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1. We have used intracellular recording and staining, followed by reconstruction from serial sections, to characterize the responses and structure of projection neurons (PNs) that link the antennal lobe (AL) to other regions of the brain of the male sphinx moth Manduca sexta. 2. Dendritic arborizations of the AL PNs were usually restricted either to ordinary glomeruli or to the male-specific macroglomerular complex (MGC) within the AL neuropil. Dendritic fields in the MGC appeared to belong to distinct partitions within the MGC. PNs innervating the ordinary glomeruli had arborizations in a single glomerulus (uniglomerular) or in more than one ordinary glomerulus of one AL (multiglomerular) or in one case, in single glomeruli in both ALs (bilateral-uniglomerular). One PN innervated the MGC and many or all ordinary glomeruli of the AL. 3. PNs with dendritic arborizations in the ordinary glomeruli and PNs associated with the MGC typically projected both to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and to the lateral protocerebrum, but some differences in the patterns of termination in those regions have been noted for the two classes of PNs. One PN conspicuously lacked branches in the calyces but did project to the lateral protocerebrum. The PN innervating the MGC and many ordinary glomeruli projected to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and the superior protocerebrum. 4. Crude sex-pheromone extracts excited all neurons with arborizations in the MGC, although some were inhibited by other odors. One P(MGC) was excited by crude sex-pheromone extract and by a mimic of one component of the pheromone blend but was inhibited by another component of the blend. 5. PNs with dendritic arborizations in ordinary glomeruli were excited or inhibited by certain non-pheromonal odors. Some of these PNs also responded to mechanosensory stimulation of the antennae. 6. The PN with dendritic arborizations in the MGC and many ordinary glomeruli was excited by crude sex-pheromone extracts and non-pheromonal odors and also responded to mechanosensory stimulation of the antenna.  相似文献   

The central projections of olfactory receptor cells associatedwith two distinct types of antennal sensilla in the sphinx mothManduca sexta were revealed by anterograde staining. In bothsexes, receptor axons that arise from sexually isomorphic, type-IItrichoid sensilla (and possibly some basiconic sensilla) projectto the spheroidal glomeruli in the ipsilateral antennal lobe.Each axon terminates in one glomerulus. Axons from a limitedregion of the antenna project to glomeruli throughout the lobe,arguing against strict topographic mapping of antennal receptorcells onto the array of glomeruli. Axons of sex-pheromone-selectivereceptor cells in the male-specific type-I trichoid sensillaproject exclusively to the sexually dimorphic macroglomerularcomplex (MGC). Axons from sensilla on the dorsal surface ofthe antenna are biased toward the medial MGC and those fromventral sensilla, toward the lateral MGC. Some receptor-cellaxons branch before reaching the MGC, but their terminals arealways confined to one of the two main glomerular divisionsof the MGC, the cumulus and toroid. These findings confirm thatprimary-afferent information about pheromonal and non-pheromonalodors is segregated in the antennal lobe and suggest that thereis a functional correspondence between particular olfactoryreceptor cells and specific glomeruli. Chem. Senses 20: 313–323,1995.  相似文献   

Glomeruli within the antennal lobe (AL) of moths are convergence sites for a large number of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). The ORNs target single glomeruli. In the male-specific cluster of glomeruli, the macroglomerular complex (MGC), the input is chemotypic in that each glomerulus of the MGC receives information about a specific component of the conspecific female sex pheromone. Little is known about how neurons that detect other odorants arborize in and amongst glomeruli. The present study focuses on how sex pheromones and biologically relevant semiochemicals are represented in the ALs of both sexes of the moth Spodoptera littoralis. To assess this, we optically measured odour-evoked changes of calcium concentration in the ALs. Foci of calcium increase corresponded in size and shape with anatomical glomeruli. More than one glomerulus was normally activated by a specific non-pheromonal odorant and the same glomerulus was activated by several odorants. All odorants and pheromone components tested evoked unique patterns of glomerular activity that were highly reproducible at repeated stimulations within an individual. Odour-evoked patterns were similar between individuals for a given odorant, implicating a spatial olfactory code. In addition, we demonstrated that activity patterns evoked by host-plant related volatiles are similar between males and females.  相似文献   

