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Stable oxygen isotope analyses of U-shaped spines removed at intervals along profiles of the outer shell surface of Pinna nobilis (L) were used to reconstruct sea surface temperature (SST) and validate the periodicity of adductor muscle scar rings on the inner shell surface. Elemental ratios (Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca) of spines, determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), were compared with the SST estimated from the stable oxygen isotopic composition of the shell deposited at the same time. The elemental ratios and the stable oxygen isotopic composition recorded in the shell were significantly correlated: Mg:Ca ratio=0.0002 (seawater temperature)+0.0095 (r2=0.445), Sr:Ca ratio=0.00005 (seawater temperature)+0.0014 (r2=0.887). The ratios in the spines were highest when the SST was warmest during July and August and were lowest between January and February when the SST was minimal.The positions of the first and second adductor muscle scar rings, unlike the later rings, are often difficult to discern, and in large shells they are obscured by nacre. Seasonal patterns in the elemental ratios were used to characterise the age in regions of the outer shell surface corresponding to the first two years of shell growth. A combination of both elemental ratios and muscle scar rings were used to estimate the age and hence the growth rate of P. nobilis from three locations in the Croatian Adriatic. Annual cycles of shell growth, inferred from the seasonal pattern in the element ratios, were used to determine the season of recruitment of fan mussels at several localities along the Croatian coastline. Pinnids generally settled during late autumn and winter although one shell from Mali Ston Bay settled during the summer. P. nobilis from Mali Ston Bay exhibited the fastest growth reaching a length of ∼60 cm and an age of 9 years, whereas those from Malo jezero grew the slowest attaining a length of ∼50 cm at 12 years of age.  相似文献   

The shape and relative weight of the shell have been shown tovary intraspecifically and interspecifically in a number ofspecies of gastropods, including many different littorinids.These differences give rise to different shell forms in differenthabitats. In those species which have non-planktotrophic development,differences in shell form among shores have been usually explainedin terms of natural selection because exposure to waves supposedlyfavours light shells with large apertures, while predation bycrabs on sheltered shores favours elongated, thick shells withsmaller apertures. Differences in shell shape among speciesfound at different heights on the shore have been explainedin terms of resistance to desiccation and temperature. Suchvariables would tend to act on a relatively broad-scale, i.e.causing differences among heights on a shore or among shores.Rates of growth, which might vary at much smaller scales withina shore, have also been shown to affect the shapes of many shells. In this study, the shape and relative weight of shells of threespecies of co-existing littorinids (Littorina unifasciata, Bembiciumnanum and Nodilittorina pyramidalis) were measured. These speciesall haveplanktotrophic development and they are found on manyshores where there is no evidence that they are preyed uponby crabs. Before explanations of shell shape are proposed, itis necessary that patterns of variation, within different partsof ashore and among different shores are clearly documented.These patterns were measured at a number of different spatialscales within and among replicate shores with different amountsof wave exposure. Large and small specimens were included toallow intraspecific comparisons among snails of different sizesfound at different heights on the shore. The results showedsignificant differences among shores in shape and relative weightof shells, but these differences could not be explained by exposureto waves. In addition, snails of different sizes and differentspecies did not show the same patterns although they were collectedfrom the same sites. Importantly, the shell shape of Liuorinaunifasciata varied significantly among sites at approximatelythe same height within a shore. These differences could notbe clearly correlated with density, mean size nor exposure towaves. The only consistent pattern was a decrease in relativeaperture size in specimens living higher on the shore. Modelsthat have commonly been proposed to explain shape and relativeweight of shells in other species of gastropods are not adequateto explain the small- and large-scale variation of the measurementsdescribed here. It is proposed that any selective advantageof shell morphology and the effects of any variables on thedevelopment of shell morphology in these species can only beidentified after appropriately designed and replicated fieldexperiments. (Received 4 March 1994; accepted 13 September 1994)  相似文献   

The load required to break shells of the snail Littor-aria pallescens(Philippi) (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) has been established.Mass increases more than proportionally with size. Size forsize, relatively heavy shells are thicker than relatively lightones, and the thicker shells are stronger. Three samples fromdifferent localities differ significantly in strength. Littorariapallescens is polymorphic for shell colour. It is shown thatin two of the three samples, both from Papua New Guinea, individualsof the dark morph are significantly heavier and stronger thanthose of the yellow morph, while there is no difference betweenmorphs in the third sample, from Thailand. In the sample withthe most robust shells the dark individuals are stronger, massfor mass, than yellows. Thus, colour morph is sometimes, butnot always, associated with differences in shell characteristicswhich are likely to affect fitness. Where there is a difference,the dark morph is estimated to be on average about 22% strongerthan the yellow morph. The difference between morphs is smallcompared with the large variation in shell characters associatedwith size. (Received 20 May 1992; accepted 22 June 1992)  相似文献   

