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Human metaphase chromosomes, substituted with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for one, two or three rounds of replication, were briefly pretreated with ultraviolet light (UV), in the presence of 33258 Hoechst, and subsequently digested with either exonuclease III or S1 nuclease. Pretreatment alone was not sufficient to induce sister chromatid differential staining (SCD), but allowed subsequent digestion with exonuclease III or S1. Such enzymes were found to induce SCD with ethidium bromide, as unifilarly BrdUrd-substituted chromatids (TB) were more resistant than bifilarly substituted chromatids (BB). Other experiments with DNase I or the AluI and HaeIII restriction endonucleases showed that only HaeIII was capable of inducing SCD by attacking BB more than TB chromatids preincubated with UV in the presence of Hoechst. SCD with exonuclease III/S1 nuclease seems to be due to (1) UV-induced DNA debromination occurring twice in BB as opposed to TB chromatids, and (2) alteration of chromatin protein structure occurring to a different extent in differently BrdUrd-substituted chromatids. Our findings with endonucleases, on the contrary, may depend on the capacity of enzymatic cleavage to cancel the different protein alterations induced differentially by UV in TB as opposed to BB chromatids.  相似文献   

Summary Signal transduction across biological membranes is modulated by a family of related GTP-binding proteins termed G proteins. These G proteins have a heterotrimeric structure composed of α, β, and γ subunits. The α subunits of the G proteins bind GTP and appear to determine the biochemical specificity of the protein. We have recently cloned and characterized cDNA encoding two G-protein α subunits, αi and αh. The former is a substrate for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. The protein corresponding to αh has not yet been identified. These cDNAs encode proteins, which demonstrate 90% sequence identity to one another and also show marked similarity to other G proteins. The present studies were designed to determine whether the genes for these related proteins are clustered on a single human chromosome. Genomic DNA isolated from a panel of mouse-human hybrid cell lines was analyzed by hybridization to cDNAs for αi and αh. Based on the distribution patterns of αi and αh in cell hybrids, the gene for αi was assigned to human chromosome 7, and the gene for αh assigned to chromosome 12. These data suggest that the G-protein gene family may be distributed over at least two human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Individual S phase allocyclic chromosomes have been analyzed in Bloom syndrome lymphocytes, in cells with an r(9), and in hypotetraploid Ehrlich mouse ascites cells treated with 1-methyl-2-benzyl hydrazine. On the basis of the following observations, we conclude that such chromosomes more or less reflect their domains in interphase: (1) The S phase allocyclic chromosomes have the same structure as S phase prematurely condensed chromatin (PCC) in fused cells; in other words they form limited areas of chromatin dots; (2) the allocyclic chromosome is the only chromosome in a metaphase plate which synthesizes DNA simultanneously with interphase nuclei; (3) the size of the allocyclic chromosomes is related to the size of the corresponding metaphase chromosome; and (4) the S phase allocyclic chromosomes resemble closely the chromosome domains in interphase made visible with biotinylated human DNA. A variety of evidence shows that most allocyclic chromosomes are simply left behind in their cycle, which presumably is caused by a deletion or inactivation of a hypothetical coiling center situated on each chromosome arm.  相似文献   

Transfer of genetic information from isolated hamster chromosomes to mouse cells is described. Metaphase chromosomes isolated from Chinese hamster diploid cells were incubated with mouse Cl. 1-d cells deficient in thymidine kinase activity. Two viable colonies appeared from the treated mouse cells after HAT selection with a frequency of about 10−8. The first colony isolated (Cl. 1) failed to grow, however. The second colony isolated (Cl. 2) grew well in HAT medium and was subcultured for more than 70 generations. Cl. 2 cells possessed an elevated tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase activity of molecular species resembling that of Chinese hamster cells, as shown by disc electrophoresis. The cell line also expressed surface antigen(s) specific to hamster species, as shown by mixed hemadsorption test and immune cell electrophoresis. This latter phenotype disappeared after prolonged cultivation (59 generations) of the cells in non-selective medium. The karyotype of Cl. 2 cells corresponded to that of the mouse species and was quite different from that of hamster cells. Hamster chromosomes could not be identified in any of the cell clones by detailed analysis by the banding method (Q- and C-band). Not one revertant cell was obtained among 4.2×108 Cl. 1-d cells in the control.  相似文献   