The oriental fruit moth Cydia molesta is an important pest and the behavioural role of olfactory signals such as pheromones and plant volatiles have been studied extensively in both sexes. To understand odour processing further, however, detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the olfactory system is crucial. In the present study, an atlas of the antennal lobe (AL) is presented based on the three-dimensional reconstructions of both ALs of three male and three female brains by means of neuroanatomical and computational approaches. We identified 48–49 "ordinary" glomeruli and one large glomerulus situated at the entrance of the antennal nerve in males, and 49–52 "ordinary" glomeruli and one large glomerulus in the ventro-medial part of the AL in females. Anomalous supernumerary, anomalous missing and sexually dimorphic glomeruli were found in the studied individuals in greater numbers than in other lepidopteran species. Male and female maps were compared with respect to glomerular size and position with 45 glomeruli being matched, indicating a conserved glomerular pattern between the sexes. Three additional glomeruli were sexually dimorphic in size and five male-specific and six female-specific glomeruli were also found. Palp backfills resulted in the staining of a unique glomerulus in both sexes identified as the sexually dimorphic glomerulus 45. This glomerulus was never stained from antennal backfills, which stained the other glomeruli of the AL. The three-dimensional atlas can now be used to elucidate the functional role of individual glomeruli in both sexes of C. molesta. Nélia Varela and Louise Couton contributed equally to this work. This study was supported by research grants from INRA (Projet Jeune Equipe and Projet S.P.E.) to S.A. and J.P.R. and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (research grant AGL2004-05812/AGR to J.A. and C.G., Spanish Science and Education Department, MEC). N.V. was financed by fellowship no. BES-2005-7605 (MEC, Spain).  相似文献   

A subset of olfactory projection neurons in the brain of male Manduca sexta is described, and their role in sex pheromone information processing is examined. These neurons have extensive arborizations in the macroglomerular complex (MGC), a distinctive and sexually dimorphic area of neuropil in the antennal lobe (AL), to which the axons of two known classes of antennal pheromone receptors project. Each projection neuron sends an axon from the AL into the protocerebrum. Forty-one projection neurons were characterized according to their responses to electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve as well as olfactory stimulation of antennal receptors. All neurons exhibited strong selectivity for female sex pheromones. Other behaviorally relevant odors, such as plant volatiles, had no obvious effect on the activity of these neurons. Two broad physiological categories were found: cells that were excited by stimulation of the ipsilateral antenna with pheromones (29 out of 41), and cells that received a mixed input (inhibition and excitation) from pheromone pathways (12 out of 41). Of the cells in the first category, 13 out of 29 were equally excited in response to stimulation of the antenna with either the principal natural pheromone (bombykal) or a mimic of a second unidentified pheromone ('C-15') and were similarly excited by the natural pheromone blend. The remaining 16 out of 29 cells responded selectively, and in some cases, in a dose-dependent manner, to stimulation of the antenna with bombykal or C-15, but not both. Some of these neurons had dendritic arborizations restricted to only a portion of the MGC neuropil, whereas most had arborizations throughout the MGC. Of the cells in the second category, 9 out of 12 were excited by bombykal, inhibited by C-15, and showed a mixed response to the natural pheromone blend. For the other 3 out of 12 cells, the response polarity was reversed for the two chemically-identified odors. Two additional neurons, which were not tested with olfactory stimuli, were tonically inhibited in response to electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral antennal nerve. These observations suggest that some of the male-specific projection neurons may signal general pheromone-triggered arousal, whereas a smaller number can actively integrate inputs from the two know receptor classes (Bal- and C-15-selective) and may operate as 'mixture detectors' at this level of the olfactory subsystem that processes information about sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Glomeruli, neuropilar structures composed of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) axon terminals and central neuron dendrites, are a common feature of olfactory systems. Typically, ORN axons segregate into glomeruli based on odor specificity, making glomeruli the basic unit for initial processing of odorant information. Developmentally, glomeruli arise from protoglomeruli, loose clusters of ORN axons that gradually synapse onto dendrites. Previous work in the moth Manduca sexta demonstrated that protoglomeruli develop in a wave across the antennal lobe (AL) during stage 5 of the 18 stages of metamorphic adult development. However, ORN axons from the distal segments of the antenna arrive at the AL for several more days. We report that protoglomeruli present at stage 5 account for only approximately two or three of adult glomeruli with the number of structures increasing over subsequent stages. How do these later arriving axons incorporate into glomeruli? Examining the dendritic projections of a unique serotonin-containing neuron into glomeruli at later stages revealed glomeruli with immature dendritic arbors intermingled among more mature glomeruli. Labeling ORN axons that originate in proximal segments of the antenna suggested that early-arriving axons target a limited number of glomeruli. We conclude that AL glomeruli form over an extended time period, possibly as a result of ORNs expressing new odorant receptors arriving from distal antennal segments.  相似文献   

