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A member of the A disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain with thrombospondin type-1 motifs (ADAMTS-4) protease family can efficiently cleave aggrecan at several sites detected in joints of osteoarthritic patients. Although recent studies have shown that removal of the prodomain of ADAMTS4 is critical for its ability to degrade aggrecan, the cellular mechanisms for its processing and trafficking remain unclear. In this study, by using both furin-specific inhibitor and RNA interference technique, we demonstrate that furin plays an important role in the intracellular removal of ADAMTS4 prodomain. Further, we demonstrate that proADAMTS4 can be processed by means of multiple furin recognition sites: (206)RPRR(209), (209)RAKR(212), or (211)KR(212). The processing of proADAMTS4 was completely blocked by brefeldin A treatment, suggesting that processing occurs in the trans-Golgi network. Indeed, ADAMTS4 is co-localized with furin in trans-Golgi network. Interestingly, the pro form of ADAMTS4, not its mature one, co-precipitates with furin, suggesting that furin physically interacts with the prodomain of ADAMTS-4. In addition, our evidence suggests that a furin-independent pathway may also contribute to the activation of ADAMTS4. These results indicate that the activation mechanism for ADAMTS4 can be targeted for therapeutical intervention against this enzyme.  相似文献   

Human furin is a calcium-dependent serine endoprotease that can efficiently cleave many precursor proteins on the carboxyl side of the consensus cleavage sequence, -Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg-, both in vivo and in vitro. Analysis of furin proteins in extracts of cells infected with a vaccinia recombinant expressing human furin show that the enzyme is present as two prominent forms of 90 and 96 kDa. Because the structurally related bacterial subtilisins require endoproteolytic removal of the NH2-terminal pro-region by an autocatalytic intramolecular cleavage, we speculated that the size heterogeneity in the furin doublet similarly may result from a proteolytic removal of an NH2-terminal pro-region. Here we report identification of the 90-kDa furin NH2 terminus and, based on the reported sequence of the furin cDNA, demonstrate that this furin protein is derived from a larger precursor by an endoproteolytic cleavage on the COOH-terminal side of a consensus furin cleavage site, -Arg-Thr-Lys-Arg107-. Expression of mutant furin molecules containing an altered cleavage site (Arg104----Ala or Arg107----Gly) resulted in the production of only the 96-kDa furin protein. Assays of furin-dependent cleavage of a protein substrate in vitro showed that proteolytic activity was associated with the 90-kDa and not the 96-kDa furin protein, demonstrating that removal of the NH2-terminal pro-region is required for furin activity. Expression of a third furin construct containing a mutation of the active site aspartate (Asp153----Asn) similarly resulted in the expression of only the 96-kDa protein, suggesting that furin activation occurs by an autoproteolytic cleavage. Finally, the production of 90-kDa furin from either site-directed furin mutant could not be potentiated by overexpressing active furin, suggesting that the autoproteolytic activation was an intramolecular event.  相似文献   

