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? There is a pressing global need to reduce the increasing societal reliance on petroleum and to develop a bio-based economy. At the forefront is the need to establish a sustainable, renewable, alternative energy sector. This includes liquid transportation fuel derived from lignocellulosic plant materials. However, one of the current limiting factors restricting the effective and efficient conversion of lignocellulosic residues is the recalcitrance of the substrate to enzymatic conversion. ? In an attempt to assess the impact of cell wall lignin on recalcitrance, we subjected poplar trees engineered with altered lignin content and composition to two potential industrial pretreatment regimes, and evaluated the overall efficacy of the bioconversion to ethanol process. ? It was apparent that total lignin content has a greater impact than monomer ratio (syringyl : guaiacyl) on both pretreatments. More importantly, low lignin plants showed as much as a 15% improvement in the efficiency of conversion, with near complete hydrolysis of the cellulosic polymer. ? Using genomic tools to breed or select for modifications in key cell wall chemical and/or ultrastructural traits can have a profound effect on bioenergy processing. These techniques may therefore offer means to overcome the current obstacles that underpin the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic substrates to bioconversion.  相似文献   

In the present paper actual trends in the use of transgenic trees for phytoremediation of contaminated soils are reviewed. In this context a current field trial in which transgenic poplars with enhanced GSH synthesis and hence elevated capacity for phytochelatin production are compared with wildtype plants for the removal of heavy metals at different levels of contamination and under different climatic conditions. The studies are carried out with grey poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba), wildtype plants and plants overexpressing the gene for gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gshI) from E. coli in the cytosol. The expression of this gene in poplar leads to two- to four-fold enhanced GSH concentrations in the leaves. In greenhouse experiments under controlled conditions these transgenic poplars showed a high potential for uptake and detoxification of heavy metals and pesticides. This capacity is evaluated in field experiments. Further aims of the project are to elucidate (a) the stability of the transgene under field conditions and (b) the possibility of horizontal gene transfer to microorganisms in the rhizosphere. The results will help to assess the biosafety risk of the use of transgenic poplar for phytoremediation of soils.  相似文献   

An antisense gene construct of a peroxidase gene (Shpx6a) from a tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes humilis was transferred into tobacco cells via Agrobacterium tumefaciens to test whether peroxidase activity could be decreased and what effect this would have on lignification. A large number of tobacco cell lines were regenerated on selective media and stable integration of the transgene was confirmed in randomly selected putative transformants. Analyses of the primary transgenic plants and their progeny (T 1) demonstrated that the total peroxidase activity was significantly decreased (up to 36%) as compared to that measured in untransformed control plants. Importantly, reduction in peroxidase activity is accompanied by decreases (up to 23%) in lignin content in several transgenic lines.  相似文献   

Summary The apple rootstock, M26, was genetically and phenotypically transformed using the Agrobacterium wild-type strain, A4. First, chimeric plants were obtained having transformed roots and normal aerial parts. Transformed plants were then produced through regeneration from transformed roots. Transformation was demonstrated by molecular hybridization and opine analysis. The effects of hormones on organogenesis was altered in transformants: cytokinins were required to form roots, whereas auxin was toxic at the concentration used to induce rooting in the control.  相似文献   

论转基因林木的潜在生态风险性   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
基因工程技术为加快林木遗传改良进程开辟了一条崭新的途径.由于林木栽培环境复杂、生产周期长、经营管理粗放,且主要为风媒传粉植物等原因,与集约化程度较高的农作物相比,转基因林木环境释放及推广的潜在生态风险性更大.如转基因林木大量种植可加速该树种遗传多样性水平降低,导致遗传脆弱性;转基因林木的长期持续强选择压力作用导致害虫、病菌协同进化;外源基因逃逸有可能使非转基因植物的生态适合度增强或降低,进而影响到自然界的物种多样性等。  相似文献   

