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F. Cortés  P. Escalza 《Genetica》1986,71(1):39-46
Different banding procedures and preferential Giemsa staining of late replicating DNA-rich regions were carried out in metaphase chromosomes of three species belonging to different sections of the genus Allium (A. cepa, A. sativum and A. nigrum). The banding, as well as the late replicating patterns were species-specific. The late replicating pattern proved to be, in all cases, the more detailed, and represented the highest percentage of the karyotype differentially stained. Lower percents of the karyotype positively stained were accounted for by C-banding, by modified C-banding and by N-banding. In A. cepa interphase nuclei the pattern of constitutive heterochromatin fitted well with that of late replicating DNA-rich regions, but the coincidence with that revealed by C-banding was only partial. This supports the suggestion that late replicating regions may be considered to be a special category of heterochromatin. On the other hand, it seems that not all C-banded material replicates at the end of the S phase. By the modified C-banding, stained centromere dots or small bands, as well as bands at the NORs are observed.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banded idiograms that allow the identification of all chromosomes have been prepared for Allium cepa, Ornithogalum virens, and Secale cereale. An analysis of A. cepa DNA has determined that: (1) It has the lowest GC content so far reported for an angiosperm (32%). (2) It appears to have no satellite DNA detectable by CsCl or Cs2SO4-Ag+ density gradient centrifugation. (3) Aside from fold back DNA and unreactable fragments, a C0t curve indicates that most of the DNA can be adequately described as two major middle repetitive components (Fractions I and II) and a single copy component (Fraction III). And (4) most of the repeated DNA sequences are involved in a short period interspersion pattern with single copy and other repetitive sequences. In situ hybridization of tritiated cRNAs to fold back, long repeated, and Fraction I DNA from A. cepa to squash preparations of chromosomes and nuclei from A. cepa, O. virens, and S. cereale root tips indicates: (1) Sequences complementary to fold back DNA are scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa except for telomeric heterochromatin and nucleolus organizers while they are not detectable in the genomes of O. virens or S. cereale. (2) Although long repeated sequences are scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa, they are concentrated to some extent in telomeric heterochromatin and nucleolus organizers (NOs). Sequences complementary to long repeats of A. cepa occur primarily in chromosome three of O. virens while these sequences are more common in the genome of more distantly related S. cereale. (3) Fraction I DNA is scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa while it is hardly detectable in the genomes of O. virens and S. cereale. These results are discussed in regard to the evolutionary conservation and function of repeated DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The involvement of portions of the genome replicated at different times of the S period in the regulation of the G1 to S transition was analyzed in Allium cepa L meristem cells. For this, DNA bromosubstitution confined to discrete portions of a previous S period followed by anoxic UVA irradiation (300-400 nm light) was performed in synchronous cells. Sequences replicated in late S appeared to be involved in the positive regulation of the initiation of replication. Hence, cells were prevented from initiating replication if irradiated at mid G1 only when the DNA sequences replicated in the last third of the previous S period were bromosubstituted. Cycloheximide-induced inhibition of protein synthesis at late G1 also prevented the G1 to S transition. Sequences replicated in mid S appeared unrelated to any control of the initiation of replication. On the other hand, sequences replicated in the first third of the S period seemed to be involved in the negative regulation of the initiation of replication, since irradiation after previous bromosubstitution of early replicating DNA sequences advanced G1 cells into the next S phase and increased the proliferative fraction of the population. Finally, the simultaneous inactivation of DNA sequences involved in both positive and negative regulation of replication allowed the cells to enter into S.  相似文献   

Summary— The involvement of genome portions replicating at different times of the S phase in the control of cell cycle events was analysed in Allium cepa L meristematic cells. 5-Azacytidine (5-azaC) was incorporated into discrete replicating DNA portions in synchronous cells. Cells treated with 5-azaC during the late S phase went through normal cell cycles while cells treated with 5-azaC during the early S phase were able to go through the immediately succeeding mitosis, as well as to begin the subsequent S phase. However, they were unable to enter a second mitosis. Thus, sequences replicating in the early S phase appear to code for a mitotic inhibitor which represses the emergence of a positive mitotic signal. This inhibition took place in the first half of the interphase (ie during G1) and resulted in a cell cycle blockage in G2.  相似文献   

H. Schnabl  H. Ziegler 《Planta》1977,136(1):37-43
In the guard cells of Allium cepa leaves, no starch was found either when the stomata were open or closed. The lack of other soluble polysaccharides that could be hydrolyzed during the opening reaction of the stomata (Schnabl, Planta 1977, in press) leads to the question, how is the osmotic effect, which is the basis of the stomatal movement, achieved in Allium? It is shown in this paper, by histochemical and microprobe analyses, that in Allium — as in other plant species—the K+ concentration of the guard cells increases during stomatal opening. The charges of the K+ ions in the guard cells seem to be fully compensated by imported Cl- ions. This could mean that if starch is present in the guard cells, as in the majority of plant species, its major role in the mechanism of stomatal movement is to deliver the cuunteranions for the imported K+ ions.  相似文献   

