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Respiration, membrane potential generation and motility of the marine alkalotolerant Vibrio alginolyticus were studied. Subbacterial vesicles competent in NADH oxidation and Δψ generation were obtained. The rate of NADH oxidation by the vesicles was stimulated by Na+ in a fashion specifically sensitive to submicromolar HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide) concentrations. The same amounts of HQNO completely suppressed the Δψ generation. Δψ was also inhibited by cyanide, gramicidin D and by CCCP + monensin. CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone) added without monensin exerted a much weaker effect on Δψ. Na+ was required to couple NADH oxidation with Δψ generation. These findings are in agreement with the data of Tokuda and Unemoto on Na+-motive NADH oxidase in V. alginolyticus. Motility of V. alginolyticus cells was shown to be (i) Na+-dependent, (ii) sensitive to CCCP + monensin combination, whereas CCCP and monensin, added separately, failed to paralyze the cells, (iii) sensitive to combined treatment by HQNO, cyanide or anaerobiosis and arsenate, whereas inhibition of respiration without arsenate resulted only in a partial suppression of motility. Artificially imposed ΔpNa, i.e., addition of NaCl to the K+-loaded cells paralyzed by HQNO + arsenate, was shown to initiate motility which persisted for several minutes. Monensin completely abolished the NaCl effect. Under the same conditions, respiration-supported motility was only slightly lowered by monensin. The artificially-imposed ΔpH, i.e., acidification of the medium from pH 8.6 to 6.5 failed to activate motility. It is concluded that Δ Na+ produced by (i) the respiratory chain and (ii) an arsenate-sensitive anaerobic mechanism (presumably by glycolysis + Na+ ATPase) can be consumed by an Na+-motor responsible for motility of V. alginolyticus.  相似文献   

The effect of external Na plus concentration on the transport of K plus was studied using K plus-depleted cells of a marine pseudomonad. K plus transport was found to be a saturable process and requires Na plus. The initial rates for K plus transport over a range of external K plus concentrations were measured in suspensions containing various fixed concentrations of Na plus. Reciprocals of the initial rates for K plus transport were plotted against reciprocals of the external concentration of K plus or Na plus to yield two primary Lineweaver-Burk plots. The experimental data were found to fit bisubstrate enzyme kinetics, with a sequential type mechanism. However, the initial rate data did not allow distinction between ordered or random mechanisms. The results suggest that Na plus and K plus form a ternary complex with a specific K plus carrier molecule on the outer surface of the membrane prior to translocation and the release of K plus inside the cell.  相似文献   

Uptake of 35S-labelled sulfate and thiosulfate was studied in twenty sulfate-reducing bacteria. Micromolar additions of these substrates were highly accumulated by washed cells of freshwater and marine strains. In marine strains accumulation required Na+. Generally, the uptake capacity was increased after sulfate limitation during growth. With two marine species, Desulfovibrio salexigens and Desulfobacterium autotrophicum, the effects of various ionophores and inhibitors affecting the transmembrane pH or Na+ gradient or the membrane potential were studied. In both strains transport was reversible. There was no discrimination between sulfate and thiosulfate. With increasing additions the amount taken up increased, while the accumulation factor (Cin/Cout) decreased. Uptake was not directly correlated with the ATP level inside the cells. From these results and the action patterns of the inhibitors tested it is concluded that marine sulfate-reducing bacteria accumulate sulfate and thiosulfate electrogenically in symport with Na+ ions, while in freshwater strains protons are symported. The high-accumulating systems are induced only at low sulfate concentration, while low-accumulating systems are active at sulfate-sufficient conditions.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - ETH 157 N, N-dibenzyl-N,N-diphenyl-1,2-diphenylendioxydiacetamide - TCS 3,3,4,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide  相似文献   

