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The dependence of the magnetic relaxation rates of1H and19F on temperature, frequency, pH and N 3 - concentration, were measured in solutions of Manganese-containing superoxide dismutase ofBacillus stearothermophilus, and were compared to activity measurements, in order to obtain some information on the structure and dynamics at Mn(III) present in the active site of the enzyme. The experimental data lead us to hypothesize the presence of two binding sites in the coordination sphere of the enzyme bound Mn(III), which are accessible to water and anions and have different chemical and spectroscopic properties. NMR measurements carried out in the presence of competitive inhibitors and the pH dependence of both NMR relaxation rates suggest that F-, N 3 - and OH- ions bind to one site, while a water molecule binds to the other one. The stability constant values of the complexes between these anions and the enzyme are reported. The influence of the anions on activity and the pH dependence of NMR parameters are discussed.Abbreviations MnSOD Manganese containing superoxide dismutase  相似文献   

Antiherpes therapies are principally targeted at viral thymidine kinases and utilize nucleoside analogs, the triphosphates of which are inhibitors of viral DNA polymerase or result in toxic effects when incorporated into DNA. The most frequently used drug, aciclovir (Zovirax), is a relatively poor substrate for thymidine kinase and high-resolution structural information on drugs and other molecules binding to the target is therefore important for the design of novel and more potent chemotherapy, both in antiherpes treatment and in gene therapy systems where thymidine kinase is expressed. Here, we report for the first time the binary complexes of HSV-1 thymidine kinase (TK) with the drug molecules aciclovir and penciclovir, determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.37 Å resolution. Moreover, from new data at 2.14 Å resolution, the refined structure of the complex of TK with its substrate deoxythymidine (R = 0.209 for 96% of all data) now reveals much detail concerning substrate and solvent interactions with the enzyme. Structures of the complexes of TK with four halogen-containing substrate analogs have also been solved, to resolutions better than 2.4 Å. The various TK inhibitors broadly fall into three groups which together probe the space of the enzyme active site in a manner that no one molecule does alone, so giving a composite picture of active site interactions that can be exploited in the design of novel compounds. Proteins 32:350–361, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins of human heavy chain subgroup III have a binding site for Staphylococcal protein A on the heavy chain variable domain (V(H)), in addition to the well-known binding site on the Fc portion of the antibody. Thermodynamic characterization of this binding event and localization of the Fv-binding site on a domain of protein A is described. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to characterize the interaction between protein A or fragments of protein A and variants of the hu4D5 antibody Fab fragment. Analysis of binding isotherms obtained for titration of hu4D5 Fab with intact protein A suggests that 3-4 of the five immunoglobulin binding domains of full length protein A can bind simultaneously to Fab with a Ka of 5.5+/-0.5 x 10(5) M(-1). A synthetic single immunoglobulin binding domain, Z-domain, does not bind appreciably to hu4D5 Fab, but both the E and D domains are functional for hu4D5 Fab binding. Thermodynamic parameters for titration of the E-domain with hu4D5 Fab are n = 1.0+/-0.1, Ka = 2.0+/-0.3 x 10(5) M(-1), and deltaH = -7.1+/-0.4 kcal mol(-1). Similar binding thermodynamics are obtained for titration of the isolated V(H) domain with E-domain indicating that the E-domain binding site on Fab resides within V(H). E-domain binding to an IgG1 Fc yields a higher affinity interaction with thermodynamic parameters n = 2.2+/-0.1, Ka > 1.0 x 10(7) M(-1), and deltaH = -24.6+/-0.6 kcal mol(-1). Fc does not compete with Fab for binding to E-domain indicating that the two antibody fragments bind to different sites. Amide 1H and 15N resonances that undergo large changes in NMR chemical shift upon Fv binding map to a surface defined by helix-2 and helix-3 of E-domain, distinct from the Fc-binding site observed in the crystal structure of the B-domain/Fc complex. The Fv-binding region contains negatively charged residues and a small hydrophobic patch which complements the basic surface of the region of the V(H) domain implicated previously in protein A binding.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient and novel filter assay method, involving radioactive labelling and imaging, to quantify the expression of soluble proteins from a cell-free translation system. Here this method is combined with the conformational sensitivity of 19F NMR to monitor the folded state of the expressed protein. This report describes the optimisation of 6-fluorotryptophan incorporation in a His-tagged human serum retinol-binding protein (RBP), a disulphide bonded -barrel protein. Appropriate reagent concentrations for producing fluorine labelled RBP in a cell-free translation system are described. It is shown that 19F NMR is a suitable method for monitoring the production of correctly folded protein from a high-throughput expression system.  相似文献   

