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Summary Previously, mouse zygotes were microinjected with the recombinant plasmid pMA3, which contains the Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene attached to the promoter region of the Rous sarcoma virus (Gazaryan et al. 1984a). In the present work the pMA3 fragment with the flanking genomic sequences was isolated from the DNA of one transgenic Fo mouse by the plasmid rescue technique. The rescued plasmid (pMAR1) lacked all virus-specific sequences and retained only some pBR322 sequences. The flanking region at one end of the integrated pBR322-specific fragment contained a highly conserved mouse repetitive sequence. The possible mechanisms of rearrangement of foreign DNA in germ line cells are discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨微卫星在转基因和基因突变小鼠中的变化,为基因修饰和遗传突变动物的遗传检测和表型分析提供理论依据和技术手段。方法根据文献报道,从GenBank中选取198个等位基因数量多、富含多态性的微卫星位点,以野生型动物为对照,对6种近交系遗传背景的转基因小鼠和5种自然基因突变的近交系小鼠进行微卫星多态性检测,选用1.5%琼脂糖凝胶电泳和STR扫描技术,比较分析微卫星不稳定性。结果共有40个微卫星位点在转基因和基因突变小鼠中表现出多态性。在基因突变小鼠中,微卫星不稳定性有55.6%(10/18)是由纯合变为杂合(Ⅰ型),有3个位点(16.6%,3/18)是纯合突变(Ⅱ型),有5个位点同时存在2种类型的突变。但是在转基因动物中,大多数的微卫星多态性为Ⅰ型突变(87.5%,28/32),只有2个位点(6.2%,2/32)是Ⅱ型突变。另外有2个位点同时存在2种类型的突变。结论基因修饰或基因突变可引起小鼠相关微卫星发生不稳定性,而且某些微卫星位点对基因改变敏感性较高。  相似文献   

The potentials and limitations of negative-selection systems based on the human herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase type-1 (HSVtk) gene, which causes sensitivity to the nucleoside analog ganciclovir, were examined in tobacco as a model system. There were great differences between individual HSVtk+ transgenic plants in ganciclovir sensitivity. Inhibition of growth while under selection correlated with HSVtk-tianscnpt levels. Negative selection against HSVtk+ transformants at the level of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using a ganciclo-vir/kanamycin double-selection medium (the positive selection marker neomycin phosphotransferase-II gene was in the transformation vector) resulted in a three- to six-fold reduction in the frequency of kanamycin-resistant shoots. The efficiency of negative selection in this case was limited due to the great variation in HSVtk expression, i.e., the frequently occurring transformants with low, or no, ganciclovir sensitivity escaping negative selection. Two independently constructed HSVtk genes showed the same variability of the phenotype in Nicotiana tabacum transformants. Distinct phenotypes, ranging from no regeneration through abnormal or delayed regeneration, were observed when leaf segments were placed on shoot-inducing medium supplemented with 10–6–10–3 M ganciclovir. The highest HSVtk mRNA and ganciclovir sensitivity levels were observed in plants which were transformed with the pSLJ882 chimeric construct. The pSLJ882 plant expression vector carried the coding sequence of HSVtk, whereas plasmid pCX305.1 carried an HSVtk construct retaining the untranslated 5 leader and viral 3 regions. The pCX305.1 transformants showed, at most, a delayed formation of shoots with thin stems and very narrow leaves. Ganciclovir sensitivity showed typical Mendelian segregation. A gene-dosage effect was also seen at the seedling level in the progeny of two transgenic lines.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic silkworms (Bombyx mori L.) were obtained by microinjection of plasmid pPrC-LTR1.5, which carris 1.5 DNA copies of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) long terminal repeats (LTRs) inserted in the vector pBR322. The transgene was transmitted over the three generations obtained up to now. Most of the exogenous DNA failed to integrate into the genome and persisted as an extrachromosomal element that is subject to rearrangements. Plasmids carrying only part of the input DNA together with fragments of silkworm DNA were rescued from the transgenic animals. One of the rescued plasmids contained a sequence which belongs to a family of evolutionarily conserved repeated sequences.  相似文献   