Evidence for the molecular basis of a null allele of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) has been discovered in the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) clone 7-56. The mutation is a two-base pair adenosine insertion located in exon 5 that causes a frame-shift which is predicted to result in premature termination of the protein. For routine detection of the mutation, a diagnostic assay was developed utilizing Template-directed Dye-terminator Incorporation and Fluorescence Polarization detection (FP-TDI). Loblolly pine is the most important commercial tree species in the USA, being harvested for pulp and solid wood products. Chemical pulping could be increased in efficiency by selecting for trees having a two-base pair adenosine insertion, by use of the rapid diagnostic assay developed in this study.  相似文献   

Pollen elimination provides an effective containment method to reduce direct gene flow from transgenic trees to their wild relatives. Until now, only limited success has been achieved in controlling pollen production in trees. A pine (Pinus radiata) male cone-specific promoter, PrMC2, was used to drive modified barnase coding sequences (barnaseH102E, barnaseK27A, and barnaseE73G) in order to determine their effectiveness in pollen ablation. The expression cassette PrMC2-barnaseH102E was found to efficiently ablate pollen in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), pine, and Eucalyptus (spp.). Large-scale and multiple-year field tests demonstrated that complete prevention of pollen production was achieved in greater than 95% of independently transformed lines of pine and Eucalyptus (spp.) that contained the PrMC2-barnaseH102E expression cassette. A complete pollen control phenotype was achieved in transgenic lines and expressed stably over multiple years, multiple test locations, and when the PrMC2-barnaseH102E cassette was flanked by different genes. The PrMC2-barnaseH102E transgenic pine and Eucalyptus (spp.) trees grew similarly to control trees in all observed attributes except the pollenless phenotype. The ability to achieve the complete control of pollen production in field-grown trees is likely the result of a unique combination of three factors: the male cone/anther specificity of the PrMC2 promoter, the reduced RNase activity of barnaseH102E, and unique features associated with a polyploid tapetum. The field performance of the PrMC2-barnaseH102E in representative angiosperm and gymnosperm trees indicates that this gene can be used to mitigate pollen-mediated gene flow associated with large-scale deployment of transgenic trees.  相似文献   



Vasculopathy, including altered vasoreactivity and abnormal large vessel biomechanics, is a hallmark of systemic sclerosis (SSc). However, the pathogenic link with other aspects of the disease is less clear. To assess the potential role of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) overactivity in driving these cardiovascular abnormalities, we studied a novel transgenic mouse model characterized by ligand-dependent activation of TGF-β signaling in fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Applied research that supplies requisite, albeit incomplete, scientific knowledge is necessary if we are to address the legal, regulatory, and social/ethical issues regarding the use of transgenic trees. The technology for creating these trees has gotten far ahead of research on the ecological and population genetics impacts that may emerge. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive, interdisciplinary scientific approach that combines experimental results with model projections. We believe that much of this work must be completed before social issues can be clarified and resolved. Broad-based failure by those in the forestry-minded scientific community to carry out this interdisciplinary research could lead either to the establishment of transgenic trees with unintended consequences, or to an inability to realize the numerous advantages that this technology may offer.
Richard MeilanEmail:

Tobacco plants over-expressing L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL(+)) produce high levels of chlorogenic acid (CGA) and exhibit markedly reduced susceptibility to infection with the fungal pathogen Cercospora nicotianae, although their resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is unchanged. Levels of the signal molecule salicylic acid (SA) were similar in uninfected PAL(+) and control plants and also following TMV infection. In crosses of PAL(+) tobacco with tobacco harboring the bacterial NahG salicylate hydroxylase gene, progeny harboring both transgenes lost resistance to TMV, indicating that SA is critical for resistance to TMV and that increased production of phenylpropanoid compounds such as CGA cannot substitute for the reduction in SA levels. In contrast, PAL(+)/NahG plants showed strongly reduced susceptibility to Cercospora nicotianae compared to the NahG parent line. These results are consistent with a recent report questioning the role of PAL in SA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, and highlight the importance of phenylpropanoid compounds such as CGA in plant disease resistance.  相似文献   