D Lerda 《Mutation research》1992,281(2):89-92
The effect of lead on Allium cepa L. at concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, 10, 50, 100 and 200 ppm were studied. Analysis focused on root growth, frequency of mitosis in a meristematic zone, and chromosomal aberrations. It was observed that lead reduces root growth and the frequency of mitotic cells in meristematic zones, and increases the frequency of aberrant cells. The intensity of the effects is a function of lead concentration.  相似文献   

S M Gendel  D E Fosket 《Cytobios》1978,22(87-88):155-168
When chromosomes of Allium cepa are subjected to a C-banding procedure (incubation in saturated barium hydroxide followed by phosphate buffer at 60 degrees C for 1 h) and then treated with Giemsa stain, bands appear at the telomeres of all chromosomes. Microspectrophotometric measurements of Feulgen-DNA content, demonstrated that the C-banding procedure extracted DNA from the nuclei. Staining of banded chromosomes with several DNA-specific stains showed that this loss was differential, with the band DNA exhibiting more resistance to extraction than that of the rest of the chromosome. The C-banding procedure did not extract chromosomal proteins, however, and no difference in mass per unit length could be detected by Nomarski optics between band and interband regions. Several experiments demonstrated that chromosomal proteins play a significant role in C-banding. First, treatment of chromosomes with pronase before C-banding resulted in the elimination of differential staining with Giemsa. Furthermore, in preparations where the DNA was completely hydrolysed with hot TCA, the remaining chromosomal proteins were found to exhibit a differential affinity for Giemsa stain. Amido black staining demonstrated that total chromosomal protein was uniformly distributed after the hot TCA digestion, but the proteins localized in the telomeres had a greater affinity for the Giemsa stain than the bulk of the chromosomal proteins. When the TCA-digested chromosomes were subjected to the C-banding procedure before staining, the differential affinity of the telomeres for the Giemsa stain was lost. Thus, C-banding appears to be the result of a complex interaction between protein and DNA in which the greater resistance to extraction of the band DNA is necessary to stabilize and preserve chromatin protein which exhibits a differential affinity for Giemsa stain.  相似文献   

Summary A diploid Allium cepa plant was recovered from the backcross of an interspecific triploid (2 x A. cepa + 1 x A. fistulosum) to an A. cepa diploid which exhibited both A. cepa and A. fistulosum Adh-1 alleles. Cytogenetic analyses revealed a recombinant sub-telocentric chromosome. The ADH-1 locus is believed to be on the long arm of the sub-telocentric A. fistulosum chromosome 5. Meiosis of the triploid progenitor gives strong evidence that recombination occurred. A. fistulosum chromosome 8 has been substituted for A. cepa chromosome 1.Contribution of the College of Agricultural Sciences, Texas Tech University, Journal No. T-4-275  相似文献   

Cytological analysis of (Allium cepa L.×Allium fistulosum L.)×A. cepa L. F1BC3 plants revealed most plants were diploid with 16 chromosomes. Karyotypes of these plants showed recombinant chromosomes. Fluorescence and genomic in situ hybridization patterns of interspecific F1 hybrid and F1BC3 plants revealed A. fistulosum chromosomes or chromosomal segments. A highly repetitive 376-bp DNA sequence and genomic DNA of A. fistulosum revealed similar telomeric hybridization sites when hybridized onto A. fistulosum chromosomes. Cytogenetic evidence showed that A. fistulosum DNA has recombined into the A. cepa genome. Received: 20 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Two complete sets of Allium fistulosum L.– A. cepa monosomic addition lines (2n=2x+1=17) together with an AFLP linkage map based on a cross between A. cepa and A. roylei Stearn were used to re-evaluate the eight A. cepa linkage groups identified in the mapping study. The linkage groups could be assigned to individual, physical chromosomes. The low level of molecular homology between A. cepa and A. fistulosum enabled the identification of 186 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP™ markers) present in A. cepa and not in A. fistulosum with ten different primer combinations. With the monosomic addition lines the distribution of the markers over the eight chromosomes of A. cepa could be determined. Of these 186 AFLP markers 51 were absent in A. roylei and consequently used as markers in the mapping study (A. cepa ×A. roylei cross). Therefore, these 51 AFLP markers could be used to assign the eight A. cepa linkage groups identified in the mapping study to physical chromosomes. Seven isozyme and three CAPS markers were also included. Two of the linkage groups had to be split because they included two sets of markers corresponding to different chromosomes. A total of 20 (approx. 10%) of the A. cepa-specific AFLP markers were amplified in more than one type of the monosomic addition lines, suggesting unlinked duplications. The co-dominant isozyme and CAPS markers were used to identify the correspondence of linkage groupsoriginating from A. cepa or from A. roylei. Received: 16 April 1999 / Accepted: 13 August 1999  相似文献   

