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Circadian (approximately 24-hr) rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster depend upon cyclic expression of the period (per) and timeless (tim) genes, which encode interacting components of the endogenous clock. The per gene has been isolated from other insects and, more recently, a per ortholog was found in mammals where its expression oscillates in a circadian fashion. We report here the complete sequence of a tim gene from another species, Drosophila virilis. TIM is better conserved than the PER protein is between these two species (76 vs. 54% overall amino acid identity), and putative functional domains, such as the PER interaction domains and the nuclear localization signal, are highly conserved. The acidic domain and the cytoplasmic localization domain, however, are within the least conserved regions. In addition, the initiating methionine in the D. virilis gene lies downstream of the proposed translation start for the original D. melanogaster tim cDNA and corresponds to the one used by D. simulans and D. yakuba. Among the most conserved parts of TIM is a region of unknown function near the N terminus. We show here that deletion of a 32 amino acid segment within this region affects rescue of rhythms in arrhythmic tim01 flies. Flies carrying a full-length tim transgene displayed rhythms with approximately 24-hr periods, indicating that a fully functional clock can be restored in tim01 flies through expression of a tim transgene. Deletion of the segment mentioned above resulted in very long activity rhythms with periods ranging from 30.5 to 48 hr.  相似文献   

A recent study in C. elegans reveals an unanticipated link between sister chromatid cohesion and the TIM-1 protein, a homolog of the Drosophila circadian rhythm protein TIMELESS. The phenotypes of tim-1 mutants suggest that cohesin subunits load onto chromosomes in a stepwise manner. Whether TIM-1 is also involved in circadian rhythms is discussed.  相似文献   

Circadian clock function depends on the tightly regulated exclusion or presence of clock proteins within the nucleus. A newly induced long-period timeless mutant, tim(blind), encodes a constitutively hypophosphorylated TIM protein. The mutant protein is not properly degraded by light, and tim(blind) flies show abnormal behavioral responses to light pulses. This is probably caused by impaired nuclear accumulation of TIM(BLIND) protein, which we observed in brain pacemaker neurons and photoreceptor cells of the compound eye. tim(blind) encodes two closely spaced amino acid changes compared to the wild-type TIM protein; one of them is within a putative nuclear export signal of TIM. Under constant conditions, tim(blind) flies exhibit 26-hr free-running locomotor rhythms, which are not correlated with a period lengthening of eclosion rhythms and period-luciferase reporter-gene oscillations. Therefore it seems possible that TIM--in addition to its well-established role as core clock factor--functions as a clock output factor, involved in determining the period length of adult locomotor rhythms.  相似文献   

Molecular approaches for studying biological rhythms in insects have been well investigated in the model Drosophila melanogaster, in which a number of genes have been characterized in terms of sequence, expression, protein interactions and involvement in the control of locomotor activity and eclosion rhythms. However, only scattered information is available for insect vectors of diseases. In this paper, we report the cloning and expression analysis of the clock gene timeless in the mosquito Aedes aegypti, vector of Dengue and Yellow Fever viruses. In Drosophila, timeless has a crucial role in the control of the central pacemaker and the resetting mechanism that allows the clock to synchronize with the environment light-dark cycles. Comparison of the predicted protein sequence encoded by timeless in Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster demonstrated high similarity in some important domains, suggesting functional conservation. Analysis of the daily expression of timeless in Ae. aegypti shows a peak in mRNA abundance around the light-dark transition.  相似文献   

In all living organisms, behavior, metabolism and physiology are under the regulation of a circadian clock. The molecular machinery of this clock has been conserved throughout the animal kingdom. Besides regulating the circadian timing of a variety of processes through a central oscillating mechanism in the brain, these circadian clock genes were found to have a function in peripheral tissues in different insects. Here, we provide evidence that the circadian clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim) have a role in the male locust reproduction. A knockdown of either of the two genes has no effect on male sexual maturation or behavior, but progeny output in their untreated female copulation partners is affected. Indeed, the fertilization rates of the eggs are lower for females with a per or tim RNAi copulation partner as compared to the eggs deposited by females that mated with a control male. As the sperm content of the seminal vesicles is higher in per or tim knockdown males, we suggest that this phenotype could be caused by a disturbance of the circadian regulated sperm transfer in the male reproductive organs, or an insufficient maturation of the sperm after release from the testes.  相似文献   

