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The baya weaver Ploceus philippinus, despite its purely tropical origin and tropical/subtropical distribution, exhibits all features of a typically photoperiodic species. The onset of reproduction in this species is triggered by increasing daylength and breeding is terminated by the development of distinct photorefractory phase. In order to ascertain the involvement of androgens in the development of photorefractoriness the long day response of birds was tested after a prior exposure to varied doses of testosterone. Testosterone treatment accelerated the onset of photorefractoriness as judged from the gonadal status, LH-dependent yellow plumage and testosterone-dependent beak pigmentation. While gonadal development and yellow plumage occurred in the control birds due to the stimulatory long photoperiod, the testosterone administered birds failed to show such developments. These findings indicate that testosterone might impair the higher photoresponding mechanisms resulting in the development of photorefractoriness.  相似文献   

Photoperiod (=day length) is the vital factor for the regulation of behavioral and physiological activities in many avian species. This study investigated the seasonal cycles of testicular growth and secondary sexual characteristics of Indian weaver bird under natural day length (NDL) and the effects of duration and intensity of light on photoperiodic induction. In the first experiment, groups of birds (n = 7 each) were exposed to under NDL in April 2008 and May 2009 for 8 and 12 months, respectively. In second and third experiment, birds (n = 6 each group) were exposed to different photoperiods (11.5L:12.5D, 12L:12D, 13L:11D, and 15L:9D) at the same (500 lux) light intensity, and to 13L:11D at different light intensities (10-, 50-, 500-, and 800-lux). Observations on testis size, molt, and plumage score were recorded 2-week (molt and plumage) or at 4-week intervals (testes). Both the NDL groups showed similar seasonal cycles of testicular growth-regression and secondary sexual characteristics. Second and third experiments suggest that the photoperiodic induction was depending upon duration and intensity of the light. Birds showed testicular growth-regression cycle followed by molt and plumage color change only under 13L:11D and 15L:9D and only 500- and 800-lux under 13L:11D photoperiod but not under 11.5L:12.5D and 12L:12D and 10- and 50-lux light intensities. Pre- and post-nuptial molting on body feathers were progressed with gonadal stimulation–maturation and regression cycle under 13L:11D and 15L:9D. Results under different light–dark cycles suggest that day length of about 12 h or more and above the threshold level of light intensity are essential for the induction of photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

The visual wulst (VW), the rostro-dorsal surface of the avian telencephalon extending from the midline to the lateral region of the brain, is a laminated “bulge” consisting in four histologically distinct rostro-caudally arranged laminae with a specific sequence: hyperpallium apicale, interstitial nucleus of hyperpallium apicale, hyperpallium intercalatum and hyperpallium densocellulare. The VW has been proposed to be the avian equivalent of the mammalian striate cortex. Various behavioral studies including lesion experiments have indicated the importance of the VW, which receives visual and/or auditory cues. We have investigated qualitatively and quantitatively the fascinating structural changes occurring in VW neurons of the seasonally breeding bird, Ploceus philippinus (Linnaeus, 1766). The Golgi method was used to study the seasonal fluctuations in the neuronal classes of the VW with regard to dendritic thickness, spine morphology and spine density during both the non-breeding and breeding periods of male Baya weaver birds. Significant variations in parameters studied among the various neuronal types located in the different well-demarcated regions of the VW are believed to contribute to the functional differences reported among the wulst regions. Thus, this study extends our view demonstrating naturally occurring neuronal plasticity in a seasonally dynamic avian brain of a bird that hones not only its learning and memorizing system but also its social and sexual system in preparation for the breeding season.  相似文献   