Feeding invertebrate larvae may be food limited while developingin the ocean. If they are, then their time in the plankton isprolonged, which likely increases mortality. Food limitationcould be due to the quantity and/or quality of the food available.In an effort to answer how food type influences larval nutrition,we compared growth, development and lipid deposition for Dendrasterexcentricus larvae reared in natural seawater from two depths(1 and 20 m) and in filtered seawater on a monoculture laboratorydiet of 6 cells µL–1 of the green alga Dunaliellatertiolecta (Butcher). Five days post-fertilization, larvaereared on the laboratory diet had developed to the latest stage,were the largest and had lipid deposits. Larvae reared on naturalsurface water were intermediate in size and developmental stage,and larvae reared in the water from 20 m depth were the smallestand developed the slowest. This trend continued at 8 days post-fertilizationwhen surface water diet larvae were similar in size to laboratorydiet larvae, but their juvenile rudiments were significantlysmaller. To assess food availability in each food treatment,we compared the concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) a, b andc in natural seawater from each depth and in D. tertiolectaculture in filtered seawater. Natural seawater collected fromthe surface had the highest concentration of Chl a and c, whereasChl b was not significantly different between treatments. IncreasedChl concentrations in the surface water are likely due to higherconcentrations of diatoms and dinoflagellates, which are typicallynot high-quality food items for echinoid larvae. Our resultssupport a hypothesis that echinoid larvae in the water columnmay be limited by food quality.  相似文献   

为了分析乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussuriensis Berg)的洄游生态类型及生境履历, 采用X射线电子探针微区分析技术(EPMA)研究了2013年12月、2014年1月黑龙江干流2尾和松花江干流2尾乌苏里白鲑矢耳石的锶(Sr)、钙(Ca)元素微化学特征。定量线分析结果显示, 乌苏里白鲑耳石锶钙比值(Sr/Ca×103)波动显著, 具有对应淡水生活的低值区(小于5), 而且还有对应咸水生活的高值区(大于10), 显示了乌苏里白鲑的溯河洄游履历; 耳石元素面分析结果也显示乌苏里白鲑的淡水-咸水洄游的特征。结合耳石年轮特征分析, 乌苏里白鲑具有年度(季节)洄游特征, 部分群体有规律在淡水-咸水中季节洄游, 不同个体在淡水、咸水之间停留时间存在较大差异。研究表明, 乌苏里白鲑伴随着季节性洄游特征, 具有江海或者淡水-河口之间洄游的履历。  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory experiment to validate the relationship between the otolith strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratio of Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) and water Sr/Ca ratio when the ratio in water was changed. A linear and additive mixed modeling approach was used to assess otolith Sr/Ca ratio for elver-juvenile Japanese eels when ambient water was changed from seawater to freshwater. There was a significant difference between otolith Sr/Ca ratios of eels reared in freshwater and in seawater (freshwater: 1.3–2.3; seawater: 7.0–7.8 mmol/mol). The response of otolith Sr/Ca ratios of eels was not detected until after 10 d and models suggested that it might not be completed until at least 30–60 d. This study indicated the detailed ability of otolith Sr/Ca ratio to be used as a proxy for reconstructing the individual environmental history of Japanese eels. These findings can provide some assurances for future otolith Sr/Ca studies of eels in this system or in other areas that have similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Strontium concentrations have been determined in the outermost portions of shells of Patella coerulea, Monodonta articulata and M. turbinata.The incorporation of Sr into the carbonate seems to be influenced by the rate of growth of shells and by environmental temperatures, besides the Sr/Ca ratio in seawater.Temperature and growth rate may act either alternatively or concurrently; the latter is the case for Patella in the whole annual cycle, and for both Monodonta species during the higher temperature interval (18°–25°C).In the lower temperature interval (13°–17°C), the polymorphic composition of M. articulata shells exerts a primary control on Sr contents, whereas in M. turbinata the ratio Sr/Ca seems to be controlled by environmental temperatures, in a thermodynamic sense.  相似文献   

