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Genetic differences between Northeast Asian (NEA) and Southeast Asian (SEA) populations have been observed in numerous studies. At the among-population level, despite a clear north–south differentiation observed for many genetic markers, debates were led between abrupt differences and a continuous pattern. At the within-population level, whether NEA or SEA populations have higher genetic diversity is also highly controversial. In this study, we analyzed a large set of HLA data from East Asia in order to map the genetic variation among and within populations in this continent and to clarify the distribution pattern of HLA lineages and alleles. We observed a genetic differentiation between NEA and SEA populations following a continuous pattern from north to south, and we show a significant and continuous decrease of HLA diversity by the same direction. This continuity is shaped by clinal distributions of many HLA lineages and alleles with increasing or decreasing frequencies along the latitude. These results bring new evidence in favor of the “overlapping model” proposed previously for East Asian peopling history, whereby modern humans migrated eastward from western Eurasia via two independent routes along each side of the Himalayas and, later, overlapped in East Asia across open land areas. Our study strongly suggests that intensive gene flow between NEA and SEA populations occurred and shaped the latitude-related continuous pattern of genetic variation and the peculiar HLA lineage and allele distributions observed in this continent. Probably for a very long period, the exact duration of these events remains to be estimated.  相似文献   

A major goal of biomedical research is to develop the capability to provide highly personalized health care. To do so, it is necessary to understand the distribution of interindividual genetic variation at loci underlying physical characteristics, disease susceptibility, and response to treatment. Variation at these loci commonly exhibits geographic structuring and may contribute to phenotypic differences between groups. Thus, in some situations, it may be important to consider these groups separately. Membership in these groups is commonly inferred by use of a proxy such as place-of-origin or ethnic affiliation. These inferences are frequently weakened, however, by use of surrogates, such as skin color, for these proxies, the distribution of which bears little resemblance to the distribution of neutral genetic variation. Consequently, it has become increasingly controversial whether proxies are sufficient and accurate representations of groups inferred from neutral genetic variation. This raises three questions: how many data are required to identify population structure at a meaningful level of resolution, to what level can population structure be resolved, and do some proxies represent population structure accurately? We assayed 100 Alu insertion polymorphisms in a heterogeneous collection of approximately 565 individuals, approximately 200 of whom were also typed for 60 microsatellites. Stripped of identifying information, correct assignment to the continent of origin (Africa, Asia, or Europe) with a mean accuracy of at least 90% required a minimum of 60 Alu markers or microsatellites and reached 99%-100% when >/=100 loci were used. Less accurate assignment (87%) to the appropriate genetic cluster was possible for a historically admixed sample from southern India. These results set a minimum for the number of markers that must be tested to make strong inferences about detecting population structure among Old World populations under ideal experimental conditions. We note that, whereas some proxies correspond crudely, if at all, to population structure, the heuristic value of others is much higher. This suggests that a more flexible framework is needed for making inferences about population structure and the utility of proxies.  相似文献   

Glycine soja, also called wild soybean, is the wild ancestor of domesticated soybean (Glycine max), and one of the world's major cultivated crops. Wild soybean is a valuable resource for the breeding of cultivated soybean and harbors useful genes or agronomic traits. To use and conserve this valuable resource, we conducted a study to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of wild soybean using the sequencing data of two nuclear loci (AF105221 and PhyB) and one chloroplast locus (trnQ-rps16) of more than 600 individuals representing 53 populations throughout the natural distribution range. The results showed that most of the variation was found within the populations and groups, but significant genetic differentiation was also detected among different eco-geographical groups. Correlations between genetic and geographical distance at all the loci were consistent with the isolation by distance gene flow model. G. soja exhibited the highest genetic diversity in middle and downstream of Yangzi River (MDYR) region, followed by North East China (NEC), and was the lowest in North West China (NWC). We concluded that both in situ and ex situ conservation strategies required for wild soybean populations, especially which are native to MDYR and NEC regions.  相似文献   

