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The enzyme responsible for maintenance methylation of CpG dinucleotides in vertebrates is DNMT1. The presence of DNMT1 in DNA replication foci raises the issue of whether this enzyme needs to gain access to nascent DNA before its packaging into nucleosomes, which occurs very rapidly behind the replication fork. Using nucleosomes positioned along the 5 S rRNA gene, we find that DNMT1 is able to methylate a number of CpG sites even when the DNA major groove is oriented toward the histone surface. However, we also find that the ability of DNMT1 to methylate nucleosomal sites is highly dependent on the nature of the DNA substrate. Although nucleosomes containing the Air promoter are refractory to methylation irrespective of target cytosine location, nucleosomes reconstituted onto the H19 imprinting control region are more accessible. These results argue that although DNMT1 is intrinsically capable of methylating some DNA sequences even after their packaging into nucleosomes, this is not the case for at least a fraction of DNA sequences whose function is regulated by DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Salt-induced release of DNA from nucleosome core particles   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

We studied the diffusion of native and trypsinized nucleosome core particles (NCPs), in aqueous solution and in concentrated DNA solutions (0.25-100 mg/ml) using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The highest DNA concentrations studied mimic the DNA density inside the cell nucleus. The diffusion coefficient of freely diffusing NCPs depends on the presence or absence of histone tails and is affected by the salt concentration due to the relaxation effect of counterions. NCPs placed in a network of long DNA molecules (30-50 kbp) reveal anomalous diffusion. We demonstrate that NCPs diffusion is in agreement with known particle transport in entangled macromolecular solutions as long as the histone tails are folded onto the particles. In contrast, when these tails are unfolded, the reversible adsorption of NCPs onto the DNA network has to be taken into account. This is confirmed by the fact that removal of the tails leads to reduction of the interaction between NCPs and the DNA network. The findings suggest that histone tail bridging plays an important role in chromatin dynamics.  相似文献   

31P Nmr parameters (δ, T1, W1/2, and NOE) were measured for the DNA in nucleosome core particles at three frequencies and compared with similar data for the histone-free DNA. An essentially linear relationship was found between the frequency of observation and line-width for the single broad envelope of 31P resonances of the DNA in the nucleosome cores. We attributed this largely to chemical shift dispersion, with smaller contributions from chemical shift anisotropy and dipolar broadening. These results suggest the presence of different environments for phosphorus atoms in the core particles. However, within the accuracy of the method, no asymmetry in the resonance could be detected, which would tend to rule out any significant degree of DNA “kinking.” To investigate the interactions of the DNA and histones within the core particles we also studied transitions induced by urea and by temperature. Urea caused two stepwise increases in linewidth, which we attributed to conformational changes. A biphasic transition was also observed in the temperature profile, consistent with previous optical studies [Weischet et. al. (1978) Nucleic Acids Res. 5 , 139]. Various models with different types of local mobility were examined by the relaxation theory. A model of isotropic motion having a broad distribution of correlation times gave a fairly good fit to the 31P-nmr data.  相似文献   

Four well-characterised DNA-binding ligands have been tested for effects on reconstituted nucleosome core particles containing the 160 bp tyrT DNA fragment. Two, netropsin and berenil, were found to change the rotational orientation of the DNA on the surface of the protein as judged by marked alterations in the pattern of fragments produced by exposure to DNAase I. Qualitatively their effects were very similar to those previously reported for the related antibiotic distamycin, suggesting that the phenomenon of induced rotation may be a characteristic property of ligands which bind in the narrow groove of the DNA helix. Two intercalators did not produce the effect but, at high concentrations, caused gross disruption of the nucleoprotein structure with apparent release of DNA from the histone octamer. At moderate concentrations little or no effect was detectable with nogalamycin, suggestive of failure to bind as a result of constraints on local opening of the DNA helix. With moderate concentrations of actinomycin, protection of GpC sequences was clearly visible together with some evidence of increase in helix pitch, but no sign of altered phasing of DNA within the nucleosome core particles.  相似文献   

Among the multiple effects involved in chromatin condensation and decondensation processes, interactions between nucleosome core particles are suspected to play a crucial role. We analyze them in the absence of linker DNA and added proteins, after the self-assembly of isolated nucleosome core particles under controlled ionic conditions. We describe an original lamellar mesophase forming tubules on the mesoscopic scale. High resolution imaging of cryosections of vitrified samples reveals how nucleosome core particles stack on top of one another into columns which themselves align to form bilayers that repel one another through a solvent layer. We deduce from this structural organization how the particles interact through attractive interactions between top and bottom faces and lateral polar interactions that originate in the heterogeneous charge distribution at the surface of the particle. These interactions, at work under conditions comparable with those found in the living cell, should be of importance in the mechanisms governing chromatin compaction in vivo.  相似文献   

