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The new fine-leaved species Festuca gilbertiana is described from the Semien mountains in Ethiopia. It is most closely related to F. obturbans and F. macrophylla .  相似文献   

Grasses are the most important and widely cultivated crops. Among them, ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and fescues (Festuca spp.) provide high quality fodder for livestock, are used for turf and amenity purposes, and play a fundamental role in environment protection. Species from the two genera display complementary agronomic characteristics and are often grown in mixtures. Breeding efforts to combine desired features in single entities culminated with the production of Festuca x Lolium hybrids. The so called Festuloliums enjoy a considerable commercial success with numerous cultivars registered all over the world. They are also very intriguing from a strictly cytogenetic point of view as the parental chromosomes recombine freely in hybrids. Until a decade ago this phenomenon was only known in general quantitative terms. The introduction of molecular cytogenetic tools such as FISH and GISH permitted detailed studies of intergeneric chromosome recombination and karyotyping of Festulolium cultivars. These tools were also invaluable in revealing the origin of polyploid fescues, and facilitated the development of chromosome substitution and introgression lines and physical mapping of traits of interest. Further progress in this area will require the development of a larger set of cytogenetic markers and high-resolution cytogenetic maps. It is expected that the Lolium-Festuca complex will continue providing opportunities for breeding superior grass cultivars and the complex will remain an attractive platform for fundamental research of the early steps of hybrid speciation and interaction of parental genomes, as well as the processes of chromosome pairing, elimination and recombination.  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosome numbers and observations were made in eleven species belonging to nine different genera of Bambusoideae. The numbers include counts in eight species that have never been investigated cytologically:Arundinaria aff.amabilis (n=24), Chusquea bambusoides (n=ca. 20),Cryptochloa dressleri (n=11), Olyra ciliatifolia (n=11), Sucrea monophylla (n=11), Raddia brasiliensis (n=11), Strephium distichophyllum (n=11), andPariana aurita (n=22). The generaStrephium andSucrea have not been studied previously with respect to their chromosomes. The significance of these results are discussed in relation to the over 140 published counts in the subfamily, which indicates a preponderance of polyploidy in the woody members, or bamboos, but not in their herbaceous allies. Aneuploidy is rare in the former but frequent in the latter. It is postulated that the herbaceous bambusoids, which flower every year and produce recombinants regularly and in short-time cycles, could have tolerated successive reductions of the linkage groups and their genetic flexibility. These changes would not have been favored in the bamboos, which have more genetic constancy due to the long lapse (often 20–120 years) between flowering generations.  相似文献   

A summary of previous chromosome counts of Brachypodium is given in addition to a large number of new reports. The present work does not support claims made for extensive infraspecific variation in certain species. The implication of cytological knowledge for a taxonomic and evolutionary understanding of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

Ohta S  Morishita M 《Hereditas》2001,135(2-3):101-110
To elucidate the genome relationships in the genus Dasypyrum and the ancestry of tetraploid D. breviaristatum, two cytotypes of D. breviaristatum and D. villosum were reciprocally crossed with one another. Chromosome pairing at the first metaphase of meiosis and fertility were examined in the F1 hybrids and the parental plants. The mean pairing configuration and mean arm pairing frequency in D. villosum-D. breviaristatum (2x) hybrids were 11.12I + 1.44II per cell and 0.107, respectively, and they were almost completely sterile. In D. breviaristatum (4x)-D. breviaristatum (2x) hybrid, up to seven trivalents were formed, and the mean pairing configuration was 3.38I + 3.20II + 3.74III + 0.005IV per cell. The mean arm pairing frequency and relative affinity calculated in that F1 hybrid were 0.915 and 0.641, respectively. Seven bivalents and seven univalents were characteristically formed in D. villosum-D. breviaristatum (4x) hybrids. Based on the present results, we clearly concluded that the genome of diploid D. breviaristatum is distantly related to the genome V of D. villosum, and that these two species have different basic genomes. We, therefore, proposed the symbol Vb for the haploid genome of diploid cytotype of D. breviaristatum. Moreover, we concluded that tetraploid D. breviaristatum is an autotetraploid with doubled sets of the genomes homologous with that of diploid D. breviaristatum, and we proposed the genome constitution VbVb for the haploid genome set of tetraploid cytotype of D. breviaristatum. Furthermore, from the chromosome pairing in the F1 hybrids involving Moroccan and Greek accessions, it was suggested that complicated rearrangements of chromosome structure have occurred in tetraploid D. breviaristatum in its natural populations across the entire distribution area.  相似文献   