The role of Na+ in Vibrio alginolyticus oxidative phosphorylation has been studied. It has been found that the addition of a respiratory substrate, lactate, to bacterial cells exhausted in endogenous pools of substrates and ATP has a strong stimulating effect on oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis. Phosphorylation is found to be sensitive to anaerobiosis as well as to HQNO, an agent inhibiting the Na+-motive respiratory chain of V. alginolyticus. Na+ loaded cells incubated in a K+ or Li+ medium fail to synthesize ATP in response to lactate addition. The addition of Na+ at a concentration comparable to that inside the cell is shown to abolish the inhibiting effect of the high intracellular Na+ level. Neither lactate oxidation nor delta psi generation coupled with this oxidation is increased by external Na+ in the Na+-loaded cells. It is concluded that oxidative ATP synthesis in V. alginolyticus cells is inhibited by the artificially imposed reverse delta pNa, i.e., [Na+]in greater than [Na+]out. Oxidative phosphorylation is resistant to a protonophorous uncoupler (0.1 mM CCCP) in the K+-loaded cells incubated in a high Na+ medium, i.e., when delta pNa of the proper direction [( Na+]in less than [Na+]out) is present. The addition of monensin in the presence of CCCP completely arrests the ATP synthesis. Monensin without CCCP is ineffective. Oxidative phosphorylation in the same cells incubated in a high K+ medium (delta pNa is low) is decreased by CCCP even without monensin. Artificial formation of delta pNa by adding 0.25 M NaCl to the K+-loaded cells (Na+ pulse) results in a temporary increase in the ATP level which spontaneously decreases again within a few minutes. Na+ pulse-induced ATP synthesis is completely abolished by monensin and is resistant to CCCP, valinomycin and HQNO. 0.05 M NaCl increases the ATP level only slightly. Thus, V. alginolyticus cells at alkaline pH represent the first example of an oxidative phosphorylation system which uses Na+ instead of H+ as the coupling ion.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the physical nature of the Na+ and K+ forms of the Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase, thermal-denaturation studies were conducted in different types of ionic media. Thermal-denaturation measurements were performed by measuring the regeneration of ATPase activity after slow pulse exposure to elevated temperatures. Two types of experiments were performed. First, the dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate on Na+ and K+ concentrations was examined. It was found that both cations stabilized the pump protein. Also, K+ was a more effective stabilizer of the native state than was Na+. Secondly, a set of thermodynamic parameters was obtained by measuring the temperature-dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate under three ionic conditions: 60 mM-K+, 150 mM-Na+ and no Na+ or K+. It was found that ion-mediated stabilization of the pump protein was accompanied by substantial increases in activation enthalpy and entropy, the net effect being a less-pronounced increase in activation free energy.  相似文献   

The energetics of the Na+-dependent transport of D-glucose into osmotically active membrane vesicles, derived from the brush borders of the rabbit renal proximal tubule, was studied by determining how alterations in the electrochemical potential of the membrane induced by anions, ionophores, and a proton conductor affect the uptake of the sugar. The imposition of a large NaCl gradient (medium is greater than vesicle) resulted in the transient uptake of D-glucose into brush border membranes against its concentration gradient. In the presence of Na+ salts of isethionate or sulfate, both relatively impermeable anions, there was no accumulation of D-glucose above the equilibrium value. With Na+ salts of two highly permeable lipophilic anions, NO3- and SCN-, the transient overshoot was enhanced relative to that with Cl-. With Na+ salts whose mode of membrane translocation is electroneutral, i.e. acetate, bicarbonate, and phosphate, no overshoot was found. These findings suggest that only anions which penetrate the brush border membrane and generate an electrochemical potential, negative on the inside, permit the uphill Na+-dependent transport of D-glucose.  相似文献   

Inside-out membrane vesicles have been prepared from sheep reticulocytes. With these vesicles, Na+-dependent glycine uptake and net accumulation have been demonstrated to occur in reverse, i.e., from extravesicular (normal cytoplasmic) to intravesicular (normal extravesicular) surface. Uptake and accumulation are inhibited by energization of the sodium pump by ATP whereby the Na+ electrochemical gradient is dissipated. Glycine-dependent Na+ uptake was also observed, providing evidence that Na+-dependent glycine influx into these vesicles, equivalent to normal efflux, is characterized by Na+-glycine co-transport.  相似文献   

