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Stambler  Noga  Lovengreen  Charlotte  Tilzer  Max M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):41-56
The underwater light field in the Bellingshausen andAdmundsen Seas was characterised using data collectedduring the R/V Polarstern cruise ANT XI/3, from12.1.94 to 27.3.94. The euphotic zone varied from 24to 100 m depth. Spectral diffuse vertical attenuationcoefficients (K d ())were determined for 12narrow wavebands as well as for photosyntheticallyavailable radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm): K d (490)ranged from 0.03 to 0.26 m1; K d (550) from0.04 to 0.17 m1; K d (683) from 0.04 to0.17 m1; and K d (PAR) varied from 0.02 to0.25 m1. K d () for wavelengths centred at412 nm, 443 nm, 465 nm, 490 nm, 510 nm, 520 nm and550 nm were significantly correlated with chlorophyllconcentration (ranging from 0.1 to 6 mg m3). Thevertical attenuation coefficients for 340 nm and380 nm ranged from 0.10 to 0.69 m1 and from 0.05to 0.34 m1, respectively, and were also highlycorrelated with chlorophyll concentrations. These K d values indicate that the 1% penetration depthmay reach maxima of 46 m and 92 m for 340 nm and380 nm, respectively. The spectral radiancereflectances (Rr()) for 443 nm, 510 nm and 550 nmwere less than 0.01 sr1. Rr() for 665 nm and683 nm increased with depth up to 0.2 sr1 because ofchlorophyll fluorescence. Using a model that predicts downwardirradiances by taking into account the attenuation bywater and absorption by chlorophyll, we show thatchlorophyll fluorescence has a significant influenceon the red downward irradiance (E d (633, 665, 683))in deeper layers. The ability of the phytoplanktonpopulation to influence the light environment byautofluorescence and absorption processes depends onthe light conditions and on the photoacclimation ofthe cells, represented by the in vivo crosssection absorption coefficient of chlorophyll (a*). Theobtained mean chlorophyll-specific light attenuationcoefficients of phytoplankton in situ (k d ) are higherthan the in vivo absorption coefficient of chlorophyll,more than to be excepted from the scattering. a*(), m2 mg chl1, decreased due topackaging effect with increasing chlorophyllconcentrations.  相似文献   

The concentrations of particulate matter, expressed as dry weight (DW), particulate organic (POM), and inorganic material were measured at regular intervals in Lake Constance between February 1980 and December 1982. Maximum particle concentrations were recorded for the euphotic zone in summer (7 mg l−1), while minima occurred during the early summer and in winter. Annual mean concentrations of DW within the entire water column varied between 0.6 and 0.7 mg l−1. In the euphotic zone nearly 70% of DW is organic material. The inorganic particles originate either from phytoplankton (diatomaceous silicon, biogenic decalcification) or from the tributaries. Although phytoplankton biomass only comprises a relatively small proportion (i.e. 30% at maximum) of organic matter, it is the primary source of POM. Therefore, seasonal variations in phytoplankton control epilimnetic concentrations of POM in Lake Constance. Inorganic material comprises smaller proportions of suspended matter. Seasonal variations are related predominantly to fluctuations in biomass and therefore particulate inorganic matter is suggested to originate mainly from autochthonous sources. At the sampling station concentrations of inorganic particles supported by the main tributary, the Alpenrhein, only occasionally vary concomitantly with runoff.  相似文献   

Stabel  Hans-Henning 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):323-329
The contents of Sr and Ca were measured weekly in Lake Constance in 1986. Epilimnetic concentrations of Ca changed between 1.30 × 10-3 mol l-1 (during homothermy) and 0.9 × 10 -3 mol l-1 (during thermal stratification). The seasonal fluctuations of Ca were correlated with those of Sr (between 4.61 and 5.36 mol l-1). The epilimnion was permanently oversaturated with respect to calcite but not with respect to SrCO3. Analysis of the settling process by use of sedimentation traps revealed two short episodes of very high authigenic settling fluxes of CaCO3, triggered by phytoplankton diatoms. Seasonal changes of the Ca contents (between 4.1 and 30.7 percent of the dry weight) and of the Sr concentrations (from 12 to 75 × 10-3 percent) in the settling material were closely correlated. This suggests a coprecipitation mechanism with a nearly constant stoichiometry of (atoms Sr/atoms Ca) × 1000 of 0.84. Coprecipitation of Sr or Ca with organic matter was insignificant. In the hypolimnion some Sr and Ca were released from the settling material. These results strongly suggest that the cycle of Sr in Lake Constance is driven predominantly by coprecipitation with calcite. The principal chemical mechanisms leading to coprecipitation are discussed.  相似文献   

Perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus were caught at various locations around Lake Constance (Bodensee). Infection of perch and roach with the eyeflukes Diplostomum spathaceum and Tylodelphis clavata was greatest in the western location (Bottighofen). The varied occurrence of parasite species at different locations indicated that maximum interchange between fish populations was slight. Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus migrating up the River Rhine were less infected with both the tapeworm Proteocephalus exiguus and the copepod Ergasilus sieboldi than whitefish from the middle of the lake. Some of the parasites had already left their hosts. Newly established infections were not found in migrating whitefish.  相似文献   

Light conditions in laboratory scale enclosures (LSE) of shallow, eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht (The Netherlands), including a method for simulating a natural incident light course, are described. Total PAR (400–700 nm) and spectral irradiance distribution were measured at sestonic chlorophyll a and dry weight concentrations 100 mg m–3 and 16 g m–3, respectively. Phytoplankton was dominated by Oscillatoria spp. The euphotic depth (Z eu) was 0.7–1.0 m. Shortly after filling the LSE with lake water, diffuse attenuation coefficients ranged from 14 m–1 for blue to 5 m–1 for red light. Around Z eu, attenuation in the blue region was markedly lower and irradiance reflectance (R) continued to increase; these anomalies were caused by lateral incident light from the LSE's waterbath. Spectrophotometry indicated that absorption was mainly by particles, but dissolved humic substances (gilvin) were also important. The particles were likely to be dominated by detritus absorbing more blue relative to red light. Subsurface R in lake water in the LSE had a maximum around 705 nm and low values in the blue band, but was lower than that previously reported for measurements in situ. Wash-out of detritus, presumably both dissolved and particulate fractions, by flow-through with synthetic medium, greatly affected the spectral reflectance measured outside the LSE. The maximum value of R decreased from 0.022 to 0.009, and the peak shifted to 550 nm.  相似文献   

The second part of a pollen profile from Hornstaad/Lake Constance (Germany), containing the Atlantic and Subboreal (6400 cal B.C. to 700 cal B.C.) is presented. The diagram has a sampling interval of 1 cm and an average time resolution of 10 years. The cereal curve provided the basis for cereal zones, which are used to classify the human impact. Twenty-six cereal zones can be distinguished, most of them divided into subzones, from 5500 cal B.C. to 700 cal B.C. They correspond to both known and, mostly, unknown settlements in the surrounding landscape from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. Charcoal and chemical analyses as well as sediment accumulation, confirmed by accelerator dates, provide evidence for human impact on the environment.A contribution to the 8th IPC, Aix-en-Provence, Sept. 1992  相似文献   

Thomas Weisse 《Hydrobiologia》1990,191(1):111-122
A considerable portion of the pelagic energy flow in Lake Constance (FRG) is channelled through a highly dynamic microbial food web. In-situ experiments using the lake water dilution technique according to Landry & Hasset (1982) revealed that grazing by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) smaller than 10 µm is the major loss factor of bacterial production. An average flagellate ingests 10 to 100 bacteria per hour. Nano- and micro-ciliates have been identified as the main predators of HNF. If no other food is used between 3 and 40 HNF are consumed per ciliate and hour. Other protozoans and small metazoans such as rotifers are of minor importance in controlling HNF population dynamics.Clearance rates varied between 0.2 and 122.8 nl HNF–1 h–1 and between 0.2 and 53.6 µl ciliate–1 h–1, respectively.Ingestion and clearance rates measured for HNF and ciliates are in good agreement with results obtained by other investigators from different aquatic environments and from laboratory cultures. Both the abundance of all three major microheterotrophic categories — bacteria, HNF, and ciliates — and the grazing pressure within the microbial loop show pronounced seasonal variations.  相似文献   

