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Although rare, a recessive temperature-sensitive calmodulin mutant has been isolated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutant carries two mutations in CMD1, isoleucine 100 is changed to asparagine and glutamic acid 104 is changed to valine. Neither mutation alone conferred temperature sensitivity. A single mutation that allowed production of an intact but defective protein was not identified. At the nonpermissive temperature, the temperature-sensitive mutant displayed multiple defects. Bud formation and growth was delayed, but this defect was not responsible for the temperature-sensitive lethality. Cells synchronized in G1 progressed through the cell cycle and retained viability until the movement of the nucleus to the neck between the mother cell and the large bud. After nuclear movement, less than 5% of the cells survived the first mitosis and could form colonies when returned to permissive conditions. The duplicated DNA was dispersed along the spindle, extending from mother to daughter cell. Cells synchronized in G2/M lost viability immediately upon the shift to the nonpermissive temperature. At a semipermissive temperature, the mutant showed approximately a 10-fold increase in the rate of chromosome loss compared to a wild-type strain. The mitotic phenotype is very similar to yeast mutants that are defective in chromosome disjunction. The mutant also showed defects in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Using green fluorescent protein probes and rapid acquisition of high-resolution fluorescence images, sister centromeres in budding yeast are found to be separated and oscillate between spindle poles before anaphase B spindle elongation. The rates of movement during these oscillations are similar to those of microtubule plus end dynamics. The degree of preanaphase separation varies widely, with infrequent centromere reassociations observed before anaphase. Centromeres are in a metaphase-like conformation, whereas chromosome arms are neither aligned nor separated before anaphase. Upon spindle elongation, centromere to pole movement (anaphase A) was synchronous for all centromeres and occurred coincident with or immediately after spindle pole separation (anaphase B). Chromatin proximal to the centromere is stretched poleward before and during anaphase onset. The stretched chromatin was observed to segregate to the spindle pole bodies at rates greater than centromere to pole movement, indicative of rapid elastic recoil between the chromosome arm and the centromere. These results indicate that the elastic properties of DNA play an as of yet undiscovered role in the poleward movement of chromosome arms.  相似文献   

Isolation of a yeast mutant deficient in pyruvate carboxylase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To improve our understanding of the catalytic mechanism and regulatory properties of pyruvate carboxylase (EC, an important biotin-dependent enzyme, we have sought to isolate mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which are defective in pyruvate carboxylase activity. One mutant was isolated which was unable to grow on glucose minimal medium unless supplemented with aspartate. Although the enzyme had only 25% of the wild type pyruvate carboxylase activity, Western analysis and RNase protection analysis demonstrated that the mutant gene was expressed at approximately 70% of the wild type level. On the basis of genetic crosses and complementation tests, we have attributed the defect to mutations in the PYC gene encoding pyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   

Strich R  Mallory MJ  Jarnik M  Cooper KF 《Genetics》2004,167(4):1621-1628
Haploidization of gametes during meiosis requires a single round of premeiotic DNA replication (meiS) followed by two successive nuclear divisions. This study demonstrates that ectopic activation of cyclin B/cyclin-dependent kinase in budding yeast recruits up to 30% of meiotic cells to execute one to three additional rounds of meiS. Rereplication occurs prior to the meiotic nuclear divisions, indicating that this process is different from the postmeiotic mitoses observed in other fungi. The cells with overreplicated DNA produced asci containing up to 20 spores that were viable and haploid and demonstrated Mendelian marker segregation. Genetic tests indicated that these cells executed the meiosis I reductional division and possessed a spindle checkpoint. Finally, interfering with normal synaptonemal complex formation or recombination increased the efficiency of rereplication. These studies indicate that the block to rereplication is very different in meiotic and mitotic cells and suggest a negative role for the recombination machinery in allowing rereplication. Moreover, the production of haploids, regardless of the genome content, suggests that the cell counts replication cycles, not chromosomes, in determining the number of nuclear divisions to execute.  相似文献   

Summary A diploid strain of yeast, homozygous for the mutation cdc5-1, undergoes a normal meiosis at 25° C. At the nonpermissive temperature of 34° C, meiosis is arrested at the first meiotic division, after premeiotic DNA replication and recombination commitment have taken place. Haploidisation commitment does not occur at 34° C. Electron microscopy reveals that synaptons (synaptonemal complexes) are formed and the stage of arrest is characterised by a prevalence of modified synaptons, which consist of paired lateral elements lacking the central elements. Prolonged incubation at this stage of arrest results in unusually high recombination levels, perhaps related to the synaptonal structures observed.Temperature shift-up experiments (transfers of cells from 25° C to 34° C at various times during meiosis) reveal that the CDC5 function is required for both the first and the second divisions of meiosis.  相似文献   

