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The phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial genomes (mtgenomes) is examined using the framework of a preliminary phylogeny of Orthoptera. This study presents five newly sequenced genomes from four orthopteran families. While all ensiferan and polyneopteran taxa retain the ancestral gene order, all caeliferan lineages including the newly sequenced caeliferan species contain a tRNA rearrangement from the insect ground plan tRNA(Lys)(K)-tRNA(Asp)(D) swapping to tRNA(Asp) (D)-tRNA(Lys) (K) confirming that this rearrangement is a possible molecular synapomorphy for this suborder. The phylogenetic signal in mtgenomes is rigorously examined under the analytical regimens of parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, along with how gene inclusion/exclusion, data recoding, gap coding, and different partitioning schemes influence the phylogenetic reconstruction. When all available data are analyzed simultaneously, the monophyly of Orthoptera and its two suborders, Caelifera and Ensifera, are consistently recovered in the context of our taxon sampling, regardless of the optimality criteria. When protein-coding genes are analyzed as a single partition, nearly identical topology to the combined analyses is recovered, suggesting that much of the signals of the mtgenome come from the protein-coding genes. Transfer and ribosomal RNAs perform poorly when analyzed individually, but contribute signal when analyzed in combination with the protein-coding genes. Inclusion of third codon position of the protein-coding genes does not negatively affect the phylogenetic reconstruction when all genes are analyzed together, whereas recoding of the protein-coding genes into amino acid sequences introduces artificial resolution. Over-partitioning in a Bayesian framework appears to have a negative effect in achieving convergence. Our findings suggest that the best phylogenetic inferences are made when all available nucleotide data from the mtgenome are analyzed simultaneously, and that the mtgenome data can resolve over a wide time scale from the Permian (approximately 260 MYA) to the Tertiary (approximately 50 MYA).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the holometabolous insect orders were inferred from cladistic analysis of nucleotide sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (85 exemplars) and 28S rDNA (52 exemplars) and morphological characters. Exemplar outgroup taxa were Collembola (1 sequence), Archaeognatha (1), Ephemerida (1), Odonata (2), Plecoptera (2), Blattodea (1), Mantodea (1), Dermaptera (1), Orthoptera (1), Phasmatodea (1), Embioptera (1), Psocoptera (1), Phthiraptera (1), Hemiptera (4), and Thysanoptera (1). Exemplar ingroup taxa were Coleoptera: Archostemata (1), Adephaga (2), and Polyphaga (7); Megaloptera (1); Raphidioptera (1); Neuroptera (sensu stricto = Planipennia): Mantispoidea (2), Hemerobioidea (2), and Myrmeleontoidea (2); Hymenoptera: Symphyta (4) and Apocrita (19); Trichoptera: Hydropsychoidea (1) and Limnephiloidea (2); Lepidoptera: Ditrysia (3); Siphonaptera: Pulicoidea (1) and Ceratophylloidea (2); Mecoptera: Meropeidae (1), Boreidae (1), Panorpidae (1), and Bittacidae (2); Diptera: Nematocera (1), Brachycera (2), and Cyclorrhapha (1); and Strepsiptera: Corioxenidae (1), Myrmecolacidae (1), Elenchidae (1), and Stylopidae (3). We analyzed approximately 1 kilobase of 18S rDNA, starting 398 nucleotides downstream of the 5' end, and approximately 400 bp of 28S rDNA in expansion segment D3. Multiple alignment of the 18S and 28S sequences resulted in 1,116 nucleotide positions with 24 insert regions and 398 positions with 14 insert regions, respectively. All Strepsiptera and Neuroptera have large insert regions in 18S and 28S. The secondary structure of 18S insert 23 is composed of long stems that are GC rich in the basal Strepsiptera and AT rich in the more derived Strepsiptera. A matrix of 176 morphological characters was analyzed for holometabolous orders. Incongruence length difference tests indicate that the 28S + morphological data sets are incongruent but that 28S + 18S, 18S + morphology, and 28S + 18S + morphology fail to reject the hypothesis of congruence. Phylogenetic trees were generated by parsimony analysis, and clade robustness was evaluated by branch length, Bremer support, percentage of extra steps required to force paraphyly, and sensitivity analysis using the following parameters: gap