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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) compete with each other for binding to the EGF receptor. These two growth factors have similar actions, but there are distinguishable differences in their biological activities. It has never been clear how this one receptor can mediate different responses. A monoclonal antibody to the EGF receptor (13A9) has been identified which has only small effects on the binding of EGF to the EGF receptor, but which has very large effects on the binding of TGF alpha to the EGF receptor; 5 micrograms/mL antibody has been shown to totally block 0.87 microM TGF alpha from binding to purified EGF receptor and to lower both the high- and low-affinity binding constants of TGF alpha binding to EGF receptor on A431 cells by about 10-fold. The 13A9 antibody causes a 2.5-fold stimulation of the tyrosine kinase activity of partially purified EGF receptor, compared to a 4.0-fold stimulation of the tyrosine kinase activity by EGF under the same conditions. The data suggest either that the antibody stabilizes a conformation of the EGF receptor which is not favorable for TGF alpha binding or that it blocks a part of the surface of the receptor which is necessary for TGF alpha binding but not EGF binding.  相似文献   

We report the crystal structure, at 2.5 A resolution, of a truncated human EGFR ectodomain bound to TGFalpha. TGFalpha interacts with both L1 and L2 domains of EGFR, making many main chain contacts with L1 and interacting with L2 via key conserved residues. The results indicate how EGFR family members can bind a family of highly variable ligands. In the 2:2 TGFalpha:sEGFR501 complex, each ligand interacts with only one receptor molecule. There are two types of dimers in the asymmetric unit: a head-to-head dimer involving contacts between the L1 and L2 domains and a back-to-back dimer dominated by interactions between the CR1 domains of each receptor. Based on sequence conservation, buried surface area, and mutagenesis experiments, the back-to-back dimer is favored to be biologically relevant.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies have shown that the secondary structure of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) is very similar to that of epidermal growth factor (EGF). The infrared spectra revealed a minor difference between the two proteins, in particular in the beta-sheet structure. A large difference was observed with CD between the two proteins in the apparent conformation each adopts when the disulfide bonds are reduced. Reduced TGF-alpha showed a distinct alpha-helical conformation only at a high trifluoroethanol concentration, whereas reduced EGF assumed an alpha-helical conformation in the absence of trifluoroethanol. This indicates that these two proteins adopt different secondary structures in the absence of disulfide bonds, although they assume similar folding structures in their presence. These data suggest that the disulfide bonds to a large degree dictate the conformation of these two proteins. Additionally, differences in the dynamic behavior between EGF and TGF-alpha were also observed. Infrared experiments showed that the hydrogen-deuterium exchange rate is much higher for TGF-alpha than for EGF, indicating that TGF-alpha is a more flexible molecule. The rate of reduction of the disulfide bonds by dithiothreitol was also faster for TGF-alpha. Therefore, it can be concluded that although EGF and TGF-alpha have a similar overall conformation, TGF-alpha is a more flexible molecule than EGF.  相似文献   