Cytosolic degradation of endogenously synthesized proteins by the proteasome and translocation of processed peptides to the endoplasmic reticulum by the transporters associated with antigen presentation constitutes the classical route for antigen presentation by MHC class I proteins. We have previously defined an alternative pathway in the secretory route involving proteolytic maturation of precursor proproteins for chimeric hepatitis B virus secretory core protein HBe containing a class I epitope at its carboxy-terminus. We extend those results by demonstrating that intracellular delivery of the trans -Golgi network protease furin increases both proteolytic maturation and antigen presentation of the chimeric HBe proteins. An additional class I epitope from the HIV envelope gp160 protein was inserted into this COOH-terminal region of two different chimeric HBe proteins. This epitope was also presented to CTL in a transporter-independent manner involving furin, and protein maturation and antigen presentation were also enhanced by furin over-expression. Presentation of this second epitope was restricted by a different class I allele, thus suggesting that antigen presentation by this new pathway may apply to any antigenic epitope and class I molecule. These results define the furin proteolytic maturation pathway of HBe in the secretory route as a general antigen processing route for MHC class I presentation.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced signaling in the absence of furin processing of Notch1   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Notch is a conserved cell surface receptor that is activated through direct contact with neighboring ligand-expressing cells. The primary 300-kDa translation product of the Notch1 gene (p300) is cleaved by a furin-like convertase to generate a heterodimeric, cell-surface receptor composed of 180- (p180) and 120- (p120) kDa polypeptides. Heterodimeric Notch is thought to be the only form of the receptor which is both present on the cell surface and able to generate an intracellular signal in response to ligand. Consistent with previous reports, we found that disruption of furin processing of Notch1, either by coexpression of a furin inhibitor or by mutation of furin target sequences within Notch1 itself, perturbed ligand-dependent signaling through the well-characterized mediator of Notch signal transduction, CSL (CBF1, Su(H), and LAG-1). Yet contrary to these reports, we could detect the full-length p300 Notch1 product on the cell surface. Moreover, this uncleaved form of Notch1 could suppress the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts in response to ligand. Taken together, these data support our previous studies characterizing a CSL-independent Notch signaling pathway and identify this uncleaved isoform of Notch as a potential mediator of this pathway. Our results suggest a novel paradigm in signal transduction, one in which two isoforms of the same cell-surface receptor could mediate two distinct signaling pathways in response to ligand.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family members are synthesized as transmembrane proteins, and cleavage of the membrane-anchored proteins from the cell surface is frequently observed. The TNF-related ligands APRIL and BLyS and their cognate receptors BCMA/TACI form a two ligand/two receptor system that has been shown to participate in B- and T-cell stimulation. In contrast to BLyS, which is known to be cleaved from the cell surface, we found that APRIL is processed intracellularly by furin convertase. Blockage of protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus by Brefeldin A treatment abrogated APRIL processing, whereas monensin, an inhibitor of post-Golgi transport, did not interfere with cleavage of APRIL, but blocked secretion of processed APRIL. Thus, APRIL shows a unique maturation pathway among the TNF ligand family members, as it not detectable as a membrane-anchored protein at the cell surface, but is processed in the Golgi apparatus prior to its secretion.  相似文献   

The proprotein convertase PCSK9 plays a key role in cholesterol homeostasis by binding the LDL receptor and targeting it toward degradation. PCSK9 is strongly expressed in the liver and is found in human and mouse plasma as mature (~ 62 kDa) and inactivated (~ 55 kDa) forms. Ex vivo data showed that human PCSK9 is inactivated by cleavage at Arg(218)↓ by the overexpressed convertases furin and PC5/6A. Analysis of the plasma of human heterozygotes for R218S and F216L mutations revealed a ~ 50% reduction in the levels of the ~ 55-kDa form. To identify the convertase(s) responsible for cleavage at Arg(218) in vivo, we inactivated the genes of furin and/or PC5/6 specifically in hepatocytes. The PCSK9-inactivated form was strongly reduced in mice lacking furin in hepatocytes (Fur-hKO) and only slightly reduced in PC5/6-hKO plasma. In agreement with a key role of furin in regulating PCSK9 activity in vivo, we observed an overall 26% drop in the LDL receptor protein levels of Fur-hKO livers, likely due to the compound effects of a 35% increase in PCSK9 mRNA levels and the loss of PCSK9 cleavage, suggesting a higher activity of PCSK9 in these mice. Overexpression of PCSK9 in primary hepatocytes obtained from these mice revealed that only full-length, membrane-bound, but not soluble, furin is the cognate convertase. We conclude that in hepatocytes furin regulates PCSK9 mRNA levels and is the key in vivo-inactivating protease of circulating PCSK9.  相似文献   

