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Commercially-grown potato cultivars were assessed for antibiotic resistance to Myzus persicae in a culture room at 19°C with a 2°C range and a 16 h photoperiod. The resistant rankings obtained were consistent for the following aphid metrics: maturation time, teneral adult weight, embryo complement and the production of nymphs. Intrinsic rates of increase (rm) correlated with the above parameters of aphid growth and reproduction but this was not always the case for nymphal survival rate. The cultivars Ulster Tarn, Record and Maris Piper were relatively resistant to M. persicae and cultivars Desirée and King Edward were the most susceptible. When the aphid clone or the culture plants were changed there was no significant effect on the relative resistance of the potato cultivars under test. The relationship between the number of embryos in teneral adults and the production of nymphs by aphids was examined by grouping aphids in weight batches. There was a strong relationship between these two variables.  相似文献   

Proteomics in Myzus persicae: effect of aphid host plant switch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chemical ecology is the study of how particular chemicals are involved in interactions of organisms with each other and with their surroundings. In order to reduce insect attack, plants have evolved a variety of defence mechanisms, both constitutive and inducible, while insects have evolved strategies to overcome these plant defences (such as detoxification enzymes). A major determinant of the influence of evolutionary arms races is the strategy of the insect: generalist insect herbivores, such as Myzus persicae aphid, need more complex adaptive mechanisms since they need to respond to a large array of different plant defensive chemicals. Here we studied the chemical ecology of M. persicae associated with different plant species, from Brassicaceae and Solanaceae families. To identify the involved adaptation systems to cope with the plant secondary substances and to assess the differential expression of these systems, a proteomic approach was developed. A non-restrictive approach was developed to identify all the potential adaptation systems toward the secondary metabolites from host plants. The complex protein mixtures were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis methods and the related spots of proteins significantly varying were selected and identified by mass spectrometry (ESI MS/MS) coupled with data bank investigations. Fourteen aphid proteins were found to vary according to host plant switch; ten of them were down regulated (proteins involved in glycolysis, TCA cycle, protein and lipid synthesis) while four others were overexpressed (mainly related to the cytoskeleton). These techniques are very reliable to describe the proteome from organisms such as insects in response to particular environmental change such as host plant species of herbivores.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GST) in insects play an important role in the detoxification of many substances including allelochemicals from plants. Induction of GST activity in Myzus persicae in response to secondary metabolites from Brassica plants was determined using different host plant species and confirmed using artificial diet with pure allelochemicals added. The 2,4-dinitro-1-iodobenzene (DNIB) was found to be a useful substrate for identifying particular GSTs in insects. GSTs from M. persicae were purified using different affinity chromatography columns and related kinetic parameters were calculated. GST isoenzymes were characterised using electrophoretic methods. Although SDS-PAGE results indicated similarity among the purified enzymes from each affinity column, biochemical studies indicated significant differences in kinetic parameters. Finally, the GST pattern of M. persicae was discussed in terms of insect adaptation to the presence of plant secondary substances such as the glucosinolates and the isothiocyanates, from Brassicaceae host plants.  相似文献   

Following 10 days of infestation by the aphid Myzus persicae there was an increase in the amount of growth inhibiting substances and a decrease in cytokinins, gibberellins and auxins in infested as compared with similar uninfested radish seedlings. Even after previously infested seedlings have been freed of aphids for 10 days, differences in the hormone balance remained. The possible relationships between the changes in hormonal balance and the effect of the aphid infestation on growth, translocation and wilting are discussed.  相似文献   

The peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) can resist a wide range of insecticides, but until recently (1990) the only mechanism identified was the increased production of carboxylesterases (E4 or FE4), which cause enhanced degradation and sequestration of insecticidal esters. We have now identified two forms of target-site resistance involving changes in the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and sodium channel (kdr) genes. Biochemical and DNA diagnostic methods can be used to identify all three mechanisms in individual aphids, and thereby establish their spatial distributions and temporal dynamics. Amplified genes underlie the increased production of esterases but their expression is modulated by DNA methylation. Amplification of the E4 gene is in strong linkage disequilibrium with the kdr mechanism. This may reflect strong insecticidal selection favouring aphids with multiple mechanisms, tight chromosomal linkage and/or the prominence of parthenogenesis in many M. persicae populations. The decreased fitness of resistant aphids under winter conditions may be a consequence of the altered sodium-channel gene affecting behaviour and/or the perception of external stimuli.  相似文献   