The folding mechanism of two closely related proteins in the intracellular lipid‐binding protein family, human bile acid‐binding protein (hBABP), and rat bile acid‐binding protein (rBABP) were examined. These proteins are 77% identical (93% similar) in sequence. Both of these single domain proteins fit well to a two‐state model for unfolding by fluorescence and circular dichroism at equilibrium. Three phases were observed during the unfolding of rBABP by fluorescence but only one phase was observed during the unfolding of hBABP, suggesting that at least two kinetic intermediates accumulate during the unfolding of rBABP that are not observed during the unfolding of hBABP. Fluorine NMR was used to examine the equilibrium unfolding behavior of the W49 side chain in 6‐fluorotryptophan‐labeled rBABP and hBABP. The structure of rBABP appears to be more dynamic than that of hBABP in the vicinity of W49 in the absence of denaturant, and urea has a greater effect on this dynamic behavior for rBABP than for hBABP. As such, the folding behavior of highly sequence related proteins in this family can be quite different. These differences imply that moderately sized proteins with high sequence and structural similarity can still populate quite different structures during folding. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the microtubule - associated proteins MAP-2 and tau interact selectively with common binding domains on tubulin defined by the low-homology segments a (430–441) and (422–434). It has been also indicated that the synthetic peptide VRSKIGSTENLKHQPGGG corresponding to the first tau repetitive sequence represents a tubulin binding domain on tau. The present studies show that the calcium-binding protein calmodulin interacts with a tubulin binding site on tau defined by the second repetitive sequence VTSKCGSLGNIHHKPGGG. It was shown that both tubulin and calmodulin bind to tau peptide-Sepharose affinity column. Binding of calmodulin occurs in the presence of 1 mM Ca 2+ and it can be eluted from the column with 4 mM EGTA. These findings provide new insights into the regulation of microtubule assembly, since Ca 2+/calmodulin inhibition of tubulin polymerization into microtubules could be mediated by the direct binding of calmodulin to tau, thus preventing the interaction of this latter protein with tubulin.  相似文献   

We previously found a new single amino acid substitution at codon 706 (Cys-to-Tyr) of the retinoblastoma (RB) gene in a sporadic retinoblastoma patient. The glutathione S-transferase-RB fused protein containing this mutation was here tested for binding to SV40 large T antigen and adenovirus E1A protein, and was shown to have lost its binding affinity. Thus, Tyr, as well as Phe, residues substituted for Cys706 were found to abolish the RB protein activity.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 5 (PP5), mainly localized in human brain, can dephosphorylate tau protein whose high level of phosphorylation is related to Alzheimer's disease. Similar to other protein phosphatases, PP5 has a conserved motif in the catalytic domain that contains two binding sites for manganese (Mn2+) ions. Structural data indicate that two active site water molecules, one bridging the two Mn2+ ions and the other terminally coordinated with one of the Mn2+ ions (Mn1), are involved in catalysis. Recently, a density functional theory study revealed that the two water molecules can be both deprotonated to keep a neutral active site for catalysis. The theoretical study gives us an insight into the catalytic mechanism of PP5, but the knowledge of how the deprotonation states of the two water molecules affect the binding of PP5 with its substrate is still lacking. To approach this problem, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to model the four possible deprotonation states. Through structural, dynamical and energetic analyses, the results demonstrate that the deprotonation states of the two water molecules affect the structure of the active site including the distance between the two Mn2+ ions and their coordination, impact the interaction energy of residues R275, R400 and H304 which directly interact with the substrate phosphoserine, and mediate the dynamics of helix αJ which is involved in regulation of the enzyme's activity. Furthermore, the deprotonation state that is preferable for PP5 binding of its substrate has been identified. These findings could provide new design strategy for PP5 inhibitor.  相似文献   

MEAN (6‐methoxyethylamino‐numonafide) is a small molecule compound, and here, we report that it effectively inhibits hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in an HCV cell culture system using a JC1‐Luc chimeric virus, with a 50% effective concentration (EC50) of 2.36 ± 0.29 μM. Drug combination usage analyses demonstrated that MEAN was synergistic with interferon α, ITX5061 and ribavirin. In addition, MEAN effectively inhibits N415D mutant virus and G451R mutant viral infections. Mechanistic studies show that the treatment of HCV‐infected hepatocytes with MEAN inhibits HCV replication but not translation. Furthermore, treatment with MEAN significantly reduces polypyrimidine tract‐binding protein (PTB) levels and blocks the cytoplasmic redistribution of PTB upon infection. In the host cytoplasm, PTB is directly associated with HCV replication, and the inhibition of HCV replication by MEAN can result in the sequestration of PTB in treated nuclei. Taken together, these results indicate that MEAN is a potential therapeutic candidate for HCV infection, and the targeting of the nucleo‐cytoplasmic translocation of the host PTB protein could be a novel strategy to interrupt HCV replication.  相似文献   