Chemical imaging by confocal Raman microscopy has been used for the visualization of the cellulose and lignin distribution in wood cell walls. Lignin reduction in wood can be achieved by, for example, transgenic suppression of a monolignol biosynthesis gene encoding 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL). Here, we use confocal Raman microscopy to compare lignification in wild type and lignin-reduced 4CL transgenic Populus trichocarpa stem wood with spatial resolution that is sub-μm. Analyzing the lignin Raman bands in the spectral region between 1,600 and 1,700 cm−1, differences in lignin signal intensity and localization are mapped in situ. Transgenic reduction of lignin is particularly pronounced in the S2 wall layer of fibers, suggesting that such transgenic approach may help overcome cell wall recalcitrance to wood saccharification. Spatial heterogeneity in the lignin composition, in particular with regard to ethylenic residues, is observed in both samples. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The B7 costimulatory molecules govern many aspects of T cell immune responses by interacting with CD28 for costimulation, but also with CTLA-4 for immune suppression. Although blockade of CTLA-4 with Ab in humans undergoing cancer immune therapy has led to some cases of inflammatory bowel disease, spontaneous animal models of colitis that depend upon modulation of B7 interactions have not been previously described. In this study, we demonstrate that mice expressing a soluble B7-2 Ig Fc chimeric protein spontaneously develop colitis that is dependent on CD28-mediated costimulation of CD4(+) T cells. We show that the chimeric protein has mixed agonistic/antagonist properties, and that it acts in part by blocking the cell intrinsic effects on T cell activation of engagement of CTLA-4. Disease occurred in transgenic mice that lack expression of the endogenous B7 molecules (B7 double knock-out mice), because of the relatively weak costimulatory delivered by the chimeric protein. Surprisingly, colitis was more severe in this context, which was associated with the decreased number of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells in transgenic B7 double knock-out mice. This model provides an important tool for examining how B7 molecules and their effects on CTLA-4 modulate T cell function and the development of inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

In tobacco plants the effect of antisense down-regulation of various genes encoding enzymes of the monolignol biosynthetic pathway resulted in quantitative and qualitative changes in lignin distribution and in diverse alterations of the secondary wall assembly of modified tobacco plants. Total lignin content, composition in syringyl and guaiacyl units, and absolute proportions of condensed and non-condensed substructures occurring in the cell walls, were differentially modified according to the repressed gene. Immunocytochemical characterisation and visualisation of the distribution of condensed and non-condensed lignin substructure epitopes in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that some transformations entailed profound and specific alterations in the secondary wall biogenesis. Correlation between micro-morphological cell wall alterations and semi-quantitative immuno-analysis of the topochemical distribution of lignin sub-units suggests that the mode of polymerisation of monolignols into non-condensed units, favoured by the microfibril matrix of the secondary wall, plays an important part in the lignified cell wall assembly.  相似文献   

Recovery of transgenic trees after electroporation of poplar protoplasts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Protoplasts from leaflets ofin vitro cuttings were electroporated in osmotically adjusted and buffered solutions containing plasmid DNA: pABD1, carrying thenptII gene for resistance to neomycin; pGH1, carrying a mutant acetolactate synthase gene,als, for resistance to sulfonylurea; and pGSFR781A, carrying a synthetic phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (pat) for resistance to phosphinothricin (Basta). Gene transfer was repeatedly efficient, without use of carrier DNA, in the range of one transformant for 105 to 104 protoplast-derived cell colonies. This was probably due to the high plating efficiency (30%) of protoplasts in our culture process. Selection for expression of foreign genes was applied in liquid medium and repeatedly achieved with 30 M paromomycin for NPTII, 200 nM chlorsulfuron for the mutant ALS ofArabidopsis and 25 M phosphinothricin for PAT expression. Integration of foreign genes into genomic DNA of resistant poplar trees was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridizations, which revealed that for some transformants practically no other part of the vector plasmid than the selected gene was integrated.Effective processes for protoplast culture, efficient selection at the cell colony stage and gene transfer will provide new possibilities in poplar breeding.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to assess the ability of landfill covers to control percolation into the waste. Performance of one conventional cover was compared to that of two evapotranspiration (ET) tree covers, using large (7 x 14 m) lined lysimeters at the Leon County Solid Waste management facility in Tallahassee, Florida. Additional unlined test sections were also constructed and monitored in order to compare soil water storage, soil temperature, and tree growth inside lysimeters and in unlined test sections. The unlined test sections were in direct contact with landfill gas. Surface runoff on the ET covers was a small proportion of the water balance (1% of precipitation) as compared to 13% in the conventional cover. Percolation in the ET covers averaged 17% and 24% of precipitation as compared to 33% in the conventional cover. On average, soil water storage was higher in the lined lysimeters (429 mm) compared to unlined test sections (408 mm). The average soil temperature in the lysimeters was lower than in the unlined test sections. The average tree height inside the lysimeters was not significantly lower (8.04 mfor eucalyptus and 7.11 mfor cottonwood) than outside (8.82 m for eucalyptus and 8.01 m for cottonwood). ET tree covers vegetated with cottonwood or eucalyptus are feasible for North Florida climate as an alternative to GCL covers.  相似文献   

