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The clonal diversity of guinea pig T-lymphocyte responses to the 14-amino-acid peptide antigen human fibrinopeptide B (hFPB, Bβ1–14) and sequential hFPB3 homologs (Bβ5–14 and 7–14) was examined using bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and light elimination of T cell responses. PPD and hFPB-immune strain 2 guinea pig T cells and macrophages were stimulated in a first culture with PPD, Bβ1–14, 5–14, or 7–14; BUdR was added on the second day and the cultures exposed to light on the third day. The BUdR and light-treated T cells recovered from the first culture were restimulated in a second culture containing fresh stimulator macrophages and PPD, Bβ1–14, 5–14, and 7–14. BUdR and light-treated T cells initially stimulated with Bβ1–14 in the first culture showed no responsiveness to Bβ1–14, 5–14, or 7–14 in the second culture. BUdR and light-treatment of T cells initially stimulated with Bβ5–14 eliminated 70 to 80% of the subsequent response to Bβ1–14 and all of the responsiveness to Bβ7–14. Similar treatment of T cells stimulated with Bβ7–14 reduced responsiveness to Bβ1–14 by 50 to 60% and to Bβ5–14 by 60 to 70%. These observations indicate that T-cell responses are directed against three antigenic regions in the hFPB molecule; the major region defined by the carboxy-terminal sequence including residues 7 to 14, a second minor antigenic region including residues 5 and 6, and a third minor region including the amino terminal residues 1 to 4. Results are discussed with respect to the regions of the hFPB molecules that are recognized by antigen-binding T-cell receptors and the regions which interact with stimulator macrophages.  相似文献   

The ability to generate proliferative and helper T lymphocyte responses in mice was compared by using the 14 amino acid peptide, human fibrinopeptide B (hFPB). Lymph node or peritoneal exudate T cells from mice immunized with hFPB were assessed for in vitro proliferation to soluble hFPB as determined by the uptake of 3H-thymidine. The T cell proliferative response to hFPB was found to be under MHC-linked Ir gene control; mice possessing the H-2a,k haplotypes were responders, whereas H-2b,d,q,s mice were nonresponders. The influence of non-H-2 genes on these responses was not investigated, so exclusive regulation by H-2 is provisional. The absence of a detectable lymph node and peritoneal exudate T cell proliferative response persisted in H-2b,d,q,s mice after immunization and boosting with several doses of hFPB. In addition, the capacity to produce a T cell proliferative response was inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and gene(s) controlling responsiveness to hFPB mapped to the I-A subregion of the H-2 complex. To measure peptide-specific helper T cell activity, an in vitro microculture assay in which hFPB-primed lymph node T cells and normal spleen B cells and macrophages were used was developed measuring anti-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) IgM and IgG plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses after culture with FITC-conjugated peptide. Immunization of B10.BR, C57BL/10, B10.D2, and B6AF mice with hFPB primed for significant helper T cell activity as assessed by the ability to augment a primary in vitro IgM response to FITC. The normal B cell IgM responses were completely dependent on hFPB-primed T cells and required that hapten (FITC) and carrier (peptide) be linked. In addition, immunization with FITC-conjugated peptide elicited positive in vivo PFC responses to FITC in B10.BR and C57BL/10 mice, indicating similar genetic control of helper activity in both the intact animals and the in vitro microcultures. Thus, B10.BR mice show both T help and T proliferative responses to hFPB, whereas C57BL/10 mice show only T help and no T proliferative responses. In contrast to B10.BR mice, C3H and CBA mice immunized with hFPB were completely unresponsive when assayed for helper T cell activity in vitro despite their ability to generate positive lymph node T cell proliferative responses. These results indicate responsiveness to hFPB by T helper and proliferating cells is different and is under separate genetic control.  相似文献   

