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The variants of the identification method were considered that take the a priori information about the evolution of a system under study and the type of experimental errors of the dynamic parameters of the system into account. An example of using this method for the identification of a biochemical reaction is given where the error in measuring the dynamic parameters (concentration of substances) has both an absolute and a relative components.  相似文献   



The triosephosphate isomerase (TIM)-barrel fold occurs frequently in the proteomes of different organisms, and the known TIM-barrel proteins have been found to play diverse functional roles. To accelerate the exploration of the sequence-structure protein landscape in the TIM-barrel fold, a computational tool that allows sensitive detection of TIM-barrel proteins is required.  相似文献   

Currently available phylogenetic methods for studying the rate of evolution in a continuously valued character assume that the rate is constant throughout the tree or that it changes along specific branches according to an a priori hypothesis of rate variation provided by the user. Herein, we describe a new method for studying evolutionary rate variation in continuously valued characters given an estimate of the phylogenetic history of the species in our study. According to this method, we propose no specific prior hypothesis for how the variation in evolutionary rate is structured throughout the history of the species in our study. Instead, we use a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to estimate evolutionary rates and the shift point between rates on the tree. We do this by simultaneously sampling rates and shift points in proportion to their posterior probability, and then collapsing the posterior sample into an estimate of the parameters of interest. We use simulation to show that the method is quite successful at identifying the phylogenetic position of a shift in the rate of evolution, and that estimated rates are asymptotically unbiased. We also provide an empirical example of the method using data for Anolis lizards. [This article was published online on September 20, 2011. An error in a co‐author's name was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected September 21, 2011.]  相似文献   

In this research, electric field gradient (EFG), which is the first derivative of electric field, is applied for evaluation of aromaticity of 89 cyclic organic compounds. In our calculations, DFT procedure (b3lyp) with basis set 6-311++G** has been employed, and the obtained electronic structures and frequency test has been done for optimized geometries. The aromaticity evaluated for these compounds by EFG procedure is successfully compared with other well-known indices in literature, especially with nuclear independent chemical shift (NICS). These comparisons show that EFG method of assessment of aromaticity can be used as a rather valid procedure for this purpose. Flexibility and simplicity of EFG make this method a rather easy procedure for assessment of aromaticity. Since EFG method of aromaticity evaluation does not need specific programming and it can be done by known software such as Gaussian, therefore, the availability for everyone to calculate desired aromaticity by this method is one of attractive feature of it similar to NICS.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1996,381(3):195-198
To investigate the function of tRNAs or any other aminoacylable RNAs in vivo, it is important to be able to estimate the amounts and species of aminoacylated RNAs in living cells. We have developed a method of analyzing amino acids attached to particular tRNAs obtained from cells. After the ester bond between the amino acid and the 3′-adenosine moiety of a specific aminoacyl-tRNA is stabilized by acetylation of the amino acid with [14C]acetic anhydride, the aminoacyl-tRNA can be fished out with a solid-phase-attached DNA probe. The 14C-labeled acetylamino acid is then released from the thus purified acetyl-aminoacyl-tRNAs by alkaline treatment and detected by TLC analysis.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed to analyse dependencies in point processes, which takes into account specific character of neuronal activity. Simulation modelling of neuronal network revealed that the estimated weight of connection depends monotonically on the value of the model synaptic strength. In contrast to the crosscorrelation, the method allows for nonlinear interconnections and does not require point processes to be stationary and samples to be large. Examples are presented of the method's application to neurophysiological data analysis.  相似文献   

