. Here, we highlight how behavior influences the success or failure of unintentional species introductions across each stage of the introduction process, with a particular focus on transportation and initial establishment. In addition, we emphasize how recent advances in understanding of animal personalities and individual-level behavioral variation can help elucidate the mechanisms underlying the success of stowaways.  相似文献   

Invasive species are widely accepted as one of the leading direct causes of biodiversity loss. However, much of the evidence for this contention is based on simple correlations between exotic dominance and native species decline in degraded systems. Although appealing, direct causality is not the only possible interpretation. A plausible alternative hypothesis is that exotic dominance could be the indirect consequence of habitat modification driving native species loss. In a new paper, MacDougall and Turkington now provide the first direct test of whether invasive species are the drivers of community change, or merely 'passengers' along for the environmental ride.  相似文献   

Fire is a common form of recurrent disturbance in many ecosystems, but ecological theory has a poor record of predicting animal responses to fire, at both species and assemblage levels. As a consequence, there is limited information to guide fire regime management for biodiversity conservation. We investigated a key research gap in the fire ecology literature; that is, the response of an anuran assemblage to variation in the fire return interval. We tested two hypotheses using a spatially‐explicit fire database collected over a 40 year period: 1) species richness would peak at intermediate levels of disturbance. 2) Species with traits which enabled them to escape fire – burrowing or canopy dwelling – would be better able to survive fires, resulting in higher levels of occurrence in frequently burned sites. We found no evidence for either a reduction in species richness at locations with short fire return intervals, or a peak in species richness at intermediate levels of disturbance. Although we found some support for individual species responses to fire return intervals, these were inconsistent with the interpretation of burrowing or climbing being functional traits for fire‐avoidance. Instead burrowing and climbing species may be more likely to be disadvantaged by frequent fire than surface dwelling frogs. More generally, our results show that many species in our study system have persisted despite a range of fire frequencies, and therefore that active management of fire regimes for anuran persistence may be unnecessary. The responses of anurans to fire in this location are unlikely to be predictable using simple life‐history traits. Future work should focus on understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of fire responses, by integrating information on animal behavior and species’ ecological requirements.  相似文献   

1.  Climate change will cause changes in average temperature and precipitation as well as increased fluctuations around the mean, yet few studies have considered the impacts of altered climate variability on plant populations. We tested whether life-history traits (expected life span, generation time and seed size) can predict plant responses to increased environmental variability across similar plant species sharing the same habitat.
2.  We combined long-term demographic data on 10 prairie forb species with stochastic demography techniques to estimate the effects of potential changes in matrix element means and variances on the long-term stochastic population growth rate.
3.  For all 10 species, recruitment had higher contribution and elasticity values than survival, meaning that climate change is more likely to influence population growth through effects on recruitment than on survival for these relatively short-lived forbs. Species with longer generation times had lower elasticities to increases in matrix element variability.
4.   Synthesis. Our analysis of a unique, long-term data set suggests that longer-lived plant species will be less vulnerable to the effects of future increases in climate variability. While this relationship was previously reported for diverse taxa from many locations, our results show that it also applies within a guild of short-lived species from a single community. The generality of the pattern demonstrates the potential for using life-history traits to make predictions about which species may be the most vulnerable to climate change.  相似文献   

The relationship between microevolution and macroevolution is a central topic in evolutionary biology. An aspect of this relationship that remains very poorly studied in modern evolutionary biology is the relationship between within‐species geographic variation and among‐species patterns of trait variation. Here, we tested the relationship between climate and morphology among and within species in the salamander genus Plethodon. We focus on a discrete colour polymorphism (presence and absence of a red dorsal stripe) that appears to be related to climatic distributions in a common, wide‐ranging species (Plethodon cinereus). We find that this trait has been variable among (and possibly within) species for >40 million years. Furthermore, we find a strong relationship among species between climatic variation and within‐species morph frequencies. These between‐species patterns are similar (but not identical) to those in the broadly distributed Plethodon cinereus. Surprisingly, there are no significant climate–morphology relationships within most other polymorphic species, despite the strong between‐species patterns. Overall, our study provides an initial exploration of how within‐species geographic variation and large‐scale macroevolutionary patterns of trait variation may be related.  相似文献   