The growth-rates and chromosome numbers of plants taken froma natural population of hybrids between perennial rye grassand meadow fescue were determined. The growth-rates of diploidhybrids resembled that of rye grass while those of the triploidswere similar to that of meadow fescue. Experiments on plantsgrown singly and in competition showed that fescue was adverselyaffected by low temperature and rye grass by low light and alsoby the reduced nutrient supply arising from competition. The persistence of the sterile hybrids is explained by theirrecurrent formation coupled with greater longevity and vegetativespread, arising from growth characteristics intermediate betweenthose of their parents. The persistence of rye grass and thedisappearance of fescue when periodically grazed appear to resultfrom the earlier growth and more rapid rate of tillering ofthe former. However, rye grass has fewer and smaller meristemsavailable for regrowth if allowed to grow until anthesis, andunder these conditions fescue dominates. The intermediate growthcharacters of the hybrids allow them to survive spring grazingmore readily than meadow fescue and cutting for hay more readilythan rye grass.  相似文献   

Following a recent reidentification of the apigenin C-glycosides in diploid Briza media, the luteolin C-glycosides were reexamined and three acylated derivatives of a luteolin C-glycoside were found. In an attempt to identify the chromosome or group of chromosomes responsible for the change in flavonoid synthesis from 4'-hydroxy- in diploid plants to 3',4'-dihydroxyflavone C-glycosides in autotetraploid plants, leaf flavonoids of artificially produced aneuploids of B. media were examined. Among these plants three different leaf flavonoid profiles were recognized: diploid, tetraploid, and a "modified" tetraploid pattern. All the aneuploids with the normal or "modified" tetraploid pattern were trisomic for one of the small acrocentric chromosomes. Induced polyploids of other Briza species were usually found to have similar flavonoid patterns in the two chromosome races. Flavonoid sulfates were found in three South American species but are absent from all the European species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between sympatric, morphologically indistinguishable diploid and tetraploid plants ofDactylis glomerata L. (Gramineae) in Galicia (Spain) were assessed using allozyme markers for 6 distinct systems. The study exploited recent introduction in Galicia and subsequent hybridization of an alien 4xDactylis subspecies possessing distinct allozymes from those of all the native plants. Opportunities for gene exchanges between the ploidies were estimated from in situ observations of flowering, examination of progenies in 2x/4x natural and experimental crosses, and enzyme analyses. Results show a high genetic similarity between the Galician diploids and tetraploids, which possess peculiar alleles in common. Although the ploidy levels usually have distinct flowering periods, interploidal crosses do occasionally occur. Gene flow is likely much more important from the diploid to the tetraploid level. A good genetic intermixing occurs between the Galician and the alien tetraploid entities which have simultaneous flowering. Autopolyploidization of the diploids followed by various rates of hybridization is proposed as one very probable origin of natural tetraploids inDactylis.  相似文献   