In response to herbivory by insects, several plant species have been shown to produce volatiles that attract the natural enemies of those herbivores. Using a Y‐tube olfactometer, we investigated responses of the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae MacIntosh (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) to volatiles from Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia (Brassicaceae) plants that were either undamaged, infested by the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae), or mechanically damaged, as well as to volatiles from just the aphid or its honeydew. In dual‐choice experiments, female D. rapae given oviposition experience on A. thaliana infested with M. persicae were significantly attracted to volatiles from A. thaliana infested with M. persicae over volatiles from undamaged A. thaliana and similarly were significantly attracted to plants that had been previously infested by M. persicae, but from which the aphids were removed, over undamaged plants. Diaeretiella rapae did not respond to volatiles from M. persicae alone, their honeydew, or plants mechanically damaged with either a pin or scissors. We conclude that an interaction between the plant and the aphid induces A. thaliana to produce volatiles, which D. rapae can learn and respond to. Poor responses of D. rapae to volatiles from an A. thaliana plant that had two leaves infested with M. persicae, with the two infested leaves being removed before testing, suggested the possibility that, at this stage of infestation, the majority of volatile production induced by M. persicae may be localized to the infested tissues of the plant. We conclude that this tritrophic interaction is a suitable model system for future investigations of the biochemical pathways involved in the production of aphid‐induced volatiles attractive to natural enemies.  相似文献   

In simple choice-chamber tests the ability of the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) to discriminate between sucrose solutions containing single or groups of amino acids and a pure sucrose solution was assessed. Each of 20 dietary amino acids was tested at a concentration of 0.1% in 20% sucrose. Each of six amino acids (asparagine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan) strongly enhanced the acceptability of sucrose. Methionine had a strong effect also at 0.02%. A few other amino acids had a lesser effect, while only a slight or no effect was observed with about half of the 20 dietary amino acids. A slightly deterrent effect was observed with histidine, glutamic acid, and arginine.The experimental apterous adult aphids that had been reared on radish seedlings had to be preconditioned on a pure sucrose solution for one day prior to the tests in order to show these responses within a few hours.
Zusammenfassung In einfachen Wahlkammer-Versuchen wurde die Fähigkeit der Blattlaus Myzus persicae geprüft, Rohrzuckerlösungen, die einzelne oder Gruppen von Aminosäuren enthielten, von reiner Rohrzuckerlösung zu unterscheiden. Jede der 20 diätischen Aminosäuren wurde in einer Konzentration von 0,1% in 20% iger Rohrzuckerlösung geprüft. Jede der 6 Aminosäuren Asparagin, Isoleucin, Leucin, Methionin, Phenylalanin und Tryptophan erhöhte die Annehmbarkeit stark. Unter ihnen hatte Methionin auch bei 0,02% eine kräftige Wirkung. Einige wenige andere Aminosäuren hatten einen geringen Effekt, während bei etwa der Hälfte der 20 diätischen Aminosäuren nur ein schwacher oder kein Einfluß beobachtet wurde. Eine leicht abweisende Wirkung war bei Histidin, Glutaminsäure und Arginin festzustellen.Die im Versuch verwendeten erwachsenen apteren Blattläuse, die an Rettichsämlingen herangezogen worden waren, mußten vor den Versuchen einen Tag lang an reiner Rohrzuckerlösung gehalten werden, wenn sie diese Reaktionen innerhalb einiger weniger Stunden zeigen sollten.

