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一株产漆酶真菌新月弯孢霉JQH-100在染料脱色中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从感染叶斑病的玉米叶片中分离、纯化得到一株高产漆酶的新月弯孢霉Curvularia lunata JQH-100菌株。液体培养Curvularia lunata JQH-100可产漆酶且活性较高,产酶高峰出现在第3天;以ABTS为底物粗酶液的最适反应温度是30℃,最适反应pH是2.8;染料脱色的研究表明,共培养体系对茜素红的脱色率达到了92.6%,对中性红和刚果红的脱色率也都在80%以上;Curvularia lunata JQH-100所产漆酶经纯化后对染料茜素红和刚果红有较高的脱色率,分别为82.1%和81.2%。研究结果显示Curvularia lunata JQH-100在染料废水处理中有较大应用潜力。  相似文献   

霉菌菌丝球WL对孔雀绿染料脱色性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了菌丝球WL对孔雀绿的脱色性能及对实际染料废水的脱色效果。结果表明,WL时孔雀绿具有很高的去除活性。30℃,90r/min,脱色48h,孔雀绿浓度分别为100、200、350、500mg/L时,其脱色率分别达100%、99.7%、96.1%、90.1%。在营养环境中,球WL对孔雀绿表现出良好的脱色效果;而在非营养条件下,WL对孔雀绿的脱色效果很差,最高脱色率只有18.3%。甘蔗汁可作为WL的良好碳源。当以甘蔗汁作碳源时,孔雀绿的脱色率为97.1%。豆浆和牛奶作氮源时,脱色效果也非常明显,脱色率分别达93.4和94.2%。活球的脱色率高达99.4%,而死球的脱色率只有1.9%。废牛奶可作为培养球的良好营养,用废牛奶培养的球具有较高的脱色活性。WL对实际染料废水的脱色率为90.3%,显示出了很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

报道1例由新月弯孢菌感染引起的角膜溃疡.患者女,42岁.右眼反复红肿、疼痛、伴视力下降长达7a,曾在某院眼科中心诊断为“真菌性角膜炎并穿孔”,给予药物治疗后病情好转,但上述症状反复多次出现,并逐渐加重,视力严重下降,为求进一步诊治来我院就诊,行右眼穿透性角膜移植+前房成形术,手术顺利,无手术并发症.术后15个月再次出现眼红、眼痛,眼角膜刮片镜检可见宽大分隔菌丝、培养为新月弯孢菌.予抗真菌治疗,病情好转出院.  相似文献   

新月弯孢霉原生质体制备及再生条件的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王赓  杜连祥   《微生物学通报》1999,26(1):21-23
以从自然界中筛选的新月弯孢霉(Curvularialunata)D-1为出发菌株,进行原生质体制备及再生条件的研究。将培养至16h的D-1菌丝体经DTT溶液处理30min后,用溶壁酶和纤维素酶的混合酶液于30℃下酶解4h,原生质体释放量达到6.0×10个/mL,原生质体再生率为8.3%。  相似文献   

目的:利用新月弯孢霉对重楼皂苷的转化条件进行优化.方法:采用新月弯孢霉(Curvularia lunata)ATCC3.4381,利用单因素实验对其发酵条件进行优化.采用Plackett-Burman(P-B)方法筛选出对转化率有重要影响的4个因素(蔗糖、酵母膏、(NH4)2SO4和玉米浆的添加量),并采用响应面试验设计(RSM)对重要因素进行优化.结果:最适的培养基条件为:即蔗糖浓度为7.847g/L;酵母膏的浓度为1.969g/L;硫酸铵的浓度为4.824g/L;玉米浆的浓度为11.81g/L.结论:优化后其转化能力得到了明显的提高,转化率为76.80%,并且与拟合值77.18%接近.  相似文献   

以经紫外线诱变后获得的氢化可的松转化菌株新月弯孢霉 2 1 50 # 为出发菌株 ,经纤维素酶及溶菌酶作用形成原生质体 ,并对原生质体进行硫酸二乙酯 (DES)诱变 ,然后对大量的再生突变株进行筛选 ,获得高氢化可的松转化率菌株 8 68# ,其氢化可的松转化率较出发菌株提高了 56.8%。  相似文献   

应用酮康唑抗性筛选法,将经过紫外线诱变处理的甾体11β-羟基化菌株——新月弯孢霉的原生质体倾注在含有酮康唑最小抑制浓度(10μmol/L)的再生培养基平板上,再生出136株酮康唑抗性突变株。其中氢化可的松转化率高于出发菌株的有14株,正向突变率达到10.3%,同时获得了氢化可的松转化率为出发菌株1.42倍的遗传稳定突变株KA-91。  相似文献   