To examine the role of macrophage la antigens in T-lymphocyte stimulation, guinea pig macrophages were briefly treated with anti-Ia serum before or after antigen pulsing with the peptide antigen human fibrinopeptide B (hFPB). To assess their antigen-specific stimulatory capacity, the variously treated macrophages were added to culture with hFPB-immune guinea pig T cells and stimulation was determined by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine. Macrophages treated with anti-Ia serum before antigen pulsing stimulated T-cell responses equivalent to those observed with antigen-pulsed macrophages treated with normal serum. By contrast, brief anti-Ia treatment of macrophages immediately following a 2-hr antigen pulse reduced subsequent T-cell responses by 45 to 70%. Similar treatment of macrophages pulsed with antigen for only 1 hr produced only modest inhibition of T-cell responses. However, if macrophages pulsed for 1 hr with antigen were incubated several hours before brief anti-Ia serum treatment, the subsequent T-cell responses were reduced by 40 to 60%. This inhibition was specific for antiserum directed against Ia antigens of the guinea pig MHC, since brief macrophage treatment with antiserum directed against B.1 antigens, the guinea pig equivalent of murine H-2K and H-2D antigens, produced no inhibition of their T-cell stimulatory capacity. These results are discussed with respect to the formation of the immunogen presented by macrophages for T-cell recognition.  相似文献   

Purified populations of splenic B and T lymphocytes from LAF mice immunized with a crude extract of timothy pollen (WST) responded specifically to pollen antigens in an in vitro lymphocyte transformation system. The peak lymphocyte transformation response occurred 5 days after a secondary immunization and was the result of T-B cell cooperation in vitro. Wtih two purified pollen antigens as in vitro stimulants we were able to define at least two antigen-specific population of B cells and one population of T cells. These results were confirmed by inhibition studies with a monovalent hapten from WST, Antigen D.  相似文献   

Skin painting of guinea pigs with either 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyloxazol-5-one or 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene induced not only a primary proliferative response in the draining lymph node but also the systemic suppression of subsequent proliferative responses to topically applied hapten. The inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation, as assessed by the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine and the presence of large pyroninophilic cells in the paracortex, was hapten-specific and long-lasting. This study demonstrates that, in common with the mouse, the sensitization of guinea pigs results in the induction of a hapten-specific suppressor mechanism, which serves to control the proliferative response following reexposure to hapten. However, the antigen-nonspecific suppression of proliferation observed in the mouse following exposure to some potent contact sensitizers was not, under the conditions employed, detectable in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Activation of immune T lymphocytes by antigen-pulsed macrophages is mediated by the Ia antigens of the guinea pig MHC or the products of closely linked genes. Studies using combinations of macrophages and T cells derived from outbred animals with different Ia antigens and/or Ir gene products have demonstrated that sharing of Ir gene products between macrophage and T cells is not sufficient for effective macrophage-T cell interaction. The role of the Ia antigens in the absence of the linked Ir gene products could not be directly examined because we were unable to identify an animal which bore the full complement of Ia antigens in the absence of the Ir gene that is normally associated with them. The results of these studies support the concept of the functional expression of the Ir gene product in the macrophage.  相似文献   

The role of the macrophage in the guinea pig mixed leukocyte culture was investigated. Macrophages obtained from oil-induced peritoneal exudates, peritoneal wash-out cells, spleen, and alveolar washings were found to be effective stimulators of allogeneic lymph node and splenic lymphocyte DNA synthesis. The stimulatory properties of macrophages proved radioresistant but viability dependent. Unfractionated lymph node cells or adherence column purified lymph node lymphocytes and thymocytes were only minimally active as stimulators, even in the presence of macrophages syngeneic to the responder lymphocytes. Allogeneic fibroblasts, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, L2C leukemia cells, and xenogeneic (murine) macrophages failed to simulate. These data provide evidence that the macrophage is the predominant stimulator of the mixed leukocyte culture in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