群体遗传结构上的差异是遗传多样性的一种重要体现,对群体遗传结构的研究已有较久的历史,而其中的基因流研究近些年来越来越受到重视。它对群体遗传学、进化生物学、保护生物学、生态学有着极其重要的作用。虽然传统的群体遗传学能估测基因流大小,但它的精确性还有很大局限性。随着生物技术的进步,对基因流的研究逐渐向分子水平过渡,应用蛋白质电泳技术、分子标记技术(RAPD、RFLP、VNTR、ISSR、DNA测序等)方法对群体间基因流的流动水平进行了深入细致的研究。本文综述了群体遗传结构的几种模式:陆岛模式、海岛模式、阶石模式、距离隔离模式、层次模式,以及在群体遗传结构的几种模式基础上的基因流的研究方法、作用、地位和近些年来研究者的研究成果,并指出了这些方法的局限性。Abstract: The difference of population genetic structure is one of the important embodiments of genetic diversity. There is a long history of the study of population genetic structure, and the study of gene flow of population genetic structure is aroused more and more importance. It has an important effect on population genetics, evolution biology, conservation biology and ecology. Although the level of gene flow is estimated by traditional population genetics, there is a large restriction in its precision. With the development of biological technology, the methods of the research on gene flow reach the molecular level. Methods of protein electrophoresis and molecular markers (RAPD, RFLP, VNTR, ISSR and mitochondrial DNA) are used to research gene flow among populations. This paper introduces not only some models of population genetic structure: Continent-Island Model, Island Model, Stepping-Stone Model, Isolation-By-Distance Model and Hierarchical Model; but also the study methods, function and role of gene flow is based on models of population genetic structure, research achievements in recent years and the restriction of the methods.  相似文献   

群体遗传结构中的基因流   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
曲若竹  侯林  吕红丽  李海燕 《遗传》2004,26(3):377-382
群体遗传结构上的差异是遗传多样性的一种重要体现,对群体遗传结构的研究已有较久的历史,而其中的基因流研究近些年来越来越受到重视。它对群体遗传学、进化生物学、保护生物学、生态学有着极其重要的作用。虽然传统的群体遗传学能估测基因流大小,但它的精确性还有很大局限性。随着生物技术的进步,对基因流的研究逐渐向分子水平过渡,应用蛋白质电泳技术、分子标记技术(RAPD、RFLP、VNTR、ISSR、DNA测序等)方法对群体间基因流的流动水平进行了深入细致的研究。通过综述群体遗传结构的几种模式:陆岛模式、海岛模式、阶石模式、距离隔离模式、层次模式,以及在群体遗传结构的几种模式基础上的基因流的研究方法、作用、地位和近些年来研究者的研究成果,并指出了这些方法的局限性。  相似文献   

Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ascomycota: Ophiocordycipitaceae) is a native fungal parasite of Hepialidae caterpillars and one of the most economically important medicinal caterpillar fungi in China. However, little is known about the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships between O. sinensis and its host insects. In this study, nuclear ITS and β-tubulin sequences from O. sinensis and mitochondrial COI, COII, and Cytb sequences from its hosts were analyzed across 33 populations sampled from five regions in China. Phylogenetically, both O. sinensis and its hosts were divided into three geographically correlated clades, and their phylogenies were congruent. Analysis of molecular variance and calculated coefficients of genetic differentiation revealed significant genetic divergence among the clades within both O. sinensis (FST= 0.878, NST=0.842) and its hosts (FST=0.861, NST=0.816). Estimated gene flow was very low for O. sinensis (Nm=0.04) and the host insects (Nm=0.04) among these three clades. Mantel tests demonstrated a significant correlation (P<0.01) between the genetic distances for O. sinensis and its hosts, as well as a significant association (P<0.05) between geographic and genetic distances in both. The similar phylogenetic relationships, geographic distributions, and genetic structure and differentiation between O. sinensis and its hosts imply that they have coevolved.  相似文献   

