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Evidence for the function of hyperactivated motility in sperm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
After insemination, mammalian sperm undergo a striking change in flagellar beat pattern, termed hyperactivation. In low-viscosity culture medium, nonhyperactivated sperm flagella generate relatively symmetrical, low-amplitude waves, while hyperactivated sperm flagella generate an asymetrical beating pattern that results in nonprogressive movement. Since sperm encounter highly viscous and viscoelastic fluids in the female reproductive tract, the progress of hyperactivated sperm was compared with that of nonhyperactivated and transitional sperm in media of increasing viscosity. Hamster sperm obtained from the caudal epididymis were incubated in a medium that promotes capacitation. After 0, 3, and 4 h of incubation, the majority of the sperm exhibited, respectively, activated, transitional, and hyperactivated motility. At each of these time points, aliquots of sperm were removed from incubation and added to solutions of 0, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Ficoll in medium. Samples containing mostly hyperactivated sperm (4 h) maintained higher swimming and flagellar velocities and were able to generate greater forces in response to increased viscous loading than activated sperm (0 h). Transitional sperm (3 h) showed an intermediate response. The paths of hyperactivated sperm through solutions of 20% and 30% Ficoll were considerably straighter than those made through medium alone. This is the first demonstration that hyperactivation can confer a mechanical advantage upon sperm in the oviduct where they may encounter viscous oviductal fluid and a viscoelastic cumulus matrix.  相似文献   

Calcium and Ca(2+)-dependent signals play a crucial role in sperm motility and mammalian fertilization, but the molecules and mechanisms underlying these Ca(2+)-dependent pathways are incompletely understood. Here we show that homozygous male mice with a targeted gene deletion of isoform 4 of the plasma membrane calcium/calmodulin-dependent calcium ATPase (PMCA), which is highly enriched in the sperm tail, are infertile due to severely impaired sperm motility. Furthermore, the PMCA inhibitor 5-(and-6)-carboxyeosin diacetate succinimidyl ester reduced sperm motility in wild-type animals, thus mimicking the effects of PMCA4 deficiency on sperm motility and supporting the hypothesis of a pivotal role of the PMCA4 on the regulation of sperm function and intracellular Ca(2+) levels.  相似文献   

In K+-free medium, epididymal sperm suspensions, whether washed free of epididymally-derived K+ or not, were unable to penetrate washed cumulus masses; some penetration of zona-free eggs was obtained with unwashed sperm suspensions, while washed samples were generally non-fertilizing. Within 5 min of K+ introduction, however, spermatozoa were able to fertilize intact eggs rapidly and synchronously, indicating that K+ was not required for capacitation. Measurements of extracellular K+ concentrations in these experiments indicate that 0.1-0.15 mM-K+ is sufficient to support sperm: egg fusion, but concentrations greater than 0.15 mM are required for penetration of cumulus-intact eggs. When medium of normal osmolality (318 mosmol) but elevated K+/Na+ ratio (27.7 mM/125 mM) was compared with control medium (2.7/150), the former promoted lower rates of penetration after both 30 and 120 min preincubation (8 and 10%, respectively) than those obtained with control medium (45 and 95%). Upon reduction to the ratio in control media, however, the fertilizing potential of these suspensions was equivalent to control samples: relatively slow and asynchronous penetration after 30 min preincubation (50%) and rapid, synchronous penetration after 120 min (92%). Thus there was no evidence of a shortening of sperm capacitation time, but rather a suppression of fertilizing potential in the presence of elevated K+. Uterine sperm samples recovered shortly after mating gave similar results when tested in these media 30 and 120 min after release from the male tract. Preincubation of epididymal samples in high K+ (27.7 mM) hyperosmolal media (368 mosmol) for 30 min significantly shortened sperm capacitation as shown by rapid penetration of intact eggs (94%) after reduction in osmolality, but this appeared to be a non-specific effect; high Na+ (175 mM) hyperosmolal medium had a similar effect (98% of eggs fertilized). Acrosome loss and hyperactivated motility were significantly lower in media with very low or very high K+ concentrations but, after alteration to control medium values, increased to levels similar to those obtained with control samples. It is proposed that the relatively high K+ concentrations found in female tract fluids (approximately 20-30 mM) may serve to modulate fertilizing potential of spermatozoa in vivo.  相似文献   

