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一种室内饲养麦蚜的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁艳辉  高希武 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):289-290,F0004
介绍利用水培麦苗大量饲养麦蚜的技术。在不补充营养液的条件下麦苗可以维持10~15d,一般在饲养条件下可以1周换1次麦苗。小麦种子在经过24h浸种后,平铺在底部垫有滤纸的直径9cm的培养皿中,在25℃,4d后就可以接种麦蚜。适宜的试样条件为温度在18~25℃,相对湿度50%~70%,光周期为17hr∶7hr,饲养1代大约需要5~9d时间,每皿可养麦蚜500头以上。经过40代以上的连续饲养,蚜虫体重和每蚜产幼蚜数量没有明显降低趋势。  相似文献   

小麦各生育期的两种麦蚜种群动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高、中氮肥条件下二叉蚜的种群曲线为"J"形和"S"形、其数学模型依次为y=35.7446e~0.1072x和y=;高、中氮肥条件下长管蚜的种群曲线均为"凸"形,5月3日即灌浆期前的种群数学模型依次为y=16.6515e~0.199x和=18.752e~0.201x,5月3日后种群数学模型依次为y=1156432e~-0.1977x和y=6545903ee~-0.2233x其结果可为两种麦蚜的预测预报提供科学依据。  相似文献   

应用二次回归旋转组合设计方法研究了七星瓢虫成虫、幼虫与两种麦蚜共存系统中瓢虫对麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜的捕食量模型.结果表明七星瓢虫对两种麦蚜的捕食量随着瓢虫密度的增加而减少,随着该种麦蚜密度的增加而增加,且七星瓢虫无选择性.七星瓢虫不同个体间的干扰作用对其捕食麦长管蚜数量有显著影响,两种麦蚜数交互作用对七星瓢虫捕食禾谷缢管蚜数量影响显著.该模型可用来预测田间蚜虫的变化,指导麦田蚜虫防治.  相似文献   

三种稻飞虱在恒定高温胁迫下的生态表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对揭飞虱、白背飞虱、灰飞虱等3种稻飞虱的不同虫态在38℃恒温下,暴露不同时间后的生存率进行了研究。结果表明,随高温处理时间的延长.卵孵化率明显下降,卵历期延长。褐飞虱、白背飞虱卵在38℃恒温下暴露12h后.卵孵化率比对照分别低34%和45%;暴露24h后,两种稻飞虱的卵孵化率均比对照低25%;致死中时值LT50分别为11h和10h。3种稻飞虱8日龄若虫及羽化后3天的雌雄成虫的生存率,随处理时间的延长而呈显著下降趋势,褐飞虱、自背飞虱和灰飞虱若虫的致死中时值LT50依次为15.6h、17.8h和25.9h,长翅型雌成虫依次为34.7h、17.1h和43.2h.长翅型雄成虫依次为28.9h、23.2h和54.5h。另外,高温处理过的若虫,其羽化出成虫的体重明显下降,在高温下暴露30h后,白背飞虱长趣型雌成虫的体重比对照低32%,褐飞虱短翅型雌成虫低50%;高温处理后存活的白背飞虱雌成虫产出的卵块较小,总产卵量也明显下降。  相似文献   