Adiponectin (ApN) is an adipokine whose expression and plasma levels are inversely related to obesity and insulin-resistant states. The in vivo effects of a chronic expression of exogenous ApN restricted to adipose tissue are unclear. Moreover, the regulatory effects of ApN on its own expression and on that of its receptors are still unknown. In this study, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice with moderate expression of exogenous ApN targeted to adipose tissue (native full-length ApN being placed under control of the adipocyte promoter aP2). After a transient overexpression of ApN in young pups, we intriguingly observed a reduction of ApN mRNA levels and protein content in fat depots, together with a decrease of circulating ApN in adult mice. As a result, the phenotype of these adult mice included glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and increased adiposity. Reduced expression of ApN in fat tissue was associated with diminished expression of uncoupling protein 2 involved in energy dissipation, and higher expression of fatty acid synthase, a key enzyme of lipogenesis, and of TNFalpha implicated in insulin resistance. Concomitantly, the expression of the ApN receptor AdipoR2 that mediates action of full-length ApN was downregulated, while that of AdipoR1 was unaffected. In agreement with the in vivo studies, recombinant ApN added to the culture medium of 3T3-F442A adipocytes caused a decrease in AdipoR2 and ApN mRNA levels. This treatment did not affect the expression of AdipoR1. Eventually, we demonstrated a contrario that AdipoR2 (but not R1) was specifically upregulated in fat of ApN(-/-) mice. Our in vivo and in vitro data provide evidence for a novel regulatory feedback loop by which ApN downregulates its own production and the expression of its AdipoR2 receptor.  相似文献   

目的 建立表达PiggyBac转座酶转基因小鼠模型,为研究PiggyBac转座子介导基因修饰在小鼠中的应用提供工具.方法 利用Cytomegalovirus( CMV)启动子驱动PiggyBac转座酶基因的表达,经显微注射法建立C57BL/6J表达PiggyBac转座酶的转基因小鼠.PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,RT-PCR检测PiggyBac转座酶在小鼠生殖系睾丸中的表达情况.PiggyBac转座酶转基因小鼠活性的检测,是通过与转座子供体转基因小鼠杂交检测供体位置变化来确定的.结果 显微注射产生7只转基因小鼠并能传代,经RT-PCR筛选出一株在睾丸中相对高表达PiggyBac转座酶的转基因小鼠.随后与转座子供体转基因小鼠杂交,子代双阳小鼠与野生型小鼠杂交基因型分离,产生的子代转座子供体单阳性小鼠中具有转座子供体片段的转座反应.结论 成功建立了表达PiggyBac转座酶转基因小鼠动物模型,该模型为PiggyBac转座子技术在小鼠中的应用提供了有价值的工具动物.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most extensively investigated strategy of suicide gene therapy for treatment of cancer is the transfer of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene followed by administration of antiviral prodrugs such as acyclovir (ACV) and ganciclovir (GCV). The choice of the agent that can stimulate HSV-TK enzymatic activity is one of the determinants of the usefulness of this strategy. Previously, we found that a diterpenoid, scopadulciol (SDC), produced a significant increase in the active metabolite of ACV. This suggests that SDC may play a role in the HSV-TK/prodrug administration system. METHODS: The anticancer effect of SDC was evaluated in HSV-TK-expressing (TK+) cancer cells and nude mice bearing TK+ tumors. In vitro and in vivo enzyme assays were performed using TK+ cells and tumors. The phosphorylation of ACV monophosphate (ACV-MP) was measured in TK- cell lysates. The pharmacokinetics of prodrugs was evaluated by calculating area-under-the-concentration-time-curve values. RESULTS: SDC stimulated HSV-TK activity in TK+ cells and tumors, and increased GCV-TP levels, while no effect of SDC was observed on the phosphorylation of ACV-MP to ACV-TP by cellular kinases. The SDC/prodrug combination altered the pharmacokinetics of the prodrugs. In accord with these findings, SDC enhanced significantly the cell-killing activity of prodrugs. The bystander effect was also significantly augmented by the combined treatment of ACV/GCV and SDC. CONCLUSIONS: SDC was shown to be effective in the HSV-TK/prodrug administration system and improved the efficiency of the bystander effect of ACV and GCV. The findings will be considerably valuable with respect to the use of GCV in lower doses and less toxic ACV. This novel strategy of drug combination could provide benefit to HSV-TK/prodrug gene therapy.  相似文献   

Summary The function of intermediate-filament (IF) proteins has been a matter of speculation for a long time. Now, the analysis of genetically altered mice is contributing to the understanding of their function. While the initial analysis of knockout mice supports the global view that keratins in epidermis and desmin in muscle serve an important structural function by protecting these tissues against mechanical stress, the detailed examination of these and other mice suggests that IF are more than passive cytoskeletal proteins. This is highlighted by mice with deficiencies for keratins in internal epithelia, vimentin, GFAP, or neurofilament proteins. These lack overt phenotypes expected as a result of cytoskeletal deficiency but show defects compatible with a role of IF in protecting tissues against toxic and other forms of stress. Moreover, the first round of gene replacement experiments suggests that keratins from internal epithelia are unable to take the place of their epidermal counterparts. The development of mice with point mutations, paralleled by the mutation analysis of human diseases and the characterization of IF-associated proteins will be instrumental to understand why evolution has produced such a diverse gene family to encode simple 10 nm diameter filaments.  相似文献   