Comparison of the size, shape and shell morphology in littoraland sub-littoral morphs of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinnareveal differences in shell morphology which are enhanced bystructural anomalies within the shells of the two types. Infestationof sub-littoral shells by the conchocelis phase of an endolithicalga significantly affects shell density and total chlorophylllevels in the two shell morphs. The surface sculpture of sub-littoralshells is characterised by a series of grooves, the configurationof which closely resembles that of the radular teeth in N. concinna.Limpets utilise the available food supply within the shell matrixof other limpets by grazing the shell material. Epibiotic growthof calcareous algae prevent erosion and preserve underlyingshell layers. In severe cases, where protection is lacking,intraspecific shell grazing may remove parts of the shell exposingthe internal tissues. The Dominican Gull, Larus dominicanus, is a major shore predatorof both shell morphs. Gull middens contain both shell typesbut are dominated by the more accessible littoral shells. Comparisonof living populations and midden assemblages indicates thatsize and shape selection of prey occurs, with pear-shaped limpetsbetween 21 mm and 29 mm in length being taken preferentially. Apparent differences in shell form are induced by physical,biological and behavioural influences. Littoral animals arerobust in nature, resist avian pre-dation and are not extensivelygrazed whereas those of the sub-littoral are not subject tothe same degree of predatory attention but suffer a gradualdepletion of their shallower shell form through a combinationof algal infection and intraspecific shell grazing. (Received 21 February 1990; accepted 5 July 1990)  相似文献   

Shell variation within a single population of Litlorina rudis(Maton), collected near the Biological Station at Trondheim,Norway, was studied. The variation of the shell features studied, which includedthe shape of the basal part of the outer lip, and the relativeheight of the spire, width of the shell and of the aperture,were found to be at least partially related to shell height.Furthermore, the shell shape in the population investigated,besides varying with age, also varies due to shell damage. Nosignificant differences were found between the shapes of theshells of males and females. The shell characteristics of different populations of L. rudisalso vary greatly, one of the causes being differences in theenvironmental conditions. When studying this variation betweendifferent populations, however, it must be emphasized that onlyundamaged shells of individuals of about the same age shouldbe compared, in order to obviate the effects of the variabilitydue to age differences and shell damage within each individualpopulation. *Contribution from Trondhjem Biological Station no. 199 (Received 18 February 1980;  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and salinity on the concentration ratios of strontium (Sr) to calcium (Ca) within the sagittal otoliths of elvers of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, were studied by spot analysis using a wavelength dispersive X-ray electron microprobe. A total of 340 elvers were used: 100 elvers were reared for 15 days under various salinity conditions (freshwater, one-third seawater, two-thirds seawater and pure seawater at 22 °C; 240 elvers were reared for 58 days under various water temperature conditions (12, 17, 22, 27 °C) in either freshwater or pure seawater. Otolith Sr/Ca ratios were found to be positively correlated with water salinity. On the other hand, the Sr/Ca ratios were not found to be significantly different among the various temperature groups. The above results strongly suggest that the physiological mechanism of incorporation of Sr and Ca within the otolith of an eurythermal fish, Japanese eel, does not change within this range of temperatures (12–27 °C).  相似文献   

广西崇左县冲塘新石器时代人骨微量元素的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对广西崇左县冲塘新石器时代的3个个体(M02,S08,S09)的肢骨进行了化学元素(Sr,Zn,Ca,P,Cd,Ph)的含量测定.并根据研究结果对当时人类的生活环境、食物性质作了推测和分析.  相似文献   

The growth of Peltodons atromaculata Bergh, 1880, measured astotal dorsal body area, was followed in the laboratory for 15months. The growth of dorsal brown patches was compared to thetotal area of the mantle, and was shown to be approximatelyconstant over time in the different animals. This numericalapproach can be useful to quantify the body pigmentation clinepreviously described for Mediterranean specimens. P atromaculatahas an annual life-cycle in the laboratory, reaching its maximumsize before opposition. Post-spawning mortality followed a decreasein size for all specimens. Mantle margin autotoray in P atromaculataseems not to be related to defence against predation, but itis a process that takes place before death in laboratory. (Received 1 December 1994; accepted 28 April 1995)  相似文献   

Synopsis The blind cavefish, Milyeringa veritas, inhabits an anchialine system, effectively a groundwater estuary, in which salinity varies between fresh and seawater at different locations and depths. Owing to the inaccessible habitat and the threatened status of the cavefish it is hard to obtain the biological information needed for their management. This paper explores the utility of otolith Sr:Ca ratio in elucidating cavefish biology. The mean Sr:Ca ratio of the water inhabited by the cavefish is correlated with both the TDS (total dissolved solids) of the habitat and with the Sr:Ca ratio of the sagittal otolith of the cavefish inhabiting that site. Mean values of Sr:Ca in otoliths suggest some cavefish inhabit sea or brackish waters while others remain in freshwater. Some individuals appear to move between waters of very different TDS at various stages but there is no consistency in the direction or apparent TDS range of the water bodies inhabited which indicates that the cavefish utilise the different water bodies opportunistically. Residual analyses indicate clear and routine changes in the TDS of the water occupied at various phases of growth, irrespective of the TDS at which the cavefish were sampled. Annular markings are present in some otoliths but they cannot be related to likely periodicities in the subterranean environment.  相似文献   