weights, morphological character weights, methods of data set combination, removal of key taxa, and alignment region. The following are monophyletic under most or all combinations of parameter values: Holometabola, Polyphaga, Megaloptera + Raphidioptera, Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera + Lepidoptera), Siphonaptera, Siphonaptera + Mecoptera, Strepsiptera, Diptera, and Strepsiptera + Diptera (Halteria). Antliophora (Mecoptera + Diptera + Siphonaptera + Strepsiptera), Mecopterida (Antliophora + Amphiesmenoptera), and Hymenoptera + Mecopterida are supported in the majority of total evidence analyses. Mecoptera may be paraphyletic because Boreus is often placed as sister group to the fleas; hence, Siphonaptera may be subordinate within Mecoptera. The 18S sequences for Priacma (Coleoptera: Archostemata), Colpocaccus (Coleoptera: Adephaga), Agulla (Raphidioptera), and Corydalus (Megaloptera) are nearly identical, and Neuropterida are monophyletic only when those two beetle sequences are removed from the analysis. Coleoptera are therefore paraphyletic under almost all combinations of parameter values. Halteria and Amphiesmenoptera have high Bremer support values and long branch lengths. The data do not support placement of Strepsiptera outside of Holometabola nor as sister group to Coleoptera. We reject the notion that the monophyly of Halteria is due to long branch attraction because Strepsiptera and Diptera do not have the longest branches and there is phylogenetic congruence between molecules, across the entire parameter space, and between morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of Tupaia belangeri, a representative of the eutherian order Scandentia, was determined and compared with full-length mitochondrial sequences of other eutherian orders described to date. The complete mitochondrial genome is 16, 754 nt in length, with no obvious deviation from the general organization of the mammalian mitochondrial genome. Thus, features such as start codon usage, incomplete stop codons, and overlapping coding regions, as well as the presence of tandem repeats in the control region, are within the range of mammalian mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation. To address the question of a possible close phylogenetic relationship between primates and Tupaia, the evolutionary affinities among primates, Tupaia and bats as representatives of the Archonta superorder, ferungulates, guinea pigs, armadillos, rats, mice, and hedgehogs were examined on the basis of the complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. The opossum sequence was used as an outgroup. The trees, estimated from 12 concatenated genes encoded on the mitochondrial H-strand, add further molecular evidence against an Archonta monophyly. With the new data described in this paper, most of both the mitochondrial and the nuclear data point away from Scandentia as the closest extant relatives to primates. Instead, the complete mitochondrial data support a clustering of Scandentia with Lagomorpha connecting to the branch leading to ferungulates. This closer phylogenetic relationship of Tupaia to rabbits than to primates first received support from several analyses of nuclear and partial mitochondrial DNA data sets. Given that short sequences are of limited use in determining deep mammalian relationships, the partial mitochondrial data available to date support this hypothesis only tentatively. Our complete mitochondrial genome data therefore add considerably more evidence in support of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this study, the complete sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) was determined, and the phylogenetic relationships between the Tibetan Mastiff and other species of Canidae were analyzed using the coyote (Canis latrans) as an outgroup. The complete nucleotide sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mtDNA was 16 710 bp, and included 22 tRNA genes, 2S rRNA gene, 13 protein-coding genes and one non-coding region (D-loop region), which is similar to other mammalian mitochondrial genomes. The characteristics of the protein-coding genes, non-coding region, tRNA and rRNA genes among Canidae were analyzed in detail. Neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony trees of Canids constructed using 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes showed that as the coyotes and Tibetan wolves clustered together, so too did the gray wolves and domestic dogs, suggesting that the Tibetan Mastiff originated from the gray wolf as did other domestic dogs. Domestic dogs clustered into four clades, implying at least four maternal origins (A to D). The Tibetan Mastiff, which belongs to clade A, appears to be closely related to the Saint Bernard and the Old English Sheepdog.  相似文献   

