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Species composition and diversity of phytoplankton were studied for several years in two lakes which differ with respect to mixing conditions and nutrient limitation: Schlachtensee regularly stratifies very stably. In contrast, size and wind-exposure predispose Lake Tegel to deeper mixing; additionally, stratification is artificially destabilized by aeration. As the duration of aeration was varied, the study period includes interannual changes in mixing conditions. For both lakes, it also covers trophic change due to restoration; this was especially pronounced in Schlachtensee.Results show that mixing conditions affect species composition on two levels: on a superordinate level, lake morphology or hydrology govern stability of stratification and susceptibility to perturbation, and hence the extent to which motile species can develop. In Schlachtensee, species with some means of actively seeking preferred depths usually dominated during summer stratification: Planktothrix agardhii during the hypertrophic phase, and flagellates since restoration. In contrast, in Lake Tegel deeper mixing as a generally prevailing condition favored non-motile species. Their seasonal pattern was remarkably constant from year to year. Although changes in the extent of mixing were pronounced during the four years studied (1987–1990), these were within a range that affected species composition only slightly: in summer, cyanobacteria and diatoms represented climax species whose dominance was not offset by additional, weather-induced increases of turbulence.On a subordinate level, and within the constraints set by nutrient limitation as well as by grazing pressure, small-scale changes in mixing conditions caused by meteorological cycles were shown to strongly affect species composition and in consequence diversity: Results for the fouryear post-restoration study period at Schlachtensee show that considerable interannual variations of species composition and diversity can be attributed to variations in the frequency of meteorological changes. In accordance with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), diversity was lowest during 1989, the year with the longest and most pronounced cycles of fair weather (14 to 27 fair days on end). However, the mechanism for this was rarely a decline of diversity caused by competitive exclusion within single long phases of stable conditions, as conceived by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Instead, diversity responded to changes in mixing conditions with a variety of patterns — often with low values during phases of increased mixing and with high values under quiescent conditions, especially during the first calm days just after increased mixing. Thus, not disturbance as such, but rather the rate of change between phases of disturbance and quiescence appears to determine the frequency of high diversity indices.In Lake Tegel, high diversity indices were somewhat more frequent in 1989, the year during which thermal stratification was most stable. For species adapted to frequent or continuous mixing, interjected calm phases with unusually high stability of thermal stratification may represent a disturbance of accustomed conditions. Thus, in turbulent Lake Tegel, meteorological cycles appear to act in reversal to the IDH, in a sense which may be termed intermediate quiescence hypothesis.Phosphorus limitation due to successful restoration was found to decrease winter and vernal diversity in Schlachtensee. Presumably, without nutrient constraints, new populations could grow more rapidly in response to the rapid changes of physical parameters during this season. In contrast, restoration has increased summer diversity, as phosphorus concentrations no longer allow the virtual monocultures of Planktothrix agardhii which prevailed previously. In Lake Tegel, the reduction of phosphorus concentration down to 60 µg/l P in 1989 limited biomass, but this level was still too high to significantly alter species composition or diversity.  相似文献   

Irina Trifonova 《Hydrobiologia》1993,249(1-3):93-100
Seasonal succession of phytoplankton biomass, its diversity and its photosynthetic activity in two highly eutrophic lakes have been compared. In order to test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, the lakes have been chosen with almost the same level of trophy but different conditions of stratification, through two ice-free periods of open water with different weather conditions.High phytoplankton diversity throughout the period of investigation was characteristic for the shallower Lake Lobardzu. The number of species here was usually more than 30 and the Shannon diversity changed from 1.2 to 4.2. Owing to the frequent external disturbances, periods characterized by autogenic succession with establishing dominance and declining diversity alternated with periods of biomass reduction and rises of diversity and photosynthetic activity. In the warmer summer of 1983, with more intense warming of bottom layers and predominance of blue-greens, phytoplankton biomass was higher and diversity lower than in the cold summer of 1982.In stratified Lake Rudusku, phytoplankton diversity and number of species were usually much lower. During the long summer stratification up to three-four dominant species of blue-greens and dinoflagellates become established and competitive exclusion leading to low diversity advanced. Some changes in biomass and diversity, were caused by zooplankton activity.  相似文献   

