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Hemagglutinin (HA) is essential for Influenza A virus infection, but its diversity of subtypes presents an obstacle to developing broad-spectrum HA inhibitors. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which poly-galloyl glucose (pGG) analogs inhibit influenza hemagglutinin (HA) in vitro and in silico. We found that (1) star-shaped pGG analogs exhibit HA-inhibition activity by interacting with the conserved structural elements of the receptor binding domain (RBD); (2) HA inhibition depends on the number of galloyl substituents in a pGG analog; the best number is four; and when PGG binds with two HA trimers at their conserved receptor binding domains (loop 130, loop 220, and 190-α-helix), PGG acts as a molecular glue by aggregating viral particles so as to prevent viral entry into host cells (this was revealed via an in silico simulation on the binding of penta-galloyl-glucose (PGG) with HA). pGGs are also effective on a broad-spectrum influenza A subtypes (including H1, H3, H5, H7); this suggests that pGG analogs can be applied to most influenza A subtypes as a prophylactic against influenza viral infections.  相似文献   

整合HA蛋白的HIV假病毒展示禽流感病毒感染宿主细胞机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过将高致病性禽流感病毒HA蛋白整合到HIV颗粒,包装成表达HA蛋白的假病毒粒子(命名为HIV/H5-HA),并对所包装的假病毒的生物学功能进行了研究.通过RT PCR获得了H5N1亚型禽流感病毒完整的血凝素基因(HA)并克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+)上,通过与假病毒构建体系的2种质粒pCMV△8.2和pHR′-CMVLacZ共转染293T细胞,包装成假病毒颗粒.利用LacZ染色和HA假病毒颗粒感染MDCK等6种细胞株并对标记基因LacZ进行检测.结果表明,HIV/H5-HA与天然的禽流感病毒相似,具有广泛的细胞嗜性; Western 印迹和FACS检测结果,和HA假病毒颗粒的电镜照片确认了HA基因在假病毒颗粒表面得到了表达;HIV/H5-HA能够凝集鸡红细胞,并且pH值依赖性测定表明,HA假病毒需要低pH值才能实现正确的入侵宿主细胞.本研究结果显示:禽流感病毒H5N1亚型的HA基因得到了有效的包装,并且所包装的假病毒颗粒能够表达具有高度生物活性的HA蛋白.同时,假病毒模型的建立为进一步研究禽流感病毒与宿主之间的免疫应答提供了一种新的途径.  相似文献   

The recently identified human infections with a novel avian influenza H7N9 virus in China raise important questions regarding possible risk to humans. However, the entry properties and tropism of this H7N9 virus were poorly understood. Moreover, neuraminidase inhibitor resistant H7N9 isolates were recently observed in two patients and correlated with poor clinical outcomes. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the entry properties of H7N9 virus, design and evaluate inhibitors for H7N9 virus entry. We optimized and developed an H7N9-pseudotyped particle system (H7N9pp) that could be neutralized by anti-H7 antibodies and closely mimicked the entry process of the H7N9 virus. Avian, human and mouse-derived cultured cells showed high, moderate and low permissiveness to H7N9pp, respectively. Based on influenza virus membrane fusion mechanisms, a potent anti-H7N9 peptide (P155-185-chol) corresponding to the C-terminal ectodomain of the H7N9 hemagglutinin protein was successfully identified. P155-185-chol demonstrated H7N9pp-specific inhibition of infection with IC50 of 0.19 µM. Importantly, P155-185-chol showed significant suppression of A/Anhui/1/2013 H7N9 live virus propagation in MDCK cells and additive effects with NA inhibitors Oseltamivir and Zanamivir. These findings expand our knowledge of the entry properties of the novel H7N9 viruses, and they highlight the potential for developing a new class of inhibitors targeting viral entry for use in the next pandemic.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescent cell (IFC) assay technique was developed for the quantification of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus of salmonid fishes. Cover slip cultures of rainbow trout gonad (RTG-2) cells were infected with diluted virus preparations. After incubation to permit antigen development, the cells were stained with antiviral fluorescent antibody, and the number of fluorescing (infected) cells was counted. Optimal conditions for the IFC assay procedure are: (i) the use of RTG-2 cells cultured for at least 3 days at 20 C; (ii) 1-h absorption of IPN virus to RTG-2 cells at 20 C or alternatively, 4 h at 4 C; (iii) staining the infected cell cultures at 10 to 12 h postinfection. A linear relationship between the relative concentration of virus in the inoculum and the number of fluorescent cells in the first cycle of infection was observed. The IFC assay method is more sensitive than the plaque method for the assay of IPN virus.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses are a major public health threat worldwide, and options for antiviral therapy are limited by the emergence of drug-resistant virus strains. The influenza virus glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA) plays critical roles in the early stage of virus infection, including receptor binding and membrane fusion, making it a potential target for the development of anti-influenza drugs. Using pseudotype virus-based high-throughput screens, we have identified several new small molecules capable of inhibiting influenza virus entry. We prioritized two novel inhibitors, MBX2329 and MBX2546, with aminoalkyl phenol ether and sulfonamide scaffolds, respectively, that specifically inhibit HA-mediated viral entry. The two compounds (i) are potent (50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] of 0.3 to 5.9 μM); (ii) are selective (50% cytotoxicity concentration [CC50] of >100 μM), with selectivity index (SI) values of >20 to 200 for different influenza virus strains; (iii) inhibit a wide spectrum of influenza A viruses, which includes the 2009 pandemic influenza virus A/H1N1/2009, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus A/H5N1, and oseltamivir-resistant A/H1N1 strains; (iv) exhibit large volumes of synergy with oseltamivir (36 and 331 μM2 % at 95% confidence); and (v) have chemically tractable structures. Mechanism-of-action studies suggest that both MBX2329 and MBX2546 bind to HA in a nonoverlapping manner. Additional results from HA-mediated hemolysis of chicken red blood cells (cRBCs), competition assays with monoclonal antibody (MAb) C179, and mutational analysis suggest that the compounds bind in the stem region of the HA trimer and inhibit HA-mediated fusion. Therefore, MBX2329 and MBX2546 represent new starting points for chemical optimization and have the potential to provide valuable future therapeutic options and research tools to study the HA-mediated entry process.  相似文献   