The helical model of the nucleosome core.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A model of the nucleosome core is proposed based on a topologically linear array of histones attached sequentially to DNA. The linear complex folds helically forming a spring-like particle. Different variants of the particle are discussed (cylindrical springs with and without histone-histone contacts between turns of the helix, solenoidal spring). The model is consistent with known data about the nucleosome structure. Histones H3 and H4 have a special role in the model which is related also to the superstructure of chromatin.  相似文献   

The human base excision repair machinery must locate and repair DNA base damage present in chromatin, of which the nucleosome core particle is the basic repeating unit. Here, we have utilized fragments of the Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA gene containing site-specific U:A base pairs to investigate the base excision repair pathway in reconstituted nucleosome core particles in vitro. The human uracil-DNA glycosylases, UNG2 and SMUG1, were able to remove uracil from nucleosomes. Efficiency of uracil excision from nucleosomes was reduced 3- to 9-fold when compared with naked DNA, and was essentially uniform along the length of the DNA substrate irrespective of rotational position on the core particle. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the excision repair pathway of an abasic site can be reconstituted on core particles using the known repair enzymes, AP-endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase beta and DNA ligase III. Thus, base excision repair can proceed in nucleosome core particles in vitro, but the repair efficiency is limited by the reduced activity of the uracil-DNA glycosylases and DNA polymerase beta on nucleosome cores.  相似文献   

We present a phase diagram of the nucleosome core particle (NCP) as a function of the monovalent salt concentration and applied osmotic pressure. Above a critical pressure, NCPs stack on top of each other to form columns that further organize into multiple columnar phases. An isotropic (and in some cases a nematic) phase of columns is observed in the moderate pressure range. Under higher pressure conditions, a lamello-columnar phase and an inverse hexagonal phase form under low salt conditions, whereas a 2D hexagonal phase or a 3D orthorhombic phase is found at higher salt concentration. For intermediate salt concentrations, microphase separation occurs. The richness of the phase diagram originates from the heterogeneous distribution of charges at the surface of the NCP, which makes the particles extremely sensitive to small ionic variations of their environment, with consequences on their interactions and supramolecular organization. We discuss how the polymorphism of NCP supramolecular organization may be involved in chromatin changes in the cellular context.  相似文献   

A high-resolution map for the arrangement of histones along DNA in the nucleosome core particles has been determined by a new sequencing procedure. The lysine groups of histones were crosslinked to partly depurinated DNA at neutral pH. One strand of DNA was split at the points of crosslinking, thus leaving the 5′-terminal DNA fragments bound to histones. The lengths of these crosslinked DNA fragments were measured to determine the position of histones on one strand of the core DNA from its 5′ end.The results demonstrate that histones are bound to regularly arranged, discrete DNA segments about six nucleotides long. These segments are separated by histone-free gaps about four nucleotides wide located at a distance of about 10n nucleotides from the 5′ end of DNA. The first 20 nucleotides from the 5′ ends of DNA seem to be free of histones. Histones appear to be arranged symmetrically and in a similar way on both DNA strands. Any one histone, being bound predominantly to discrete segments on one or other of the strands, can oscillate at the same time between the two strands across the major DNA groove. Two symmetrical models for the arrangement of two molecules of each core histone on linearized and folded DNA are proposed.  相似文献   

(+)-Yatakemycin (1, Fig. 1) and (+)-duocarmycin SA (2) are exceptionally potent, naturally occurring antitumor agents that derive their biological properties through a characteristic sequence-selective DNA-alkylation reaction. Studies have shown that both the AT-rich binding selectivity (shape-selective recognition) and the alkylation catalysis (shape-dependent catalysis) that contribute to the alkylation selectivity are dependent on the DNA minor groove shape and size characteristics of an AT-rich sequence (ref. 6 and references therein; refs. 7,8). Here we report the alkylation properties of yatakemycin and duocarmycin SA on free DNA (alpha-satellite DNA) and the same sequence bound in a nucleosome core particle (NCP) modeling the state of DNA in eukaryotic cells. Both compounds showed a clear, relatively unaltered ability to alkylate DNA packaged in NCPs in terms of both alkylating efficiency and sequence selectivity, despite the steric and conformational perturbations imposed by NCP packaging. These findings highlight the dynamic nature of NCP-bound DNA and illustrate that cell- and protein-free DNA-alkylation studies of members of this class of antitumor drugs provide valuable insights into their properties.  相似文献   