The effect of an asymmetrical skeleton photoperiod scheduleee was studied on the gonadal development in a tropical finch, the weaver bird (Ploceus philippinus). The schedul comprised a short nonstimulatory primary photoperiod of 6 hrs and a secondary much shorter lightperiod given as a 15-min light pulse at different times in the dark period. The light pulse 11 hrs after the basic period resulted in gonadal stimulation, while light pulse in contimuation with the basic period or 8, 14 or 21 hrs after the basicperiod was not stimulatory. The "photoinducible phase" was much more precisely outlined by shifting the birds from an 8-h to a 10-h pulse, and from an 11-h to 12-h pulse and was found to be very short, lasting about an hour falling between 11 and 12 hrs after the primary light period. The short photoinducible phase may be of an adaptive value since in the tropics the difference between the shortest and the longest daylength is also rather small (3 hrs and 15 min at Varanasi, 25degrees N). Clearly the weaver bird possesses a fine time-measuring device involving an endogenous circadian rhythm in photosensitivity. In nature, spermatogenesis in this bird also begins in March when the daylength exceeds 11 hrs (thus perhaps coinciding with the photoinducible phase). In rather small, photoperiod may not serve as a cue to trigger seasonal reproductive periodicity, it seems that photoperiod can act as a Zeitgeber for the initiation of spermatogenesis in the weaver bird at least.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Under natural conditions in Kyoto, Japan, the reproductive activities of Nicrophorus quadripunctatus Kraatz (Coleoptera: Silphidae) decreased in summer and the species showed a bimodal life cycle.
2. In the laboratory, most adult pairs raised at 20 °C under a LD 12:12 h regime reproduced when provided with a piece of chicken. In adults raised at 20 °C under a LD 16:8 h regime, however, both reproductive behaviour and ovarian development were reduced. It is concluded that these adults entered a reproductive summer diapause.
3. High temperature (25 °C) also suppressed the reproductive behaviour even under a favourable LD 12:12 h regime. In the field, therefore, adults reduce their reproductive activity in summer because of diapause induced by long-day photoperiods and direct inhibition of reproduction by high temperatures.
4. When the temperature was changed from 20 °C to 25 °C immediately after hatching of larvae, they reached the wandering stage in 95% of adult pairs. When the temperature was changed from 20 °C to 25 °C immediately after oviposition, however, no larvae hatched in 85% of pairs. Egg mortality was significantly higher at 25 °C than at 20 and 22.5 °C; no eggs hatched at 27.5 °C. The physiological mechanisms for reducing reproduction probably prevent the beetles from inefficient oviposition in summer.  相似文献   

Seasonal reproductive cycle of the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens corrianus has been studied. These mussels are functional or simultaneous hermaphrodites. The spawning was at its peak during the months of September to December. The gonads were in growing stages with reduced gonadal activity during January to April, whereas the maturation of gonads was found to be intense during May to August.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA was analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively from ovaries of the fresh water teleostHeteropneustes fossilis for twelve months. The tRNA samples were found to be pure and devoid of any high molecular weight RNA or DNA contaminations. The quantity of tRNA as well as its biological activity, assayed byin vitro aminoacylation using homologous aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, were found to be higher during resting and preparatory (pre-vitellogenic) phases, i.e. from November to March, as compared to vitellogenic and spawning phases of the fish, i.e. from April to October. The highest tRNA pool and its activity was found in the month of February, which coincides with the early preparatory phase. The results indicate that the accumulation of active tRNA starts in the resting phase. Such an accumulation of tRNA may be a part of the enrichment of mature eggs with complete translational machinery before ovulation in order to cope with the high rate of protein synthesis after fertilization.Abbreviations aaRS aminoacyl tRNA synthetase - [14C] APH [14C]-algal protein hydrolysate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - GSI gonado somatic index - TCA trichloroacetic acid - tRNA transfer RNA  相似文献   

The role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin in the regulation of annual testicular events was investigated for the first time in a psittacine bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Accordingly, the testicular responsiveness of the birds was evaluated following surgical pinealectomy with or without the exogenous administration of melatonin and the experimental manipulations of the endogenous levels of melatonin through exposing the birds to continuous illumination. An identical schedule was followed during the four reproductive phases, each characterizing a distinct testicular status in the annual cycle, namely, the phases of gametogenic quiescence (preparatory phase), seasonal recovery of gametogenesis (progressive phase), seasonal initiation of sperm formation (pre-breeding phase), and peak gametogenic activity (breeding phase). In each reproductive phase, the birds were subjected to various experimental conditions, and the effects were studied comparing the testicular conditions in the respective control birds. The study included germ cell profiles of the seminiferous tubules, the activities of steroidogenic enzymes 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD), and Δ53β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Δ53β- HSD) in the testis, and the serum levels of testosterone and melatonin. An analysis of the data reveals that the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin may play an inhibitory role in the development of the testis until the attainment of the seasonal peak in the annual reproductive cycle. However, in all probability, the termination of the seasonal activity of the testis or the initiation of testicular regression in the annual reproductive cycle appears to be the function of the pineal gland, but not of melatonin.  相似文献   

