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We develop a simulation model of worker connectivity to analyze how variation in worker communication can influence task performance. The model generates predictions about how colony demography, worker communicative behavior, and worker cognition will affect the rate of recruitment of workers to a new task. The model explores some mechanisms for modulating the recruitment of workers. Under the conditions of our model– probabilistic interactions that lower worker’s response thresholds to tasks– worker recruitment follows a logistic growth pattern. The rate of recruiting workers increases exponentially toward an inflection point when 50% of the available force has been activated, then decreases toward the upper asymptote (all workers recruited). Many relevant features of colony design and worker behavior, including group size, probability of interacting, and strength of interaction effects on receivers, show a positive but decelerating effect on the rate of worker recruitment. We also identify features of worker cognition that can influence task recruitment, focusing on the time course of worker’s memories about previous interactions. Both learning (e.g., sensitization) and forgetting about previous interactions can influence the rate of worker recruitment to a task. The model suggests that worker cognition may be shaped by natural selection on task performance at the colony level. Forgetting about interactions may be especially costly, because it leads to unpredictable patterns of worker recruitment. We also show that social inhibition, when coupled with excitatory interactions, can effectively modulate worker recruitment at the colony level. Received 9 December 2006; revised 23 May 2007; accepted 30 May 2007.  相似文献   

I measured oocyte sizes of Polybia occidentalis workers to assess whether ovary development corresponded with adult age or with individual variation in behavior. Workers exhibited temporal polyethism by first working inside the nest, then performing on-nest tasks, and later foraging and defending the nest. Individuals varied in their ages at first performance of each of these sets of behavioral acts. Ovary development corresponded strongly with adult age. Workers' ovaries declined quickly after an initial phase of partial development. The period of ovary decline overlapped with the age range at which most workers began performing tasks on the exterior nest surface. However, after accounting for age effects, individual behavioral differences (rate of temporal polyethism and performance of foraging and defense tasks) did not correspond with ovary development. These data suggest that ovary development had little or no effect on variation in task performance by P. occidentalis workers on the nest surface.  相似文献   

Division of labor was studied in colonies from Long Island and Florida populations of the fungus-gardening antTrachymyrmex septentrionalis. Workers showed age polyethism and a weak size polyethism, and these patterns of division of labor were not different in colonies from the two populations. Individual workers had repertoires comprised of three to five roles but tended to concentrate their labor within a single role. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that worker polymorphism and the elaboration of size-related behavior in the attine ants evolved along with the use of fresh vegetation as the fungal substrate. The data do not support the hypothesis that size variation in colonies ofT. septentrionalis evolved to promote efficient division of labor. Division of labor within the worker caste is based mainly on age and appears to be an attribute of the species rather than an adaptation to a particular habitat.  相似文献   

Undertakers are a specialized task group of honey bees that remove dead bees from the colony. The mean adult age of undertakers is 12.5 days; this is similar to that of other specialized task groups, such as guards. The mean number of undertakers in colonies was 544. However, because the number of bees expressing this behavior is dependent on the demand for task performance, undertaker estimates vary depending on the experimental technique. Increasing the demand for undertaking resulted in more bees engaging in the task. Depleting the number of undertakers by removal of bees carrying corpses resulted in new bees assuming undertaking duties. These results support a response-threshold model for engagement of worker bees in task performance.  相似文献   

O'Donnell  Sean 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(3):353-359
Workers in many insect societies interact via body contact withtheir nest mates, and social biting and other forms of contactmay play a general role in regulating task performance. HereI present evidence that social biting affects task performancewithout direct reproductive conflict in Polybia occidentalis,a swarm-founding eusocial wasp. Polybia occidentalis workersengaged in social biting with nest mates. Most workers thatwere active on the nest surface participated in biting interactions,but individuals differed significantly in their rates of biting and of being bitten. Rates of being bitten corresponded withnonreproductive task performance: more biting was directedat foragers than nonforagers, and foraging rates were correlatedwith rates of being bitten. Furthermore, some on-nest workersinitiated foraging activity immediately after they were bitten.Together these patterns suggest that social biting influencesforaging rates by increasing workers' probabilities of leavingthe nest. Variation in biting rates did not correspond withdifferences in reproductive physiology: highly active bitersand recipients did not differ in body size or in ovary development.In P. occidentalis and in other eusocial insects with largeworker forces, biting and other types of social contact amongworkers may regulate task performance independently of directreproductive competition.  相似文献   