In this study, we sequenced and assembled the mitochondrial (mt) genome of Osteoglossum ferreirai to re-assess the phylogenetic relationship of the family Osteoglossidae. We determined that the mitogenome of O. ferreirai contains the entire set of 37 mt genes, and the nucleotide composition and gene arrangement were similar to those of other bonytongues. Our phylogenetic analyses exhibited monophyly of the family Osteoglossidae with high bootstrap support, which is in agreement with the currently accepted phylogenetic viewpoint that is based on both morphological and molecular approaches. These findings provide additional informative data for the further study of phylogenetic relationships and help to elucidate a key component of the species radiation process within the family Osteoglossidae.  相似文献   

The yak (Bos grunniens) is the most important domesticated species in the Qinhai-Tibetan Plateau. In present study, the complete sequence of the yak mitochondrial genome was determined. Sequence analysis revealed that there are no differences with cattle in the yak mitochondrial genome organization. Interestingly, within the D-loop, the conserved sequence blocks are less conserved than surrounding regions. Neighbor-Joining (NJ) trees based on single genes, gene sets and concatenated genes of mitochondrial genome were constructed. The analysis identified the yak as a sister group of a cattle/zebu clade. Based on substitutions in 22 tRNA genes, 12S rRNA gene and 16S rRNA gene, the dating of divergence between yak and cattle/zebu, and yak and water buffalo, was proposed to have occurred 4.38-5.32 and 10.54-13.85 million years before present, respectively. This is consistent with the paleontologyical data. Yak and sheep/goat divergent dating predicts that their divergence occurred at 13.14-27.99 million years before the present day.  相似文献   

The Order Phasmatodea (stick and leaf insects) includes many well-known species of cryptic phytophagous insects. In this work, we sequenced the almost complete mitochondrial genomes of two stick insect species of the genus Bacillus. Phasmatodea pertain to the Polyneoptera, and represent one of the major clades of heterometabolous insects. Orthopteroid insect lineages arose through rapid evolutionary radiation events, which likely blurred the phylogenetic reconstructions obtained so far; we therefore performed a phylogenetic analysis to resolve and date all major splits of orthopteroid phylogeny, including the relationships between Phasmatodea and other polyneopterans. We explored several molecular models, with special reference to data partitioning, to correctly detect any phylogenetic signal lying in rough data. Phylogenetic Informativeness analysis showed that the maximum resolving power on the orthopteroid mtDNA dataset is expected for the Upper Cretaceous, about 80millionyears ago (Mya), but at least 70% of the maximum informativeness is also expected for the 150-200 Mya timespan, which makes mtDNA a suitable marker to study orthopteroid splits. A complete chronological calibration has also been computed following a Penalized Likelihood method. In summary, our analysis confirmed the monophyly of Phasmatodea, Dictyoptera and Orthoptera, and retrieved Mantophasmatodea as sister group of Phasmatodea. The origin of orthopteroid insects was also estimated to be in the Middle Triassic, while the order Phasmatodea seems to appear in the Upper Jurassic. The obtained results evidenced that mtDNA is a suitable marker to unravel the ancient splits leading to the orthopteroid orders, given a proper methodological approach.