Representation of the glomerular olfactory map in the Drosophila brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marin EC  Jefferis GS  Komiyama T  Zhu H  Luo L 《Cell》2002,109(2):243-255
We explored how the odor map in the Drosophila antennal lobe is represented in higher olfactory centers, the mushroom body and lateral horn. Systematic single-cell tracing of projection neurons (PNs) that send dendrites to specific glomeruli in the antennal lobe revealed their stereotypical axon branching patterns and terminal fields in the lateral horn. PNs with similar axon terminal fields tend to receive input from neighboring glomeruli. The glomerular classes of individual PNs could be accurately predicted based solely on their axon projection patterns. The sum of these patterns defines an "axon map" in higher olfactory centers reflecting which olfactory receptors provide input. This map is characterized by spatial convergence and divergence of PN axons, allowing integration of olfactory information.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic characteristics of a bilaterally asymmetric gynandromorphic black cutworm moth, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), were compared with those of normal males and females. On one side of the body, the gynandromorphs wings were larger and darker than on the other side, and the antenna was filiform. On the other side of the body, the wings were smaller and lighter in color, and the antenna was pectinate. Females were usually larger and more pigmented than males. Female antenna were filiform and those of males pectinate. At the tip of the abdomen, the gynandromorph had 2 valves, as normal males do, but the one on the female side was smaller. The antennal lobes of the gynandromorphs brain included only ordinary glomeruli on the female side, and ordinary glomeruli plus a partially developed macroglomerular complex (MGC) at the base of the antenna on the male side. Normal female antennal lobes contained only ordinary glomeruli. Normal male antennal lobes contained ordinary glomeruli and a fully developed MGC, consisting of one large and 3 smaller glomeruli. In the gynandromorph, female reproductive organs were partially developed or absent. A portion of the oviduct was missing together with several ovarioles, and no spermatheca or seminal duct were found. The male reproductive track was complete, except for the paired structures, which in the gynandromorph were single. Normal females had paired accessory glands and ovaries, and single oviduct, bursa copulatrix, and spermatheca. Normal males had fused testes, paired accessory glands, and a single ejaculatory duct and aedeagus. The gynandromorph assumed a calling posture and attracted one male, but it did not respond to the pheromone from females.  相似文献   

Many animals depend on pheromone communication for successful mating. Sex pheromone in insects is usually released by females to attract males. In American cockroaches, the largest glomerulus (B-glomerulus) in the male antennal lobe (first-order olfactory center) processes the major component of sex pheromone. Using intracellular recordings combined with fine neuroanatomical techniques, we provide evidence that the female homolog of the male B-glomerulus also acts as a sex pheromone-specific detector. Whereas ordinary glomeruli that process normal environmental odors are innervated by single projection neurons (PNs), the B-glomerulus in both sexes is innervated by multiple PNs, one of which possesses a thicker axon, termed here B-PN. Both soma size and axon diameter were smaller on B-PNs from females compared with B-PNs from males. The female B-PNs also produce fewer terminal arborizations in the protocerebrum than male B-PNs. Termination fields in the lateral protocerebrum of the female B-PN are mostly segregated from those formed by other uniglomerular PNs innervating ordinary glomeruli. Female B-PN activity was greatest in response to sex pheromone but lower than that in the male B-PN. This specific detection system suggests that sex pheromone affects the behavior and/or endocrine system of female cockroaches.  相似文献   