A software suite, SABER (Selection of Active/Binding sites for Enzyme Redesign), has been developed for the analysis of atomic geometries in protein structures, using a geometric hashing algorithm (Barker and Thornton, Bioinformatics 2003;19:1644–1649). SABER is used to explore the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to locate proteins with a specific 3D arrangement of catalytic groups to identify active sites that might be redesigned to catalyze new reactions. As a proof‐of‐principle test, SABER was used to identify enzymes that have the same catalytic group arrangement present in o‐succinyl benzoate synthase (OSBS). Among the highest‐scoring scaffolds identified by the SABER search for enzymes with the same catalytic group arrangement as OSBS were L ‐Ala D/L ‐Glu epimerase (AEE) and muconate lactonizing enzyme II (MLE), both of which have been redesigned to become effective OSBS catalysts, demonstrated by experiments. Next, we used SABER to search for naturally existing active sites in the PDB with catalytic groups similar to those present in the designed Kemp elimination enzyme KE07. From over 2000 geometric matches to the KE07 active site, SABER identified 23 matches that corresponded to residues from known active sites. The best of these matches, with a 0.28 Å catalytic atom RMSD to KE07, was then redesigned to be compatible with the Kemp elimination using RosettaDesign. We also used SABER to search for potential Kemp eliminases using a theozyme predicted to provide a greater rate acceleration than the active site of KE07, and used Rosetta to create a design based on the proteins identified.  相似文献   

Tracking trends in the abundance of wildlife populations is a sensitive method for assessing biodiversity change due to the short time‐lag between human pressures and corresponding shifts in population trends. This study tests for proposed associations between different types of human pressures and wildlife population abundance decline‐curves and introduces a method to distinguish decline trajectories from natural fluctuations in population time‐series. First, we simulated typical mammalian population time‐series under different human pressure types and intensities and identified significant distinctions in population dynamics. Based on the concavity of the smoothed population trend and the algebraic function which was the closest fit to the data, we determined those differences in decline dynamics that were consistently attributable to each pressure type. We examined the robustness of the attribution of pressure type to population decline dynamics under more realistic conditions by simulating populations under different levels of environmental stochasticity and time‐series data quality. Finally, we applied our newly developed method to 124 wildlife population time‐series and investigated how those threat types diagnosed by our method compare to the specific threatening processes reported for those populations. We show how wildlife population decline curves can be used to discern between broad categories of pressure or threat types, but do not work for detailed threat attributions. More usefully, we find that differences in population decline curves can reliably identify populations where pressure is increasing over time, even when data quality is poor, and propose this method as a cost‐effective technique for prioritizing conservation actions between populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite length polymorphisms are useful for the mapping of heritable traits in rats. Over 4000 such microsatellites have been characterized for 48 inbred rat strains and used successfully to map phenotypes that differ between strains. At present, however, it is difficult to use this microsatellite database for mapping phenotypes in selectively bred rats of unknown genotype derived from outbred populations because it is not immediately obvious which markers might differ between strains and be informative. We predicted that markers represented by many alleles among the known inbred rat strains would also be most likely to differ between selectively bred strains derived from outbred populations. Here we describe the development and successful application of a new genotyping tool (HUMMER) that assigns “heterozygosity” (Het) and “uncertainty” (Unc) scores to each microsatellite marker that corresponds to its degree of heterozygosity among the 48 genotyped inbred strains. We tested the efficiency of HUMMER on two rat strains that were selectively bred from an outbred Sprague-Dawley stock for either high or low activity in the forced swim test (SwHi rats and SwLo rats, respectively). We found that the markers with high Het and Unc scores allowed the efficient selection of markers that differed between SwHi and SwLo rats, while markers with low Het and Unc scores typically identified markers that did not differ between strains. Thus, picking markers based on Het and Unc scores is a valuable method for identifying informative microsatellite markers in selectively bred rodent strains derived from outbred populations.  相似文献   

Protein-bound tyrosyl radicals catalyze many important enzymatic reactions. They can also initiate oxidative damage to cells. Here we report a new method of computer simulation of tyrosyl radical electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The method enables the determination of the rotational conformation of the phenoxyl ring in a radical with unprecedented accuracy (approximately 2 degrees ). When coupled with a new online database, all tyrosine residues in a protein can be screened for that particular conformation. For the first time we show relationships between the spin density on atom C1 (rho(C1)) and the principal g-factors measured by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (rho(C1) on g(x) is shown to be linear). The new method enables the accurate determination of rho(C1) in all known tyrosyl radicals, evaluates the likelihood of a hydrogen bond, and determines the possibility of a rho(C1) distribution in the radicals. This information, together with the accurately determined rotational conformation, is frequently sufficient to allow for an unambiguous identification of the site of radical formation. The possibility of a similar relationship between rho(C) and g(x) in other radicals, e.g., tryptophanyl, is discussed.  相似文献   

