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We analyzed the 896 base-pair (bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for seven gibbons, representative of three out of four subgenera. The result from our molecular analysis is consistent with previous studies as to the monophyly of subgenus Hylobates species, yet the relationship among subgenera remains slightly ambiguous. A striking result of the analysis is the phylogenetic location of Kloss's gibbon (H. klossii). Kloss's gibbon has been considered to be an initial off-shoot of the subgenus Hylobates because of its morphological primitiveness. However, our molecular data strongly suggest that Kloss's gibbon speciated most recently within the subgenus Hylobates. Correspondence to: S. Horai  相似文献   

Summary We have previously reported the isolation and partial sequence analysis of a rice mitochondrial DNA fragment (6.9 kb) which contains a transferred copy of a chloroplast gene cluster coding for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL), and subunits of ATPase (atpB and atpE), methionine tRNA (trnM) and valine tRNA (trnV). We have now completely sequenced this 6.9 kb fragment and found it to also contain a sequence homologous to the chloroplast gene coding for the ribosomal protein L2 (rpl2), beginning at a site 430 bp downstream from the termination codon of rbcL. In the chloroplast genome, two copies of rpl2 are located at distances of 20 kb and 40 kb, respectively, from rbcL. We have sequenced these two copies of rice chloroplast rpl2 and found their sequences to be identical. In addition, a 151 bp sequence located upstream of the chloroplast rpl2 coding region is also found in the 3 noncoding region of chloroplast rbcL and other as yet undefined locations in the rice chloroplast genome. Hybridization analysis revealed that this 151 bp repeat sequence identified in rice is also present in several copies in 11 other plant species we have examined. Findings from these studies suggest that the translocation of rpl2 to the rbcL gene cluster found in the rice mitochondrial genome might have occurred through homologous recombination between the 151 bp repeat sequence present in both rpl2 and rbcL.  相似文献   

鲹科鱼类线粒体DNA控制区结构及系统发育关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用PCR技术获得了9种鲹科鱼类的线粒体DNA控制区全序列,并结合从GenBank中下载的3种鲹科鱼类的相应序列采用ClustalW排序后,对控制区结构进行分析,识别了其终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区3个区域,指出了终止相关序列的主体是TACAT与其反向互补序列ATGTA以及一系列保守序列(CSB-F、CSB-E、CSB-D和CSB-1、CSB-2、CSB-3),并给出了它们的一般形式,同时在康氏似鲹控制区的5′和3′两端发现重复序列。以尖吻鲈作为外类群,应用邻接法构建的分子系统树表明:鲹科鱼类分为鲹亚科、鰤亚科、鲳鲹亚科和鰆鲹亚科4个亚科,各自形成单系群;鲹亚科与鰤亚科形成姐妹群,鲳鲹亚科再与他们聚在一起,鰆鲹亚科处于鲹科鱼类的基部,与前面3个亚科聚在一起。  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site maps for nine species of theDrosophila obscura subgroup and forDrosophila melanogaster were established. Taking into account all restriction enzymes (12) and strains (45) analyzed, a total of 105 different sites were detected, which corresponds to a sample of 3.49% of the mtDNA genome. Based on nucleotide divergences, two phylogenetic trees were constructed assuming either constant or variable rates of evolution. Both methods led to the same relationships. Five differentiated clusters were found for theobscura subgroup species, one Nearctic, represented byDrosophila pseudoobscura, and four Palearctic, two grouping the related triads of speciesDrosophila subobscura, Drosophila madeirensis, Drosophila guanche, andDrosophila ambigua, Drosophila obscura, Drosophila subsilvestris, and two more represented by one species each,Drosophila bifasciata, andDrosophila tristis. The different Palearctic clusters are as distant between themselves as with the Nearctic one. For the related speciesD. subobscura, D. madeirensis, andD. guanche, the pairD. subobscura-D. madeirensis is the closest one. The relationships found by nucleotide divergence were confirmed by differences in mitochondrial genome size, with related species sharing similar genome lengths and differing from the distant ones. The total mtDNA size range for theobscura subgroup species was from 15.5 kb forD. pseudoobscura to 17.1 forD. tristis.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), invaded South Korea in 2003 through Busan metropolitan city, which is located in the southeast region of the country. Previous studies aiming to trace the origin of V. velutina in Korea used a portion of mitochondrial (mt) COI and detected a single haplotype common to the site of origin. However, no subsequent study on invasive dynamics such as additional entry and/or another site of entry has been performed. In this study, segments of mt COI, CytB, and lrRNA were sequenced from 238 individuals collected in 11 Korean and two Japanese localities, but no variation in each gene was observed. Thus, we developed two intergenic spacer (IGS) sequences from the publicly available mt genome of V. velutina, which provided substantially increased variability (i.e., 19 haplotypes with 1.74% maximum sequence divergence in 1,129–1,146-bp-long concatenated sequences). Population genetic analyses using the concatenated sequences unexpectedly provided higher genetic diversity estimates in the northwest and southwest regions, both of which also harbor international cargo ports, than in the southeast region, in which Busan is located. Furthermore, this genetic result was roughly concordant with our questionnaire survey demonstrating that V. velutina was observed in apiaries located in the northwest and southwest regions up to 2012, when there was no reported prevalent distribution of the hornet beyond the southeast region. These results collectively suggest that the northwest and southwest regions of Korea are additional sites of V. velutina entry to the country, independent from the southeast region origin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions, mtDNA content and aging in rhesus monkeys. Using 2 sets of specific primers, we amplified an 8 kb mtDNA fragment covering a common 5.7 kb deletion and the entire 16.5 kb mitochondrial genome in the brain and buffy-coats of young and aged monkeys. We studied a total of 66 DNA samples: 39 were prepared from a buffy-coat and 27 were prepared from occipital cortex tissues. The mtDNA data were assessed using a permutation test to identify differences in mtDNA, in the different monkey groups. Using real-time RT-PCR strategy, we also assessed both mtDNA and nuclear DNA levels for young, aged and male and female monkeys. We found a 5.7 kb mtDNA deletion in 81.8% (54 of 66) of the total tested samples. In the young group of buffy-coat DNA, we found 5.7 kb deletions in 7 of 17 (41%), and in the aged group, we found 5.7 kb deletions in 12 of 22 (54%), suggesting that the prevalence of mtDNA deletions is related to age. We found decreased mRNA levels of mtDNA in aged monkeys relative to young monkeys. The increases in mtDNA deletions and mtDNA levels in aged rhesus monkeys suggest that damaged DNA accumulates as rhesus monkeys age and these altered mtDNA changes may have physiological relevance to compensate decreased mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