In different moth species, the number and spatial arrangement of olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe (AL) vary widely, but the spatial map within a species is thought to be invariant, making it possible to identify single glomeruli across individuals. We investigated the relationship between the physiological tuning of pheromone-selective interneurons and their association with specific, identified glomeruli in the macroglomerular complex (MGC) of the noctuid moth, Heliothis subflexa. Three odorants that are required for pheromone-source location in this species were tested individually and in blends. Recordings from 27 pheromone-specific projection neurons (PNs) indicated that the majority (48%) were selectively activated by the major pheromone component of this species, Z-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), with 33% primarily tuned to Z-9-hexadecenal and 19% to Z-11-hexadecenol. Intracellular staining revealed that the dendrites of PNs tuned to Z11-16:Ald always branched within the largest glomerulus of the MGC, the cumulus. Similarly, each of the other two classes of PN was associated with a different 'satellite' glomerulus in the MGC. The spatial configuration of the four-glomerulus H. subflexa MGC was indistinguishable from that previously reported in the closely related species, Heliothis virescens. Hence, as these two species diverged, changes in the association of satellite MGC glomeruli with particular odorants have occurred without a measurable change in the anatomical arrangement of the glomerular array.  相似文献   

Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the roles of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and projection neurons (PNs) in Drosophila antennal lobe (AL) development, the roles of glia have remained largely mysterious. Here, we show that during Drosophila metamorphosis, a population of midline glial cells in the brain undergoes extensive cellular remodeling and is closely associated with the collateral branches of ORN axons. These glial cells are required for ORN axons to project across the midline and establish the contralateral wiring in the ALs. We find that Neuroglian (Nrg), the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate cell adhesion molecule, L1, is expressed and functions in the midline glial cells to regulate their proper development. Loss of Nrg causes the disruption in glial morphology and the agenesis of the antennal commissural tract. Our genetic analysis further demonstrates that the functions of Nrg in the midline glia require its ankyrin-binding motif. We propose that Nrg is an important regulator of glial morphogenesis and axon guidance in AL development.  相似文献   

The primary olfactory centres of most vertebrates and most neopteran insects are characterized by the presence of spherical neuropils, glomeruli, where synaptic interactions between olfactory receptor neurons and second-order neurons take place. In the neopteran insect taxa investigated so far, receptor neurons of a specific physiological identity target one glomerulus and thus bestow a functional identity on the glomerulus. In moths, input from pheromone-specific receptor neurons is received in a male-specific structure of the antennal lobe, called the macroglomerular complex (MGC), which consists of a number of specialized glomeruli. Each glomerulus of the complex receives a set of peripheral sensory afferents that encode one of several compounds involved in sexual communication. The complex is also innervated by dendritic branches of antennal lobe output neurons called projection neurons, which transfer information from the antennal lobe to higher centres of the brain. A hypothesis stemming from earlier work on moths claims that the receptor neuron innervation pattern of the MGC should be reflected in the pattern of dendrites of projection neurons invading the different MGC glomeruli. In this study we show that in the noctuid moth Trichoplusia ni, as in several other noctuid moth species, this hypothesis does not hold. The degree of matching between axon terminals of receptor neurons and the dendritic branches of identified projection neurons that express similar physiological specificity is very low.  相似文献   

Iterated neuropil modules called glomeruli are characteristic of primary olfactory centers in both vertebrates and invertebrates. To gain insight into the developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of such structured, organized neuropil, we have examined the development of an identified glomerulus in the olfactory (antennal) lobe of the moth Manduca sexta. The labial pit organ glomerulus (LPOG) receives bilateral sensory projections from the labial pit organs in the labial palps of the mouthparts, while other glomeruli in the antennal lobe receive unilateral projections from the antenna. Here, we chronicle the development of the LPOG under normal and perturbed conditions. Our findings suggest that the sensory axons of the labial pit organ, like those of the antenna, induce and shape growth of interneuronal arborizations, but specific features of interneuronal arborizations such as the relative position of glomerular arborizations within the antennal lobe are independent of both classes of afferent innervation. Labial pit organ axons and antennal axons exhibit a high degree of specificity for their respective target regions, independent of the presence or absence of the other class of afferent axon or the route taken to the antennal lobe. Specification of glomerular position is intrinsic to the antennal lobe rather than a consequence of competition between afferent axons. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 28–44, 1999  相似文献   