Alpha-satellite sequences are found in the centromeric region of all human chromosomes and have been implicated in centromeric function. We describe the structure and behaviour of chromosomes containing amplified human alphoid DNA from chromosome 12, in an osteosarcoma cell line (OSA) and an atypical lipomatous tumour (ALT). In OSA, the amplified material was detected in one large marker chromosome, whereas in ALT amplified sequences were observed in chromosomes of variable number and appearance. The marker in OSA was mitotically stable, but those in ALT exhibited a high degree of mitotic instability, forming bridges at anaphase and chromatin strings between interphase nuclei. The amplified α-satellite arrays reacted positively with human anti-centromeric antiserum and anti-centromere protein B antibodies in both tumours. Centromere protein C, previously shown to be present only in functional kinetochores, was invariably detected at the constriction of the marker in OSA, while one-fifth of markers in ALT appeared to exhibit additional centromere protein C-positive regions outside the primary constriction, indicating that the observed chromosomal instability in ALT might, at least in part, be a consequence of the occasional formation of more than one functional kinetochore. In OSA the alphoid DNA was coamplified with unique sequences from central 12q and the amplified material was C-band negative but in ALT amplified material from central 12q as well as sequences from proximal 12p were detected, resulting in C-band-positive areas. A propensity for additional kinetochore formation might thus be associated with the coamplification of alphoid DNA and pericentromeric sequences from chromosome 12. Received: 17 February 1999; in revised form: 6 June 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

The human genome is described in the literature as being composed of the isochores, i.e., long (hundreds of kilobases) segments with a homogeneous (G + C) content. We calculated the (G + C) content variations along the DNA molecules of the human chromosomes 21 and 22 and found the variations to be higher everywhere compared to the randomized sequences. Hence the (G + C) content is certainly not homogeneous on the isochore scale in the two human chromosomes. In addition, we found no significant difference between the two human molecules and the genome of E. coli regarding the (G + C) content variations. Hence no isochores are either present in the DNA molecules of the human chromosomes 21 and 22, or the isochores are also present in the genome of Escherichia coli. In any case, the present communication demonstrates that the isochores should be defined in unambiguous molecular terms if they are to be used for an up-to-date genome structure characterization.  相似文献   

As proliferating cells transit from interphase into M-phase, chromatin undergoes extensive reorganization, and topoisomerase (topo) IIα, the major isoform of this enzyme present in cycling vertebrate cells, plays a key role in this process. In this study, a human cell line conditional null mutant for topo IIα and a derivative expressing an auxin-inducible degron (AID)-tagged version of the protein have been used to distinguish real mitotic chromosome functions of topo IIα from its more general role in DNA metabolism and to investigate whether topo IIβ makes any contribution to mitotic chromosome formation. We show that topo IIβ does contribute, with endogenous levels being sufficient for the initial stages of axial shortening. However, a significant effect of topo IIα depletion, seen with or without the co-depletion of topo IIβ, is the failure of chromosomes to hypercompact when delayed in M-phase. This requires much higher levels of topo II protein and is impaired by drugs or mutations that affect enzyme activity. A prolonged delay at the G2/M border results in hyperefficient axial shortening, a process that is topo IIα-dependent. Rapid depletion of topo IIα has allowed us to show that its function during late G2 and M-phase is truly required for shaping mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