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized from isozymic and cytological studies of Elymus species that the Old and New World taxa may be of separate origin of the H genome in the StH genome species. To test this hypothesis, and estimate the phylogenetic relationships of polyploid Elymus species within the Triticeae, the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2) sequence of 36 Elymus accessions containing StH or StY genomes was analyzed with those of Pseudoroegneria (St), Hordeum (H), Agropyron (P), Australopyrum (W), Lophopyrum(Ee), Thinopyrum(Eb) and Dasypyrum (V). Our data indicated that the H genome in Elymus species is differentiated in accordance with geographical origin, and that the Eurasian and American StH genome species have independent alloploid origins with different H-genome donors. Phylogenetic analysis of Y genome sequences with other genome donors (St, H, P, W) of Elymus revealed that W and P genomes are sister to Y genome with a 87% bootstrap support, and that StY and StH species group might have acquired their RPB2 St sequences from distinct Pseudoroegneria gene pools. Our data did not support the suggestion that the St and Y genomes have the same origin as put forward in a previous study using ITS data. Our result provides some insight on the origin of Y genome and its relationship to other genomes in Elymus.  相似文献   

In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of the Eurasian flying squirrel Pteromys volans (Rodentia, Sciuromorpha, Sciuridae) was sequenced and characterized in detail. The entire mitochondrial genome of P. volans consisted of 16,513 bp and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes, and two non-coding regions. Its gene arrangement pattern was consistent with the mammalian ground pattern. The overall base composition and AT contents were similar to those of other rodent mitochondrial genomes. The light-strand origin generally identified between tRNA Asn and tRNA Cys consisted of a secondary structure with an 11-bp stem and an 11-bp loop. The large control region was constructed of three characteristic domains, ETAS, CD, and CSB without any repeat sequences. Each domain contained ETAS1, subsequences A, B, and C, and CSB1, respectively. In order to examine phylogenetic contentious issues of the monophyly of rodents and phylogenetic relationships among five rodent suborders, here, phylogenetic analyses based on nucleotide sequence data of the 35 rodent and 3 lagomorph mitochondrial genomes were performed using the Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood method. The result strongly supported the rodent monophyly with high node confidence values (BP 100 % in ML and BPP 1.00 in BI) and also monophylies of four rodent suborders (BP 85–100 % in ML and BPP 1.00 in BI), except for Anomalumorpha in which only one species was examined here. Also, phylogenetic relationships among the five rodent suborders were suggested and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mtGenome) has been little studied in the turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ), a species for which there is no publicly available mtGenome sequence. Here, we used PCR-based methods with 19 pairs of primers designed from the chicken and other species to develop a complete turkey mtGenome sequence. The entire sequence (16 717 bp) of the turkey mtGenome was obtained, and it exhibited 85% similarity to the chicken mtGenome sequence. Thirteen genes and 24 RNAs (22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs) were annotated. An mtGenome-based phylogenetic analysis indicated that the turkey is most closely related to the chicken, Gallus gallus , and quail, Corturnix japonica . Given the importance of the mtGenome, the present work adds to the growing genomic resources needed to define the genetic mechanisms that underlie some economically significant traits in the turkey.  相似文献   

啮总目包括啮虫目(皮虱和书虱)和虱目(羽虱和吸虱),是农业和医学等领域具有重要经济意义和研究价值的类群,目前已鉴定和描述的物种超过10 000个。啮总目昆虫线粒体基因组的变异性在昆虫各类群中最为剧烈,这些变异包括基因组的结构、基因排序、基因含量和链上分布等诸多方面。本文全面分析和总结了啮总目昆虫裂化线粒体基因组的进化属性,并结合两侧对称动物线粒体基因组的裂化特征重构了线粒体基因组环裂化的过程。引入“线粒体基因组核型”的概念来描述动物线粒体基因组丰富的变异程度。动物线粒体的染色体有减小的趋势,而线粒体基因组的裂化正是体现这种趋势的一种重要策略。同时,总结和探讨了目前具有争议的啮总目主要类群间的系统发育关系。本综述为啮总目昆虫线粒体基因组学、啮总目系统发生关系以及两侧对称动物线粒体基因组进化模式的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,58(1):59-69
A circular plasmid called plT is found in mitochondria of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Its nucleotide sequence has been determined and analyzed in order to understand its possible role and origin. The nucleotide sequence exhibits a 159 base pair region with highly organized repeats. The sequence of plT shows no major homology with other plasmids of higher plants although organized patterns are present in the circular plasmids. We also report the existence of two related mitochondrial plasmids in a line of H. annuus and in the H. petiolaris fallax species. In addition, plT plasmid has been detected in total cellular DNA of male-sterile sunflower with a copy number of a hundred times lower than in the male-fertile one.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(10):845-853