In this study we tested the often suggested claim that people are able to recognize their dogs by their barks. Earlier studies in other species indicated that reliable discrimination between individuals cannot be made by listening to chaotically noisy vocalizations. As barking is typically such a chaotic noisy vocalization, we have hypothesized that reliable discrimination between individuals is not possible by listening to barks. In this study, playback experiments were conducted to explore (1) how accurately humans discriminate between dogs by hearing only their barks, (2) the impact of the eliciting context of calls on these discrimination performances, and (3) how much such discrimination depends on acoustic parameters (tonality and frequency of barks, and the intervals between the individual barks). Our findings were consistent with the previous studies: human performances did not pass the empirical threshold of reliable discrimination in most cases. But a significant effect of tonality was found: discrimination between individuals was more successful when listeners were listening to low harmonic-to-noise ratio (HNR) barks. The contexts in which barks were recorded affected significantly the listeners' performances: if the dog barked at a stranger, listeners were able to discriminate the vocalizations better than if they were listening to sounds recorded when the dog was separated from its owner. It is rendered probable that the bark might be a more efficient communication system between humans and dogs for communicating the motivational state of an animal than for discrimination among strange individuals.  相似文献   

Can ecological relationships between bat species be predicted largely on the basis of morphology? This question was addressed by investigating skull morphology of two cryptic species of the pipistrelle bat. Since 45 Pipistrellus pipistrellus apparently eats larger prey than 55 P. pipistrellus, we predicted that it would have a larger overall skull size, a larger dentary apparatus, and a larger gape. To test these predictions, variables were measured from skulls of the two cryptic species, and comparisons made between them. In accordance with our predictions, overall skull size was larger in 45 P. pipistrellus than in 55 P. pipistrellus, and 45 P. pipistrellus had a longer lower jaw and the distance between the jaws at maximum gape was larger. In addition, 45 P. pipistrellus had longer upper canines, which may allow it to pierce harder prey items than 55 P. pipistrellus. Only some aspects of dietary differences between the two cryptic species could be explained by differences in skull morphology, and we suggest that empirical data, at least on diet and habitat use, are also required to explain mechanisms of resource partitioning among species in bat communities.  相似文献   

Climate influences the distribution of organisms because of the thermal sensitivity of biochemical processes. Animals may compensate for the effects of variable temperatures, and plastic responses may facilitate radiation into different climates. The tropical fish Oreochromis mossambicus has radiated into climates that were thought to be thermally unsuitable. Here, we test the hypothesis that thermal acclimation will extend the locomotory and metabolic performance range of O. mossambicus. Juvenile fish were acclimated to 14 degrees, 17 degrees, and 22 degrees C. We measured responses to acclimation at three levels of organization: whole-animal performance (sustained swimming and resting and recovery rates of oxygen consumption), mitochondrial oxygen consumption in caudal muscle, and metabolic enzyme activities in muscle and liver at 12 degrees, 14 degrees, 17 degrees, 22 degrees, and 26 degrees C. Thermal optima of sustained swimming performance (U(crit)) changed significantly with acclimation, but acclimation had no effect on either resting or recovery oxygen consumption. Fish compensated for cold temperatures by upregulating state 3 mitochondrial oxygen consumption and increasing activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the liver. The capacity for phenotypic plasticity in O. mossambicus means that the fish would not be limited by its locomotor performance or metabolic physiology to expand its range into cooler thermal environments from its current distribution.  相似文献   

