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One of the simplest population biological models displaying a Hopf bifurcation is the Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with Holling type II response function as essential ingredient. In seasonally forced versions the fixed point on one side of the Hopf bifurcation becomes a limit cycle and the Hopf limit cycle on the other hand becomes a torus, hence the Hopf bifurcation becomes a torus bifurcation, and via torus destruction by further increasing relevant parameters can follow deterministic chaos. We investigate this route to chaos also in view of stochastic versions, since in real world systems only such stochastic processes would be observed.However, the Holling type II response function is not directly related to a transition from one to another population class which would allow a stochastic version straight away. Instead, a time scale separation argument leads from a more complex model to the simple 2 dimensional Rosenzweig–MacArthur model, via additional classes of food handling and predators searching for prey. This extended model allows a stochastic generalization with the stochastic version of a Hopf bifurcation, and ultimately also with additional seasonality allowing a torus bifurcation under stochasticity.Our study shows that the torus destruction into chaos with positive Lyapunov exponents can occur in parameter regions where also the time scale separation and hence stochastic versions of the model are possible. The chaotic motion is observed inside Arnol’d tongues of rational ratio of the forcing frequency and the eigenfrequency of the unforced Hopf limit cycle.Such torus bifurcations and torus destruction into chaos are also observed in other population biological systems, and were for example found in extended multi-strain epidemiological models on dengue fever. To understand such dynamical scenarios better also under noise the present low dimensional system can serve as a good study case.  相似文献   

The work continues a series of studies on the evolution of a natural population of explicitly seasonal organisms. Model analyses have revealed relationships between the duration of ontogenesis and the pattern of temporal dynamics in size of an isolated population (i.e., the structure and dimensionality of the chaotic attractors). For nonlinear models of age-structured population dynamics (under long-lasting ontogenesis), increase in the reproductive potential is shown to result in the chaotic attractors whose structure and dimensionality changes in response to variations in the model parameters. When the ontogenesis becomes longer and more complicated, it does not, "on the average", augment the level of chaos in the attractors observed. There are wide enough regions in the space of the birth and death parameter values that provide for windows in the chaotic dynamics where the total or partial regularization occurs.  相似文献   

Stochastic dynamical systems governed by the chemical master equation find use in the modeling of biological phenomena in cells, where they provide more accurate representations than their deterministic counterparts, particularly when the levels of molecular population are small. The analysis of parametric sensitivity in such systems requires appropriate methods to capture the sensitivity of the system dynamics with respect to variations of the parameters amid the noise from inherent internal stochastic effects. We use spectral polynomial chaos expansions to represent statistics of the system dynamics as polynomial functions of the model parameters. These expansions capture the nonlinear behavior of the system statistics as a result of finite-sized parametric perturbations. We obtain the normalized sensitivity coefficients by taking the derivative of this functional representation with respect to the parameters. We apply this method in two stochastic dynamical systems exhibiting bimodal behavior, including a biologically relevant viral infection model.  相似文献   

Although single-species deterministic difference equations have long been used in modeling the dynamics of animal populations, little attention has been paid to how stochasticity should be incorporated into these models. By deriving stochastic analogues to difference equations from first principles, we show that the form of these models depends on whether noise in the population process is demographic or environmental. When noise is demographic, we argue that variance around the expectation is proportional to the expectation. When noise is environmental the variance depends in a non-trivial way on how variation enters into model parameters, but we argue that if the environment affects the population multiplicatively then variance is proportional to the square of the expectation. We compare various stochastic analogues of the Ricker map model by fitting them, using maximum likelihood estimation, to data generated from an individual-based model and the weevil data of Utida. Our demographic models are significantly better than our environmental models at fitting noise generated by population processes where noise is mainly demographic. However, the traditionally chosen stochastic analogues to deterministic models--additive normally distributed noise and multiplicative lognormally distributed noise--generally fit all data sets well. Thus, the form of the variance does play a role in the fitting of models to ecological time series, but may not be important in practice as first supposed.  相似文献   