The genus Metarhizium is composed of entomopathogenic fungal biological control agents (BCAs) used for invertebrate pest control. The phylogenetic relationships of species within this genus are still under scrutiny as several cryptic species can be found. In this work, the mitochondrial (mt) genome of Metarhizium brunneum ARSEF 4556 was fully sequenced and a comparative genome analysis was conducted with 7 other available mt genomes, belonging to 5 Metarhizium species: M. anisopliae, M. brunneum, M. robertsii, M. guizhouense and M. majus. Results showed that Metarhizium demonstrates greater conserved stability than other fungal mt genomes. Furthermore, this analysis located 7 diverse regions in both intergenic domains and gene fragments which were ideal for species/strain discrimination. The sequencing of these regions revealed several SNPs among 38 strains tested, 11 of which were uncharacterized. Single gene phylogenies presented variable results which may be used further for intra-species discrimination. Phylogenetic trees based on the concatenation of mt domains and the nuclear ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region showed discrimination of the species studied and allowed the identification of uncharacterized strains. These were mostly placed within species M. anisopliae and M. brunneum. Five strains clustered together in a clade related to M. brunneum, suggesting that they comprise a cryptic species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three eclosion rhythms of Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) showed different phase relationships to the LD cycle, different degrees of synchronization and different sensitivity to a brief light perturbation. Egg hatching occurred mainly at dawn, whereas pupation and adult emergence occurred mainly at dusk. The egg hatching was the most synchronized rhythm of the three, pupation the least. The egg hatching rhythm was more sensitive to a brief light perturbation than was the adult emergence rhythm. A light pulse in the middle of the night caused greater disturbance in the egg hatching rhythm than did a pulse placed in the early night. The three rhythms persisted in both DD and LL. LL free-running rhythm gradually became desynchronized and broke down at the third cycle. The phase relationships reveal difficulties in applying the 'external coincidence model' to this species' photoperiodic response.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Neuroptera using thirty‐six predominantly morphological characters of adults and larvae is presented. This is the first computerized cladistic analysis at the ordinal level. It included nineteen species representing seventeen families of Neuroptera, three species representing two families (Sialidae and both subfamilies of Corydalidae) of Megaloptera, two species representing two families of Raphidioptera and as prime outgroup one species of a family of Coleoptera. Ten equally most parsimonious cladograms were found, of which one is selected and presented in detail. The results are discussed in light of recent results from mental phylogenetic cladograms. The suborders Nevrorthi‐ formia, Myrmeleontiformia and Hemerobiiformia received strong support, however Nevrorthiformia formed the adelphotaxon of Myrmeleontiformia + Hemerobiiformia (former sister group of Myrmeleontiformia only). In Myrmeleontiformia, the sister‐group relationships between Psychopsidae + Nemopteridae and Nymphidae + (Myrmeleontidae + Ascalaphidae) are corroborated. In Hemerobiiformia, Ithonidae + Polystoechotidae is confirmed as the sister group of the remaining families. Dilaridae + (Mantispidae + (Rhachiberothidae + Berothidae)), which has already been proposed, is confirmed. Chrysopidae + Osmylidae emerged as the sister group of a clade comprising Hemerobiidae + ((Coniopterygidae + Sisyridae) + (dilarid clade)). Despite the sister‐group relationship of Coniopterygidae + Sisyridae being only weakly supported, the position of Coniopterygidae within the higher Hemerobiiformia is corroborated. At the ordinal level, the analysis provided clear support for the hypothesis that Megaloptera + Neuroptera are sister groups, which upsets the conventional Megaloptera + Raphidioptera hypothesis.  相似文献   