J.-P. Descy 《Hydrobiologia》1993,249(1-3):111-116
A data set on community composition of the phytoplankton of the River Moselle (France) has been used for testing the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). After a short presentation of the ecology of the river and of its phytoplankton, the main changes in composition and diversity of the suspended algal assemblage are described. It is emphasized that discharge fluctuations, related to weather changes, play a key role, but that biotic factors such as grazing and parasitism may also influence diversity in stable summer conditions.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. A study of the diversity and stability of phytoplankton communities during one vegetation period (February-October 1984) was carried out in four small lakes in the Pfynwald region of Canton Valais, Switzerland: Kaminsee I, Kaminsee II, Grossee and Rosensee. The diversity was calculated according to Shannon & Weaver (1949). The change in diversity ΔH; and SIMI (similarity index according to Stander. 1970) were used as measures of stability. 2. On average, the diversity was highest in the oligotrophic Rosensee (annual mean 3.19) and least in the hypereutrophic Kaminsee I (annual mean 1.34). In Kaminsee I and Grossee, the diversity corresponded in the main to the relative frequency of Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg: i.e. the diversity was low when the relative frequency of C. erosa was high and vice versa (Kaminsee I: max. diversity 2.74; min. 0.13. Grossee: max. 3.62; min. 0.28; annual mean 2.21). Kaminsee II and Rosensee exhibited only slight variations in their phytoplankton community structure (Kaminsee II: max. diversity 2.83; min. 1.26; annual mean 2.10. Rosensee: max. 3.79; min. 2.81). High values of diversity, or increases in diversity, were a result of low nutrient availability and grazing pressure. Lower diversity values. or decreases in diversity, were a result of a plentiful nutrient supply, low grazing pressure and grazer selectivity with respect to food organisms. 3. Because values of the diversity index vary by different amounts during the course of a year depending on the water body, the characterization of a phytoplankton community on the basis of one value alone is unsatisfactory. It is suggested that the mean and either standard deviation or range of the diversity be cited in order to overcome this drawback at least partially. 4. No generally accepted measure exists for the calculation of stability. According to the measure of stability employed, a community may appear to be more or less stable. A statement concerning the stability of a community without mentioning the measure employed is therefore worthless. The factors determining the stability of a phytoplankton community do not have the same effect on all measures of stability. 5. The change in diversity ΔH’was influenced in the main by alterations  相似文献   

Phytoplankton in the small central Finnish lake, Vasikkalampi, was studied over a two-year period by weekly sampling simultaneously with monitoring of physical and chemical properties of water, solar radiation energy and zooplankton. In the present paper, the fluctuations in phytoplankton diversity were studied in relation to environmental factors. The special aim for the study was to detect a relation between environmental disturbances and phytoplankton diversity.  相似文献   

In a chain of lakes along which nutrient availability varies in a gradient, we performed factorial nutrient enrichment experiments to determine if nitrogen limitation was the principal factor controlling the differences in phytoplankton biomass, photosynthetic productivity, diversity, and species composition among two of the lakes in the chain. In the least productive lake, East Graham Lake, P and C enrichments (in the absence of N enrichment) had no effect on biomass and diversity, whereas within two weeks the N enrichments (alone or in any combination with P and/or C) increased the biomass and decreased the diversity of East Graham Lake phytoplankton to levels similar or identical to those in more productive Shoe Lake. Short-term 14C photosynthetic rates in East Graham Lake water also responded only to N in the third week. However, photosynthesis was stimulated by P in the first week, and a few species did increase in numbers with P enrichment, suggesting that some degree of P limitation remains in addition to the strong N limitation in East Graham Lake. A number of species responded individually to the enrichments in a manner similar to that of the overall community, and a strong overlapping of discriminant analysis scores for N-enriched East Graham Lake with those of Shoe Lake was consistent with our prediction that the community structure of N-enriched East Graham Lake water would shift toward that of Shoe Lake. However, many species did not respond consistently with these results, and the nutrients tested were clearly not a major factor in the differences in abundance of those species among the two lakes. The results support the argument that overall biomass production and diversity of the phytoplankton community in a lake can be a relatively simple function of a single most-limiting nutrient. However, many of the species responses also confirm that, while nutrient availability is an important factor in the control of the species composition of the community, other factors are likely to prevent reliable predictions of all species effects on the basis of nutrient availability alone.  相似文献   