Our recent studies have shown that overexpression of aromatase results in increased tissue estrogenic activity and induction of hyperplastic and dysplastic lesions in mammary glands, and gynecomastia and testicular cancer in male aromatase transgenic mice. Our studies also have shown that aromatase overexpression-induced changes in mammary glands can be abrogated with very low concentrations of letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor without any effect on normal physiology. In the present study, we have examined the effect of prior low dose letrozole treatment on pregnancy and lactation. We have also investigated the effect of low dose letrozole treatment on subsequent mammary growth and biochemical changes in these animals. There was no change in the litter size, birth weight and no visible birth defects in letrozole-treated animals. Although, there was an insignificant increase in mammary growth in aged animals after 6 weeks of letrozole treatment, the levels of expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and genes involved in cell cycle and cell proliferation remained low compared to control untreated animals. These observations indicate that aromatase inhibitors such as letrozole can be used as chemopreventive agents without effecting normal physiology in aromatase transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Acrosin is a serine proteinase located in a zymogen form, proacrosin in the acrosome of the sperm. It is released as a consequence of the acrosome reaction and is believed to be the most important enzyme in the fertilization process. In the mouse, the proacrosin gene is transcribed premeiotically in spermatocytes, but protein biosynthesis starts in haploid spermatids and is restricted to the emerging acrosome. Four lines of transgenic mice harboring 2.3 kb of 5' untranslated region of the rat proacrosin gene fused to the CAT-reporter gene were generated by microinjection of fertilized eggs. The chimeric gene was found to be present in 10-100 copies per genome in the different strains. The 5' untranslated region of rat proacrosin gene could properly direct CAT-gene expression to spermatocytes and CAT-mRNA translation to round spermatids as it is known for mouse proacrosin gene. However, CAT protein is not restricted to the acrosome; rather, it is distributed in the spermatid cytoplasm. This could be due to the lack of DNA sequences for a hydrophobic leader peptide that have been found in all mammalian proacrosins studied until now but that was not present in transgene. It can be concluded from our results that cis-acting sequences required for tissue specific proacrosin expression reside on a 2.3-kb restriction fragment and are conserved in the proacrosin genes of mouse and rat.  相似文献   

We established a rapid procedure for obtaining transgenic mice by directly injecting an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-expressing plasmid (pIRES-EGFP) into the ovaries of fertile mice. The frequency of transgenic mouse production was determined by pair-mating, and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequence analysis of DNA taken from the tails of the offspring. The mice that received the EGFP gene transmitted it to their offspring (F(1)). Genetic and PCR analyses of F(1) progeny confirmed that the inserted EGFP was stably inherited. Of six female F(1) mice, all were able to pass the foreign DNA on to the next generation (F(2)). In situ hybridization using paraffin-embedded sections of ovarian and testicular tissues from the F(1) and F(2) progeny showed that the introduced gene was expressed in the gonads of the animals. The chromosomal location of the injected DNA was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization, and the frequency of multiple site versus single site insertions is 85.71% (18/21) analyzed by FISH. We anticipate great progress in murine genetic engineering using this technique.  相似文献   

目的为了为揭示肌萎缩脊髓侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)认知功能障碍的机制提供依据,观察不同年龄ALS转基因小鼠海马中突触囊泡蛋白(synaptophysin,Syp)的表达情况。方法取95d、108d和122dALS转基因鼠海马,应用免疫荧光、Westernblot、RT-PCR技术检测Syp在海马中的表达变化。结果与同窝野生型鼠比较,Syp蛋白和mRNA表达水平在95d龄ALS转基因鼠海马中无明显变化,在108d与122d龄ALS转基因鼠海马中明显降低。结论Syp在ALS转基因鼠海马中表达减少表明,突触可塑性降低是ALS学习记忆能力下降的重要病理学基础。  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of self versus heterologous ErbB-2 vaccines, the reactivity to human and rat ErbB-2 (Her-2 and neu, respectively) DNA vaccines were tested in normal, Her-2 or neu transgenic mice. When immunized with either Her-2 or neu DNA, normal BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice produced cross-reactive T cells, but only antigen specific antibodies. In Her-2 Tg mice, weak to no anti-Her-2 response was induced by either self Her-2 or heterologous neu DNA, demonstrating profound tolerance to Her-2 and the inability to induce anti-Her-2 immunity with either vaccine. In NeuT mice, vaccination with self neu but not heterologous Her-2 DNA induced anti-neu antibodies and delayed spontaneous tumorigenesis. Both neu and Her-2 DNA induced anti-neu T cell response, but depletion of CD8 T cells did not change the delay in tumorigenesis. Therefore, in NeuT mice, both self and heterologous DNA activated anti-neu T cells, although T cell response did not reach sufficient level to suppress spontaneous tumorigenesis. Rather, induction of anti-neu antibodies by self neu DNA is associated with the delay in spontaneous tumor growth. Overall, NeuT mice were more responsive to DNA vaccination than Her-2 Tg mice and this may be associated with the continuous production of neu by the 10 mammary glands undergoing tumor progression.  相似文献   