The relative importance of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) 1 and PMCA4 was assessed in mice carrying null mutations in their genes (Atp2b1 and Atp2b4). Loss of both copies of the gene encoding PMCA1 caused embryolethality, whereas heterozygous mutants had no overt disease phenotype. Despite widespread and abundant expression of PMCA4, PMCA4 null (Pmca4-/-) mutants exhibited no embryolethality and appeared outwardly normal. Loss of PMCA4 impaired phasic contractions and caused apoptosis in portal vein smooth muscle in vitro; however, this phenotype was dependent on the mouse strain being employed. Pmca4-/- mice on a Black Swiss background did not exhibit the phenotype unless they also carried a null mutation in one copy of the Pmca1 gene. Pmca4-/- male mice were infertile but had normal spermatogenesis and mating behavior. Pmca4-/- sperm that had not undergone capacitation exhibited normal motility but could not achieve hyperactivated motility needed to traverse the female genital tract. Ultrastructure of the motility apparatus in Pmca4-/- sperm tails was normal, but an increased incidence of mitochondrial condensation indicated Ca2+ overload. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry showed that PMCA4 is the most abundant isoform in testis and sperm and that it is localized to the principle piece of the sperm tail, which is also the location of the major Ca2+ channel (CatSper) required for sperm motility. These results are consistent with an essential housekeeping or developmental function for PMCA1, but not PMCA4, and show that PMCA4 expression in the principle piece of the sperm tail is essential for hyperactivated motility and male fertility.  相似文献   

The mammalian Cul4 genes, Cul4A and Cul4B, encode the scaffold components of the cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligases. The two Cul4 genes are functionally redundant. Recent study indicated that mice expressing a truncated CUL4A that fails to interact with its functional partner ROC1 exhibit no developmental phenotype. We generated a Cul4A−/− strain lacking exons 4–8 that does not express any detectable truncated protein. In this strain, the male mice are infertile and exhibit severe deficiencies in spermatogenesis. The primary spermatocytes are deficient in progression through late prophase I, a time point when expression of the X-linked Cul4B gene is silenced due to meiotic sex chromosome inactivation. Testes of the Cul4A−/− mice exhibit extensive apoptosis. Interestingly, the pachytene spermatocytes exhibit persistent double stranded breaks, suggesting a deficiency in homologous recombination. Also, we find that CUL4A localizes to the double stranded breaks generated in pre-pachytene spermatocytes. The observations identify a novel function of CUL4A in meiotic recombination and demonstrate an essential role of CUL4A in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Hyperactivation in mammalian sperm is characterized by highly asymmetrical waveforms and an increase in the amplitude of flagellar bends. It is important for the sperm to be able to achieve hyperactivated motility in order to reach and fertilize the egg. Calcium (Ca2+) dynamics are known to play a large role in the initiation and maintenance of hyperactivated motility. Here we present an integrative model that couples the CatSper channel mediated Ca2+ dynamics of hyperactivation to a mechanical model of an idealized sperm flagellum in a 3-d viscous, incompressible fluid. The mechanical forces are due to passive stiffness properties and active bending moments that are a function of the local Ca2+ concentration along the length of the flagellum. By including an asymmetry in bending moments to reflect an asymmetry in the axoneme's response to Ca2+, we capture the transition from activated motility to hyperactivated motility. We examine the effects of elastic properties of the flagellum and the Ca2+ dynamics on the overall swimming patterns. The swimming velocities of the model flagellum compare well with data for hyperactivated mouse sperm.  相似文献   

The relative significance of the accessory glands of the male reproductive tract in fertility is unclear. To clarify the role of the seminal vesicles, fertility and uterine sperm motility were determined before and after removal of seminal vesicles in the house mouse. After removal of seminal vesicles, the pregnancy rate (number of females pregnant/number of females X 100) was reduced and the time to birth was increased, while the average litter size was not changed. Fertilization, determined by examining the oocytes 30 h after mating, was highly variable after matings with males whose seminal vesicles were removed; in some cases none of the oocytes were fertilized. The motility of sperm recovered from the uterus 1 h after matings with males before and after seminal vesicle removal and sham operations was analyzed using a videomicrographic system. The motility of uterine sperm was less progressive with more lateral displacement of the head about the trajectory and a less linear trajectory after removal of the seminal vesicles. Sham-operated animals showed no consistent changes in motility of uterine sperm. The changes in sperm motility could contribute to the reduction in fertilization since sperm motility is necessary for transport in the female reproductive tract and interaction with the oocytes.  相似文献   