We investigated aquatic macrophytes, water quality, and phytoplankton biomass and species composition in three shallow lakes with different levels of vegetation cover and nutrient concentration in Kushiro Moor, during August 2000. Trapa japonica can live in a wide range of nutrient levels. This species forms an environment with a steeper extinction of light, higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) near the bottom, and lower concentrations of nitrate+nitrite and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) than other vegetation types. The pH was much higher in a Polygonum amphibium community, and the DO near the bottom did not decrease compared to a T.japonica community in the summer. The relationship between chlorophyll a and the limiting nutrient (total phosphorus (TP) when total nitrogen (TN):TPis 10 and TN/10 when TN:TP is <10) significantly differed between lakes with and without submerged vegetation. The chlorophyll a concentrations at a given nutrient level were significantly lower in water with submerged macrophytes than in water without them. Correspondence analysis showed that the difference in phytoplankton community structure across sites was largely due to the presence or absence of submerged macrophytes, and the ordination of phytoplankton species in the lakes with submerged macrophytes is best explained by environmental gradients of TN, chlorophyll, pH and SRP.  相似文献   

杨威  孙雨琛  张婷婷  刘琪  黄悦  葛茜  邓道贵 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4874-4882
2017年3月到2018年2月研究了临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节变化。临涣湖共记录浮游甲壳动物13种,其中枝角类8属8种,桡足类5属5种。短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)和象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.)等小型富营养种类是温暖季节的优势种,而近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)是冬季的优势种。盔形溞(Daphnia galeata)等大型种类仅在少数月份中被观察到。临涣湖浮游甲壳动物的年平均密度和生物量分别为28.3个/L和0.33 mg/L。营养状态指数(TSIM)的年平均值为62.6。浮游甲壳动物的Shannon指数、Pielou指数和Simpson指数的年平均值分别为0.86、0.74和0.49,且3种多样性指数均具有显著的季节差异。营养盐水平、营养状态指数和物种多样性指数均表明,临涣湖水体处于富营养化状态。冗余分析结果表明,水温、总磷浓度和叶绿素a浓度是影响临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构变化的上行效应因子。鲢、鳙鱼的捕食压力是临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构小型化的下...  相似文献   

Cell death in lake phytoplankton communities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The fraction of living and dead phytoplankton cells in seven Florida lakes was assessed by using the cell digestion assay, a non‐staining membrane permeability test. The cell digestion assay is an effective method to analyse cell viability in complex natural phytoplankton communities. 2. The lakes examined ranged widely in phytoplankton abundance and community composition. The variability in the percentage of living cells (% LC) was high among the taxonomic groups forming the different phytoplankton communities, ranging from 19.7% to 98% LC. 3. All cells within single cyanobacteria filaments were determined to be either dead or alive, suggesting physiological integration of the cells within colonies. 4. Within each lake, the dominant taxa generally exhibited the highest proportion of living cells. A high proportion of living cells was found to be a characteristic of the different taxa forming the communities of eutrophic lakes. The average value for the % LC for all groups comprising the phytoplankton communities in each of the lakes ranged from 29.9 ± 7.2 to 80.4 ± 4.0 (mean ± SE) and varied strongly and positively with chlorophyll a concentration. 5. These results suggest phytoplankton cell death to be an important process structuring phytoplankton communities in lakes, particularly in oligotrophic ones.  相似文献   

1. Several theoretical models predict under what conditions maximum species diversity can be maintained, and they are often used to develop effective ecosystem management plans. 2. Two models that are currently used to predict patterns of species diversity were empirically tested in marine subtidal benthic communities of different successional stages. 3. The two models were: the interactive effects of nutrient availability and disturbance frequency proposed by Kondoh (2001; Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 268, 269-271), and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposed by Connell (1978; Science, 199, 1302-1310). 4. Interactive effects were found to be transient and only occurred in the older communities, while the unimodal pattern suggested by the IDH was not supported in either successional stage. 5. It is concluded that these models are very general and thus lack sufficient explanatory power. Both models require a number of specific prerequisites for maximum diversity to be found, and though applicable in many different ecosystems they need to be refined as tools in order that they can be effectively used in habitat management plans.  相似文献   