三种濒危木兰植物幼树光合特性对高温的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李芸瑛  窦新永  彭长连 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3789-3797
以3种木兰科濒危植物香木莲、大叶木莲及大果木莲为试材,利用LI-6400便携式光合作用测量系统、叶圆片氧电极仪及叶绿素荧光仪,在夏季对其气体交换特性及叶绿素荧光参数等进行了测定.结果表明,3种木兰幼树叶片净光合速率(Pn)的日变化曲线呈双峰型,第1个峰出现在08:00,第2个峰出现在14:00~16:00,12:00有明显的光合"午休"现象.3种木兰植物的最大净光合速率(Pmax)为5.2~7.4μmolm-2s-1 ,光补偿点(LCP)为14~17 μmolm-2s-1 ,光饱和光强(LSP)为500~800μmolm-2s-1,大叶木莲的Pmax、LSP和表观量子产额(AQY)显著高于香木莲和大果木莲.随着温度升高,3种木兰植物光合放氧速率先升后降,最适温度为35℃,香木莲的放氧速率显著低于大叶木莲和大果木莲.短期高温胁迫下(45~50℃)3种木兰植物的PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)均明显降低,初始荧光(F0)升高,大叶木莲的Fv/Fm降幅和F0的升幅均显著低于香木莲和大果木莲.3种木兰植物的光合速率和耐高温能力的顺序为大叶木莲>大果木莲>香木莲.  相似文献   

用高温强度-高温作用时间模拟模型分析35℃-40℃高温对褐飞虱,白背飞虱,灰飞虱等3种稻飞虱高龄若虫生存的影响,发现该模型拟合效果良好,并比常用的Probit和Logit分析方法获得更多的信息。在本次试验所函含的时间和温度范围内,模拟的3种稻飞虱高龄若虫的死亡概率为一曲面,其总的走势十分相似。但总体上看,以灰飞虱较耐高温。在40℃下,褐飞虱,白背飞虱,灰飞虱的LT50值依次为23h,22.5h和25h,37.5℃下依次为62h,63h和81h。  相似文献   

两种温度条件下四种鱼类临界游泳速度的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)、瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)4种暖水性鱼类为研究对象,分别在(28±1)℃和(10±1)℃条件下测定它们的临界游泳速度,采用SPSS17.0统计软件进行数据的分析比较。体长相近的鱼类之间比较,鳜的绝对临界游泳速度和相对临界游泳速度均显著性低于鳙(P0.01),瓦氏黄颡鱼的绝对临界游泳速度和相对临界游泳速度均显著性低于鲫(P0.01)。通过比较两种温度条件下同种鱼的临界游泳速度,结果发现4种鱼在这两种温度条件下的临界游泳速度均有极显著性差异(P0.01),在(28±1)℃条件下4种鱼的临界游泳速度极显著性高于(10±1)℃条件下它们的临界游泳速度。  相似文献   

连续低高温对两种蚜虫不利影响在代别之间的累加效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘树生 《昆虫学报》1994,37(4):501-503

本文研究了升高环境温度对小粉虫(Alphitobiusdiaperinus,鞘翅目拟步行虫总科)末龄幼虫、蛹以及成虫的失水和热敏性(临界热极值,Criticalthermalmaximum,CTmax)的影响。小粉虫成虫和蛹的CTmax值显著低于末龄幼虫(末龄幼虫:CTmax=48.5±0.5℃;蛹:CTmax=48.0±0.9℃;成虫:CTmax=47.8±1.1℃)。此外,成虫的适应性对其CTmax没有显著的影响。在20至60℃连续记录失水值中,三个龄期之间存在显著差异。随着超过临界点温度(约为40℃)的快速升高,末龄幼虫与成虫的失水程度相近。蛹具有明显低的失水速率,即使在温度高于40℃的情况下。当温度升高10℃时(25-35℃),会造成小粉虫蛹和成虫失水增加2.0倍和2.6倍,分别为:Q10=2.05±0.70和2.49±1.31,而幼虫则为3.52±1.27。当高于35-45℃时,幼虫和成虫失水增加甚快(Q10=6.85±1.90和8.51±2.32)。而蛹在高于35-45℃时失水也增加(Q10=3.76±1.83),但低于幼虫和成虫。小粉虫的蛹处于静止和不取食状态,代谢速率较低,其具有特殊结构的气孔能较好地保持关闭状态,且蛹的表皮由脂肪和蛋白质组成,以上诸因素可解释其失水减少的原因  相似文献   