The conversion of 16 alpha-methyl-Reichstein's compound S 21-acetate (I) to 16 alpha-methyl-hydrocortisone (II) by the mycelium Curvularia lunata AS3.4381 was studied. Maximal 11 beta-hydroxylating activity of the mycelium was found during cultivation of the microorganism by 24h. Inhibition of the ethanol to the 11 beta-hydroxylating activity was obvious. The yield of 55.4% (II) (W/W) could be achieved during conversion of 0.15% substrate at 72 h.  相似文献   

新月弯孢霉原生质体的形成与11β—羟基化反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王敏  路福平 《微生物学杂志》2000,20(3):35-36,62
研究了新月弯孢霉原生质体形成的条件以及 1 1 β-羟基化反应。将培养 1 6~ 1 8h的菌体 ,以0 .6mol/LKCl作为渗透压稳定剂 ,3 0℃下 ,经过 1 %溶壁酶和 1 %纤维素酶混合酶液 ( pH5.6)酶解 4~ 5h ,原生质体释放量达 6.1 1× 1 0 6/ml,再生率为 1 3 .1 %。原生质体细胞具有 1 1 β -羟基化反应的能力 ,氢化可的松转化率为 4 4.4 4%。  相似文献   

菌丝球DCM对染料的吸附脱色性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从活性污泥中筛选出1株真菌菌株DCM,研究了DCM菌丝球对染料的吸附脱色作用。通过正交实验,确定了DCM的最佳脱色条件,即温度为30℃、pH 6.5、摇速180 r/min、碳氮比20∶1。研究表明,DCM菌丝球对染料的吸附脱色存在着明显的规律。初始时,该菌丝球对染料的吸附量较小,经过一定时间,吸附量开始增加,达到较高水平时趋于稳定。CDM对染料的脱色速率及脱色率都比较高。2 h时其脱色率为30.1%,4h时达80.2%,8 h时脱色率达100%。DCM菌丝球对实际印染废水有较强的脱色作用,其脱色率达96.13%。此外,该菌丝球还有明显的净化效果,SS的祛除率达90%,CODcr的祛除率达88%,显示出了良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Abstract: The biotransformation of norethisterone acetate by Curvularia lunata was studied. The 11β-hydroxy-norethisterone acetate produced was identified by mass spectrometry, and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance after extractive sample preparation.  相似文献   

玉米弯孢叶斑病菌ATMT突变株构建及致病力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用农杆菌介导的基因转化(Agrobacterium-mediated transformation,ATMT)技术,转化玉米弯孢叶斑病菌 (Curvularia lunata),共获得转化子1 454个。对其中菌落形态、生长速率等性状有显著变化的8个突变株进行分析。通过离体叶片接种进行筛选,发现4个突变株致病性降低,2个突变株致病性增强。通过测定生长速率、产孢量及细胞壁降解酶活性发现,其中致病性减弱的突变株,其产孢量均有所下降甚至不产孢,突变株的PG酶活性普遍增强,但Cx酶活性没有明显变化,而2株强致病性突变株的Cx酶活性明显增强。  相似文献   

One-dimensional electrophoresis (1-DE) of proteins, two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) of proteins and cloning of cDNA sequence were used to study the virulence differentiation of Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boed. isolated from maize (Zea maydis L.) in China. From 1-DE gel profiles of proteins, 110 reproducible bands were separated from six isolates of C. lunata CX-3, SD-6, C-152, C107-1, DD-60 and W-18. Sixty-eight bands (61.82%) were polymorphic,suggesting huge biodiversities among the isolates. All isolates for the experiment were clustered into three groups consisting of different virulent types by coefficient value of 0.605. Group 1, consisting of CX-3, SD-6 and C-152 with high virulence displayed more protein bands than Groups 2 and 3, consisting of C107-1 and DD-60 with low virulence. Proteomics approaches based on 2-DE techniques were applied to identify specific proteins associated with the virulence differentiation in CX-3 and DD-60. A total of 423 protein spots were separated. Out of them 75 specific protein spots were displayed in 2-DE gels. Among them 28 protein spots were unique in CX-3 and eight in DD-60, and 39 protein spots were shown on both 2-DE gels but expressed differently in intensity. Twenty protein spots including three unique protein spots and 17 differentially expressed protein spots (more than two-fold DD-60) in CX-3 were further identified with MALDI-TOF MS/MS. Results indicated that most of the identified proteins were found to be associated with virulence differentiation, metabolisms, stress response and signal transduction.One of them was identified as Brn1 protein, which had been reported to be related to melanin biosynthesis and the virulence differentiation in fungi. Combined with our previous findings, we assumed that Brn1 protein and its regulating products might be involved in the virulence differentiation of C. lunata. Consequently, we cloned a Brn1 cDNA fragment and aligned it with the fragments in other fungi. Results indicated that the 633-bp sequence of Brn1 cloned in C. lunata was highly homological with the compared fungi. Further work for the exact gene roles of Brn1 in our case is underway.  相似文献   