A method based on intrinsic antibiotic resistance (IAR) for identifying large numbers of Rhizobium strains was assessed and found to be unsatisfactory for R. phaseoli and isolates from Cicer arietinum (Rhizobium spp.). Our data showed that the number of different IAR patterns always exceeded the number of strains tested. With 90 nodule isolates from plants inoculated with a mixture of three strains of R. Phaseoli, the technique gave 18 different resistance patterns. When 24 strains of Rhizobium spp., each replicated three times, were examined 68 different resistance patterns were obtained. Single colony isolates from one strain also gave several different IAR patterns. All strains tested with fluorescent“ antibody were readily identified. Attempts to obtain correct strain identification with IAR by simplifying the scoring systems or allowing up to two differences in the resistance patterns were unsuccessful. We were unable to define the source of this variation although incubation time and inoculum concentration were shown to affect the IAR patterns  相似文献   

A new computational method for cable theory problems.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
We discuss a new computational procedure for solving the linear cable equation on a tree of arbitrary geometry. The method is based on a simple set of diagrammatic rules implemented using an efficient computer algorithm. Unlike most other methods, this technique is particularly useful for determining the short-time behavior of the membrane potential. Examples are presented and the convergence and accuracy of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations of rare cell types in peripheral blood samples, such as tumor, fetal, and endothelial cells, represent an emerging field with several potentially valuable medical applications. Peripheral blood is a particularly attractive body fluid for the detection of rare cells as its collection is minimally invasive and can be repeated throughout the course of the disease. Because the number of rare cells in mononuclear cells can be very low (1 in 10 million), a large number of cells must be quickly screened, which places demanding requirements on the screening technology. While enrichment technology has shown promise in managing metastatic disease, enrichment can cause distortions of cell morphology that limit pathological identification, and the enrichment targeting adds additional constraints that can affect sensitivity. Here, we describe a new approach for detecting rare leukemia cells that does not require prior enrichment. We have developed an immunocytochemical assay for identification of leukemia cells spiked in peripheral blood samples, and a high-speed scanning instrument with high numerical aperture and wide field of view to efficiently locate these cells in large sample sizes. A multiplex immunoassay with four biomarkers was used to uniquely identify the rare cells from leukocytes and labeling artifacts. The cytometer preserves the cell morphology and accurately locates labeled rare cells for subsequent high resolution imaging. The sensitivity and specificity of the approach show promise for detection of a low number of leukemia cells in blood (1 in 10 million nucleated cells). The method enables rapid location of rare circulating cells (25 M cells/min), no specific enrichment step, and excellent imaging of cellular morphology with multiple immunofluorescent markers. The cell imaging is comparable to other imaging approaches such as laser scan cytometry and image flow cytometry, but the cell analysis rate is many orders of magnitude faster making this approach practical for detection of rare cells.  相似文献   

【目的】介绍一种观察白僵菌Beauveria bassiana侵染烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)若虫的荧光显微方法。【方法】将被白僵菌侵染的烟粉虱若虫用荧光素二乙酸酯(FDA)染色,并于波长为450~490 nm的蓝光下显微观察。【结果】在接种白僵菌12 h和24 h的烟粉虱若虫上分别观察到昆虫表皮上分生孢子的萌发和芽管穿透表皮。结合裸眼和荧光显微观察结果证实了被真菌侵染的烟粉虱若虫体色变红和菌体在虫体内增殖是同时发生的。【结论】应用荧光显微方法能观察到白僵菌在烟粉虱若虫体表和体内的侵染。  相似文献   