The transport of uridine into rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles was investigated using an inhibitor-stop filtration method. Uridine was not metabolized under these conditions. The rapid efflux of intravesicular uridine was prevented by adding 1 mM phloridzin to the ice-cold stop solution. In the presence of inwardly directed gradients of either Na+ or K+, zero-trans uridine uptake exhibited a transient overshoot phenomenon indicating active transport. The overshoot was much more pronounced with Na+ than K+ and it was not observed when either Na+ or K+ was at equilibrium across the membrane. The K+-induced overshoot was not due to the presence of a membrane potential alone, as an inwardly directed gradient of choline chloride failed to produce it. The amplitude of the overshoot was increased by raising either the Na+ or K+ concentration outside the membrane or by using more lipophilic anions (reactive order was NO3- greater than SCN- greater than Cl- greater than SO4(2-). Zero-trans efflux studies showed that the uridine transport is bidirectional. Li+ could substitute poorly for Na+ but not at all for K+. Stoichiometries of 1:1 and greater than 1:1 were observed for Na+: uridine and K+: uridine coupling, respectively. A preliminary analysis of the interactions between Na+ and K+ for uridine uptake showed complex interactions which can best be explained by the involvement of two different systems for nucleoside transport in the rat renal brush-border membrane, one requiring Na+ and the other K+ as transport coupler.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium, lithium and amiloride on the ATPase reaction and on its potassium-dependent step were studied using membrane preparations of Na,K-ATPase. It was established that the addition of 70 mM NaCl or LiCl to the reaction medium diminished the hydrolysis of para-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) by 70 and 40%, respectively. Amiloride (0.8 mM) inhibited activities of Na,K-ATPase and pNPPase by 50 and 15%, respectively. The higher concentrations of amiloride produced a more prominent inhibition of Na,K-ATPase, but not of pNPPase. There was no correlation between the effect of amiloride on the pNPP hydrolysis and potassium concentration in the medium. There was the additivity in the inhibition of pNPPase by 0.8 mM amiloride and sodium or lithium ions up to the concentrations of ions as high as 30 mM. A conclusion is made that the inhibition of Na,K-ATPase by amiloride is mediated through the modification of the sensitivity of the enzyme to sodium.  相似文献   

The effects of Na+ and K+ ions on the elementary steps in the reaction of Na+-K+-dependent ATPase (EC were investigated in 0.5-600mM NaCL and 0-10mM KCL, at a fixed concentration (1mM) OF MgCL2, AT PH 8.5 and at 15 degrees. The data were analyzed on the basis of the reaction mechanism in which a phosphorylated intermediate, E ADP P (abbreviated as EP), is formed via two kinds of enzyme-substrate comples, E1ATP and E2ATP, and EP is in equilibrium with E2ATP, and is hydrolyzed to produce P1 and ADP. The following results were obtained: 1. The rate od E2ATP-formation, vf, increased with increase in the Na+ concentration, reached a maximum level, and then decreased with further increase in the Na+ concentration at various K+ concentrations. The value of vf was given as (see article). 2. The reciprocal of the equilibrium constants, K2, of the step E1ATPEQUILIBRIUM E ADP P in the presence of low concentrations of Na+ was larger than that in the presence of high concrntrations of Na+, indicating that the equilibrium shifted markedly toward E2ATP at low concentrations of Na+. The relation of K3 with Na concentration was rather complicated on varying the concentration of K+. However, generally speaking, it increased with increase in the K+ concentration. 3. The decomposition of EP was markedly activated by even low concentrations of K+, and inhibited by high concentrations of Na+. The inhibition by Na+ was partially suppressed by K+. The rate constant of EP-decomposition, vo/(EP), was given by (see article) where (vo/(EP) K+EQUALS0 was the value of vo/[EP] in the absence of K+.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat liver exhibited an azide-insensitive Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump which accumulated Ca2+ at a rate of 5.1 +/- 0.5 nmol of calcium/mg of protein/min and reached a total accumulation of 33.2 +/- 2.6 nmol of calcium/mg of protein in 20 microM Ca2+ at 37 degrees C. Equiosmotic addition of 50 mM Na+ resulted in a loss of accumulated calcium. Measurement of Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake in the presence of 50 mM Na+ revealed no effect of Na+ on the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake, but a decrease in the total accumulation. The half-maximal effect of Na+ on Ca2+ accumulation was achieved at 14 mM. The Ca2+ efflux rate constant in the absence of Na+ was 0.16 +/- 0.01 min-1, whereas the efflux rate constant in the presence of 50 mM Na+ was 0.25 +/- 0.02 min-1. Liver homogenate sedimentation fractions from 1,500 to 105,000 X g were assayed for azide-insensitive Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation. Na+-sensitive Ca2+ uptake activity was found to specifically co-sediment with the plasma membrane-associated enzymes, 5'-nucleotidase and Na+/K+-ATPase, whereas Na+-insensitive Ca2+ uptake was found to co-sediment with the endoplasmic reticulum-associated enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase. The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump was also distinguished from the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump by its sensitivity to inhibition by vanadate. Half-maximal inhibition of plasma membrane Ca2+ uptake occurred at 0.8 microM VO4(3-), whereas half-maximal inhibition of microsomal Ca2+ uptake occurred at 40 microM.  相似文献   