The effect of red, white and blue environmental noise on discrete-time population dynamics is analyzed. The coloured noise is superimposed on Moran-Ricker and Maynard Smith dynamics, the resulting power spectra are less than examined. Time series dominated by short- and long-term fluctuations are said to be blue and red, respectively. In the stable range of the Moran-Ricker dynamics, environmental noise of any colour will make population dynamics red or blue depending the intrinsic growth rate. Thus, telling apart the colour of the noise from the colour of the population dynamics may not be possible. Population dynamics subjected to red and blue environmental noises show, respectively, more red or blue power spectra than those subjected to white noise. The sensitivity to differences in the noise colours decreases with increasing complexity and ultimately disappears in the chaotic range of the population dynamics. These findings are duplicated with the Maynard Smith model for high growth rates when the strength of density dependence changes. However, for low growth rates the power spectra of the population dynamics with noise are red in stable, periodic and aperiodic ranges irrespective of the noise colour. Since chaotic population fluctuations may show blue spectra in the deterministic case, this implies that blue deterministic chaos may become red under any colour of the noise.  相似文献   

Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seasonal oscillations in birth rates are ubiquitous in human populations. These oscillations might play an important role in infectious disease dynamics because they induce seasonal variation in the number of susceptible individuals that enter populations. We incorporate seasonality of birth rate into the standard, deterministic susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) and susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) epidemic models and identify parameter regions in which birth seasonality can be expected to have observable epidemiological effects. The SIR and SEIR models yield similar results if the infectious period in the SIR model is compared with the "infected period" (the sum of the latent and infectious periods) in the SEIR model. For extremely transmissible pathogens, large amplitude birth seasonality can induce resonant oscillations in disease incidence, bifurcations to stable multi-year epidemic cycles, and hysteresis. Typical childhood infectious diseases are not sufficiently transmissible for their asymptotic dynamics to be likely to exhibit such behaviour. However, we show that fold and period-doubling bifurcations generically occur within regions of parameter space where transients are phase-locked onto cycles resembling the limit cycles beyond the bifurcations, and that these phase-locking regions extend to arbitrarily small amplitude of seasonality of birth rates. Consequently, significant epidemiological effects of birth seasonality may occur in practice in the form of transient dynamics that are sustained by demographic stochasticity.  相似文献   

Consider an infectious disease which is endemic in a population divided into several large sub-communities that interact. Our aim is to understand how the time to extinction is affected by the level of interaction between communities. We present two approximations of the expected time to extinction in a population consisting of a small number of large sub-communities. These approximations are described for an SIR epidemic model, with focus on diseases with short infectious period in relation to life length, such as childhood diseases. Both approximations are based on Markov jump processes. Simulations indicate that the time to extinction is increasing in the degree of interaction between communities. This behaviour can also be seen in our approximations in relevant regions of the parameter space.  相似文献   

Can noise induce chaos?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important component of the mathematical definition of chaos is sensitivity to initial conditions. Sensitivity to initial conditions is usually measured in a deterministic model by the dominant Lyapunov exponent (LE), with chaos indicated by a positive LE. The sensitivity measure has been extended to stochastic models; however, it is possible for the stochastic Lyapunov exponent (SLE) to be positive when the LE of the underlying deterministic model is negative, and vice versa. This occurs because the LE is a long-term average over the deterministic attractor while the SLE is the long-term average over the stationary probability distribution. The property of sensitivity to initial conditions, uniquely associated with chaotic dynamics in deterministic systems, is widespread in stochastic systems because of time spent near repelling invariant sets (such as unstable equilibria and unstable cycles). Such sensitivity is due to a mechanism fundamentally different from deterministic chaos. Positive SLE's should therefore not be viewed as a hallmark of chaos. We develop examples of ecological population models in which contradictory LE and SLE values lead to confusion about whether or not the population fluctuations are primarily the result of chaotic dynamics. We suggest that "chaos" should retain its deterministic definition in light of the origins and spirit of the topic in ecology. While a stochastic system cannot then strictly be chaotic, chaotic dynamics can be revealed in stochastic systems through the strong influence of underlying deterministic chaotic invariant sets.  相似文献   

Motivated by the papers from Ellner and Turchin 2005 and Dennis et al. 2003 we investigate the possibility to detect chaos in noisy ecological systems. One message of our paper is that if a dynamic model is available and if this model predicts chaotic behaviour, one should consider its discrete-state, noisy version when fitting numerical predictions to observations. We emphasize that deterministic discrete-state models behave periodically, thus only the interaction of these deterministic skeletons with random noise can produce non-regular dynamics. We detect and describe a relatively sharply defined range of the noise (the grey zone) where the gradual transition from periodic to chaotic behaviour happens. This zone, the upper border of which can be predicted analytically, is identified in experimental data as well as in numerical simulations. In the grey zone the global, statistical behaviour will approach the statistics produced by the chaotic, continuous model, and in this sense we claim that noise can produce chaos.  相似文献   