Estimates were made of the proportion of freely motile mouse spermatozoa displaying hyperactivated motility by an objective photographic method employing stroboscopic illumination under dark-field conditions and examining displacements of the sperm head and bend angles of the sperm tail. In media known to support in vitro fertilisation hyperactivation gradually appeared reaching about 40% by 6 hr incubation, and it was not promoted by 2 mM caffeine or 0.1 mM Bt2 cAMP or washing the cells free of epididymal fluid. Raising the osmolarity of the medium to 400 mOSM with electrolytes, but not nonelectrolytes, did promote hyperactivation (60% by 2 hr) suggesting that the ionic strength of the medium was important. Hyperactivation in high ionic strength media could be prevented by removing or chelating Ca2+, or replacing Ca2+ with Ba2+ or Mg2+, when nonhyperactivated motility was maintained, but Sr2+, like Ca2+, permitted hyperactivated motility. Hyperactivation in low ionic strength medium could be promoted by the ionophore A23187, suggesting that Ca2+ movement into the cells is important. Of a range of glycolytic substrates tested supporting nonhyperactivated motility in the presence of lactate, only glucose supported hyperactivation. Addition to glucose— or Ca2+ — free, high ionic strength media after 2 hr increased hyperactivation immediately (glucose) or after a lag of 2 hr (Ca2+) suggesting that glucose acts on a Ca2+ — primed system. Removal from high ionic strength medium, chelation of Ca2+ or inhibition of glucose metabolism did not prevent hyperactivation continuing once it had been initiated, indicating different requirements for initiation and maintenance of this form of motility.  相似文献   

To fertilize the egg, sperm cells must reside in the female reproductive tract for several hours during which they undergo chemical and motility changes collectively called capacitation. During capacitation, the sperm develop a unique type of motility known as hyperactivated motility (HAM). The semen contains Zn2+ in millimolar concentrations, whereas in the female reproductive tract, the concentration is around 1 µM. In this study, we characterize the role of Zn2+ in human sperm capacitation focusing on its effect on HAM. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of GPR39‐type Zn‐receptor localized mainly in the sperm tail. Zn2+ at micromolar concentration stimulates HAM, which is mediated by a cascade involving GPR39–adenylyl cyclase (AC)–cyclic AMP (cAMP)–protein kinase A–tyrosine kinase Src (Src)–epidermal growth factor receptor and phospholipase C. Both the transmembrane AC and the soluble‐AC are involved in the stimulation of HAM by Zn2+. The development of HAM is precisely regulated by cAMP, in which relatively low concentration (5–10 µM) stimulated HAM, whereas at 30 µM no stimulation occurred. A similar response was seen when different concentrations of Zn2+ were added to the cells; low Zn2+ stimulated HAM, whereas at relatively high Zn2+, no effect was seen. We further demonstrate that the Ca2+‐channel CatSper involved in Zn2+‐stimulated HAM. These data support a role for extracellular Zn2+ acting via GPR39 to regulate signaling pathways in sperm capacitation, leading to HAM induction.  相似文献   

To fertilize the egg, sperm cells must reside in the female reproductive tract for several hours during which they undergo chemical and motility changes collectively called capacitation. During capacitation, the sperm develop a unique type of motility known as hyperactivated motility (HAM). The semen contains Zn2+ in millimolar concentrations, whereas in the female reproductive tract the concentration is around 1 µM. In this study, we characterize the role of Zn 2+ in human sperm capacitation focusing on its effect on HAM. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of G protein‐coupled receptor 39 (GPR39) type Zn‐receptor localized mainly in the sperm tail. Zn 2+ at micromolar concentration stimulates HAM, which is mediated by a cascade involving GPR39‐AC‐cAMP‐PKA‐Src‐EGFR and phospholipase C. Both the transmembrane adenylyl cyclase (AC) and the soluble‐AC are involved in the stimulation of HAM by Zn 2+. The development of HAM is precisely regulated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate, in which relatively low concentration (5–10 µM) stimulated HAM, whereas at 30 µM no stimulation occurred. A similar response was seen when different concentrations of Zn 2+ were added to the cells; low Zn 2+ stimulated HAM, whereas at relatively high Zn 2+, no effect was seen. We further demonstrate that the Ca 2+‐channel CatSper involved in Zn 2+‐stimulated HAM. These data support a role for extracellular Zn 2+ acting via GPR39 to regulate signaling pathways in sperm capacitation, leading to HAM induction.  相似文献   

