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Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(4):297-305
Summary: Philopatric reproduction commonly occurs even in the most basic isopteran lineages and is almost certainly a primitive potentiality of these insects. Several authors hypothesized that opportunities for philopatric reproduction may have been a prime mover for the three most remarkable events in the evolution of termite sociality: the origin of helping behaviour, the origin of soldiers, and the origin of a permanently apterous worker caste. A critical assessment of these hypotheses and a review of relevant evidence are presented here. I first discuss the hypothesis that termite helpers derive from individuals choosing to postpone dispersal because of nest inheritance prospects. Such individuals would have developed helping as a strategy yielding indirect reproductive benefits while they wait for reproductive opportunities. However, it appears that prospects of philopatric reproduction need not be invoked to explain the origin of helping behaviour, which can be justified more parsimoniously by a favourable intrinsic benefit/cost ratio. Second, the hypothesis that soldiers originated through selection for fighting abilities among neotenic reproductives is found to face important difficulties, the major one being how to explain the absence of fighting devices in almost all present-day neotenics. Finally, the hypothesized link between apterism and chances of philopatric reproduction, which might have favoured the onset of the worker caste, is poorly supported by empirical evidence. It appears thus that philopatric reproduction, notwithstanding its importance in the biology of many extant termite species, is unlikely to have been a prime mover in the evolution of helping and of altruistic castes in termites.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous trade-off between survival and costly reproduction is one of the most fundamental constraints governing life-history evolution. In numerous animals, gonadotropic hormones antagonistically suppressing immunocompetence cause this trade-off. The queens of many social insects defy the reproduction–survival trade-off, achieving both an extraordinarily long life and high reproductive output, but how they achieve this is unknown. Here we show experimentally, by integrating quantification of gene expression, physiology and behaviour, that the long-lived queens of the ant Lasius niger have escaped the reproduction–immunocompetence trade-off by decoupling the effects of a key endocrine regulator of fertility and immunocompetence in solitary insects, juvenile hormone (JH). This modification of the regulatory architecture enables queens to sustain a high reproductive output without elevated JH titres and suppressed immunocompetence, providing an escape from the reproduction–immunocompetence trade-off that may contribute to the extraordinary lifespan of many social insect queens.  相似文献   

When honey bees approach blossoms, they are attracted by the color and form of the goal in their visual field, and they use these cues for a successful revisit. Their visual system receives cues by two main types of parallel channels behind the retina; one channel for colors, and a monochrome channel for the orientation and edge of the item in their visual field. In the integration process of these 2 channels, the priority and interaction between them are significant due to the fact that these chromatic and achromatic signals coexist naturally. To investigate this issue, we trained bees to detect form and color and then tested them with combinations of opposite patterns. We observed that the bees chose the correct color but the wrong form pattern in the above experiment as well as for other manipulations as follows. The effect of the color training for the blue reward pattern differed from that of the green reward pattern. The color pattern choices tended to be more correct if blue was the target during the training process, indicating that the chromatic signal was the main cue in pattern discrimination. In other words, color tended to be the decisive factor in a conflicting situation. In addition, the color blue was preferred over the color green, indicating that color preference was involved in visual recognition.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues are usually determined by physical, chemical and biological methods. The simplicity and adaptability of bioassay methods have won their acceptance in the field of residue analysis. Theoretically, any organism that is susceptible to a pesticide may be used for its bioassay in any environmental sample. This means that such organism may serve as a bioindicator for the detection of certain pollutants. The susceptibility of honey bees (Apis melifera L.) to many insecticides commonly used in crop protection led to an attempt to use it as a bioindicator for the determination of residues of some insecticides in plant materials, as well as to detect toxicity hazards to honey bees of some commonly used insecticides. Results of this work which have been recently published may suggest "Yes" to answer the question posed in the title of this subject.  相似文献   

The arrival to the United States of the Africanized honey bee, a hybrid between European subspecies and the African subspecies Apis mellifera scutellata, is a remarkable model for the study of biological invasions. This immigration has created an opportunity to study the dynamics of secondary contact of honey bee subspecies from African and European lineages in a feral population in South Texas. An 11‐year survey of this population (1991–2001) showed that mitochondrial haplotype frequencies changed drastically over time from a resident population of eastern and western European maternal ancestry, to a population dominated by the African haplotype. A subsequent study of the nuclear genome showed that the Africanization process included bidirectional gene flow between European and Africanized honey bees, giving rise to a new panmictic mixture of A. m. scutellata‐ and European‐derived genes. In this study, we examined gene flow patterns in the same population 23 years after the first hybridization event occurred. We found 28 active colonies inhabiting 92 tree cavities surveyed in a 5.14 km2 area, resulting in a colony density of 5.4 colonies/km2. Of these 28 colonies, 25 were of A. m. scutellata maternal ancestry, and three were of western European maternal ancestry. No colonies of eastern European maternal ancestry were detected, although they were present in the earlier samples. Nuclear DNA revealed little change in the introgression of A. m. scutellata‐derived genes into the population compared to previous surveys. Our results suggest this feral population remains an admixed swarm with continued low levels of European ancestry and a greater presence of African‐derived mitochondrial genetic composition.  相似文献   