Cooperation driven by mutations in multi-person Prisoner's Dilemma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The n-person Prisoner's Dilemma is a widely used model for populations where individuals interact in groups. The evolutionary stability of populations has been analysed in the literature for the case where mutations in the population may be considered as isolated events. For this case, and assuming simple trigger strategies and many iterations per game, we analyse the rate of convergence to the evolutionarily stable populations. We find that for some values of the payoff parameters of the Prisoner's Dilemma this rate is so low that the assumption, that mutations in the population are infrequent on that time-scale, is unreasonable. Furthermore, the problem is compounded as the group size is increased. In order to address this issue, we derive a deterministic approximation of the evolutionary dynamics with explicit, stochastic mutation processes, valid when the population size is large. We then analyse how the evolutionary dynamics depends on the following factors: mutation rate, group size, the value of the payoff parameters, and the structure of the initial population. In order to carry out the simulations for groups of more than just a few individuals, we derive an efficient way of calculating the fitness values. We find that when the mutation rate per individual and generation is very low, the dynamics is characterized by populations which are evolutionarily stable. As the mutation rate is increased, other fixed points with a higher degree of cooperation become stable. For some values of the payoff parameters, the system is characterized by (apparently) stable limit cycles dominated by cooperative behaviour. The parameter regions corresponding to high degree of cooperation grow in size with the mutation rate, and in number with the group size. For some parameter values, we find more than one stable fixed point, corresponding to different structures of the initial population.  相似文献   

Singh BK  Parham PE  Hu CK 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24200
BACKGROUND: Simple models of insect populations with non-overlapping generations have been instrumental in understanding the mechanisms behind population cycles, including wild (chaotic) fluctuations. The presence of deterministic chaos in natural populations, however, has never been unequivocally accepted. Recently, it has been proposed that the application of chaos control theory can be useful in unravelling the complexity observed in real population data. This approach is based on structural perturbations to simple population models (population skeletons). The mechanism behind such perturbations to control chaotic dynamics thus far is model dependent and constant (in size and direction) through time. In addition, the outcome of such structurally perturbed models is [almost] always equilibrium type, which fails to commensurate with the patterns observed in population data. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present a proportional feedback mechanism that is independent of model formulation and capable of perturbing population skeletons in an evolutionary way, as opposed to requiring constant feedbacks. We observe the same repertoire of patterns, from equilibrium states to non-chaotic aperiodic oscillations to chaotic behaviour, across different population models, in agreement with observations in real population data. Model outputs also indicate the existence of multiple attractors in some parameter regimes and this coexistence is found to depend on initial population densities or the duration of transient dynamics. Our results suggest that such a feedback mechanism may enable a better understanding of the regulatory processes in natural populations.  相似文献   