The classification and phylogenetic relationships of the Old World monkeys are still controversial. For Asian colobines, from three to nine genera were recognized by different primatologists. In the present study, we have sequenced a 424 bp mitochondrial tRNAThr gene and cytochrome b gene fragment fromMacaca mulatta, Mandrillus sphinx, Mandrillus leucophaeus, Semnopithecus entellus, Trachypithecus vetulus, T. johnii, T. phayrei, T. francoisi, Pygathrix nemaeus, Rhinopithecus roxellanae, R. bieti, R. avunculus, Nasalis larvatus, andColobus polykomos in order to gain independent information on the classification and phylogenetic relationships of those species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with parsimony analysis by weighting transversions 5 or 10 fold greater than transitions. Our results support the following conclusions: (1) the Old World monkeys are divided into two subfamilies; (2) that among the colobines,Colobus, the African group, diverged first, andNasalis andRhinopithecus form a sister clade toPygathrix; (3) that there are two clades within leaf monkeys, i.e. 1)S. entellus, T. johnii, andT. vetulus, and 2)T. phayrei andT. francoisi; (4) thatRhinopithecus avunculus, R. roxellanae, andR. bieti are closely related to each other, and they should be placed into the same subgenus; (5) thatRhinopithecus is a distinct genus; and (6) that the ancestors of Asian colobines migrated from Africa to Asia during the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Summary Previous analyses have demonstrated that, among the echinoderms, the sea star (class: Asteroidea) mitochondrial genome contains a large inversion in comparison to the mitochondrial DNA of sea urchins (class: Echinoidea). Polymerase chain reaction amplification, DNA cloning, and sequencing have been used to examine the relationships of the brittle stars (class: Ophiuroidea) and sea cucumbers (class: Holothuroidea) to the sea stars and sea urchins. The DNA sequence of the regions spanning potential inversion junctions in both brittle stars and sea cucumbers has been determined. This study has also revealed a highly modified tRNA cluster in the ophiuroid mitochondrial genome. Our data indicate mitochondrial gene arrangement patterns that group the sea cucumbers with sea urchins and sea stars with brittle stars. This use of molecular characters clarifies the relationships among these classes.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and Solanum brevidens were analysed for mitochondrial and chloroplast genome rearrangements. In all cases, the chloroplast genomes were inherited from one of the parental protoplast populations. No chloroplast DNA alterations were evident but a range of mitochondrial DNA alterations, from zero to extensive intra- and inter-molecular recombinations, were found. Such recombinations involved specific recombination hot spots in the mitochondrial genome. Not all hybrids regenerated from a common callus possessed identical mitochondrial genomes, suggesting that sorting out of mitochondrial populations in the callus may have been incomplete at the plant regeneration stage. Sorting out of organelles in planta was not observed.  相似文献   

