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精细胞是双受精作用的直接参与者,是生殖生物学中的重点研究对象之一。以往的研究表明,应用连续超薄切片和计算机辅助三维重组技术,结合免疫荧光定位,发现两个精细胞在体积和细胞器含量上存着差异,即精子的二型性,而且与营养细胞核三者构成紧密功能单位却雄性生殖单位(MGU)。微管对精细胞的性状的确定、运动和维持MGU的动态结构稳定具有重要的作用。本文应用透射电镜。详细观察了朱顶红花粉管中细胞的超微结构,并着重微管结构及其分布的观察。朱顶红成熟花粉为两细胞型。成熟花粉于26℃、黑暗条件下,在液体培养基(含10%蔗糖和100ppm硼酸)中培养13-18小时,然后收集花粉管,固定,供电观察并照相。朱顶红成熟花粉培养13小时后,生殖细胞在花粉管中完成核分裂和胞质分裂等两个过程。形成两个精细胞。形成的两个精细胞前后排列,营养核前导并靠近花粉管顶端。领头的精细胞的细胞质以很大的表面与营养核相互融合(图版1-1,2),有时营养核与两个精细胞彼此穿插、缠绕(图版1-3)。两精细胞之间的壁上具有多胞质通道和含均质电子密度中等的基质(图版II-4)。精细胞质在核与共同壁之间的区域染色较深,经高倍放大,观察到此处含丰富的微管, 自由分布,但以纵向或斜向为主(图版II-5,6)。所有的微管构成松散的桶状网络存在于两精核之间,除此之外,其他区域无微管分布(图版II-7)。培养18小时之后,两精细胞的共同呈网状(图版II-8),此时微管均成纵向排列,平行于细胞长轴,构成筐状结构包围状精核,但不构成紧密的束状,证明了前人的免疫荧光观察结果。从以上观察结果我们可以得出如下的结论,朱顶红花粉为两细胞型,因此在花粉管中形成的两个精细胞一般前后排列,跟在营养细胞后面,这种线状排列方式在其他植物中也观察到,可能有利于三者作为一个结构功能单位在花粉管中移动和对花粉管狭窄空间的进化适应。MGU形成得较晚,在生殖细胞和营养核进入花粉管后才形成,并一直维持到精核形成,与其他报道不同。精细胞发育过程中,微管的分布方式变化显著。精细胞中微管的分布仅限于共同的细胞壁和靠近茎核之间的区域,总体构成一个松散的桶状结构。精细胞发育后期,微管均成纵向排列,包围着精核,极似生殖细胞筐状的微管结构形式。  相似文献   

川百合与朱顶红花粉管中的生殖细胞分裂行为非常不同。诸如:染色体行为微管的组织形式和分布包括着丝点微管形成的时间,纺锤体的形状及间期周质微管网络在生殖细胞分裂过程中消失与否等,但这两种细胞具有共性,包括在有丝分裂前期缺乏早前期带微管(PPB),未其形成细胞板等,这两种植物精细胞的结构应有较大差异,我们曾报道了朱顶红精细胞的超微结构,本文详细从超微结构方面描述了川百合精细胞的特征。川百合花粉管的萌发采用半离体-活体培养方式,11-18小时后,DNA荧光染料Hoechst33258和醋酸地衣红染色检查花分管中生殖细胞和精细胞发育时期。切取含有分裂的生细胞和精细细胞的花柱部分,按曾报道的方法固定、包埋、切片、染色及观察。在所有检查的花粉管中,两精子均前后排列(Fig.1-3),营养核前导并靠近花粉管顶端(Fig.,3)。H33258染色可见两精核间以DNA联系(Fig.3)。两个新形成的精核彼此分离(Fig.1),后来又相互造近,并维持一定距离(Fig.3)偶尔一对精子与营养核靠近(Fig.2)。两精细胞被一共同的细胞壁连接,他们不仅被自己的质膜也被营养细胞的质膜包围构成周质。周质平坦光滑。共同壁横向、弯曲、网状具胞质通道(Fig.4),厚度明显大于周质。色质凝集的程度更大些(Fig.5),可能意味着一个精子发育的早些。精细胞质中具有线粒体、内质网、高尔基体、脂体和大量核糖体。无质体。线粒体具有发育完好的精细胞中,微管呈纵向束排列于随精细胞的继续发育,共同壁消失了。与朱顶红等植物的染色体行为遵循典型有丝分裂方式不同,川百合生殖细胞与紫露草相同,它的染色体在有丝分裂中期沿细胞长轴分布,胞质分裂时没有细胞板出现。可以认为:川百合象烟草一样是介于朱顶红和紫露草之间的中间类型。雄性生殖单位(MGU)在三细胞和二细胞花粉中普遍存在。尽管本工作观察到营养核与精细胞紧密联系,以及两精子与DNA联系的例子,但MGU在超薄切片中并未见到,有可能MGU是一个动态的和时间上的暂时结构。另一方面,MGU的建立是以性细胞(生殖细胞或精细胞)的突起和营养核的裂瓣相互环绕为基础的,而性细胞中的细胞骨架(即:微管)可能对维持其与营养核的附着起重要作用。缺乏微管,可能是川百合精细胞不存在MGU的原因之一。  相似文献   