Transfer of genes by pollen or wind-dispersed seed is considered a main potential risk when field release experiments with transgenic trees are initiated. In Germany, the first release experiment with genetically transformed trees was initiated in 1996. To ensure that the transgenic trees remained in the vegetative phase, the duration of the experiment was limited to 5 years. In total, 457 1-year-old trees including eight transgenic aspen lines carrying either the 35S- rolC or the rbcS- rolC gene construct, and three control clones were transferred to the field. In 1998 and 2000, 12 plants of transgenic lines all carrying the 35S- rolC gene construct formed female flower buds. Furthermore, one young aspen plant identified as a root sucker was observed in 1999 followed by an increasing number of root suckers derived from transgenic and non-transgenic trees in 2000 and 2001. In 2001, the last year of the field trial, 15 root suckers were detected outside the field. In total, 234 root suckers were harvested in 2000 and 2001 and analysed for their transgenic status. More than half of the roots suckers investigated showed the presence of the rbcS- rolC gene construct. We concluded that in addition to the widely accepted generative propagation, vegetative dispersal capacity of transgenic perennial plants is also important and must be included in risk assessment studies.  相似文献   

The recently discovered enzyme hydroxycinnamoyl CoA: shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) catalyzes the reactions both immediately preceding and following the insertion of the 3-hydroxyl group into monolignol precursors. A number of independent transgenic lines of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were generated in which the levels of HCT were reduced through antisense HCT expression under control of the bean PAL2 promoter which is preferentially expressed in vascular tissue. Reduction of enzyme activity in these lines was from at least 15-50%. The most severely down-regulated lines exhibited significant stunting, reduction of biomass and delayed flowering. HCT down-regulation resulted in strongly reduced lignin content and striking changes in lignin monomer composition, with predominant deposition of 4-hydroxyphenyl units in the lignin. Vascular structure was impaired in the most strongly down-regulated lines. Analysis of forage quality parameters showed strong reductions of neutral- and acid-detergent fiber in the down-regulated lines, in parallel with large increases (up to 20%) in dry matter forage digestibility. Although manipulation of lignin biosynthesis can greatly improve forage digestibility, accompanying effects on plant development need to be better understood.  相似文献   

Cadmium interferes with auxin physiology and lignification in poplar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cadmium (Cd) is a phytotoxic heavy metal that causes rapid growth reduction. To investigate if Cd interferes with the metabolism of auxin, a major growth hormone in plants, poplars (Populus × canescens) expressing a heterologous GH3::GUS reporter gene were exposed to 50 μM Cd in hydroponic solutions. Growth, photosynthetic performance, lignification, peroxidase activity, auxin concentration, and GUS staining were determined in order to record the activities of GH3 enzymes in the stem apex, the elongation zone, wood in the zone of radial growth, and in roots. Cd-induced growth reductions were tissue-specific decreasing in the order: roots>wood>shoot elongation and leaf initiation, whereas Cd concentrations increased in the order: leaves相似文献   

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