The consumption rates of nine species of Carabidae and five species of Staphylinidae which feed on the aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) were studied under conditions of surplus food in the laboratory. The mean daily consumption of aphids was between 2.5% and 45.6% of the predator species' mean body weight; the lowest values were for large Carabidae and the highest for small Staphylinidae. Separate significant positive relationships were found between the mean total weight of aphids consumed per day, and the mean weight of the adult of the carabid and staphylinid species at each temperature. A re-evaluation of published data also showed this. The slopes of the regression lines were steeper for the Staphylinidae than for the Carabidae and possible reasons are given. The regression equations could be used in simulation models to determine the maximum possible effects of these beetles on aphid populations.
Résumé La consommation de Sitobion avenae F. par 9 espèces de Carabidae et de 5 de Staphylinidae a été examinée au laboratoire en condition de surapprovisionnement. Les expériences ont été répétées dans 4 conditions de températures variables caractérisées par des moyennes de 12°3, 16°6, 20°6 et 23°6. Les poids moyens de pucerons consommés variaient entre 2,5% et 45,6% du poids des prédateurs; les valeurs les plus faibles correspondant aux gros carabes et les plus élévées aux petits staphylins.Les différences entre sexes étaient vraisemblablement dues au dimorphisme pondéral. Une relation significative et positive entre le poids moyen de pucerons consommés et le poids moyen du coléoptère a été mise en évidence tant pour les carabes que les staphylins à toutes les températures (Fig. 1, Tableau 2). Cette relation ressort aussi d'une réévaluation des données publiées. L'utilisation de formules de régression dans des modèles de simulation permettra de prédire les effets des carabes et des staphylins sur les populations de pucerons dans ces conditions optimales.

Genetic diversity of populations has important ecological and evolutionary consequences, whose understanding is fundamental to improve the sustainability of agricultural production. Studies of how differences in agricultural management and environment influence the population structure of insect pests are central to predict outbreaks and optimize control programs. Here, we have studied the population genetic diversity and evolution of Sitobion avenae and Sitobion miscanthi, which are among the most relevant aphid pests of cereals across Europe and Asia, respectively. We have used genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to identify genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to infer the geographic structure and migration patterns. In the present study, we show that the population structure in present‐day populations is different from that described in previous studies, which suggest that they have evolved recently possibly as a response to human‐induced changes in agriculture. This study shows that S. avenae in England is predominantly parthenogenetic and there has been a demographic and spatial expansion of a single genetic cluster, which could correspond with the insecticide resistance superclone identified in previous studies. Conversely, in China, S. miscanthi populations are mostly cyclical parthenogenetic, with one sexual stage in autumn to produce overwintering eggs, and there are six genetically differentiated subpopulations and high genetic differentiation between geographic locations, which suggests that further taxonomical research is needed. Unlike S. avenae in England, there is no evidence for insecticide resistance and there is no predominance of a single lineage in S. miscanthi in China.  相似文献   

A total number of 1092 migratory alates were trapped from air in wheat grown area of Yuanyang County, Henan Province from early April through May 2002 in order to confirm the source and dissemination of entomophthoralean inocula to cause epizootics of cereal aphids. Those included 415 Sitobion avenae, 642 Rhopalosiphum padi, 22 Metopolophium dirhodum, and 13 Schizaphis graminum. The trapped alates were daily collected and individually reared for 7 days on wheat plants in laboratory. Of those 341 alates died of fungal infection, taking 31.2% in the trapped alates. These included 224 S. avenae, 106 R. padi, 8 M. dirhodum, and 3 S. graminum. Deaths of all infected alates occurred during the first 5 days and 78.9% of the deaths occurred within the first 3 days. Individual examination under microscope proved that all deaths were attributed to entomophthoralean fungi. Of those Pandora neoaphidis accounted for 84.6%, Conidiobolus obscurus for 9.9%, and Entomophthora planchoniana for 5.5%. Four alate deaths died of cross infection of P. neoaphidis and C. conidiobolus. Based on the high infection rate of the migratory alates trapped from air and the field occurrence of epizootics in populations of cereal aphids during the trapping period, Entomophthorales-caused epizootics were likely disseminated by infected alates through their flight and colonization. This makes it reasonable to interpret worldwide distribution of aphid epizootics, particularly caused by P. neoaphidis that has no resting spores discovered.  相似文献   