迎红杜鹃(RhododendronmucronulatunTurca.)的成熟花粉为二细胞型,精细胞在花粉管中形成。花粉管中的两个精细胞及与营养核之间相联结,形成在雄性殖单位。两个精细胞的细胞质中均含有丰富的细胞器,包括质体,线粒体,小泡及微管,内质网和高尔基体稀少。  相似文献   

迎红杜鹃 ( Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.)的成熟花粉为二细胞型 ,精细胞在花粉管中形成。花粉管中的两个精细胞及与营养核之间互相联结 ,形成雄性生殖单位。两个精细胞的细胞质中均含有丰富的细胞器 ,包括质体、线粒体、小泡及微管 ,内质网和高尔基体稀少。具正常结构的精细胞质体在切面上多呈环形或哑铃形 ,内膜不发达 ,基质电子密度高。线粒体为球形或棒状 ,基质电子密度较低。 DNA特异性荧光染色显示 ,生殖细胞及精细胞中均含有大量类核 ( nucleoid) ,两个精细胞中的类核数量无明显差异。结果证明了杜鹃精细胞中存在大量具 DNA的可遗传细胞器 ,为杜鹃属植物的双亲细胞质遗传方式提供了细胞学证据。  相似文献   

川百合与朱顶红花粉管中的生殖细胞分裂行为非常不同。诸如:染色体行为、微管的组织形式和分布、包括着丝点、微管形成的时间,纺锤体的形状及间期周质微管网络在生殖细胞分裂过程中消失与否等。但这两种细胞具有某些共性,包括在有丝分裂前期缺乏早前期带微管(PPB),末期形成细胞板等。这两种植物精细胞的结构应有较大差异。我们曾报道了朱顶红精细胞的超微结构,本文详细从超微结构方面描述了川百合精细胞的特征。川百合花粉管的萌发采用半离体活体培养方式。11~18小时后,DNA荧光染料Hoechst33258和醋酸地衣红染色检查花粉管中生殖细胞和精细胞发育时期。切取含有分裂的生殖细胞和精细胞的花柱部分,按曾报道的方法固定、包埋、切片、染色及观察。在所有检查的花粉管中,两精子均前后排列(Fig.1~3),营养核前导并靠近花粉管顶端(Fig.2,3)。H33258染色可见两精核间以DNA联系(Fig.3)。两个新形成的精核彼此分离(Fig.1),后来又相互靠近,并维持一定距离(Fig.3)。偶尔一对精子与营养核靠近(Fig.2)。两精细胞被一共同的细胞壁连接,他们不仅被自己的质膜也被营养细胞的质膜包围构成周质。周质平坦光滑。共同壁横向  相似文献   

杜鹃成熟花粉为二胞型,含一个营养细胞和一个生殖细胞,其精细胞在花粉管中形成。应用半离体技术培养杜鹃已授粉花柱,使花粉管从花柱中长出,再用渗透压冲击法促使花粉管破裂,释放出一对与营养核相连的精细胞。分离的精细胞经FDA方法检测,证明具活性。用显微操作仪可收集数量较多的分离精细胞。  相似文献   