We evaluated behavior and cognitive performance in a line of transgenic mice that overexpress the rat gene for vasopressin. Open field testing revealed greatest habituation in homozygous mice. Passive avoidance performance indicated equal learning and memory ability of transgenic compared to normal mice. Drinking behavior following exposure to 10% sucrose solution suggested diminished neophobia in homozygous mice. These observations are consistent with enhanced attention and alertness in the transgenic animals and support prior observations on the effects of vasopressin on behavior and cognitive function.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals have potential applications in medicine, life sciences, and biopharmacy. In this study, we developed a convenient, economic, and efficient method for gene transfer by transfection of male spermatogonial stem cells. Three fragments of the Thanatin gene, encoding an antibacterial peptide, were synthesized and amplified by overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (PCR). They were inserted into vector pIRES2-EGFP. The pIRES2-EGFP-Thanatin plasmid was mixed with liposomes and injected into the testes of male mice by a minimally invasive operation. Six weeks after injection, male mice were mated with normal female mice to produce an F1 generation. PCR and Southern blotting were performed to analyze F1 mice. Among those 52 F1 mice produced, 38.46% were found to be positive for the Thanatin gene by PCR and 30.77% by Southern blotting. Six positive mice were selected from the F1 generation and mated with normal females to an F2 generation, in which 36.36% were found to be positive for the Thanatin gene. Expression of the green fluorescence protein in the transgenic mice was confirmed by fluorescence imaging. These results showed that the Thanatin gene was integrated into the mouse genome. The study provides a useful method for the future development of disease-resistant animals and production of antibacterial peptides through transgenic animals.  相似文献   

We previously described a line of transgenic mice selectively expressing constitutively active AMPK-α1 under the control of liver-specific human apoE promoter with the hepatic control region sequence. In the short-term activation, the CA-AMPK-α1 transgenic mice at age 10–12 weeks exhibited normal hepatic triglyceride content as compared to wild-type mice due to compensatory increase in mRNA expression of genes in the cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis pathways. But it was not known whether the lipogenic gene expression in white adipose tissue also changed. Here we characterized mRNA expression profile of main lipogenic genes in the cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in white adipose tissue. The data show that short-term chronic activation of AMPK in liver caused marked compensatory increase in lipogenic gene expression both in liver due to induction of Srebp-2 and in white adipose tissue due to upregulation of Srebp-1c. These results support the notion that in addition to its well-recognized function for fat storage adipose tissue can play an adaptive role in fatty acid synthesis when fatty acid synthesis is severely reduced in liver, the main lipogenic organ in mammals.  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a wide spread pathogenic agent and is the common cause of acute Hepatitis A worldwide. Passive immunization of HAV plays an extremely important role in post-exposure prophylaxis with clinical applications often requiring large amounts of antibody. As an alternative to the in vitro production of recombinant proteins, expression of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in the milk of transgenic animals is currently used being associated with low production costs and high activity. In this paper, eight founder lines of transgenic mice were generated by co-microinjection of the two cassettes encoding the heavy- and light-chains of a neutralizing anti-HAV antibody, respectively. The expressed heavy- and light-chains of the mAb were correctly assembled and modified in the mammary gland as detected by western blotting. High expression levels of the antibody were achieved during the lactation period and found to be independent of the copy numbers of integrated transgenes. The highest level was up to 32.2 mg/ml. The binding specificity and neutralizing activity of the expressed mAb were assayed by ELISA and neutralizing test, showing that it is capable to neutralize the JN strain of Hepatitis A virus efficiently. Therefore, our results suggest that a large-scale and efficient production of the anti-HAV mAb in the milk of transgenic farm animals would be feasible in the future.  相似文献   

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