The conflicts over sex allocation and male production in insect societies have long served as an important test bed for Hamilton''s theory of inclusive fitness, but have for the most part been considered separately. Here, we develop new coevolutionary models to examine the interaction between these two conflicts and demonstrate that sex ratio and colony productivity costs of worker reproduction can lead to vastly different outcomes even in species that show no variation in their relatedness structure. Empirical data on worker-produced males in eight species of Melipona bees support the predictions from a model that takes into account the demographic details of colony growth and reproduction. Overall, these models contribute significantly to explaining behavioural variation that previous theories could not account for.  相似文献   

Social organization in highly eusocial bees relies upon two important processes: caste differentiation in female larvae, and age polyethism in adult workers. Juvenile Hormone (JH) is a key regulator of both processes. Here we investigated the expression of two genes involved in JH metabolism - mfe (biosynthesis) and jhe (degradation) - in the context of social organization in the stingless bee Melipona interrupta. We found evidence that the expression of mfe and jhe genes is related to changes in JH levels during late larval development, where caste determination occurs. Also, both mfe and jhe were upregulated when workers engage in intranidal tasks, but only jhe expression was downregulated at the transition from nursing to foraging activities. This relation is different than expected, considering recent reports of lower JH levels in foragers than nurses in the closely related species Melipona scutellaris. Our findings suggest that highly eusocial bees have different mechanisms to regulate JH and, thus, to maintain their level of social organization.  相似文献   

Flexibility in task performance is essential for a robust system of division of labour. We investigated what factors determine which social insect workers respond to colony-level changes in task demand. We used radio-frequency identification technology to compare the roles of corpulence, age, spatial location and previous activity (intra-nest/extra-nest) in determining whether worker ants (Temnothorax albipennis) respond to an increase in demand for foraging or brood care. The less corpulent ants took on the extra foraging, irrespective of their age, previous activity or location in the nest, supporting a physiological threshold model. We found no relationship between ants that tended the extra brood and corpulence, age, spatial location or previous activity, but ants that transported the extra brood to the main brood pile were less corpulent and had high previous intra-nest activity. This supports spatial task-encounter and physiological threshold models for brood transport. Our data suggest a flexible task-allocation system allowing the colony to respond rapidly to changing needs, using a simple task-encounter system for generalized tasks, combined with physiologically based response thresholds for more specialized tasks. This could provide a social insect colony with a robust division of labour, flexibly allocating the workforce in response to current needs.  相似文献   

Serotonin, a biogenic amine known to be a neuromodulator of insect behavior, has recently been associated with age-related patterns of task performance in the ant Pheidole dentata. We identified worker age- and subcaste-related patterns of serotonergic activity within the optic lobes of the P. dentata brain to further examine its relationship to polyethism. We found strong immunoreactivity in the optic lobes of the brains of both minor and major workers. Serotonergic cell bodies in the optic lobes increased significantly in number as major and minor workers matured. Old major workers had greater numbers of serotonergic cell bodies than minors of a similar age. This age-related increase in serotonergic immunoreactivity, as well as the presence of diffuse serotonin networks in the mushroom bodies, antennal lobes, and central complex, occurs concomitantly with an increase in the size of worker task repertoires. Our results suggest that serotonin is associated with the development of the visual system, enabling the detection of task-related stimuli outside the nest, thus playing a significant role in worker behavioral development and colony-wide division of labor.  相似文献   