Darwin suggested that the discovery of altruism between species would annihilate his theory of natural selection. However, it has not been formally shown whether between‐species altruism can evolve by natural selection, or why this could never happen. Here, we develop a spatial population genetic model of two interacting species, showing that indiscriminate between species helping can be favoured by natural selection. We then ask if this helping behaviour constitutes altruism between species, using a linear‐regression analysis to separate the total action of natural selection into its direct and indirect (kin selected) components. We show that our model can be interpreted in two ways, as either altruism within species, or altruism between species. This ambiguity arises depending on whether or not we treat genes in the other species as predictors of an individual's fitness, which is equivalent to treating these individuals as agents (actors or recipients). Our formal analysis, which focuses upon evolutionary dynamics rather than agents and their agendas, cannot resolve which is the better approach. Nonetheless, because a within‐species altruism interpretation is always possible, our analysis supports Darwin's suggestion that natural selection does not favour traits that provide benefits exclusively to individuals of other species.  相似文献   

Demographic stochasticity is important in determining extinction risks of small populations, but it is largely unknown how its effect depends on the life histories of species. We modeled effects of demographic stochasticity on extinction risk in a broad range of generalized life histories, using matrix models and branching processes. Extinction risks of life histories varied greatly in their sensitivity to demographic stochasticity. Comparing life histories, extinction risk generally increased with increasing fecundity and decreased with higher ages of maturation. Effects of adult survival depended on age of maturation. At lower ages of maturation, extinction risk peaked at intermediate levels of adult survival, but it increased along with adult survival at higher ages of maturation. These differences were largely explained by differences in sensitivities of population growth to perturbations of life-history traits. Juvenile survival rate contributed most to total demographic variance in the majority of life histories. Our general results confirmed earlier findings, suggesting that empirical patterns can be explained by a relatively simple model. Thus, basic life-history information can be used to assign life-history-specific sensitivity to demographic stochasticity. This is of great value when assessing the vulnerability of small populations.  相似文献   

Can tolerance traits impose selection on herbivores?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plant tolerance reduces the fitness consequences of herbivore and natural enemy damage, while resistance reduces the amount of damage suffered. In contrast to resistance, tolerance is often assumed to not affect herbivore performance and evolution. Evidence from the literature, however, suggests that it is possible for plant tolerance to affect herbivore performance and evolution, and potentially plant–herbivore coevolution. First, for cases when genetic correlations between resistance and tolerance are due to pleiotropy, the genes and loci for tolerance and resistance are the same, and as such both traits will affect herbivore performance directly. Second, it is possible that the physiological basis and mechanisms of plant tolerance – for example, changes in plant physiology and resource allocation – directly alter herbivore fitness characters. In this paper, I review the evidence for these potential effects of plant tolerance on herbivore performance, and suggest straightforward experiments to evaluate these possibilities. More generally, I propose that this untested assumption is constraining our view of plant–herbivore coevolution.  相似文献   

A mid-altitudinal peak in species richness is commonly observed and the mass effect (or source–sink effect) has been suggested as a possible cause. We test the importance of the mass effect for generating altitudinal patterns of plant species richness at two grain sizes using a simple estimate of sterility/fertility to indicate sinks and sources. To do this we identified species with fertile specimens (fertile species) and species with only sterile specimens (sterile species) in each sampling unit along altitudinal transects and assumed that the number of sterile species indicated the relative number of sink species, correspondingly that the number of fertile species indicated the relative number of source species when looking at the overall pattern of species richness along a transect. To evaluate this approach, we investigated the distribution of sterility and fertility of each species along the altitudinal transects. We found that sterile species are found more often at the edges and fertile species more often in the centre of the species altitudinal ranges than expected by chance. Using a fine grain, sterile species richness had a humped altitudinal pattern on all transects investigated at this scale, whereas using a coarse grain two of the three transects investigated had a humped pattern. At the fine grain, sterile species richness had a more pronounced peak than fertile species richness in two of the three transects investigated supporting the hypothesis of the mass effect, but this pattern did not persist at coarser grain. The observations at the fine grain are in accordance with the idea that the mass effect is important in shaping the mid-altitudinal peak in species richness, whereas the observations from the coarser grain are ambiguous.  相似文献   