In terrestrial endotherms, evaporation is a significant mechanism of water loss in hot environments. Although water is passively lost by evaporation, individuals can regulate it at different levels. Inhabiting a relatively stable environment characterized by mild ambient temperature (Ta) and high humidity can ensure a balanced water budget. Many fossorial rodents are well adapted to live in such conditions. In this study, evaporative water loss (EWL) of fossorial rodent species with different degree of adaptations to underground life (from strictly subterranean to those with regular surface activity) was evaluated. By measuring EWL, the specific contribution of either evaporative or non-evaporative components of heat loss can be determined. With the exception of the silvery mole-rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus), in all tested rodents EWL is relatively stable below and within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ). As Tas increase above TNZ, EWL increases as does total thermal conductance, but conductance increases several times more than EWL. In addition, non-evaporative routes seem to be more important than evaporative heat loss in the analyzed species. No clear pattern of EWL in relation to a species degree of fossoriality or sociality was detected. In this context, atmosphere of burrows could affect EWL, since the high humidity found inside tunnels can establish limits on evaporation to favor water rather than thermal balance.  相似文献   

The advent of the genomic era has opened new doors to understand the fundamental organization of living organisms and has therefore promoted a fertile field of comparative research that intends to identify similarities and differences between related and unrelated species at the genomic level. One of the organisms whose genome has been recently decoded is that of the honeybee Apis mellifera, enabling a direct comparison with another well-studied insect, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. It was reported that the honeybee has only ten gustatory receptors and thus a very poor taste perception compared to Drosophila, which presents 68 gustatory receptors, and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, which presents 76 gustatory receptors. In this forum article, we discuss the implications of these findings taking into account previous and new discoveries on honeybee gustation based on behavioral and neurobiological studies by several authors and us. We conclude that the world of taste of a honeybee might not be as poor as proposed and that further studies should integrate molecular, neurobiological, behavioral and ecological approaches to better characterize taste perception in bees. Handling editor: Lars Chittka  相似文献   

To replace deceased colonies or to increase the colony numbers, beekeepers often purchase honey bees, Apis mellifera L., in a package, which is composed of 909-1,364 g (2-3 lb) of worker bees and a mated queen. Packages are typically produced in warm regions of the United States in spring and shipped throughout the United States to replace colonies that perished during winter. Although the package bee industry is effective in replacing colonies lost in winter, packages also can be an effective means of dispersing diseases, parasites, and undesirable stock to beekeepers throughout the United States. To evaluate the quality of packages, we examined 48 packages representing six lines of bees purchased in the spring 2006. We estimated levels of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman and the percentage of drone (male) honey bees received in packages. We surveyed for presence of the tracheal honey bee mite, Acarapis woodi (Rennie), and a microsporidian parasite, Nosema spp., in the shipped bees. We found significant differences in both the mean Varroa mite per bee ratios (0.004-0.054) and the average percentage of drones (0.04-5.1%) in packages from different producers. We found significant differences in the number of Nosema-infected packages (0.0-75.0%) among the six lines. No packages contained detectable levels ofA. woodi. Considering the observed variability among honey bee packages, beekeepers should be aware of the potential for pest and disease infestations and high drone levels in packages.  相似文献   

The first step in the olfactory perception is the activation by odorants of sensory neurones in the olfactory epithelium. In humans, this sensory epithelium is located at 2 narrow passages, the olfactory clefts, at the upper part of the nasal cavities. Little is known about the physiology of these clefts. We examined, in 34 patients, the impact of obstructed clefts upon detection and postlearning identification of 5 odorants. The location and extension of the obstructions were assessed using endoscopy, CT scans, and MRI. The inflammatory obstruction was usually bilateral, extending anteroposteriorly, and confined to the clefts, with no sign of obstruction or any inflammatory disease in the rest of the nasal cavities and sinuses. When tested with 5 odorants, these patients showed greatly impaired olfaction compared with a group of 73 normosmic subjects. The majority of these 34 patients had sensory deficits equivalent to that found in another group of 41 congenital anosmic patients, where inspection with MRI indicated the lack of olfactory bulbs. This study demonstrates that the olfactory clefts, in human, function as an entity that is different from other regions of the nasal cavity and is the target for local inflammatory events that are apparently not responding to corticoid and antibiotic treatments.  相似文献   