The production of dicentric chromosomes in human lymphocytes by high-energy neutron radiation was studied using a quasi-monoenergetic 60 MeV neutron beam. The average yield coefficient of the linear dose–response relationship for dicentric chromosomes was measured to be (0.146±0.016) Gy−1. This confirms our earlier observations that above 400 keV, the yield of dicentric chromosomes decreases with increasing neutron energy. Using the linear-quadratic dose–response relationship for dicentric chromosomes established in blood of the same donor for 60Co γ-rays as a reference radiation, an average maximum low-dose RBE (RBEM) of 14±4 for 60 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutrons with a dose-weighted average energy of 41.0 MeV is obtained. A correction procedure was applied, to account for the low-energy continuum of the quasi-monoenergetic spectral neutron distribution, and the yield coefficient α for 60 MeV neutrons was determined from the measured average yield coefficient . For α, a value of (0.115±0.026) Gy−1 was obtained corresponding to an RBEM of 11±4. The present experiments extend earlier investigations with monoenergetic neutrons to higher energies.  相似文献   

The optical absorption and fluorescence characteristics of 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) with DNA and chromosomes were studied. There is a decrease in extinction coefficient and shift in the absorption spectra to a higher wavelength when the dye binds to DNA. The fluorescence of DAPI is enhanced by both A-T and G-C base-pairs. The enhancement by A-T rich is significantly greater than by G-C rich DNA. The dye produces a localized bright fluorescence in centromeric regions of mouse chromosomes and the constrictions of human chromosomes 1 and 16; these regions are known to contain A-T rich DNA and show dull fluorescence when treated with quinacrine. This dye may be useful for identifying A-T rich region in chromosomes. The fluorescence of DAPI bound to polynucleotides or chromosomes is partially quenched by the introduction of BrdU. This suppression of dye fluorescence allows optical detection of sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome region containing DNA with an unequal distribution of thymidine between polynucleotide chains after BrdU incorporation.  相似文献   

The distribution of Alu-family DNA repeats (AFRs) in chromosomes of phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes of four normal donors and non-stimulated bone marrow cells of four patients with acute leukemia (ALL and ANLL) was studied by in situ hybridization using DNA of recombinant phage lambda containing multiple inserts of AFR as a probe. Over some chromosome bands (14cen, 16p13, 16cen) from normal donors and from leukemic patients clusters of silver grains were detected. Over other three bands (3q26, 8p11-p12 and 14q24) the clusters were found only in chromosomes from the four acute leukemia patients, and were absent from chromosomes of healthy donors. The results suggest non-random long-range distribution of AFRs in human chromosomes, and somatic variations in the distribution of the repeats.  相似文献   

Myocilin is a protein with a molecular weight near 50 kDa. It is expressed in almost all organs and tissues.1 We showed that the peptide DQL ETQ TRE LET AYS NLL RD corresponding to N-terminal Leucine zipper motif (LZM) of the protein is able to form amyloid-like fibrils. The possible role of this motif in myocilin aggregation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary DNa has been extracted from hamster-human and mouse-human hybrid cell lines, restricted with EcoRI, and hybridised to a probe for the H subunit of human ferritin, pDBR2. Sequences highly homologous to this probe have been found on at least eight human chromosomes: 1, 2, 3, 6p216cen, 11, 14, 20, and Xq23–25Xqter. Only the gene on chromosome 11 appears to be expressed in these hybrids Southern blotting of DNA from somatic cell hybrids containing different subsets of human chromosomes. The study shows that H subunit sequences are found on at least nine different chromosomes.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Propithecus verreauxi coquereli isdescribed in this report using G-, Q-, and C-banding and silver staining for nucleolus organizer regions. The banded chromosomes of P. v. coquereli(family Indriidae) are compared with those of Lemur fulvus fulvus(family Lemuridae), revealing few karyotypic similarities between the two groups and suggesting a wellestablished phylogenetic divergence between these families.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro studies have been performed with 5-ethyl-2-deoxyuridine (EDU) concerning its incorporation into the cell nuclear material and its effects on the chromosome morphology of cultivated human lyphocytes and skin fibroblasts. This compound is presumably incorporated in the DNA without visible chromosome aberrations as is seen with many other pyrimidine analogues. A slight inhibition of the cell growth was noted at high concentration (120g/ml) of EDU. A similar degree of cell growth inhibition was found with corresponding doses of deoxythymidine.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden in vitro-Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des Äthyldeoxyuridineinbaus (ÄDU) und dessen Einfluß auf menschliche Lymphocyten- und Fibroblastenchromosomen durchgeführt. Diese Substanz wird in die DNS eingebaut und führt nicht zu sichtbaren Chromosomenaberrationen wie bei einigen anderen Pyrimidinanaloga. Eine leichte Hemmung des Zellwachstums wurde mit 120 g/ml ÄDU festgestellt. Eine ähnliche Hemmung des Zellwachstums ließ sich auch mit gleicher Deoxythymidinkonzentration nachweisen.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid cell lines isolated after fusions between Chinese hamster E36 cells and normal human white blood cells were analyzed for human -galactosidase isoenzymes and for human chromosomes, especially 3, 12, and 22, the candidates for bearing a -galactosidase locus. Results of neuraminidase treatment of the cell lysates and immunological studies showed that in man two structural -galactosidase loci are present and can be assigned to chromosomes 3 and 22. No correlation was found between the expression of human -galactosidase and the presence of human chromosome 12.  相似文献   

