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This study presents the results of experiments concerning: (1) interspecific hybridization of Brassica oleracea × Brassica rapa via application of in vitro placental pollination and (2) embryological analysis of the process of resynthesis of Brassica napus. In order to overcome certain stigma/style barriers, B. rapa pollen was placed in vitro on an opened B. oleracea ovary (with style removed). Pollinated ovaries were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. After 24-d culture, the developing embryos were isolated from immature seeds and transferred onto MS medium supplemented with 0.47 μM kinetin, 0.49 μM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, and 10% (v/v) coconut water. When the embryos had turned green, they were immediately placed onto MS medium with 100 μM kinetin. After development of the seedling, plantlets were transferred to soil. Chromosome doubling was achieved after another week. Cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA confirmed the hybrid nature of the plants. Resynthesis of B. napus can be performed through interspecific hybridization of B. oleracea × B. rapa followed by embryo rescue and genome doubling.  相似文献   


Four aquatic hyphomycetes and one terrestrial fungus were examined for their responses to the phenoxy herbicides (±)-MCPP and 2,4-D as both single and binary preparations with respect to hyphal extension, sporulation and respiration. Hyphal extension of all species was unaffected at concentrations less than 100 mg l?1. At higher concentrations there was a variable inhibitory response to the herbicides but no clear pattern was observed between the five fungi. The binary herbicide mixture had a weak synergistic effect on inhibition of growth rate. For the four aquatic hyphomycetes sporulation was reduced at several herbicide concentrations, but there was no consistent reduction over the experimental period. Flagellospora curvula and Clavariopsis aquatica showed increased sporulation at 100 and 1000 mg l?1 for only some herbicide combinations. The respiration rates of the fungi varied with species and herbicide concentration and ranged between stimulation at 100 mg l?1 to inhibition at 4000 mg l?1. The results indicate that the five fungi are not likely to be severely effected by the phenoxy herbicides at concentrations normally occurring in the field. The possible effects of these herbicides on nutrient cycling are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Endogenous pools of presumptive gibberellin (GA) glucosyl conjugates of Phaseolus coccineus were metabolically labelled by feeding of [3H]GA1 to immature fruits. The [3H]GA1 glucoside fraction was isolated and the main constituent tentatively identified by enzymic hydrolysis, ion exchange chromatography and elution volume on HPLC-RC as GA1-3-0--D-glucopyranoside.  相似文献   

The cumulative ozone effect on morphological parameters (visible leaf injury, plant height and leaf growth, number of bean pods, petunia flowers and stalks) was examined in this study. Well-known ozonesensitive (Bel W3) and ozone-resistant (Bel B) tobacco cultivars as well as bean cv. Nerina and petunia cv. White cascade, both recognized as ozone sensitive, were used in the experiment. Investigations were carried out at two exposure sites varying in tropospheric ozone levels. Ozone negatively affected the leaf growth of both tobacco cultivars and bean. A negative relation was also found for ozone concentration and tobacco plant height. Number of petunia flowers and stalks and bean pods was positively correlated with ozone concentration. This could have been connected with earlier plant maturation due to faster generative development of plants in ozone-stress conditions.  相似文献   

Wolfram Hartung  Rudolf Behl 《Planta》1974,120(3):299-305
Summary Movement of 2-[14C]ABA through 1.5 cm and 5 cm long root segments of P. coccineus L. was acropetally polarised. The velocity of acropetal transport of [14C]ABA in 1.5 cm long segments was 4–5 mm·h-1. Up to 11 h after the start of incubation [14C]ABA could be extracted unchanged. Beyond this time radioactivity became associated to an unidentified compound, which shows chromatographic qualities similar to those of Milborrow's Metabolite C (Biochemistry & Physiol. Plant Growth Substances, 1531, Runge Press Ottawa, 1968; and Chem. Comm. 966, 1969).
Abkürzungen ABA Abscisinsäure - PPO 2,5-Diphenyloxazol  相似文献   