Heli Nykänen  Julia Koricheva 《Oikos》2004,104(2):247-268
We conducted a meta‐analysis of 68 studies published between 1982 and 2000 in which the responses of woody plants to natural or simulated herbivore damage and/or insect herbivore performance on control and damaged plants were measured. Cumulative meta‐analyses revealed dramatic temporal changes in the magnitude and direction of the plant and herbivore responses reported during the last two decades. Studies conducted in the 1980s reported increase in phenolic concentrations, reduction in nutrient concentrations and negative effect on herbivore performance, consistently with the idea of induced resistance. In contrast, in the early 1990s when the idea that some types of plant damage may result in induced susceptibility was generally accepted, studies reported non‐significant results or induced susceptibility, and smaller effects on herbivores. The above changes may reflect paradigm shifts in the theory of induced defenses and/or the differences between study systems used in the early and the more recent studies. Overall, plant growth and carbohydrate concentrations were reduced in damaged plants despite enhanced photosynthetic rates. Damage increased the concentrations of carbon and phenolics, while terpene concentrations tended to decrease after damage; changes in nutrient concentrations after damage varied according to nutrient mobility, inherent plant growth rate, ontogenetic stage and plant type (deciduous/evergreen). Early season damage caused more pronounced changes in plants than late season damage, which is in accordance with the assumption that vigorously growing foliage has a greater capacity to respond to damage. Insect growth rate and female pupal weight decreased on previously damaged plants, while herbivore survival, consumption and male pupal weight were not significantly affected. The magnitude and direction of herbivore responses depended on the type of plant, the type of damage, the time interval between the damage and insect feeding (rapid/delayed induced resistance), and the timing of the damage.  相似文献   

Catastrophic events, like oil spills and hurricanes, occur in many marine systems. One potential role of marine reserves is buffering populations against disturbances, including the potential for disturbance-driven population collapses under Allee effects. This buffering capacity depends on reserves in a network providing rescue effects, setting up a tradeoff where reserves need to be connected to facilitate rescue, but also distributed in space to prevent simultaneous extinction. We use a set of population models to examine how dispersal ability and the disturbance regime interact to determine the optimal reserve spacing. We incorporate fishing in a spatially-explicit model to understand the effect of objective choice (e.g. conservation versus fisheries yield) on the optimal reserve spacing. We show that the optimal spacing between reserves increases when accounting for catastrophes with larger spacing needed when Allee effects interact with catastrophes to increase the probability of extinction. We also show that classic tradeoffs between conservation and fishing objectives disappear in the presence of catastrophes. Specifically, we found that at intermediate levels of disturbance, it is optimal to spread out reserves in order to increase both population persistence and to maximize spillover into non-reserve areas.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Consequences of variation in food plant quality were estimated for a system consisting of two monophagous noctuid herbivores and three ichneumonid parasitoids.
2. In a natural population, pupal weights of the herbivores in this system, Nonagria typhae and Archanara sparganii , were found to be highly variable. Pupal weights increased strongly and consistently with the increase in the vigour of the host plant, Typha latifolia , providing support for the plant vigour hypothesis. Correspondingly, as the moths do not feed as adults, a strong, positive correlation between host vigour and fecundity of the herbivores would be expected.
3. There were strong and positive relationships between adult body sizes of the parasitoids and the sizes of their lepidopteran hosts. Moreover, a direct, positive link between plant quality and parasitoid size was documented.
4. For all three parasitoids, cascading effects of plant quality on body size were weaker than for the herbivores. Differences in the importance of adult feeding and oviposition behaviour suggest that dependence of fitness on body size is also weaker in the parasitoids than in the moths. It is therefore concluded that the numerical response of the herbivore population to a change in plant quality should exceed the corresponding response in the parasitoids.
5. The results of this work imply that variation in plant variables may affect performance of different trophic levels to a different extent. It is suggested that the importance of adult feeding for the reproductive success (capital vs. income breeding strategies) in both herbivores and parasitoids is an essential aspect to consider when predicting responses of such a system to changes in plant quality.  相似文献   