The structures of human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and human transforming growth factor alpha (TGFα) have been determined in solution using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. The features of each structure are described and similarities and differences between them are discussed. The structures are combined with information from sequence homologies to produce a model of the receptor-recognition sites of EGF and TGFα, which can be tested in a site-directed mutagenesis programme. The model assists in explaining previous observations of sequence-activity relationships. The TGFα and EGF structures also serve as models for homologous modules in other extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Immunoreaction to TGF-alpha was limited to the basal epithelial cells of focal areas in the normal prostates. In benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) the immunostained areas were more widespread and immunolabelling was observed in both basal and columnar (secretory) cells of the epithelium. Some cells in the connective tissue stroma were also stained. In prostatic adenocarcinoma, epithelial immunostaining was even more extensive and intense than in BPH, and some stromal cells were also stained. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) immunostaining was only present in some basal cells in normal prostates. In BPH, this immunoreaction was strong in the basal cells and even stronger in the secretory cells. In prostatic cancer, the intensity of epithelial cell immunoreactivity was intermediate between that of normal prostates and that of BPH specimens. EGF-receptor immunostaining was focal and located in the basal cells in normal prostates. In BPH, labelling was also localized in basal cells but extended to wider areas. Some stromal cells appeared weakly labelled. In the prostatic carcinoma, both basal and columnar cells appeared stained and the number of immunolabelled stromal cells was higher than in BPH. The results presented suggest that, in normal conditions, EGF and TGF-alpha act as autocrine growth factors for the basal cells of the prostatic epithelium. In BPH this action is maintained and, in addition, the columnar cells start to secrete both factors which are bound by the basal cell receptors, giving rise to a paracrine regulation which probably overstimulates basal cell proliferation. In prostatic carcinoma, besides these regulatory mechanisms, the acquisition of EGF-receptors by the secretory cells develops an autocrine regulation which might induce their proliferation.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the chicken epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was deduced from the sequence of a cDNA clone containing the complete coding sequence and shown to be highly homologous to the human EGF receptor. NIH-3T3 cells devoid of endogenous EGF receptor were transfected with the appropriate cDNA constructs and shown to express either chicken or human EGF receptors. Like the human EGF receptor, the chicken EGF receptor is a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 170,000. Murine EGF bound to the chicken receptor with approximately 100-fold lower affinity than to the human receptor molecule. Surprisingly, human transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) bound equally well or even better to the chicken EGF receptor than to the human EGF receptor. Moreover, TGF-alpha stimulated DNA synthesis 100-fold better than did EGF in NIH 3T3 cells that expressed the chicken EGF receptor. The differential binding and potency of mammalian EGF and TGF-alpha by the avian EGF receptor contrasts with the similar affinities of the mammalian receptor for the two growth factors.  相似文献   

The capacity of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) to induce internalization and degradation of the EGF receptor was compared in NIH-3T3 cells expressing the human EGF receptor. This study was initiated following the observation that TGF-alpha was much less efficient relative to EGF in generating a Mr = 125,000 amino-terminally truncated degradation product from the mature EGF receptor (EGF-dependent generation of this degradation product is described in S.J. Decker, J. Biol. Chem., 264:17641-17644). Pulse-chase experiments revealed that EGF generally stimulated EGF receptor degradation to a greater extent than TGF-alpha. Both ligands induced EGF receptor internalization to similar degrees. However, recovery of [125I]-EGF binding following incubation with EGF or TGF-alpha was much faster for TGF-alpha treated cells. Recovery of [125I]-EGF binding after TGF-alpha treatment did not appear to require protein synthesis. Tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor from cells treated with TGF-alpha decreased more rapidly following removal of TGF-alpha compared to cells treated similarly with EGF. These data suggest that EGF routes the EGF receptor directly to a degradative pathway, whereas TGF-alpha allows receptor recycling prior to degradation, and that tyrosine phosphorylation could play a role in this differential receptor processing.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 53 amino acid peptide hormone, human epidermal growth factor (hEGF), has been determined to high resolution from nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) data. A large number of internuclear distance and dihedral restraints was obtained, including data from uniformly 15N-labelled hEGF. Dynamical simulated annealing methods using the program XPLOR were used for structure calculation. An improved protocol was developed combining efficient conformational searching at a reduced computational cost. The general fold of the calculated structures compared well with that of a derivative of the carboxy-terminally truncated hEGF determined previously. A group of 44 structures were calculated with no violations greater than 0.3 A and 3 degrees for distance and dihedral restraints, respectively. The average pairwise root mean square (r.m.s.) deviation of all backbone atoms for these structures was 2.25 A for all 53 residues, 0.92 A for the bulk of the protein, and 0.23 A for the functionally important carboxy-terminal domain. Two new helical segments containing highly conserved amino acids have been identified; one between cysteines 6 and 14 and a second at the end of the carboxy-terminal domain. New insight into the molecular architecture of the site of putative receptor binding was provided by comparing the structure of hEGF with its biologically equipotent analogue, human transforming growth factor alpha. This comparison revealed a close structural relationship between the two growth factors and provides an improved understanding of the structure/function relationships in EGF.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the immunocytochemical localization of transforming growth factor α, epidermal growth factor and epidermal growth factor receptor in the endometrium of ovariectomized cats treated with oestradiol-17β and/or progesterone and in the endometrium and placenta of pregnant cats. Specific immunostaining was observed for all three antibodies. Moderate immunostaining for transforming growth factor α was observed in the epithelium of ovariectomized and oestrogen-treated cats. Dark epithelial staining was observed throughout pregnancy. The epithelial cells in progesterone-treated and peri-implantation animals contained dense deposits of reaction product, which were not reduced in intensity when immunoabsorbed antiserum was used. For epidermal growth factor, light--moderate epithelial staining was observed in ovariectomized and steroid-treated animals, and this increased in pregnant cats. Stromal staining for both the transforming and the epidermal growth factors was limited in steroid-treated animals and increased as pregnancy continued. Dark staining for epidermal growth factor receptor was observed in the epithelium and stroma in all the animals studied. The tips of surface epithelial convolutions in the non-implantation sites were always more darkly stained than in other regions of the surface epithelium. Staining in the placental trophoblast was limited to the syncytiotrophoblast for the two growth factors and the cytotrophoblast for the receptor during most of pregnancy and was absent late in pregnancy. The placental maternal giant cells contained specific immunoreactivity for all the immunogens from the middle of pregnancy to term. This study demonstrates that the two growth factors and the epidermal growth factor receptor are present in the endometrium and placenta of cats and suggests that these growth factors may play an autocrine/paracrine role during reproduction  相似文献   