A collection of 96 female Turkish fig (Ficus carica L.) accessions was studied to elucidate genetic structure and estimate diversity and genetic similarity distribution among the female figs present in Turkish genetic resources, using 157 molecular genome markers including 129 sequence-related amplified polymorphisms, 21 random amplified polymorphic DNAs, and 7 simple-sequence repeats. The plant samples mainly included Turkish fig collections selected throughout the country over the course of a half-century. Neighbor-joining analysis revealed continuous dissimilarity range, and it was difficult to classify figs into distinct groups. The principle component analysis produced similar results. The analysis of molecular variance indicated that 95 and 93% of genetic variation were explained by within geographic origins and similar fruit rind color, respectively. Sub-structuring Bayesian analysis assigned the 96 female figs into four sub-populations, and indicated that they were highly related. The corrected allelic pairwise distances among the six geographic origins were less than 5%. This study suggests that geography- and color-based groups were not genetically distinct among the Turkish figs.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列的灵芝遗传多样性与群体遗传分化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究基于ITS序列对中国8个不同地理群体的168份灵芝样本的分子变异、遗传多样性、群体遗传分化程度进行了分析。结果表明:168个样品中共检测到39个单倍型(H1-H39),表现出较低的遗传多样性水平(Hd=0.867±0.018,Pi=0.00304±0.00024),各群体的遗传多样性水平相差不大;TCS单倍型网络图和基于ML、NJ法构建的单倍型系统发育树显示,各地理群体的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有形成对应关系,二者没有明显的相关性;AMOVA分析结果显示不同地理群体间的遗传变异占4.33%,群体内的变异占95.67%,遗传分化主要来自于群体内部。总体和各地理群体的中性检验结果显示,群体扩张遵循中性进化,群体大小保持相对稳定。整体的遗传分化指数Fst为0.04331,基因流Nm为2.99,表明各地理群体间存在频繁的基因交流,群体遗传分化较小。推测原因可能为种群扩张历史较短,分布范围较窄,造成遗传多样性偏低,各群体间遗传分化不大。  相似文献   

基于mtDNA-COI基因序列的雷氏按蚊分子群体遗传结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨曼尼  马雅军 《昆虫学报》2009,52(9):1000-1007
【目的】探讨我国雷氏按蚊Anopheles lesteri的群体差异和分化程度。【方法】采用PCR方法, 从分子水平鉴别了采自我国和韩国的雷氏按蚊共9个群体139个样本, 扩增其线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因, 并进行序列测定和分析。【结果】本研究共获得49个单倍型, 各单倍型呈高水平的平行演化, 来自云南群体的单倍型显示是扩张的源头。分子变异等级分析(AMOVA)的计算结果显示, 群体内变异占总变异的比例(64.95%)大于群体间(35.05%), FST值为0.3504, 各群体间出现遗传分化。Mantel检验结果显示基因流水平与地理距离呈负相关关系(R2=0.1322), 群体遗传结构符合距离隔离模型。【结论】雷氏按蚊韩国和辽宁群体与其他分布地群体间差异大, 已出现明显分化, 我国其他分布地群体间的遗传差异小。  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting provides a cost-effective means to rapidly assay genetic variation at many loci. While this makes the technique particularly attractive for studies of evolution and conservation biology, fingerprint data can be difficult to interpret. Measurement errors inherent with the technique force investigators to group similar-sized alleles (bands) into discrete bins before estimating genetic parameters. If too little error is accounted for in this process homologous alleles will not be grouped in a common bin, whereas overestimated error can produce bins with homoplasic alleles. We used simulations and empirical data for two frog species ( Rana luteiventris and Hyla regilla ) to demonstrate that mean band-sharing ( S¯xy ) and heterozygosity ( H ¯E) are a function of both bin width and band profile complexity (i.e. number and distribution of bands). These estimators are also sensitive to the number of lanes included in the analysis when bin width is wide and a floating bin algorithm is employed. Multilocus estimates of H ¯E were highly correlated with S¯xy and thus provide no additional information about genetic variation. Estimates of population subdivision ( F ^ and Φ^ST) appeared robust to changes in bin size. We also examined the issue of statistical independence for band-sharing data when comparisons are made among all samples. This analysis indicated that the covariance between band-sharing statistics was very small and not statistically different from zero. We recommend that sensitivity analyses for bin size be used to improve confidence in the biological interpretation of multilocus fingerprints, and that the covariance structure for band-sharing statistics be examined.  相似文献   