用荧光染色与冬青油透明技术显示花粉细胞核   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花粉经Hoechst 33258(H33258)染色、乙醇脱水、冬青油(水杨酸甲酯)透明后,荧光镜检可透视到其中的生殖核(或精核)及营养核,冬青油能保存H33258荧光,减弱花粉壁自发荧光,增加花粉内含物透明度,因而观察效果比不透明时显著改进,用此法观察人工萌发的花粉管,可显示细胞核由花粉粒向花粉管转移的过程及其在花粉管中的动态变化。  相似文献   

用荧光染色与冬青油透明技术显示花粉细胞核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花粉经Hoechst 33258(H33258)染色、乙醇脱水、冬青油(水杨酸甲酯)透明后,荧光镜检可透视到其中的生殖核(或精核)及营养核,冬青油能保存H33258荧光,减弱花粉壁自发荧光,增加花粉内含物透明度,因而观察效果比不透明时显著改进,用此法观察人工萌发的花粉管,可显示细胞核由花粉粒向花粉管转移的过程及其在花粉管中的动态变化。  相似文献   

太子参花药发育及精细胞分离   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太子参花药壁发育为基本型,腺质绒毡层。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体为四面体型,成熟花粉具两个精细胞,为3胞花粉。在花粉表面具散孔,孔数22—30个,均匀分布于花粉粒表面上。花粉在10%甘露醇或15%蔗糖溶液中可直接爆破,精细胞易被释放并散开,通过显微操作仪可收集到一定数目的精细胞。FDA染色荧光显示释放出来的精细胞活力可维持25—50min。花粉在舍O.03%CaCl2、0.01%H3803、0.01%KH2P04和20%PEG、pH5.8的培养液中2—5min即萌发花粉管.花粉管生长2h可达815μm。一般花粉管伸长500—600μm时,一对精细胞才进入花粉管。DAPI染色后荧光观察.可观察到精细胞和营养细胞核在花粉管中的移动状况。爆破花粉管后可释放出一对精细胞。  相似文献   

玉竹(Polygonatum simizui Kitag)小孢子在分裂前,质体极性分布导致分裂后形成的生殖细胞不含质体,而营养细胞包含了小孢子中全部的质体。生殖细胞发育至成熟花粉时期,及在花粉管中分裂形成的两个精细胞中始终不含质体。虽然生殖细胞和精细胞中都存在线粒体,但细胞质中无DNA类核。玉竹雄性质体的遗传为单亲母本型。在雄配子体发育过程中,营养细胞中的质体发生明显的变化。在早期的营养细胞质中,造粉质体增殖和活跃地合成淀粉。后期,脂体增加而造粉质体消失。接近成熟时花粉富含油滴。对百合科的不同属植物质体被排除的机理及花粉中贮藏的淀粉与脂体的转变进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary The organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton in the generative cell ofConvallaria majalis has been studied during migration of the cell through the pollen tube and its division into the two sperm cells. Analysis by conventional or confocal laser scanning microscopy after tubulin staining was used to investigate changes of the microtubule cytoskeleton during generative-cell migration and division in the pollen tube. Staining of DNA with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole was used to correlate the rearrangement of microtubules with nuclear division during sperm cell formation. Before pollen germination the generative cell is spindle-shaped, with microtubules organized in bundles and distributed in the cell cortex to form a basketlike structure beneath the generative-cell plasma membrane. During generative-cell migration through the pollen tube, the organization of the microtubule bundles changes following nuclear division. A typical metaphase plate is not usually formed. The generative-cell division is characterized by the extension of microtubules concomitant with a significant cell elongation. After karyokinesis, microtubule bundles reorganize to form a phragmoplast between the two sperm nuclei. The microtubule organization during generative-cell division inConvallaria majalis shows some similarities but also differences to that in other members of the Liliaceae.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - EM electron microscopy - GC generative cell - GN generative nucleus - MT microtubule - SC sperm cell - SN sperm nucleus - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules in germinated pollen of the conifer Picea abies (Norway spruce, Pinaceae) was examined using primarily confocal microscopy. Pollination in conifers differs from angiosperms in the number of mitotic divisions between the microspore and the sperm and in the growth rate of the pollen tube. These differences may be orchestrated by the cytoskeleton, and this study finds that there are important functional differences in microtubule organization within conifer pollen compared to the angiosperm model systems. Pollen from P. abies contains two degenerated prothallial cells, a body cell, a stalk cell, and a vegetative cell. The body cell produces the sperm. In the vegetative cell, microtubules form a continuous network from within the pollen grain, out through the aperture, and down the length of the tube to the elongating tip. Within the grain, this network extends from the pollen grain wall to the body and stalk cell complex. Microtubules within the body and stalk cells form a densely packed array that enmeshes amyloplasts and the nucleus. Microtubule bundles can be traced between the body and stalk cells from the cytoplasm of the body cell to the adjoining cell wall and into the cytoplasm of the stalk cell. Body and stalk cells are connected by plasmodesmata. The organization of microtubules and the presence of plasmodesmata suggest that microtubules form a path for intercellular communication by projecting from the cytoplasm to interconnecting plasmodesmata. Microtubules in the elongating tube form a net axial array that ensheathes the vegetative nucleus. Microtubules are enriched at the elongating tip, where they form an array beneath the plasma membrane that is perpendicular to the direction of tube growth. This enriched region extends back 20 μm from the tip. There is an abrupt transition from a net perpendicular to a net axial organization at the edge of the enriched region. In medial sections, microtubules are present in the core of the elongating tip. The organization of microtubules in the tip differs from that seen in angiosperm pollen tubes.  相似文献   