1. We studied the seasonal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in a turbid, large shallow lake during an annual period (2005–06). We relate the patterns of seston concentration (total suspended solids), phytoplankton biomass and water transparency to the seasonal pattern of incident solar radiation (I0). We also report the seasonal trends of phytoplankton primary production (PP) and photosynthesis photoinhibition due to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) (Iβ and UV50). 2. We first collected empirical evidence that indicated the conditions of light limitation persisted during the study period. We found that the depth‐averaged irradiance estimated for the time of the day of maximum irradiance (Imean–noon) was always lower than the measured onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (Ik). 3. We then contrasted the observations with theoretical expectations based on a light limitation scenario. The observed temporal patterns of seston concentration, both on a volume and area basis, were significantly explained by I0 (R2 = 0.39 and R2 = 0.37 respectively). The vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient (kdPAR) (R2 = 0.55) and the depth‐averaged irradiance (Imean) (R2 = 0.66), significantly increased with the I0; while the irradiance reaching the lake bottom (Iout) significantly decreased with the incident irradiance (R2 = 0.49). However, phytoplankton biovolume maxima were not coincident with the time of the year of maximum irradiance. 4. A significant positive relationship was observed between PP estimated on an area basis and I0 (R2 = 0.51, P < 0.001). In addition, the parameters describing the photosynthetic responses to high irradiances displayed marked seasonal trends. The photosynthesis photoinhibition due to PAR as well as to UV were significantly related to incident solar radiation (PAR: R2 = 0.73; UV: R2 = 0.74). These results suggest adaptation of the phytoplankton community in response to changes in incident solar radiation.  相似文献   

This study examines the seasonal variation in the underwater spectral distribution of light in a mesotrophic (Lake Cromwell) and an oligo-mesotrophic (Lake Croche) temperate lake. Gilvin is primarily responsible for the strong selective attenuation of blue light in both lakes. As a result of differing gilvin concentrations light transmission maxima of downwelling and upwelling spectra are near 615 nm in Lake Cromwell and 599 nm in Lake Croche. With increases in depth both upwelling and downwelling radiance fluxes decrease, are shifted to longer wavelengths and become more monochromatic. The greatest penetration of light occurs in the summer and spring after which a gradual decrease occurs through fall to a minimum value in winter. Under the winter cover the P 50 of downwelling light shifts 10 to 20 nm towards shorter wavelengths. Seasonal changes in downwelling irradiance are related to solar altitude, concentration of suspended particles, phytoplankton populations, amount of gilvin, mixing and winter cover. The brownish colouration of these lakes is explained by reflectance of spectrally impure orangish-red light.  相似文献   

Pollen analytical results from a littoral profile taken in Lake Constance compared with pollen profiles from small kettle holes nearby form the basis for conclusions concerning human population density, the economy and environment from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages. Early Neolithic human impact is implicated in a lime decline and also the expansion of beech. The late Neolithic lakeshore settlements caused a decline of elm, beech and lime and, by shifting cultivation, considerably changed the forest cover. The settlements were abandoned after less than 100 years. There were long periods without distinct human impact in the middle and towards the end of the late Neolithic period. Since at least the Late Bronze Age there has been permanent habitation in the region. Human impact was greatest in the High Medieval period and later, and was also substantial in the late La Tène and Roman periods. Distinct declines in human impact can be observed between the La Tène and Roman periods and in the Migration and Merovingian periods. In these intervals, open land and grazed oak forest were replaced by birch and later on by beech forests. The decreases in human impact are not of the same intensity in all diagrams.  相似文献   

About 20 ovaries of the whitefish 'Blaufelchen' ( Coregonus lavaretus L.) of Lake Constance (Bodensee) were collected annually from 1964-1991. Absolute and relative fecundity peaked in the early 1980s, lagging about 2 years behind the maximum of total-P in the water (during the circulation period). Out of the biological time-series of Lake Constance, whitefish fecundity is the only one known to follow the phosphorus curve, and this may be the first time-series documented case of parallel trend reversal in the trophic state of a lake and fish biology. It is concluded that fish fecundity serves, at best, as an unspecific monitor of the overall well-being of the fish.  相似文献   

Larval abundance of burbot Lota lota in the pelagic zone of Lake Constance, Germany, peaked during April and remained at a constant but lower level until mid‐June. From the end of May onwards a significant diel vertical migration pattern was observed: while burbot larvae were distributed above as well as below the thermocline in the daytime with the highest percentages of abundance at water depths of 30 and 50 m (below the thermocline) on 5 and 25 June, they were concentrated from 2 to 15 m (above the thermocline) during the night. This migration pattern coincided with a significant decline in the food items preferred by burbot at this life stage, cyclopoid copepods. This phase of diel vertical migration lasted for c . 4 weeks until the burbot larvae suddenly disappeared from the pelagic zone. This indicated a short phase, lasting only a few days, of larval settlement into profundal benthic habitats. This was supported by a significant, abrupt decrease in the absolute growth rates of the larvae at day 56 after hatching. The day–night pattern of vertical migration observed could be assumed to be a transition phase from a pelagic to a benthic lifestyle, as reported for juveniles of several other, marine gadoid species.  相似文献   