The design of novel metal‐ion binding sites along symmetric axes in protein oligomers could provide new avenues for metalloenzyme design, construction of protein‐based nanomaterials and novel ion transport systems. Here, we describe a computational design method, symmetric protein recursive ion‐cofactor sampling (SyPRIS), for locating constellations of backbone positions within oligomeric protein structures that are capable of supporting desired symmetrically coordinated metal ion(s) chelated by sidechains (chelant model). Using SyPRIS on a curated benchmark set of protein structures with symmetric metal binding sites, we found high recovery of native metal coordinating rotamers: in 65 of the 67 (97.0%) cases, native rotamers featured in the best scoring model while in the remaining cases native rotamers were found within the top three scoring models. In a second test, chelant models were crossmatched against protein structures with identical cyclic symmetry. In addition to recovering all native placements, 10.4% (8939/86013) of the non‐native placements, had acceptable geometric compatibility scores. Discrimination between native and non‐native metal site placements was further enhanced upon constrained energy minimization using the Rosetta energy function. Upon sequence design of the surrounding first‐shell residues, we found further stabilization of native placements and a small but significant (1.7%) number of non‐native placement‐based sites with favorable Rosetta energies, indicating their designability in existing protein interfaces. The generality of the SyPRIS approach allows design of novel symmetric metal sites including with non‐natural amino acid sidechains, and should enable the predictive incorporation of a variety of metal‐containing cofactors at symmetric protein interfaces.  相似文献   

Plexin receptors function in response to semaphorin guidance cues in a variety of developmental processes involving cell motility. Interactions with Rho, as well as Ras family small GTPases are critical events in the cell signaling mechanism. We have recently determined the structure of a cytoplasmic domain (RBD) of plexin‐B1 and mapped its binding interface with several Rho‐GTPases, Rac1, Rnd1, and RhoD. All three GTPases associate with a similar region of this plexin domain, but show different functional behavior in cells. To understand whether thermodynamic properties of the GTPase–RBD interaction contribute to such different behavior, we have examined the interaction at different temperatures, buffer, and pH conditions. Although the binding affinity of both Rnd1 and Rac1 with the plexin‐B1 RBD is similar, the detailed thermodynamic properties of the interactions are considerably different. These data suggest that on Rac1 binding to the plexin‐B1 RBD, the proteins become more rigid in the complex. By contrast, Rnd1 binding is consistent with unchanged or slightly increased flexibility in one or both proteins. Both GTPases show an appreciable reduction in affinity for the dimeric plexin‐B1 RBD indicating that GTPase binding is not cooperative with dimer formation, but that a partial steric hindrance destabilizes the dimer. However, a reduced affinity binding mode to a disulphide stabilized model for the dimeric RBD is also possible. Consistent with cellular studies, the interaction thermodynamics imply that further levels of regulation involving additional binding partners and/or regions outside of the RhoGTPase binding domain are required for receptor activation.  相似文献   