1. Generalists are assumed to play a key role in structuring and stabilising animal–plant mutualistic networks. Until now, analyses on the effects of generalists have been based on empirical field data or simulations. The present natural field experiment manipulated the abundance of a generalist and abundant stingless bee [Melipona (Eomelipona) marginata] to determine the effects on the mutualistic network. 2. Networks were generated, and associated metrics were used for comparing replicate plots with and without the insertion of stingless bee nests. 3. Unweighted metrics and the basic qualitative structural pattern of networks (high nestedness, very low modularity and specialisation) was not affected by experimental variation in stingless bee abundance because they exert strong basal effects on the plant–pollinator community under natural conditions of abundance. Still, increased abundance caused significant variation in weighted nestedness and modularity and community-level specialisation. 4. Supporting predictions of neutral models, increased abundance of the stingless bee led to an increase in most of its specific metrics, expressing the expansion of its realised trophic niche. 5. During this process, specialist and other generalist bees were affected in different ways. More plant species became even more dependent on this stingless bee (increased asymmetry). 6. Long-term effects could not be inferred directly from instantaneous values of network metrics. Nonetheless, the increased abundance of the generalist stingless bee may both reduce the local level of ecological specialisation in the short term and affect the spatial distribution of less abundant and/or specialist bee species and plants in the long term.  相似文献   

The loss of flower-rich habitat in agricultural landscapes is a key factor contributing to bumble bee declines across Europe and North America. Yet, agricultural intensification has not only altered flower abundance in the landscape, but also affected when flowers are available during the season (e.g., mass-flowering crops). While we know that both total pollen and nectar as well as temporal availability can impact bumble bee colony success (growth and reproductive output), we have yet to understand how these two factors combined might manifest. We designed an experiment to decouple the effects of total food abundance and its temporal availability on bumble bee microcolony development by exposing them to either constant or pulsed food availability at a high and low ration level. Microcolonies provided constant, high-rations of food grew the most, while those fed variable, but high rations gained less mass over the course of the experiment. Regardless of the temporal presentation of food, microcolonies fed low rations gained little mass over the experiment. Reproductive output was greatest in microcolonies fed high rations, regardless of the temporal availability of food, while those given low rations produced on average 27% fewer drones. This study highlights the importance of food abundance for both colony growth and reproduction, regardless of how food is presented (e.g., constantly or in a pulse). Together, these results indicate that increasing total food abundance will have the greatest, positive impact on colony fitness.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Mutations in the CFTR gene may result in a defective protein processing that leads to changes in function and regulation of this chloride channel. Despite of the expression of CFTR in the kidney, patients with CF do not present major renal dysfunction, but it is known that both the urinary excretion of proteins and renal capacity to concentrate and dilute urine are altered in these patients. CFTR mRNA is expressed in all nephron segments of rat and human, and this abundance is more prominent in renal cortex and outer medulla renal areas. CFTR protein was detected in apical surface of both proximal and distal tubules of rat kidney but not in the outer medullary collecting ducts. Studies have demonstrated that CFTR does not only transport Cl but also ATP. ATP transport by CFTR could be involved in the control of other ion transporters such as Na+ (ENaC) and K+ (renal outer medullary potassium) channels, especially in TAL and CCD. In the kidney, CFTR also might be involved in the endocytosis of low-molecular-weight proteins by proximal tubules. This review is focused on the CFTR function and structure, its role in the renal physiology, and its modulation by hormones involved in the control of extracellular fluid volume.  相似文献   

Butterflies have evolved a diversity of color patterns, but the ecological functions for most of these patterns are still poorly understood. The Banded Swallowtail butterfly, Papilio demolion demolion, is a mostly black butterfly with a greenish‐blue band that traverses the wings. The function of this wing pattern remains unknown. Here, we examined the morphology of black and green‐blue colored scales, and how the color and banding pattern affects predation risk in the wild. The protective benefits of the transversal band and of its green‐blue color were tested via the use of paper model replicas of the Banded Swallowtail with variations in band shape and band color in a full factorial design. A variant model where the continuous transversal green‐blue band was shifted and made discontinuous tested the protective benefit of the transversal band, while grayscale variants of the wildtype and distorted band models assessed the protective benefit of the green‐blue color. Paper models of the variants and the wildtype were placed simultaneously in the field with live baits. Wildtype models were the least preyed upon compared with all other variants, while gray models with distorted bands suffered the greatest predation. The color and the continuous band of the Banded Swallowtail hence confer antipredator qualities. We propose that the shape of the band hinders detection of the butterfly's true shape through coincident disruptive coloration; while the green color of the band prevents detection of the butterfly from its background via differential blending. Differential blending is aided by the green‐blue color being due to pigments rather than via structural coloration. Both green and black scales have identical structures, and the scales follow the Bauplan of pigmented scales documented in other Papilio butterflies.  相似文献   