Summary Asymmetric somatic hybrid plants were recovered after fusing irradiated mesophyll protoplasts of donor Lycopersicon esculentum × L. pennellii (EP) interspecific hybrid with callus-derived protoplasts of recipient Solanum lycopersicoides. EP plant A54 had been previously transformed by an agrobacterium vector, and the T-DNA insert mapped to the L. esculentum chromosome 12. The T-DNA insert conferred kanamycin resistance to EP that was subsequently used to select cell fusion products and recover asymmetric hybrid plants that retained tagged chromosome 12. Doses of 50- and 100-Gy irradiation promoted the elimination of only a few donor chromosomes. At 200 Gy, the regenerated plants had ploidy levels higher than tetraploid. However, the T-DNA tagged chromosome 12 was always retained in the asymmetric hybrid plants tested. Likewise, all plants from the 100-Gy series, with the exception of number 160, were mixoploid in the root-tip cells. Such mixoploid asymmetric somatic hybrids could be stabilized by inducing adventitious shoots on leaf strips cultured on shoot regeneration medium containing kanamycin. The asymmetric hybrid plants did not produce viable seed when self-pollinated or backcrossed to tomato or S. lycopersicoides. Present address: Department of Biology, University College of London, Gower Street, London, UK  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(2):81-88
The chromosomes of Lolium temulentum are longer and contain on average 50% more nuclear DNA than the chromosomes of L. perenne. In the hybrid, despite the difference in length and DNA content, pairing between the homoeologous chromosomes at pachytene is effective and the chiasma frequency at first metaphase in pollen mother cells is high, about 1.6 per bivalent, comparable to that in the L. perenne parent. Electron microscopic observations from reconstructed nuclei at pachytene show that synaptonemal complex (SC) formation in 40% of bivalents is perfect, complete and continuous from telomere to telomere. In others, SCs extend from telomere to telomere but incorporate lateral component loops in interstitial chromosome segments. Even in these bivalents, however, pairing is effective in the sense of chiasma formation. The capacity to form perfect SCs is achieved by an adjustment of chromosome length differences both before and during synapsis. Perfect pairing and SC formation is commoner within the larger bivalents of the complement. At zygotene, in contrast to pachytene, pairing is not confined to homoeologous chromosomes. On the contrary there is illegitimate pairing between non-homologous chromsomes resulting in multivalent formation. There must, therefore, be a mechanism operative between zygotene and pachytene that corrects and modifies associations in such a way as to restrict the pairing to bivalents comprised of strictly homoeologous chromosomes. Such a correction bears comparison with that known to apply in allopolyploids. In the hybrid and in the L. perenne parent also, certain specific nucleolar organisers are inactivated at meiosis.  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(5):387-390
Chromosome pairing and synaptonemal complex formation at zygotene and pachytene are described from serial section reconstructions of pollen mother cell nuclei in a triploid hybrid containing two haploid sets of Lolium perenne chromosomes, one of L. temulentum and two acces-sory B chromosomes. At pachytene the homologous L. perenne chromosomes form complete and continuous synaptonemal complexes while the L. temulentum chromosomes show extensive nonhomologous pairing both within and between themselves. At zygotene however, homoeologous pairing in the form of a trivalent and very little non-homologous pairing is observed. Evidently, there exists a mechanism that eliminates homoeologous association during zygotene to ensure strict bivalent formation between homologous chromosomes at pachytene. In Lolium this mechanism is under the influence of the B chromosomes and bears close similarity with that in allohexaploid wheat controlled by the Ph locus.  相似文献   

L6 rat myoblasts differ from T984 mouse myoblasts in the expression of several myogenic functions. Simple hybrids between these myogenic lines contained mostly chromosomes and expressed the mouse phenotype. Hybrids containing an approximately balanced set of chromosomes from each parent were constructed by fusing tetraploid L6 cells to T984 myoblasts. These hybrids were allowed to differentiate and their expression of myogenic proteins was compared to the parental phenotypes. The synthesis of creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes is codominantly expressed in the hybrid cells. Myosin light chain synthesis and the levels of acetylcholine receptor are either regulated by the mouse genome or are codominantly expressed.  相似文献   

In normal fourth larval instar Chironomus larvae, the secretory protein component I (or 1, according to Grossbach, 1969) consists of two subfractions, Ia and Ib, with an average molecular weight of 850.000 D (Rydlander and Edström, 1980). Data in the preceding paper suggest that component I is coded for by 75S RNA derived from the two large Balbiani rings, BR1 and BR2 (Rydlander et al., 1980). If Chironomus pallidivittatus larvae are exposed to galactose, the size relations between BR1 and BR2, which are usually in favour of BR2, are inverted and upon prolonged exposure a new BR, BR6, appears (Beermann, 1973). Here we describe how one or two new subfractions within component I, Ic1 and Ic2, appear during treatment with galactose, in parallel with the development of BR6. During the treatment there is also a change in the ratio between Ia and Ib proteins so that Ia becomes dominant, whereas in controls Ib is more pronounced. Fractions Ia, Ib and Ic are at least partially immunologically different but Ic1 and Ic2 cannot be distinguished from each other. Since the relative amounts of Ic1 and Ic2 do not vary in extracts from single animals, we have assumed that they represent alle lic products. —Fraction Ic can become the dominating protein within component I during galactose treatment. Since component I accounts for about 50% of the total protein synthesis, the sugar treatment is accompanied by major quantitative changes in genetic expression. —The correlation between the occurrence of particular Balbiani rings and protein fractions, evident from measurements of either protein mass or amino acid incorporation remains in agreement with the general relation earlier shown to exist between the large Balbiani rings and the total component I. Our data support the hypothesis that BR1 codes for fraction Ia, BR2 for Ib and BR6 for Ic. Conclusive evidence will, however, have to be provided by molecular techniques.  相似文献   