An earlier study demonstrated that rabbit sperm incubated for 16 hr under capacitation conditions acquire motility patterns identical to those seen in rabbit sperm capacitated in vivo. We now show that similar motion patterns develop after 0.5 hr incubation in a Trisbuffered medium, medium M. Development and decline of the motion patterns occurred in three phases each recognized by the character of the biphasic motion patterns. Hyperactivated sperm were objectively identified and quantified by a previously developed computer-directed model. The percentage of motile sperm that acquired hyperactivated motility and the period they remained in this state varied among sperm from different rabbits. The decline in hyperactivated motility was paralleled by a decrease in the average sperm curvilinear velocity (VCL) and average amplitude of lateral head displacement (AALH), but was not accompanied by a concomitant decrease in percentage of motile sperm. Pb2+ and Cd2+, at concentrations that did not inhibit motility, prevented development of hyperactivated motility. Inhibition of hyperactivated motility by Pb2+ was time- and concentration-dependent; the average percentage of hyperactivated sperm decreased from ~ 30% to<5% (n = 5) in 1 hr at a Pb2+ concentration of 25 μM. Cd2+ inhibition of hyperactivation was dependent only on concentration of the cation. At a concentration of 100 μM, the decrease in the percent of hyperactivated sperm was ~ 50% (n = 3). Hg2+, Zn2+, and Cr6+ at sublethal concentrations had no effect on hyperactivated motility development. These results suggest that Pb2+ and Cd2+, by virtue of their ability to prevent the wide curvature flagella beating that is characteristic of hyperactivation, can compromise fertilization at concentrations that do not inhibit sperm motility and act as a reproductive toxicant at a level other than spermatogenesis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The bicarbonate: CO2 (HCO3-:CO2) concentration dependencies of hamster sperm motility, spontaneous acrosome reactions, and zona penetration (used to assay the zona-induced acrosome reaction) were examined. A cross-over experimental design was used to segregate effects on early stages of capacitation, spanning the first 5 h of incubation, from those on acrosome reactions and zona penetration during the last 1 h. After 5 h, HCO3-:CO2 concentrations were increased, decreased, or kept the same for 1 h. Compared to no HCO3-:CO2, as little as 2.9 mM: 0.6% HCO3-:CO2 increased the sperm motility index (MI) by 2.7-3.6 times. When HCO3-:CO2 was continuously present, both progressive and hyperactivated motility were stimulated by HCO3-:CO2 in a dose-dependent manner by 3-4 h, well before completion of capacitation. Stimulation of acrosome reactions or zona penetration, by addition of HCO3-:CO2 to sperm for 1 h late in capacitation, depended mainly on levels of HCO3-:CO2 present earlier in capacitation. When 25 mM: 5% HCO3-:CO2 was added only at 5 h, responses were significantly lower than with sperm treated continuously with the same concentration of HCO3-:CO2, being 2.5 times lower for MI, 2 times lower for acrosome reactions, and 6.3 times lower for zona penetration. In contrast, decreasing HCO3-:CO2 to suboptimal levels after 5 h did not decrease any 6-h sperm responses significantly. The average maximal and one-half maximal preincubation HCO3- concentrations for all responses were 34.2 +/- 1.0 and 9.2 +/- 0.3 mM, respectively. Zona penetration and hyperactivation were highly correlated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine where and when hyperactivation is initiated in vivo, the flagellar curvature ratios (fcr) of mouse sperm within the female reproductive tract were measured from videotape recordings and compared with those of epididymal sperm incubated under capacitating conditions in vitro. The fcrs and linearities of trajectory were significantly lowered after 90 min of incubation in vitro, indicating that hyperactivation had been initiated by that time. The flagellar curvature ratios of sperm at the colliculus tubarius, within the uterotubal junction, and in the isthmus, measured at 1-2 h postcoitus and approximately 1 h before and 1 h after ovulation, were found to have fcrs that were not different from those of sperm incubated for 90 min in vitro. It was concluded that the tract sperm had initiated hyperactivated flagellar bending before the time of ovulation and before entering the oviduct. Only sperm in the lower isthmus 1 h before ovulation had fcrs that were significantly different from sperm incubated for 90 min in vitro, but not from sperm measured at the beginning of incubation in vitro. This could be the result of motility suppression in the lower isthmus.  相似文献   