为了探究浙南地区山区水库浮游植物群落结构的季节变化及水质状况,于2019年2月-2020年1月对位于温州大罗山天河水库的浮游植物群落结构和水体理化因子进行了调查分析.结果 表明:天河水库浮游植物隶属于7门60属89种,全年浮游植物平均丰度为2.02×105 cells·L-1,年均生物量为0.26 mg·L-1.硅藻门...  相似文献   

Species composition and seasonal succession of the phytoplankton were investigated on the upper Mississippi River at Prairie Island, Minnesota, U.S.A. Both the numbers and volume of individual species were enumerated based on cell counts with an inverted microscope. A succession similar to algal succession in the local lakes occurred. The diatoms were dominant during the spring and fall and blue-green algae were dominant during the summer. The algal concentrations have increased up to 40 fold the concentrations of the 1920's, since the installation of locks and dams. The maximum freshweight standing crop was 4 mg · l–1 in 1928 (Reinhard 1931), 13 mg · l–1 in 1975 a wet year, and 47 mg · l–1 in 1976, a relatively dry year with minimal current discharge. The diatoms varied from 36–99%, the blue-green algae from 0–44% and the cryptómonads from 0–50% of the total standing crop. The green algae were always present but never above 21% of the biomass. The dominant diatoms in recent years were centric -Stephanodiscus andCyclotella spp. (maximum 50,000 ml–1). The dominant blue-green algae wereAphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfsex Born.et Flahault andOscillatoria agardhii Gomont (maximum 800 ml–1). These algal species are also present in local lakes. Shannon diversity values indicated greatest diversity of algae during the summer months.  相似文献   

1. Patterns in phytoplankton diversity in lakes and their relationships with environmental gradients have been traditionally based on taxonomic analyses and indices, even though measures of functional diversity (FD) might be expected to be more responsive to such gradients. 2. We assessed the influence of water column physical structure, and other components of the overall environment, on lake phytoplankton diversity using two taxonomically based indices [species richness (S) and the Shannon index (H’)] and a FD index, to determine whether these different measures respond in similar ways to habitat structure. The study encompassed 45 lakes in Eastern Canada, within two lake districts [the Eastern Townships Region (ETR) and Laurentians Region (LR)] that vary in geology and landscape and in lake morphometry and chemistry. 3. Across all lakes, S and H’ were higher in lakes having greater vertical temperature heterogeneity and higher susceptibility to wind mixing. In addition, H’ declined with total phosphorus concentration. FD was only related to maximum lake depth, a variable that integrates many other habitat features. 4. Further insight into the factors affecting phytoplankton diversity was obtained by contrasting the two regions. The taxonomically based diversity measures differed little between the regions, while FD was higher in the ETR where more trait variants were present and more evenly distributed amongst species. Whereas factors driving S did not differ between the regions, we found region‐dependent patterns in the relationships of H’ and FD with maximum lake depth: both indices decreased with maximum depth in the region with lakes more exposed to wind (ETR) but increased in the more hilly landscape where lakes are more sheltered from wind mixing (LR). 5. Our study demonstrates that, for phytoplankton communities, a FD index can show simpler and stronger responses to environmental drivers than a taxonomically based index, while shedding further light onto the functional traits that are important in particular lake categories.  相似文献   

Spring phytoplankton of 54 small lakes in southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Lauri Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1986,137(2):125-134
The abundance and species composition of phytoplankton communities were studied rapidly following the spring ice-melt in 54 small Finnish lakes that form a unique mosaic of water bodies. Phytoplankton biomass and cell density varied among the study lakes with a factor 100 between the lowest and highest values. Highest biomass and densities of phytoplankton characterized small ( < 0.05 km2) lakes with moderate or high water colour (> 80 mg Pt l–1). In contrast, biomass was low in clear-water lakes and lakes where water throughflow was strong. Typically one species dominated most phytoplankton communities, and usually comprised up to about 45% of the total phytoplankton biomass. Two-thirds of the 103 taxa observed were Chrysophyceans and Chlorophyceans. The most common taxa wereChlamydomonas spp. (Chlorophyceae) andCryptomonas ovata (Cryptophyceae).  相似文献   