Bombycoidea comprises 10 families and 4723 species, and the phylogenetic relationships among families are still in debate. In this study, we have determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Brahmaea porphyria. The 15,429-bp mitogenome contains a common set of 37 mitochondrial genes including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs) and an inferred control region, and shares the conserved gene rearrangement (trnM-trnI-trnQ) in most ditrysian mitogenomes. Moreover, we analysed the secondary structure for all the tRNA genes of B. porphyria and the preference of codon usage in the PCGs of B. porphyria. The putative 373-bp control region (CR) possesses three types of conserved elements, including ATAGA, Ploy-T stretch, and microsatellite-like elements. A phylogenetic analysis among available Bombycoidea mitogenomes using the concatenated 37 mitochondrial genes appears to support the hypothesis of (Sphingidae+Bombycidae)+Saturniidae and the relatively basal phylogenetic position of Brahmaeidae within Bombycoidea.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of 10 currently described rainforest skinks in the genus Saproscincus were investigated using mitochondrial protein-coding ND4 and ribosomal RNA 16S genes. A robust phylogeny is inferred using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis, with all inter-specific nodes strongly supported when datasets are combined. The phylogeny supports the recognition of two major lineages (northern and southern), each of which comprises two divergent clades. Both northern and southern lineages have comparably divergent representatives in mid-east Queensland (MEQ), providing further molecular evidence for the importance of two major biogeographic breaks, the St. Lawrence gap and Burdekin gap separating MEQ from southern and northern counterparts respectively. Vicariance associated with the fragmentation and contraction of temperate rainforest during the mid-late Miocene epoch underpins the deep divergence between morphologically conservative lineages in at least three instances. In contrast, one species, Saproscincus oriarus, shows very low sequence divergence but distinct morphological and ecological differentiation from its allopatric sister clade within Saproscincus mustelinus. These results suggest that while vicariance has played a prominent role in diversification and historical biogeography of Saproscincus, divergent selection may also be important.  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼线粒体全基因组序列分析及系统进化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲿科鱼类种类繁多, 外形相似, 形态学分类较为困难。为了给鲿科鱼类乃至鲇形目鱼类的系统进化研究积累基础资料, 文章采用参照近缘物种线粒体基因组设计覆盖全基因组引物的方法, 利用16对引物对瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)线粒体全基因组进行扩增, PCR产物转化到质粒后测序, 最终获得线粒体基因组全序列, 其全长为16 527 bp, 包括2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因、13个编码蛋白质基因和一个非编码控制区。瓦氏黄颡鱼(P. vachelli)线粒体基因组结构和基因排列顺序与现已公布的鲇形目鱼类完全一致, 序列分析表明, 与鲇形目其他种属间具有较高的同源性, 与拟鲿属的同源性最高(91%)。利用鲇形目共4科6属9种及3个外群的线粒体全基因组序列, 从线粒体基因组水平探讨了鲿科鱼类及其在鲇形目的系统进化地位, 结果表明: 鲿科鱼类的瓦氏黄颡鱼(P. vachelli)、黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)、光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)及越南拟鲿(Pseudobagrus tokiensis)构成一单系群; 拟鲿属与黄颡鱼属的关系较近; 黄颡鱼属中瓦氏黄颡鱼(P. vachelli)与光泽黄颡鱼(P.nitidus)的关系近于黄颡鱼(P. fulvidraco)。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has been extensively used in phylogenetics and species-level evolutionary investigations. The lepidopteran family Tortricidae (leaf-roller moths), including the genus Grapholita, contains numerous species of economic importance, but for the majority of Grapholita species, their mitogenomes remain poorly studied. Here, we sequence and annotate the full mitogenome of Grapholita delineana, an important pest of hemp worldwide and compare it with the mitogenomes of two congeneric species available from GenBank. The G. delineana mitogenome is 15,599 bp long, including 37 typical mitochondrial genes and an A + T-rich region. Gene content, order and orientation are identical to other reported tortricid mitogenomes. Analyses of nucleotide diversity, Ka/Ks, genetic distance and number of variable sites together suggest that nad6 is the fastest-evolving gene among the mitochondrial PCGs of Grapholita. Our analyses indicate that Grapholita, as presently defined, is not monophyletic, confirming previous morphological and multiple-gene studies, using mitogenomic evidence. Our study provides information on comparative mitogenomics of Tortricidae especially Grapholita.  相似文献   

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