A fragment of rat transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) comprising the third disulfide loop (residues 34-43) was selected as a potential antigenic and receptor binding region. Immunization of rabbits with a peptide conjugate resulted in antibodies which were specific for both the peptide and rat TGF alpha, but not for the homologous epidermal growth factor (EGF). The synthetic decapeptide exhibited low affinity for EGF receptors on human cells. Affinity was increased 100x to 0.2% of EGF or TGF alpha binding by blocking the peptide ends. The blocked decapeptide had no mitogenic activity but prevented the mitogenic effect of EGF and TGF alpha on fibroblasts. This decapeptide is an antagonist and contains an important receptor binding region of TGF alpha.  相似文献   

Heparin binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is an EGF-related peptide with prominent effects on cell growth and migration. We explored potentially unique characteristics of HB-EGF in the intestinal epithelial cell line RIE-1. HB-EGF stimulated [(3)H]thymidine incorporation to a level equivalent to transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha). HB-EGF also rapidly activated MAPK and induced cyclin D1 in mid-G1 with kinetics similar to TGFalpha. Unlike TGFalpha, HB-EGF mRNA was induced within 1 h by a variety of stimuli, including TGFbeta1. Maximal induction by TGFbeta (7-fold) occurred within 2 h of treatment. Actinomycin D decay curves showed that TGFbeta1 had no effect on HB-EGF mRNA half-life (T(1/2) 20 min). Induction of HB-EGF by TGFbeta1 was not affected by pretreatment with the MEK inhibitor PD-98059 while inhibition of protein kinase C either partially (calphostin C) or completely (staurosporin) blocked induction. Our results suggest that major differences exist in the regulation of the closely related EGF family members TGFalpha and HB-EGF. TGFbeta and HB-EGF, structurally unrelated peptides with potent effects on wound healing, may function coordinately to mediate responses to wounding or cell injury in the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

When wild-type mouse embryo cells are stably transfected with a plasmid constitutively overexpressing the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR), the resulting cells can grow in serum-free medium supplemented solely with EGF. Supplementation with EGF also induces in these cells the transformed phenotype (growth in soft agar). However, when the same EGFR expression plasmid is introduced and overexpressed in cells derived from littermate embryos in which the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor genes have been disrupted by homologous recombination, the resulting cells are unable to grow or to be transformed by the addition of EGF. Reintroduction into these cells (null for the IGF-I receptor) of a wild-type (but not of a mutant) IGF-I receptor restores EGF-mediated growth and transformation. Our results indicate that at least in mouse embryo fibroblasts, the EGFR requires the presence of a functional IGF-I receptor for its mitogenic and transforming activities.  相似文献   