Abstract Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a common pest infesting cowpea seeds ( Vigna unguiculata Walp) in Africa. In the Sahelian zone, the adults are in reproductive diapause during the dry season. Diapause induction depends on the climatic conditions during embryonic and post-embryonic development. A strain of B. atrolineatus originating from the Niamey (13oN) was reared in different thermoperiodic and photoperiodic conditions. In the thermoperiodic regime 40:25oC, in continuous darkness, induction of diapause was dependent on the duration of the thermophase. Photoperiod could also influence diapause induction but the response depended on the temperature. When the beetles were reared in conditions of LD 12:12 h, 40:25oC, for seven generations, the proportion of diapausing adults decreased and their sensitivity to photoperiod increased. In LD 14:10 h, 40:25CC, the proportion of diapausing adults remained high regardless of the photoperiod. In these conditions, the first emerging adults were sexually active and were used for selection of a strain with a low incidence of diapause. After twelve generations, the proportion of diapausing beetles was lower than 5%. The responses of this selected strain to photo- and thermoperiods were reduced. The sensitivity of B. atrolineatus to photoperiod and thermoperiod could be controlled by genetic systems as observed in other insect species.  相似文献   

Reproductive dormancy in female Biprorulus bibax Breddin sampled during March-October in Southern New South Wales was terminated by exposure to 25°C under long (15h) and short (10h) photoperiods. 27% of individuals collected during March-May failed to oviposit under short days. Pre-oviposition period under short photoperiod was greates during March-June (22.4–61.7 d) and shortest during July-October (4.2–14.4 d). Under long photoperiod it was greatest in April and May (20.1–22.3 d) and shortest during June-October (4.9–16.6 d). Longevity ranged from 39.8–89.0 d, with longest lived females being collected in June and held under short days. Fecundity ranged from 51.6–164.4 and was greatest in individuals collected in June-July and held under short days. In females held under long days fecundity was greatest in March and lowest in May. These data indicate that female B. bibax pass the winter in a photoperiodically maintained reproductive diapause.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycle of seasonally breeding fish is synchronized with changes of photoperiod and temperature in environment. We hypothesize that arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) are involved in timing and synchronization of seasonal reproductive activity in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). To verify this hypothesis, we examined the annual profiles of brain AVT and IT in round goby males and females in relation to their reproductive cycle. Wild round gobies were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats from where they were sampled monthly over a year. AVT and IT were measured using HPLC with fluorescence detection preceded by solid-phase extraction. This study shows seasonal variations in brain AVT and IT levels. Profiles of changes were similar in males and females: the peak of AVT was observed before spawning in March-April, whereas that of IT during spawning in May–June. Furthermore, the lowest AVT level was noted out of breeding season from November to January, while the level of IT decreased immediately at the end of the spawning. The results show that high AVT levels correlate with pre-spawning period whereas the highest IT levels correspond to spawning. A significant decline in AVT and IT in non-spawning season coincided with the quiescent phase of gametogenesis in both sexes.  相似文献   