M. Cresti  M. Murgia  C. H. Theunis 《Protoplasma》1990,154(2-3):151-156
Summary Microtubules tightly cross-linked into bundles are described in the sperm cells ofBrassica oleracea pollen tubes. The sperm cells are lobed and tailed and the microtubule bundles are often located in these parts of the cells. In the present paper we suggest that the cross-linked microtubule organization could determine an intertubular sliding, probably generating a motility system that propels the sperm cells through the tube.Abbreviations GC generative cell - Mfs microfilaments - Mts microtubules - SC sperm cell - VC vegetative cell - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

Summary The sperm cells of Rhododendron laetum and R. macgregoriae differentiate within the pollen tube about 24 h after germination in vitro. Threedimensional reconstruction shows that the sperm cells are paired together, and both have extensions that link with the tube nucleus, forming a male germ unit. Quantitative analysis shows that the sperm cells in each pair differ significantly in surface area, but not in cell volume nor in numbers of mitochondria or plastids. When isolated from pollen tubes by osmotic shock, the sperm cells became ellipsoidal and surrounded by their own plasma membrane, while a proportion remained in pairs linked by the inner tube plasma membrane. Both generative and sperm cells are visualized in pollen tube preparations by immunofluorescence with anti-tubulin and anti-actin monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) combined with H33258 fluorescence of the nuclei. Video-image processing shows the presence of an axial microtubule cage in the generative cells, and some microtubules are present in the cytoplasmic extensions that clasp the tube nucleus. Following sperm cell division, the extensive phragmoplast between the sperm nuclei is partitioned by the plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the generative cell and its association with the vegetative nucleus in the pollen tube ofCyphomandra betacea Sendt. were observed with the electron microscope. The generative cell, bounded by its own plasma membrane and the inner plasma membrane of the vegetative cell, possesses the cytoplasmic extension which lies within the embayments of a vegetative nucleus. The generative cell contains the normal complement of organelles and, especially, microtubules which cluster into several groups adjacent to the plasma membrane, oriented along the longitudinal axis of the cell. In the pollen tube reaching the lower end of the style aftersemivivo pollination, both of the sperm cells are elongated and polyribosomes and microtubules are the outstanding feature in the cytoplasm. The two sperm cells are connected by a common transverse cell wall, while cytoplasmic channels exist in both the periplasm of the two sperm cells and the transverse wall. The leading sperm cell (Svn) is closely associated with the vegetative nucleus. Thus the present study demonstrates the existence of the male germ unit in the pollen tube ofC. betacea. The possible cytoplasmic continuity between the sperm cells and between the gametes and vegetative cell is considered.Abbreviations Svn sperm cell physically associated with the vegetative nucleus - Sua sperm cell unassociated with the vegetative nucleus - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - SER smooth endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