Shells from 14 populations of sphaeriid clams including Sphaeriumstriatinum, S. simile, Pisidium walkeri, Musculim partumeiumand M. iransversum were analyzed for organic carbon (µgCmg–1 shell), nitrogen (µg,N mg–1 shell) andCaCOs (%CaCO3 of total clam dry weight). Habitat waters wereassessed for total hardness (expressed as ppm CaCo3), ppm Ca,ppm Mg, conductivity (µmho) and suspended organic Carbon(µgCl–1). For all populations, shell organic C andN are positively correlated and there is an inverse relationshipbetween the amounts of shell CaCO3 and shell organic carbon.Trophic considerations give the best correlation with shelltype at the generic level of consideration since species ofMusculium are found at the opposite end of the trophic scale(eutrophic) from all other populations studied. For S. striatinum,the most extensively studied species, the amount of shell CaCO3is inversely related to water hardness. The selection of shellsin the Sphaeriidae is discussed in relation to structural-functionalneeds and habitat conditions 1 Present Address: Department of Biology, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York 13210, U.S.A. 2 Present Address: Department of Zoology, Miami University,Oxford, Ohio 45056, U.S.A. (Received 5 December 1978;  相似文献   

The Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna is common in shallow watersaround the Antarctic Peninsula, and has a mean density of 125individuals/m2 at Signy Island (Picken, 1980). In the australsummer 1986/87 ammonia excretion and faecal egestion were measuredas part of a programme to develop a detailed individual energybudget for this species. Ammonia production was measured in 102 individuals ranging from3 to 720 mg dry weight. For a standard limpet of 200 mg dryweight, ammonia excretion was 0.13 µg-at/hr. Comparedwith previous measures of oxygen uptake these data suggest anO:N atomic ratio of between 15 and 25. The relationship betweenammonia excretion and dry weight could be expressed by a powercurve with a weight exponent of 0.82 (SE 0.042). Faecal production was measured in limpets freshly sampled fromthe field, and placed in dean seawater for 4 days. During thistime faecal production decreased (since the limpets were notfeeding), although only data from the first 24 hours were used.Again the relationship between faecal egestion and dry weightcould be expressed by a power curve, although this time theweight exponent was 0.94 (SE 0.101). The ash content of thefaecal strings increased significantly with the size of thelimpet, possibly because larger limpets were ingesting a greaterproportion of substrate during feeding. If this is so, thenthis would also explain the weight exponent dose to 1.0, ratherthan the value of about 0.8 to be expected from metabolic measures(since larger limpets would be passing relatively more faecalmaterial). If assimilation efficiency is known, then food intake in thewild may be estimated from a measurement of faecal egestionand faecal organic content (Clarke et at., 1988). Applying typicalvalues of assimilation efficiency for limpets (40 to 60%) suggestsa daily food intake in Nacella of 2 to 3% body weight per day.This is a quite typical figure for a grazing limpet, and suggeststhere is no resource limitation for Nacella at Signy in summer.  相似文献   

Age composition and growth rates of the squid Loligo vulgaris(Lamark, 1797) were studied by examination of growth incrementswithin statohths of 419 specimens (mantle length, ML, rangingfrom 32 to 400 mm). The squid were obtained by monthly samplingfrom the catches of commercial trawls off southern Portugalbetween March and September, 1993 The total number of growthincrements in the mounted and ground statohths was counted usinga semi-automatic image analysis system. ML was significantlycorrelated with both the statolith length, TSL and the numberof increments, NI. The female statolith was slightly largerthan the male statolith for the same mantle size. Growth ratesof individuals showed high variability with an average estimatedat 34.6 mm month–1 for males and 33.5 mm month–1for females. Growth in length between 70 and 280 days was bestdescribed by a power function for both sexes. The growth indexof the statolith (TSL/NI) decreased with individual growth.This result may be related with the onset of sexual maturation.L. vulgaris hatched throughout the year with two distinct peaks,in spring which is the mam breeding period, and in autumn. Thelife cycle of the L. vulgaris population on the south Portugueseshelf was completed in one year *Present address for correspondence: Instituto de InvestigacionMariflas. Eduardo Cabello. 6 - 36208 VIGO. Spain (Received 28 November 1995; accepted 7 February 1996)  相似文献   