The changes that take place in the efferent ducts during the major phases of the reproductive cycle of birds were studied morphologically using standard histological, morphometric, and ultrastructural methods in prepuberal, sexually mature and sexually active, and sexually mature but sexually inactive domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus), drake (Anas platyrhynchos), and guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Profound structural and dimensional changes occurred in both segments (proximal and distal) of the efferent ducts and, in particular, in the nonciliated (Type I) cell of the proximal duct of sexually mature but inactive birds. The subapical tubulovacuolar system was markedly atrophic in nonciliated (Types I and II) cells and the numerous round dense globules of Type I cells that normally occurred in sexually active birds were replaced by fewer and more pleomorphic bodies containing lipofuscin granules in sexually resting birds. Lipid droplets, few and extremely large in inactive drakes but numerous and smaller in size in guinea fowls and domestic fowls, occurred in the Type I cell at both infra- and supranuclear levels of resting but not in prepuberal or sexually active birds. Ciliated cells in both segments of the ducts exhibited fewer and less profound phase-dependent changes ultrastructurally. Generally, the Type I cells of the proximal efferent duct appeared to be more sensitive to androgen deprivation than the Type II cell of the distal efferent duct or ciliated cells in both ducts. These morphologically phase-dependent features of the efferent ducts of birds may be used, together with or independent of testicular changes, in the determination of the status of the testis and epididymis of a male bird with regard to the reproductive cycle, especially in seasonally breeding species.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols (TAG) were the dominant lipids in liver tissue of both sexes of the viviparous yellowtail rockfish Sebastes flavidus during the spring and summer when greatest feeding occurred. Significant declines in liver TAG during the winter corresponded to increased concentrations of polar lipids (PL), the main component of cell membranes. Elevated PL in female livers relative to those of males preceded the period of ovarian enlargement and may be attributed to the production of vitellogenin. During late vitellogenesis and gestation, ovaries contained significantly elevated concentrations of PL, TAG, and cholesterol. Since yellowtail rockfish are highly fecund and viviparous, large quantities of ovarian PL are required for proliferation of the cell membranes in developing larval tissues. TAG accumulated in ovaries in lower concentrations than PL and were likely metabolized as the main source of energy during gestation. This pattern of ovarian PL concentrations exceeding those of TAG and the presence of oil globules, may be unique to highly fecund, viviparous teleosts and signify an alternative profile to those previously documented for oviparous species. Testes at maximum I G were only 7% of maximum ovarian size, composed of mainly PL, and lacked a defined lipid dynamic pattern across the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Current communication describes annual testicular events in free-living Indian major carp Catla catla and their probable environmental synchronizer(s). The study was initiated with month-wise evaluation of gametogenic and steroidogenic status of the testis, and thus dividing the annual testicular cycle into the preparatory spawning (November to March), the pre-spawning (April to June), the spawning (July to August) and the post-spawning (September to October) phases. An exhaustive statistical analysis of the data on the studied variables of testicular functions and various components of the environment indicated seasonal fluctuations of photoperiod as the major environmental factor associated with the seasonal reproductive activity of this carp. Ambient temperature appeared as a dependent variable of photoperiod, and thereby, may have substantial influences on the development of testis in Catla catla. Rainfall, on the other hand, showed significant correlation only with the peak reproductive activity, i.e. the act of spawning. Collectively, it appears logical to surmise that photo-thermal conditions may act as proximate and rainfall may play a role of ultimate environmental factor in the regulation of annual testicular events in Indian major carp Catla catla.  相似文献   


Juvenile hormone (JH) and α-naphthyl acetate (α-NA) esterase activity was measured on a daily basis during embryogenesis of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus. In eggs dissected from the lateral oviducts and embryos through blastokinesis, there were elevated levels of nonspecific JH esterase activity. The JH esterase activity could not be resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration chromatography and the metabolism of both substrates was inhibited equally by 0,0-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP). From blastokinesis through egg hatch, the JH esterase activity was maintained at relatively low levels and was resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration. The α-NA esterase activity was inhibited by DFP while the JH esterase activity was relatively unaffected. Low JH titers in eggs must be maintained through blastokinesis for normal development. Elevated JH esterase activity in eggs during this period appears to have a functional role in the metabolism of maternal JH in the egg.  相似文献   

The possible role of a brain hormone in oogenesis of Poecilobdella viridis has been investigated by brain extirpation and brain extract injections during non-reproductive (November to January) and reproductive (March to May) periods. Brain extirpation during the non-reproductive period ceased maturation of the ovary. It is inferred that brain secretion bears possibly a gonadotropic principle which governs and regulates the oogenesis during the annual reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

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