A total number of 1092 migratory alates were trapped from air in wheat grown area of Yuanyang County, Henan Province from early April through May 2002 in order to confirm the source and dissemination of entomophthoralean inocula to cause epizootics of cereal aphids. Those included 415 Sitobion avenae, 642 Rhopalosiphum padi, 22 Metopolophium dirhodum, and 13 Schizaphis graminum. The trapped alates were daily collected and individually reared for 7 days on wheat plants in laboratory. Of those 341 alates died of fungal infection, taking 31.2% in the trapped alates. These included 224 S. avenae, 106 R. padi, 8 M. dirhodum, and 3 S. graminum. Deaths of all infected alates occurred during the first 5 days and 78.9% of the deaths occurred within the first 3 days. Individual examination under microscope proved that all deaths were attributed to entomophthoralean fungi. Of those Pandora neoaphidis accounted for 84.6%, Conidiobolus obscurus for 9.9%, and Entomophthora planchoniana for 5.5%. Four alate deaths die  相似文献   

The migration of cereal aphids and the time of their arrival on winter cereal crops in autumn and spring are of particular importance for plant disease (e.g. barley yellow dwarf virus infection) and related yield losses. In order to identify days with migration potentials in autumn and spring, suction trap data from 29 and 45 case studies (locations and years), respectively, were set‐off against meteorological parameters, focusing on the early immigration periods in autumn (22 September to 1 November) and spring (1 May to 9 June). The number of cereal aphids caught in a suction trap increased with increasing temperature, global radiation and duration of sunshine and decreased with increasing precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed. According to linear regression analyses, the temperature, global radiation and wind speed were most frequently and significantly associated with migration, suggesting that they have a major impact on flight activity. For subsequent model development, suction trap catches from different case studies were pooled and binarily classified as days with or without migration as defined by a certain number of migrating cereal aphids. Linear discriminant analyses of several predictor variables (assessed during light hours of a given day) were then performed based on the binary response variables. Three models were used to predict days with suction trap catches ≥1, ≥4 or ≥10 migrating cereal aphids in autumn. Due to the predominance of Rhopalosiphum padi individuals (99.3% of total cereal aphid catch), no distinction between species (R. padi and Sitobion avenae) was made in autumn. As the suction trap catches were lower and species dominance changed in spring, three further models were developed for analysis of all cereal aphid species, R. padi only, and Metopolophium dirhodum and S. avenae combined in spring. The empirical, cross‐classification and receiver operating characteristic analyses performed for model validation showed different levels of prediction accuracy. Additional datasets selected at random before model construction and parameterization showed that predictions by the six migration models were 33–81% correct. The models are useful for determining when to start field evaluations. Furthermore, they provide information on the size of the migrating aphid population and, thus, on the importance of immigration for early aphid population development in cereal crops in a given season.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Phenols and amino acids have previously been involved in the resistance of cereals to aphids. In the present study, the mean total concentrations of both compounds were quantitatively estimated from leaf-tissue samples collected at three growth stages (third, fifth and seventh leaf stages) from maize and barley seedlings and then correlated with the mean 7-day fecundity of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Sitobion avenae (F.) (Homoptera, Aphididae) reared separately on the corresponding growth stages of each cereal. Results revealed an inverse correlation between the total concentration of each chemical in aphid-infested maize and barley plants and the fecundity of each aphid on every growth stage of the cereals. Moreover, R. padi led to an increase in total amino acids when reared on maize or barley without affecting the phenol concentration, while S. avenae induced a decrease in phenol levels but did not change the total amino acids on each growth stage of the plants. The significance of these results for understanding potential differences in requirements of cereal aphids for host selection and acceptance are discussed.  相似文献   