The role of relative humidity in the aerosol transmission of influenza was examined in a simulated examination room containing coughing and breathing manikins.


Nebulized influenza was coughed into the examination room and Bioaerosol samplers collected size-fractionated aerosols (<1 µM, 1–4 µM, and >4 µM aerodynamic diameters) adjacent to the breathing manikin’s mouth and also at other locations within the room. At constant temperature, the RH was varied from 7–73% and infectivity was assessed by the viral plaque assay.


Total virus collected for 60 minutes retained 70.6–77.3% infectivity at relative humidity ≤23% but only 14.6–22.2% at relative humidity ≥43%. Analysis of the individual aerosol fractions showed a similar loss in infectivity among the fractions. Time interval analysis showed that most of the loss in infectivity within each aerosol fraction occurred 0–15 minutes after coughing. Thereafter, losses in infectivity continued up to 5 hours after coughing, however, the rate of decline at 45% relative humidity was not statistically different than that at 20% regardless of the aerosol fraction analyzed.


At low relative humidity, influenza retains maximal infectivity and inactivation of the virus at higher relative humidity occurs rapidly after coughing. Although virus carried on aerosol particles <4 µM have the potential for remaining suspended in air currents longer and traveling further distances than those on larger particles, their rapid inactivation at high humidity tempers this concern. Maintaining indoor relative humidity >40% will significantly reduce the infectivity of aerosolized virus.  相似文献   

The ability to identify the functional correlates of structural and sequence variation in proteins is a critical capability. We related structures of influenza A N10 and N11 proteins that have no established function to structures of proteins with known function by identifying spatially conserved atoms. We identified atoms with common distributed spatial occupancy in PDB structures of N10 protein, N11 protein, an influenza A neuraminidase, an influenza B neuraminidase, and a bacterial neuraminidase. By superposing these spatially conserved atoms, we aligned the structures and associated molecules. We report spatially and sequence invariant residues in the aligned structures. Spatially invariant residues in the N6 and influenza B neuraminidase active sites were found in previously unidentified spatially equivalent sites in the N10 and N11 proteins. We found the corresponding secondary and tertiary structures of the aligned proteins to be largely identical despite significant sequence divergence. We found structural precedent in known non-neuraminidase structures for residues exhibiting structural and sequence divergence in the aligned structures. In N10 protein, we identified staphylococcal enterotoxin I-like domains. In N11 protein, we identified hepatitis E E2S-like domains, SARS spike protein-like domains, and toxin components shared by alpha-bungarotoxin, staphylococcal enterotoxin I, anthrax lethal factor, clostridium botulinum neurotoxin, and clostridium tetanus toxin. The presence of active site components common to the N6, influenza B, and S. pneumoniae neuraminidases in the N10 and N11 proteins, combined with the absence of apparent neuraminidase function, suggests that the role of neuraminidases in H17N10 and H18N11 emerging influenza A viruses may have changed. The presentation of E2S-like, SARS spike protein-like, or toxin-like domains by the N10 and N11 proteins in these emerging viruses may indicate that H17N10 and H18N11 sialidase-facilitated cell entry has been supplemented or replaced by sialidase-independent receptor binding to an expanded cell population that may include neurons and T-cells.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒NS1蛋白对细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NS1蛋白为流感病毒非结构蛋白,只在病毒侵入宿主细胞后产生.目前NS1蛋白对细胞整体水平上的作用仍不清楚,为了解NS1蛋白在病毒感染细胞中的作用,构建了重组质粒pCMV-myc-NS1并将其转染A549细胞,利用双向电泳技术检测了受NS1蛋白调控的宿主蛋白,以期从蛋白质组水平上研究禽流感病毒与宿主细胞间的相互作用.同时,还检测了转染NS1对细胞增殖和细胞周期的影响.结果显示,NS1在细胞中的表达,能够明显引起宿主细胞代谢的变化,并通过阻滞细胞周期的正常进行而减缓细胞的增殖.  相似文献   

Viruses are quasi-inert macromolecular assemblies. Their metastable conformation changes during entry into cells, when chemical and mechanical host cues expose viral membrane-interacting proteins. This leads to membrane rupture or fusion and genome uncoating. Importantly, virions tune their physical properties and enhance penetration and uncoating. For example, influenza virus softens at low pH to uncoat. The stiffness and pressure of adenovirus control uncoating and membrane penetration. Virus and host mechanics thus present new opportunities for antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

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