The Semliki Forest virus (SFV) glycoprotein precursor p62 is processed to the E2 and E3 during the transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface. We have studied the regulation of the membrane fusion machinery (Rab/N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-sensitive fusion protein (NSF)/soluble NSF attachment protein (SNAP)-SNAP receptor) in this processing. Activation of the disassembly of this complex with recombinant NSF stimulated the cleavage of p62 in permeabilized cells. Inactivation of NSF with a mutant alpha-SNAP(L294A) or NEM treatment inhibited processing of p62. Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor inhibited the cleavage. Inactivation of NSF blocks the transport of SFV glycoproteins and vesicular stomatitis virus G-glycoprotein from the TGN membranes to the cell surface. The results support the conclusion that inhibition of membrane fusion arrests p62 in the TGN and prevents its processing by furin.  相似文献   

The alpha2-laminin subunit contributes to basement membrane functions in muscle, nerve, and other tissues, and mutations in its gene are causes of congenital muscular dystrophy. The alpha2 G-domain modules, mutated in several of these disorders, are thought to mediate different cellular interactions. To analyze these contributions, we expressed recombinant laminin-2 (alpha(2)beta(1)gamma(1)) with LG4-5, LG1-3, and LG1-5 modular deletions. Wild-type and LG4-5 deleted-laminins were isolated from medium intact and cleaved within LG3 by a furin-like convertase. Myoblasts adhered predominantly through LG1-3 while alpha-dystroglycan bound to both LG1-3 and LG4-5. Recombinant laminin stimulated acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering; however, clustering was induced only by the proteolytic processed form, even in the absence of LG4-5. Furthermore, clustering required alpha(6)beta(1) integrin and alpha-dystroglycan binding activities available on LG1-3, acting in concert with laminin polymerization. The ability of the modified laminins to mediate basement membrane assembly was also evaluated in embryoid bodies where it was found that both LG1-3 and LG4-5, but not processing, were required. In conclusion, there is a division of labor among LG-modules in which (i) LG4-5 is required for basement membrane assembly but not for AChR clustering, and (ii) laminin-induced AChR clustering requires furin cleavage of LG3 as well as alpha-dystroglycan and alpha(6)beta(1) integrin binding.  相似文献   

Correct endoproteolytic maturation of gp160 is essential for the infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. This processing of human immunodeficiency virus-1 envelope protein, gp160, into gp120 and gp41 has been attributed to the activity of the cellular subtilisin-like proprotein convertase furin. The prototypic furin recognition cleavage site is Arg-X-Arg/Lys-Arg. Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg or longer iterations of polyarginine have been shown to be competitive inhibitors of substrate cleavage by furin. Here, we tested polyarginine for inhibition of productive human immunodeficiency virus-1-infection in T-cell lines, primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and macrophages. We found that polyarginine inhibited significantly human immunodeficiency virus-1 replication at concentrations that were benign to cell cultures ex vivo and mice in vivo. Using a fluorogenic assay, we demonstrated that polyarginine potently inhibited substrate-specific proteolytic cleavage by furin. Moreover, we verified that authentic processing of human immunodeficiency virus-1 gp160 synthesized in human cells from an infectious human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) molecular clone was effectively blocked by polyarginine. Taken together, our data support that inhibitors of proteolytic processing of gp160 may be useful for combating human immunodeficiency virus-1 and that polyarginine represents a lead example of such inhibitors.  相似文献   