We describe a system for extending stopped-flow analysis to the kinetics of ligand capture and release by cell surface receptors in living cells. While most mammalian cell lines cannot survive the shear forces associated with turbulent stopped-flow mixing, we determined that a murine hematopoietic precursor cell line, 32D, is capable of surviving rapid mixing using flow rates as great as 4.0 mL/s, allowing rapid processes to be quantitated with dead times as short as 10 ms. 32D cells do not express any endogenous epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor or other ErbB family members and were used to establish monoclonal cell lines stably expressing the EGF receptor. Association of fluorescein-labeled H22Y-murine EGF (F-EGF) to receptor-expressing 32D cells was observed by measuring time-dependent changes in fluorescence anisotropy following rapid mixing. Dissociation of F-EGF from EGF-receptor-expressing 32D cells was measured both by chase experiments using unlabeled mEGF and by experiments in which equilibrium was perturbed by dilution. Comparison of these dissociation experiments showed that little, if any, ligand-induced dissociation occurs in the chase dissociation experiments. Data from a series of association and dissociation experiments, performed at various concentrations of F-EGF in the nanomolar range and at multiple cell densities, were simultaneously analyzed using global analysis techniques and fit to a two independent receptor-class model. Our analysis is consistent with the presence of two distinct receptor populations having association rate constants of k(on1) = 8.6 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) and k(on2) = 2.4 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) and dissociation rate constants of k(off1) = 0.17 x 10(-2) s(-1) and k(off2) = 0.21 x 10(-2) s(-1). The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that under physiological conditions, in which cells are transiently exposed to nanomolar concentrations of ligand, ligand capture and release may function as the first line of regulation of the EGF receptor-induced signal transduction cascade.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and related factors mediate their biological effects by binding to the extracellular domain of the EGF receptor, which leads to activation of the receptor's cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase activity. Much remains to be determined, however, about the detailed molecular mechanism involved in this ligand-induced receptor activation. The determination of the binding mechanism and the related thermodynamic and kinetic parameters are of prime importance. To do so, we have used a surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor (the BIAcore) that allows the real-time recording of the interaction between TGF-alpha and the extracellular domain of the EGF receptor. By immobilizing different biotinylated derivatives of TGF-alpha on the sensor chip surface, we demonstrated that the N-terminus of TGF-alpha is not directly involved in receptor binding. By optimizing experimental conditions and interpreting the biosensor results by several data analysis methods, we were able to show that the data do not fit a simple binding model. Through global analysis of the data using a numerical integration method, we tested several binding mechanisms for the TGF-alpha/EGF receptor interaction and found that a conformational change model best fits the biosensor data. Our results, combined with other analyses, strongly support a receptor activation mechanism in which ligand binding results in a conformation-driven exposure of a dimerization site on the receptor.  相似文献   

Tumor promoters cause a variety of effects in cultured cells, at least some of which are thought to result from activation of the Ca2+-phospholipid-stimulated protein kinase C. One action of tumor promoters is the modulation of the binding and phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in A431 cells. To determine if these compounds act on the EGF receptor by substituting for the endogenous activator of C kinase, diacylglycerol, we compared the effects of the potent tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) with those of the synthetic diacylglycerol analog 1-oleyl 2-acetyl diglycerol (OADG). When A431 cells were treated with TPA, the subcellular distribution of C kinase activity shifted from a predominantly cytosolic location to a membrane-associated state; OADG also caused the disappearance of cytosolic C kinase activity. The shift in the subcellular distribution of C kinase, caused by TPA or OADG, correlated with changes in binding and phosphorylation of the EGF receptor. OADG, like TPA, caused loss of binding to an apparent high affinity class of receptors, blocked EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor, and stimulated phosphorylation of the EGF receptor at both serine and threonine residues. No difference between the phosphopeptide maps of receptors from cells treated with OADG or TPA was observed. Thus, it appears that tumor promoters can exert their effects on the EGF receptors by substituting for diacylglycerol, presumably by activating protein kinase C. Further, these results suggest that endogenously produced diacylglycerol may have a role in normal growth regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