M Cao  D A Sleper  F Dong  J Jiang 《Génome》2000,43(2):398-403
Intergeneric hybridizations have been made between species of Lolium and Festuca. It has been demonstrated, largely through conventional cytogenetic analysis, that the genomes of the two genera are related, however, much information is lacking on exactly how closely related the genomes are between the two species. We applied genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) techniques to the F1 hybrids of tetraploid Festuca mairei with a genomic constitution of M1M1M2M2 and diploid Lolium perenne with a genomic constitution of LL. It was shown in the triploid hybrids (LM1M2) that the chromosomes of M1 and M2 from F. mairei could pair with each other, and it was further discovered that L chromosomes of L. perenne paired with M1 and M2 chromosomes. Our results showed that meiocytes of Lolium-Festuca are amenable to GISH analysis, and provided direct evidence for the hypothesis that the chromosomes of Lolium and Festuca may be genetically equivalent and that reciprocal mixing of the genomes may be possible.  相似文献   

禾木科植物染色体消除型远缘杂交的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物远缘杂交是作物育种中广泛应用的技术。除了核型稳定的种间杂交可以获得杂种以外,还可以利用核型不稳定的种间杂交后父本染色体消除的现象,通过胚培养和染色体加倍处理获得加倍单倍体(DH)植株。然而从小麦×玉米杂交获得的DH后代与其理论上应完全同质的遗传表现却不相符,总有2~5%的DH植株发生了形态学变异。最近的研究证明。通过小麦×玉米的受精作用,一些玉米特异DNA可以被转移到小麦DH后代的基因组中。  相似文献   

Crossability anf F1 hybrid fertility were studied using chromosome races (species or infra-specific taxa) representative of broad-leaved fescues in sections bovinae and scariosae. Hybrids were also obtained with Lolium multiflorum. The hybridization results, when considered in relation to morphology, cytology, and geographical distribution, support the idea that the Moroccan fescues studied here are more closely related amongst themselves, than to taxa from outside this region. These findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of the polyploids.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers have been counted in 102 populations belonging to 34 taxa of Festuca L. section Festuca from the Iberian Peninsula. Four of these taxa have been counted for the first time and another three for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, the levels of ploidy for another three taxa have been obtained for new populations within their distribution area, and for another 18 taxa the ploidy levels have been confirmed. Five levels of ploidy have been established for this section: diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid, octoploid and decaploid. There are 17 diploid taxa, eight tetraploid, three octoploid, two octoploid and one decaploid. The three remaining taxa represent polyploid complexes (one tetra-hexa-octoploid and two hexa-octoploids).  相似文献   

Chiasmata and variability in Lolium and Festuca populations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
H. Rees  P. J. Dale 《Chromosoma》1974,47(3):335-351
There are significant differences in mean pollen mother cell chiasma frequencies between populations within Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum and Festuca pratensis. The differences are genotypically controlled. With low chiasma frequencies the chiasmata are distally located. With increasing chiasma frequency the frequency of chiasmata in interstitial segments increases. Shorter lived populations have higher chiasma frequencies than the more perennial. — The higher the chiasma frequency of a population the lower the phenotypic and genetic variance for characters under polygenic control, such as flowering time, and the less effective also is the response to selection for such characters. These observations are interpreted on the premise that high chiasma frequencies are instrumental in the breaking up of supergene sequences in interstitial chromosome segments.  相似文献   

Studying the biogeography and the phylogeography of the endemic Macaronesian red Festuca species (Loliinae, Poaceae) is of prime interest in understanding the speciation and colonization patterns of recently evolved groups in oceanic archipelagos. Coalescence‐based analyses of plastid trnLF sequences were employed to estimate evolutionary parameters and to test different species‐history scenarios that model the pattern of species divergence. Bayesian IM estimates of species divergence times suggested that ancestral lineages of diploid Macaronesian and Iberian red fescues could have diverged between 1.2 and 1.57 Ma. When empirical data were compared to coalescence‐based simulated distributions of discordance and p‐distance statistics, two species‐history models were chosen in which the first branching lineage derived in Canarian Festuca agustinii. Its sister lineage could have involved a recent polytomy leading to the Madeiran Festuca jubata, the Azorean Festuca francoi + Festuca petraea and the continental Festuca rivularis lineages (Canarian model) or the sequential branching of lineages leading to F. jubata and finally to the sister clades of F. rivularis and F. francoi + F. petraea (Sequential model). Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) and a first adapted host–parasite co‐evolutionary ParaFit method were used to detect the phylogeographic signal. NCPA inferred long‐distance colonizations for the entire diploid red Festuca complex, but allopatric‐fragmentation and isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) patterns were inferred within archipelagos. In addition, the ParaFit method suggested a generalized pattern of a stepping‐stone model at all hierarchical levels. Maximum‐likelihood‐based dispersal‐extinction‐cladogenesis (DEC) models were superimposed on the Sequential model species tree. The three‐independent‐colonization (3IC) model was the best supported biogeographic scenario, concurring with previous analysis based on multilocus AFLP data.  相似文献   