A sectioned and polished specimen of the coral Archohelia vicksburgensis from the early Oligocene Byram Formation (~30 Ma) near Vicksburg, Mississippi, reveals 12 prominent annual growth bands. Stable oxygen isotopic compositions of 77 growth‐band‐parallel microsamples of original aragonite exhibit well‐constrained fluctuations that range between ?2.0 and ?4.8. Variation in δ18O of coral carbonate reflects seasonal variation in temperature ranging from 12 to 24 °C about a mean of 18 °C. These values are consistent with those derived from a bivalve and a fish otolith from the same unit, each using independently derived palaeotemperature equations. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios were determined for 40 additional samples spanning five of the 12 annual bands. Palaeotemperatures calculated using elemental‐ratio thermometers calibrated on modern corals are consistently lower; mean temperature from Mg/Ca ratios are 12.5 ± 1 °C while those from Sr/Ca are 5.8 ± 2.2 °C. Assuming that δ18O‐derived temperatures are correct, relationships between temperature and elemental ratio for corals growing in today's ocean can be used to estimate Oligocene palaeoseawater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios. Calculations indicate that early Oligocene seawater Mg/Ca was ~81% (4.2 mol mol?1) and Sr/Ca ~109% (9.9 mmol mol?1) of modern values. Oligocene seawater with this degree of Mg depletion and Sr enrichment is in good agreement with that expected during the Palaeogene transition from ‘calcite’ to ‘aragonite’ seas. Lower Oligocene Mg/Ca probably reflects a decrease toward the present day in sea‐floor hydrothermal activity and concomitant decrease in scavenging of magnesium from seawater. Elevated Sr/Ca ratio may record lesser amounts of Oligocene aragonite precipitation and a correspondingly lower flux of strontium into the sedimentary carbonate reservoir than today.  相似文献   

The shell morphologies of the highshore littorinids, Littorinaunifasciata Gray and Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard)have previously been shown to vary at a variety of spatial scales,including among replicate sites at the same height, from heightto height and from shore to shore. In this study, the relationshipsbetween morphology of the shell, the reserves of water heldwithin the shell, the size of the foot and survival on differentshores and rates of growth in different habitats were examinedfor L. unifasciata and, to a lesser extent, N. pyramidalis.Reserves of water were not consistently related to size or shapeof the shell, but did increase as relative weight of shell increased.This may be due to the relatively smaller body providing moreinternal volume for extra-corporeal water. Water reserves andthe amount of free water held in the shell were also not relatedto loss of water or survival during extended periods of emersion.Although the shape of the shell on sheltered and exposed shoreswas correlated with size of the foot, with the snails on anexposed shore having larger apertures and feet than those ona sheltered shore, transplant experiments did not show differentialmortality between morphs from the different shores. All translocatedand transplanted snails disappeared from the exposed shore ata greater rate than from the sheltered shore, but this was probablydue to the snails dispersing out of the experimental areas ratherthan due to mortality. Therefore, many of the large-scale modelsthat have previously been used to describe patterns of shellshape in intertidal gastropods do not appear to be importantin these highshore littorinids. Finally, field experiments ongrowth of juvenile L. unifasciata indicated that rate of growth,largely governed by opportunity to feed rather than type andquantity of food, is the most likely explanation for the small-and large-scale patterns of shell shape that have been previouslydescribed in this species. (Received 22 October 1996; accepted 19 February 1997)  相似文献   

The fossil record of neritopsid opercula and shells shows thatthe shell shape typical for Neritopsidae and Neritidae appearedin the Triassic. The ancestors of Neritimorpha were most probablyforms similar to Naticopsis. The operculum of Recent Neritopsisis composed of two calcitic parts secreted from inside and anaragonitic callus deposited from outside. Similar neritopsidopercula were already present in the Late Triassic. The firstopercula with asymmetrically situated muscle scars, possiblyancestral for neritids, also appeared at that time. (Received 27 May 2004; accepted 8 December 2004)  相似文献   

Scrobicularia plana reacts to salinity stress by closing itsvalves and respiring anaerobically. The acidic products of respirationare buffered by calcium carbonate removed from the shell. Shellmass decreases by 15% over a period of three weeks, and thereis a similar reduction in shell strength. Erosion of the shell surface, indicating buffering, takes placequickly, pits can be seen in the valves of shells at the endof six hours of normal intertidal emersion. (Received 10 February 1982;  相似文献   

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