Fixed human metaphase chromosomes, whose DNA had been substituted with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for two rounds of replication (TB/BB) or for one round in BrdUrd followed by another round in thymidine (TT/BT), were treated with ultraviolet light (UV), in the presence or in the absence of 33258 Hoechst, to produce sister chromatid differentiation (SCD). Giemsa staining was compared with staining with monoclonal antibodies to double-stranded or single-stranded DNA. We confirmed that UV acts by debrominating BrdUrd-stubstituted DNA but showed that debromination alone cannot explain all our findings. We postulated that UV-induced protein-protein cross-linking, occurring to a different extent in differently BrdUrd-substituted chromatids, may also be invoked in explaining our data. Lastly, the different behaviour of unifilarly substituted TB as opposed to BT chromatids in UV-treated chromosomes, allowed us to hypothesize that such chromatids may differ depending on whether or not newly synthesized DNA is formed on a BrdUrd-containing strand.  相似文献   

Kubalová  Ivona  Weisshart  Klaus  Houben  Andreas  Schubert  Veit 《Chromosoma》2023,132(1):19-29
Chromosoma - Topoisomerase IIα (Topo IIα) and the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENH3 are key proteins involved in chromatin condensation and centromere determination,...  相似文献   

The twelve Cys and eight of the non-Cys residues are invariant in the glycoprotein hormone subunits from a variety of mammalian species. -Gin-54 of human lutropin (hLH) and choriogonadotropin (hCG) is one of these invariant amino acid residues. A single AG mutation in the LH gene of a patient presenting with hypogonadism resulted in the replacement of Gin-54 with Arg [1]. The authors also reported that an expressed mutant of hLH, with Arg replacing Gin-54, associated with the subunit, but there was no demonstrable binding of the mutant hormone to receptor. We have replaced Gin-54 in hCG with Glu and with Lys using site-directed mutagenesis. The expression plasmids pRSV-hCG (wild-type and mutants) were transiently transfected into CHO cells containing a stably integrated gene for bovine , and the media were analyzed for holoproteins, which were characterizedin vitro using competitive binding and steroidogenic assays with MA-10 cells. hCG(Glu-54) bound to almost as well as hCG wild-type, and the resulting heterodimer competed with [125l]hCG binding to the LH/CG receptor and stimulated progesterone production to the same extent as the wild-type control. However, the apparent potencies, as judged by ED50s, were less than those of the wild-type control, the effect being more pronounced in binding than in steroidogenesis. In contrast, hCG(Lys-54) associated very poorly with . Our results suggest that while Gin-54 in hCG participates in receptor binding, its major function appears to involve binding. Such dual functionality leads to interesting models for holoprotein formation and receptor binding.  相似文献   

Fossilized cyanobacteria(?) represented by trichomes enclosed in common sheaths were detected in early Proterozoic iron banded formations of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (limonite–martite ores of the Lebedinsky mine and iron banded formations of the Korobkovskoye deposit). These fossils morphologically similar to current representatives of the genus Microcoleus were buried in situ.  相似文献   

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