In Lake Constance from September 1986 to May 1988 13 adult lake dwelling brown trout ( Sulmo trutta L.) were tagged with ultrasonic transmitters and tracked almost continuously for up to 13 days. Two behaviour types were observed: (a) random movement in locally restricted areas and (b) excursions of up to 40 km distance. Swimming activity during the day was significantly higher than at night in most experiments. In summer swimming depth ranged between 8 and 16 m, and in winter between 0 and 3m. The preferred water temperature was about 14°C in the thermally stratified waterbody. During the experiments mean swimming speed ranged between 0.3 km h−1 (0.1 bodylengths s−1) and 0.9 km h−1 (0.6 bodylengths s−1).  相似文献   

Phosphorus release rates from profundal sediments of Lake Constance (Obersee) have been determined in D.O., pH regulated sediment-water systems. Above 10% O2 saturation (> 1.2 ppm D. O.) and with pH as in situ, no net release could be found. Sedimentations of diatom sludge (Asterionella formosa) and carbonate-phosphate coprecipitate (CaCO3.CaHPO4) increased the release to 0.5 mg × m–2 × d–1 which, however, will not be relevant to the P balance in Obersee. The annual phosphorus accumulation in profundal Obersee and Ueberlingersee is, therefore, observed as due to sinking of phosphorus-bound detritus during the stagnation period.The experimental work was carried out at the Limnological Institute of the University of Freiburg/Breisgau (West Germany) and has been supported by the Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. and the Gernan Research Council (DFG)The experimental work was carried out at the Limnological Institute of the University of Freiburg/Breisgau (West Germany) and has been supported by the Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. and the Gernan Research Council (DFG)  相似文献   

The underwater light climate ultimately determines the depth distribution, abundance and primary production of autotrophs suspended within and rooted beneath the water column. This paper addresses the underwater light climate, with reference to effects of suspended solids and growth responses of autotrophs with emphasis on phytoplankton.Effects of the most important factors contributing to the absorption and scattering of light in surface waters were described. A comparison between spectral and scalar approaches to underwater light climate modeling was made and examples of linear approximations to light attenuation equations were presented. It was demonstrated that spectral and scalar photosynthesis models may converge to similar values in spectral-flat, high photon flux environments, but that scalar PAR models may overestimate biomass-specific production by 70%. Such differences can lead to serious overestimates of habitat suitability for the growth and survival of submersed macrophytes, particularly in relatively turbid, coastal waters.Relationships between physical and optical properties of suspended sediments were described theoretically, and illustrated with modeling examples and measurements. It was found that the slowly settling particulate fraction contributed substantially to the suspended solids concentration, and greatly to light attenuation within the water column. It was concluded that distinguishing particles by fall velocity and concomitant light attenuation properties in the modeling of underwater light conditions allowed the establishment of useful, although not simply linear, relationships.In eutrophic, shallow lakes, the largest contribution to light attenuation often originates from phytoplankton on a seasonal basis (months–years), but from suspended solids behavior on a shorter time scale (days–weeks), particularly when water bodies are wind-exposed. Temporal and spatial variabilities in wave height, suspended solids concentrations, and light attenuation within the water column, and their importance for autotrophic growth were described, and illustrated with a case study pertaining to Markermeer, The Netherlands. The influence of underwater light conditions on phytoplankton succession was briefly discussed and illustrated with a case study pertaining to Lake Veluwe, The Netherlands. It was concluded that modeling the underwater light climate in a water body on a few sites only can indicate how important various components are for the attenuation of light, but based on the current state of the art, it can not be expected that this will provide accurate predictions of the underwater light climate, and of phytoplankton and submersed macrophyte growth.  相似文献   