Summary Threeori elements (ori 2,ori 5, andori 7) have been sequenced inSaccharomyces cerevisiae strain Dip 2 and compared to the equivalentori elements of a second strain (B). Bothori 2 andori 5 exhibit 98% base matching between strains Dip 2 and B. In contrast, the thirdori element (ori 7) exhibits extensive sequence rearrangements whereby a segment located downstream in the consensus strain occurs within theori structure in Dip 2. This represents a novel polymorphic form of the yeast mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

The schizothoracine fishes, members of the Teleost order Cypriniformes, are one of the most diverse group of cyprinids in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions. However, taxonomy and phylogeny of these species remain unclear. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of Schizopygopsis malacanthus. We also used the newly obtained sequence, together with 31 published schizothoracine mitochondrial genomes that represent eight schizothoracine genera and six outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Schizothoracinae by different partitioned maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian inference at nucleotide and amino acid levels. The schizothoracine fishes sampled form a strongly supported monophyletic group that is the sister taxon to Barbus barbus. A sister group relationship between the primitive schizothoracine group and the specialized schizothoracine group + the highly specialized schizothoracine group was supported. Moreover, members of the specialized schizothoracine group and the genera Schizothorax, Schizopygopsis, and Gymnocypris were found to be paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Ten species belonging to four genera of the mangrove tribe Rhizophoreaefound in the Indian subcontinent were analysed for species identification andgenetic relationship using nine mitochondrial gene probes. RFLP patternobservedwith 27 probe enzyme combinations the genera Rhizophora,Bruguiera, Ceriops andKandelia differentiated these species into three classesofmitotypes with further resolution within them. Clustering of these mitotypesindicated that Rhizophora was more closely related toCeriops-Kandelia than to theBruguiera. Though the component species of each genusclustered together, a high degree of heterogeneity was observed among fourspecies of the genus Rhizophora and three species of genusBruguiera. The variation between two species ofCeriops was minimal. Species-specific profiles wereobserved for all the species in some probe-enzyme combination. Though themonotypic genus Kandelia shared a number of loci withgenusCeriops, it remained distinct. The putative parents of thenaturally occuring interspecific hybrid in Pichavaram were reconfirmed to beR. apiculata and R. mucronata. Theresults are discussed with regard to the taxonomic and phylogeneticrelationships between different species and genera of the tribe Rhizophoreae.  相似文献   



The animal mitochondrial genome is generally considered to be under selection for both compactness and gene order conservation. As more mitochondrial genomes are sequenced, mitochondrial duplications and gene rearrangements have been frequently identified among diverse animal groups. Although several mechanisms of gene rearrangement have been proposed thus far, more observational evidence from major taxa is needed to validate specific mechanisms. In the current study, the complete mitochondrial DNA of sixteen bird species from the family Ardeidae was sequenced and the evolution of mitochondrial gene rearrangements was investigated. The mitochondrial genomes were then used to review the phylogenies of these ardeid birds.


The complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the sixteen ardeid birds exhibited four distinct mitochondrial gene orders in which two of them, named as “duplicate tRNAGlu–CR” and “duplicate tRNAThr–tRNAPro and CR”, were newly discovered. These gene rearrangements arose from an evolutionary process consistent with the tandem duplication - random loss model (TDRL). Additionally, duplications in these gene orders were near identical in nucleotide sequences within each individual, suggesting that they evolved in concert. Phylogenetic analyses of the sixteen ardeid species supported the idea that Ardea ibis, Ardea modesta and Ardea intermedia should be classified as genus Ardea, and Ixobrychus flavicollis as genus Ixobrychus, and indicated that within the subfamily Ardeinae, Nycticorax nycticorax is closely related to genus Egretta and that Ardeola bacchus and Butorides striatus are closely related to the genus Ardea.