In research on androhaploids in the progeny of interspecific hybrids within the Capsicum genus, three genetically stable lines of F7 generation, selected from the C. annuum L. × C. chinense Jacq. hybrid, were used. In the first line, only callus tissue was formed as a reaction to the conditions of culture. Cytometric analysis of this tissue revealed the presence of cells with DNA content in nuclei at the level of 1C to 16C. The tissue was mixoploid and non-embryogenic. Anthers of the other line did not respond. In the third one, nine embryos were obtained, and they developed into plants. By means of cytometric analysis, the 1C DNA level was found in eight of them and these were androgenic plants. The origin of one of the diploid plant was not established due to the homozygous character of the donor plants. The experiment results confirm the already known diversity of genotype reaction to the conditions of culture. It moreover point to the possibility of selection of the forms with an androgenic potency from interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

A study was conducted into the course of meiosis in F1 interspecific hybrids of Lycopersicum esculentum Mill (mutant line Mo 638) × Lycopersicum chinense Dul. and its parental forms. An F1 interspecific hybrid was obtained through the embryo culture technique. A decrease in the chiasma frequency and an increase in the frequency of univalents and meiotic abnormalities compared to their parental forms were detected in hybrid plants. The number of univalents and the percentage of main impairments decreased, as the height of bud tier locations increased. A conclusion was made regarding the connection between the regularity of meiosis in the examined F1 interspecific hybrids of Lycopersicon esculentum × Lycopersicon chilense, on the one hand, and the hybrid nature of genotypes and the influence of environmental factors, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Brassica carinata, an allotetraploid with B and C genomes, has a number of traits that would be valuable to introgress into B. napus. Interspecific hybrids were created between B. carinata (BBCC) and B. napus (AACC), using an advanced backcross approach to identify and introgress traits of agronomic interest from the B. carinata genome and to study the genetic changes that occur during the introgression process. We mapped the B and C genomes of B. carinata with SSR markers and observed their introgression into B. napus through a number of backcross generations, focusing on a BC(3) and BC(3)S(1) sibling family. There was close colinearity between the C genomes of B. carinata and B. napus and we provide evidence that B. carinata C chromosomes pair and recombine normally with those of B. napus, suggesting that similar to other Brassica allotetraploids no major chromosomal rearrangements have taken place since the formation of B. carinata. There was no evidence of introgression of the B chromosomes into the A or C chromosomes of B. napus; instead they were inherited as whole linkage groups with the occasional loss of terminal segments and several of the B-genome chromosomes were retained across generations. Several BC(3)S(1) families were analyzed using SSR markers, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) assays, and chromosome counts to study the inheritance of the B-genome chromosome(s) and their association with morphological traits. Our work provides an analysis of the behavior of chromosomes in an interspecific cross and reinforces the challenges of introgressing novel traits into crop plants.  相似文献   

 Intergeneric hybrids between Brassica juncea (2n=36), B. carinata (2n=34) and Orychophragmus violaceus (2n=24) were produced when B. juncea and B. carinata cultivars were used as female parents. The hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus had an intermediate morphology except for petal colour and were partially fertile. The hybrids between B. carinata and O. violaceus had a matroclinous morphology and were nearly fertile. Cytological analysis of the hybrids and their progenies gave the following results. (1) In the hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus, the somatic tissues of the roots, leaves and styles were mixoploid (2n=12–42), and cells with 24, 30 or 36 chromosomes were the most frequent. Based on the recorded numbers and behaviour of the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, complete and partial separation of the parental genomes was proposed to have occurred during mitosis. This resulted in the occurrence of cells with possibly complete and incomplete complements of the parental species and cells with parental complements and some additional chromosomes from the other parent. (2)  Pollen mother cells (PMCs) possibly with both parental chromosome complements, only B. juncea chromosomes or a complete B. juncea complement with additional O. violaceus chromosomes were more competitive in entering meiosis. The majority of fertile gametes were deduced to have been produced by PMCs with a B. juncea complement with or without additional O. violaceus chromosomes. (3) The progeny plants from selfed hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus were morphologically either of a B. juncea, hybrid or variable type. Cytologically they were grouped into six types according to the frequencies of cells with various chromosome numbers. All of the plants except 2 which constituted two types, were mixoploids, composed of cells with various chromosome numbers, mainly in a certain serial range. (4) The hybrid plants between B. carinata and O. violaceus were mixoploids with chromosome numbers in the range of 12–34, and cells with 2n=34 were the most frequent. The main categories of PMCs with 17 bivalents at metaphase I and 17 : 17 segregations at anaphase I contributed to the high fertility of the hybrids and the fact that their progeny after selfing were mainly plants with 2n=34. Somatic and meiotic separation of the parental genomes was proposed to have occurred in the hybrids between B. carinata and O. violaceus. (5) Mitotic and meiotic elimination of what could be O. violaceus chromosomes might also have contributed to the observed mitotic and meiotic cell types in the two kinds of hybrids studied. Finally, the possible mechanisms behind these cytological observations and their potential in the production of Brassica aneuploids were discussed. Received: 4 February 1997/Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