Extracts of Allium cepa and A. porrum - contain factors that inhibit to various extents polygalacturonases (PGs) produced in vitro by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme, Phoma terrestris, Sclerotium cepivorum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Didymella bryoniae and Phoma lycopersici. The PG inhibition rank changed using leek or onion extract. The inhibition factors are possibly proteins, do not present particular specificity and act against PGs of fungi pathogens and non pathogens for these plant species.  相似文献   

将洋葱的胚珠置于酶液中酶解50-110 min后剥去其珠被,可清楚地看到珠心中的胚囊轮廓。用解剖针将珠心从中部横切,然后挤压其珠孔部位,卵器细胞从胚珠的切口处逸出。再用显微操作仪的玻璃针将卵细胞和两个助细胞分开,达到分离洋葱卵细胞的目的。酶对分离卵细胞具有重要作用,在最佳的酶液浓度[0.02%果胶酶Y23、0.08%果胶酶(Serva)、0.05%纤维素酶和0.05%半纤维素酶]下酶解胚珠110 min后,解剖1 h可从24个胚珠中分离出10个卵细胞(41.67%)。随着胚囊的发育,两个助细胞的体积出现明显的二形性。洋葱生活卵细胞的分离为开展洋葱离体受精建立了基础,也为研究洋葱卵器细胞的发育创造了条件。  相似文献   

采用焦锑酸钾沉淀钙离子技术,对洋葱(Alliumcepa)花药发育中Ca^2+分布进行了研究。在小孢子母细胞时期,小孢子母细胞中的钙沉淀颗粒很少,但绒毡层细胞的内切向壁已出现明显的钙沉淀颗粒。在四分体时期,四分体小孢子的胼胝质壁中出现较多的钙沉淀颗粒;绒毡层细胞内切向壁的钙沉淀颗粒消失,而在外切向壁和径向壁部位的钙沉淀颗粒增加。在小孢子早期,小孢子中也出现了钙沉淀颗粒,而绒毡层细胞内切向壁表面出现了很多絮状物,其上附有细小钙沉淀颗粒。到小孢子晚期,小孢子中出现一些小液泡,细胞质中的钙沉淀颗粒有所下降。此时绒毡层细胞已明显退化,但在绒毡层膜上仍有一些乌氏体和钙沉淀颗粒。在二胞花粉早期,营养细胞中的液泡收缩、消失,细胞质中又出现了较多的钙沉淀颗粒,在质体和其内部的淀粉粒表面上附有较多的钙沉淀颗粒。到二胞花粉晚期,花粉中的钙沉淀颗粒已明显下降,仅在花粉外壁中还有一地钙沉淀颗粒.  相似文献   

In 1965 Van't Hof estimated the nuclear DNA amount of an unidentifiedAllium cepa L. cultivar as 2C = 33.55 pg (Experimental CellResearch39: 8–58). This value has been adopted by commonusage as the main calibration standard for angiosperm DNA C-valueestimations. However, different cultivars have been used whileassuming species DNA C-value constancy. Surprisingly this assumptionhas never been tested. A. cepa is an outbreeder with telomericheterochromatic segments, so intraspecific variation in C-value,possibly correlated with environmental factors as seen in Zeamays L., might be expected. We used laser flow cytometry tocompare nuclear DNA amounts in roots of six A. cepa cultivarsused as calibration standards or from different environments.Tissues from one cultivar, or similar volumes of tissue fromtwo cultivars, were run and the variance between nuclei in 2Cpeaks compared. Only one shoulderless 2C peak was seen for allpairs of co-chopped cultivars. Thus, no large differences inC-value between cultivars from different environments were found.Moreover, comparing cultivars run singly or as pairs showedno evidence for increased variation in 2C peaks in the latter,and hence of critical differences in DNA amounts between ‘AilsaCraig’ and another cultivar. Such variation was insufficientto make their use as alternative calibration standards, or thepractice of imputing Van't Hof's original C-value estimate tothem, unacceptable for most practical purposes. Given the mechanismsknown which can generate genome size variation, the degree ofconstancy in DNA C-value found seems remarkable. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Allium cepa, onion cultivars, calibration standards, DNA C-value constancy, flow cytometry  相似文献   

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