It is known that human muscle acylphosphatase (AcP) is able, under appropriate conditions in vitro, to aggregate and form amyloid fibrils of the type associated with human diseases. A number of compounds were tested for their ability to bind specifically to the native conformation of AcP under conditions favoring denaturation and subsequent aggregation and fibril formation. Compounds displaying different binding affinities for AcP were selected and their ability to inhibit protein fibrillization in vitro was evaluated. We found that compounds displaying a relatively high affinity for AcP are able to significantly delay protein fibrillization, mimicking the effect of stabilizing mutations; in addition, the effectiveness of such outcome correlates positively to both ligand concentration and affinity to the native state of AcP. By contrast, the inhibitory effect of ligands on AcP aggregation disappears in a mutant protein in which such binding affinity is lost. These results indicate that the stabilization of the native conformation of amyloidogenic proteins by specific ligand binding can be a strategy of general interest to inhibit amyloid formation in vivo.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of ribonuclease labelled at its active site with N-(iodoacetylamino)-ethyl-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid have been studied at different temperatures and in the presence of acrylamide. The rate constant for the quenching of the fluorescence of labelled ribonuclease by acrylamide is apparently not limited by the accessibility of the probe: similar values are obtained for the native and denatured states of the protein. Instead, acrylamide seems to be a rather inefficient quencher of this fluorescent group ((acetamidoamino) ethyl-5-naphtylamine-1-sulfonic acid), as shown by non-linear Stern-Volmer representations, biphasic decay kinetics, and a low value of the rate constant.The fluorescence intensity of the native state of the labelled protein is highly sensitive to temperature and exhibits a 20% decrease for an increase of temperature of from 10°C to 30°C, independent of solvent viscosity. This thermal quenching is specific for the native conformation and disappears when the protein is unfolded. When the fluorescence life-time of the label is shortened by addition of acrylamide, the effect of temperature becomes identical for native and unfolded structures. This suggests that the cause of the thermal quenching is the presence of conformational fluctuations within the native protein which apparently take place in the time range from 35 to 200 ns.Abbreviations used 1,5-IAEDANS N-(iodoacetylamino)ethyl-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid - AEDANS (acetamidoamine)-ethyl-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid - RNase bovine pancreatic ribonuclease - AEDANS-RNase RNase labelled with AEDANS - ME-AEDANS (hydroxyethylthioacetamido)ethyl-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid: the product of the reaction between 1,5-IAEDANS and -mercaptoethanol (Hudson and Weber 1973) - Gu-HCl guanidine hydrochloride  相似文献   

The double-stranded telomeric repeat-binding protein (TRP) AtTRP1 is isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana. Using gel retardation assays, we defined the C-terminal 97 amino acid residues, Gln464 to Val560 (AtTRP1(464-560)), as the minimal structured telomeric repeat-binding domain. This region contains a typical Myb DNA-binding motif and a C-terminal extension of 40 amino acid residues. The monomeric AtTRP1(464-560) binds to a 13-mer DNA duplex containing a single repeat of an A.thaliana telomeric DNA sequence (GGTTTAG) in a 1:1 complex, with a K(D) approximately 10(-6)-10(-7) M. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) examination revealed that the solution structure of AtTRP1(464-560) is a novel four-helix tetrahedron rather than the three-helix bundle structure found in typical Myb motifs and other TRPs. Binding of the 13-mer DNA duplex to AtTRP1(464-560) induced significant chemical shift perturbations of protein amide resonances, which suggests that helix 3 (H3) and the flexible loop connecting H3 and H4 are essential for telomeric DNA sequence recognition. Furthermore, similar to that in hTRF1, the N-terminal arm likely contributes to or stabilizes DNA binding. Sequence comparisons suggested that the four-helix structure and the involvement of the loop residues in DNA binding may be features unique to plant TRPs.  相似文献   

Understanding the core replication complex of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is essential to the development of novel coronavirus-specific antiviral therapeutics. Among the proteins required for faithful replication of the SARS-CoV-2 genome are nonstructural protein 14 (NSP14), a bifunctional enzyme with an N-terminal 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease (ExoN) and a C-terminal N7-methyltransferase, and its accessory protein, NSP10. The difficulty in producing pure and high quantities of the NSP10/14 complex has hampered the biochemical and structural study of these important proteins. We developed a straightforward protocol for the expression and purification of both NSP10 and NSP14 from Escherichia coli and for the in vitro assembly and purification of a stoichiometric NSP10/14 complex with high yields. Using these methods, we observe that NSP10 provides a 260-fold increase in kcat/Km in the exoribonucleolytic activity of NSP14 and enhances protein stability. We also probed the effect of two small molecules on NSP10/14 activity, remdesivir monophosphate and the methyltransferase inhibitor S-adenosylhomocysteine. Our analysis highlights two important factors for drug development: first, unlike other exonucleases, the monophosphate nucleoside analog intermediate of remdesivir does not inhibit NSP14 activity; and second, S-adenosylhomocysteine modestly activates NSP14 exonuclease activity. In total, our analysis provides insights for future structure–function studies of SARS-CoV-2 replication fidelity for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019.  相似文献   