Gynandromorphic honey bees, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae), were examined to determine characteristic morphological and anatomical features of the antennal system. The antennae of gynandromorphic individuals are predominantly worker or drone-like. Hybrid antennae, composed of female and male tissues, occur only rarely (7 out of 188 examined antennae). Depending on the mosaic pattern of the head, both antennae can be drone-like or worker-like, or one can be drone-like and the other worker-like. Examination of the antennal lobes of six characteristic specimens revealed that antennal lobes, which are innervated by drone-like antennae, always have drone-specific enlarged tracts and macroglomerular complexes, whereas antennal lobes innervated by worker-like antennae always are composed of normally sized glomeruli. Thus, there is a strict correlation between the sexual morphology of the antennae and the sexual organization of the antennal lobe neuropil. In one antennal lobe, innervated by a hybrid antenna, we found a hypertrophied glomerulus, certainly homologous to one of the macroglomerular complexes in drone-like antennal lobes.jy 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The insect antennal lobe is the first brain structure to process olfactory information. Like the vertebrate olfactory bulb the antennal lobe is substructured in olfactory glomeruli. In insects, glomeruli can be morphologically identified, and have characteristic olfactory response profiles. Local neurons interconnect glomeruli, and output (projection) neurons project to higher-order brain centres. The relationship between their elaborate morphology and their physiology is not understood. We recorded electrophysiologically from antennal lobe neurons, and iontophoretically injected a calcium-sensitive dye. We then measured their spatio-temporal calcium responses to a variety of odours. Finally, we confocally reconstructed the neurons, and identified the innervated glomeruli. An increase or decrease in spiking frequency corresponded to an intracellular calcium increase or decrease in the cell. While intracellular recordings generally lasted between 10 and 30 min, calcium imaging was stable for up to 2 h, allowing a more detailed physiological analysis. The responses indicate that heterogeneous local neurons get input in the glomerulus in which they branch most strongly. In many cases, the physiological response properties of the cells corresponded to the known response profile of the innervated glomerulus. In other words, the large variety of response profiles generally found when comparing antennal lobe neurons is reduced to a more predictable response profile when the innervated glomerulus is known.Abbreviations ACT antenno-cerebralis-tract - AL antennal lobe - AP action potential - l-ACT lateral ACT - LN local neuron - LPL lateral protocerebral lobe - m-ACT medial ACT - MB mushroom body - OSN olfactory sensory neuron - PN projection neuron - T1 tract 1 of the antennal nerve  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the first center for processing odors in the insect brain, as is the olfactory bulb (OB) in vertebrates. Both the AL and the OB have a characteristic glomerular structure; odors sensed by olfactory receptor neurons are represented by patterns of glomerular activity. Little is known about when and how an odor begins to be perceived in a developing brain. We address this question by using calcium imaging to monitor odor-evoked neural activity in the ALs of bees of different ages. We find that odor-evoked neural activity already occurs in the ALs of bees as young as 1 or 2 days. In young bees, the responses to odors are relatively weak and restricted to a small number of glomeruli. However, different odors already evoke responses in different combinations of glomeruli. In mature bees, the responses are stronger and are evident in more glomeruli, but continue to have distinct odor-dependent signatures. Our findings indicate that the specific glomerular patterns for odors are conserved during the development, and that odor representations are fully developed in the AL during the first 2 weeks following emergence.  相似文献   