Microtubules are dynamic cytoskeleton filaments that are essential for a wide range of cellular processes. They are polymerized from tubulin, a heterodimer of α- and β-subunits. Most eukaryotic organisms express multiple isotypes of α- and β-tubulin, yet their functional relevance in any organism remains largely obscure. The two α-tubulin isotypes in budding yeast, Tub1 and Tub3, are proposed to be functionally interchangeable, yet their individual functions have not been rigorously interrogated. Here, we develop otherwise isogenic yeast strains expressing single tubulin isotypes at levels comparable to total tubulin in WT cells. Using genome-wide screening, we uncover unique interactions between the isotypes and the two major mitotic spindle positioning mechanisms. We further exploit these cells to demonstrate that Tub1 and Tub3 optimize spindle positioning by differentially recruiting key components of the Dyn1- and Kar9-dependent mechanisms, respectively. Our results provide novel mechanistic insights into how tubulin isotypes allow highly conserved microtubules to function in diverse cellular processes.  相似文献   

Pairing of homologous chromosomes is important for homologous recombination and correct chromosome segregation during meiosis. It has been proposed that telomere clustering, nuclear oscillation, and recombination during meiotic prophase facilitate homologous chromosome pairing in fission yeast. Here we examined the contributions of these chromosomal events to homologous chromosome pairing, by directly observing the dynamics of chromosomal loci in living cells of fission yeast. Homologous loci exhibited a dynamic process of association and dissociation during the time course of meiotic prophase. Lack of nuclear oscillation reduced association frequency for both centromeric and arm regions of the chromosome. Lack of telomere clustering or recombination reduced association frequency at arm regions, but not significantly at centromeric regions. Our results indicate that homologous chromosomes are spatially aligned by oscillation of telomere-bundled chromosomes and physically linked by recombination at chromosome arm regions; this recombination is not required for association of homologous centromeres.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural analysis of three yeast rad 6-1/rad 6-1 diploids on sporulation medium for 0, 6, 10, and 24 h shows that arrest occurs at meiotic prophase. Two strains, CL 139 and PU 6, fail to complete chromosome synapsis based on the continued presence of single chromosomal cores in arrested nuclei. A clone derived from CL 139, however, showed complete pairing as evident from the presence of 17 synaptonemal complexes. All three strains underwent spindle pole body duplication but the poles failed to form a proper metaphase I spindle. A revertant Rad 6+ isolated from CL 139 showed normal chromosome behaviour and normal kinetic functions. It is concluded that the absence of meiotic recombination in some Rad 6 strains may result from asynapsis, but that in other strains (e.g., CL 139s) recombination fails in spite of complete synapsis. In all cases the lack of sporulation is adequately explained by failure of the kinetic apparatus to form a metaphase I spindle.  相似文献   

The meiotic cohesin Rec8 is required for the stepwise segregation of chromosomes during the two rounds of meiotic division. By directly measuring chromosome compaction in living cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we found an additional role for the meiotic cohesin in the compaction of chromosomes during meiotic prophase. In the absence of Rec8, chromosomes were decompacted relative to those of wild-type cells. Conversely, loss of the cohesin-associated protein Pds5 resulted in hypercompaction. Although this hypercompaction requires Rec8, binding of Rec8 to chromatin was reduced in the absence of Pds5, indicating that Pds5 promotes chromosome association of Rec8. To explain these observations, we propose that meiotic prophase chromosomes are organized as chromatin loops emanating from a Rec8-containing axis: the absence of Rec8 disrupts the axis, resulting in disorganized chromosomes, whereas reduced Rec8 loading results in a longitudinally compacted axis with fewer attachment points and longer chromatin loops.  相似文献   

The segregation of the nucleolus during mitosis was examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe by indirect immunofluorescence using antibodies directed to highly conserved anti-nucleolus antigens. In mitotic S. pombe cells, the nucleolus appears to trail the bulk of the DNA. In wild-type cells of S. cerevisiae, the nucleolus segregates alongside the bulk of the genomic DNA. Based on its distance from the centromere, we would expect the rDNA in both organisms to segregate behind the majority of the genomic DNA, if telomeric regions trail centromeric regions as in other eukaryotes. We therefore suggest that in S. cerevisiae the nucleolus is attached to other parts of the nucleus which enable it to segregate along with the bulk of the DNA. The segregation of the nucleolus in topoisomerase mutants and nuclear division mutants of S. cerevisiae was also investigated. In cdc14 mutants which arrest at late anaphase, the vast majority of the DNA is separated, but the nucleolar antigens remain extended between the mother and daughter cells. Thus, the CDC14 gene of S. cerevisiae appears to be important for the separation of the nucleolus at mitosis.  相似文献   