The hepatic carbohydrate-recognizing asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGR1) mediates the endocytosis/lysosomal degradation of desialylated glycoproteins following binding to terminal galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine. Human heterozygote carriers of ASGR1 deletions exhibit ∼34% lower risk of coronary artery disease and ∼10% to 14% reduction of non-HDL cholesterol. Since the proprotein convertase PCSK9 is a major degrader of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), we investigated the degradation and functionality of LDLR and/or PCSK9 by endogenous/overexpressed ASGR1 using Western blot and immunofluorescence in HepG2-naïve and HepG2-PCSK9-knockout cells. ASGR1, like PCSK9, targets LDLR, and both independently interact with/enhance the degradation of the receptor. This lack of cooperativity between PCSK9 and ASGR1 was confirmed in livers of wildtype (WT) and Pcsk9−/− mice. ASGR1 knockdown in HepG2-naïve cells significantly increased total (∼1.2-fold) and cell-surface (∼4-fold) LDLR protein. In HepG2-PCSK9-knockout cells, ASGR1 silencing led to ∼2-fold higher levels of LDLR protein and DiI (1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate)-LDL uptake associated with ∼9-fold increased cell-surface LDLR. Overexpression of WT-ASGR1/2 primarily reduced levels of immature non-O-glycosylated LDLR (∼110 kDa), whereas the triple Ala-mutant of Gln240/Trp244/Glu253 (characterized by loss of carbohydrate binding) reduced expression of the mature form of LDLR (∼150 kDa), suggesting that ASGR1 binds the LDLR in both a sugar-dependent and -independent fashion. The protease furin cleaves ASGR1 at the RKMK103↓ motif into a secreted form, likely resulting in a loss of function on LDLR. Altogether, we demonstrate that LDLR is the first example of a liver-receptor ligand of ASGR1. We conclude that silencing of ASGR1 and PCSK9 may lead to higher LDL uptake by hepatocytes, thereby providing a novel approach to further reduce LDL cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, many essential secreted proteins and peptide hormones are excised from larger precursors by members of a class of calcium-dependent endoproteinases, the prohormone-proprotein convertases (PCs). Furin, the best-characterized member of the mammalian PC family, has essential functions in embryogenesis and homeostasis but is also implicated in various pathologies such as tumor metastasis, neurodegeneration and various bacterial and viral diseases caused by such pathogens as anthrax and pathogenic Ebola virus strains. Furin cleaves protein precursors with narrow specificity following basic Arg-Xaa-Lys/Arg-Arg-like motifs. The 2.6 A crystal structure of the decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone (dec-RVKR-cmk)-inhibited mouse furin ectodomain, the first PC structure, reveals an eight-stranded jelly-roll P domain associated with the catalytic domain. Contoured surface loops shape the active site by cleft, thus explaining furin's stringent requirement for arginine at P1 and P4, and lysine at P2 sites by highly charge-complementary pockets. The structure also explains furin's preference for basic residues at P3, P5 and P6 sites. This structure will aid in the rational design of antiviral and antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

A disintegrin-like and metalloprotease domain with thrombospondin type 1 motifs 9 (ADAMTS9) is a highly conserved metalloprotease that has been identified as a tumor suppressor gene and is required for normal mouse development. The secreted ADAMTS9 zymogen undergoes proteolytic excision of its N-terminal propeptide by the proprotein convertase furin. However, in contrast to other metalloproteases, propeptide excision occurs at the cell surface and leads to decreased activity of the zymogen. Here, we investigated the potential cellular mechanisms regulating ADAMTS9 biosynthesis and cell-surface processing by analysis of molecular complexes formed by a construct containing the propeptide and catalytic domain of pro-ADAMTS9 (Pro-Cat) in HEK293F cells. Cross-linking of cellular proteins bound to Pro-Cat followed by mass spectrometric analysis identified UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase I, heat shock protein gp96 (GRP94), BiP (GRP78), and ERdj3 (Hsp40 homolog) as associated proteins. gp96 and BiP were present at the cell surface in an immunoprecipitable complex with pro-ADAMTS9 and furin. Treatment with geldanamycin, an inhibitor of the HSP90α family (including gp96), led to decreased furin processing of pro-ADAMTS9 and accumulation of the unprocessed pro-ADAMTS9 at the cell surface. gp96 siRNA down-regulated the levels of cell-surface pro-ADAMTS9 and furin, whereas the levels of cell-surface pro-ADAMTS9, but not of cell-surface furin, were decreased upon treatment with BiP siRNA. These data identify for the first time the cellular chaperones associated with secretion of an ADAMTS protease and suggest a role for gp96 in modulating pro-ADAMTS9 processing.  相似文献   