A small interfering double stranded RNA molecule (siRNA, 21 bp) corresponding to a portion (nucleotides 337 to 357) of domain 3 of the human dUTPase was synthesized and used to determine whether it could down‐regulate dUTPase activity in human cells. Transfection of the siRNA into HeLa and HT29 cells resulted in a 56 ± 3.6% decrease in dUTPase activity, while transfection of SW620 cells resulted in a 27 ± 6% decrease in dUTPase activity when compared to non‐treated controls.  相似文献   

B Kloss  A Rothenfluh  M W Young  L Saez 《Neuron》2001,30(3):699-706
The clock gene double-time (dbt) encodes an ortholog of casein kinase Iepsilon that promotes phosphorylation and turnover of the PERIOD protein. Whereas the period (per), timeless (tim), and dClock (dClk) genes of Drosophila each contribute cycling mRNA and protein to a circadian clock, dbt RNA and DBT protein are constitutively expressed. Robust circadian changes in DBT subcellular localization are nevertheless observed in clock-containing cells of the fly head. These localization rhythms accompany formation of protein complexes that include PER, TIM, and DBT, and reflect periodic redistribution between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nuclear phosphorylation of PER is strongly enhanced when TIM is removed from PER/TIM/DBT complexes. The varying associations of PER, DBT and TIM appear to determine the onset and duration of nuclear PER function within the Drosophila clock.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have recently emerged as key players in many physiologic and pathologic processes. Although many lncRNAs have been identified, few lncRNAs have been characterized functionally in aging. In this study, we used human fibroblast cells to investigate genome-wide lncRNA expression during cellular senescence. We identified 968 down-regulated lncRNAs and 899 up-regulated lncRNAs in senescent cells compared with young cells. Among these lncRNAs, we characterized a senescence-associated lncRNA (SALNR), whose expression was reduced during cellular senescence and in premalignant colon adenomas. Overexpression of SALNR delayed cellular senescence in fibroblast cells. Furthermore, we found that SALNR interacts with NF90 (nuclear factor of activated T-cells, 90 kDa), an RNA-binding protein suppressing miRNA biogenesis. We demonstrated that NF90 is a SALNR downstream target, whose inhibition led to premature senescence and enhanced expressions of senescence-associated miRNAs. Moreover, our data showed that Ras-induced stress promotes NF90 nucleolus translocation and suppresses its ability to suppress senescence-associated miRNA biogenesis, which could be rescued by SALNR overexpression. These data suggest that lncRNA SALNR modulates cellular senescence at least partly through changing NF90 activity.  相似文献   

Bhandari D  Guha K  Bhaduri N  Saha P 《FEBS letters》2011,585(5):809-813
In trypanosomatid parasites, an octanucleotide sequence (C/A)AUAGAA(G/A) in the UTRs primarily determines the stability of S-phase specific mRNAs. A multi-domain protein LdCSBP from Leishmania donovani interacts with the UTR of an S-phase RNA containing the octanucleotide sequence through its unique CCCH-type Zn-finger motifs. Interestingly, the RNA binding protein contains a previously characterized DNA endonuclease domain - Smr. It has been demonstrated here that the LdCSBP Smr domain independently possesses both DNA and RNA endonuclease activities, but the full-length LdCSBP exhibits only riboendonuclease activity. Moreover, LdCSBP protein has been shown to be ubiquitinated, resulting in the down-regulation of its riboendonuclease activity. In conclusion, the results described here suggest a novel regulatory mechanism of mRNA degradation through ubiquitination in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and have to use the host cell machinery for their replication. Many viruses are able to divert different parts of this machinery to preferentially enhance virus replication at the expense of the cell. The mechanisms by which different viruses do this have, over the years, given us great insight into many cellular processes. Although we still know relatively little about how RNA is exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and how this process is regulated, retroviruses have already emerged as one of the most important model systems for these studies. This review will attempt to summarize what we have learnt from these viruses to date and what we hope to achieve in the near future.  相似文献   

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