We have compared the basic organization of the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe (AL), in 4 hemipteran species representing the 2 major lineages in this order. The Homoptera were represented by the psyllid Trioza apicalis and its aphid relatives the grain aphid Sitobion avenae Fabricius and the rose-grain aphid Metopolophium dirhodum Walker, whereas the Heteroptera were represented by the pentatomid stink bug Euschistus heros Fabricius. The olfactory systems of psyllids and aphids are generally very small, with low numbers of afferents in comparison to other insect groups, and the smallest described so far belongs to T. apicalis, comprising less than 50 olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Originally, we tried to estimate numbers of olfactory glomeruli in the AL of T. apicalis, which in insects generally correspond closely to the number of different types of ORNs. Neither immunocytochemical staining nor anterograde staining of ORNs revealed any glomerular structures in the ALs of T. apicalis or the 2 aphids that were included for comparison. In contrast, the ALs of the pentatomid stink bug E. heros displayed numerous distinct and well-delineated glomeruli, showing that aglomerular ALs are not typical of all insects within the order Hemiptera. Glomeruli are hallmark features of olfactory lobes in many different phyla, and the absence of glomerular structures in psyllids and aphids appears to be unique in insects that depend on olfactory orientation.  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the primary structure in the Drosophila brain that relays odor information from the antennae to higher brain centers. The characterization of uniglomerular projection neurons (PNs) and some local interneurons has facilitated our understanding of olfaction; however, many other AL neurons remain unidentified. Because neuron types are mostly specified by lineage and temporal origins, we use the MARCM techniques with a set of enhancer-trap GAL4 lines to perform systematical lineage analysis to characterize neuron morphologies, lineage origin and birth timing in the three AL neuron lineages that contain GAL4-GH146-positive PNs: anterodorsal, lateral and ventral lineages. The results show that the anterodorsal lineage is composed of pure uniglomerular PNs that project through the inner antennocerebral tract. The ventral lineage produces uniglomerular and multiglomerular PNs that project through the middle antennocerebral tract. The lateral lineage generates multiple types of neurons, including uniglomeurlar PNs, diverse atypical PNs, various types of AL local interneurons and the neurons that make no connection within the ALs. Specific neuron types in all three lineages are produced in specific time windows, although multiple neuron types in the lateral lineage are made simultaneously. These systematic cell lineage analyses have not only filled gaps in the olfactory map, but have also exemplified additional strategies used in the brain to increase neuronal diversity.  相似文献   

In both insects and mammals, olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) expressing specific olfactory receptors converge their axons onto specific glomeruli, creating a spatial map in the brain. We have previously shown that second order projection neurons (PNs) in Drosophila are prespecified by lineage and birth order to send their dendrites to one of approximately 50 glomeruli in the antennal lobe. How can a given class of ORN axons match up with a given class of PN dendrites? Here, we examine the cellular and developmental events that lead to this wiring specificity. We find that, before ORN axon arrival, PN dendrites have already created a prototypic map that resembles the adult glomerular map, by virtue of their selective dendritic localization. Positional cues that create this prototypic dendritic map do not appear to be either from the residual larval olfactory system or from glial processes within the antennal lobe. We propose instead that this prototypic map might originate from both patterning information external to the developing antennal lobe and interactions among PN dendrites.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from the major neurites of local interneurons in the moth antennal lobe. Antennal nerve stimulation evoked 3 patterns of postsynaptic activity: (i) a short-latency compound excitatory postsynaptic potential that, based on electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve and stimulation of the antenna with odors, represents a monosynaptic input from olfactory afferent axons (71 out of 86 neurons), (ii) a delayed activation of firing in response to both electrical- and odor-driven input (11 neurons), and (iii) a delayed membrane hyperpolarization in response to antennal nerve input (4 neurons).Simultaneous intracellular recordings from a local interneuron with short-latency responses and a projection (output) neuron revealed unidirectional synaptic interactions between these two cell types. In 20% of the 30 pairs studied, spontaneous and current-induced spiking activity in a local interneuron correlated with hyperpolarization and suppression of firing in a projection neuron. No evidence for recurrent or feedback inhibition of projection neurons was found. Furthermore, suppression of firing in an inhibitory local interneuron led to an increase in firing in the normally quiescent projection neuron, suggesting that a disinhibitory pathway may mediate excitation in projection neurons. This is the first direct evidence of an inhibitory role for local interneurons in olfactory information processing in insects. Through different types of multisynaptic interactions with projection neurons, local interneurons help to generate and shape the output from olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe.Abbreviations AL antennal lobe - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - GABA -aminobutyric acid - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - LN local interneuron - MGC macroglomerular complex - OB olfactory bulb - PN projection neuron - TES N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   

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