The possible role of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor phosphorylation at threonine 654 in modulating the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of EGF-treated A431 cells has been studied. It has been suggested that EGF could indirectly activate a protein-serine/threonine kinase, protein kinase C, that can phosphorylate the EGF receptor at threonine 654. Protein kinase C is known to be activated, and threonine 654 is phosphorylated, when A431 cells are exposed to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The protein-tyrosine kinase activity of EGF receptors is normally evidenced in EGF-treated cells by phosphorylation of the receptor at tyrosine. This is inhibited when TPA-treated cells are exposed to EGF. We now show that receptor phosphorylation at threonine 654 can also be detected in EGF-treated A431 cells, presumably due to indirect stimulation of protein kinase C or a similar kinase. Some receptor molecules are phosphorylated both at threonine 654 and at tyrosine. Since prior phosphorylation at threonine 654 inhibits autophosphorylation, we propose that protein kinase C can phosphorylate the threonine 654 of autophosphorylated receptors. This provides evidence for models in which protein kinase C activation, consequent upon EGF binding, could reduce the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the EGF receptor. Indeed, we find that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, added 10 min after EGF, further increases threonine 654 phosphorylation and induces the loss of tyrosine phosphate from A431 cell EGF receptors.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to detect the distribution of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-r) and transforming growth factor alpha in ovarian follicles at different stages. Indirect immunohistochemical methods and EGF-r polyclonal and TGF-alpha monoclonal antibodies were used; tissues were examined with light microscope. While dense collection of both growth factors were observed in primordial follicles, there was a strong reaction especially for EGF-r in follicles. Strong reactivity for EGF-r and moderate reactivity for TGF-alpha were observed in the nearby connective tissue. In examinations of primary follicles for EGF-r presence only, dye uptake was moderate in oocytes and dense in apical and basal cytoplasm of follicle cells. Reactivity was moderate in the nearby connective tissue. In the corpus luteum, there was weak reaction for both growth factors. But in stromal cells, reaction was strong. In degenerated follicle cells and in stroma of atretic follicles, reaction was positive for both growth factors; but EGF-r reactivity was more obvious. While strong staining was observed for both factors especially in granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte in Graafian follicle, moderate TGF-alpha reactivity was determined in oocyte cytoplasm. In conclusion, it is possible that EGF-r and TGF-alpha have ortocrine and paracrine effects on development and regression of human ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an important target in the treatment of cancer. A very potent antibody, mAb806, has been developed against overexpressed EGFR and was found to be particularly active in brain tumors. Structural studies reveal that it binds to an epitope on the extracellular region of the EGFR. However, this epitope is cryptic/buried in crystal structures of the active (untethered) and inactive (tethered) EGFR, and it is unclear as to how the antibody interacts with this region. To explore this interaction, we combined molecular docking, steered molecular dynamics, and equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Our computational models reveal that the antibody induces local unfolding around the epitope to form the antibody–EGFR complex. In addition, regions in the vicinity of the epitope also modulate the interaction, which are in accordance with several other known antibody–antigen interactions, and offers new possibilities for the design of antibodies with increased potency and specificity for this receptor. Proteins 2015; 83:153–168. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the actions of transforming growth factor (TGF) type alpha on epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor mRNA expression in MDA-468 human mammary carcinoma cells in serum-free media. We found that exposure of MDA-468 cells to TGF alpha results in elevated levels of EGF receptor mRNA. This increase in mRNA accumulation showed time and dose dependence. Addition of TGF beta 1 enhanced the accumulation of EGF receptor mRNA induced by TGF alpha in a time- and dose-dependent manner. We also found that triiodothyronine at physiological concentrations exerts synergistic control on the action of TGF alpha alone, or in association with TGF beta 1, on EGF receptor mRNA expression. Similarly, retinoic acid treatment also enhanced in a time- and dose-dependent manner the TGF alpha-dependent response of EGF receptor mRNA and acted synergistically with TGF beta 1. The results described here suggest that optimum regulation of EGF receptor gene expression by TGF alpha is a complex process involving synergistic interactions with heterologous growth factors and hormones.  相似文献   

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