Tissue engineered bone scaffolds are potential alternatives to bone allografts and autografts. Porous scaffolds based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) are good candidates for tissue growth because they offer high surface-to-volume ratio, have tailorable stiffness, and can be easily fabricated by additive manufacturing. However, the range of TPMS scaffold types is extensive, and it is not yet clear which type provides the fastest cell or tissue growth while being sufficiently stiff to act as a bone graft. Nor is there currently an established methodology for TPMS bone scaffold design which can be quickly adopted by medical designers or biologists designing implants. In this study, we examine six TPMS scaffold types for use as tissue growth scaffolds and propose a general methodology to optimise their geometry. At the macro-scale, the optimisation routine ensures a scaffold stiffness within suitable limits for bone, while at the micro-scale it maximises the cell growth rate. The optimisation procedure also ensures the scaffold pores are of sufficient diameter to allow oxygen and nutrient delivery via capillaries. Of the examined TPMS structures, the Lidinoid and Split P cell types provide the greatest cell growth rates and are therefore the best candidates for bone scaffolds.




Identification of protein complexes is crucial for understanding principles of cellular organization and functions. As the size of protein-protein interaction set increases, a general trend is to represent the interactions as a network and to develop effective algorithms to detect significant complexes in such networks.  相似文献   

Recently, phase separation and fluid flow problems have represented an important development in fluid dynamics, which has many important industrial applications. Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is the numerical method that explains the behaviour of fluid dynamics in mesoscopic scale single-component single-phase and multi-component multiphase flows. In this paper, we study the lattice Boltzmann models (LBMs) in two dimensions (2D) with nine directions (Q9), that is the D2Q9 model was used to study the phase separation and observe that the phenomenon of fluid flow in a cylinder has obstacle and square cavity. The simulation results show that fluid flows in the square cavity and in the cylinder, present phase separation of single-component multiphase fluid flow.  相似文献   

Fungal surface hydrophobicity has many ecological functions and water contact angles measurement is a direct and simple approach for its characterization. The objective of this study was to evaluate if in-vitro growth conditions coupled with versatile image analysis allows for more accurate fungal contact angle measurements. Fungal cultures were grown on agar slide media and contact angles were measured utilizing a modified microscope and digital camera setup. Advanced imaging software was adopted for contact angle determination. Contact angles were observed in hydrophobic, hydrophilic and a newly created chronoamphiphilic class containing fungi taxa with changing surface hydrophobicity. Previous methods are unable to detect slight changes in hydrophobicity, which provide vital information of hydrophobicity expression patterns. Our method allows for easy and efficient characterization of hydrophobicity, minimizing disturbance to cultures and quantifying subtle variation in hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

An examination of the binding sites of four carbohydrate binding proteins (Escherichia coli lactose repressor, E. coli arabinose-binding protein, yeast hexokinase A and Concanavalin A) revealed certain similarities of amino acid sequences and residues forming hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the bound carbohydrate. These were: (i) Asx-Asx, hydrogen bonding to the pyranose ring oxygen and anomeric-OH group; (ii) Arg-X-X-X-(Ser/Thr), or the reverse sequence, with the Arg hydrogen bonding to the pyranose ring oxygen; (iii) Lys-(Ser/Thr)-X-X-Asp, or the reverse sequence and with interchange of the Lys-(Ser/Thr) positions, with hydrogen bonding of either or both the Lys and Asp residues to the -OH groups at carbons 2, 3, 4 or 6; (iv) a diaromatic sequence with possible hydrophobic interactions to the faces of the pyranose ring structure. An algorithm was devised to search the amino acid sequences of a large number of proteins, those known to bind carbohydrates as well as those without known carbohydrate-binding activities, for the four amino acid sequence criteria. The algorithm incorporated a weighted distance value (WDV) to assess the approximate distance between any two criteria, with the WDV being based on the predicted secondary structure of the protein amino acid sequence. When the algorithm using criteria 1 and 2 plus the WDV was applied to the sequences of 125 proteins, the method indicated the presence of the potential carbohydrate-binding site motif for 42% of proteins with known carbohydrate binding, only 8% of proteins were predicted as false positives, and the accuracy of the method was calculated to be 61.6%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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