Changes in precipitation due to climate change are likely to influence soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and stabilization. In forests, increased tree species diversity could modulate the effects of drought on SOM decomposition and stabilization. We addressed this issue by a decomposition study under simulated drought (through precipitation reduction at Zedelgem, Belgium) and natural drought (ORPHEE, southern France) in young experimental plantations (tree species richness 1 to 5). In Zedelgem, the study focused on tree species richness around oak and beech trees. Two tea bag indices (TBI) – decomposition rate (k) and stabilization factor (S) – were calculated by measuring the decay of green and rooibos tea in soils. Overall, TBI's were higher in Zedelgem than at ORPHEE. In Zedelgem, k increased with tree species richness under drought around oak, indicating that tree species richness modulated the effects of drought on decomposition. Under beech, k decreased with drought while no effect of tree species richness was detected. S increased with drought under both oak and beech, without any effect of tree species richness. In ORPHEE, we did not detect any tree species richness effect on both TBIs. S decreased significantly, while k was marginally reduced under drought. The higher S under drought in Zedelgem and under control in OPRHEE suggests that the carbon sequestration potential under climate change would be dependent on the environmental context. Further, in young plantations, high species richness may modulate the drought effect on SOM decomposition, but not on stabilization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to test whether dynamic contrast enhanced MRI could assess the effect of green tea on the angiogenic properties of transplanted rodent tumors. Copenhagen rats bearing AT6.1 prostate tumors inoculated in the hind limbs were randomly assigned to cages in which they were allowed to only drink either plain water (control group) or water containing green tea extract (treated group). Assignments were made after a baseline MRI experiment (week 0) was performed on each rat at 4.7 T. All the rats were subsequently imaged at day 7 (week 1) and day 14 (week 2) to follow tumor growth and vascular development. The two-compartment pharmacokinetic model was used to analyze the dynamic contrast Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI data on a pixel-by-pixel basis over the tumor area to obtain the volume transfer constant (Ktrans) and extravascular extracellular space (ve). An identity Chi-squared test showed that the distributions of averaged histograms (n = 6) of Ktrans and ve were significantly different from week 0 to both weeks 1 and 2 (p < 0.001) in both the control and the treated rats due to increasing areas of tumor necrosis. However, the tumor growth rate was statistically indistinguishable between control and treated rats. There was no significant difference in the distributions of Ktrans and ve between control and treated rats. The results showed that no effects of green tea on tumor micro-vasculature were measurable by dynamic Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI.  相似文献   

  1. Parallel latitudinal clines in flowering time have been documented in both the invasive and native ranges of plants. Furthermore, flowering time has been found to affect biomass at maturity. Therefore, understanding how these flowering times affect biomass accumulation across latitudes is essential to understanding plant adaptations and distributions.
  2. We investigated and compared trends in first flowering day (FFD), aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), and BGB:AGB ratio of the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora along latitudinal gradients from the invasive (China, 19–40°N) and native range (United States, 27–43°N) in a greenhouse common garden experiment, and tested whether FFD would drive these divergences between invasive and native ranges.
  3. The invasive populations produced more (~20%, ~19%) AGB and BGB than native populations, but there were no significant differences in the FFD and BGB:AGB ratio. We found significant parallel latitudinal clines in FFD in both invasive and native ranges. In addition, the BGB:AGB ratio was negatively correlated with the FFD in both the invasive and native ranges but nonsignificant in invasive populations. In contrast, AGB and BGB increased with latitude in the invasive range, but declined with latitude in the native range. Most interestingly, we found AGB and BGB positively correlated with the FFD in the native range, but no significant relationships in the invasive range.
  4. Our results indirectly support the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis (EICA) that S. alterniflora has evolved to produce greater AGB and BGB in China, but the flowering and allocation pattern of native populations is maintained in the invasive range. Our results also suggest that invasive S. alterniflora in China is not constrained by the trade‐off of earlier flowering with smaller size, and that flowering time has played an important role in biomass allocation across latitudes.

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