Abstract Although Curvularia lunata is classified as a conidial anamorph of Cochliobolus lunatus , the electron microscopic studies revealed the ultrastructure of both strains to be significantly different. C. lunatus m118 grows in the hyphal form characterized by a thick cell wall and numerous lipid bodies. C. lunata forms thinner hyphae of various sizes and large oval spores. Electrophoretic karyotypes of C. lunatus m118 (this paper) and C. lunata AT46 (Osiewacz, H. and Ridder, R. (1991) Curr. Genet. 20, 151–155) as well as RAPD-PCR analysis with the primer (GTG)5 indicate close genetic relationship of both microorganisms.  相似文献   

Aromadendrane transformations by Curvularia lunata ATCC 12017   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The naturally occurring sesquiterpene squamulosone (1), isolated from Hyptis verticillata (Labiatae), was synthetically reduced to five analogues that were identified as (1S,10S)-9alpha-hydroxy-allo-aromadendrane (2), (1R,10R)-9beta-hydroxyaromadendrane (3), (1S,10S)-allo-aromadendran-9-one (4), (1R,10R)-aromadendran-9-one (5) and aromadendra-1,9-diene (6). Each congener was incubated with the fungus Curvularia lunata ATCC 12017 in two different growth media. All the substrates except the deoxy compound 6 underwent a simple redox reaction. Ketone 5 additionally experienced remote hydroxylation while analogue 6, possessing a conjugated diene system, was most extensively metabolised. The substrates and products presented here, but one, are all novel.  相似文献   

Curvularia lunata was cultured from black granules found in granulomatous tumefactions excised from the subcutis of a three year old Medium Schnauzer dog. Draining sinuses were present in some of the tumefactions. Accordingly the diagnosis of eumycotic mycetoma was made. This diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination. During the four years following the first surgical intervention, several more similar tumefactions were excised on three different occasions. The dog died of chronic renal failure at the age of 8 years. There was no bone involvement or visceral diffusion of the fungus. The granules were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Immunoglobulins in the dog's serum, assessed by a qualitative test, proved to be equal to immunoglobulins in the serum of a control dog. Precipitating antibodies against C. lunata were not found. The dog was treated for 150 days with itraconazole. In spite of good initial results, recurrence of the fungal lesions were observed after the treatment's interruption. Further treatment with itraconazole for 45 days proved ineffective. No side effects of the drug were observed. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first case in which C. lunata is identified as the causative agent of an animal eumycetoma.  相似文献   

A case of peritonitis due toCurvularia lunata during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is reported. Diagnosis was established by culture of dialysis effluent and peritoneal exudate, and was also confirmed through histological examination.  相似文献   

建立了蓝色犁头霉AS 3.65和新月弯孢霉AS 3.4381协同多轮转化17α-羟基孕甾-4-烯-3,20-二酮-21-醋酸酯(RSA)割氢化可的松(hydrocortisone,HC)新工艺。在培养好的AS 3.65和AS 3.4381所组成的协同转化体系中,AS 3.65首先将RSA水解为脱氧皮质酮(RS),这较AS 3.4381单轮批次转化省去了RSA到RS的化学水解工序。在甾体底物RSA平均投料质量浓度为1.3g/L和1g/L的条件下,所选定的协同转化体系可分别被重复利用3轮和6轮,相应的平均产率能维持在较高水平,分别高达81.6%和85%。另外,该工艺明显减少了底物RSA投料浓度对C11位羟化的影响,并有效抑制了AS 3.4381和AS 3.65单独转化过程中出现的14α—OH—RS和11α-OH—RS副产物.  相似文献   

以重组海洋细菌漆酶Lac15(rLac15)为生物催化剂,对蒽醌类和偶氮类染料进行脱色,考察了rLac15对人工合成纺织染料的脱色潜能。通过研究催化的介体、酶量、pH、染料浓度以及温度对脱色效率的影响,进一步优化了rLac15对部分蒽醌类和偶氮类人工合成纺织染料的脱色条件。以丁香酸甲酯为介体,在pH 8.5、45℃条件下反应1 h,20 U/L rLac15对100μmol/L偶氮染料类Acid Red 6B(AR-6B),Reactive Blue 194(M-2GE),Reactive Brilliant Orange(K-7R)和Reactive Blue 171(KE-R)具有较好的脱色效果,脱色率分别达到95%、93%、76%和61%。随着染料浓度的增加,脱色率呈下降趋势,但当染料浓度达到200μmol/L时,M-2GE和AR-6B仍可保持80%以上脱色率。在常温下,rLac15对AR-6B、M-2GE、K-7R和KE-R显示较高脱色率,25℃反应24 h,分别达到96%、86%、66%和66%。rLac15是具有常温以及偏碱性环境脱色能力的细菌漆酶,具有潜在工业应用价值。  相似文献   

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