The helical periodicity of DNA on the nucleosome   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The precise number of base pairs per turn of the DNA double helix in the nucleosome core particle has been the subject of controversy. In this paper the positions of nuclease cutting sites are analysed in three dimensions. Using this midpoint of the DNA on the nucleosome dyad as origin, the cutting site locations measured along a strand of DNA are mapped onto models of the nucleosome core containing DNA of different helical periodicities. It is found that a helical periodicity of 10.5 base pairs per turn leads to cutting site positions which are sterically inaccessible. In contrast, a periodicity of 10.0 base pairs per turn leads to cutting site positions which are not only sterically sound, but which fall into a pattern such as would be expected when the access of the nuclease to the DNA is restricted by the presence of the histone core on one side and of the adjacent superhelical turn of DNA on the other. As proposed earlier by us (1), a value for the helical periodicity close to 10 base pairs per turn on the nucleosome, taken together with a periodicity close to 10.5 for DNA in solution - a value now established - resolves the so-called linkage number paradox.  相似文献   

In this study 1H NMR has been used to investigate the conformational state of DNA in nucleosome core particles. The nucleosome core particles exhibit partially resolved low field (10-15 ppm) spectra due to imino protons in Watson-Crick base pairs (one resonance per GC or AT base pair). To a first approximation, the spectrum is virtually identical with that of protein-free 140 base pair DNA, and from this observation we draw two important conclusions: (i) Since the low field spectra of DNA are known to be sensitive to conformation, the conformation of DNA in the core particles is essentially the same as that of free DNA (presumably B-form), (ii) since kinks occurring at a frequency at 1 in 10 or 1 in 20 base pairs would result in a core particle spectrum different from that of free DNA we find no NMR evidence supporting either the Crick-Klug or the Sobell models for kinking DNA around the core histones. Linewidth considerations indicate that the rotational correlation time for the core particles is approximately 1.5 X 10(-7) sec, whereas the end-over-end tumbling time of the free 140 base pair DNA is 3 X 10(-7) sec.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium chloride concentration on the structure of chicken erythrocyte nucleosome core particles have been studied by the use of fluorescently labelled histones. Histone H3 was modified with two sulfhydryl-specific dyes and reconstituted into core nucleosomes. Between 10?4 m and 0.6 M-NaCl four different states were observed by the fluorescent techniques of collisional quenching, polarization and energy transfer. Below 5 × 10?4 m-NaCl the nucleosome is flexible, with the single cysteine residues of the two H3 species about 48 Å apart and somewhat exposed. Between 5 × 10?3 m and 10?1 m-NaCl the nucleosome is rigid and non-spherical. The cysteine residues are close together and buried. Between 10?1 m and 4 × 10?1 m-NaCl, the cysteines become slightly more exposed but remain close together. At 6 × 10?1 m-NaCl the nucleosome is very flexible. The cysteines are more than 70 Å apart and are quite exposed. The dramatic structural changes that are observed in core nucleosomes are consistent with the variety of functions in which they must participate in the cell.  相似文献   

We have studied the hydrodynamic properties of the complexes formed by interaction of nucleosome core particles with excess histone octamers containing two each of the four core histones. The results are consistent with tight binding of two to three octamers to the exterior of each core particle. The binding is dependent upon the presence of the H3/H4 histone pair: when H3/H4 alone are added to nucleosome core particles, tight binding is observed, but H2A/H2B alone are bound only weakly. We have also examined the properties of the nucleosome core in solutions containing 0·1 m to 0·7 M-NaCl. We show that in this salt range the core particle undergoes some changes in shape, reflected in a 14% increase in the frictional coefficient. Even at the highest salt concentrations used, however, the nucleosome core is still a compact, folded structure.  相似文献   

In concentrated solution and in the presence of high concentrations of monovalent cations, nucleosome core particles order into a discotic columnar mesophase. This phase is limited to finite-sized hexagonal germs that further divide into six coiled branches, following an iterative process. We show how the structure of the germs comes from the competition between hexagonal packing and chirality with a combination of dendritic facetting and double-twist configurations. Geometrical considerations lead us to suspect that the chirality of the eukaryotic chromosomes may originate from the same competition.  相似文献   

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