陈纯  李思嘉  肖利娟  韩博平 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5777-5784
浮游植物是水体生态系统敞水区最重要的初级生产者,其组成与多样性反映了群落的结构类型和存在状态。通过围隔实验,模拟水库春季发生的营养盐加富和鱼类放养的干扰,分析在这两种干扰下的浮游植物群落演替过程中优势种和稀有种的变化,并通过以丰度与生物量为变量的香农和辛普森多样性指数的计算,分析浮游植物群落演替过程中的多样性变化特征。结果表明,营养盐加富干扰下的浮游植物群落的优势种变化和演替更为明显,营养盐加富与鱼类添加对浮游植物群落多样性变化的影响符合中度干扰理论。在优势种优势度变化较大的浮游植物群落演替过程中,多样性指数与浮游植物生物量有较高的负相关性。在浮游植物群落演替过程中,香农和辛普森多样性指数的变化趋势基本一致,采用丰度与生物量为变量的两种多样性指数的计算结果对实验系统中浮游植物群落多样性的分析结果没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

浙江紧水滩水库浮游植物群落结构季节变化特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于2010年1、3、5、7、9、11月6次对紧水滩水库采样调查,并对浮游植物种类鉴定与数量统计,分析了浮游植物的优势种、多样性和群落结构季节变化特征.其结果为:共鉴定浮游植物284种,隶属7门105属.绿藻门最多,共51属139种,其次是硅藻门19属67种,蓝藻门22属52种,金藻门4属9种,甲藻门5属8种,裸藻门2属5种,隐藻门2属4种.浮游植物细胞丰度在1.04× 105-3.70×106个/L之间,平均丰度9.63×105个/L.多样性指数H'值为1.76-4.64,平均值3.09,丰富度指数D为0.48-2.80,平均值1.62,均匀度指数.J为0.51-1.26,平均值0.91.根据TSI(∑)并结合浮游植物群落结构对水质评价,紧水滩水库水质属于中-富营养状态.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区鼠类群落的物种多样性分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张美文  王凯荣  王勇  李波 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2260-2270
通过对洞庭湖区黑线姬鼠褐家鼠主害区桃源的害鼠群落调查,揭示了平原农田生态类型区、丘陵农林复合生态类型区和山区林农复合生态类型区及其不同生境的鼠类群落的物种多样性。在人类干扰程度最高的平原生态类型区,鼠类群落的优势种突出,优势集中性指数最高,丘陵生态区次之,而具有大片森林、受干扰较低的山区林农复合生态区,优势集中性指数最低。物种多样性Shannon—Weiner指数和均匀性指数亦显示同样的规律:适度干扰的山区复合生态区的多样性指数最高,均匀性最好,丘陵生态区居中,平原生态区最低。不论何种生态类型区,农田生境鼠类群落的优势种都较突出,优势集中性指数也较高,群落多样性和均匀性较低;林地生境的优势集中性有较大下降,山区林地内的鼠种比丘陵区要多,优势集中性指数也较低,多样性指数和均匀度都有提高。林缘农田在同一生态类型不同生境内优势集中性最低、多样性指数和均匀性最高。比较不同生境鼠类群落的相似性,最不相似的群落是农田与受人类干扰较小的森林。这些现象说明人类的社会生产活动使害鼠群落的物种多样性降低、优势度下降、优势种突出、均匀性降低,形成了只利于少数几个种群栖息和生产发展的环境,最终导致少数种群的暴发,形成危害。但适度干扰能提高物种多样性。  相似文献   

麦田昆虫群落结构及多样性的季节动态   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过2年对麦田昆虫群落的系统调查,共查得昆虫11目、62科1、13种,其中植食类51种、捕食类23种、寄生类24种、腐食和食血类15种,种类数和个体数分别占群落总数的45.13,20.35,21.24,13.27%和92.89,2.19,3.63,1.35%。麦田昆虫群落可划分为4个营养层、6个功能团和19个类群,麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fabricius)是绝对的优势种,其数量变动决定着总群落结构和多样性的季节动态。麦田昆虫群落多样性表现为前期和后期高、中期低的时间格局,类群多样性与物种多样性的变化趋势最为相似,可用类群多样性代替物种多样性进行群落分析。  相似文献   

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