The honeydew of Myzus persicae feeding on radish seedlings contains glucose, fructose, trehalose, melezitose and sucrose, of which glucose and fructose are present in radish seedlings. In addition, the honeydew contains eight organic acids, of which seven are present in uninfested seedlings and six are present in infested radish seedlings: of the eighteen phenolic acids in the honeydew, five are present in uninfested radish seedlings. Auxins, gibberellins, growth inhibitors and cytokinins are present in the honeydew. The presence of carbonate and bicarbonate previously recorded in honeydew of M. persicae could not be confirmed, but ammonia is present in fresh honeydew and accounts for its high pH.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of genetic variability in host plant exploitation of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) were studied in several agro-ecosystems, differing in crop plant heterogeneity. An analysis of aphid populations sampled from sugar beet, potatoes, and lettuce revealed changes in the frequency distribution of aphid clones according to their respective host plant adaptations. The spatial unit of differentiation was below an average field size of 3–5 hectares and a differentiation could be found in the centre of potato and sugar beet fields but not at the edge of the fields. On a temporal scale, the differentiation of populations is transitory even on a large-scale basis of highly specialized cropping areas. The ecological parameters of differentiation are discussed with special reference to agro-ecosystems and integrated pest management. Increasing the genetic heterogeneity of crop fields may help to reduce population outbreaks.
Zusammenfassung Die ökologischen Konsequenzen genetischer Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzennutzung von Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) wurden in mehreren Agro-Ökosystemen untersucht, die sich in der Kulturpflanzenheterogenität unterscheiden. Eine Analyse von auf Rüben, Kartoffeln und Salat siedelnden Populationen zeigte eine genetische Differenzierung in Wirtspflanzen-angepaßte Feld-populationen. Die räumliche Einheit solcher Differenzierungen liegt unterhalb einer Feldgröße von 3–5 ha. Eine Differenzierung konnte hier in der Mitte der Felder aber nicht am Rand festgestellt werden. Aus zeitlicher Sicht ist die Differenzierung selbst in großräumigen, spezialisierten Anbaugebieten nur vorübergehend feststellbar. Die ökologischen Parameter der Differenzierung werden besonders in Hinsicht auf die integrierte Schädlingsbekämpfung in Agro-ökosystemen diskutiert. Eine Erhöhung der genetischen Heterogenität von Kulturpflanzenbeständen kann möglicherweise zu einer Verringerung von Blattlaus-Massenvermehrungen beitragen.

ABSTRACT. Compensation in mean relative growth rate of M. persicae occurred when aphids normally kept on susceptible brussels sprout plants were starved for only 2 h daily or kept on 'resistant' plants (given low nitrogen:high potassium fertilization) for 48 h. More adverse conditions, e.g. 4 or 8 h daily starvation, 48 h on leaf discs or 60 h on 20% sucrose, resulted in a low aphid growth rate being maintained on transfer to susceptible plants. The low overall growth rate could not be explained in terms of a weight loss by the aphid at any stage and is assumed to be a behavioural phenomenon. It is concluded that it is unwise, in the study of aphid—plant relationships, to rely on pre-conditioning aphids in poor conditions with the hope that this might magnify differences in subsequent aphid response.  相似文献   

The peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) has developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides as a result of a mechanism conferring reduced nervous system sensitivity, termed knockdown resistance (kdr). This reduced sensitivity is caused by two mutations, L1014F (kdr) and M918T (super-kdr), in the para-type voltage gated sodium channel. Kdr mutations in M. persicae are found in field populations world-wide. In order to investigate whether this situation is due to the mutations arising independently in different populations or by single mutation events that have spread by migration, regions flanking these mutations were sequenced from different geographical areas. The DNA sequences produced, which included a 1 kb intron, were found to be highly conserved. Several different haplotypes were identified containing kdr and super-kdr. Whilst these results could indicate either multiple independent origins of both mutations or recombination following a single origin, given the short timescale of resistance development, multiple independent origins of kdr and super-kdr are the most plausible interpretation.  相似文献   

Three isofemale lines of Myzus persicae (Sulzer), two lines collected from and reared on a brassicaceous host, and one line collected from and reared on a malvaceous host, were evaluated for their efficiency of transmitting Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (family Potyviridae, genus Potyvirus, ZYMV). In the first experiment, the transmission efficiencies of two clones from Brassicaceae (B1 and B2) were 52.0 and 60.8%, respectively, and these transmissions were not significantly different. In a second experiment, the transmission efficiencies of the clone on Malvaceae (M1) and clone B2 were significantly different at 35.6 and 55.7%, respectively. Further experiments evaluated host-related mechanisms that may have contributed to the differential transmissions observed between clones M1 and B2. Studies on short-term feeding showed that aphids continuously reared on okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (malvaceous host), and those that were reared on okra and allowed a 24-h preacquisition feeding period on mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern (brassicaceous host), had significantly lower transmission than aphids continuously maintained on mustard. Aphids reared on mustard and allowed a 24-h preacquisition feeding period on okra had intermediate transmission efficiency. In long-term host association studies, we found that aphids reared on mustard had significantly higher transmission efficiency than those reared on okra, and aphids reared first on okra and then switched to mustard had a transmission efficiency that was intermediate and not significantly different from the other two treatments. Our study reveals the existence of intraspecific variation in the transmission of ZYMV by M. persicae, and it suggests that to accurately assess the transmission capability of ZYMV by this species, multiple clones should be examined. Furthermore, the host plant on which the aphid is reared as well as the host plant on which it feeds just before virus acquisition contribute to ZYMV transmission efficiency of M. persicae.  相似文献   