We extended our investigations into the genetic requirements and antigen dependence for the induction of polyclonal B lymphocyte proliferation by primed T lymphocytes. By using recombinant inbred mouse strains and antigen-specific T lymphocyte clones that lack alloreactivity, the genetic requirement was mapped to the IA subregion of the MHC. Furthermore, approaches that prevented or limited the accessibility of antigens to the B lymphocyte surface demonstrated that antigen binding onto the B lymphocyte surface was probably not necessary for induction of B lymphocyte proliferation. These experiments suggest strongly that T lymphocyte recognition of B lymphocyte Ia molecules in the absence of sIg cross-linking or in the absence of antigen bound nonspecifically to B lymphocytes can cause cellular activation. Similar T lymphocyte-dependent B lymphocyte activation was seen when Lyb-5- cells from CBA/N mice with the xid defect were cultured. Increases in the number of cells secreting immunoglobulins could be detected in the proliferating B lymphocyte cultures, suggesting that the culture conditions had fulfilled the requirements for B lymphocyte differentiation into antibody-producing cells. Although anti-Ig did not interfere with the B lymphocyte proliferative responses, it did diminish the number of cells secreting immunoglobulins. The implications of these experiments in extending our understanding of the activation pathway of Lyb-5- and Lyb-5+ B lymphocytes are discussed.  相似文献   

The responsiveness to T-dependent (TD) and T-independent (TI) TNP-antigens of murine splenic B cells previously enriched for antigen-binding cells (ABC) was examined. TNP-TI antigens induced B cell proliferation. TNP-TD antigens did not induce a proliferative response regardless of the physical form or nature of the TNP-TD antigen (e.g., soluble vs particulate, low or high haptenation of carrier, TNP on various insoluble matrices, etc.). TNP-TD antigens were effective in enhancing the response of the TNP-ABC to all concentrations of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) tested, indicating that binding of antigen to surface immunoglobulin alters the LPS responsiveness of the cell. Irradiated, keyhole limpet hemocyanin- (KLH) primed T cells induced a threefold to fourfold greater B cell proliferative response with TNP-KLH than with fluoresceinated KLH (FLU-KLH) or FLU-KLH together with TNP-human serum albumin (TNP-HSA). Therefore, linked recognition appears essential for optimal T cell-mediated B cell proliferation, whereas the induction of B cell proliferation via nonlinked, carrier-activated T cells is a minor component of the response.  相似文献   

The T4 molecule has been identified as a marker of human T cell differentiation, but the function of this molecule remains to be defined. We have investigated its possible functional involvement in T cell proliferative responses to class II HLA antigens encoded by the recently described SB locus. The responses of SB-primed cells (specific for each of four different SB antigens) were studied with the use of two proliferation-inducing stimuli, SB antigen or TCGF. The proliferative responses to both stimuli were found to be mediated by T4+, T8- cells. Monoclonal antibodies against some epitopes on the T4 molecule (OKT4A and OKT4B) substantially blocked antigen-stimulated proliferative responses; antibodies against other epitopes of the T4 molecule (OKT4, T4C, T4D) blocked less well. Inhibition of SB-specific proliferation by antibodies to the T4 molecule was maximal only when the antibodies were incubated with the responder cells before the addition of stimulator cells. Proliferative responses of SB-primed cells stimulated with TCGF alone were not inhibited by any of the OKT4-related antibodies, but were completely inhibited by the anti-Tac monoclonal antibody, which reacts with the TCGF receptor. These results lend further support for the hypothesis that the T4 molecule is involved in T cell recognition of and/or activation by class II HLA antigens. We suggest that 1) the T4 molecule binds a nonpolymorphic epitope on class II HLA molecules, and 2) this interaction may facilitate, but not be an obligate requirement for, T cell activation by class II antigens.  相似文献   

A goat antibody specific for an antigenic determinant shared between guinea pig antithrombin III (AT III) and thymocytes was shown to be mitogenic for lymph node T lymphocytes in the presence of macrophages. Although the antiserum was not mitogenic for purified populations of B lymphocytes, B lymphocytes were as efficient as T lymphocytes in absorbing the mitogenic activity of the serum. The shared antigenic determinant appeared to be carbohydrate in nature in that native and guanidine-treated AT III, but not periodate oxidized AT III, were capable of inhibiting the mitogenic activity of the serum when added continuously to the cultures. The possibility that the plasma protease inhibitor AT III or an antigenically related membrane protein are involved in the regulation of T cell activation is discussed.  相似文献   