The sperm acrosome is a large secretory granule that undergoes calcium-stimulated exocytosis by a mechanism analogous to neuronal secretion. In neurons the core SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complex, composed of syntaxin (Stx), SNAP-25, and VAMP2, mediates vesicle fusion, whereas calcium regulation is thought to be accomplished by the synaptotagmin (Syt) family, some of which exhibit calcium-dependent binding to syntaxin and SNAP-25. Sperm express Syt VI and VIII and Stx2, which are co-localized to the acrosomal compartment where they might mediate exocytosis in response to calcium influx. Therefore, we examined the calcium dependence and isoform-specific interaction of Syt and Stx. We found that Stx2 binds to Syt I, VI, and VIII in a calcium-dependent manner with EC(50) values of 175, 233, and 96 mum calcium, respectively. We also determined that the EC(50) for calcium of the acrosome reaction in streptolysin O-permeabilized sperm is 87 mum, which closely coincides with the calcium sensitivity of Stx2 and Syt VIII interaction. Consistent with this is the greater potency of recombinant Syt VIII, VI, and Stx2 compared with other isoforms in inhibiting the acrosome reaction in streptolysin O-permeabilized sperm. Similarly, introduction of Syt VIII-specific antibodies was equally effective in inhibiting the acrosome fusion. Taken together, our data suggest a critical role for Syt VIII and Stx2 in membrane fusion and acrosome reaction in the sperm.  相似文献   