Cotesia glomerata L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a parasitoid of early instar larvae of Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Late instars of P. brassicae can more often overcome parasitization by hemocytic encapsulation of C. glomerata eggs. Short-term hemocyte responses to parasitization were examined in third and fourth instar larvae of P. brassicae. Total and differential hemocyte counts did not differ between parasitized and unparasitized host larvae. A rapid, but temporary decrease of total hemocyte as well as plasmatocyte numbers was observed immediately after oviposition. Numbers of hemocytes adhering to tissues were shown to be the same in untreated, wounded and parasitized P. brassicae larvae by tracing hemocytes with monoclonal antibodies as markers. The in vitro spreading ability of hemocytes from unparasitized third and fourth instar larvae was lower than that of the last instar's; parasitization, however, had no influence on hemocyte spreading. We therefore suggest that the higher parasitization success of C. glomerata in earlier instars of P. brassicae is mainly due to the low spreading ability of the hemocytes. Abbreviations: ACS – anticoagulant saline; BSA – bovine serum albumin; DABCO – 1,4-diazabicyclo-[2,2,2]-octane; DHC – differential hemocyte count; FITC – fluorescein isothiocyanate; GR – granular cells; LPS – lipopolysaccharide; mAb – monoclonal antibody; OE – oenocytoids; PL – plasmatocytes; PRO – prohemocytes; PS – Pieris saline; PVP – polyvinylpyrrolidone; TBS – tris-buffered saline; THC – total hemocyte count.  相似文献   

During the mid-1980s, Sitobion avenae became recognised as an important vector of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) in the Vale of York. A field trial at the University of Leeds Farm, North Yorkshire, was carried out during the autumn/winter of 1984-85 to evaluate different control procedures against S. avenae-transmitted BYDV and to investigate its epidemiology. Winter barley was sown on three dates in September, and plots were sprayed with either deltamethrin, demeton-S-methyl or pirimicarb on one of three dates between mid-October and mid-November, making a factorial design. Rhopalosiphum padi, the main vector of BYDV in southern England, were rarely found during the experiment, but the numbers of S. avenae were much higher, reaching a peak of 21% of plants infested in the unsprayed plots of the first sowing date. Single applications of each insecticide reduced populations of S. avenae to zero. Some treatments, particularly in the early sown plots and those treated with pirimicarb, however, did allow some recolonisation, and thus led to increased virus incidence and decreased yields. Sprays applied before the end of the migration of S. avenae were more efficient at controlling BYDV if the insecticide was persistent, otherwise a spray after this period, in November, was more effective. Virus incidence, although reduced by sprays, was generally low in plots sown on 18 and 27 September. In contrast, about 11% of plants were infected in unsprayed plots sown on 6 September and a small yield benefit was obtained with insecticidal treatments. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of plants taken from the plots indicated that MAV- and PAV-like strains were present, and were most likely to have been transmitted by S. avenae.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour of five species of cereal aphids in wheat seedlings differing in hydroxamic acid (Hx) levels, was monitored via electrical penetration graphs (EPG). Aphid species could be grouped as sensitive to the feeding deterrent effect of Hx in the seedlings (Rhopalosiphum padi, Schizaphis graminum, Sitobion avenae, andMetopolophium dirhodum) or insensitive to them (Rhopalosiphum maidis). However, when feeding behaviour was studied in artificial diets containing Hx, all species were equally sensitive to Hx. The behavour ofR. maidis was further compared with that ofR. padi through detailed EPG analysis. It was found that the insensitivity ofR. maidis to Hx in seedlings may be due to a feeding strategy avoiding contact with the compounds by decreasing the number of cellular punctures in live tissues other than sieve elements during its way to the phloem.  相似文献   

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