The group A streptococcal emm-like genes, which encode the cell-surface M and M-like proteins, are divided into distinct mrp, emm and enn subdivisions and are clustered together in a region of the chromosome called the vir regulon. In order to understand the mechanisms involved in the evolution of emm-like genes, a 180bp fragment of the 5 variable region of the enn gene was characterized in 31 strains for which emm sequences and multilocus enzyme electrophoretic profiles have been previously determined. The results demonstrate that nucleotide polymorphisms at the enn locus are generated predominantly by point mutations and short deletions or insertions, and that variation among enn and emm genes has arisen by similar mechanisms. However, diversity at the enn locus is restricted in comparison to the emm locus. Moreover, there is strong evidence for intragenic recombination at the enn locus and the pattern of distribution of emm and enn alleles among strains suggests that these genes may be independently acquired by horizontal transfer and recombination from distinct donor strains, thereby generating a mosaic structure for the vir regulon. The results add to a growing body of evidence that horizontal gene transfer has played a major role in the evolution of Streptococcus pyogenes vir regulons.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Culter alburnus were investigated using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and ribosomal 16S subunit (16S rRNA) gene sequences. A total of 89 individuals from four localities were included in the analysis. Overall, 12 polymorphic sites were observed and 10 haplotypes were defined. The C. alburnus populations were characterized by high haplotype diversity (0.587 ± 0.047) and low nucleotide diversity (0.00197 ± 0.00073). Pairwise fixation index (FST) analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation among different populations. The hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis also showed significant genetic divergence (φST = 0.3792, P < 0.01) among these populations. The present results suggest that subdivisions exist among four C. alburnus populations, and should be considered as different management unit for effective conservation and management purposes. This study provides new information for genetic assessment and will be crucial for establishing fisheries management and strategies for this species.  相似文献   

The Asplenium obovatum group consists of diploid and tetraploid taxa; the origin of the tetraploid A. obovatum subsp. lanceolatum was previously considered to have occurred via autopolyploidy, involving one of the diploids of the group, either A. obovatum subsp. obovatum var. obovatum or var. protobillotii. To test this hypothesis, electrophoretic analyses of eight enzyme systems encoded by fourteen putative loci and cytological studies of the artificial hybrid between both diploid varieties were conducted. Alleles of the loci Lap-1, Mdh-2, Mdh-3, Pgm-1, Pgm-1', and 6Pgd-1 emerged as genetic markers for the diploids and were present in an additive pattern in most of the analyzed individuals of the tetraploid. Cytological results indicated a high degree of genomic homology between the diploids. These results indicated that the tetraploid behaves as a segmental allopolyploid. Our results showed that both diploids were involved in the origin of the tetraploid. We propose the new combination Asplenium obovatum subsp. protobillotii for one of the diploids.  相似文献   


Conserving biodiversity in an era of rapid climate change requires understanding the mechanisms that influence dispersal, gene flow and, ultimately, species persistence. This information is becoming critical for conserving key species in rapidly warming places such as the Arctic. Arctic freshwater fish not only face warmer conditions, but also the drying of tundra streams due to climate change. Here, we examined population structure, gene flow, and the influence of landscape features on the neutral genetic variation of the Arctic grayling on Alaska’s North Slope. We estimated the number of genetically distinct clusters and determined effective population sizes for and patterns of gene flow among geographic regions. We predicted that river distance, river drying, distance to the coast, and elevational gradient would influence genetic differentiation for Arctic grayling. Bayesian clustering and discriminant analysis of principal components found support for five or six genetic clusters roughly corresponding to downstream and headwater subwatersheds. Estimates of gene flow revealed asymmetric downstream bias. River distance and river dry zones were significantly associated with increasing genetic differentiation among sampling locations despite this species' high dispersal capability and the temporary nature of dry zones. Isolation and downstream-biased dispersal could contribute to high levels of inter-population genetic variation among the headwaters of the North Slope Arctic grayling metapopulation, which might be particularly important for species conservation during rapid climate change. More generally, small, isolated populations might drive particular alleles to higher frequencies due to selection or drift, thus promoting the genetic potential for rapid evolutionary changes under future climate change.


Until recently, studies examining the geographical distribution of insects in the Tuscan Archipelago have focused on paleogeography as the primary influence on species distributions. However, for flying insects such as Hymenoptera that may be able to disperse over water, current geographical location is likely to be more important in determining present distributions within the Archipelago. Here we compare mainland and island wasp populations using genetic variation and cuticular hydrocarbon composition of the vespid wasp Polistes dominulus, and species composition of wasps in the family Pompilidae. Both chemical and genetic data result in similar clustering of P. dominulus populations that reflect present geographical location. Moreover, we found current geographical distance to be significantly correlated with P. dominulus population genetic differentiation and Pompilidae faunal composition. These data suggest that dispersal over present sea distances is more important in determining population differentiation and species distribution in the Tuscan Archipelago than paleogeography.  相似文献   

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