Bacteria require high-efficiency uptake systems to survive and proliferate in nutrient-limiting environments, such as those found in host organisms. ABC transporters in the bacterial plasma membrane provide a mechanism for transport of many substrates. In this study, we examine an operon containing a periplasmic binding protein in Actinobacillus for its potential role in nutrient acquisition. The electron density map of 1.76 Å resolution obtained from the crystal structure of the periplasmic binding protein was best fit with a molecular model containing a pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (P5P/pyridoxal phosphate/the active form of vitamin B6) ligand within the protein''s binding site. The identity of the P5P bound to this periplasmic binding protein was verified by isothermal titration calorimetry, microscale thermophoresis, and mass spectrometry, leading us to name the protein P5PA and the operon P5PAB. To illustrate the functional utility of this uptake system, we introduced the P5PAB operon from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae into an Escherichia coli K-12 strain that was devoid of a key enzyme required for P5P synthesis. The growth of this strain at low levels of P5P supports the functional role of this operon in P5P uptake. This is the first report of a dedicated P5P bacterial uptake system, but through bioinformatics, we discovered homologs mainly within pathogenic representatives of the Pasteurellaceae family, suggesting that this operon exists more widely outside the Actinobacillus genus.  相似文献   

DNA‐minor‐groove‐binding ligands are potent antineoplastic molecules. The antibiotic distamycin A is the prototype of one class of these DNA‐interfering molecules that have been largely used in vitro. The affinity of distamycin A for DNA is well known, and the structural details of the complexes with some B‐DNA and G‐quadruplex‐forming DNA sequences have been already elucidated. Here, we show that distamycin A binds S100β, a protein involved in the regulation of several cellular processes. The reported affinity of distamycin A for the calcium(II)‐loaded S100β reinforces the idea that some biological activities of the DNA‐minor‐groove‐binding ligands arise from the binding to cellular proteins. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sec1/Mun18-like (SM) proteins and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) play central roles in intracellular membrane fusion. Diverse modes of interaction between SM proteins and SNAREs from the syntaxin family have been described. However, the observation that the N-terminal domains of Sly1 and Vps45, the SM proteins involved in traffic at the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi, the trans-Golgi network and the endosomes, bind to similar N-terminal sequences of their cognate syntaxins suggested a unifying theme for SM protein/SNARE interactions in most internal membrane compartments. To further understand this mechanism of SM protein/SNARE coupling, we have elucidated the structure in solution of the isolated N-terminal domain of rat Sly1 (rSly1N) and analyzed its complex with an N-terminal peptide of rat syntaxin 5 by NMR spectroscopy. Comparison with the crystal structure of a complex between Sly1p and Sed5p, their yeast homologues, shows that syntaxin 5 binding requires a striking conformational change involving a two-residue shift in the register of the C-terminal beta-strand of rSly1N. This conformational change is likely to induce a significant alteration in the overall shape of full-length rSly1 and may be critical for its function. Sequence analyses indicate that this conformational change is conserved in the Sly1 family but not in other SM proteins, and that the four families represented by the four SM proteins found in yeast (Sec1p, Sly1p, Vps45p and Vps33p) diverged early in evolution. These results suggest that there are marked distinctions between the mechanisms of action of each of the four families of SM proteins, which may have arisen from different regulatory requirements of traffic in their corresponding membrane compartments.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid interactive properties of a synthetic peptide with sequence of the N-terminal CCHC zinc finger (CCHC = Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys; X = variable amino acid) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) nucleocapsid protein, Zn(HIV1-F1), have been studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Titration of Zn(HIV1-F1) with oligodeoxyribonucleic acids containing different nucleotide sequences reveals, for the first time, sequence-dependent binding that requires the presence of at least one guanosine residue for tight complex formation. The dynamics of complex formation are sensitive to the nature of the residues adjacent to guanosine, with residues on the 3' side of guanosine having the largest influence. An oligodeoxyribonucleotide with sequence corresponding to a portion of the HIV-1 psi-packaging signal, d(ACGCC), forms a relatively tight complex with Zn(HIV1-F1) (Kd = 5 x 10(-6) M). Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data indicate that the bound nucleic acid exists predominantly in a single-stranded, A-helical conformation, and the presence of more than a dozen intermolecular NOE cross peaks enabled three-dimensional modeling of the complex. The nucleic acid binds within a hydrophobic cleft on the peptide surface. This hydrophobic cleft is defined by the side chains of residues Val1, Phe4, Ile12, and Ala13. Backbone amide protons of Phe4 and Ala13 and the backbone carbonyl oxygen of Lys2 that lie within this cleft appear to form hydrogen bonds with the guanosine O6 and N1H atoms, respectively. In addition, the positively charged side chain of Arg14 is ideally positioned for electrostatic interactions with the phosphodiester backbone of the nucleic acid. The structural findings provide a rationalization for the general conservation of these hydrophobic and basic residues in CCHC zinc fingers, and are consistent with site-directed mutagenesis results that implicate these residues as direct participants in viral genome recognition.  相似文献   

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