 There is strong evidence indicating that gene flow from transgenic B. napus into weedy wild relatives is inevitable following commercial release. Research should now focus on the transmission, stability, and impact of transgene expression after the initial hybridization event. The present study investigated the transfer of a phosphinothricin-tolerance transgene by inter-specific hybridization between B. rapa and two transgenic B. napus lines. The expression of the transgene was monitored in the F1 hybrids and in subsequent backcross generations. The transgene was transmitted relatively easily into the F1 hybrids and retained activity. Large differences in the transmission frequency of the transgene were noted between offspring of the two transgenic lines during backcrossing. The most plausible explanation of these results is that the line showing least transmission during backcrossing contains a transgene integrated into a C-genome chromosome. Approximately 10% of offspring retained the tolerant trait in the BC3 and BC4 generations. The implications of these findings for the stable introgression of transgenes carried on one of the chromosomes of the C-genome from B. napus and into B. rapa are briefly discussed. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Summary The crossDrosophila insularis ×Drosophila tropicalis produces viable but completely sterile hybrids. Chromosomes have been studied in the cells of the salivary glands in hybrid larvae. The euchromatic sections of the chromosomes of the two species remain completely unpaired in the hybrid, despite the obvious similarities of the disc patterns in many portions of these chromosomes. A common chromocenter is nevertheless formed, owing to a mutual attraction of the heterochromatic sections adjacent to the centromeres in all the chromosomes. The condition of the chromosomes in the female and male cells is represented schematically in Fig. 1. The X-chromosomes show a remarkable difference in behavior in the cells of the two sexes. The euchromatic strands representing the X-chromosome are appreciably greater in width but somewhat paler in staining in male than in female larvae. This is a visible counterpart of the genetic phenomenon of dosage compensation.The work reported in this article has been supported in part under Contract No. AT-(30-1)-1151, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission  相似文献   

Bisexual fertile diploid androgenetic individuals (A0) (2n=100) were formed by androgenesis. In this way, the diploid spermatozoa from male allotetraploid hybrids (AT) (4n=200) of red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.) (♀) × common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (♂) were used to fertilize the UV-treated haploid eggs of goldfish (Carassius auratus), and living androgenetic diploid fish were developed. The A0 became sexually mature at the age of 2 years, and they fertilized with each other to form their offspring (A1). In this study, we observed the chromosomal number, gonadal structure and appearance of A1 fish. The results are as follows: (1) In A1, there were 85% tetraploids (A1-4n), 10% triploids (A1-3n) and 5% diploids (A1-2n), suggesting that diploid A0 could produce diploid gametes. It was concluded that the formation of diploid gametes generated from diploid A0 was probably related to the mechanism of pre-meiotic endoreduplication. (2) Among A1, only A1-4n possessed normal ovaries and testes. The mature males of A1-4n produced white semen. Under the electron microscope, the head of diploid sperm generated by A1-4n was bigger than that of haploid sperm generated by red crucian carp. In the testes of the A1-4n, there were many mature normal spermatozoa with a head bearing plasma membrane and a tail having the typical structure of “9+2” microtubules. Between the head and the tail, there were some mitochondria. The ovaries of A1-4n developed well and mainly contained II, III and IV-stage oocytes. The IV-stage oocytes were surrounded by inner and outer follicular cells. The micropyle was observed on the oolemma of follicular cells. There were abundant yolks and plenty of endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of IV-stage oocytes. Because A1-2n and A1-3n were distant crossing diploid hybrids and triploid hybrids respectively, they possessed abnormal gonads, and no mature semen and eggs were observed. (3) Compared with allotetraploids, the A1-4n fish not only had advantages such as fast growth rate and strong resistibility but also showed some new good performances such as high ratio of body width to body length, smaller heads and shorter tails. These results indicated that androgenesis could produce bisexual fertile tetraploids and improve the shape of allotetraploid hybrids as well, which will be of great significance in both the cell genetics research and fish breeding.  相似文献   

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