The metalloprotease 9 (MMP-9), a known mediator of tumour invasion, is secreted as a 92kDa pro-form but a non-secreted variant of 85 Kda has been described. The importance of this variant pro-form in tumour progression remains poorly defined. We previously showed that the DNA repair protein Ku interacts at the cell surface of leukaemia cell lines with the 85 Kda pro-form of MMP-9 and these Ku/MMP-9 complexes regulates cell invasion, highlighting their importance in haematological malignancies. We demonstrate here that all samples of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) blasts purified from bone marrow of 16 affected patients express the 85 Kda form of MMP-9. However, only AML that display monocytic lineage markers (AML4/5) express this form at the cell surface with co-expression of the membrane associated form of Ku. Blocking antibodies directed against Ku or MMP-9 specifically inhibited cell invasion of those expressing Ku/MMP-9 on the cell surface. The membrane form of Ku might represent an important factor in the exposition to the cell surface of this specific MMP-9 pro-form in AML with monocytic features. These results might have important functional significance in the occurrence of extra-medullar infiltrates of leukaemia cells that occurs frequently during the onset of monocyte-related AML sub-types.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activation of tick-borne encephalitis virus by furin.   总被引:19,自引:15,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Flaviviruses are assembled intracellularly in an immature form containing heterodimers of two envelope proteins, E and prM. Shortly before the virion exits the cell, prM is cleaved by a cellular enzyme, and this processing step can be blocked by treatment with agents that raise the pH of exocytic compartments. We carried out in vivo and in vitro studies with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus to investigate the possible role of furin in this process as well as the functional consequences of prM cleavage. We found that prM in immature virions can be correctly cleaved in vitro by recombinant bovine furin but that efficient cleavage occurs only after exposure of the virion to mildly acidic pH. The data suggest that exposure to an acidic environment induces an irreversible structural change that renders the cleavage site accessible to the enzyme. Cleavage by furin in vitro resulted in biological activation, as shown by a 100-fold increase in specific infectivity, the acquisition of membrane fusion and hemagglutination activity, and the ability of the envelope proteins to undergo low-pH-induced structural rearrangements characteristic of mature virions. In vivo, prM cleavage was blocked by a furin inhibitor, and infection of the furin-deficient cell line LoVo yielded only immature virions, suggesting that furin is essential for cleavage activation of flaviviruses.  相似文献   

Polyarginine-containing peptides represent potent inhibitors of furin, a mammalian endoprotease that plays an important role in metabolism, activation of pathogenic toxins, and viral proliferation. The therapeutic use of D-polyarginines is especially interesting because they are not cleaved by furin and possess inhibitory potency almost equal to L-polyarginines. In this study we attempted to determine the important elements within polyarginines that contribute to effective inhibition. Structure-function analyses of polyarginine peptides showed that inhibition by polyarginine-containing peptides appeared to depend on the total number of basic charges of the positively charged inhibitors bound to the negatively charged substrate binding pocket; peptide positioning did not appear to be rigorously determined. Screening of L- and D-decapeptide positional scanning combinatorial peptide libraries indicated a preference for basic residues in nearly all positions, similar to previous results with hexapeptide libraries. Length and terminal modification studies showed that the most potent D-polyarginine tested was nona-D-arginine (D9R) amide with a K(i) of 1.3 nm. D9R amide was shown to protect RAW264.7 cells against anthrax toxemia with an IC(50) of 3.7 microm. Because of its high stability, specificity, low toxicity, small molecular weight, and extremely low K(i) against furin, D9R amide or its derivatives may represent promising compounds for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) has previously been shown to release its extracellular domain into the medium. The identification of the responsible proteinase(s), termed secretase(s), is a high priority in ongoing Alzheimer research. This is hampered by the unusual characteristics of these enzyme(s) and by the fact that they cleave only membrane associated APP. We report here, using a vaccinia virus based expression system, that pig kidney PK(15) cells express full-length, membrane bound APP695, but that secretion of APP is low. This heterologous expression system allows to assay candidate secretases in a cellular context by simple co-transfection of the APP and candidate secretase cDNA containing plasmids. Eight different members of the mouse and human furin family of proprotein processing enzymes were tested in this assay, but none of them enhanced the secretion of APP. Secretion of von Willebrand's factor was used as a positive control.  相似文献   