Sauge MH  Lambert P  Pascal T 《Heredity》2012,108(3):292-301
The architecture and action of quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to plant resistance mechanisms against aphids, the largest group of phloem-feeding insects, are not well understood. Comparative mapping of several components of resistance to the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) was undertaken in Prunus davidiana, a wild species related to peach. An interspecific F(1) population of Prunus persica var. Summergrand × P. davidiana clone P1908 was scored for resistance (aphid colony development and foliar damage) and 17 aphid feeding behaviour traits monitored by means of the electrical penetration graph technique. Seven resistance QTLs were detected, individually explaining 6.1-43.1% of the phenotypic variation. Consistency was shown over several trials. Nine QTLs affecting aphid feeding behaviour were identified. All resistance QTLs except one co-located with QTLs underlying aphid feeding behaviour. A P. davidiana resistance allele at the major QTL was associated with drastic reductions in phloem sap ingestion by aphids, suggesting a phloem-based resistance mechanism. Resistance was also positively correlated with aphid salivation into sieve elements, suggesting an insect response to restore the appropriate conditions for ingestion after phloem occlusion. No significant QTL was found for traits characterising aphid mouthpart activity in plant tissues other than phloem vessels. Two QTLs with effects on aphid feeding behaviour but without effect on resistance were identified. SSR markers linked to the main QTLs involved in resistance are of potential use in marker-assisted selection for aphid resistance. Linking our results with the recent sequencing of the peach genome may help clarify the physiological resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

A derivative, prepared from the aphid alarm pheromone (E)-β-farnesene and the saturated straight 14-carbon chain dialkyl ester of acetylene dicarboxylic acid, was the most active compound tested for inhibiting acquisition by the aphid Myzus persicae of the non-persistently transmitted potato virus Y (PVY). Derivatives lacking, or with shorter, or branched or partially-unsaturated carbon side-chains were less active. The one derivative tested also inhibited inoculation of PVY, and acquisition of beet mosaic virus (also non-persistent) and the semi-persistent beet yellows virus. However, it had no obvious effect on aphid probing behaviour; related compounds lacking the (E)-β-farnesene moiety also inhibited acquisition of PVY.  相似文献   

A new icosahedral DNA virus was isolated from aphids (Myzus persicae) that showed abnormal growth and development. The purified virus particles have a diameter of 20 nm and contain a single-stranded DNA molecule of approximately 5.7 kb. The viral particles are composed of five structural proteins (92, 85, 68, 64, and 57 kDa). As the main biophysical properties of this virus are similar to those of the members of the genus Densovirus it was tentatively named Myzus persicae densovirus (MpDNV). A PCR-based detection method and a polyclonal antiserum raised against MpDNV allowed the detection of the virus in a single-infected aphid. MpDNV is immunologically related to Junonia coenia densovirus, but not to other members of the subfamily Densovirinae. Biological assays showed that MpDNV could be both transmitted transovarially and horizontally via honeydew and saliva. MpDNV was able to infect whiteflies but not other aphid species tested.  相似文献   

Analysis of electrically recorded feeding behaviour of aphids was combined with colony‐development tests to search for sources of resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in tuber‐bearing Solanum species (Solanaceae), aiming at a reduction of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) transmission. Twenty genotypes, originating from 14 gene bank accessions, representing 13 wild tuber‐bearing Solanum spp., three Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) cultivars, and one S. tuberosum breeding line, were selected. Colony‐development tests were carried out in no‐choice experiments by placing adult aphids on plants of each genotype and counting numbers of nymphs and adults on young plants after 8 and 15 days, and on flowering plants after 14 and 30 days. Large differences were observed among genotypes: some developed small colonies and others developed large ones. Also, in a few genotypes, resistance in mature plants was different for leaves of different ages; young leaves were resistant to aphids whereas old senescent leaves were susceptible. The electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG system) technique was used to study aphid feeding behaviour on each Solanum genotype for 6 h. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) results also showed large differences among the genotypes, indicating resistance at the leaf surface and at three different levels of plant tissue (epidermis, mesophyll, and phloem). Therefore, it was concluded that different mechanisms of resistance to M. persicae exist among the genotypes analysed. EPGs recorded from aphids on Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and Solanum tarijense Hawkes with and without glandular trichomes showed that strong surface resistance can bias EPG parameters associated with resistance located in deeper tissues. Experimental evidence is presented that the resistance to aphids in the genotypes with glandular trichomes strongly depends on these morphological structures.  相似文献   