1-O-alkylglycerols are naturally occurring ether lipids with potent biological activities. They may interfere with lipidic signaling, and they amplify platelet-activating factor (PAF) biosynthesis in a monocyte cell line. The PAF is produced by mammalian sperm and is an important activator of sperm motility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro treatment of boar spermatozoa with natural 1-O-alkylglycerols (10 microM) on 1) boar sperm motility; 2) production of PAF and its metabolite, lyso-PAF, by spermatozoa; and 3) fertility in artificial inseminations of breeding sows. Using a computer-assisted spermatozoa analyzer, we found that 1-O-alkylglycerols increased percentage motility as well as velocity parameters after 24 h. These effects were partially or totally reversed by the PAF receptor-antagonist SR 27417. After [3H]-1-O-alkylglycerol incubation with boar spermatozoa, we identified [3H]lyso-PAF by high-performance liquid chromatography. Production of PAF and lyso-PAF was measured with a biological assay using [3H]serotonin release from rabbit platelets. 1-O-alkylglycerols significantly increased lyso-PAF production but had no effect on PAF production. The effect of 1-O-alkylglycerols on fertilization was also evaluated in industrial breedings: 1-O-alkylglycerol-treated or untreated semen dilutions were alternately used for artificial inseminations of sows on 12 farms. 1-O-alkylglycerol treatment increased the number of farrows but had no effect on the mean size of the litters. This study demonstrates that 1-O-alkylglycerol treatment of boar spermatozoa in vitro improves their motility and fertility, and it suggests that this effect is related to PAF metabolism and function in boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Gene expression is translationally regulated during many cellular and developmental processes. Translation can be modulated by affecting the recruitment of mRNAs to the ribosome, which involves recognition of the 5' cap structure by the cap-binding protein eIF4E. Drosophila has several genes encoding eIF4E-related proteins, but the biological role of most of them remains unknown. Here, we report that Drosophila eIF4E-3 is required specifically during spermatogenesis. Males lacking eIF4E-3 are sterile, showing defects in meiotic chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, nuclear shaping and individualization. We show that eIF4E-3 physically interacts with both eIF4G and eIF4G-2, the latter being a factor crucial for spermatocyte meiosis. In eIF4E-3 mutant testes, many proteins are present at different levels than in wild type, suggesting widespread effects on translation. Our results imply that eIF4E-3 forms specific eIF4F complexes that are essential for spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Hyperactivated motility was studied in guinea pig spermatozoa. In the presence of the local anesthetic procaine, a high number of sperm cells (64%) showed hyperactivation when incubated in minimal culture medium with pyruvate, lactate, and glucose. Hyperactivated motility was dependent on glucose in the medium. Sperm ATP concentration was increased twofold in hyperactivated sperm when compared to procaine-treated nonhyperactivated cells. cAMP levels were also higher in hyperactivated cells than in control spermatozoa. Thus, in living spermatozoa high levels of ATP appear to be needed to generate hyperactivation. cAMP is present at a high concentration in hyperactivated spermatozoa, therefore a role of cAMP in hyperactivation cannot be excluded. Depletion of external Ca2+ did not inhibit procaine-induced hyperactivated motility. Hence, procaine canceled the requirement of external Ca2+ for sperm to express hyperactivated motility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Love CC 《Theriogenology》2011,76(3):547-557
Sperm quality has an important role in determining fertility. Although there have been numerous studies to document the relationship between sperm quality and fertility, the methods of determining this association and conclusions vary. In the present study, computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used for evaluation of sperm motility, and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy was used for evaluating sperm morphologic features of breeding stallions. Fertility was measured using three endpoints: seasonal pregnancy rate (PR), percent pregnant/cycle (PC), and percent pregnant/first cycle (FCP). Increased total sperm motility (P = 0.08) and progressive path velocity (P = 0.06) tended to be associated with higher PR, whereas percent coiled tails (P = 0.02) was associated with a lower PR. Sperm motility variables associated with an increase in PC and FCP included total, progressive, and rapid sperm motility, and increased path and progressive velocity. Percent pregnant/first cycle was the only fertility measure able to discriminate among high, average, and low fertility groups, based on total and progressive sperm motility. Percent normal sperm was the only morphology variable associated with an increased PC and FCP, whereas increased levels of most sperm morphologic abnormalities (including abnormal and detached heads, proximal and distal droplets, general midpiece abnormality, and coiled tails) were associated with a decline in PC and FCP. Sperm quality variables most highly correlated with fertility included percent total sperm motility (PR, r = 0.37, P < 0.05; PC, r = 0.59, P < 0.05; and FCP, r = 0.64, P < 0.05), and percent morphologically normal sperm (PC, r = 0.42, P < 0.05; and FCP, r = 0.39, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Hyperactivated sperm motility is usually characterized by high-amplitude flagellar bends and asymmetrical flagellar beating. There is evidence that an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor-gated Ca2+ store in the base of the flagellum provides Ca2+ to initiate hyperactivation; however, the identity of the store was not known. Ca2+ stores are membrane-bounded organelles, and the only two membrane-bounded organelles found in this region of sperm are the redundant nuclear envelope (RNE) and mitochondria. Transmission electron micrographs revealed two different compartments of RNE, one enriched with nuclear pores and the other containing few pores but extensive membranous structures with enlarged cisternae. Immunolabeling showed that IP3 receptors and calreticulin are located in the region containing enlarged cisternae. In other cell types, mitochondria adjacent to Ca2+ stores are actively involved in modulating Ca2+ signals by taking up Ca2+ released from stores and also may respond by increasing production of NADH and ATP to support increased energy demand. Nevertheless, bull sperm did not show an increase in NADH when Ca2+ was released from intracellular stores by thapsigargin to induce hyperactivation. Consistently, no net increase in ATP production was detected when sperm were hyperactivated, although ATP was hydrolyzed at a greater rate. Furthermore, blocking Ca2+ efflux from mitochondria by CGP-37157, a specific inhibitor of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, did not inhibit the development of hyperactivated motility. We concluded that the intracellular Ca2+ store is the part of RNE that contains enlarged cisternae and that Ca2+ is released directly to the axoneme to trigger hyperactivated motility without the active participation of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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