Rhesus factors and ammonium: a function in efflux?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ludewig U  von Wirén N  Rentsch D  Frommer WB 《Genome biology》2001,2(3):reviews1010.1-reviews10105
Completion of fungal, plant and human genomes paved the way to the identification of erythrocytic rhesus proteins and their kidney homologs as ammonium transporters.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of certain new developments in cell biology upon neuroscience. Until recently it was thought that neurotransmitters and neuromodulators had only one function, which was to stimulate their specific receptors at the cell surface. From here on, all activity was supposed to be effected by postsynaptic cascades. The discovery that membrane components, particularly G-protein-linked receptors, are not static but are subject to a massive and complex process of continual endocytosis, processing in the endosome system and recycling back to the external membrane, raises the question of its functional significance. In addition, it has been found that many neuromodulators such as polypeptides have their main locus of action inside the postsynaptic neuron. This review covers the role of the endocytic mechanism on receptor desensitization and resensitization, synaptic reorganization and plasticity synaptic scaling and the possible repair of oxidative damage. The possible involvement of this system in Alzheimer's disease is discussed.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, biology will try to address the function of a large number of new genes. From the perspective of technologies applied today to functional genomics, this task appears to be more complex than the effort invested in the sequencing of the human genome. Conceptually, a high-throughput approach permitting correlation between newly discovered genes and functional properties of their protein products has yet to be developed. To address relationships between tens of thousands of genes and their cognate proteins, novel interdisciplinary technologies need to emerge. In this paper, a new idea of immunomics is presented and an experimental strategy is outlined to circumvent some of the restrictions associated with methodologies currently in use. It is proposed that cloned segments of genomic DNA are used for genetic immunization to obtain a large collection of antibodies, and to generate microarrays of these antibodies for tracing differentially expressed cellular proteins.  相似文献   

The concept of the foetal/developmental origins of adult disease has been around for ~20 years and from the original epidemiological studies in human populations much more evidence has accumulated from the many studies in animal models. The majority of these have focused upon the role of early dietary intake before conception, through gestation and/or lactation and subsequent interactions with the postnatal environment, e.g. dietary and physical activity exposures. Whilst a number of theoretical models have been proposed to place the experimental data into a biological context, the underlying phenomena remain the same; developmental deficits (of single (micro) nutrients) during critical or sensitive periods of tissue growth alter the developmental pathway to ultimately constrain later functional capacity when the individual is adult. Ageing, without exception, exacerbates any programmed sequelae. Thus, adult phenotypes that have been relatively easy to characterise (e.g. blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, body fat mass) have received most attention in the literature. To date, relatively few studies have considered the effect of differential early environmental exposures on reproductive function and fecundity in predominantly mono-ovular species such as the sheep, cow and human. The available evidence suggests that prenatal insults, undernutrition for example, have little effect on lifetime reproductive capacity despite subtle effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and gonadal progenitor cell complement. The postnatal environment is clearly important, however, since neonatal/adolescent growth acceleration (itself not independent from prenatal experience) has been shown to significantly influence fecundity in farm animals. The present paper will expand these interesting areas of investigation and review the available evidence regarding developmental programming of reproduction and fertility. However, it appears there is little strong evidence to indicate that offspring fertility and reproductive senescence in the human and in farm animal species are overtly affected by prenatal nutrient exposure. Nevertheless, it is clear that the developing gonad is sensitive to its immediate environment but more detailed investigation is required to specifically test the long-term consequences of nutritional perturbations during pregnancy on adult reproductive well-being.  相似文献   

Kinship plays a fundamental role in the origin of social life. It is also predicted to affect numerous details within animal societies, yet recent studies revealed equivocal results. We tested the influence of relatedness for the occurrence of workers in the termite Cryptotermes secundus. Here individuals are developmentally flexible to remain workers or to become dispersing sexuals that found new colonies. Furthermore, colony relatedness naturally increases with inbreeding and decreases when neighboring colonies fuse. Similar to recent studies on social Hymenoptera, our experimental change in relatedness gave equivocal results. Reducing relatedness within colonies did not have an effect, but individuals in inbred colonies were less likely to disperse and more likely to remain workers as predicted by kinship arguments. Several explanations for the interpretation of these equivocal results are provided.  相似文献   

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