  • 1 Growth rates of two dominant Lake Baikal phytoplankton, the winter diatom Aulacoseira baicalensis and the summer cyanobacterium Synechocystis limnetica, were measured in the laboratory under varied temperature and light regimes to determine the potential role of these abiotic factors in seasonal species succession in the lake.
  • 2 Aulacoseira baicalensis grew best at low temperature and not at all above 8 °C. Its maximum instantaneous growth rate was 0.15 d‐1 recorded at 2–3 °C. Cells grew faster as temperature decreased, apparently in contrast to conventional Q10‐based temperature‐growth relationships.
  • 3 The picoplankter Synechocystis limnetica did not grow at 2–3 or 5–6 °C, but grew at a rate of 0.24 d‐1 at the highest incubation temperature of 17 °C. Maximum growth rate was 0.35 d‐1 at 8 °C.
  • 4 Saturation irradiances (Ik) for growth of Aulacoseira baicalensis and Synechocystis limnetica were near pre‐acclimation values of 40 µmol m‐2 s‐1. At temperatures conducive to growth, both phytoplankters grew at all irradiances tested, except for A. baicalensis which would not grow at values above 300 µmol m‐2 s‐1 at 8 °C.
  • 5 We conclude that temperature is a major driving force for the seasonal succession of species in Lake Baikal. Other factors, including vertical mixing of the water column and grazing by zooplankton, may also play important roles.

1. Variations in the light regime can affect the availability and quality of food for zooplankton grazers as well as their exposure to fish predation. In northern lakes light is particularly low in winter and, with increasing warming, the northern limit of some present-day plankton communities may move further north and the plankton will thus receive less winter light.
2. We followed the changes in the biomass and community structure of zooplankton and phytoplankton in a clear and a turbid shallow lake during winter (November–March) in enclosures both with and without fish and with four different light treatments (100%, 55%, 7% and <1% of incoming light).
3. In both lakes total zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll- a were influenced by light availability and the presence of fish. Presence of fish irrespective of the light level led to low crustacean biomass, high rotifer biomass and changes in the life history of copepods. The strength of the fish effect on zooplankton biomass diminished with declining light and the effect of light was strongest in the presence of fish.
4. When fish were present, reduced light led to a shift from rotifers to calanoid copepods in the clear lake and from rotifers to cyclopoid copepods in the turbid lake. Light affected the phytoplankton biomass and, to a lesser extent, the phytoplankton community composition and size. However, the fish effect on phytoplankton was overall weak.
5. Our results from typical Danish shallow eutrophic lakes suggest that major changes in winter light conditions are needed in order to have a significant effect on the plankton community. The change in light occurring when such plankton communities move northwards in response to global warming will mostly be of modest importance for this lake type, at least for the rest of this century in an IPCC A2 scenario, while stronger effects may be observed in deep lakes.  相似文献   

Subfossil Bosmina (Eubosmina) remains were analysed in a sediment core from the Untersee of Lake Constance which covered the Late-Glacial/Holocene period.During the Late-Glacial and the early Holocene the lake was inhabited only by Bosmina longispina Leydig. In the Late Holocene a second species, Bosmina coregoni f. kessleri Uljanin, appeared. In the uppermost sediment layers the morphological gap between the two taxa disappeared, apparently from introgressive hybridization.  相似文献   

Factors affecting light penetration in shallow lakes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Light conditions were studied in six lakes of the Danube Delta for a period of 2 years and were described as a function of 12 independent variables forming a data matrix with more than 1000 sample units. Light extinction was explained in percentage of 64% by phytoplankton, of 11% by detritus, of 7% by zooplankton, of 1.4% by dissolved organic matter and of 0.15 by bacterioplankton. The influence of mineral particles was insignificant. Equations are produced here for the relationship to water turbulence, wind intensity and lake depth. The threshold for full water turbulence was between 7 and 8% for a fluctuation domain of critical winds of 3.2–5.4 m s-1 and for a depth domain of 1–3 m.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution of autotrophic picoplankton in Lake Constance was investigated over four consecutive years. Cell numbers varied seasonally and vertically over four orders of magnitude (102 to 106 cells ml−1). A horizontal variation by a factor of 3 in abundance and biomass across the different parts of the lake was found during summer stratification. Picoplankton peaks occurred during the phytoplankton spring bloom and in late summer. Low values were characteristic for the clear-water phase in early summer and for autumn-winter. This seasonal pattern differed from that of larger phytoplankton in Lake Constance and from the seasonal distribution of picoplankton known from other lakes and marine environments. Picoplankton was predominated by chroococcoid cyanobacteria of about 0.6 μ3 biovolume. The average cell size increased from winter until early summer. Using HPLC pigment analysis, we identified zeaxanthin and β-carotene as typical picoplankton pigments. Results of the pigment analyses suggest that algae others than picocyano-bacteria may be more prominent in the picoplankton size class than derived from routine epifluorescence counting.  相似文献   

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