The duplicate tRNAThr–CR gene order is found in most ardeid lineages, suggesting this gene order is the ancestral pattern within these birds and persisted in most lineages via concerted evolution. In two independent lineages, when the concerted evolution stopped in some subsections due to the accumulation of numerous substitutions and deletions, the duplicate tRNAThr–CR gene order was transformed into three other gene orders. The phylogenetic trees produced from concatenated rRNA and protein coding genes have high support values in most nodes, indicating that the mitochondrial genome sequences are promising markers for resolving the phylogenetic issues of ardeid birds when more taxa are added.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-573) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary A circular supercoiled mitochondrial DNA plasmid P1 (1.45 kb) is shown in both normal fertile plants of Helianthus annuus, and some cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS A and CMS P). In contrast, no plasmid is found in some other types of CMS C, I, B and K. A circular supercoiled DNA (P2) of higher molecular weight (1.8 kb) is observed in CMS F. The mitochondrial plasmid P1 was cloned, nick-translated and hybridized with native mitochondrial DNA from different lines of male fertile, CMS or wild Helianthus. No sequence homology has been detected between plasmid DNA P1 and high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA in any line examined. A slight hybridization occurs between plasmids P1 and P2. Thus, there is no apparent relationship between mitochondrial plasmid DNA and CMS or Helianthus species. On the contrary, each Helianthus CMS and male fertile strain can be characterized by digestion fragment patterns (Sal I and Bgl I). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from wild Helianthus strains indicated a relation between some CMS and the strain from which they were maternally derived, as for example CMS I and H. annuus ssp lenticularis and CMS F and H. petiolaris fallax. On the basis of restriction endonuclease patterns, a CMS phylogenic tree is proposed which illustrates a molecular polymorphism in the mitochondrial genome of Helianthus.  相似文献   

An evolutionary distance is introduced in order to propose an efficient and feasible procedure for phylogeny studies. Our analysis are based on the strand asymmetry property of mitochondrial DNA, but can be applied to other genomes. Comparison of our results with those reported in conventional phylogenetic trees, gives confidence about our approximation. Our findings support the hypotheses about the origin of the skew and its dependence upon evolutionary pressures, and improves previous efforts on using the strand asymmetry property of genomes for phylogeny inference. For the evolutionary distance introduced here, we observe that the more adequate technique for tree reconstructions correspond to an average link method which employs a sequential clustering algorithm.  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区序列的猕猴属系统发育研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过线粒体部分控制区DNA序列数据探讨7种猕猴属物种的分子系统发育关系。结果表明熊猴的核苷酸多样度最高,而藏酋猴核苷酸多样度较低。基于控制区序列数据所构建的最大似然树,不考虑食蟹猴的位置,7种猕猴物种可粗略地分为3个种组,即狮尾猴组(包括北平顶猴)、头巾猴组(包括红面猴、熊猴和藏酋猴)和食蟹猴组(包括恒河猴和台湾猴)。与前人(Fooden&Lanyon,1989;Tosi et al,2003a;Deinard&Smith,2001;Evans et al,1999;Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998)的结果不同,我们的结果支持食蟹猴比北平顶猴分化早的假设;东部恒河猴(相对于台湾猴)和东部熊猴(相对于藏酋猴)出现并系。与Y染色体、等位酶、核基因以及部分形态学数据推测的结果(Delson,1980;Fooden&Lanyon。1989;Fooden,1990;Tosi et al,2000,2003a,b;Deinard&Smith,2001)一致,红面猴应归于头巾猴组,但此结论与前人(Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998;Tosi et al,2003a)依据线粒体得到的结果有较大分歧。  相似文献   

Summary Previous RFLP-analysis of mtDNA isolated from different lines and cultivars of Vicia faba with respect to variability of the coxII gene revealed two types of mitochondrial genome: one with a normal coxII gene and the other with both normal coxII and chimeric coxII-orf192 genes. In this study we analyzed other regions of these two types of mitochondrial genome and found significant differences in the arrangement of regions around the coxII, coxIII, cob, rrn26 and atpA genes. More detailed analysis of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions showed that these genes are associated with recombinationally active repeats. Restriction maps of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions in different recombinative variants are presented.  相似文献   

The fork-tongued frogs, members of the amphibian Order Anura, belong to the family Dicroglossidae and are one of the most diverse groups of Anuran frogs; however, their taxonomy and phylogeny remain controversial. In the present study, sixteen dicroglossine mitochondrial genomes representing nine dicroglossine genera and 23 other neobatrachian taxa, were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the family Dicroglossidae using different partitioned maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian inference methods at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels. The sampled fork-tongued frogs form a strongly supported monophyletic group that is the sister taxon to another well-supported clade that includes representatives of the families Ranidae, Rhacophoridae, and Mantellidae. The monophyly of the subfamily Occidozyginae and Dicroglossinae was revealed with strong supports, and two major clades were supported within Dicroglossinae. The sister-group relationship between the genera Limnonectes and the tribe Paini was supported. In addition, a sister-group relationships between Fejervarya and Euphlyctis + Hoplobatrachus, between Quasipaa and Yerana, and between Feirana and Nanorana are well supported. Estimates of divergence times revealed the divergence of Dicroglossidae during the Late Upper Cretaceous to the Early Eocene, and diversification of the major dicroglossine genera from the Early Eocene to the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

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