When lymphocytes from a majority of patients with cancer are incubated with encephalitogenic factor, a lymphocyte product is released that reduces the anodic electrophoretic mobilities of guinea pig macrophages and fixed, tanned sheep erythrocytes. Although these reactions are not specific for cancer, it is distinctly possible that in patients with cancer, products from stimulated lymphocytes are capable of altering the surfaces of the patients' own macrophages, thereby modifying the course of their disease. In this paper, we attempt to elucidate some mechanisms for the binding of lymphocyte products to macrophages, such as occurs in the macrophage electrophoretic mobility (MEM) test, since this may be of general interest. Binding of lymphocyte product to macrophages has been monitored by measurements of their electrophoretic mobilities and by electron microscopic determination of the density of binding of electron-dense, cationic colloidal iron hydroxide particles to their surfaces. The results show that the lymphocyte products reduce the net surface negativity of the macrophages by (coulombic) binding of this net positively charged material to sialic acids at the macrophage surface. Product-binding can be prevented by prior treatment of the macrophages with neuraminidase. It appears that only a minority of sialic acids are involved in the binding process, which occurs without demonstrable blocking of adjacent sialic acids or redistribution of such sites over the macrophage surface. Parallel experiments with fixed tanned erythrocytes also suggest that binding of lymphocyte product is not solely determined by surface sialic acids, although it cannot occur without them.  相似文献   

It is estimated that over one third of the world population is infected with helminths, Strongyloides ssp. accounting for approximately 30-100 million cases. As helminth infections often result in a modulation of the host's immune system, infected people may display impaired responses to concurrent infections and to third party antigens. Here, we employ the experimental system of murine Strongyloides ratti infection to investigate the impact of helminth infections on experimental vaccinations. We demonstrate that concurrent infection with S. ratti strongly affected the humoral response to a thymus dependent model antigen, whereby predominantly Th1 associated IgG2b production was suppressed. We provide evidence that this suppression was due to modulation of T helper cell and not B cell function as the responses to a thymus independent model antigen remained unchanged in S. ratti infected mice. Moreover, using an adoptive transfer system, we show that infection with S. ratti directly interfered with antigen-specific proliferation of T cell receptor transgenic CD4(+) T helper cells in vivo. Finally, using IL-10 deficient mice and mice that selectively lack T helper cell derived IL-10 we rule out a role for host-derived IL-10 in mediating the suppression of thymus dependent model antigen response in S. ratti infected mice.  相似文献   

T cells are a critical component of host immune responses against bacterial pathogens. T cell activation relies on recognition of antigen(s) derived from the bacteria, and this activation triggers potent biological effector mechanisms. Therefore, the characterization of antigens that are stimulatory for T cells provides insight into host-pathogen interactions and advances rational vaccine design. The adaptive immune response is defined by its ability to detect variable or unique single-gene products, whereas a 'transitional' immune system recognizes more conserved structures or products of multigene pathways. This transitional system functionally overlaps the canonical innate and adaptive immune responses. Antigen identification has relied upon biochemistry, genetics and expression cloning strategies. The development of computational approaches, fuelled by advances in immunology and genomic information, will facilitate the discovery of antigens and expand our understanding of both beneficial and pathological immune responses.  相似文献   

K cells, the effectors of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, were found to express human T but not B lymphocyte antigens detected by rabbit anti-HTLA and anti-HBLA. Pretreatment of effector cells with anti-HTLA+C inhibited ADCC by specifically lysing K cells: no inhibition of ADCC by anti-HTLA occurred when deltaC was substituted for C. By contrast, pretreatment of effector cells with anti-HBLA nonspecifically inhibited ADCC, probably for forming antigen-antibody complexes with HBLA+ cells in effector suspensions: a) treatment with anti-HBLA deltaC was more inhibitory of ADCC than treatment with anti-HBLA+C, and b) the inhibitory effect of anti-HBLA on ADCC was either eliminated or markedly reduced if effector suspensions were first passed through a nylon fiber column, a procedure that removed most HBLA+ cells without affecting K cell activity. HTLA antigens expressed by K cells and NK cells are the same as HTLA antigens expressed by thymocytes since thymocytes completely absorb the anti-K cell and NK cell reactivity of anti-HTLA.  相似文献   

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