用微管免疫荧光方法观察了黄蝉花生殖细胞在花粉管中进行有丝分裂时的微管动态。微管在不同分裂期的分布情形很不一样。当生殖细胞由花粉进入花粉管后,细胞便立刻开始分裂进入早前期,在这阶段微管以一个紧密微管网笼子形式存在生殖细胞内。之后,细胞进入中前期,在此阶段细胞核扩大,染色体变粗,而存在细胞内的微管网逐渐变为疏松散漫状,跟着细胞进入晚前期,而微管笼子则由网状变为纵向排列状。分裂进入早中期微管变细并呈波浪状,微管由笼子结构过渡到纺锤体结构。进入中期,纺锤体全部形成,在纺锤体内可以清楚地看到两种不同类型的微管束,一种附着在染色体上,而另一种则从一极延伸至另一极。跟着细胞进入早后期,在这一阶段姊妹染色体分开并分别移向两极,在赤道板位置微管明显减少。之后,细胞进入晚后期,姊妹染色体集中在两极,极端有新微管出现。在两个染色体团之间又汇集了许多类似成膜体微管的微管。细胞进入分裂末期,存在赤道板位置的微管又再次减少,而在中央部位则新形成一“成膜体联接区”,把两个新形成的精子连接着。  相似文献   

Summary The structure of sperm cells and their association with the vegetative nucleus in pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum grown in styles were observed with the electron microscope, demonstrating the existence of a male germ unit. The two sperm cells are arranged in tandem and are closely associated with the vegetative nucleus, which always takes the lead. The leading sperm cell (SC 1) has a long and narrow cytoplasmic projection which lies within the enclaves of the much lobed vegetative nucleus, thus forming a physical association. The trailing sperm cell (SC 2) and the SC 1 are not only joined by a common transverse cell wall but also are surrounded by a periplasm bounded by the plasma membrane of the sperm cells and that of the vegetative cell, thus forming a structural connection. The sperm cells are elongated, with cytoplasmic projections at the anterior end of the SC 1 and at both ends of the SC 2. The cytoplasm of both sperm cells includes mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, ribosomes, small vacuoles and axially oriented microtubules. No plastids were observed.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole - MGU male germ unit - MT microtubule - SC 1 the leading sperm cell physically associated with the vegetative nucleus - SC 2 the trailing sperm cell  相似文献   

Molecular motors are molecules that drive a wide range of activities (for example, organelle movement, chromosome segregation, and flagellar movement) in cells. Thus, they play essential roles in diverse cellular functions. Understanding their structures, mechanisms of action and different roles is therefore of great practical importance. The role of microtubules during pollen tube growth is presently not identified, nor are basic properties. We do not know, for example, where microtubules are organized, the extent of microtubule dynamics, and the polarity of microtubules in the pollen tube. Roles of microtubules and related motors in organelle trafficking are not clear. Regardless of scarce information, microtubule-based motors of both the kinesin and dynein families have been identified in the pollen tube. Most of these microtubule motors have also been found in association with membrane-bounded organelles, which suggest that these proteins could translocate organelles or vesicles along microtubules. The biochemical features of these proteins are typical of the motor protein class. Immunofluorescence microscopy of pollen tubes probed with antibodies that cross-react with microtubule motors indicate that these proteins are localized in different regions of the pollen tube; therefore, they could have different roles. Although a number of microtubule motors have been identified in the pollen tube, the role of these proteins during pollen tube germination and growth or organelle movement is not yet recognized, as tube elongation and organelle movement in the pollen tube depend mostly on actin filaments. In the effort to understand the specific role that microtubules and related motors have in the pollen tube, it is therefore necessary to identify the molecular machinery that interacts with microtubules. Furthermore, it is crucial to clearly establish the types of interaction between organelles and microtubules. This review summarizes the current state of the art on microtubule motors in the pollen tube, mainly surrounding the putative roles of microtubule motors in organelle movement and cytoplasmic organization. Some hypotheses and speculations are also presented.  相似文献   

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