本文研究了施钾条件下马铃薯两品种克新和费乌瑞它对桃蚜Myzus persicae Sulzer的抗性反应。结果表明,与对照相比,虫害、施钾与施钾+虫害处理均使两马铃薯品种中茉莉酸含量、脂氧合酶活性、蛋白酶抑制剂活性有所提高。其中虫害处理后克新中茉莉酸含量为对照的2.2倍,PI活性、脂氧合酶活性分别比对照增加了27.7%和37.3%;虫害费乌瑞它中上述生理指标的变化与克新一致,茉莉酸含量为对照的1.7倍,PI活性、脂氧合酶活性分别比对照增加了22.4%和29.1%。此外,施钾处理显著降低了克新和费乌瑞它2个品种的为害蚜量。表明施钾提高了马铃薯的诱导抗性,且克新的抗虫能力高于费乌瑞它。  相似文献   

In response to herbivore damage or stress, plants may express physiological or morphological changes known as induced responses. We tested whether previous herbivory by the aphid Myzus persicae differentially altered the expression of resistance and susceptibility among five genotypes of peach that differ in their resistance phenotype (avoidance resistance, antibiosis resistance or susceptibility). We measured behavioural and performance parameters of aphid success on plants previously infested by conspecifics as compared to uninfested controls. Significant variation was found both among genotypes and among resistance phenotype, including between genotypes showing a same resistance phenotype. Genotypes with avoidance resistance showed either induced resistance to aphid settling or no response. Genotypes with antibiosis resistance showed induced susceptibility to aphid settling, but the effects of previous herbivory on aphid development were either positive or negative depending on the genotype. In the susceptible genotype, most parameters of aphid settlement and performance, including reproduction, were positively influenced by previous herbivory. Using electronic recording, the aphid probing behaviour was examined to tentatively identify host plant tissues most likely to play a role in induced defenses. Probing behaviour was significantly affected by plant genotype, previous herbivory, and their interaction, indicating complex relations between the two factors. In the genotypes with avoidance resistance, aphids were deterred before they reach the phloem. In the genotypes expressing susceptibility or antibiosis resistance, previous herbivory triggered instead the induction of a phloem‐mediated response, that however diverged depending on the resistance status (facilitation or reduction of phloem sap uptake respectively). Genotypic variation in induction found in the peach‐M. persicae system establishes a useful framework to improve our knowledge of the ecological role of induced plant responses to aphids.  相似文献   

Abstract Plants protect themselves against aphid attacks by species‐specific defense mechanisms. Previously, we have shown that Solanum stoloniferum Schlechtd has resistance factors to Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) at the epidermal/mesophyll level that are not effective against Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas (Homoptera: Aphididae). Here, we compare the nymphal mortality, the pre‐reproductive development time, and the probing behavior of M. persicae and M. euphorbiae on S. stoloniferum and Solanum tuberosum L. Furthermore, we analyze the changes in gene expression in S. stoloniferum 96 hours post infestation by either aphid species. Although the M. euphorbiae probing behavior shows that aphids encounter more probing constrains on phloem activities–longer probing and salivation time– on S. stoloniferum than on S. tuberosum, the aphids succeeded in reaching a sustained ingestion of phloem sap on both plants. Probing by M. persicae on S. stoloniferum plants resulted in limited feeding only. Survival of M. euphorbiae and M. persicae was affected on young leaves, but not on senescent leaves of S. stoloniferum. Infestation by M. euphorbiae changed the expression of more genes than M. persicae did. At the systemic level both aphids elicited a weak response. Infestation of S. stoloniferum plants with a large number of M. persicae induced morphological changes in the leaves, leading to the development of pustules that were caused by disrupted vascular parenchyma and surrounding tissue. In contrast, an infestation by M. euphorbiae had no morphological effects. Both plant species can be regarded as good host for M. euphorbiae, whereas only S. tuberosum is a good host for M. persicae and S. stoloniferum is not. Infestation of S. stoloniferum by M. persicae or M. euphorbiae changed the expression of a set of plant genes specific for each of the aphids as well as a set of common genes.  相似文献   

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