Komiyama T  Fuller RS 《Biochemistry》2000,39(49):15156-15165
We engineered eglin c, a potent subtilisin inhibitor, to create inhibitors for enzymes of the Kex2/furin family of proprotein processing proteases. A structural gene was synthesized that encoded "R(1)-eglin", having Arg at P(1) in the reactive site loop in place of Leu(45). Ten additional variants were created by cassette mutagenesis of R(1)-eglin. These polypeptides were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and their interactions with secreted, soluble Kex2 and furin were examined. R(1)-eglin itself was a modest inhibitor of Kex2, with a K(a) of approximately 10(7) M(-)(1). Substituting Arg (in R(4)R(1)-eglin) or Met (in M(4)R(1)-eglin) for Pro(42) at P(4) created potent Kex2 inhibitors exhibiting K(a) values of approximately 10(9) M(-)(1). R(4)R(1)-eglin inhibited furin with a K(a) of 4.0 x 10(8) M(-)(1). Introduction of Lys at P(1), in place of Arg in R(4)R(1)-eglin reduced affinity only approximately 3-fold for Kex2 but 15-fold for furin. The stabilities of enzyme-inhibitor complexes were characterized by association and dissociation rate constants and visualized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. R(4)R(1)-eglin formed stable 1:1 complexes with both Kex2 and furin. However, substitution of Lys at P(2) in place of Thr(44) resulted in eglin variants that inhibited both Kex2 and furin but which were eventually cleaved (temporary inhibition). Surprisingly, R(6)R(4)R(1)-eglin, in which Arg was substituted for Gly(40) in R(4)R(1)-eglin, exhibited stable, high-affinity complex formation with Kex2 (K(a) of 3.5 x 10(9) M(-)(1)) but temporary inhibition of furin. This suggests that enzyme-specific interactions can alter the conformation of the reactive site loop, converting a permanent inhibitor into a substrate. Eglin variants offer possible avenues for affinity purification, crystallization, and regulation of proprotein processing proteases.  相似文献   

The Hepatitis B virus P22 protein is a nonstructural protein that is the precursor of the 17-kDa secreted e antigen (HBeAg). The mature HBeAg is obtained after the removal of the C-terminal region of P22, a process which involves a proprotein convertase. Our studies show first that the protease could cleave P22 at the C-terminal side of Arg(167) or Arg(154) and second, that the maturation process can be either done in one step or in two steps with the generation of a processing intermediate (P20). Our data also demonstrate that the removal of the P22 C terminus, which occurs mainly in the trans-Golgi network, can also be achieved after exocytosis. Keeping in mind this characteristic and the amino acid sequence of the cleavage sites, we concluded that furin is involved in the maturation of the HBeAg. In addition, we show that in our experimental system, the HBeAg is a 164-amino acid protein and not a 159-amino acid protein as previously reported.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanism of intra-mitochondrial death initiator caspase-9 activation by a redox response, in which hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) caused a subtle decrease in the inner membrane potential (Deltapsim) with little evidence of cytochrome c release. Initiation of the intra-mitochondrial autocleavage of procaspase-9 preceded the onset of caspase cascade induction in the cytosol. Purified mitochondria demonstrated procaspase-9 processing and releasing abilities when exposed to H(2)O(2). Bcl-2 overexpression caused accumulation of the active form caspase-9 in the mitochondria, rendering the cells resistant to the redox stress. Intriguingly, disulfide-bonded dimers of autoprocessed caspase-9 were generated in the mitochondria in the pre-apoptotic phase. Using a substrate-analog inhibitor, dimer formation of procaspase-9 was also detectable inside the mitochondria. Furthermore, thiol reductant thioredoxin blocked the caspase-9 activation step and the cell death induction. Thus, redox stress-responsive thiol-disulfide converting reactions in the mitochondrion seemed to mediate procaspase-9 assembly that allows autoprocessing. This study offers an explanation for the recent observation that Apaf-1-null cells can execute apoptosis, which can be blocked by Bcl-2, and supports the proposition that the cytochrome c-Apaf-1-procaspase-9 complex functions in the caspase amplification rather than in its initiation.  相似文献   

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