The synchrony effect (i.e. superior performance at optimal, inferior performance at suboptimal times of day) has been broadly studied within the context of circadian rhythms. Whether one chronotype copes better with the synchrony effect than the other received only insufficient empirical attention. We report on an applied experimental study investigating the impact of chronotype on the synchrony effect in a semantic analogy task. To detect an analogy, 36 participants (12 males) aged between 18 and 40 had to decide whether the relation between events of a source pair was mirrored by the relation between events of a target pair (e.g. to cook: to eat = to saddle: to ride). Temporal orientation of the relation within each event pair was varied corresponding either to the chronological or reverse order. Response times (RTs), error rates, as well as the psychophysiological parameters pre-experimental pupil baseline and peak pupil dilation replicate findings of a synchrony effect (shorter RTs and allocation of less cognitive resources at optimal times of day) and show an impact of chronotype (morning types generally outperforming evening types). Most importantly, morning types appeared to cope better with the synchrony effect than evening types: At suboptimal times, morning types solved the analogy detection task more efficient; that is faster with the same accuracy and without the investment of more cognitive resources. They also showed greater alertness and wakefulness indexed by greater pre-experimental pupil baselines. At optimal times of day, morning types have more cognitive resources available to allocate these to the more demanding conditions to outperform evening types. We interpret these findings to suggest that morning types are more able to adapt to unfavourable circumstances (for instance, by avoiding wasteful resource allocation when there are less cognitive resources available). Evening types appear less able to adapt to suboptimal times than morning types, because they have to deal with social jetlag and decreased self-control.  相似文献   

Insect societies are characterized by a relatively sophisticated division of labor; they form tightly knit groups that must effectively exclude non‐members from the colony. However, the Neotropical predatory ant Ectatomma tuberculatum can harbor several specific myrmecophiles and, in particular, various eucharitid parasitoid wasp species. Adult wasps eclose in the host nests and are removed by worker ants without harm. Previous observations suggest that only a few workers perform this task. To test this hypothesis, we introduced different types of intruders, live and dead, pentane‐washed broad‐nosed grain weevil individuals (Caulophilus oryzae) and dead, pentane‐washed eucharitids (Dilocantha lachaudii), into laboratory colonies containing individually marked workers. We recorded all encounters and behaviors until the intruders were removed. Certain workers removed intruders more frequently than expected by chance. The number of encounters with an intruder was positively correlated with the number of removals performed by the workers. For each nest, a small group of workers was identified as specialized in intruder removal. A subset of very committed workers in the specialists group that performed up to 57% of removals qualified as hyperspecialists or elite workers. The behavioral sequences differed based on the type and condition of the intruder: the sequence was more complex and included numerous aggressive behaviors (mandibular strikes and attempts at stinging) when workers encountered a live weevil. In contrast, the behavioral sequences with dead, pentane‐washed insects were characterized by numerous detections through contact that did not lead to rejection and by the intruders simply being seized and removed from the nest. Overall, the data show that the ants discriminated between live and pentane‐washed intruders and adjusted their behavior accordingly. This is the first demonstration in ants of both behavioral specialization and hyperspecialization in intruder removal.  相似文献   

Abstract Due to a trade-off between reproduction and life span, highly fertile individuals often live shorter lives than nonreproductive conspecifics. Perennial eusocial insects are exceptional in that reproductive queens live considerably longer than the nonreproductive workers. The two female castes may differ strongly in morphology, ontogeny, physiology, diet, behavior, and mating, and all these differences could be responsible for life span differences. In the ponerine ant Platythyrea punctata , morphological and ontogenetic caste differences do not exist. Instead, all workers are capable of producing diploid offspring through thelytokous parthenogenesis, and colonies are essentially clones. Here, we show that reproductives live significantly longer than nonreproductive workers. Reproductives stay in the nest during their whole life, whereas nonreproductives switch from intranidal tasks to foraging when they get older. Different work load and different hormone titers might proximately underlie the different life span of reproductives and nonreproductives in this ant.  相似文献   

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