Noisy, unpredictable sounds are often present in the vocalizations of fearful and stressed animals across many taxa. A variety of structural characteristics, called nonlinear acoustic phenomena, that include subharmonics, rapid frequency modulations, and deterministic chaos are responsible for the harsh sound quality of these vocalizations. Exposure to nonlinear sound can elicit increased arousal in birds and mammals. Past experiments have used white noise to test for effects of deterministic chaos on perceivers. However, deterministic chaos differs structurally from white noise (i.e., random signal with equal energy at all frequencies), and unlike white noise, may differ dramatically depending on how it is produced. In addition, the subtle structural variation of chaos may not be distinguishable in the environment due to the attenuation and degradation of sound over distance and different habitat types. We designed two experiments to clarify whether American robins (Turdus migratorius) and warbling vireos (Vireo gilvus) discriminate between white noise and deterministic chaos. We broadcast and re‐recorded white noise and two exemplars of deterministic chaos—one generated with a Chua oscillator and the other generated using a logistic equation—at 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 80 m across open and forested habitat and used spectrogram correlations to compare stimuli along this degradational gradient. We found that sounds degraded similarly in both habitats when compared to a reference distance of 1 m. Comparing pairs of stimuli across distances suggested that Chua chaos was more easily distinguishable from noise and logistic chaos. In addition, all stimuli became more distinctive over increased distance. The second experiment tested behavioral responses of robins and warbling vireos to control sounds of tropical kingbird (Quiscalus mexicanus), white noise, and two exemplars of deterministic chaos (Chua and logistic). Neither American robins nor warbling vireos responded differently to at least two types of deterministic chaos and white noise, validating previous playback studies that used white noise as a surrogate for deterministic chaos. Uniform responses to a variety of nonlinear features in these birds possibly reflect error management in alarm signal detection.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are endogenous oscillations that occur with a period close to 24 h in nearly all living organisms. These rhythms originate from the negative autoregulation of gene expression. Deterministic models based on such genetic regulatory processes account for the occurrence of circadian rhythms in constant environmental conditions (e.g., constant darkness), for entrainment of these rhythms by light-dark cycles, and for their phase-shifting by light pulses. When the numbers of protein and mRNA molecules involved in the oscillations are small, as may occur in cellular conditions, it becomes necessary to resort to stochastic simulations to assess the influence of molecular noise on circadian oscillations. We address the effect of molecular noise by considering the stochastic version of a deterministic model previously proposed for circadian oscillations of the PER and TIM proteins and their mRNAs in Drosophila. The model is based on repression of the per and tim genes by a complex between the PER and TIM proteins. Numerical simulations of the stochastic version of the model are performed by means of the Gillespie method. The predictions of the stochastic approach compare well with those of the deterministic model with respect both to sustained oscillations of the limit cycle type and to the influence of the proximity from a bifurcation point beyond which the system evolves to stable steady state. Stochastic simulations indicate that robust circadian oscillations can emerge at the cellular level even when the maximum numbers of mRNA and protein molecules involved in the oscillations are of the order of only a few tens or hundreds. The stochastic model also reproduces the evolution to a strange attractor in conditions where the deterministic PER-TIM model admits chaotic behaviour. The difference between periodic oscillations of the limit cycle type and aperiodic oscillations (i.e. chaos) persists in the presence of molecular noise, as shown by means of Poincaré sections. The progressive obliteration of periodicity observed as the number of molecules decreases can thus be distinguished from the aperiodicity originating from chaotic dynamics. As long as the numbers of molecules involved in the oscillations remain sufficiently large (of the order of a few tens or hundreds, or more), stochastic models therefore provide good agreement with the predictions of the deterministic model for circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

在大鼠损伤背根节神经元的自发放电中发现了整数倍放电, 为了阐明这种放电所产生的原因, 首先研究神经元模型中确定性混沌所引起的整数倍放电与噪声所诱发的整数倍放电的峰峰间期(ISI) 序列,通过分析得到前者的ISI序列是非线性可预报的,具有确定的非线性特性,但由噪声所诱发的整数倍放电的ISI序列是不可预报的, 这表明这两种机制所产生的整数倍放电具有不同的特点,存在着定性的差别,并且混沌运动所产生的整数倍放电是由混沌中各阶不稳定周期轨道决定的。从这种差别出发,分析了实验中整数倍放电的ISI 序列,得到该ISI 序列是可非线性预报的,这表明大鼠损伤背根节神经元自发放电中的整数倍放电更可能是由确定性机制所产生的  相似文献   

Different extensions of the classical single-strain SIR model for the host population, motivated by modeling dengue fever epidemiology, have reported a rich dynamic structure including deterministic chaos which was able to mimic the large fluctuations of disease incidences. A comparison between the basic two-strain dengue model, which already captures differences between primary and secondary infections including temporary cross-immunity, with the four-strain dengue model, that introduces the idea of competition of multiple strains in dengue epidemics shows that the difference between first and secondary infections drives the rich dynamics more than the detailed number of strains to be considered in the model structure. Chaotic dynamics were found to happen in the same parameter region of interest, for both the two and the four-strain models, able to describe the fluctuations observed in empirical data and shows a qualitatively good agreement between empirical data and model simulation. The predictability of the system does not change significantly when considering two or four strains, i.e. both models present a positive dominant Lyapunov exponent giving approximately the same prediction horizon in time series. Since the law of parsimony favors the simplest of two competing models, the two-strain model would be the better candidate to be analyzed, as well the best option for estimating all initial conditions and the few model parameters based on the available incidence data.  相似文献   