Morphological and seed protein analyses of 26 species of the generaLolium, Festuca andVulpia confirmed their close systematic affinities. Six inflorescence characters readily differentiatedFestuca fromLolium. Protein similarities betweenFestuca of sect.Bovinae and cross-pollinated species ofLolium, coupled with cytogenetic and crossability data, substantiate that they should be united into one genus.Vulpia had phenetic similarities with sect.Scariosae, Montanae andOvinae ofFestuca. Lolium, Festuca, andVulpia are most likely derived from a common ancestral form which was close toFestuca pratensis andLolium perenne.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome association at first meiotic metaphase in tetraploid hybrids between Lolium perenne and L. multiflorum was compared with that in autotetraploid L. perenne. The hybrids were found to have significantly higher levels of bivalent frequency, and lower levels of multivalent and chiasma frequency. A significant increase in multivalent frequency with increasing chiasma formation was found in both groups, but the increase was much less in the hybrids. These differences in chromosome associations between the two groups must therefore reflect differences in chiasma distribution and it is suggested that the results indicate a significant degree of preferential bivalent pairing in the hybrids.  相似文献   

Intergeneric asymmetric somatic hybrids have been obtained by the fusion of metabolically inactivated protoplasts from embryogenic suspension cultures ofFestuca arundinacea (recipient) and protoplasts from a non-morphogenic cell suspension ofLolium multiflorum (donor) irradiated with 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 Gy of X-rays. Regenerating calli led to the recovery of genotypically and phenotypically different asymmetric somatic hybridFestulolium plants. The genome composition of the asymmetric somatic hybrid clones was characterized by quantitative dot-blot hybridizations using dispersed repetitive DNA sequences specific to tall fescue and Italian ryegrass. Data from dot-blot hybridizations using two cloned Italian ryegrass-specific sequences as probes showed that irradiation favoured a unidirectional elimination of most or part of the donor chromosomes in asymmetric somatic hybrid clones obtained from fusion experiments using donor protoplasts irradiated at doses 250 Gy. Irradiation of cells of the donor parent with 500 Gy prior to protoplast fusion produced highly asymmetric nuclear hybrids with over 80% elimination of the donor genome as well as clones showing a complete loss of donor chromosomes. Further information on the degree of asymmetry in regenerated hybrid plants was obtained from chromosomal analysis including in situ hybridizations withL. multiflorum-specific repetitive sequences. A Southern blot hybridization analysis using one chloroplast and six mitochondrial-specific probes revealed preferentially recipient-type organelles in asymmetric somatic hybrid clones obtained from fusion experiments with donor protoplasts irradiated with doses higher than 100 Gy. It is concluded that the irradiation of donor cells before fusion at different doses can be used for producing both nuclear hybrids with limited donor DNA elimination or highly asymmetric nuclear hybrid plants in an intergeneric graminaceous combination. For a wide range of radiation doses tested (25–250Gy), the degree of the species-specific genome elimination from the irradiated partner seems not to be dose dependent. A bias towards recipient-type organelles was apparent when extensive donor nuclear genome elimination occurred.Abbreviations cpDNA Chloroplast DNA - 2, 4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - IOA iodoacetamide - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   

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