Interactions between homologous chromosomes (pairing, recombination) are of central importance for meiosis. We studied entire chromosomes and defined chromosomal subregions in synchronous meiotic cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Probes of different complexity were applied to spread nuclei, to delineate whole chromosomes, to visualize repeated sequences of centromeres, telomeres, and ribosomal DNA, and to study unique sequences of different chromosomal regions. In diploid nuclei, homologous chromosomes share a joint territory even before entry into meiosis. The centromeres of all chromosomes are clustered in vegetative and meiotic prophase cells, whereas the telomeres cluster near the nucleolus early in meiosis and maintain this configuration throughout meiotic prophase. Telomeres and centromeres appear to play crucial roles for chromosome organization and pairing, both in vegetative cells and during meiosis. Homologous pairing of unique sequences shows regional differences and is most frequent near centromeres and telomeres. Multiple homologous interactions are formed independently of each other. Pairing increases during meiosis, but not all chromosomal regions become closely paired in every meiosis. There is no detectable axial compaction of chromosomes in meiotic prophase. S. pombe does not form mature synaptonemal complexes, but axial element-like structures (linear elements), which were analyzed in parallel. Their appearance coincides with pairing of interstitial chromosomal regions. Axial elements may define minimal structures required for efficient pairing and recombination of meiotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport is blocked in mammalian cells during mitosis; however, the mechanism underlying this blockade remains unknown. Since COPII proteins are involved in this transport pathway, we investigated at the biochemical level post-translational modifications of COPII components during the course of mitosis that could be linked to inhibition of ER-to-Golgi transport. By comparing biochemical properties of cytosolic COPII components during interphase and mitosis, we found that Sec24p isoforms underwent post-translational modifications resulting in an increase in their apparent molecular weight. No such modification was observed for the other COPII components Sec23p, Sec13p, Sec31p or Sar1p. Analyzing in more details Sec24p isoforms in interphase and mitotic conditions, we found that the interphase form of Sec24p was O-N-acetylglucosamine modified, a feature lost upon entering into mitosis. This mitotic deglycosylation was coupled to Sec24p phosphorylation, a feature likely responsible for the increase in apparent molecular weight of these molecules. These modifications correlated with an alteration in the membrane binding properties of Sec24p. These data suggest that when entering into mitosis, the COPII component Sec24p is simultaneously deglycosylated and phosphorylated, a process which may contribute to the observed mitotic ER-to-Golgi traffic block.  相似文献   

Ran is an essential GTPase that controls nucleocytoplasmic transport, mitosis, and nuclear envelope formation. These functions are regulated by interaction of Ran with different partners, and by formation of a Ran-GTP gradient emanating from chromatin. Here, we identify a novel level of Ran regulation. We show that Ran is a substrate for p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) and that its phosphorylation on serine-135 increases during mitosis. The endogenous phosphorylated Ran and active PAK4 dynamically associate with different components of the microtubule spindle during mitotic progression. A GDP-bound Ran phosphomimetic mutant cannot undergo RCC1-mediated GDP/GTP exchange and cannot induce microtubule asters in mitotic Xenopus egg extracts. Conversely, phosphorylation of GTP-bound Ran facilitates aster nucleation. Finally, phosphorylation of Ran on serine-135 impedes its binding to RCC1 and RanGAP1. Our study suggests that PAK4-mediated phosphorylation of GDP- or GTP-bound Ran regulates the assembly of Ran-dependent complexes on the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Synapsis of homologous chromosomes is a key event in meiosis as it is essential for normal chromosome segregation and is implicated in the regulation of crossover frequency. We have previously reported the identification and cytological characterisation of a T-DNA-tagged asynaptic mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. We have demonstrated that this mutant, asy1, is defective in meiosis in both males and females. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the ASY1 gene has revealed that it encodes a polypeptide of 596 amino acids that exhibits similarity to the HOP1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is known to encode a protein essential for synaptonemal complex assembly and normal synapsis. Expression studies indicate that, in common with a number of other Arabidopsis meiotic genes, ASY1 exhibits low-level expression in a range of plant tissues. Southern analysis coupled with database searching has resulted in the identification of an ASY1 homologue, ASY2. Although asy1 exhibits a strong asynaptic phenotype, a residual low level of synapsis indicates that ASY1 and ASY2 may exhibit a low degree of functional redundancy. Received: 22 September 1999; in revised form: 18 October 1999 / Accepted: 18 October 1999  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in many eukaryotes requires an actomyosin contractile ring. Here, we show that in fission yeast the myosin-II heavy chain Myo2 initially accumulates at the division site via its COOH-terminal 134 amino acids independently of F-actin. The COOH-terminal region can access to the division site at early G2, whereas intact Myo2 does so at early mitosis. Ser1444 in the Myo2 COOH-terminal region is a phosphorylation site that is dephosphorylated during early mitosis. Myo2 S1444A prematurely accumulates at the future division site and promotes formation of an F-actin ring even during interphase. The accumulation of Myo2 requires the anillin homologue Mid1 that functions in proper ring placement. Myo2 interacts with Mid1 in cell lysates, and this interaction is inhibited by an S1444D mutation in Myo2. Our results suggest that dephosphorylation of Myo2 liberates the COOH-terminal region from an intramolecular inhibition. Subsequently, dephosphorylated Myo2 is anchored by Mid1 at the medial cortex and promotes the ring assembly in cooperation with F-actin.  相似文献   

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