Using traditional spectral analysis and recently developed non-linear methods, we analyze the incidence of six childhood diseases in Copenhagen, Denmark. In three cases, measles, mumps, rubella, the dynamics suggest low dimensional chaos. Outbreaks of chicken pox, on the other hand, conform to an annual cycle with noise superimposed. The remaining diseases, pertussis and scarlet fever, remain problematic. The real epidemics are compared with the output of a Monte Carlo analog of the SEIR model for childhood infections. For measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox, we find substantial agreement between the model simulations and the data.  相似文献   

Distinguishing error from chaos in ecological time series   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Over the years, there has been much discussion about the relative importance of environmental and biological factors in regulating natural populations. Often it is thought that environmental factors are associated with stochastic fluctuations in population density, and biological ones with deterministic regulation. We revisit these ideas in the light of recent work on chaos and nonlinear systems. We show that completely deterministic regulatory factors can lead to apparently random fluctuations in population density, and we then develop a new method (that can be applied to limited data sets) to make practical distinctions between apparently noisy dynamics produced by low-dimensional chaos and population variation that in fact derives from random (high-dimensional) noise, such as environmental stochasticity or sampling error. To show its practical use, the method is first applied to models where the dynamics are known. We then apply the method to several sets of real data, including newly analysed data on the incidence of measles in the United Kingdom. Here the additional problems of secular trends and spatial effects are explored. In particular, we find that on a city-by-city scale measles exhibits low-dimensional chaos (as has previously been found for measles in New York City), whereas on a larger, country-wide scale the dynamics appear as a noisy two-year cycle. In addition to shedding light on the basic dynamics of some nonlinear biological systems, this work dramatizes how the scale on which data is collected and analysed can affect the conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

The effect of loss of immunity on sustained population oscillations about an endemic equilibrium is studied via a multiple scales analysis of a SIRS model. The analysis captures the key elements supporting the nearly regular oscillations of the infected and susceptible populations, namely, the interaction of the deterministic and stochastic dynamics together with the separation of time scales of the damping and the period of these oscillations. The derivation of a nonlinear stochastic amplitude equation describing the envelope of the oscillations yields two criteria providing explicit parameter ranges where they can be observed. These conditions are similar to those found for other applications in the context of coherence resonance, in which noise drives nearly regular oscillations in a system that is quiescent without noise. In this context the criteria indicate how loss of immunity and other factors can lead to a significant increase in the parameter range for prevalence of the sustained oscillations, without any external driving forces. Comparison of the power spectral densities of the full model and the approximation confirms that the multiple scales analysis captures nonlinear features of the oscillations.  相似文献   

The firing pattern of neural pulses often show the following features: the shapes of individual pulses are nearly identical and frequency independent; the firing frequency can vary over a broad range; the time period between pulses shows a stochastic scatter. This behaviour cannot be understood on the basis of a deterministic non-linear dynamic process, e.g. the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model. We demonstrate in this paper that a noise term added to the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model can reproduce the firing patterns of neurons very well. For this purpose we have considered the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the stochastic Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model. This equation has been solved by a new Monte Carlo algorithm. We demonstrate that the ensuing distribution functions represent only the global characteristics of the underlying force field: lines of zero slope which attract nearby trajectories prove to be the regions of phase space where the distributions concentrate their amplitude. Since there are two such lines the distributions are bimodal representing repeated fluctuations between two lines of zero slope. Even in cases where the deterministic Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model does not show limit cycle behaviour the stochastic system produces a limit cycle. This cycle can be identified with the firing of neural pulses.  相似文献   

It is now documented that childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, and chickenpox exhibit a wide range of recurrent behavior (periodic as well as chaotic) in large population centers in the first world. Mathematical models used in the past (such as the SEIR model with seasonal forcing) have been able to predict the onset of both periodic and chaotic sustained epidemics using parameters of childhood diseases. Although these models possess stable solutions which appear to have the correct frequency content, the corresponding outbreaks require extremely large populations to support the epidemic. This paper shows that by relaxing the assumption of uniformity in the supply of susceptibles, simple models predict stable long period oscillatory epidemics having small amplitude. Both coupled and single population models are considered.  相似文献   

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