Diploid human lymphoblastoid cells with altered response to ouabain inhibition of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase transport system, manifest both in whole cells and in purified plasma membrane vesicles, were selected for their resistance to 0.1 muM ouabain. Ouabain-resistant (OUA(R)) cells with normal growth at 50 times this dose were recovered at a frequency 1 X 10(-6). This frequency was increased 9-fold after exposure to ethyl methane sulphonate but was decreased by the frameshift mutagen ICR-191, under conditions where both increased the frequency of 8-azaguanine-resistant colonies. The ouabain resistance phenotype was stable after 200 population doublings in the absence of ouabain. OUA(R) clones show showed 30-50% of the wild type amount of 3H-ouabain bound per cell, with the same dissociation constant for ouabain, 0.1 muM at 0.5 mM K+, as observed in wild-type cells. Both the initial rate of uptake of 86Rb+ in OUA(R) cells and the (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase activity of OUA(R) plasma membranes showed decreased sensitivity to ouabain inhibition. However, growth and transport properties of OUA(R) cells in the absence of ouabain were unchanged compared with wild type cells.  相似文献   

The ileal apical and liver basolateral bile acid transporters catalyze the Na+-dependent uptake of these amphipathic molecules in the intestine and liver. They contain nine predicted helical hydrophobic sequences (H1-H9) between the exoplasmic N-glycosylated N terminus and the cytoplasmic C terminus. Previous in vitro translation and in vivo alanine insertion scanning studies gave evidence for either nine or seven transmembrane segments, with H3 and H8 noninserted in the latter model. N-terminal GFP constructs containing either successive predicted segments or only the last two domains of the liver transporter following a membrane anchor signal were expressed in HEK-293 cells, and a C-terminal glycosylation flag allowed detection of membrane insertion. Western blot analysis with anti-GFP antibody after alkali and PNGase treatment showed that H1, H2, H3 behaved as competent transmembrane (TM) sequences. Results from longer constructs were difficult to interpret. H9, however, but not H8 was membrane-inserted. To analyze the intact transporter, a C-terminal YFP fusion protein was expressed as a functionally active protein in the plasma membrane of HEK-293 cells as seen by confocal microscopy. After limited tryptic digestion to ensure the accessibility of only exoplasmic lysine or arginine residues, molecular weight (MW) analysis of the five cleavage products on SDS-PAGE predicted the presence of seven transmembrane segments, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, and H9, with H7 and H8 exoplasmic. This new method provided evidence for seven membrane segments giving a new model of the membrane domain of this protein and probably the homologous ileal transporter, with H7/H8 as the transport region.  相似文献   

The NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from Escherichia coli acts as a primary Na+ pump. Expression of a C-terminally truncated version of the hydrophobic NuoL subunit (ND5 homologue) from E. coli complex I resulted in Na+-dependent growth inhibition of the E. coli host cells. Membrane vesicles containing the truncated NuoL subunit (NuoLN) exhibited 2-4-fold higher Na+ uptake activity than control vesicles without NuoLN. Respiratory proton transport into inverted vesicles containing NuoLN decreased upon addition of Na+, but was not affected by K+, indicating a Na+-dependent increase of proton permeability of membranes in the presence of NuoLN. The His-tagged NuoLN protein was solubilized, enriched by affinity chromatography, and reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Reconstituted His6-NuoLN facilitated the uptake of Na+ into the proteoliposomes along a concentration gradient. This Na+ uptake was prevented by EIPA (5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride), which acts as inhibitor against Na+/H+ antiporters.  相似文献   

Using vesicles from the plasma membrane of hog thyroid, we have characterized its Na+-dependent I- transport system. We have found it to be totally Na+ dependent; K+ cannot substitute and Li+ can partially substitute for Na+; the Na+:I- flux ratio is larger than one; the system is electrogenic, being stimulated by a delta psi negative inside the vesicles. A number of large, lipophilic anions are fully-competitive inhibitors of Na+-dependent I- uptake; the closer their atomic radii are to that of iodine, the smaller their Ki values.  相似文献   

The transport of D-alanine by Escherichia coli K-12 neither requires nor is stimulated by Na+. The transport of D-alanine by the marine bacterium Alteromonas haloplanktis 214 requires Na+ specifically. Mutants of E. coli which were unable to transport D-alanine were isolated by enrichment for D-cycloserine resistance. One of the mutants was transformed with a gene bank of A. haloplanktis chromosomal DNA. Two transformants, E. coli RM1(pPM1) and E. coli RM1(pPM2) were able to transport D-alanine by a Na+-dependent mechanism. Li+ and K+ were unable to replace Na+. Both transformants contained chimeric plasmids with inserts which hybridized with A. haloplanktis but not E. coli chromosomal DNA or each other. Despite the lack of homology between the inserts, Na+-dependent D-alanine transport in the two transformants could not be distinguished either by kinetic studies or by differences in the capacity of various amino acids to compete for D-alanine uptake.  相似文献   

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